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General Category => Discover Seattle! => Topic started by: 49er on Jan 31 09 06:33

Title: Unmarried Woman of Six Gave Birth to Octuplets
Post by: 49er on Jan 31 09 06:33
 "LOS ANGELES – The woman who gave birth to octuplets this week conceived all 14 of her children through [SPAN class=yshortcuts id=lw_1233437550_0 style="CURSOR: hand; BORDER-BOTTOM: #0066cc 1px dashed"]in vitro fertilization[/SPAN], is not married and has been obsessed with having children since she was a teenager, her mother said." [A href="vny!://"]vny!://[/A]


 The evenning news report this 33-year-old single mother who lives with her parents declared bankruptcy over a year ago.  The cost of hospital care of the premature octuplets who are still in the hospital will run in the millions...........her fertlity doctor ought to be shot for creating this burden on the taxpayers

Title: Re: Unmarried Woman of Six Gave Birth to Octuplets
Post by: P.C. on Jan 31 09 08:30
NO.....don't shoot him.  Make him support the 8 children he had no business bringing into this world.
Title: Re: Unmarried Woman of Six Gave Birth to Octuplets
Post by: Lil Me on Feb 01 09 09:25
This is an interesting story, and the social commentary is starting to go in weird directions.
 Of course, this is a bizarre ocurrance and the woman- Nadya Suleman/Nadya Doud/Nadya Gutierrez is loopy.
 But critics are using this as an excuse to slam single mothers and all Iraquis in general.  Ignoring the fact that Nadya's family is reportedly Kurdish (ethnic minority in Iraq).
Title: Re: Unmarried Woman of Six Gave Birth to Octuplets
Post by: P.C. on Feb 01 09 12:12
That's what the media does best.  They pick a minute detail that suits their agenda, then run with it, with no regard for the facts or even have anything to do with the story.

  I feel badly for this woman.  The one I feel angry at, is the doctor.  I think it was unethical of him to feed this woman's pyschosis.