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General Category => Discover Seattle! => Topic started by: TehBorken on Jun 06 09 01:19

Title: Persian Hottie
Post by: TehBorken on Jun 06 09 01:19
Wow, so sexy!

Title: Re: Persian Hottie
Post by: Gopher on Jun 07 09 11:10
Superb! She's obviously got the looks, but what about her acting ability?  
Title: Re: Persian Hottie
Post by: Sportsdude on Jun 07 09 12:09
She's not Persian, she's Iraqi. Persian's would never be caught dead in one of those.

Title: Re: Persian Hottie
Post by: Michel on Jun 07 09 12:41
Title: Re: Persian Hottie
Post by: Lise on Jun 07 09 04:42
Sportsdude wrote:
She's not Persian, she's Iraqi. Persian's would never be caught dead in one of those.


 That's a bit overgeneralization. As far as I know, people who come from Afghanistan, Iran and Iraq consider themselves Persian. I know this because the students who come from these countries told me and damn proud of where they come from.

 The burqa is part of their culture. It's not just the Persians but other parts of the world like Malaysia and Indonesia and so forth. If a woman choose to wear one, let her do so. Don't make any judgement till you actually met one who wears it.



Title: Re: Persian Hottie
Post by: Sportsdude on Jun 07 09 06:04
Nevermind. Basically when I think of 'persian' its this and not the licence:
 where everyone goes "ugh, I wish we didn't have to wear these stupid scarfs, but whatever, lets work with it and make it look somewhat fashionable," and everyone is anti-clerical and laughs at the regime. we drink beer together eat pork, hold hands, kiss, sex etc and so on. Oh how rebellious to be normal.

But define Burqa Lise? As it can mean or described anything from a head scarf to to the full body that you see in more social conservative areas.

I always laugh at social conservatives who generalize people in turbans yet theyr'e too stupid to realize that Jesus wore a turban. do'h! haha  

Title: Re: Persian Hottie
Post by: Sportsdude on Jun 07 09 06:14
It's so sad the a simple political manoeuvrer by the 'West' when a reformist comes to power and all this nonsense would be over. lol Bush, Khatami wanted to be a partner in Afghanistan, then Bush and all his wisdom went axis of evil and the hard liners came to power. Good going loser.

Title: Re: Persian Hottie
Post by: Lise on Jun 09 09 05:50
 I'm not an expert but I think the burqa covers you from top to toe. The hijab is a head scarf, covering your head only.

  I actually know some women who enjoy wearing the hijab. They think it's a national pride and why shouldn't it? I mean, why not? They're not ashamed and why should we be the one to critized what we don't fully understand. Personally speaking, I think the hijab looks rather divine and wouldn't mind wearing one if I had to.[/DIV]
Title: Re: Persian Hottie
Post by: Sportsdude on Jun 09 09 10:32
Oops, you're right on the hijab, I was having a momentary brain lapse. I'm 'fine' with the hijab on one condition that the men follow their dress code as well. (if you're going to do it, both have to do it in my opinion, or its seen to me as sexism).
Too many times I see Hollister t-shirt on the male.

I'm too anti-clerical anyway, I guess that's why I'm friends with Iranians. lol We see eye to eye on everything and they're the only group that really loves Americans and America, so they geniunely like you, while everyone else around here I've got to be suspecious. lol I always joke give us 20yrs and we could bring peace to both countries by destroying percieved stereotypes.

My experience with Arabic friends is that I have to be culturally 'sensitive' on issues and not point out their hypocrisy. (men drink a ton, then tell the women what they can't do this or that etc).

In Vancouver, a couple Asian girls I know are afraid of 'brown' men in clubs, they've wanted me to go clubbing with them for protection. I've heard of a couple white guys dancing with 'brown girls' and then her guy comes up to you and wants to fight you, as you're disgracing his honour or something.  A couple guys have been stabbed.