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General Category => Discover Seattle! => Topic started by: Sportsdude on May 06 08 12:40

Title: Cyclone has killed 100,000 in Burma
Post by: Sportsdude on May 06 08 12:40
 [a href="vny!://"]vny!://[/a]
Title: Re: Cyclone has killed 22,000 with 41,000 missing in Burma
Post by: stretchedout on May 06 08 12:46
When things like this happen it creates a backlog at the Pearly Gates, because they still have to deal with the usual 155,000 per day.
Title: Re: 100,000 dead in cyclone in Burma
Post by: Sportsdude on May 07 08 11:52
[a href="vny!://"]vny!://[/a]

100,000 now dead.
Title: Re: Cyclone has killed 100,000 in Burma
Post by: Van on May 07 08 12:00
Brutal! about to get worse too by the looks of things.

My heart goes out to the people in need.  
Title: Re: Cyclone has killed 100,000 in Burma
Post by: stretchedout on May 07 08 11:54
Van wrote:
 Brutal! about to get worse too by the looks of things.

My heart goes out to the people in need.


  Well there are a whole more of million of people suffering right now too.  We need to face the facts.  This planet has too many humans.  Time to follow Japan - reduce population for every country.  No more of these families in BC having 8 kids.  One only please.  
Title: Re: Cyclone has killed 100,000 in Burma
Post by: P.C. on May 08 08 07:20
while the top U.S. diplomat in Myanmar said Wednesday that [FONT style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffffbf"]up to 100,000 people MAY have died[/FONT] in the devastating cyclone.

  Tuesday.... "A U.S. diplomat said the death toll from Saturday's cyclone, now tentatively at least [FONT style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffff80"]22,000[/FONT], could reach 100,000"

  "....estimated on Wednesday that the death toll in Myanmar from Cyclone Nargis[FONT style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffff80"] exceeded[/FONT] [FONT style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffff80"]50,000[/FONT], based on its local knowledge"

  This morning...."Myanmar's military government has put the death toll at [FONT style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffff80"]22,500[/FONT]"

  2 hours ago...State Myanmar radio and television reported a death toll of [FONT style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffff80"]22,980[/FONT] with 42,119 missing and 1,383 injured

An hour ago... An estimated [FONT style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffff80"]80,000[/FONT] people died in the delta's Labutta district alone,

  ..............from the same article....recent Myanmar government estimates put the death toll at [FONT style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffff80"]70,000,[/FONT] mainly in the delta area.

  [FONT size=2]Save the Children said Tuesday that it expected the death toll from Myanmar's devastating cyclone to reach [FONT style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffff80"]as high as[/FONT] [FONT style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffff80"]50,000[/FONT][/FONT]

    I understand the overwhelming impossibilities to accurately report something of this nature, but the news is supposed to be the news.  Should it not report what they KNOW....not what they think?  And if they are going to report what they think they know, some consistency across the board should be considered.  

(rant finished)

  My heart too goes out to these people.  Aside from the unbelievable fear they must have endured during this being unfathomable.....but the fears they must face now are horrifying.    
Title: Re: Cyclone has killed 100,000 in Burma
Post by: Lil Me on May 08 08 07:50
I can't understand why a government would thwart relief efforts, when they are desperately needed.
 There are so many countries (including Canada) who want to help.
Title: Re: Cyclone has killed 100,000 in Burma
Post by: P.C. on May 08 08 07:57
You would think we would have fine tuned relief efforts projects and procedures by now.

I don't understand either.

  (as I get older and supposedly wiser, the number of things I don't understand is growing rapidly.)
Title: Re: Cyclone has killed 100,000 in Burma
Post by: van_guy on May 08 08 08:16
  Lil Me wrote:
I can't understand why a government would thwart relief efforts, when they are desperately needed.
 There are so many countries (including Canada) who want to help.

I'm finding in Vietnam that a lot of stuff has to do with "saving face"  if you need help  you are weak and inept - therefore to look strong and capable I must refuse all outside help ,,,  for a smaller scale version why don;t guys ask for directions at the gas station when they are lost?
Title: Re: Cyclone has killed 100,000 in Burma
Post by: Sportsdude on May 08 08 01:07
 van_guy wrote:
  Lil Me wrote:
I can't understand why a government would thwart relief efforts, when they are desperately needed.
 There are so many countries (including Canada) who want to help.

I'm finding in Vietnam that a lot of stuff has to do with "saving face"  if you need help  you are weak and inept - therefore to look strong and capable I must refuse all outside help ,,,  for a smaller scale version why don;t guys ask for directions at the gas station when they are lost?

I ask for directions. The whole alpha male masculinity thing is a load of crock if you ask me.
Nobody can figure out exactly how many are dead because of the military junta who refuse to help and hide the realities.

Title: Re: Cyclone has killed 100,000 in Burma
Post by: P.C. on May 08 08 03:22
I ask for directions. The whole alpha male masculinity thing is a load of crock if you ask me.
Nobody can figure out exactly how many are dead because of the military junta who refuse to help and hide the realities.

That's not what I was trying to say.....I probably said it poorly.

  Nobody can figure out exactly how many are dead, because it is impossible at this point to know how many are dead.    

  What I'm trying to say, is why then can they not simply say...."there is no information yet on the number of fatalities".  Period. That's accurate information... which is what the news used to be.  Now, they report speculation, opinion, hearsay, information that has not been verified or validated....(that used to be a sin in the journalistic world).  
Title: Re: Cyclone has killed 100,000 in Burma
Post by: Van on May 08 08 05:08
stretchedout wrote:
Van wrote:
Brutal! about to get worse too by the looks of things.

My heart goes out to the people in need.


Well there are a whole more of million of people suffering right now too.  We need to face the facts.  This planet has too many humans.  Time to follow Japan - reduce population for every country.  No more of these families in BC having 8 kids.  One only please.  ok, you have none, and I will have two so it evens out.
Title: Re: Cyclone has killed 100,000 in Burma
Post by: Sportsdude on May 08 08 08:19
[h1 style="font-weight: normal;"] U.N. says 1.5 million people affected by Myanmar storm[/h1]The United Nations estimated 1.5 million people have been "severely affected" by the cyclone that swept through Myanmar, as the United States expressed outrage with the country's junta over delays in allowing in aid. In Myanmar, despairing survivors awaited emergency relief on Friday, a week after 100,000 people were feared killed by Cyclone Nargis as it roared across the farms and villages of the low-lying Irrawaddy delta region.[/p] "We're outraged by the slowness of the response of the government of Burma to welcome and accept assistance," U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Zalmay Khalilzad.[/p] "It's clear that the government's ability to deal with the situation, which is catastrophic, is limited," he told reporters on Thursday.[/p] The U.N. food agency and Red Cross/Red Crescent said they had finally started flying in emergency relief supplies after foot-dragging by Myanmar's military rulers. The United States, however, was waiting for approval to start military flights.[/p][a href="vny!://"]vny!://[/a]

Title: Re: Cyclone has killed 100,000 in Burma
Post by: stretchedout on May 08 08 09:24
Van wrote:
stretchedout wrote:
Van wrote:
Brutal! about to get worse too by the looks of things.

My heart goes out to the people in need.


Well there are a whole more of million of people suffering right now too.  We need to face the facts.  This planet has too many humans.  Time to follow Japan - reduce population for every country.  No more of these families in BC having 8 kids.  One only please.

 ok, you have none, and I will have two so it evens out.

  Well I hope you have a solid six figure income with assets in hand already.  The cost of raising children is basically $1 million per.  Now you do plan to have a house to raise children in right?  And pretty soon every other child will be diagnosed as ADHD or with Autism, and the gov is cutting back funding.  I know a guy who pays $45k per year out of his pocket for special training for his hyperactive child.
Title: Re: Cyclone has killed 100,000 in Burma
Post by: van_guy on May 09 08 05:56
[em][/em]That's not what I was trying to say.....I probably said it poorly.  
Nobody can figure out exactly how many are dead, because it is impossible at this point to know how many are dead.    
What I'm trying to say, is why then can they not simply say...."there is no information yet on the number of fatalities".  Period. That's accurate information... which is what the news used to be.  Now, they report speculation, opinion, hearsay, information that has not been verified or validated....(that used to be a sin in the journalistic world).

No I think we figured that out - we were just commenting on LM's comment about Burma not accepting help from the outside world.

Title: Re: Cyclone has killed 100,000 in Burma
Post by: Van on May 09 08 06:06
stretchedout wrote:


Well I hope you have a solid six figure income with assets in hand already.  The cost of raising children is basically $1 million per.  Now you do plan to have a house to raise children in right?  And pretty soon every other child will be diagnosed as ADHD or with Autism, and the gov is cutting back funding.  I know a guy who pays $45k per year out of his pocket for special training for his hyperactive child.[/DIV]
 That was good. Better than the Sunday funnies.  

Thanks dude. You made my morning.
Title: Re: Cyclone has killed 100,000 in Burma
Post by: Lil Me on May 09 08 07:37
UN has stopped sending aid after the first food shipments were seized by the Myanmar gov't.
 [a href="vny!://"]vny!://[/a]
Title: Re: Cyclone has killed 100,000 in Burma
Post by: P.C. on May 09 08 08:25
This is just devastating.  A blatant crime against humanity.  It makes me weep that human suffering isn't taking priority over politics.  How can this happen?
Title: Re: Cyclone has killed 100,000 in Burma
Post by: Sportsdude on May 09 08 10:19
Stretched. While you say we should stop having kids, we have. In order to become a sustaining country without the need for immigration, every woman would need to have 4 kids. If everyone had 2 kids the population would be in the negative decline. If everyone had 3 kids they growth would be at zero. 4 kids puts the population in +'s.
Europe, N.A., Japan are in declines and even China (around 2030 their policy of one child is going to backfire with families only going for males, no more females) will start declining.

So the only option is to go to immigration and have a liberal policy on it for the survival of the nation. You restrict immigration you make your country vulnerable in the future because the countries are not sustainable.

Forget about Europe, they're history of ethnocentrism will destroy them again. Neo-fascists have been elected in Italy calling themselves the Falang and in France Szarkozy has ultra right views on immigration. Germany has issues with its Turkish population and the UK's troubles are well known.

Only country that doesn't have these immigration problems is Canada. United States is going to do itself in with the fringe ant- all immigration movement that's taken hold of a sizable amount of the population.

Title: Re: Cyclone has killed 100,000 in Burma
Post by: van_guy on May 10 08 06:26
 P.C. wrote:
This is just devastating.  A blatant crime against humanity.  It makes me weep that human suffering isn't taking priority over politics.  How can this happen?

Some people care more about themselves than about those they rule.  Again, we in Canada have a hard time accepting that - look at Kim Il - do you think he give's a skinny rat's a$$ that his people are starving while he's banging big boobed porn stars in his mansion - probably not.

I saw a blurb on National Geographic? about a Bhuddhist nun who for the last 60? years does nothing but pray for the end of suffering for all sentiaent beings.  She hasn't left her "house" for 60 years too busy praying for Burma etc...  I thought that was kind of uplifting that someone would care that much - to devote thier entire life to something so noble.