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General Category => Discover Seattle! => Topic started by: Dood on Feb 09 06 07:36

Title: Yahoo Sells Reporter Out to Chinese Authorities
Post by: Dood on Feb 09 06 07:36
Yahoo! has been accused, again, of providing information to Chinese authorities that resulted in the [a href="vny!://"]imprisonment of a Chinese journalist[/a].Yahoo! apparently provided Chinese police with internet activityinformation in a case that resulted in the arrest of Li Zhi. His crime- trying to join the dissident China Democracy Party.

Yahoo! says itsimply responds to requests from the authorities and was just complyingto local laws. A [a href="vny!://"]Reporters Without Borders post[/a]reported that 'Yahoo! certainly knew it was helping to arrest politicaldissidents and journalists, not just ordinary criminals'.