Discover Seattle!

General Category => Discover Seattle! => Topic started by: P.C. on Jun 27 09 04:48

Title: Lil Me...The Camper
Post by: P.C. on Jun 27 09 04:48
Hey Lil're the first person that came to my mind, when I decided to start looking for the old 'bones' of a small camping tent.  I'm just looking for the ribs...not the outer if you know someone who is about to turt their old tent...let me know.  (//vny!://
Title: Re: Lil Me...The Camper
Post by: Lise on Jun 28 09 06:06
OMG. I just got rid of ours! A friend of mine wanted a tent and since we don't do camping at all, I just gave her our old tent. My hubby bought the tent when he was single and hasn't cracked it open after the one time he went camping. Drats!
Title: Re: Lil Me...The Camper
Post by: Lil Me on Jun 28 09 08:17
Hey P.C.  I think I can porbably get something for you.  We throw out a ton of broken equipment in Scouts.

So you just want the frame of a tent.  Does the shape matter?  Most of the tents we have are dome shaped, so there would be two long sets of folding poles which cross in the middle.    
Title: Re: Lil Me...The Camper
Post by: P.C. on Jun 28 09 10:04
[div style="font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;"]Hey P.C.  I think I can porbably get something for you.  We throw out a ton of broken equipment in Scouts.[/div] [span style="font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;"]So you just want the frame of a tent.  Does the shape matter?  Most of the tents we have are dome shaped, so there would be two long sets of folding poles which cross in the middle.[/span]

omg....that's what I'm looking for. Just the guts of a tent.  I had an old 'gazebo' type of frame, but I used all the poles for curtain it would have been too big anyway.  The smaller the structure the better...but size really doesn't matter.  Really.  (//forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/12.gif)