Discover Seattle!

General Category => Discover Seattle! => Topic started by: Lil Me on May 21 08 04:40

Title: Wedding Presents for TB
Post by: Lil Me on May 21 08 04:40
 Gore Tex dry suit for the Bride.
 And a case of Soap on a Rope.
 Just because everyone should have soap on a rope!
Title: Re: Wedding Presents for TB
Post by: Sportsdude on May 21 08 06:34
hahaha Soap on a rope.
Title: Re: Wedding Presents for TB
Post by: Lil Me on May 21 08 08:07
 And a Snake Bat.
 [h2 style="font-size: 1.3em; margin-top: 16px;"]Product Information[/h2]      [p style="font-size: 1.3em;"]             [/p] Bed Snake Bat.[/p]  An effective birth control device*. [/p]  After years of relentless research it has been discovered that pregnancy is caused by a small venomous snake - the Bed Snake ( snakus williuserectus )[/p]  The bed snake is found throughout the world and its favourite habitat is the bedroom. For much of the time it remains dormant, but it is easily roused from its slumber and it is capable of spitting its venom over a remarkable distance.[/p]   [/p]  * Sold as a NOVELTY and with absolutely no guarantee against pregnancy,  just in case you really believe me.[/p]                   
             Price: £2.99
Title: Re: Wedding Presents for TB
Post by: P.C. on May 21 08 08:17
Yes....they are closely related to the trouser snake.  [img onclick="selecte('rolleyes.gif');" alt=emoticon src="vny!://" border=0]
Title: Re: Wedding Presents for TB
Post by: Lil Me on Jun 15 08 06:02
They got married!  Time to bump up this thread.
 I'll add a bottle of BC's finest bubbly (the only one not made by Andre's House of Wines..)
Title: Re: Wedding Presents for TB
Post by: Sportsdude on Jun 15 08 10:19
Woooo wedding party time *gets out the beer bong*

Title: Re: Wedding Presents for TB
Post by: Lise on Jun 16 08 05:56
I give him a ball and a chain. (//vny!://
Title: Re: Wedding Presents for TB
Post by: van_guy on Jun 16 08 09:19
 Lise wrote:
I give him a ball and a chain. (//vny!://

I went to my best friend's stag and one of his mates took a HUGE steel ball (75kg?) and welded a chain and shackle to it.  We locked the shackle and threw the key into a snw bank - keep a spare for the AM.  It was pretty funny - this is the other reason i eloped.

On a more serious note I head back and forth to asia regularly - so if there is anything that you can't get in the US that you are craving let me know I'd be happy to bring it back.  I bring about 8-10kg of Shreddies for my Canadian boss each trip.  He REALLY REALLY likes shreddies.
Title: Re: Wedding Presents for TB
Post by: Lise on Jun 17 08 05:49
LOL. That is funny.

  Uhm...... OK, this sounds like I'm silly but what is Shreddies? Is it the cereal you're talking about?
Title: Re: Wedding Presents for TB
Post by: van_guy on Jun 17 08 04:35
Uhm...... OK, this sounds like I'm silly but what is Shreddies? Is it the cereal you're talking about?

yeah - you know freddie and eddie ??

Title: Re: Wedding Presents for TB
Post by: P.C. on Jun 17 08 09:59
On a more serious note I head back and forth to asia regularly - so if there is anything that you can't get in the US that you are craving let me know I'd be happy to bring it back.  I bring about 8-10kg of Shreddies for my Canadian boss each trip.  He REALLY REALLY likes shreddies.

  [FONT size=5]THIS[/FONT] could work out well for me.  It just so happens, I need Shreddies boxes. (//vny!://
Title: Re: Wedding Presents for TB
Post by: van_guy on Jun 18 08 10:17
P.C. wrote [div style="font-style: italic;"]THIS could work out well for me.  It just so happens, I need Shreddies boxes. (//vny!:// [/div]
PC - are you serious? what do you want shreddies boxes for?  (//forums/richedit/smileys/Thinking/2.gif)

Title: Re: Wedding Presents for TB
Post by: P.C. on Jun 19 08 06:07
lol.....I'm sorry Van Guy.....I was being a smart alec....again. [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://" border=0]    
Title: Re: Wedding Presents for TB
Post by: Lise on Jun 19 08 08:12
What is Freddie and Eddie? (//vny!://