Here, we talk about what you are currently waiting for.
Here's mine:
I am waiting for my contact lenses to arrive. It'll take two weeks, usual time is 3 days but they're backlogged.
I'm waiting for Mr LM to get back to YVR.
I am waiting for the end of August.
Lil Me wrote:
I'm waiting for Mr LM to get back to YVR.
It felt like yesterday when you said he left from the YVR. That was quick!
Time flies!
I'm waiting for the rain to stop so the pool will re-open.
I'm waiting for my ship to come in.
*bursts into song* Waiting for a Girl Like You by Foreigner
I've been waiting for a girl like you to come into my life
I've been waiting for a girl like you, your loving will survive
I've been waiting for someone new to make me feel alive
Yeah, waiting for a girl like you to come into my life
I am waiting for it to be a little warmer, so I can sneak a pic of the baby birdies. I don't want her to leave right now, because it's a little chilly today. Sawdust took some pics last night, but they're a wee bit fuzzy. THEY ARE SO CUTE !!!!!!!!
I am waiting for a username on Discover All The World registration is closed, and can only be requested by emailing the moderator.
I am also waiting to see the pics of the babies. I bet they're the cuuuutest lil darlings ever!
This isn't a very good pic,'m waiting til I can get some better ones.
[A id=thelink onclick="return fitsInWindow();"][img id=thepic title="Click to visit ImageShack for Image Hosting!" onclick=scaleImg() alt=img516/5318/img1032sy9.jpg src="vny!://"][/A]
Cute pic!
I am waiting for my books to arrive from Amazon. It's taking forever and I can't wait!
awwwww.....that is such a cutey cute picture... that is absolutely remarkable.... thanks for sharing. :) I love how life grows.
Got Dan Kalla's new book from the library. Then my mom started reading it, so I'm waiting to get it back.
This is P.C.s camera
[img style="WIDTH: 44px; HEIGHT: 28px" height=55 src="vny!://" width=83]
.....and this is Michel's camera
This is P.C.'s pic
[A id=thelink ="return fitsInWindow();"][img id=thepic title="Click to visit ImageShack for Image Hosting!" height=203 alt=img516/5318/img1032sy9.jpg src="vny!://" width=279 ="scaleImg()"][/A][/DIV]
....and this is Michel's pic.
[img style="WIDTH: 571px; HEIGHT: 359px" height=384 src="vny!://" width=596]
Well.....not to mention Michel's incredible eye.
Oh my... that is purdy and pretty something incredible! thx for sharing and thx Michel and PC for the pic. :)
Wow!! That's amazing!!!
It was so exciting. [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://" border=0] I have been so worried about disturbing them, that I really hadn't seen them much. Of course Michel has a zoom on his camera so big, that he stood in the neighbours yard to get the pic. (ok....not really.....but almost) It looks like there are only two babies....and I'm pretty sure there were three. Anyways....I'm thrilled to have a Michel pic of them.
Michel has a really big WHAT?
He has a BIG zoom lens, Lil Me. It knows how and when to focus at just the right moment.
Oh. So it hits all the right spots?
Yep. Michel's equipment has excellent aim.
Oh....Hi Michel. (//vny!://
We were just talking about your really big..............zoom. [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://[/img]
Michel's zoom even captured the moment that PC wasn't able to capture.
I guess you have good equipment if it works whenever you want it to.
Uh.... Should I be disturbed by this?
Wow. lol
Wow!! Love the picture! Michel has some real talent there. He should apply to National Geography. Thanks for sharing!
With that zoom, you could probably do Playboy and Penthouse right from your apartment. (//vny!://
With that kind of zoom, he could do a lot more than playboy..... he could get Tila!
OMG ! We just went out and had a little peek at the babies. I had thought there were 3 in the beginning.....and then I was sure there were only two remaining......but alas......#3 is still there. They are all sleeping peacefully. They have got little teeny wings now with real feathers replacing the down.
Updated pic to come. (not as good as Michel's.....but a pic none the less)
[A id=thelink onclick="return fitsInWindow();" href="vny!://"][img id=thepic title="Click to visit ImageShack for Image Hosting!" style="WIDTH: 602px; HEIGHT: 404px" onclick=scaleImg() height=662 alt=img178/182/img1068sx7.jpg src="vny!://" width=883][/A]
OMG......soooooooooo cute. [A id=thelink onclick="return fitsInWindow();"][/A]
I'll keep the best one and delete the other......but I can never tell until I post it.
[A id=thelink onclick="return fitsInWindow();" href="vny!://"][img id=thepic title="Click to visit ImageShack for Image Hosting!" onclick=scaleImg() height=662 alt=img385/89/img1071hr9.jpg src="vny!://" width=883][/A]
Oh, P.C. What a sight.
That is absolutely beautiful and it looks so peaceful.
oh. Wait you took one of the bird pictures?
The babies flew da coop today. I think I'm suffering from empty nest syndrome.[img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://" border=0]
BUT !!!!....A successful flight for the whole family......thank goodness. (I didn't want the beast to have free delivery appies).
It's a brave new world.
guess so...
Yup....they fly already. Mr. Sawdust saw them on his way back from the shop yesterday. He said they flew straight and well. (pheww!) We were going to rig something up to catch any failed flight attempts from the beast....but apparently they don't need it.
I think pictures are doubtful at this point. They move very fast and sudden.....but I'm going to try today. I wonder how long they will come back to the nest now that they have flown.
I'm thinking so Michel......must be getting a little crowded in that teeny tiny nest.
Several years back, 'THE BIG TREE' had a large branch that came down across the kitchen window......and there was a humming bird nest on it. I was so excited to have a front row seat at this event. I watched for weeks waiting and waiting to see a baby humming bird......but never did. They were there.....but they were so selective of their flight times, that we never saw a thing.
It was amazing how tiny their nest was. Makes the one we have there now look like a condominium.
There were 4 eggs....each one smaller than my baby-fingernail. THAT would have been something to see. It was such an odd place for a nest, as the branch was long and had a lot of motion in the slightest breeze. Mysterious little creatures.
Hopefully I will catch a pic today.
Coming to you LIVE from P.C.P.P. [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://" border=0]
No sign of the birdies. I think they have permanently vacated. (much faster than I expected)
The yard criminal is becoming more of a yard snoozer these days. (have your wounds healed yet?....[img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://" border=0])
I was just reading that from hatching to leaving the nest can be as short as 15 days.
So sorry about the limb. [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://" border=0]
Yes....I worry about him becoming a yard snack. It would be pretty bold for a cougar to come right up onto the hot-tub.....which is where he lazes most of the time.
Oh I know. I just think it seems a little too enclosed and close to the house for them......or perhaps that's just wishful thinking ?
I'm waiting for August 27 to arrive.
What's the August 27th event Miss purelife ?
It's Miss PC's bday or close to that day. ;)
It's the day when I can test if I'm pregnant or not. And it's a BIG thing for me... :)
Oh WOW ! How exciting for you !!!!!!!!!!
It is. It is. I'm so happy that things are on schedule. It really assures me that everything is gonna be ok.
I've been super happy this month.
Ah lol, Aug 27th is when I'm back in Canada.
.....and the day before I turn 39......(//vny!:// .....again.
So, 27th will be a big day all around. cool ! :)
I heard on the radio its going to be 34 sometime this week for you guys.
So, your bday is the 27th? I remember yours was not too far from mine... but can't remember exact day. :)
Regardless of the date, happy birthday P.C. :))))
Good memory purelife. Close......28th. (//vny!://
Off by one day. I'll remember it now. :)