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General Category => Discover Seattle! => Topic started by: Sportsdude on Apr 18 08 01:49

Title: Canada has highest level of over-qualified young workers
Post by: Sportsdude on Apr 18 08 01:49
Canada has highest level of over-qualified young workers

[a href="vny!://" target="_blank"]vny!://[/a]

"This generation is much more interested in finding meaning in their careers and being part of a community of people who they want to participate with. They highly value working with great people and having a great boss," said Graham Donald, president of Brainstorm Consulting, a Toronto-based company that advises companies on college recruiting.

With lifestyle or workstyle paramount, college and university graduates are less motivated by salary (which still has to be competitive) Donald advises, and companies should ensure that the Gen Y-friendly aspects of the company are highlighted.

[a href="vny!://" target="_blank"]vny!://[/a]

I think this is a reaction to the "new right" conservatism (yuppies) along with mass consumerist culture that took hold in the 80s. We're the first generation that has grown up in a mass consumerist society post cold war. There's no real meaning to our existence in terms of what to do with ourselves (no cause or point to life). We live vicariously through the internet on message boards bored at work because there's nothing to do. We live on updating our facebook page everyday. We read and watch celebrity news and gossip which has become more important in our lives, then our own needs within the community. We aren't driven by money to be rich but money so we can buy more toys. We don't have a cause to rally around, there's no civil rights movement, social awareness etc. we've all become apathetic folks like in the movie Office Space.

to answer phones the usual 30k job you need an MBA now with work experience.
Title: Re: Canada has highest level of over-qualified young workers
Post by: purelife on Apr 18 08 04:21
There was an opening in our dept and it's an entry level position.  The Supervisor told me that so many over-qualified applicants applied for the job.  She comes across this everytime she gets involved with hiring.  It's kinda interesting if you think about it.  
Title: Re: Canada has highest level of over-qualified young workers
Post by: P.C. on Apr 18 08 04:22
I think, to some degree, that many young people think that their education or degree is an automatic ticket to have the job they have educated themselves for...immediately.  Often there is still a ladder process to ultimately acquire the career they are seeking.  It seems like some think there are jobs that are beneath them because they are educated to do THE job......not work themselves up to the willingness to go through the grunt work phases.  Impatience works against people who are raised with the 'I want it all and I want it now' philosophy.

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Title: Re: Canada has highest level of over-qualified young workers
Post by: P.C. on Apr 18 08 04:25
 There was an opening in our dept and it's an entry level position.  The Supervisor told me that so many over-qualified applicants applied for the job.  She comes across this everytime she gets involved with hiring.  It's kinda interesting if you think about it.  

  That's interesting purelife.  And I wonder how many 'overqualified' people would find it beneath them to even apply for such a position.  I say take it....excel at it....get noticed for it....and move up to the level of their qualifications.[/DIV]
Title: Re: Canada has highest level of over-qualified young workers
Post by: stretchedout on Apr 18 08 04:49
It is time for the elder baby boomers to retire early, at say 55, and pass the torch.  We know they already have way more money than they possibly could spend.  Forget repealing mandatory retirement; it should be brought forward to 60.  Greedy boomers!    
Title: Re: Canada has highest level of over-qualified young workers
Post by: P.C. on Apr 18 08 05:58
It is time for the elder baby boomers to retire early, at say 55, and pass the torch.  We know they already have way more money than they possibly could spend.  Forget repealing mandatory retirement; it should be brought forward to 60.  Greedy boomers!

  That's a pretty broad generalization.

  I'm sure some boomers could retire comfortably at 55....others will still be struggling if they have to work until they're 70.  Asking the rich not to get richer is a little weird somehow.  
Title: Re: Canada has highest level of over-qualified young workers
Post by: Sportsdude on Apr 18 08 07:01
 P.C. wrote:
I think, to some degree, that many young people think that their education or degree is an automatic ticket to have the job they have educated themselves for...immediately.  Often there is still a ladder process to ultimately acquire the career they are seeking.  It seems like some think there are jobs that are beneath them because they are educated to do THE job......not work themselves up to the willingness to go through the grunt work phases.  Impatience works against people who are raised with the 'I want it all and I want it now' philosophy.

If someone  has the i want it all and I want it now philosophy, they got it from their parents. The baby boomers are the ones that represent that, look at how they viewed themselves as a group, the special ones, then they taught their kids the exact same view of "you can have everything and anything" so don't blame us. Those Dennis Hopper commercials for baby boomers about retirement for example, the 60s, the 70s and the 80s with yuppies. The world is all about you, the baby boomers, you make the world go around. We didn't come up with these views on our own, everything in this world is taught, baby boomers taught their kids how be consumerists.  Don't criticize the '75ish-to mid 90s generation. Your ideas of living brought us to that philosphy you criticize us for. You introduced us to consumerism and we just followed along.

anyway on to jobs, they won't hire you regardless, more university grads work at places like starbucks and borders or chapters then high schoolers. Why is that? over qualification. Degrees aren't worth anything these days, you need a graduate degree. Then eventually those will be worthless and you'll need a PHD to get a job. When will this stop?

Title: Re: Canada has highest level of over-qualified young workers
Post by: Sportsdude on Apr 18 08 07:17
[a href="vny!://"]vny!://[/a]

Title: Re: Canada has highest level of over-qualified young workers
Post by: P.C. on Apr 18 08 08:01
If someone  has the i want it all and I want it now philosophy, they got it from their parents. The baby boomers are the ones that represent that, look at how they viewed themselves as a group, the special ones, then they taught their kids the exact same view of "you can have everything and anything" so don't blame us. Those Dennis Hopper commercials for baby boomers about retirement for example, the 60s, the 70s and the 80s with yuppies. The world is all about you, the baby boomers, you make the world go around. We didn't come up with these views on our own, everything in this world is taught, baby boomers taught their kids how be consumerists.  Don't criticize the '75ish-to mid 90s generation. Your ideas of living brought us to that philosphy you criticize us for. You introduced us to consumerism and we just followed along.

Whoah....go back and read again.  I don't think I was blaming anyone specifically.  But if you want to get into such claims....the difference may be that although the boomers wanted it all and they wanted it now.....they worked for it.  I didn't nor was I attempting to criticize the '75ish to mid 90s generation....I was merely offering my opinion as to where some problems may have altered things off track.

  Frankly I'm weary of grown children blaming their parents for all their woes.  Boomers introduced 'you' to consumersim and 'you' just followed along ?  Since when did any youth worth their salt ever listen to their parents....(//vny!://  
Title: Re: Canada has highest level of over-qualified young workers
Post by: Sportsdude on Apr 18 08 08:18
 P.C. wrote:

Whoah....go back and read again.  I don't think I was blaming anyone specifically.  But if you want to get into such claims....the difference may be that although the boomers wanted it all and they wanted it now.....they worked for it.  I didn't nor was I attempting to criticize the '75ish to mid 90s generation....I was merely offering my opinion as to where some problems may have altered things off track.
Frankly I'm weary of grown children blaming their parents for all their woes.  Boomers introduced 'you' to consumersim and 'you' just followed along ?  Since when did any youth worth their salt ever listen to their parents....(//vny!://  

lol. don't get offended just trying to stand up for millions of stereotyped people who are deemed lazy. lol
How do you know we don't work hard? I bet baby boomer parents aka "the greatest generation" thought the same way as bb's think of y'ers. lol

They listen from about 0-12, then they think parents are full of shit, usually. Although I never really 'rebelled' I guess it depends on what type of house hold you come from. If you have oppressive parents, then yeah you're going to go the other direction. I never had those issues, so I can't really relate.

On the job front I see the college grads moving away from the typical 9 to 5 stuff which will probably cause some problems in the future. We were grown up to be individuals (hence the spoiled and wanting view) so we tend to do things that we find meaning in. We want something to be meaningful. A good example would be a friend of mine, graduated from University of Texas, had a job working on Wall Street working for Goldman Sachs. He would of made a ton of money, but didn't like the life style. (this goes with money not the driving force view). So he quit after a few years, went back to Austin and bought a bar with his buddies at 28. Now he tutors and writes math textbooks. 'non-traditional' career.

Basically, we just do what we want to do. See what happens and have fun.
I don't know what this outlook on careers will do for the economic future, but hey who cares. lol
I'd love to have a small berry farm. If that option was open in my life, I'd take it. lol

Title: Re: Canada has highest level of over-qualified young workers
Post by: P.C. on Apr 18 08 08:57
SD: just trying to stand up for millions of stereotyped people who are deemed lazy.

  And I'm just trying to stand up for millions of stereotyped people who are deemed greedy, selfish and responsible for all of the world problems.  If you don't like being stereotyped....then don't do it to others.
Title: Re: Canada has highest level of over-qualified young workers
Post by: Sportsdude on Apr 18 08 09:13
fine, just remember who's paying for your care when you get older. lol j/k
okay enough jokes

Title: Re: Canada has highest level of over-qualified young workers
Post by: Lil Me on Apr 18 08 09:16
Actually, the older generation of full-time workers already made their lifetime of CPP and tax contributions.  I think they already paid for themselves.
Title: Re: Canada has highest level of over-qualified young workers
Post by: P.C. on Apr 18 08 09:20
fine, just remember who's paying for your care when you get older.

  Yes....I will.  I've paid into it for longer than you've been alive.
Title: Re: Canada has highest level of over-qualified young workers
Post by: Sportsdude on Apr 18 08 09:21
 eh, once you hit 65 you become a burden to the system apparently, on average live you are likely to live 20 more years.

oh well doesn't matter, older people are funny, only reason why i go to church really. good times.
oh well i've got a buffy marathon to watch at a friends place. toodles.
Title: Re: Canada has highest level of over-qualified young workers
Post by: Lil Me on Apr 18 08 09:23
Sportsdude wrote:
oh well doesn't matter, older people are funny, only reason why i go to church really. good times.

 *slaps SD with walking stick*  

Title: Re: Canada has highest level of over-qualified young workers
Post by: Sportsdude on Apr 18 08 09:25
what, everybody loves me. I compose myself well, preachers son so to speak.
Title: Re: Canada has highest level of over-qualified young workers
Post by: P.C. on Apr 18 08 09:26
 Lil Me wrote:  *slaps SD with walking stick*  

 Do you have anything LARGER ?

Title: Re: Canada has highest level of over-qualified young workers
Post by: Sportsdude on Apr 18 08 09:28
nah you don't need to hit me. Just give me something to do and I'll clean for you. A 4'10 german lady seems to have that affect on me.  
Title: Re: Canada has highest level of over-qualified young workers
Post by: Lil Me on Apr 18 08 09:29
P.C. wrote:

 Do you have anything LARGER ?


 like an elephant gun?

Title: Re: Canada has highest level of over-qualified young workers
Post by: P.C. on Apr 18 08 09:31
like an elephant gun?

  Yes please.
Title: Re: Canada has highest level of over-qualified young workers
Post by: Sportsdude on Apr 18 08 09:34
i hope you're all being as sarcastic as i am.
Title: Re: Canada has highest level of over-qualified young workers
Post by: P.C. on Apr 18 08 09:40
I wasn't.
Title: Re: Canada has highest level of over-qualified young workers
Post by: Sportsdude on Apr 18 08 09:44
well then this is alarming...
you guys aren't funny people i guess. Sorry to hear that.
anyway, teenage vampire's are calling
Title: Re: Canada has highest level of over-qualified young workers
Post by: Lil Me on Apr 18 08 09:47

Here's sarcasm!!!!
Title: Re: Canada has highest level of over-qualified young workers
Post by: P.C. on Apr 18 08 09:49
(//vny!://    OMG.....*wipes tears from eyes*
Title: Re: Canada has highest level of over-qualified young workers
Post by: Van on Apr 18 08 10:25
I can't speak for all industries, but in most trades across Canada, baby boomers are being begged to keep working because skilled people are so hard to find.

I am not talking about laid off former union button pushers from the old Ford plants. I am talking about qualified electricains, carpentars, welders, millrights, etc. Same goes for engineering. Skilled people can pretty much give the wage they want and get it along with full benefits.

  Yes, building those skills may keep a person at a low pay scale for awhile. Consider it more schooling, but at least there is some $$.  People straight out of school maybe need to SUCK IT UP a bit for awhile.  It takes time to build a skill. Sometimes people try their whole lives, and can't build a skill too. Every individual is different.
Title: Re: Canada has highest level of over-qualified young workers
Post by: Sportsdude on Apr 19 08 02:13
nobody goes into trades because we've been taught through perception that trades are for the not smart. lol yet plumbers make a killing.

holy lol.  you guys got me that time. ;)))
Title: Re: Canada has highest level of over-qualified young workers
Post by: stretchedout on Apr 19 08 10:28
Helicopter mechanic seems like a cool trade.  But plumbing (gross to most) and electrical (ouch!).  What other trades training is there at BCIT?
Title: Re: Canada has highest level of over-qualified young workers
Post by: Van on Apr 19 08 12:15
Yeah, plumbing can be poopy!

  BCIT, SAIT, NAIT, just about any trade you could think of, and they would have it.