Discover Seattle!

General Category => Discover Seattle! => Topic started by: Chief Wakanakan on Aug 10 08 01:56

Title: I Want My LAND!
Post by: Chief Wakanakan on Aug 10 08 01:56
Good Day,

  I am Chief Wakanakan of the Swayson Tribe.

  I am here to ask for your help in getting my peoples land back. Please reply and I will let you know how to join the good fight against the white man who raped my tribe of their land.

    Chief Wakanakan

Swayson Tribe
Title: Re: I Want My LAND!
Post by: Richard on Aug 10 08 02:58
"the good fight against the white man"?  Sounds like racism to me.
Title: Re: I Want My LAND!
Post by: Sawdust on Aug 10 08 03:05
Hey Chief,

It's been a while, how's it going?
Title: Re: I Want My LAND!
Post by: Chief Wakanakan on Aug 10 08 03:16
Richard wrote:
 "the good fight against the white man"?  Sounds like racism to me.[/DIV]
 Sir, racism was when your people brought disease over here and whiped my people out!

     Chief Wakanakan

Swayson Tribe[/DIV]
Title: Re: I Want My LAND!
Post by: Chief sitting Bull on Aug 10 08 09:32
I agree with you chief.  Good points. I am not one big on fighting but I back you one hundred percent.
Title: Re: I Want My LAND!
Post by: Chief FullaBull on Aug 11 08 04:48
 I want a free ride too. Because of what a bunch of dead white men did hundreds and hundreds of years ago I deserve free cash, beer, and strippers.
Title: Re: I Want My LAND!
Post by: Van on Aug 11 08 07:35
I Want My MTV!

~ Dire Straights  
Title: Re: I Want My LAND!
Post by: P.C. on Aug 11 08 07:43
I want it all.....and I want it now.

Title: Re: I Want My LAND!
Post by: Chief Wakanakan on Aug 11 08 10:16

  I am writing to inform you that we have a case coming up very soon in which we will hopefully be on the winning side. If we win, we could get up to 45 acres of our land back. This is great but it is not enough. We need to fight the white man. I urge all Native Americans to write to the Government and ask for ALL of us to get back what is rightfully ours.

  Thank you

  [A title="View the profile of Chief Wakanakan" href="vny!://;u=172"][FONT color=#000000]Chief Wakanakan[/FONT][/A]

Swayson Tribe
Title: Re: I Want My LAND!
Post by: P.C. on Aug 11 08 11:32
If you'll pardon my ignorance come there is zero information on the Swayson tribe ?

  I think someone asked you this a long time ago.....but you didn't answer.
Title: Re: I Want My LAND!
Post by: Gopher on Aug 11 08 11:38
I've hunted for it too. Please let us know so that we can avail ourselves of some opportunity to help you.
Title: Re: I Want My LAND!
Post by: Michel on Aug 11 08 11:59
Title: Re: I Want My LAND!
Post by: Chief Sitting Bull on Aug 11 08 12:21
I agree with the good chief.  We Native Americans must uniteand fight.  
Title: Re: I Want My LAND!
Post by: Twisted Sister on Aug 11 08 01:49
Title: Re: I Want My LAND!
Post by: Chief Sitting Bull on Aug 11 08 02:04
Good for you.  I hope that rock is to strike down the white man.  
Title: Re: I Want My LAND!
Post by: P.C. on Aug 11 08 02:23
 So, Sitting Bull.....being as you're on board, perhaps you could tell us all about the Swayson tribe.  It's helpful to be informed about what we're fighting for.[/DIV]
Title: Re: I Want My LAND!
Post by: Chief Wakanakan on Aug 11 08 05:04

  You need a history lesson. The government is controlled by the white man. There is a offical listing of all approved Native American tribes. However, they have failed to recognise our people. We dont have what other tribes have, money. We have tried several tibes to get recognised and are in the proces of trying yet again. Surely, we will fail. The white man will not let us in!

  However please write to these people, they can be of help to us!

   [TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=430 border=0] [TBODY] [TR] [TD class=contenttext align=left][A href="vny!://"]Maria[/A] Cantwell- (D - WA)[/TD] [TD class=contentext align=right][/TD][/TR] [TR] [TD class=contenttext colSpan=2]511 DIRKSEN SENATE OFFICE BUILDING WASHINGTON DC 20510[/TD][/TR] [TR] [TD class=contenttext align=left colSpan=2] (202) 224-3441



Brian Baird

U.S. House of Representatives
2443 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
Phone: (202) 225-3536
Fax: (202) 225-3478

  Please call and ask them to give back the Swayson Tribe of Washington State what is rightfully theirs!


    Cheif Wakanakan

Swayson Tribe  
Title: Re: I Want My LAND!
Post by: van_guy on Aug 11 08 05:10

Unfortunately for your cause ... many of the fine folks on this site are Canadain and will have little pull with your US based politicians.

Best of luck to you and yours.

Title: Re: I Want My LAND!
Post by: P.C. on Aug 11 08 05:32

You need a history lesson.

    Well....I think I admitted that.  So educate me.  [FONT size=4]WHO ARE THE SWAYSONS[/FONT] [FONT size=4]?[/FONT][/DIV]
Title: Re: I Want My LAND!
Post by: Sportsdude on Aug 11 08 05:35
All this time I thought they were Canadians, because nobody in down here talks about native rights.

Title: Re: I Want My LAND!
Post by: P.C. on Aug 11 08 05:44
Chief wrote:  There is a offical listing of all approved Native American tribes. However, they have failed to recognise our people.

  So you're not telling them who you are either ?
Title: Re: I Want My LAND!
Post by: Chief Wakanakan on Aug 11 08 05:51
Ok I will update this later. This is a brief summery of the Swayson Tribe of Washington State.

  The Swaysons were formally apart of the Spokane Tribe of Eastern Washington State. They themseleves are recognised by the federal government of the United States.

  Several Spokane Tribe members were upset with the leadership after the white man offered us a reservation. This was stupid because it was OUR land in the first place, they had no right to offer us our own land! Sadly, the Spokanes took the deal and we broke away from them and moved to the Western Part of the state where the White man hadnt occupied. However, very shortly the white man came and took that land there. Our tribe was left to wonder the state and later branched out to other states. I fill that we have not been recognised because we did not take a deal to have a reservation. Had we took the deal we would have been on the offical list of tribes in Washington State. Yet, we dont give in that easy and we will fight for what is right.

  How would you fill if someone came and said you could have your house but no more of your property? You would be upset so I'd hope that you would understand what my people have and are going through.

    Chief Wakanakan

Swayson Tribe  
Title: Re: I Want My LAND!
Post by: P.C. on Aug 11 08 06:06
Thanks Chief.  

  *I could have done without all the 'white man' crap....and I've heard the rest before.  I simply wanted to know who the Swayson tribe was.
Title: Re: I Want My LAND!
Post by: Sportsdude on Aug 11 08 06:24
 P.C. wrote:
Thanks Chief.  
*I could have done without all the 'white man' crap....and I've heard the rest before.  I simply wanted to know who the Swayson tribe was.

Disgruntled Spokane tribe people.

Title: Re: I Want My LAND!
Post by: Sawdust on Aug 11 08 07:50
Hey Chief,

Just a little hint. If nobody can find you or your tribe on google, you are so far below the radar a cadaver dog couldn't find you. Hire a PR firm.

Title: Re: I Want My LAND!
Post by: Richard on Aug 12 08 11:36
I googled "Swayson Tribe" and this is what I got:


    [DIV class=g] [H2 class=r][A class=l onmousedown="return clk(this.href,'','','res','1','')" href="vny!://;u=172;sa=showPosts"][FONT color=#0000cc]Latest posts of: Chief Wakanakan[/FONT][/A][/H2] [TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 border=0] [TBODY] [TR] [TD class=j] [DIV class=std]My name is Chief Wakanakan and I am a member of the swayson tribe. i am here to say that ... Only fair since you asked me. Chief Wakanakan (Swayson Tribe) ...
[SPAN class=a][FONT color=#008000][WBR]index.php?PHPSESSID=768e8992fde7acef77d112cec3ce8efe&action=profile;u=172;... - 48k - [/FONT][/SPAN][NOBR][A class=fl onmousedown="return clk('vny!://','','','clnk','1','')" href="vny!://"][FONT color=#7777cc]Cached[/FONT][/A] - [A class=fl href="vny!://;u=172;sa=showPosts"][FONT color=#7777cc]Similar pages[/FONT][/A][/NOBR][/DIV][/TD][/TR][/TBODY][/TABLE]

[DIV class=g style="MARGIN-LEFT: 2.5em"] [H2 class=r][A class=l onmousedown="return clk(this.href,'','','res','2','')" href="vny!://"][FONT color=#0000cc]I Want My LAND![/FONT][/A][/H2] [TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 border=0] [TBODY] [TR] [TD class="j hc"] [DIV class=std]Please call and ask them to give back the Swayson Tribe of Washington State what is rightfully .... I simply wanted to know who the Swayson tribe was. ...
[SPAN class=a][FONT color=#008000][WBR]index.php?PHPSESSID=69ec12db300c676e1bafa23e2ac88e0e&topic=6415.msg133689 - 60k - 17 hours ago - [/FONT][/SPAN][NOBR][A class=fl onmousedown="return clk('vny!://','','','clnk','2','')" href="vny!://"][FONT color=#7777cc]Cached[/FONT][/A] - [A class=fl href="vny!://"][FONT color=#7777cc]Similar pages[/FONT][/A][/NOBR]
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[DIV class=g] [H2 class=r][A class=l onmousedown="return clk(this.href,'','','res','3','')" href="vny!://"][FONT color=#551a8b]Internet Keyword Searches in 2008 matching S%[/FONT][/A][/H2] [TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 border=0] [TBODY] [TR] [TD class=j] [DIV class=std]swayson tribe. swayzee indiana. swayzee indiana newspaper. swazi. swaziland highest hiv rate. swb building. swb building willow springs, nc ...
[SPAN class=a][FONT color=#008000] - 34k - [/FONT][/SPAN][NOBR][A class=fl onmousedown="return clk('vny!://','','','clnk','3','')" href="vny!://"][FONT color=#7777cc]Cached[/FONT][/A] - [A class=fl href="vny!://"][FONT color=#7777cc]Similar pages[/FONT][/A][/NOBR][/DIV][/TD][/TR][/TBODY][/TABLE][/DIV]

In order to show you the most relevant results, we have omitted some entries very similar to the 3 already displayed.
If you like, you can [A href="vny!://"][FONT color=#551a8b]repeat the search with the omitted results included[/FONT][/A].

Title: Re: I Want My LAND!
Post by: Michel on Aug 12 08 11:39
Title: Re: I Want My LAND!
Post by: Gopher on Aug 12 08 11:41
Sawdust wrote:
 Hey Chief,

Just a little hint. If nobody can find you or your tribe on google, you are so far below the radar a cadaver dog couldn't find you. Hire a PR firm.


[FONT color=#ff0000]................[/FONT]

[FONT color=#ff0000][/FONT]

[FONT color=#ff0000]For only $1000 (each) we will be happy to act as your PR firm. You won't get a better offer![/FONT]  
Title: Re: I Want My LAND!
Post by: Sportsdude on Aug 12 08 11:41
 Easy thing to do would be to contact the Spokane tribe.    
Title: Re: I Want My LAND!
Post by: Richard on Aug 12 08 11:43
Michel wrote:
I tell you, you find them at the frozen TV dinner alley at your local supermarket.


  Actually that's Swanson, not Swayson.
Title: Re: I Want My LAND!
Post by: Michel on Aug 12 08 11:46
Title: Re: I Want My LAND!
Post by: Gopher on Aug 12 08 11:47
Sorry, I've just dropped it.
Title: Re: I Want My LAND!
Post by: Michel on Aug 12 08 11:49
Title: Re: I Want My LAND!
Post by: Sportsdude on Aug 12 08 12:20
I really really liked Crow Agency, so beautiful.  
Title: Re: I Want My LAND!
Post by: Chief Sitting Bull on Aug 13 08 01:17
The reason you cannot find The Swaysons on this so called Google is because when the white man offered them a reservation the Swaysons simply said no and said they in time would unite thier blood brothers and fight for what is rightfully theirs, if they were to take it..  The white man then wiped them from the records of Indian tribes so nobody would know of them.  I took an oath to help my Indian brothers and it is time for myself to take the flight of the eagle and find the strength of a bear and join Chief Wankanakan in his fight.
Title: Re: I Want My LAND!
Post by: Sure on Aug 13 08 03:31
 The real sign
Title: Re: I Want My LAND!
Post by: TehBorken on Aug 14 08 06:43
 Chief Sitting Bullshit wrote:
The reason you cannot find The Swaysons on this so called Google is because when the white man offered them a reservation the Swaysons simply said no

Well, that was pretty stupid, don't ya think? The Swaysons weren't the brightest bulbs on the tree, were they?

and said they in time would unite thier blood brothers and fight for what is rightfully theirs

I see. And how's that workin' out for ya?

The white man then wiped them from the records of Indian tribes so nobody would know of them.  

Looks like they succeeded-  even teh Google can't find them!

I took an oath to help my Indian brothers and it is time for myself to take the flight of the eagle and find the strength of a bear and join Chief Wankanakan in his fight.

Was your oath something like "I'll like, you know, help my Indian brothers and ummm, take the flight of the [span style="text-decoration: line-through;"]horse [span style="text-decoration: line-through;"]butterfly[/span]  eagle and stuff, and ummm find the strength of a [span style="text-decoration: line-through;"]dog[/span]  [span style="text-decoration: line-through;"][/span][span style="text-decoration: line-through;"]a goat[/span]  a bear and join a random bozo in his fight[/span]"? Cuz that would be a [span style="text-decoration: underline;"]really[/span] cool oath.

Title: Re: I Want My LAND!
Post by: TehBorken on Aug 14 08 06:50
Richard wrote:
Michel wrote:
I tell you, you find them at the frozen TV dinner alley at your local supermarket.
Actually that's Swanson, not Swayson.

Title: Re: I Want My LAND!
Post by: Chief Wakanakan on Aug 17 08 11:01

  I want to thank those of you who have wrote your elected officals. I have high hopes that my people will get back what is rightfully theirs! It is people like you, who are truely a blessing. If I could, I would personally travel and shake the hand of every person who wrote in to their senator and representative. People like you, make it a better world for all of us. White, black, or native!


  Cheif Wakanakan

Swayson Tribe
Title: Re: I Want My LAND!
Post by: Gopher on Aug 17 08 11:09
Thank you for your acknowledgement of our endeavours.
Title: Re: I Want My LAND!
Post by: Chief Sitting Bull on Aug 17 08 06:17
I'm touched by the words of Wakanakan.  Putting his conflict off to thank the people who wrote to these officials.  This is truly a great man.  You can not be better than this man except if you are this one...  Tecumseh