Life looks better from the view of a bike!
Just seeing if there is any bike interests? I enjoy freestyle BMXing, although I take it easy nowadays and don't push it too hard. I work with the younger lads.
Mountain biking is a beautiful thing too.
I've heard of too many nasty accidents of guys going down a mountain on a bike at high speeds. I'd only do that stuff if the trail is more or less a smooth dirt road. lol
Oh for sure. BMX'ing one summer I landed on my back once trying to show off of course. Hurt it and it swelled up so bad I looked like the hunchback of Notre Dame. Broke several bones, dislocated shoulders, etc. through the years. But, the human body heals.
The way I feel about life, if you die with a woundless body, you were never really alive.
Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming "WOW What a Ride !" Unknown
NICE! I never paid attention. I love it.
I never worry about death, I worry about not living.
The world seems more worries about watching hockey rather than playing hockey.
Playing Guitar Hero rather than learning the guitar.
Spending the day worrying about blu-ray vs dvd vs. this vs. that rather than realizing how amazing BC is and exploring life outside the Lower Mainland. (Washington State too).
umm, you are a guy right!?? I am very much in love with just about every girl I meet.
omg! Too awesome!
Michel wrote:
Wouhou, read my signature, Wanna meet sexy boy ? LOL
You stole my signature! I used to have that one and everyone loved it too. Especially teh borken cuz he said that he was going to tattoo it. ;)
You are SOO not my friend now. I'm gonna take away Costco privledges from you. (//vny!://
ADD: Wait a minute. Van Dude thought Michel was a .... BWWWAHAHAHAHAH!
Michel wrote:
I am very much in love with just about every girl I meet.
lol indeed we suffered from the same disease. Well as long as the girl can fit in my car. And I drive a Echo, so as you see, I'm picky ! lol
for me its the opposite, it's always how can you fit in that car? I'd go to the Smart Car display at the auto show every year and sit in the smart cars. Wait for a bunch of people around staring at the car, and then quickly get out and people would go OMG!!! lol
Michel better not have SD in his car and go out on a date.
SD- Smart should pay you to advertise their vehicle.
haha yeah they should it would get the idea of they're too small out of people's head. Mini Cooper's have gotten too big for my liking (the new model). I get looks when I say my dream car is a kei car. lol
It looks like a decent size car. Don't know what people would be laughing about.
ok, I am not sure where you all crazy folks thought I thought Michel was a gal?
I clearly said, "You are a dude right!?" In other words, thanks but I will stick with girls.
purelife wrote:
It looks like a decent size car. Don't know what people would be laughing about.
The fact that I'm so tall mainly. People assume I drive something huge (well I do now, only because the little car had an issue before I drove back to BC).
I like the small french cars but of course those aren't in N.A.
I could hear Lise screaming:
"SD, you mention ONE MORE time about how [FONT size=6]TALL[/FONT] you are...I'm gonna pull my hair out!"
LOL VanDude... I'm sure Michel could be whatever you like for a price. ;)
There was a time, in band camp, when Michel......
....when Michel used the flute to......
Sorry for hijacking your thread VanDude...
back to your original question. My reply is "No, not me but I like to bike."
Back to the original question, I would like to mountain bike.
same here.
BC is a mountain biker's paradise! If you do get started, don't blow all your dough on an expensive bike. Like the trails, start out slow and take your time. Breathe...
purelife wrote:
Sorry for hijacking your thread VanDude...
Nah, it is all good. I am having fun reading it all. You are all COO COO!! and I mean that in a good way!
don't necesarily want to go biking off cliffs, but biking into the bush, around mountains is something I wouldn't pass up.
North Shore Mountain Bike and Freeriding Magazine. North Shore is some of the best in not only Canada, but North America.
[A href="vny!://"]vny!://[/A]
Calgary has a amazing mountain biking too and a cool group of people in their alliance. The promote good care of trails in regards to the environment around them. They ride not only in and around Calgary, but in Kananaskis and the southern Rockies.
[A href="vny!://"]vny!://[/A][A href="vny!://"][/A]
cool. I'll check it out sometime.
LOL. You lot are a funny bunch. (//vny!://
Men. Tight pants. On a bike = Lise in Paradise.
LOL, OH NO! You are thinking of those road bike people. True mountain bike freeriders DO NOT wear those pathetic spandex pants.
We are Clowns, they are Mimes. The two worlds scoff at each other. If there are any road bike racers here, please create your own thread!(//vny!://
lol hey now, we roadies do both you know. ;)
Soooo..... I gotta just ask this..... do you wear some type of protection around your *cough cough* area when you're mountain biking?
You guys look so damn cool in your outfits. Kinda like Jedi knights about to fly off into the unknown or something like that.
LOL! I don't even know how to answer that Lise!
Yoda would have kicked some butt as a freerider!
sports, that is funny. I do have two bikes. A casual bike for around town, and a freeriding bike. I commute to a lot a places via bike. But I never road race, nothing against it, just wasn't in my heart. All the power to anyone who does, and yes, we can share any threads in the peace and goodness of a united DS! (was that too much?).
Ah c'mon. Surely you MUST wear something! I mean, look at those football players. They wear some protection. If you're gonna go down a mountain on a bike, surely you must protect the goods? Otherwise, they're in for quite a bumpy ride.
Just think on this the next time you 'fly' down the mountain. Hehe. (//vny!://
if I wasn't built like a football player, I'd be the perfect road racer. I just like going fast.
A great webiste for Washington State. Trail maps, reviews, groups. Some Canadian areas too.
[A href="vny!://"]vny!://[/A]
LOL! awesome!
Getting bored sitting around the city? Need a little excitment? Adventure?
Get out of the mall! Turn off the TV!!
BC's best....or most likely Canada's best mountain bike freestyle event.
August 9th - 17th, Whistler
[A href="vny!://"]vny!://[/A]
I'd love to go bike's been a long long time. I wonder if their have been improvements in the seats these days. 15 lousy minutes of bike riding, and I'd end up with a sore hoohoo for a week. [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://" border=0]
Oh for sure. The new technology nowadays is really sweet. It would be like sitting on a cloud.
Good morning Van. Well I must give it another try then. That is the ONLY reason I have never gotten in to bike riding.
lol! Well, now you have to buy a bike!!