What kind of food have you tried that was out of your comfort zone/level? How was it?
define exotic.
wasn't the greatest
then again I can't really hate anything food wise. I don't think I'll eat rocky mountain oysters though.
Sportsdude wrote:
Yuk. I had it once. Never again.
haha did you know in the u.k. if you throw haggis at a scots house, it's a hate crime?
I went for dim sum and didn't know what I was eating that was scary. I do remember chicken's feet? I was too polite to say no thanks! (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Shocked/4.gif)
I had weiners in a can...an Newfie gave me one...it didn't stay in my stomach too long.
Other than that, I have had kangaroo. It was not my thing.
I ate beaver, cougar and bear before at a wild life banquet .
Didn't you already kiss me before, Michel? On the cheek? ;)
Wow, that's very exotic and interesting food you guys have eaten. I have nothing compared to that but then again, whatever my mom made back in the days, I don't question. It looks like hair and fingers, but I'm told it's good for you. LOL
yeah like chicken heads. uhhh.
I eat a lot of different foods, but I can't think of anything I've had that is out of my comfort zone. Haggis-ok, chead cheese-ok, tripe-ok, tendon-ok, fish eyes-ok, fish skin-ok.
I eat pretty much every kind of regular animal part, fish part, fungus, root, etc.-- except duck feet. Can't get past the webbed feet.
I don't like game meats (including farm-raised versions of the same animal), but that's because of the taste.
I had to google what haggis was... I don't think that I could ever eat that stuff...looks like something that would be on Fear Factor.
Just looking at that stuff makes me lose my appetite...
Why'd you have to do that? GRRR (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Angry/1.gif)
SD is everyone's little brother.
hehe :)
lol neither did I. Never really liked the role of oldest, would rather be the middle child.
Wot the heck's wrong with fish eyes? Don't forget, you can also suck the marrow out of the fish bones... ah heck, I've done it with chicken too.
I've eaten frog. Taste just like real skinny chicken.
I've eaten a fish that was still.... breathing as it came to the table. Yes, the guy wrapped the head then dunked the entire fish in hot oil. I know, I know... very cruel but I was young and didn't know any better.
What else? Fish roe is my favorite though most would not consider it exotic.
Fish eyes are gooey and bulging.... *shivers*
This isn't exotic but it's the first time that I had blood oranges. They taste ok... kinda like a ruby red grapefruit. :)
Pressack's pretty revolting too (I had it in Germany) especially when you look at all the green and red jelly bits.
I didn't know that fish bones had marrow ? I thought they were basically cartilage.
By the tone we are not talking exotic - rather nasty ...
For me drink is tied between fermented distilled camels milk and a shot of voldka i had last week that was stewing with a bird and a chopped up crocodile (the other shot was stewing with a wild pigs bladder (?)
Food wise - deep fried chrysalis (1/2 moth 1/2 worm all nasty), turtle (not soup) straight up was pretty flippery. Haggis is pretty good i thought. sounds nasty but is quite yummy. The only thing i can't get my brain (or lips) around is duck embryo served like a boiled egg with feathers and a beak.
Actual exotic - would have to be Tiger meat. it was really tasty - a close runner up would be Muskox also very yummy.
OK..... maybe not marrow from fish bones and I think you're right, PC. Anyways, it's all that nice juicy brown stuff that can't go to waste.
Tiger meat???? You're soooooo cruel, Van! (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/10.gif)
Tiger meat ? [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://www.cheesebuerger.de/images/more/bigs/c020.gif" border=0]
van_guy wrote:
By the tone we are not talking exotic - rather nasty ...
For me drink is tied between fermented distilled camels milk and a shot of voldka i had last week that was stewing with a bird and a chopped up crocodile (the other shot was stewing with a wild pigs bladder (?)
Food wise - deep fried chrysalis (1/2 moth 1/2 worm all nasty), turtle (not soup) straight up was pretty flippery. Haggis is pretty good i thought. sounds nasty but is quite yummy. The only thing i can't get my brain (or lips) around is duck embryo served like a boiled egg with feathers and a beak.
Eek. I'll buy my flavoured vodka at the BC LDB.
I don't think I could eat chrysalis or duck embryo either.
P.C. wrote:
Tiger meat ?
[img style="cursor: pointer;" onclick="url(this.src);" src="vny!://www.cheesebuerger.de/images/more/bigs/c020.gif[/img]
PC does anyone else find it ironic that the only one that called me on Tiger meat goes by the handle PC??
Yup Tiger meat. I didn't kill the damn thing - I didn't buy it - i didn't ask anyone to kill it. There was a guy who came for dinner - he brought a pack of meat - we cooked it and he told us it was tiger meat. if i didn't eat it - would the tiger magically spring back to life?
Lise wrote:
OK..... maybe not marrow from fish bones and I think you're right, PC. Anyways, it's all that nice juicy brown stuff that can't go to waste.
Tiger meat???? You're soooooo cruel, Van! (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/10.gif)
Oops sorry PC I didn't realize that Lise had already slammed me!!
I reiterate I didn't kill the animal.
It was already dead!
Wow nobody caught the faux pas - chryssalis is actually 1/2 cattapillar (not 1/2 worm) - how embarrassing.(//richedit/smileys/Shocked/1.gif)
PC does anyone else find it ironic that the only one that called me on Tiger meat goes by the handle PC??
I wasn't 'calling you on it' Van Guy....I was surprised that tiger meat was edible...that it isn't somehow 'forbidden' because of it's status of endangerment....then the sad face is just showing my sadness for the tiger because I like tigers and your explanation of eating what is put before you is good enough for me. I eat cows....and there are many people who say...Cow meat ? [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://www.cheesebuerger.de/images/more/bigs/c020.gif" border=0]
Also, P.C. stands for pussycat....so you see....we're talking about my relatives here.
*I remember when my son was little, and I threw a pack of Pork loin in my shopping cart. He was very upset to think we were going to be eating a lion for dinner. [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://www.cheesebuerger.de/images/smilie/tiere/k022.gif" border=0]
Lava bread (in Wales) made of seaweed.
This week - dog intestines!
Next week - I may have to try the voldka stewing in Cobra (or is it Cobra stewing in voldka?)
Gopher wrote:
Lava bread (in Wales) made of seaweed.
That reminds me LM once bought me a beer from Scotland made from seaweed. it was odd to be sure but quite tasty as i recall
[span style="font-style: italic; font-weight: bold;"] van_guy wrote:[/span]
[span style="font-style: italic; font-weight: bold;"] This week - dog intestines![/span]
[hr style="width: 100%; height: 2px;"]Do you get ketchup with that?
Ketchup ??? I'm thinking more along the lines of.......THIS
P.C. wrote:
Ketchup ??? I'm thinking more along the lines of.......THIS
I would have thought you'd have been pleased that I was now consuming your arch nemmisis (dogs)
Nope no ketchup - straight up - boiled dog intestines. In case you were wondering no - it doesn't taste like chicken it tastes like a lot like dog guts.
Who me ? I LOVE dogs. I'm just not fond of little yappy feefee dogs with ribbons on their heads and satin jackets. You can eat those. (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/12.gif)
P.C. wrote:
Who me ? I LOVE dogs. I'm just not fond of little yappy feefee dogs with ribbons on their heads and satin jackets. You can eat those. (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/12.gif)
Oddly enuf not a lot of that type of dog over here. Proably extinct - I think people here would eat them first too.... perhaps more tender as well???(//forums/richedit/smileys/7.gif)
Tonight it was a vegetable stuffed with mystery meat - the vegetable tasted a bit like aspirin. Bring back the boiled dog guts!!
P.C. wrote:
Who me ? I LOVE dogs. I'm just not fond of little yappy feefee dogs with ribbons on their heads and satin jackets. You can eat those. (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/12.gif)
I was referring to PC ... Pussy Cat - or so I am told. (cats hate dogs)
You're far too brave and adventurous.
So, would there be any nutritional value in dog intestines ? I really don't think I could bring myself to do it. I would have to do it with no knowledge of what I'm eating.....an explanation would have to be ruled out. Just put some parsley on the side and call the whole thing something else.
I'm wondering if this would be a good place to go, to shed a few pounds. (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/8.gif)
Van Guy wrote: I was referring to PC ... Pussy Cat - or so I am told. (cats hate dogs)
Ahhh...now I see. I'm only half way through my coffee....still a little slow. [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://www.cheesebuerger.de/images/smilie/liebe/g038.gif" border=0]
P.C. wrote:
[div]You're far too brave and adventurous.
[/div]So, would there be any nutritional value in dog intestines ? I really don't think I could bring myself to do it. I would have to do it with no knowledge of what I'm eating.....an explanation would have to be ruled out. Just put some parsley on the side and call the whole thing something else.
I'm wondering if this would be a good place to go, to shed a few pounds. (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/8.gif)
Nope the place to shed a few pounds is the Gobi desert of outer mongolia ... if you can't loose weight there - it ain't gonna happen. Start with 40-50 degree heat - no shade - cool refreshing wind - nope, 0% humidity ... add to that the staple diet of boiled sheep, and rice... you have a recipe for weight loss ... some of the worst food i've ever eaten, FABULOUS people but HORRIBLE food. I lost 10 pounds in 6 weeks, I don't have 10 pounds to lose.
P.C. wrote:
[em]Van Guy wrote: I was referring to PC ... Pussy Cat - or so I am told. (cats hate dogs)[/em]
Ahhh...now I see. I'm only half way through my coffee....still a little slow. [img style="cursor: pointer;" onclick="url(this.src);" src="vny!://www.cheesebuerger.de/images/smilie/liebe/g038.gif[/img]
That's OK (//forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/5.gif)
Nope the place to shed a few pounds is the Gobi desert of outer mongolia ... if you can't loose weight there - it ain't gonna happen. Start with 40-50 degree heat - no shade - cool refreshing wind - nope, 0% humidity ... add to that the staple diet of boiled sheep, and rice... you have a recipe for weight loss ... some of the worst food i've ever eaten, FABULOUS people but HORRIBLE food. I lost 10 pounds in 6 weeks, I don't have 10 pounds to lose.
Well, with diet books being all the rage, I think you should jump on the bandwagon and write one.
"I lost 10 pounds in 6 weeks, and I didn't even have 10 pounds to lose."
You'd be RICH ! RICH I tell ya !!!!
I'm still waiting for someone to write a report on the McRib. I'm sure it's McAwful but I can't bring myself to find out HOW BAD it is.
Good morning Lil Me. Haven't had one....but I'm thinking that a McIntestines might taste equally as yummy.
Lil Me wrote:
I'm still waiting for someone to write a report on the McRib. I'm sure it's McAwful but I can't bring myself to find out HOW BAD it is.
Murray G once (this is a few years ago) ate a few bites of his and yelled "don't order the mcrib - it sucks" then left the restraunt.
I think I can bring some leftover dog intestine - that might be a better dining choice
I'm changing that name. McIntestines just doesn't roll off your tongue that well. Perhaps McGuts would be better.
or McInnards, McOrgan, McMystery...
VG- trust your best friend to do that.
Lil Me wrote:
or McInnards, McOrgan, McMystery...
VG- trust your best friend to do that.
Welll I know him to be an honest man! Pehaps not couth or cultured - but I think I'd rather have an uncouth honest friend than a civilized compulsive liar as one ... nes pas
My dinner is still moving
While living in Korea, I was invited to go out for dinner with the teachers from my school. We arrived at the restaurant and sat on cushions on the floor.
[!-- /Summary --] The evening progressed in the usual Korean-office-party style. Everyone drank too much, and suddenly I found myself the most popular girl at the party. People who had never talked to me before were pouring me drinks (very bad form to pour your own drink) and wanting to know my favourite colour. I got a few declarations of love and a marriage proposal or two.
Finally, the dish that everyone had been waiting for arrived. As the waitresses brought out the large plates, a hush fell over the crowd. The waitress put the plate down in front of me with a flourish - oysters, scallops, a few cooked shrimp, something that was quite possibly a fish's stomach.
And then I spotted it. I blinked, rubbed my eyes and looked again. There was an octopus - a live octopus - sitting on the plate, looking right back at me, its large round eyes glistening sadly in the dim light.
[A href="vny!://www.theglobeandmail.com/servlet/story/LAC.20080405.BLOG05/TPStory/?query=%3AMy+dinner+is+still+moving%22"]vny!://www.theglobeandmail.com/servlet/story/LAC.20080405.BLOG05/TPStory/?query=%3AMy+dinner+is+still+moving%22[/A]
Again wrote:
My dinner is still moving
While living in Korea, I was invited to go out for dinner with the teachers from my school. We arrived at the restaurant and sat on cushions on the floor.[/p][!-- /Summary --] The evening progressed in the usual Korean-office-party style. Everyone drank too much, and suddenly I found myself the most popular girl at the party. People who had never talked to me before were pouring me drinks (very bad form to pour your own drink) and wanting to know my favourite colour. I got a few declarations of love and a marriage proposal or two.[/p] Finally, the dish that everyone had been waiting for arrived. As the waitresses brought out the large plates, a hush fell over the crowd. The waitress put the plate down in front of me with a flourish - oysters, scallops, a few cooked shrimp, something that was quite possibly a fish's stomach. [/p] And then I spotted it. I blinked, rubbed my eyes and looked again. There was an octopus - a live octopus - sitting on the plate, looking right back at me, its large round eyes glistening sadly in the dim light.[/p] [a href="vny!://www.theglobeandmail.com/servlet/story/LAC.20080405.BLOG05/TPStory/?query=%3AMy+dinner+is+still+moving%22"]vny!://www.theglobeandmail.com/servlet/story/LAC.20080405.BLOG05/TPStory/?query=%3AMy+dinner+is+still+moving%22[/a][/p] [/p]Crikey - that's fresh seafood!
I almost bought a sail boat to live aboard. The guy i was to buy the boat from told me a story ... he would start with a meal ofcrab one night - then he'd put the crab bits - shells guts etc onto some kind of a trap and fling it overboard then after an hour or so - he'd haul up an octopus - and chop off an arm - and throw the cephalapod back - (they grow arms back) then next night have octopus for dinner. One time he hauled the octopus up on deck and the bugger had only seven arms and sorta glared at him - the owner of the boat didn't have the heart to lop off another leg.
So....do they have 8 arms....or 8 legs. Or do they grow an arm where they once had a leg. I don't think you can have it both ways. It would ruin everything. (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/12.gif)
P.C. wrote:
So....do they have 8 arms....or 8 legs. Or do they grow an arm where they once had a leg. I don't think you can have it both ways. It would ruin everything. (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/12.gif)
According to wikipedia The octopus ([a href="vny!://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greek_language" title="Greek language"]Greek[/a] [span class="Unicode"]Οκτάπους[/span], 'eight-legs', with plural forms: octopuses, octopi, or octopodes, see [a href="vny!://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Octopus#Terminology" title=""]below[/a]) is a [a href="vny!://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cephalopod" title="Cephalopod"]cephalopod[/a] of the [a href="vny!://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Order_%28biology%29" title="Order (biology)"]order[/a] Octopoda that inhabits many diverse regions of the [a href="vny!://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ocean" title="Ocean"]ocean[/a], especially [a href="vny!://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coral_reef" title="Coral reef"]coral reefs[/a]. The term may also refer to only those creatures in the [a href="vny!://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genus" title="Genus"]genus[/a] [a href="vny!://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Octopus_%28genus%29" title="Octopus (genus)"]Octopus[/a]. In the larger sense, there are around 300 recognized octopus [a href="vny!://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Species" title="Species"]species[/a], which is over one-third of the total number of known cephalopod species.
Sooooo the legs have it.
Hhhhmmmm. *thinking*
Lots of possibilities in the sustainable seafood industry.
Octopus farming, here I come.
Hhhhmmmm. *thinking*
Lots of possibilities in the sustainable seafood industry.
Octopus farming, here I come.
It's a tough industry to get up and running Lil Me. I hear it costs an arm and a leg to get started.
P.C. wrote:
[em]Hhhhmmmm. *thinking*
Lots of possibilities in the sustainable seafood industry.
Octopus farming, here I come.[/em]
It's a tough industry to get up and running Lil Me. I hear it costs an arm and a leg to get started.
Remember only legs - they are not arms!!
Oops. I have STMD...short term memory disfunction. (I don't know if I just made that up, but if I did, it's a good one. I think I'm going to start using it.) (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/12.gif)
OK....I just looked it up....and it's confirmed. I DID just make that up. [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://www.cheesebuerger.de/images/smilie/froehlich/a040.gif" border=0]
It's very similar to CRAFT disease.
CRAFT Disease?
Can't Remember A F*ing Thing. (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/12.gif)
Oh! I have that! Is there medication? Therapy available?
I've heard that keeping a notepad handy is helpful....but I can never remember where I put it down last.
Other than that, there is always DS. Often if I say something stupid, there is always someone who will remind me.
It makes sense that you're eating dog meat and intestines, Van_Guy, because of where you're at.
My parents who used to live in Vietnam ate all kinds of exotic meat. It would be difficult to find that here.
I wonder if you're eating Fu Gua (bitter melon)?
It tastes like asprin.
purelife wrote:
It makes sense that you're eating dog meat and intestines, Van_Guy, because of where you're at.
My parents who used to live in Vietnam ate all kinds of exotic meat. It would be difficult to find that here.
Yeah, I'd eaten dog in china before but the vietnamese arepretty famous for their love of dog.
The meat itself is OK - but the intestines - - - not so much
Lil Me wrote:
I wonder if you're eating Fu Gua (bitter melon)?
It tastes like asprin.
That's the stuff!!!
yeah it was pretty gross ... our cook took out the center and filled it with ground meat / rice. I at the meat / rice but left the aspirin vegetable.
Soooo is it good for you - does it cure headaches???
I remember in Chinese school, my teacher asked me what my favorite food was.
Guess what I said?
Fu gua with sesame oil, stir fried.
ADD: True story.
I don't remember if I answered her in chinese or in English.
purelife wrote:
I remember in Chinese school, my teacher asked me what my favorite food was.[/div] [div]Guess what I said?
Fu gua with sesame oil, stir fried. [/div] [div]ADD: True story.
I don't remember if I answered her in chinese or in English.
Wow - i think i-d rather eat my socks (in either chinese or english) than eat Fu Gua
I must've been drugged or my parents hypnotized me when I said that. I was only 10, I think?
Yes yes..that's the story I'm going to stick with. (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Teasing/12.gif)
lol at the fu gua story. I'll eat it if it's there, but I'm not a big fan.
So....anyone want to invest in the Octopus Farm? Startup costs are a leg and a leg, but since the provincial government doesn't give a sh*t about the environment, they have leggo of all permits. I'd like to start right away and get a leg up on the competition.
I can lend a hand Lil Me. I know that's not much, but it's a start.
Fu Gua translated is wizzened up cucumbers.
I could sure use a hand. Especially since you're so handy with so many things.
Hand me that net over there? Thanks.
Oh, and bring a handkerchief with you.
I can supply a whole ARMY of handkerchiefs. (what were we going to use those for again?)
Starting a business isn't easy....there's a lot of leg work to be done before we even get to the hands-on stage.
Pigs tongue for dinner tonight.
The sauce is great - its sugar (tblsp) with lime juice (2 fresh limes) and chopped up chilli pepper - so its sweet and sour and spicy - pretty tasty - it really brings out the flavour of the tongue.
[img style="WIDTH: 448px; HEIGHT: 319px" height=567 src="vny!://www.duiops.net/seresvivos/galeria/gatos/Cat%20got%20your%20Tongue%20.jpg" width=756]
Did you have pig's tail as side dish?
(btw, I've heard that pig's tail tastes wonderful. MrPL has tried it and really likes it.)
ADD: I think the Makers of Fear Factor could visit this thread.
Michel wrote:
Just can't wait to go to Vietnam, I have that little 10 lbs extra that I wanna lose...
Seriously - it was pretty tasty.
i'd probably be putting on a couple pounds here - if it weren't for all the damn leeches draining my blood away.
I think during monsoon season - it will be hard to keep the weight on - horrible heat, horrible humidity and the leeches Im sure will be out in force
Ah, wind power awaits!
purelife wrote:
Did you have pig's tail as side dish?
(btw, I've heard that pig's tail tastes wonderful. MrPL has tried it and really likes it.)
ADD: I think the Makers of Fear Factor could visit this thread.
No but there was this one time in Alberta - welllllll that's another story ...
can't say I've tried it. Bacon is pretty good - I'm looking forward to some of that soon.
RE fear factor - The one thing that i haven;t tried here is the baby duck - nope not the wine - the bird - served in eggshell ... so you boil it like an egg but it's damn near ready to quack - feathers beak - you eat everything !!! I'll have to be pretty damn hungry in the AM to eat that my friends
Gopher wrote:
Ah, wind power awaits!
As in breaking wind (//richedit/smileys/Shocked/2.gif) or turbines out in the field ??? (//forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/15.gif)
As in turbines in the intestines.(//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/cliparts/Wizard/2.gif)
This thread had digressed beyond redemption.
[img style="WIDTH: 354px; HEIGHT: 325px" height=340 src="vny!://www.maryamwebster.com/uploads/Image/pull-mah-finger.jpg" width=354]
crunchy duck tongue
49er wrote:
crunchy duck tongue[/DIV]
dipped in chocolate?
P.C. wrote:
This thread had digressed beyond redemption.
[img style="width: 354px; height: 325px;" src="vny!://www.maryamwebster.com/uploads/Image/pull-mah-finger.jpg" height="340" width="354"]
Sorry nothing new to add - I'm in Hanoi - I went out for pizza, with Ham and Mozza chesse and ... you know kinda normal stuff ... it was anice change not to have to guess the intestine dujour.
I actually tried to have a McRib the other day. It's no longer avail.
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That sure was a quick "limited time" offer on the McRib.
Michel wrote:
Oh don't talk too fast, you never know with pizza, I think I ate one once in Mexico with brain slices on it (well it look like it was slice of brain under the cheese... never understood what it was).
Dear sweet jesus - a slice of brain? Yeah but with this one the menu was in english - so i felt pretty sure that if a brainslice was hidden somewhere - the menu would have mentioned it. Of courseweare all wondering ... did you feel smarter after the pizza???(//forums/richedit/smileys/Thinking/1.gif)
Lil Me wrote:
I actually tried to have a McRib the other day. It's no longer avail.
I think tthat if people actually liked it - they would put it on the menu.
Of courseweare all wondering ... did you feel smarter after the pizza???
I was wondering the same thing.
....and I always thought that fish was supposed to be brain food. No wonder I'm still having trouble qualifying for MENSA.
[img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://www.cheesebuerger.de/images/more/bigs/e058.gif" border=0]
Well nothing that exotic for lunch - but I did have it in an old abandoned mine shaft with 4 people who speak no english
Oh my...how awkward. Were they talking to each other and then laughing a lot ?
P.C. wrote:
Oh my...how awkward. Were they talking to each other and then laughing a lot ?
Awkward? Hell I spend 2/3 of my life with people who don't speak a word of english - let me tell ya i kick a$$ at sharades.(//forums/richedit/smileys/Word_Positive/1.gif)
We can "chat"about lots of stuff.
It's only if they begin to take out weapons that you have to worry...
That's a pretty good skill Van Guy. Charades.....the international language ! Who'd a thunk.(//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/12.gif)
P.C. wrote:
That's a pretty good skill Van Guy. Charades.....the international language ! Who'd a thunk.(//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/12.gif)
Are you kidding - today i told a guy to "walk out of the adit and speak with the security guard in two hours" and it happened without speaking a word.
Well there you go ! Even in English, I would not know how to walk out of an adit. [img onclick="selecte('eh.gif');" alt=emoticon src="vny!://www.pushupstairs.com/images/emoticon/blehnet/eh.gif" border=0]
P.C. wrote:
Well there you go ! Even in English, I would not know how to walk out of an adit. [img onclick="selecte('eh.gif');" alt="emoticon" src="vny!://www.pushupstairs.com/images/emoticon/blehnet/eh.gif[/img]
An adiit is a horizontal mine shaft - you put your left foot out then put your right foot in front of the lesft then left in front of right - then ...
pretty simple in any language - maybe brail would be bad - being blind and in a confined space - i'd expect lots of bleeding from the head.
An adiit is a horizontal mine shaft - you put your left foot out then put your right foot in front of the lesft then left in front of right - then ...
Are we talkin the Hokey Pokey?
P.C. wrote:
[em]An adiit is a horizontal mine shaft - you put your left foot out then put your right foot in front of the lesft then left in front of right - then ...
Are we talkin the Hokey Pokey?
Eaven easier than that - no puting in and taking out or shaking all about.
van_guy wrote:
P.C. wrote:
An adiit is a horizontal mine shaft - you put your left foot out then put your right foot in front of the lesft then left in front of right - then ...
Are we talkin the Hokey Pokey?
Eaven easier than that - no puting in and taking out or shaking all about.
And certainly no PUTTING out.
And certainly no PUTTING out.
Only if you really feel that it is the right thing to do.
stretchedout wrote:
Octopussy![/p]As in ... you ate Octopus? or you ate the woman who played in the Bond film?
Well I always try to do one thing that scares me every day ...
So today I tried the dog guts or waterbuffalo veins ... they have a very distinctive star like shape on the inside - anyway - they were chewier than I expected and they were kind of well ... full ... of something soft and kinda squishy. Jury is still out on the critter of origin ... are there any experts on either dog or waterbuffalo anatomy???
Eckghhh....I was afraid to see what you might have eaten next.
You might want to tuck a few of these in your pack on the next visit. Astronaut food. (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/12.gif) (I put some of these in Mr. P.C.'s stocking many years ago....they are still here. One was astronaut PIZZA and one of the ice creams)
P.C. wrote:
Eckghhh....I was afraid to see what you might have eaten next.
You might want to tuck a few of these in your pack on the next visit. Astronaut food. (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/12.gif) (I put some of these in Mr. P.C.'s stocking many years ago....they are still here. One was astronaut PIZZA and one of the ice creams)
The astro ice cream is moderately edible never tried the pizza -
Tonight was duck - it was absolutely wonderful - the best duck i've ever had.- juicy - tender - sweet .
The food here is pretty good - my first gig on the Gobi I lost over 10 pounds in 6 weeks.
I don't have ten pounds to lose - I'm a pretty lean guy.
It was not good.
No you don't have 10 pounds to lose.
I think I'll book myself 2 weeks in the Gobi.
P.C. wrote:
No you don't have 10 pounds to lose.
I think I'll book myself 2 weeks in the Gobi.
It's one of my favorite places in the whole world to visit - wouldn't want to live there. most intense wind I've ever experienced, the most intense rain I've ever experienced, the most intense heat I've ever experienced, some of the most intense solitude, I guess what i'm getting at is it's pretty intense. People are absolutely great - but unless you like boiled mutton - you won't like the food much.
Boiled mutton sounds extremely unappealing. But if the only other thing on the menu is dog guts, boiled mutton sounds yummy.
P.C. wrote:
Boiled mutton sounds extremely unappealing. But if the only other thing on the menu is dog guts, boiled mutton sounds yummy.
Hey it might have been really cholestoral clogged waterbuffalo veins ?!
I think I'd take the dog guts actually - have you ever smelled mutton boiling over an open campfire?? It's not a smell you soon forget.
I'll take the mutton. You could even throw in some brussel sprouts, parsnips, tofu and some sea urchins, and I'll still take the mutton over dog guts.
P.C. wrote:
No you don't have 10 pounds to lose.
I think I'll book myself 2 weeks in the Gobi.
Sweet the ultimate weight loss programme.
Michel wrote:
I need backpacking vacations.(//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Sad/4.gif)
It's funny how we all want what we do not have - I'd love to be at home eating meatloaf - and not see a back pack for a year ot two
Sportsdude wrote:
P.C. wrote:
No you don't have 10 pounds to lose.
I think I'll book myself 2 weeks in the Gobi. [/div] [/p] Sweet the ultimate weight loss programme.[/p]Now theres a money maker - get fat north americans to pay you gobs of money and feed them boiled mutton and sniff them once ina while.
[/p] [div]
Mostly pretty tame stuff tonight and watermellon for desert.
I had rice with chopped up peanuts for lunch - quite nice texture
I forgot to mention the fish egg clumps (individual eggs not discernable) of a few nights ago - so the fish is cooked (baked) and inside teh fish is a glump of pale yellow material - that i understand is fish egg - had the taste of absolutely nothing - no flavour at all - when you first bite it texture of uber dry stuffing - after a few bite and added mousture becomes kinda gluish and your molars kinda stick a bit - overall I'd give it a D- on overall appeal.
........- that i understand is fish egg - had the taste of absolutely nothing - no flavour at all - when you first bite it texture of uber dry stuffing - after a few bite and added mousture becomes kinda gluish and your molars kinda stick a bit -
As unappealing as that sounds, it's ranks as 'cuisine', compared to dog guts. This has inspired me to perhaps include 'giving thanks' at each meal. I'm not a 'grace' kind of person, but I can see where it can be applicable.
P.C. wrote:
[em]........- that i understand is fish egg - had the taste of absolutely nothing - no flavour at all - when you first bite it texture of uber dry stuffing - after a few bite and added mousture becomes kinda gluish and your molars kinda stick a bit -[/em]
As unappealing as that sounds, it's ranks as 'cuisine', compared to dog guts. This has inspired me to perhaps include 'giving thanks' at each meal. I'm not a 'grace' kind of person, but I can see where it can be applicable.
Dear Lord - let us be thankful that we are not eating dog guts like VG in Vietnam ... Amen
That's the one !! [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://www.cheesebuerger.de/images/more/bigs/c016.gif" border=0]
You have a pretty good balance-
working in an office and playing archaeologist on the weekends.
Michel wrote:
Yeah actually, I prefer that, and I don't regret it. Despite that, the field doen't need me.
It's been a while since anyone has said that i have a balanced life .... actually i don't think anyone has said that ....
anyways latest update - we moved on from dog guts to chicken guts ... not bad tastes like ---- you guessed it - -- - chicken ha ha ha
How were your chicken guts cooked? In red wine? I would add a bottle of red wine.
How were your chicken guts cooked? In red wine? I would add a bottle of red wine.
lol....me too purelife. Then I'd remove the guts and just sip on the 'broth'. [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://www.cheesebuerger.de/images/more/bigs/c008.gif" border=0]
lol....me too purelife. Then I'd remove the guts and just sip on the 'broth'. [img style="cursor: pointer;" onclick="url(this.src);" src="vny!://www.cheesebuerger.de/images/more/bigs/c008.gif[/img]
when you here a "chug chug chug" sound is that considered sipping??
the guts weren't too bad. it's just a mental thing we north americans have with guts...
Last night we had really nice treat... imagine ground up shrimp pressed onto a peice of sugar cane the size of a small finger into a drumstick like shape and then deep fry the shrimp. Wow - so you eat the shrimp and then chomp the cane a couple of times - very nice plus we had a really firm white fish.. two thumbs up.
Now THAT sounds like something I might get my thumbs out for. (especially after the guts fare)
That is a really nice treat. I saw how those shrimp canes are made and I really wanted to reach into my tv and swipe them!
purelife wrote:
That is a really nice treat. I saw how those shrimp canes are made and I really wanted to reach into my tv and swipe them!
I think they would make a really nice hors dourve (sp???????) sorry for murdering your language Michel it really isn't intentional
well it's been a while ...
DS hasn't been working here.
it's snake season - so as you might guess snake has moved onto the menu board.
The first round was the galll bladder od snake - no not cooked - raw - fermenting in ditilled rice wine.
Pretty nasty.
Next day way a small snake - perhaps a green snake anyway it was cut into 3: sections then slit open - and stir fried in a moderately spicey red sauce. Flesh was more fish like than chicken like - good suce - subtle snake flavour 1.5 thumbs up. The spine was on the cusp of chewable - sometimes you would crunch it other times it was too big and you would spit it out a tad confusing.
More later I'm sure
Holy c**p, I hope they give you danger/hardship pay for the food! I was thinking of you a few days ago when Bejing announced they were taking dog off the menu's for the olympics.
Sawdust wrote:
Holy c**p, I hope they give you danger/hardship pay for the food! I was thinking of you a few days ago when Bejing announced they were taking dog off the menu's for the olympics.
Sd (as opposed to SD)
no danger pay here. it's all fun
Yesterday was bee voldka - yup you guessed it - voldka (rice wine) with a pile of bees in it.
Survey says - pretty good. The honey voldka was down right tasty even at 8:30 AM.
August is intestinal worm season for dog in china anyway - most chinese don't eat dog during august.
well it's been a while since i've posted here.
Bees. Bees for lunch.
Baby bees (pupa?) and andult bees. Fried of course. The pupa were a bit swuishy - the adults crunchy. I think i liked the adults better.
I figure they have bitten me enough times. What the hell.
The only think i cant get my lips around is the mature eggs - i.e. fetus duck / chicken. Can't do it - i'll eat chicken i'll eat eggs but not a little baby chick. well if i didn't have food for a day or two hell ya i'd eat it but i'd have to be pretty hungry.
Well last chapter here for the old year.
One of my last suppers in Vietbam was "mole".
Imagine a rib cage in every bite.
It wasn't bad - but as you can imagine an entire skeleton in every bite.
Dark meet - a bit gamey.
Stay tuned for more next year - I'll be back in Nam but a different area so no doubt - different delicacies.
funny thing is I'll be exploring for
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nothing all that exotic. but sure makes me wish to travel and try some of the dishes u all have eaten. food is food the world over. and i will try pretty much anything at least once.
[img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://www.cheesebuerger.de/images/smilie/froehlich/a010.gif[/img] Hi Van Guy !
Really Orik ? I personally have no desire to travel to 'exotic' places that consider moles, rats, cats, dogs or anything that isn't taller than my ankles, cuisine. I guess I don't have the adventurers spirit in that department.
*although I have to admit....the Bee Vodka sounded tempting. (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/12.gif)
P.C. wrote:
[div style="font-style: italic;"][img style="cursor: pointer;" onclick="url(this.src);" src="vny!://www.cheesebuerger.de/images/smilie/froehlich/a010.gif[/img] Hi Van Guy !
[/div] [div style="font-style: italic;"] [/div] Really Orik ? I personally have no desire to travel to 'exotic' places that consider moles, rats, cats, dogs or anything that isn't taller than my ankles, cuisine. I guess I don't have the adventurers spirit in that department.
Hi PC!!
I've eaten many LITTLE critters tat have been quite tasty. Moles not one of them. Clams - escargot - some fish are ankle height - one should never judge an entree by its vertical stature.(//forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/1.gif)
*although I have to admit....the Bee Vodka sounded tempting. (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/12.gif)
I don't want everybody to rush out and snap up large volumes of bee voldka - it was merely less horible than the voldka stewing in bird ... or snake guts or .... ????
I've eaten many LITTLE critters tat have been quite tasty. Moles not one of them. Clams - escargot - some fish are ankle height - one should never judge an entree by its vertical stature.(//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/1.gif)
*although I have to admit....the Bee Vodka sounded tempting. (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/12.gif)
I don't want everybody to rush out and snap up large volumes of bee voldka - it was merely less horible than the voldka stewing in bird ... or snake guts or .... ????
I feel shame. Of course I shouldn't be generalizing about the vertically challenged........I stand corrected....in a....tall sort of way.
You have to understand, that because I'm a sucker for beautiful packaging, I am visualizing the Bee Vodka in an exquisite bee hive shaped bottle, with an adorable bumble bee cap. (please don't spoil my vision with the reality that it may well have come out of an old boot) (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/4.gif)
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I feel shame. Of course I shouldn't be generalizing about the vertically challenged........I stand corrected....in a....tall sort of way.
As you should you ... you ... you .... height-ist.
You have to understand, that because I'm a sucker for beautiful packaging, I am visualizing the Bee Vodka in an exquisite bee hive shaped bottle, with an adorable bumble bee cap. (please don't spoil my vision with the reality that it may well have come out of an old boot) [img style="font-style: italic;" src="vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/4.gif[/img]
Yes - it comes it a lovely bottle with cute little bees on the cap and there is a castle yeah a castle with a lovely - never ending gala ball and the prince is soooo handsome ...
[/div] [div style="font-style: italic;"]
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[/td][/tr] [tr] [td]buz[/td] [td]s[/td][/tr][/tbody][/table][/td] [td][input style="visibility: inherit;" size="10" value="buzzes" name="sauce"][/td][/tr][/tbody][/table][input accesskey="s" onclick="return scheck(); return submitThisOnce(this);" tabindex="3" value="Post" name="post" type="submit"] [input accesskey="p" onclick="return (typeof(document.postmodify.attachmentPreview) == " tabindex="4" value="Preview" name="preview" submitthisonce(this="" preview?'="" with="" continue="" attachments="" any="" reattach="" to="" have="" will="" confirm('you="" |="" !document.postmodify.attachmentpreview.value="" undefined="" &&="" type="submit"][img id="fetchSessionTemp" alt="" src="vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/Themes/default/images/blank.gif"]
Sometimes the spam - bot i the funniest part ... what are the chances ....
Yes - it comes it a lovely bottle with cute little bees on the cap and there is a castle yeah a castle with a lovely - never ending gala ball and the prince is soooo handsome ...
Oh you've seen it ! Yea, yea....that's the one. And then I....I mean the princess meets the handsome prince, and they stroll hand in hand, sipping on a Bee, as they watch the sun set. And then the next day....they make plans to redecorate the castle.....and make party favours for the next ball...while sipping on another Bee. *sigh*....I love Bee Vodka.
lol i think u two have had quiet enough of that bee voldka or vodka depending on which is the actual spelling you both seem to be laughing in a very drunken way...
now as for food i am willing to try every thing at least once... humans are said to be a very, sweet meat, similar to pork in taste, flavor, sweetness and smell. when they are being roasted... human flesh that is. it is said to be nearly indistinguishable from roasting pork...
given the choice for the human meat consumption and a horse meat burger i would skip the cannibalism for the obvious choice of a horse burger...... now if i can have a horse meat burger i would order 2 please... 1 medium / well done and if i liked it then i would go medium rare the way i like my burgers and if its a steak then it needs to be rare...
well id like to try some of those deep fried tarantuals iv'e seen and what about those honey filled ants. or chocolate covered grasshoppers birds nest soup... made out of shit and saliva of a bird.. a whale blubber burger
deep fried iguana... rat stew and deep fried rat... braised gopher aka ground hog... rattle snake stew served with hot chillies... alligator stew. ive had rabbit stew and braised rabbit ... cat meatballs on spaghetti in a Parmesan pasta sauce... barbecued dog burgers from Vietnam...
yup food interests me. foogu fromjapan . lamprey eel pie... dead mans crab... supposedly worlds largest crabs don't know its name just remember it is often found feasting on human remains...
Orik wrote:
lol i think u two have had quiet enough of that bee voldka or vodka depending on which is the actual spelling you both seem to be laughing in a very drunken way...
now as for food i am willing to try every thing at least once... humans are said to be a very, sweet meat, similar to pork in taste, flavor, sweetness and smell. when they are being roasted... human flesh that is. it is said to be nearly indistinguishable from roasting pork...
interesting - I've not heard that - but it could be true.
given the choice for the human meat consumption and a horse meat burger i would skip the cannibalism for the obvious choice of a horse burger...... now if i can have a horse meat burger i would order 2 please... 1 medium / well done and if i liked it then i would go medium rare the way i like my burgers and if its a steak then it needs to be rare...
I don;t think horse would make very good burgers - very lean meat - you need a bit of fat to make a burger tasty (in my humble opinion anyway)
well id like to try some of those deep fried tarantuals iv'e seen and what about those honey filled ants. or chocolate covered grasshoppers birds nest soup... made out of shit and saliva of a bird.. a whale blubber burger
how do the pump the ant full of honey?
deep fried iguana... rat stew and deep fried rat... braised gopher aka ground hog... rattle snake stew served with hot chillies... alligator stew. ive had rabbit stew and braised rabbit ... cat meatballs on spaghetti in a Parmesan pasta sauce... barbecued dog burgers from Vietnam...
Dog is OK - but definately pass on the dog guts (take my word on this)
yup food interests me. foogu fromjapan . lamprey eel pie... dead mans crab... supposedly worlds largest crabs don't know its name just remember it is often found feasting on human remains...
I'm definately out of the loop on the consumption of humans either by humans or other critters ...
So a question for everyone ...
In a survival situation - life or death ...
would you eat a fellow human if the human was (a) already dead (b) almost dead (c) healthy but sleeping soundly - you with a rock in your hand and a growl in your stomach.
Can't see it happening.
P.C. wrote:
Can't see it happening.
so you would not a human under any circumstances?
If they were dead and i was starving - for sure I'd eat someone.
other circumstances - not sure ...
I'm dancing with the devil with this one .... but what the heck ....
how about a nice juicy kitty?
you are starving to death after a plane crash and the poor succulent (er.. i mean unfortunate...) kitty didn't make it - the owner of the cat did not make it .... you are starving - not much hope of rescue in the next few days ... would you eat the putty tat?
I don't think you need to ask if i would or not.
[img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://www.cheesebuerger.de/images/more/bigs/c022.gif" border=0] .
P.C. wrote:
[img style="cursor: pointer;" onclick="url(this.src);" src="vny!://www.cheesebuerger.de/images/more/bigs/c022.gif[/img] .
It is so funny what we as north americans will accept as food.
So where do you draw the line? A dog? A deer? A cow? is it the cute-isity factor or what makes an animal not-food grade?
The only thing - so far - that i can't get my brain around is baby birds in the shell.
So a chicken / duck baby.
I'll eat a hundred eggs - I'll eat chicken by the boat load but put a baby chicken in the shell in front of me ---- yikes. I think eating the beak and brains does me in - not sure exacly - but its a good mental exercise.
So where do you draw the line? A dog? A deer? A cow? is it the cute-isity factor or what makes an animal not-food grade?
I'm not certain van guy....but one of the lines for me may be domesticity ? (is that a word ?) The fact of the matter is that I'm pretty certain if I ever had to be in the vicinity of any form of slaughtering, I would probably be a vegetarian, which means I try to steer clear of reality. (I'm aware of the shallowness of my thinking....but damn I enjoy a good steak now and then) (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Other/18.gif)
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[em][/em]I'm not certain van guy....but one of the lines for me may be domesticity ? (is that a word ?) The fact of the matter is that I'm pretty certain if I ever had to be in the vicinity of any form of slaughtering, I would probably be a vegetarian, which means I try to steer clear of reality. (I'm aware of the shallowness of my thinking....but damn I enjoy a good steak now and then) [img style="font-style: italic;" src="vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Other/18.gif[/img] [/div][div]
"Steer" clear - good steak - ha ha ha
well I'm glad you understand that you are being shallow - most humans don't.
I'm ok with being an animal murderer most of the time.
Once in a while I'll have a pang of guilt but not very often,
lol....I'm painfully aware of all my flaws, but I've made peace with them. (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/12.gif)
Michel wrote:
lol I remember van guy once saying that vegetarian was an Indian word meaning bad hunter (//forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/4.gif)
Michel has a memory like a freakin' elephant.
He does indeed.
Hub always says, Man didn't fight his way to the top of the food chain to eat lettuce....or something of the like.
What would elepahant meat taste like? Slightly gamey?!
[h2]Hi van guy i shall do my best to answer ur questions
[/h2] honey pot ant is a naturally filled ant specieis
[img style="width: 270px; height: 202px;" src="vny!://www.myrmecos.net/formicinae/MyrmecoMex5.JPG[/img]
[h2]Ingredients[/h2][h2]1 bowlful of honeypot ants, Melophorus bagoti [/h2][em][/em] [h2]Preparation[/h2] Hold an ant by the head and simply bite off the honey sack, letting the nectar slide down your throat. This is the best way to eat the honey.[/p] Other ways are to squeeze it into a glass and drink it, or to fill a chocolate cup half full of honey, top with whipped cream and decorate with a frozen honeypot ant.[/p] [h3]Notes[/h3] Honeypot ants are special worker ants that store the nectar gathered by their nest-mates. They are too full to move so they hang upside down in the nest.[/p] These ants are considered a delicacy by the Aborigines and have been incorporated into many recipes that are popular across Australia.[/p]now as for cannibalism... why the hell not buddy's dead and its me or eating some dead guy i got no problem eating some dead guy... now as if i had to kill that guy... im not sure i could do tha...t but make a person hungry enough they might..[/p]as for eating Fido or fluffy... i have no problem killing and eating a dog or a cat or a seal or a rabbit... food is food and the only perspective we have is the way we view food items. i was raised to see rabbits as a food source others see them as a pet.. i see them as dinner lunch or breakfast... it is a matter of upbringing
[/p]if these people grw up in a 3rd world country were food sources are not readily available and they had to eat cat rat and dog. they would be less squimish about wat to consider a food sorce...[/p]
[/p]bring on the meat and the brbq... hell yeah bring on fresh fruits and veggies too...damn i m hungry now... wonder if theirs any mice in the mouse traps today... lol just kidding. its hotdogs with served with diced, fried tommatoes and onions
[img class=alignnone title="bunny cry!" style="WIDTH: 459px; HEIGHT: 422px" height=518 alt="" src="vny!://wearehugh.com/public/2006/07/you-make-bunny-cry.jpg" width=579].
Don't shoot.
The handy SNACK SIZE ?????? (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/5.gif)
warning the following link
may be disturbing to some viewers
[font style="font-family: Arial Black; color: rgb(255, 64, 64);" size="5"][a href="vny!://www.animalwritings.com/images/rabbit_hanging_2.jpg"]rabbit slaughter house [/a][/font]
this is not for the weak or faint of heart
grilled glazed rabbit
more grilled rabbit
[img style="width: 350px; height: 262px;" src="vny!://www.computech-online.net/%7Eamosdr/bbq-rabbit.jpg"]
Russ should appreciate this Rabbit done on the BBQ
[div class="mainTitleFrame"] Rabbit Skewers with Barbecue Sauce Recipe[/div] [/div] [div class="mainOptionsPhotoSection"] [div class="leftwideTabRowSpacer"] [img style="width: 250px; height: 170px;" src="vny!://www.theworldwidegourmet.com/media/upload/recipe/1407.jpg"][/div] [div class="leftwideTabRow"][a href="vny!://www.theworldwidegourmet.com/recipes/rabbit-skewers-with-barbecue-sauce/photos/"][/a] [div class="invisibleClearBoth"] [/div] [/div] [div class="invisibleClearBoth"] [/div]
[/div] [div class="plainText"][a href="vny!://www.theworldwidegourmet.com/countries/flavors-of-france/" class="recipeSaveurLink"]Flavors of France[/a][div]Total time: more than 2 hours[/div]Preparation time: 10 minutes
Marinating time: 1 to 12 hours
Cooking time: 10 minutes [div]Difficulty: Easy
[/div][/div][div class="subTitleFrame"][div]
[/div][/div][div class="plainText"][div class="ingredientTitle"]Ingredients for 4 servings
[/div][div class="ingredientItem"]- 400 g (14 oz.) [a href="vny!://www.theworldwidegourmet.com/products/meat-game/rabbit/"]Rabbit[/a] tenderloin[/div][div class="ingredientItem"]- 200 g (7 oz.) rabbit livers[/div][div class="ingredientItem"]- 2 bunches of new onions[/div][div class="ingredientItem"]- 1 tbsp. mustard[/div][div class="ingredientItem"]- 100 ml (6 tbsp.) olive oil[/div][div class="ingredientItem"]- Salt and freshly ground pepper[/div][div class="ingredientItem"]- Prepared barbecue sauce
[/div][/div][div class="subTitleFrame"][div]Method[/div][ol][li]Cut the rabbit tenderloin and livers into cubes. [/li][li]Remove the green stems from the onions and cut the white parts in half. [/li][li]Combine the mustard and 100 ml olive oil. Add the rabbit cubes and marinate (at least 30 minutes, but even better if marinated for up to 12 hours.) Onto each skewer, place two cubes of rabbit tenderloin, a cube of liver and half a spring onion. [/li][li]Place the brochettes on the barbecue or under the broiler and cook for 5 minutes on each side.[/li][li]Serve with the barbecue sauce. [/li][/ol]
and for those baby bunnies the perfect recipe
[h3 class="post-title"] Honey Grilled Rabbit [/h3] [/p]A while ago, I bought a wild rabbit meat from my colleague (his neighbor was selling it). It was a bargain - 2.50 pounds for a headless, skinless and gutless rabbit.
First thing popped into my mind was Guinness rabbit, so I marinated the cute little rabbit with Guinness, garlic and rosemary:
[a onblur="try (parent.deselectBloggerImageGracefully();) catch(e) ()" href="vny!://bp2.blogger.com/_IMFQMyV13lY/SAUu8aHqCSI/AAAAAAAAAPE/SgFroOA55gg/s1600-h/IMG_2559.JPG[/img][img style="margin: 0px auto 10px; display: block; text-align: center; cursor: pointer;" src="vny!://bp2.blogger.com/_IMFQMyV13lY/SAUu8aHqCSI/AAAAAAAAAPE/SgFroOA55gg/s400/IMG_2559.JPG" alt="" id="BLOGGER_PHOTO_ID_5189605760952830242" border="0"][/a]
Put the marinated rabbit on the grill:
[a onblur="try (parent.deselectBloggerImageGracefully();) catch(e) ()" href="vny!://bp3.blogger.com/_IMFQMyV13lY/SAUvcqHqCTI/AAAAAAAAAPM/XtyhHtYLg0g/s1600-h/IMG_2560.JPG[/img][img style="margin: 0px auto 10px; display: block; text-align: center; cursor: pointer;" src="vny!://bp3.blogger.com/_IMFQMyV13lY/SAUvcqHqCTI/AAAAAAAAAPM/XtyhHtYLg0g/s400/IMG_2560.JPG" alt="" id="BLOGGER_PHOTO_ID_5189606315003611442" border="0"][/a]
Just minute before the rabbit is done, glaze it with some honey:
[a onblur="try (parent.deselectBloggerImageGracefully();) catch(e) ()" href="vny!://bp1.blogger.com/_IMFQMyV13lY/SAUwCKHqCUI/AAAAAAAAAPU/bndWCwo_kQY/s1600-h/IMG_2561.JPG[/img][img style="margin: 0px auto 10px; display: block; text-align: center; cursor: pointer;" src="vny!://bp1.blogger.com/_IMFQMyV13lY/SAUwCKHqCUI/AAAAAAAAAPU/bndWCwo_kQY/s400/IMG_2561.JPG" alt="" id="BLOGGER_PHOTO_ID_5189606959248705858" border="0"][/a]
The meat tastes quite nice, too bad it is too little.
Some of those actually look pretty good.....although I could have done without the slaughterhouse.
sorry PC same slaughter house applies to our pigs and cows and chickens in away.. sad facts of life. but our meat has to come from somewhere. i am a firm believer in a old adage you should see where your dinner is coming from. that you should kill clean and cook at least one of your own meals in life... for some one like you pc i think a chicken would be in order [img style="width: 25px; height: 27px;" src="vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/4.gif"] cause ur heart is so soft... perhaps a Salmon or brook trout might be more to your soft heart... catch it, kill it clean it and cook it.... note i never said anything about eating it... the first time i made a kill, i was unable to eat it... i was a little green around the edges...... it is however a important part of life's little lessons.
I have caught cleaned and cooked my dinner before. I chased down some pretty fast carrots and some sly peas.
Actually....I really have caught cleaned and cooked my dinner before. Everything except the part where someone had to whollop the poor salmon for me.
LOL! I was just going to ask about if a fish counted until I came to PC's post.
I havent gutted anything else to eat. That I can think of off the top of my head anyhow.
Michel.. havent had rabbit on the que.. had things like lamb and stuff though..
EDIT: Moose as well, and buffalo burgers. Little gamey but good
Speaking of food. it looks like Im doing a prime rib tonight.
the following link is not for the squeamish or the faint of heart
[a href="vny!://www.chooseveg.com/turkey-slaughterhouse.asp"]where your Christmas turkey has come from[/a]
you have been warned the images you see
may disturb and haunt you for a very long time.
I almost never look at anything on purpose that will haunt or disturb me.
yes fish counts russ. as long as it is meat... sad to say pc's dinner does not cause she had to have some one else wallop the poor salmon for her..
food is food. we have to eat or we die. i like my vegtables and fruits. but damn it all i miss my steaks my pizza my burgers my fries sighs i miss all the high salts the cholesterol
i think i need to go to save on meats buy a sirloin and go to the back and have the kitchen grill it up on the spot...
and if any one knows of any fresh meat shops on commercial or on hastings. preferably with in 10 miles of Hastings and Main. i know of 2 shops but 1 is in Langley and the other is in Abbottsford. both way to far to travel for me. and not on well serviced bus routes
so far locally I've only been able to find frozen and i am looking for fresh. i can work with frozen but fresh is infinitely so much better.
LMAO AT Michel's keen and yet most disturbing wit the use of metaphoric imagery and his analogy...
LOL Michel. I'm with you. Just leave me to believe all meat comes from a saran wrapped styrofoam tray. That's the way it's meant to be.
.....and mine does too count. (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/5.gif)
nope sorry pc u only caught it. you did not kill it, in order for your survival
you must
and if ur done being green at the gills at this time you may proceed to tucker in, eat up, chow down, feed the pit etcetra...
No no. This is MY order.
lol great in todays life where you have some one else to do that for you.
but in a survival course pc you do not have the option of delegating
it is either kill it your self or starve....
of course you can always go with the scrambled birds eggs and fried earth worm diet
providing you can find any birds eggs.
Knowing when to delegate is a huge part of successful survival. Every island needs a leader....it says so in Lord of the Flies.
....and anyways....I would take a handsome man servant with me if I was to take on a survival course. [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://www.cheesebuerger.de/images/more/bigs/a077.gif" border=0]
Sorry Michel and Orik... lol at Michel
Sorry, Im not really paying attention here, Im laughing at Brick as he is getting under neath a blanket on the couch beside me, then is turning in circles until he gets comfortable (but his backside is coming out from underneath the blanket while head is still covered making him think hes still all covered) and then remembering he`s trying to be beside me.. and then moving beside me and losing the blanket. Repeat.
I have caught lots of fish. Its amazing how much salmon bleed when you are cleaning then fileting them. Its also amazing how easily you bleed when you discover your fileting knife is sharper than you gave it credit for.
I have helped clean other peoples kills. I still remember seeing pictures of a black bear my uncle nailed, and then pictures of it being skinned (shudder) that thing looks like such a human underneath when the fur comes off. Its unnerving. I havent touched bear or even remotely thought of it since.
Saranwrapus Americanus
Yes....yes ! I think I've seen those once....IN THE WILD if you can believe it.
I'm a very good fish cleaner....I am just not a good fish slayer. (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/12.gif)
Well back in Vietnam ...
it didn't take too long to post here.
tonight was rice wine soaking in ... you guessed it ...
2 huge freakin' scorpions and a few weird looking roots.
(ok maybe you didn't guess it)
these were 5 times the size of the Mongolian scorpions i have grown to love at least these ones were dead.
Rabbit is the true test of a cold heart.
Rabbits when they are about to be killed cry much like a baby
It takes a stout heart to actually bludgeon the tasty little fellows.
Cows just moo - not a big deterrent
Fish - splash fishy smelling water at you - no deterrent at all
Carrots - just sit there all smug and orange - bastards
(what did one snowman say to the other snow man?
do you smell carrots? ha ha ha - my 5 year old's joke)
but a little bunny - wow!!
[A href="vny!://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eoBRfu1pY0Y"]vny!://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eoBRfu1pY0Y[/A]
Caution: View Da Wabbit Swayer at your own wisk...I mean, risk ! (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/12.gif)
actually rabbits don't cry like a baby... to me they sound like they are screaming.. they scream loudly and piteously... whoever said rabbits don't make a noise has never heard one in pain or about to be killed before...
Van Guy do you eat the scorpions ? cause that's on my list of want to try foods as well as the Cajun spiced tarantula... just no alcohol for me thanks...
Orik wrote:
actually rabbits don't cry like a baby... to me they sound like they are screaming.. they scream loudly and piteously... whoever said rabbits don't make a noise has never heard one in pain or about to be killed before...
Van Guy do you eat the scorpions ? cause that's on my list of want to try foods as well as the Cajun spiced tarantula... just no alcohol for me thanks...
I've only killed rabbits from afar - using a rifle - no screaming. When i was a kid we were trying to corner an escape bunny pet when all of a sudden it started to cry - it was the most disturbing thing i've heard a animal do.
I personally have not eaten a scorpion but i would - I'm not sure that these would be a wise choice - not sure how long they have been sitting and where / in what / etc... Vietnam doesn't have the same high food safe ideas that North America does.
P.C. wrote:
[div style="font-style: italic;"] Knowing when to delegate is a huge part of successful survival. Every island needs a leader....it says so in Lord of the Flies.[/div] [div style="font-style: italic;"] [/div] ....and anyways....I would take a handsome man servant with me if I was to take on a survival course. [img style="cursor: pointer;" onclick="url(this.src);" src="vny!://www.cheesebuerger.de/images/more/bigs/a077.gif[/img]
but does the manservant have to dance this well?
Yes he does. He must have many many talents. (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/3.gif)
yeah i hear you on the food safe thing Van_Guy...
that is what might prevent me from trying many of the local delicacy's. the fear of getting sick from bad foods or mishandled foods...
I ate buffalo steaks the other night at a friend's house. I'm not normally a fan of game meats, but these were good.
P.C. wrote:
[div style="font-style: italic;"]Yes he does. He must have many many talents. (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/3.gif) [/div]
I will have to ask SD if he can do the macarena as well as your gif
sure he is handsome enuf - but can he dance??
Orik wrote:
yeah i hear you on the food safe thing Van_Guy...
that is what might prevent me from trying many of the local delicacy's. the fear of getting sick from bad foods or mishandled foods...
I have been remarkably lucky - i have seen children pissing on or very near my food, animals being slaughtered in a kitchen (I mean sheep sized animals) - God only knows what i haven't seen. Yet so far I have had only the most minor of gasto problems (I think we will leave the description there - unless someone is interested in the gory details of my bowel). So I will continue to knock on wood and hope that all the critters i eat are free of jardia etc ...
I wonder if you have built up a super level of tolerance or resistance to such ailments. Personally, I think we are too fussy about a little dirt....homogenizing ourselves and our kids to the point of being susceptible to a single missed germ on a piece of lettuce.
P.C. wrote:
[div style="font-style: italic;"]I wonder if you have built up a super level of tolerance or resistance to such ailments. Personally, I think we are too fussy about a little dirt....homogenizing ourselves and our kids to the point of being susceptible to a single missed germ on a piece of lettuce. [/div]
I wonder about the same thing. have we decimated our immune systems by sterilizing our selves and our food beyond what is reasonable.
We've done something to ourselves.
Anti-bacterial this that and the other thing. Allergies have always been around, but now they seem to be the norm. What happened ? I know they are different things....but ARE they connected in some way ?
P.C. wrote:
[div style="font-style: italic;"]We've done something to ourselves. [/div] [div style="font-style: italic;"] [/div] [div style="font-style: italic;"]Anti-bacterial this that and the other thing. Allergies have always been around, but now they seem to be the norm. What happened ? I know they are different things....but ARE they connected in some way ?[/div]
Not sure but there certainly seems to be a temporal relationship. I'm such a slacker - i should be working but rather am DV'ing. Not too much food to report but i did have too much to drink. 40 Vietnamese cops against Steve (my boss) and I in 4 hours i drank enuf rice wine to be drunk for 2 days. i felt poopy for an additional day. Crikey - and now it's Tet.
Tet ? what means Tet van guy ?
and why on god's green earth would any one person want to drink more than 1 glass of wine is beyond me. and to make matters worse the 2 of you undertook a drinking contest with 40 Vietnamese police officers.
do you have a death wish or something ?
i can understand a nice glass of wine with a nice dinner or a nice dessert wine after dinner and such. but to actually drink wine to get drunk ye gads that's why they invented scotch for, to wash out the foul taste of beer and wine :P :D ^ that is all a joke by the way. i would however like to know what tet means though...
Orik wrote:
Tet ? what means Tet van guy ?
Tet is the vietnamese version of chinese new year.
and why on god's green earth would any one person want to drink more than 1 glass of wine is beyond me. and to make matters worse the 2 of you undertook a drinking contest with 40 Vietnamese police officers.
hard to explain its the only way to gain trust - if you don't drink with them they do not trust you - and if they do not trust you - your business will fail.
do you have a death wish or something ?
nope just work. i get paid to do this ...
i can understand a nice glass of wine with a nice dinner or a nice dessert wine after dinner and such. but to actually drink wine to get drunk ye gads that's why they invented scotch for, to wash out the foul taste of beer and wine :P :D ^ that is all a joke by the way. i would however like to know what tet means though...
when i say rice wine it is more like what you and i would really call vodka - but its made from rice a bit like sake. but this stuff is vile ... liek sake and gasoline mixed.
a nice vodka i like and i have never had sake.
with my liver shot to hell. i will probably never get to try it. but i shall keep hoping i can. their are so many other things in life to try yet. a glass of this vial rice wine for instance... sighs.. and you get paid to do this... could almost be fun... peace to you vanguy enjoy the new year celebrations.. and pls send pictures soon of the locals and the shops.. i may not get to travel with you but i do hope to see with your eyes via ur photography the places u have seen.
Rice wine is the crap that winos drink on the street. Mind you, the "cooking" grade stuff in Vancouver is laced with salt to discourage drinking.
long before my time michel long before i was even born. history is not my forte and i acknowledge my lack of knowledge / education on the facts of history that others know. my world wide trivia is not enough to fill a thimble.. this might be sad info but i can not even tell u when ww1 and 2 started or ended... i represent all the illiterate & uneducated masses... of today's society... frankly i am amazed i retained any education from school at all...
and if that is the same stuff van guy was drinking lil me i will positively skip a glass of that... if ever my doctors give me a clean bill of health and if they will ever let me have a drink again...
that will be one i will skip... first on my list is a glass of hot sake to wash down some great sushi. preferably while in japan... then a nice cold Japanese beer... so many things to try and do. and i will probably never see the other side of bc... ahh well that's why we dream to have hope for a better future
Michel wrote:
Têt is the Lunar new year in Viet Nam Orik. It was at that time that the famous Têt offensive (I'm surprised you never heard that name) was launched by the Viet Cong and the Viet Minh in 1968. It failed rapidly militarily outside of Hué where the US had to fight for a month before retaking the city. However the Têt offensive was a victory on the political scene has it totally changed the perception of the war in USA and convince Lyndon B Johnson as not presenting himself at the presidential elections, as the official lie so far was that the anticommunists were winning the War without any problem. Most of the Viet Nam war scenes you see today of urban heavy fighting come from that episode. Even the US embassy in Saigon was under siege. Biggest political mistake of the Viet Cong and the Viet Minh was to order the population not to arise, as they were scared to be pass over on their Left and that the liberation war become a revolution. In USA, even Nixon the warmonger was obliged to present himself to the elections saying he would stop the war when in fact he spreaded it secretely to Cambodia and Laos. Reminds me of Obama with Pakistan right now...
Chuc Mung Nam Moi to the Vietnamese people! Doc Lap !
That was the historical minute lol
I am impressed. Both on your historical details and the current reading on things.
I managed to get through Tet relatively unscathed - i do have an office party today - this should be the last of the festivities. Whew!
Chuc Mung Nam Moi (roughly translated - Congratulations New Year) to you too.
Michel wrote:
Enjoy every moment of it Van Guy, hope that thick fur of yours is not too hot ! Is it rainy season now ?
I usually enjoy these things - they are pretty fun. it is really pleasant right now 10 degress at night 15 -20 during the day. very little rain.
I was having dinner at a friends house yesterday and remembered a cheese I really liked in the Gobi - cheese made from Camels milk - my friend Dashdiva's mom - makes the best camels milk cheese. Not sure what here secret is but I have eaten camel's cheese that was ... well a little "camelish" tasting. As you can imagine nomads in the desert don't have a lot of sophisticated cheese making equipment. Not sure exactly how they make it. Really it is quite sharp and leaves a pleasing taste in your mouth all day. The fermented mare's milk is an aquired taste.
Michel wrote:
Prehistoric cheese ! Altough we don't have any archaeological proof of it, it's very possible that Arab caravans on the move brught food with them, including camel milk contained in skin bags and that the movement on the camel mixed with the heat of the desert create cheese by accident.
I lived in a ger for many months - there is simply no room for any kind of cooking utensils. Save for one pot - and one stirring spoon and a knife. I would bet you that they put camels milk in a leather pouch and leave it in the sun. I would also bet you that the mongols have been doing it that way for the last 5,000 years. Pretty tasty stuff.