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General Category => Discover Seattle! => Topic started by: P.C. on Jul 14 09 10:10

Title: Good anti-virus ?
Post by: P.C. on Jul 14 09 10:10
 Just dumped the one we were using off our computer today.  I had HUGE difficulties trying to get support for some issues with it.  They sneaked in a toolbar disguised as an up-grade, which activated on shut down.  When I tried to contact them for information on how to remove it, the battle began.  3 weeks of scouring 100's of pages of FAQ's.

The final straw this morning, was when I posted some questions about it on a forum they have.  My first post was deleted, with a scolding from the techy-mod guy for 'hijacking a thread'.  Which was in fact a thread asking the question on how to remove their damned toolbar.  So I posted again, apologizing, although I had no idea what I had done wrong.  He removed that too.  So I tried again....same.   I was actually in tears at this point.  Then I got mad.   (//forums/richedit/smileys/Angry/2.gif)

So...who uses what.
Title: Re: Good anti-virus ?
Post by: purelife on Jul 15 09 05:30
How frustrating P.C.! :(

My techie friend put Zone Alarm and Avast! anti virus on my computer.  I also use CCleaner to clean out crap that was recommended as well.  We've never had any problems using these software.  
Title: Re: Good anti-virus ?
Post by: P.C. on Jul 15 09 07:58
I'll have to look into that purelife.

 I wasn't happy with these guys in the first place.  8 years with Norton, and never as much as a sniffle from our system.  3 months with AVG, and it had a total meltdown.  Then the sneaky toolbar installation was the straw that broke the camels back.

We only switched from Norton, as it's a bit of a ball and chain.  In retrospect though....a hell of a lot better than AVG.
Title: Re: Good anti-virus ?
Post by: Russ on Jul 16 09 09:10
I use AVG PC. Starfishies company techs all use it. And they recommend it. We use it on all our computers.
Norton sucks donkey balls. It crashed my computer and started deleting things it didnt like and constantly did automatic updates and shutdowns losing whatever work or game I was working on. Theres a nice dent in my laptop keyboard from the last time it did that.

Title: Re: Good anti-virus ?
Post by: P.C. on Jul 16 09 09:33
 Sawdust's company uses it as well.  It came highly recommended by the company that handles their computers too.
What started off to be a simple problem became weeks of trying to find an answer with no help from their massive support forum.  It's a reasonable complaint, to expect they shouldn't add things to your computer without an option.  I get to choose what toolbar and browser I use...not them.  I was livid when I was shut out of their forum without so much as an explanation, for asking a reasonable question .
Title: Re: Good anti-virus ?
Post by: Orik on Jul 16 09 09:08
 [a href=""]This site tests many different utilities [/a]

some say it is a good site for software knowledge on what you need and want

ok here are a few things some folks i know use...

those on shaw tend to use [a href=""]shaw secure[/a] based on a kapersky and fsecure anti virus. it is good but not great.  for most pc's if you use just shaw alone you are asking for trouble and i find it to be a memorey hog and it uses a lot of pc resources if you are on a older slower PC ( meaning on a single core pc under 3 ghz)

i recommend Eset for anti virus software (worth the 20 dollars) and zonealarm as a firewal for those that need cheap or free user friendly software

for those who are more PC comfortable or knowledgeable i recommend      Comodo a brilliant anti-virus and firewall not to mention it to is free.

some Phreak's i know like to use [a href=""]Nod32 aka Eset [/a]

many guys i know swear by [a href=""]Comodo [/a]it is reportedly one of the best all around anti-virus and firewall all in one security systems a person can buy...  [a href=""]costs 40 dollars per year [/a]

some super geeks i know love the [a href=""]kapersky software suite[/a].. i can not justify the cost but if you have the money . i do recommend it... 60 dollars per year for home users .

now this is one i have never heard of or tried before but it got the best mark on matousec [a href=""]Online-Armor [/a]

some other free and useful programs i do recommend are [a href=""]CCleaner[/a] and [a href=""]Spybot Search and destroy .[/a]

good luck on your search for a new anti-virus product.

Title: Re: Good anti-virus ?
Post by: P.C. on Jul 17 09 06:22
Thanks for the info Orik.  All things will be considered.  Hub is super knowledgeable with computers, but deals with them all day at work, and often, understandably, doesn't have the time or the inclination to deal with mine at the end of the day.  I on the other hand, can find my way around relatively well, but have a total lack of command of the computer language.  So when I have a problem, it's difficult to communicate it in a way that's understandable.
I'm sure AVG was was dumped solely because of their unavailability to help with an issue.  Oh ya.....there was a direct link for tech support, which required a credit card. They installed something on my computer without my consent with no visible means to remove it, and then they want me to pay to find out how to remove it ?  Screw that !  The worst part was in the sneaky way it was put on there....3 months after the program was in place...on shut-down.  And the other worse thing was they way I was dealt with on their forum.  Asses.  (//forums/richedit/smileys/Angry/5.gif)  
Title: Re: Good anti-virus ?
Post by: Russ on Jul 17 09 07:15
So...come on PC. Tell us how you REALLY feel. :)  
Title: Re: Good anti-virus ?
Post by: P.C. on Jul 17 09 10:42
(//forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/4.gif)   Naaah.  I don't want to be rude[span style="color: rgb(162, 162, 162);"]r.[/span]  
Title: Re: Good anti-virus ?
Post by: Lise on Jul 18 09 07:57
Oh dear.... there's nothing more frustrating than downloading something that disguises as an upgrade or whatever. Good luck, Ms. PC. I feel your pain.
Title: Re: Good anti-virus ?
Post by: GORDY GAMBINO on Jul 18 09 10:44
Title: Re: Good anti-virus ?
Post by: P.C. on Jul 18 09 10:47
lol  Hi Gordy

Thanks...maybe we'll let them live for a little while.  
Title: Re: Good anti-virus ?
Post by: Bump on Jul 15 10 12:14
Title: Re: Good anti-virus ?
Post by: Blue Neener on Jul 19 10 07:10
 I use Comodo, it has a firewall also, and Microsoft security essentials, both have picked up things the other didn't.
I used AVG but got a virus, Microsoft picked it up after an update. I also scan with Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware, SpywareBlaster, Spybot - Search & Destroy, and run SUPERAntiSpyware pro.
Title: Re: Good anti-virus ?
Post by: Blue Neener on Jul 19 10 07:16
I have to add if you have Norton's and it slows your system it may be your computer, either bogged down already, or it may have Memory/Ram, and processor deficiency. A Virus in your computer can also cause issues, sometimes you wont even be able to install an antivirus because of one by design.
Comodo may cause the same on already bogged down computers.
Title: Re: Good anti-virus ?
Post by: Secure on Jul 20 10 11:30
Kaspesky is awesome.
Title: Re: Good anti-virus ?
Post by: DDD on Jul 20 10 01:53
[img id=karmaImage onclick=captured(); border=0 name=karmaImage src="" width=68 height=72]  Kathy is the best