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General Category => Discover Seattle! => Topic started by: Lise on Feb 05 09 07:03

Title: Peanut Butter Recall
Post by: Lise on Feb 05 09 07:03
Scary to think of how much products have peanuts in them. *shudder*

  [A href="vny!://"]See Complete List of Peanut Butter & Products containing peanuts.[/A] (FDA Official Link)
Title: Re: Peanut Butter Recall
Post by: 49er on Feb 05 09 07:23
I am waiting for an announcement that these peanut products were packaged in China or the peanuts were grown in China
Title: Re: Peanut Butter Recall
Post by: P.C. on Feb 05 09 07:28
The Official Link isn't linking.  
Title: Re: Peanut Butter Recall
Post by: Lise on Feb 05 09 07:51
Oh ah... you're right! Let's try this:

  [FONT color=#800080][A href="vny!://"]vny!://[/A][/FONT][A href="vny!://"][/A]
Title: Re: Peanut Butter Recall
Post by: Orik on Feb 06 09 02:13
[a href="vny!://"]another link of products recalled [/a]

[a href="vny!://"]vny!://[/a]

who knew they put peanuts in some pet food ...

[a class="larger" name="PetFood"]Pet Food Product Recalls[/a]  
    [a href="vny!://"]Carolina Prime [/a]  
    [a href="vny!://"]Carolina Prime Pet [/a]  
    [a href="vny!://"]Grreat Choice [/a]  
    [a href="vny!://"]Happy Tails [/a]  
    [a href="vny!://"]Healthy Hide [/a]  
    [a href="vny!://"]Healthy-hide Deli-wrap [/a]  
    [a href="vny!://"]Salix [/a]  
    [a href="vny!://"]Shoppers Valu [/a]  
[a class="larger" name="Pre-PackagedMeals"][/a]

Title: Re: Peanut Butter Recall
Post by: P.C. on Feb 06 09 06:20
Of all the 120 products listed, I have only heard of 3 of them.

  The recall is connected to a massive salmonella outbreak in the United States which has left more than 500 people sick and may be linked to the deaths of eight people.

 No illnesses have been reported from eating the products, which were sold across Canada.

Title: Re: Peanut Butter Recall
Post by: Sportsdude on Feb 06 09 11:45
I believe my address says Canada on it. ;)

Title: Re: Peanut Butter Recall
Post by: stretchedout on Feb 07 09 09:27
Stay away from processed foods, then no worries.  Re. peanut butter, just buy organic without anything else.  It is the same price as the crap with icing sugar, oil and chemicals added.
Title: Re: Peanut Butter Recall
Post by: ProjectoR kiDD on Feb 10 09 11:52
i just ate about 5-6 reece cups (grande size) about 12 large cups

am i gonna be alright here?

i also consumd lotsa sage hash, wich is a cancer reverser
Title: Re: Peanut Butter Recall
Post by: P.C. on Feb 10 09 11:59
 Stay away from processed foods, then no worries.  Re. peanut butter, just buy organic without anything else.  It is the same price as the crap with icing sugar, oil and chemicals added.

    There are so many many many things, that are the absolute best in their purest form.  Peanut butter is NOT one of them.  Tastes like mud.  [/DIV]
Title: Re: Peanut Butter Recall
Post by: Gopher on Feb 10 09 12:00
 P.C. wrote:
 [div][em]Stay away from processed foods, then no worries.  Re. peanut butter, just buy organic without anything else.  It is the same price as the crap with icing sugar, oil and chemicals added.[/em]
There are so many many many things, that are the absolute best in their purest form.

[span style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);"]Purelife being the prime example.[/span]