Discover Seattle!

General Category => Discover Seattle! => Topic started by: purelife on Mar 06 08 01:59

Title: Costco Lovers!
Post by: purelife on Mar 06 08 01:59
 I can't believe we don't have a I (heart) Costco thread.  
We need one, don't we?  Maybe I need one.  LOL
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: Lil Me on Mar 06 08 02:01
We Costco lovers are a pointless bunch.
 Will anyone else admit to eating Costco samples for lunch?
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: purelife on Mar 06 08 02:04
Lunch?  I go there for dinner.  (//vny!://    
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: Lil Me on Mar 06 08 02:13
 I do like shopping during the "dinner hour" because the store is relatively empty.
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: Russ on Mar 06 08 02:34
Hi, My name is Russ and I have a problem.. a Costco Problem...

  I never thought about going there over dinner.. I usually go in the later evening when Starfishie is off work. Im not allowed to go when she's not around for some reason.
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: P.C. on Mar 06 08 03:54

  My name is P.C. and I'm a Costcoholic.  I know all of you here are going through the same things that I am.  Everytime someone says.."that's cool...where'd you get it", you have to face the rolling eyes, because the answer is always the same.  How you wouldn't normally tell someone what you paid for something, but you find yourself adding..."and it only cost X$" to every sentence.  I need to change....and that's why I'm here.

  *I bet I could change totally.  I could probably get hair colour, sunglasses, a trench coat....ALL from Costco. (//vny!://
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: Lil Me on Mar 06 08 05:39
Have any of your bought from the Costco website?   I haven't yet.
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: P.C. on Mar 06 08 05:54
I have. [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://" border=0]
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: 49er on Mar 06 08 06:28
I just got home from purchasing a new car thru the Costco program.  Met with the salesman Costco sent me to at the dealership and test drove the model.  Special Costco prenegotiated price was not the best......showed him the quotes I received from dealerships around the area.  He matched the lowest offer.

  I too go there around dinner time for the samples.......samples are usually larger than during lunch periods
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: P.C. on Mar 06 08 06:31
I didn't even know about this program 49er.  They don't actually have cars there...right ?
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: Sportsdude on Mar 06 08 06:35
Hi I'm sd,
I've never been to Costco.  
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: 49er on Mar 06 08 06:40
No, Costco do not sell the cars.  They have already negotiated prices with local dealers.  You register with Costco and a saleman from the dealership will call you.  After you get back from the test drive the salesperson will show you the invoice and the pre-arranged markup.........I'm certain Costco makes some money from the arrangement.  Like I said, I got a better deal thru Yahoo auto site  
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: 49er on Mar 06 08 06:44
oooh....Costco's auto and homeowners insurance (Ameriprise) are very low compare with others.  I used to have AAA for my auto and homeowners but saved 60% when I switched to Ameriprise and with more coverage on the auto.
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: Lil Me on Mar 06 08 07:50
I think 49er is the King Costco Addict.
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: Lise on Mar 06 08 07:57
I'm thinking of getting a membership. How much is it? $50 or something like that?
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: Lil Me on Mar 06 08 08:04
something like that.  A bit more for the executive membership with a cash back rebate-- good to have if you or hubby needs to do purchasing for work or whatever.  Besides our own home and business stuff, I usually buy a whack of things for our complex, Scouts, sports teams, etc-- I get reimbursed for the purchases, but I also get a Costco rebate cheque at the end of the year.
 (oh yeah, Mr Lise can write-off  the Costco membership thru his business)
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: Lise on Mar 06 08 08:06
Excellent. You've sold me. I'm getting one the next time I'm in town.

  I've heard that you can cross the border into Seattle and use your Costco membership card at their Costco. Things there are even cheaper.
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: Lil Me on Mar 06 08 08:09
yes!  Especially the meat, butter and cheese.  Pack up your cooler and drive over the border!  
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: 49er on Mar 06 08 08:15
By joining Costco, you get free American Express credit card with at least 1% refund on all charges.......3% on eating out and gas purchase charges.  If you upgrade the membership you get an additional 1% refund check from Costco on Costco purchases.  
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: 49er on Mar 06 08 08:21
Since I was paying cash I tried to max my Amex card out when I made my auto purchase to take advantage of the rebate today.......but dealer was steps ahead and would not go for it and allowed only $2,000 on the card.
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: Lil Me on Mar 06 08 08:24
I guess the dealer was concerned about his transaction fee on the Amex purchase, when he had already negotiated a low price on the car.  Nice try, though :)  
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: 49er on Mar 06 08 08:30
Yes, Amex charges a higher tranaction fee than other cards hence lots of smaller businesses will not accept their card
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: purelife on Mar 07 08 09:14
You'll love Costco down in the States, Lise.  I ALWAYS go down there (at least once a month) to check out their goodies.  Love their clothes, meatballs... things are WAYYY cheaper down there compared to up here and really big.  

  Whenever our friend comes over and we're eating something (and share with him too) or have something, we tell him it's from Costco. Now, he just tag a-long with us.  

  A friend of ours purchased a game and sold it for $30 more on Craigslist!  What a profit!

  I just LOVE Costco.  I would totally work there too....
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: JJ on Mar 07 08 09:54
What are your must buy items when you go to Costco.  Mine are: cat litter, coffee beans, health way bread, cranberry juice.


The best coffee![A href="vny!://[/img][/A]  
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: Michel on Mar 07 08 09:55
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: Lil Me on Mar 07 08 09:56
 soy milk, almond butter, grainy bread (the no flour one made by Silver Hills), ground turkey  
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: purelife on Mar 07 08 09:59
strawberries, milk, eggs, chocolate milk (the syrup), cereal, mixed fruit, yoghurt
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: JJ on Mar 07 08 10:00
Lil Me wrote:
soy milk, almond butter, grainy bread (the no flour one made by Silver Hills), ground turkey  

 Have you ever tried the Health Way bread it's made with sprouted wheat too, but it's double wrapped so I find it's not as dry.

Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: purelife on Mar 07 08 10:05
Michel wrote:
Convertible pants lol
and did you end up wearing all the colors?  or one at a time?
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: Lil Me on Mar 07 08 10:07
I'll buy some next time, JJ.  Thanks for the tip.
 purelife- that's hilarious.  Mixing up all the colours of the convertible pants.
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: Sportsdude on Mar 07 08 10:27
 purelife wrote:
I just LOVE Costco.  I would totally work there too....

lol, that reminds me of someone, except she was in love with Save On before she left. lol
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: Michel on Mar 07 08 10:38
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: purelife on Mar 07 08 10:41
LOL Michel...I'm not trying to make fun of you... hee hee

  I meant, with all the different colored pants you purchased, did you end up wearing all of them or do you just wear one for now and when that has a few holes, you wear the other ones?      
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: Lil Me on Mar 07 08 10:41
 Interesting, Michel.  How do you know what colour something is?  Or does it not matter to you?  
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: Michel on Mar 07 08 10:45
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: Michel on Mar 07 08 10:48
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: Michel on Mar 07 08 01:46
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: Sportsdude on Mar 07 08 01:49
oh got a good one

Hi I'm SD,
I have a Sam's Club membership, don't kill me Costcoites!
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: purelife on Mar 07 08 02:01
Michel wrote:
Hi my name is Michel, I'M A MAN and I'm ready to do anything to that special someone that would bring me with her to Costco.

*cricket noise in the distance*

 hmmm....very tempting.  What would you do for the girl who took you to Costco?
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: Michel on Mar 07 08 02:07
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: purelife on Mar 11 08 08:50
This thread needs to be bumped up.  It shall not slide!

  Tropicana Orange Juice is on sale at Costco.  pack of 4 x 1.89L.  yummee!
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: Van on Mar 11 08 09:04
Thanks to Russ and the DS gang, I buy Kirkland House Blend beans. I am now on the path to freedom.
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: purelife on Mar 11 08 09:06
Has anyone purchased something and then to find out that it's double the price elsewhere?

  I know that the Avia brand shoes that Costco's sell for about $25 or so is about $70 elsewhere.
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: Van on Mar 11 08 09:12
Never shopped there much. I live by myself so I never really need things on a bulk scale. I am just getting a friend of mine with a membership to pick up coffee now.
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: P.C. on Mar 11 08 09:19
I'm colour blind, don't laugh of my handicap. I want money from the government because of that handicap !!! (//vny!://  I'm grey of anger !!!  

  I don't know how I overlooked this the first time around, but now I've got to wonder what difference it makes if someone painted an oak dresser BLACK.....or pink....or lime green...... [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://[/img]
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: Michel on Mar 11 08 09:21
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: Michel on Mar 11 08 09:33
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: purelife on Mar 14 08 01:42
Costco has a two-piece Nike bikinis (halter top, flowery, b&w) for 30 bucks!  If only I was going to Maui.....
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: Lil Me on Mar 14 08 08:11
 Michel wrote:
Wet Ones for the car, the secret weapon of any long roadtrip.
 What are you DOING in your car?
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: Michel on Mar 14 08 08:13
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: Lil Me on Mar 14 08 08:20
hahahaha.  How fast does your Toyota Echo go?  
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: Michel on Mar 14 08 08:24
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: purelife on Apr 07 08 10:14
These from Costco's taste really really good...  there's a hint of spice to it.  They're the Sahale snakcs and this one is the Soledad almonds.


  Oh, and Mario's Gelato 2L Vanilla Bean ice cream is there now... my fav!
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: Lil Me on Apr 07 08 10:16
That looks really delish, purelife.
 I have to go to Costco today, anyways...
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: purelife on May 30 08 01:41

  Yesterday's Costco visit was awesome.  I purchased a cooler on wheels. Way easier than carrying it.  I can't wait to use it.  :)  All we need is some ice packs.
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: Van on May 30 08 02:30
I got my usual delivery order of that Kirkland House blend (thank again Russ), and my buddy got me a container of French's mustard. Giant Massive container for like $4.something. I am a mustard fanatic.

Sweeet deal. I think I like this Costco place.
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: purelife on May 30 08 02:52
I saw the French mustard container.  Is this your second container?  
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: Van on May 30 08 05:02
^yes, but the first one he charged me for! LOL! A few BBQs and it is half gone. Mind you, I put mustard on just about all my food. Even eggs!
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: Van on May 30 08 09:01
Oh, also got some of those triangle buns. Anyone know the kind I am talking about?  
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: purelife on May 30 08 09:20
I sure do, Van.  I don't buy them anymore because I can't eat them all.  I could freeze them but it ain't the same as fresh.

Costco food court has those triangle buns with their Montreal smoked meat.  OMGYUMM!
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: Van on May 30 08 09:24
Oh for sure, I got this bag today and there is no way I could eat them all without them going bad. I have to freeze them. Not fresh, but still good. put salmon, cheese, onion, green onion on them and put them in a toaster oven. Easy lunch.
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: purelife on May 30 08 09:27
That sounds yummy.  I like those triangle buns, for sure.

Have you seen the package of granola?  It's 10 bucks and in the section with the bread.  It's so good.  I could never finish it on time (due date is kinda short) so I don't buy it that often now.  

I also brought their Tribe brand garlic hummus.  It's pretty good.  I haven't tried the taziki (sp?) yet.  I like taziki.
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: Van on May 30 08 09:29
No, it all sounds good to me. I never actually go there. But I am going to start. Great products.

I love tzaziki!
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: purelife on May 30 08 09:31 mouth is watering just thinking about taziki.... *sigh* I should've purchased that tub of it instead of hummus.  

I got this tub of french onion sour cream dip and it is so delicious.  I plan to buy some perogies once freezer space clears up.  I wish I had a deep freeze.  
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: Lil Me on May 30 08 10:29
I was very tempted to buy the $55 folding reclining camp chair.  But I didn't.
 It reclines to about 165degrees, so it can double as a camp cot.
 Folds into a big carrying case.
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: JJ on May 30 08 10:37
This conversation brings up the one negative of shopping at Costco.  You go in to buy a few items maybe $20 worth and you leave with over $200.00 worth of grocery.  You just can't help but impulse shop!
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: P.C. on May 31 08 06:10
I hear ya JJ.  You absolutely HAVE to wear blinders when you shop there.  It's not the groceries I get caught up's all the neat stuff that you don't see in the regular stores that do me in.  And books....I can't go near the books lest I end up with another cookbook to add to the 100 or so that I already have.(//vny!://
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: Orik on Jun 01 08 01:50
does costco sell the sprint telecomunications card in the 100 min varity.. great for long distance calling and use with cell phones ?

Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: purelife on Jun 03 08 03:15
I'm not too sure Orik because I don't use long distance.

  I brought these speedo sandals and they are super comfy.  There is this gel cushion under your sole.  $20.
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: P.C. on Jun 27 08 09:06
Just wanted to say thanks purelife, for the tip on the Bird Books at Costco.  Got one.  [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://" border=0]
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: purelife on Aug 05 08 02:09
I saw Christmas wrapping paper at Costco the other day.  I'm also seeing more toys in stock too.  I won't be making the same mistake last year by leaving it until the last LAST minute because all of these toys are gone in a month or two.  (and same goes for 'xmas trees).

  I know it's a little early too think about 'xmas, but I'm excited because we actually have space for a small 'xmas tree and decorations!
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: Sportsdude on Aug 05 08 02:21
Cool! Christmas!  
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: purelife on Aug 05 08 02:22
Oh, and we splurged on candies at Costco the other day.

  I brought a huge tub of Tootsie Roll lollipop.  (I have already set aside all the chocolate ones) Mr PL picked out wine gums, werthers and chocolate covered almonds.  We rarely go down the candy aisles.    
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: Sportsdude on Aug 05 08 02:26
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: yummy on Aug 05 08 07:11
I want purelife in a costco sort of way.................lots with plenty of leftovers to munch on all night long........and the next morning    
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: Lil Me on Aug 06 08 08:49
The $7.99 ribs and fries is at the Bby Costco now.
 Still haven't eaten any.
 *makes mental note to go eat at Costco*
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: Sportsdude on Aug 06 08 09:22
how cheaper would costco room organizers be compared to other places?  
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: purelife on Aug 06 08 09:28
Mr PL is sick and tired of eating chicken strips and fries.  Next time we go there (likely this weekend), we're going to try the ribs.  I will report back. :)

SD - Costco won't have what you're looking for.  Better luck with Walmart.
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: Sportsdude on Aug 06 08 09:34
Oh okay, I thought Costco had everything. lol hehe  
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: purelife on Aug 06 08 09:39
Their room organizers are expensive and probably not affordable for students.  You want plastic tubs, bins, plastic drawers.  Walmart (even Stupidstore) sells plenty of that for cheap.  Heck, the States sell them for even cheaper at Target.

Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: Sportsdude on Aug 06 08 09:54
Ah I see. Yeah, I know where to go now. thanks!  
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: purelife on Aug 12 08 12:44
Tried the ribs.  Yummy!  Have you tried 'em yet, Lil Me?
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: Lil Me on Aug 12 08 03:33
Not yet!    
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: Michel on Aug 12 08 03:39

Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: purelife on Aug 12 08 03:42
I saw a new product there in the frozen aisle.

  It's the Amy's organic veggie lasagna.  6 portions for about 12 something.  It is sooo yummeeeeeee.....

  Ya gotta go to the Willingdon one, Michel.  Bigger and better and NEWER!
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: Lil Me on Aug 12 08 03:42
Mr LM and I went to Costco in Bby last week.  He made the comment that people were thinner in Bby.  We live further out in the 'burbs and the average person at our local Costco tends to be quite...large.
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: Michel on Aug 12 08 03:44
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: purelife on Aug 12 08 03:44
It must be the air, Lil Me... (//vny!://  
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: Michel on Aug 12 08 03:45

Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: purelife on Aug 12 08 03:46
LOL!  I don't think it's wise to call a women fatso especially when this women is planning to get a black belt in tkd, Michel. (//vny!://
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: Michel on Aug 12 08 03:48
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: Lil Me on Aug 12 08 04:38
lol.  No offence taken!  After all the eating and drinking I've been doing lately, I probably weigh more than SD.
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: Michel on Aug 12 08 05:18
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: Sportsdude on Aug 12 08 08:38
Lol Lil Me

Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: purelife on Aug 19 08 01:24
Have you made the Costco trek yet, Michel?
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: Michel on Aug 19 08 01:48
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: purelife on Aug 19 08 02:03
How long were you at Costco?

  I do agree about the quantities though.  For a single person, it doesn't make sense to buy the food when you can easily buy it at other stores for just the same.  

  I do agree about the Kodak Royal paper.  Does Zellers print on Kodak or do you have to go to a Kodak store for it?

  Did you check out the clothes?  I always find that they have good men's clothes.
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: Michel on Aug 19 08 02:25
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: purelife on Aug 19 08 02:37
Michel wrote:
I was there maybe for 2 hours, 2 hours and a half.

  I can just imagine you walking up and down every aisle with a magnifying glass with your foggy spectacles and you constantly wiping the fog and sweat....
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: Michel on Aug 19 08 02:42
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: Sportsdude on Aug 19 08 03:16
lol foggy spectacles.

Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: JJ on Aug 19 08 04:31
I've noticed Costco gift cards.  I was thinking this might a good option for someone who doesn't have a membership.  Does anyone know if the gift card work without a membership?
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: purelife on Aug 20 08 09:48
Hi JJ!

  I think Lise did that.  She said that she was given a gift card and went into Costco, shopeed and was ok.  I'll have to find out the next time I'm there.

  Michel, I'm sure that could be another alternative for you.  Just buy a gift card and shop.  :)
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: P.C. on Aug 20 08 10:21
I'm not sure if Cash Cards are the same as gift certificates, but the concept seems the same. (?)

  [SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt; FONT-FAMILY: 'Times New Roman'; mso-fareast-font-family: 'Times New Roman'; mso-ansi-language: EN-US; mso-fareast-language: EN-US; mso-bidi-language: AR-SA"][SPAN style="mso-spacerun: yes"][SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 8pt; FONT-FAMILY: Arial; mso-fareast-font-family: 'Times New Roman'; mso-ansi-language: EN-US; mso-fareast-language: EN-US; mso-bidi-language: AR-SA; mso-bidi-font-size: 10.0pt"]You must be a Costco member to purchase or reload Costco Cash Cards.[SPAN style="mso-spacerun: yes"]  [/SPAN][FONT style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffff80"]Non-members may use the cash cards to shop in the warehouse or online.[/FONT][SPAN style="mso-spacerun: yes"] [/SPAN]Costco Cash balances may be used toward membership or merchandise.[SPAN style="mso-spacerun: yes"] [/SPAN][/SPAN][/SPAN][/SPAN]
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: Michel on Aug 20 08 01:19
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: P.C. on Aug 20 08 01:31
[FONT face=Arial][SPAN style="mso-spacerun: yes"][/SPAN][/FONT][FONT face=Arial][SPAN style="mso-spacerun: yes"][/SPAN][/FONT]

[FONT face=Arial][SPAN style="mso-spacerun: yes"]That seems odd.  It says right there in their little blurb, that Costco Cash balances may be used toward membership or merchandise.[/SPAN][/FONT]
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: Michel on Aug 20 08 01:39
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: P.C. on Aug 20 08 01:44
Speaking of new policies.....I thought 'they' were working towards making gift certificates being honored on the same basis as cash.  It IS after all, paid for.

  Anyways, I don't know of this.  That would be a pretty crappy way to do business.  For any store.
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: Michel on Aug 20 08 01:51
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: P.C. on Aug 20 08 01:57
 [P class=MsoNormal style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt"][SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 8.5pt; FONT-FAMILY: Arial; mso-bidi-font-family: 'Times New Roman'"][SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 8.5pt; FONT-FAMILY: Arial; mso-bidi-font-family: 'Times New Roman'"][FONT size=3]This is from the Costco Canada website. [/FONT][/SPAN][/SPAN]

 [P class=MsoNormal style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt"][SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 8.5pt; FONT-FAMILY: Arial; mso-bidi-font-family: 'Times New Roman'"] [/SPAN]

 [P class=MsoNormal style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt"][SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 8.5pt; FONT-FAMILY: Arial; mso-bidi-font-family: 'Times New Roman'"]The Costco Cash card can be used as: [?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /][o:p][/o:p][/SPAN]

 [P class=MsoNormal style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt"][SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 8.5pt; FONT-FAMILY: Arial; mso-bidi-font-family: 'Times New Roman'"][o:p][/o:p][/SPAN]

 [UL] [LI] [DIV class=MsoNormal style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt"][SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 8.5pt; FONT-FAMILY: Arial; mso-bidi-font-family: 'Times New Roman'"]A convenient payment option in our warehouses, gas stations and on[o:p][/o:p][/SPAN]

[LI] [DIV class=MsoNormal style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt"][SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 8.5pt; FONT-FAMILY: Arial; mso-bidi-font-family: 'Times New Roman'"]A perfect gift for family, friends, colleagues and clients[o:p][/o:p][/SPAN][/DIV][/LI][/UL] [P class=MsoNormal style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt"][SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 8.5pt; FONT-FAMILY: Arial; mso-bidi-font-family: 'Times New Roman'"][o:p][/o:p][/SPAN]

 [P class=MsoNormal style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt"][SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 8.5pt; FONT-FAMILY: Arial; mso-bidi-font-family: 'Times New Roman'"]Costco Cash cards make a great alternative to carrying cash or credit cards; they do not expire, are rechargeable and can be purchased in denominations from $25 to $1,000*. [o:p][/o:p][/SPAN]

 [P class=MsoNormal style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt"][SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 8.5pt; FONT-FAMILY: Arial; mso-bidi-font-family: 'Times New Roman'"][o:p] [/o:p][/SPAN]

 [P class=MsoNormal style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt"][SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 8.5pt; FONT-FAMILY: Arial; mso-bidi-font-family: 'Times New Roman'"]Members may check their balance on, in warehouses by swiping the card at the red kiosk, or by calling the toll-free number on the back of the card. [o:p][/o:p][/SPAN]

 [P class=MsoNormal style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt"][SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 8.5pt; FONT-FAMILY: Arial; mso-bidi-font-family: 'Times New Roman'"][o:p] [/o:p][/SPAN]

 [P class=MsoNormal style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt"][SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 8.5pt; FONT-FAMILY: Arial; mso-bidi-font-family: 'Times New Roman'"][FONT style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffffbf"]Members can buy Costco Cash cards for non-members**,[/FONT] though only members can reload the cards. [FONT style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffffbf"]Costco Cash balances may be used [/FONT]toward membership or merchandise or gasoline at any Costco location in [?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" /][st1:country-region w:st="on"]Canada[/st1:country-region], the [st1:country-region w:st="on"]United States[/st1:country-region] or [st1:place w:st="on"]Puerto Rico[/st1:place].[SPAN style="mso-spacerun: yes"] [/SPAN][/SPAN]

 [P class=MsoNormal style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt"][SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 8.5pt; FONT-FAMILY: Arial; mso-bidi-font-family: 'Times New Roman'"][SPAN style="mso-spacerun: yes"][/SPAN][/SPAN]

[SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 8.5pt; FONT-FAMILY: Arial; mso-bidi-font-family: 'Times New Roman'"][SPAN style="mso-spacerun: yes"] [P class=MsoNormal style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt"][SPAN lang=EN-CA style="FONT-SIZE: 8.5pt; FONT-FAMILY: Arial; mso-ansi-language: EN-CA"]*Costco Cash cards are sent with zero balance. To activate your Costco Cash card, please contact our customer service at 1-800-463-3783, Monday to Friday, from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. (ET), and Saturday, from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. (ET). An agent will be happy to activate your card for immediate use.[/SPAN][/SPAN][/SPAN]

 [P class=MsoNormal style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt"][SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 8.5pt; FONT-FAMILY: Arial; mso-bidi-font-family: 'Times New Roman'"][o:p][FONT style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffff80"] [/FONT][/o:p][/SPAN]

 [P class=MsoNormal style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt"][SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 8.5pt; FONT-FAMILY: Arial; mso-bidi-font-family: 'Times New Roman'"][FONT style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffff80"]**A 5% surcharge applies to non-member purchases on[/FONT][/SPAN][SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 8.5pt; FONT-FAMILY: Arial; mso-bidi-font-family: 'Times New Roman'"][o:p]

Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: Michel on Aug 20 08 02:01
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: P.C. on Aug 20 08 02:04
There's gotta be SOME perks for membership.   [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://" border=0]
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: Michel on Aug 20 08 02:21
    [span style="font-style: italic; text-decoration: underline;"][/span]
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: purelife on Aug 20 08 02:28
Looks like the surchage is only for purchases made online, not instore.  

  I'll have to ask Costco the next time I was there.  I totally forgot to ask yesterday.

  Many businesses like Costco for their bulk quantities and cheap prices.  I've seen many people walk out with over 20 jugs of 4L milk!  
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: Michel on Aug 20 08 02:29
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: P.C. on Aug 20 08 05:37 solved.  I just called Costco to inquire about balances on Cash Cards.  There is no policy that says you have to spend the amount on the card or less.  You can spend 10 bucks on a $500 card.....and the card would then be good for $490.   If you spend $600 with a $500 card.....the $100 dollar difference must be paid in cash.  You can use the card until the balance is exhausted down to the last dime.
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: Michel on Aug 20 08 06:46
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: P.C. on Aug 20 08 08:07
You're welcome Michel.  Sounds like a good option, doesn't it ?
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: JJ on Aug 20 08 08:20
I went to Costco on Monday to buy a few groceries my list consisted of bread, coffee & peanut butter.  I ended up with suitcases!  Tell me how does this happen?  It doesn't happen at any other store just Costco.   I think I need to quit cold turkey! (//vny!://
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: Lil Me on Aug 20 08 08:33
Well, it could have been a pool table or a maybe you're lucky that you escaped with just suitcases.
 (they are great suitcases, btw.  And if you have so much as a broken buckle, you can exchange them for a whole new set!)
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: purelife on Aug 20 08 08:42
Haha, that's funny you mentioned that JJ.  I went to Costco yesterday with the intention ONLY to buy milk, mayo and bread.  The total came out to $120.  What an expensive 4L milk!    
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: Lil Me on Aug 20 08 08:47
I went today to buy water, soy milk and bread.
 I also walked out with a World War fact book for Heckyl, an Indiana Jones activity pack for Jeckyl, and a pack of 48 condoms.
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: purelife on Aug 20 08 08:50
48 condoms for the camping trip?    
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: Lil Me on Aug 20 08 08:51
lol.  You just never know, so it's best to be prepared!!!  
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: Michel on Aug 20 08 11:30
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: Michel on Aug 20 08 11:33
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: P.C. on Aug 21 08 06:08
It CAN be tempting.  But it's just like anything else where spending money is concerned.  You just have to stay focused.  Fortunately for me, Costco is in Nanaimo....and I avoid going to Nanaimo like the plague.  So trips to Costco are a planned excursion which removes some of the impulse factor.  

  And not everything is cheaper have to know your prices.  For example, our brand of coffee is more expensive there.  Also, I have been on the prowl for some Shinto stools for a good price.....which Costco finally just got in....and THEY'RE almost twice the price as other places.

  Right now, I'm waiting for these particular sheets they had last year, to come back.  They are the ONLY sheets I will ever buy again.  They have had them all year for purchase on-line....but they are twice the price as they were in the store.  

  If you have to, wear blinders.(//vny!://
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: Michel on Aug 21 08 07:08
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: P.C. on Aug 21 08 08:05
GRRR I must admit that their sale policy (with their club membership, no credit card and "hey loser, get kids now or become a fatso" policies do annoys me...

I'm not sure what that means.  (//vny!://
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: Michel on Aug 21 08 08:10
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: P.C. on Aug 21 08 08:24
Well it means that they direct you more than you're in control of what you buy. They charge you more for the same stuff on line than in person, you have to become a member and pay 55 $ to buy there, they don't accept credit card (hellllo ?) and they force you to eat like a pig or get kids otherwise you lose food. I say it's a populist plot to make us consume more more more ! (//vny!://  


  The fact is, the only person in control of what you buy or how much you eat or waste, is yourself.  

Stuff that costs more on-line......hmmm.....can't think of a good come-back for that one.  Except maybe that you save on gas ?

I think they do accept credit cards....but only American Express (not sure on this one)....but they do accept credit card payment for on-line shopping.  [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://[/img]
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: Michel on Aug 21 08 08:32
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: P.C. on Aug 21 08 08:43
Well, you know, I wondered at the time, if the sheets were mispriced.  They were the Life Comfort (?) sheets at $28.00 for Queen.  At the same time, they were at Stupid Store for $79.00

  On-line, they are $56.

  I just noticed this on their site as well, but not sure how to interpret it.

  [FONT face=Arial size=2]Non-members will be charged a 5% surcharge over the member's posted product prices [FONT style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffffbf"](except for gift certificates[/FONT]). [/FONT]
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: Michel on Aug 21 08 08:49
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: P.C. on Aug 21 08 08:52
[img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://[/img][img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://[/img][img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://[/img][img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://[/img][img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://[/img][img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://[/img][img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://[/img][img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://[/img][img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://[/img][img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://[/img][img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://[/img]

  We members are fierce defenders of our beloved Costco.  (//vny!://
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: Michel on Aug 21 08 08:56
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: P.C. on Aug 21 08 09:04
With all the money I save from shopping at Costco, I will buy you a pallet of soap. (//vny!://

    *actually, truth be known, I don't shop at Costco specifically to save money (although that's always nice)....I shop there because their products are quality....their return policy is second to none and they get unique items that you don't see anywhere else.  Their produce is superb and for much of it, you won't match their price in your local grocery store.  Their meat is pricey....but always excellent.  Many of the food products, in spite of their great price, is too large a quantity for there is no savings if half of it ends up in the landfill.
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: Michel on Aug 21 08 09:13
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: purelife on Aug 21 08 03:59
Costco does have a very nice selection of decorations and gifts for the festivities and holidays.  
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: Michel on Aug 28 08 12:28
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: purelife on Aug 28 08 02:25
Kirkland brand ham meat?  Hmmm...I don't think my ham meat is that brand but it's too late now... I ate lots!
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: Michel on Aug 28 08 03:23
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: Sportsdude on Aug 28 08 07:49
oh dear.

Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: purelife on Sep 19 08 01:40
Brookside brand chocolate covered fruit and nut for about $9.  VERY GOOD!

  HUGE Disney books for 5 bucks.  I brought one just for myself...Bambi. :)  very nice pictures.
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: 49er on Sep 19 08 08:19
Do the Costcos in your area sell gasoline?  Ours do and the prices are normally 7-10 cents per gallon cheaper than the cheapest gas stations.........and then plus we get a 3% rebate at the end of the year
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: P.C. on Sep 19 08 08:19
Trying out Costco's Tony Roma's Sesame Teryaki sauce tonight.  
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: P.C. on Sep 19 08 08:20
Not here 49er.  That would be nice.
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: purelife on Sep 19 08 08:40
I wish we had a gas bar here... :(  I noticed them in the States...very cheap.

How was the sauce PC and what did you make it with?
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: P.C. on Sep 19 08 08:55 is awesome.  I just did chicky wings with it, but they are the BEST !  I've always just used the VH brand of teryaki.  No more.
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: Lil Me on Sep 19 08 09:19
Costco in PoCo has a gas bar.
 Usually same price as Stupidstore, once you factor in the Stupidstore bucks.
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: Michel on Sep 19 08 10:23
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: 49er on Sep 19 08 10:24
funny you guys call a gas station a gas bar  
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: Lil Me on Sep 19 08 10:32
 Michel wrote:
How does the stupidstore bucks work ? How do you exchange those ?
 It's a coupon for something like 7.5cents per litre of gas you buy.  For each tank of gas, I usually get about $3.50 in Superstore coupons.  You can use them towards your groceries in the store....I think for anything except prescription drugs or tobacco.  And the coupon is usually valid for about 3 months at any StupidStore.

Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: Michel on Sep 19 08 10:37
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: Marik on Sep 19 08 10:38
they give you the tickets when you buy gas... present it to the cashier when you go in to buy something.  
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: Michel on Sep 19 08 10:42
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: Marik on Sep 19 08 10:45
That's probably why... I always pay cash.  
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: Lil Me on Sep 19 08 10:47
I pay at the pump, too.  It's on the bottom of your receipt.
 Rip off the coupon part with the bar code at the bottom and that's your coupon.
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: Michel on Sep 19 08 10:48
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: Michel on Sep 19 08 10:50
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: Marik on Sep 19 08 11:02
I've never actually become a costco 'member' or whatever they call it. how much does it cost?  
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: P.C. on Sep 19 08 11:06
 49er wrote:  funny you guys call a gas station a gas bar

  49er.....we still call gas stations, gas stations.  We have gas bars and gas stations. [/DIV]
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: purelife on Sep 20 08 08:37
I think I saw "gas bar" written at the station...maybe at Superstore?

For me, a gas bar is part of a large store ie Costco, Superstore.  And a station is like Petro Canada, Esso, Shell, Chevron, etc.

Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: Michel on Sep 20 08 08:43
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: P.C. on Sep 20 08 09:04
That's what I see as the difference too purelife.  

  It took me 6 minutes from my last post to this one....(probably a little more by the time this one actually posts)  As a matter of fact, it took so long, I don't remember what I came in here to say.

  Maybe I'm semi-banned ?  (//vny!://
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: Michel on Sep 20 08 09:10
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: Michel on Oct 04 08 10:46
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: P.C. on Oct 04 08 10:54
Never done it Michel......but I kinda recall seeing the Kodak logo around there.  Not 100% sure about that.....I'll check next time I'm there.

      *(gotta tell ya a weird thing we saw on the way to Nanaimo today.  We say a fish on the shoulder of the highway.  A FISH !  A BIG fish.  (???)
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: Michel on Oct 04 08 10:57
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: P.C. on Oct 04 08 11:22
I'm not sure about quality of prints from Costco.  Would be interesting to find out.  What is your preference of photo paper Michel ?
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: Michel on Oct 04 08 11:35
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: P.C. on Oct 04 08 11:43
Hmmm.  Be interested to know,  if you find out before me.
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: Michel on Oct 04 08 11:44
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: purelife on Oct 05 08 11:40
 Michel wrote:
Anybody have printed some pictures at Costco ? If so can you tell me the name of the paper they used (written at the back of your print).  

Fuji Color Crystal
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: Michel on Oct 05 08 01:46
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: purelife on Oct 05 08 08:02
Oh, it also has the word archive on the back of the photo.  I wasn't sure if you needed to know that.
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: Michel on Oct 05 08 08:24
    [font style="font-family: Arial Black;" size="7"][/font]
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: Michel on Oct 06 08 03:13
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: purelife on Oct 06 08 03:53
I always have my photos printed at the Burnaby Broughton Road location and it prints on the Fuji Color Archive paper I was telling you about.  I submit my photos online.
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: Michel on Oct 06 08 04:01
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: Lil Me on Oct 07 08 07:32
3 cans of Gillette shaving cream for about $5 using the $3 off coupon this week.
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: purelife on Oct 07 08 09:02
Saw fake 'xmas trees out.  I'll be buying the pre-decorated and lighted mini tree for $50...

Why can't all the Costco's just sell the same stuff?  I go to one Costco and go to another to find that they don't sell it.
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: Russ on Oct 08 08 09:37
 purelife wrote:
Saw fake 'xmas trees out.  I'll be buying the pre-decorated and lighted mini tree for $50...

Why can't all the Costco's just sell the same stuff?  I go to one Costco and go to another to find that they don't sell it.
I agree that annoys me to no end. It also annoys me when Im pretty sure they have something but I call for sone details or pricing and they deny they have it or have no idea what im talking about. I end up going there and finding it on my own..

Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: Michel on Oct 08 08 10:58
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: purelife on Oct 08 08 11:01
I know what you mean, Russ.  

Michel, if you stick to one Costco, you won't get frustrated.  I visit too many....
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: Orca on Oct 08 08 11:30
[FONT size=2]... also, it's so seasonal, that when you see something you want, get it quick...[/FONT]

[FONT size=2][/FONT]

[FONT size=2]purelife,[/FONT]

[FONT size=2]what link that didn't work for me? (I'll be checking my profile now)...[/FONT]
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: Michel on Oct 08 08 11:55
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: 49er on Oct 08 08 03:07
Michel wrote:
  As long as they can print decent pictures at a decent price, I'll be happy.[/DIV]
 Costco, as in many other photo printing outfits, is done by machines.  It's money back at Costco if you not happy w/ the quality
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: Michel on Oct 08 08 03:35
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: Russ on Oct 08 08 04:06
 Orca wrote:
[div style="font-style: italic;"]... also, it's so seasonal, that when you see something you want, get it quick...[/div] [div style="font-style: italic;"] [/div] I really agree. I sometimes dont need something right away so i hum and haw and stare at it a few times there. When I finally decide to buy it.. its GONE.

At least in one years time you know it will be back though..

49er.. so true but I sometimes find it a pain to wait in the returns line.. with only one teller open!
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: JJ on Oct 08 08 05:03
 [H2]Chocolate coins sold in Costco, dollar stores contain melamine[/H2]  More than 3,000 kilograms of chocolates sold at Costco, dollar and bulk stores across Canada were recalled Wednesday after the Canadian Food Inspection Agency found that the chocolates contain melamine, the toxic chemical compound that has left four babies dead and thousands sickened in China.

 [A href="vny!://"]vny!://[/A]

Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: Lise on Oct 08 08 08:36
YIKES!!!! Is nothing safe these days?
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: Marik on Oct 08 08 10:44
nooooooooooo!!! if those chocolate coins are contaminated, it's going to be o'henry / twix / etc. that's next to be contaminated.

I want my halloween goodies to be melamine-free!!! I've been trick or treating since 6 years old and this better not stop me!!!  
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: Lil Me on Oct 08 08 11:02
Don't like chocolate coins.  Never have.  
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: goats on Oct 08 08 11:28
 Lil Me wrote:
Don't like chocolate coins.  Never have.  

Pirate pack has gold coins. <sniff>
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: Oui Oui on Oct 09 08 05:12
Michel wrote:
Yeah, I assume it's probably the same everywhere. I will ask before I get the membership card just to make sure at the location close to my place. Thanks PL.[/DIV]
 I have done hundreds of prints from the Wellingdon store.  The back of the prints say "Fuji Crystal Archive".  
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: Michel on Oct 09 08 06:13
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: purelife on Oct 20 08 02:48
The grape tomatoes they sell are so delicious and juicy.  Has anyone had them yet?
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: 49er on Oct 29 08 05:44
Gas'd my car at Costco today...........gas price $2.50/gallon, a month ago $4.50/gal
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: P.C. on Oct 29 08 06:27
Wow....that's a nice treat 49er.  The drop has been nice, that's for sure.
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: Russ on Oct 29 08 06:35
well, on my way there to stock up for the halloween party.. yase!  
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: Lil Me on Oct 31 08 01:45
Finally caved into getting the Costco Amex card.  I had a fight with Amex about 10 years ago, and I cut up my card and sent it back to them in a huff.
 But today, they gave me a nice wallet for signing up :)
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: P.C. on Oct 31 08 02:14
What are the benefits of a Costco Amex card ?  
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: Lil Me on Oct 31 08 02:17
You can use it at Costco instead of cash/debit, plus anywhere else.  You get a 2% cash rebate.  
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: 49er on Oct 31 08 02:34
plus you get 3% rebate for gas puchases, restaurants and travel charges; extended warranties on purchases; travel insurance if pay w/ card    
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: Russ on Oct 31 08 03:22
 Lil Me wrote:
Finally caved into getting the Costco Amex card.  I had a fight with Amex about 10 years ago, and I cut up my card and sent it back to them in a huff.
But today, they gave me a nice wallet for signing up :)
We have this too LM.. good deal when you do the math.

Plus its a good card because of your picture being on it. I think they ALL should be like that.
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: purelife on Oct 31 08 03:51
Does the Amex card offer the same cash back option as the Exec card?  I currently have the exec card.
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: Michel on Oct 31 08 03:58
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: Lil Me on Oct 31 08 05:11
Costco doesn't have paint.  HD and Rona do, but good luck getting help :)  The smaller paint stores are probably better if you want a colour consult.
 purelife- The Amex rebate is in addition to the Exec membership rebate.
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: Michel on Oct 31 08 06:17
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: Lil Me on Oct 31 08 06:19
Or, better yet, ask Miss Caramel Pork what colour to paint your house.  
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: Michel on Oct 31 08 06:22
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: Lil Me on Oct 31 08 06:22
Invite her over to look at your walls!  
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: Michel on Oct 31 08 06:26
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: P.C. on Oct 31 08 07:41
[FONT size=6]LOL  Oh dear !!!![/FONT]
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: Michel on Oct 31 08 07:43
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: JJ on Nov 01 08 06:30
Next halloween I'm going to Costco and buying a box of full size chocolate bars to give out.  I only had 12 trick or treaters now I have to get rid of all this candy!
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: Sportsdude on Nov 02 08 12:52
okay costco is officially a no go for me. I still have perishable food from them and I think its been 3 weeks now and obviously the bread is starting to go. I've been picking mold of the edges.

Too much food.

Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: Lil Me on Nov 02 08 03:42
Baking some garlic pepper chicken from Costco.  I've been craving it for days.  Love it leftover in sandwiches, salads, wraps.  
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: Michel on Nov 02 08 04:55
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: Sportsdude on Nov 02 08 07:02
Yeah I'm just going to go to T&T and Safeway.  
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: Lil Me on Nov 02 08 07:49
SD- you will be fine at Costco if you freeze stuff.  Most of us, including those with large families, can't use 4 loaves of bread at once.  Keep 1 out and freeze 3.  
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: JJ on Nov 02 08 08:08
Even just keeping bread in the refrigerator will make it last way longer.  
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: Sportsdude on Nov 02 08 08:17
don't have the freezer space and unfortunately I don't live in the rest of canada where I can freeze stuff outside.... lol

nah I just need to remember to buy 'stock up' items at costco and not everyday essentials.
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: purelife on Nov 03 08 10:24
I find that Superstore is cheaper than Safeway, SD.

  Costco Willingdon location was super busy this weekend.  If anyone is buying toys for kids, this location has a great selection.  Buy em now before they disappear.
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: Sportsdude on Nov 03 08 10:55
Oh I know. The problem is Super Store is so far away 1hr bus ride.

Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: Russ on Nov 04 08 12:14
 Sportsdude wrote:
Oh I know. The problem is Super Store is so far away 1hr bus ride.

 StupidStore is a hell of a lot cheaper than safeway. Depending on what you buy it might even be worth it for a cab ride.. find a few others around you that need to go shopping and do a mass trip. Do the same thing the next time you go to costco.

Whereabouts are you living? Like general location wise. Just curious really
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: P.C. on Nov 04 08 12:20
An hour bus ride isn't bad at all.  Jeez...I used to do that with 3 toddlers in tow.

  Backwards.  In the snow.  

    [FONT size=2]Uphill.[/FONT]

    [FONT size=1]With no shoes.[/FONT]

[FONT size=1][/FONT]

[FONT size=1][/FONT] hours bus ride is nothing.
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: purelife on Nov 04 08 12:24
I'm with agreement with Russ and PC.

  Two hours total trip is totally worth if for the savings at Superstore.  Safeway is way too expensive, same with Costco for a student.
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: Michel on Nov 04 08 12:38
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: 49er on Nov 04 08 01:02
SD,  its like forever you were living on quesadillas, since when you became a connoisseur of goumet cooking?

    ADD:  Have you consider joining Zipcar......... [A href="vny!://"]vny!://[/A]  My neighbors kids use this service while in out of state colleges
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: purelife on Nov 04 08 02:07
Oh, and check out Enterprise Car rentals. They pick you up from your home, drive you to their location.  And when you drive back with their car, they drive you back to anywhere you want to go.

  And the rate is pretty affordable for a day thing and especially if you share the costs with friends, etc.
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: P.C. on Nov 04 08 02:17
I never understood the title of this thread.  [img onclick="selecte('dontgetit.gif');" alt=emoticon src="vny!://" border=0]  
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: purelife on Nov 04 08 02:36
P.C. wrote:
I never understood the title of this thread.  [img onclick="selecte('dontgetit.gif');" alt=emoticon src="vny!://[/img]

  Sorry... I can be confusing sometimes. (//vny!://
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: P.C. on Nov 04 08 02:41
Awww....don't be sorry because I don't understand. (//vny!://
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: purelife on Nov 04 08 02:45
Sometimes, I don't know how to contain and express my own this Costco for example. (//vny!://
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: P.C. on Nov 04 08 02:50
I'm a Costco lover too....except I don't find it pointless.  (//vny!://
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: purelife on Nov 04 08 02:52
Oh, now I see.  I think I wrote "pointless" meaning that you can write whatever you want pertaining to Costco....even if you wanted to talk about the floors and walls and their bathrooms.  (//vny!://
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: P.C. on Nov 04 08 03:31
Ahhh.  NOW I get it.  

  Makes perfect sense.
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: Lil Me on Nov 04 08 06:05
I like the frozen Angus beef burgers.  Yummy, juicy, nice spices.
 Russ will shoot me for saying this, but I prefer the burgers with breadcrumb filler instead of all meat.
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: purelife on Nov 04 08 06:17
I also like those beef burgers too.  I also like their bacon wrapped sirloin steaks.  yum!

I just ordered their eco-culture candles from their website.

Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: Michel on Nov 04 08 06:29
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: Russ on Nov 04 08 07:05
 Lil Me wrote:
I like the frozen Angus beef burgers.  Yummy, juicy, nice spices.
Russ will shoot me for saying this, but I prefer the burgers with breadcrumb filler instead of all meat.
 LOL! <bless>

Well, I do like things like pure meat in burgers.. but sometimes you cant get that. I dont mind burgers with breadcrumb filler, but I cant stand the ones that have wee bits of onions in them.
Nothing wrong with less meat in things. :) :)

We might be heading there again later tonight
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: 49er on Nov 05 08 12:47
Saw the person in line behind me last evenning at Costco........he had an oilless turkey fryer, looks like regular fryer and will fry a 25lb bird with infra red radiation
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: purelife on Nov 05 08 12:58
I saw that turkey fryer at Costco in the States.  If it's the same one that you saw, that thing is [FONT size=6]MASSIVE!!!!!![/FONT]
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: Michel on Nov 05 08 01:34
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: Russ on Nov 05 08 02:53
 purelife wrote:
I also like their bacon wrapped sirloin steaks.  yum!
Michel wrote:
Oh I remember that too now, I used to buy a lot of those. They're very good indeed. So easy to do with a pouch of noodle on the side.

I tend to buy the two sirloin roasts, chop them up into 1 inch thick round steaks, then wrap them in bacon. Thats about double teh size of the ones you buy in the packages. You could hack it in half and wrap it in back so you get the same size as well. Marinate in teriyaki for 24-48 hours prior to cooking and it will be mouthwatering.

Its like what 15-20 bucks for 6 of those steaks?
Its 24 bucks for two sirloin roasts and you can get like 8 steaks out of each (more if you half some of them), and a four pack of costco bacon is 12 bucks.
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: Michel on Nov 05 08 02:59
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: Lil Me on Nov 05 08 03:00
Good tip about cutting your own steaks, Russ.  I think Sawdust does that, too.  
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: purelife on Nov 05 08 03:28
I like that idea of cutting up the steaks and marinating it, Russ.  I'll do that when I have guests over.  The 6 sirloin pre-wrapped steaks are $12.

  We can fry the steaks?  Or do you bake them?  I don't think I can bbq them.  (cuz I don't know how and don't want to burn them....)
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: Michel on Nov 05 08 03:30
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: Russ on Nov 05 08 04:37
   purelife wrote: [em]The 6 sirloin pre-wrapped steaks are $12[/em].
 Michel wrote:
Oh, then it's the steak that I thought. I'm hungry now...
I stand corrected.. Its been a while since I bought em.

You can do what I said and after 24 hours or so of marinating, put 3-4 each in a ziplock then freeze it until you need it.

PL, sear each side of the steaks on high heat in the bbq, then put them on a tray and finish them in an oven.
Let them sit for 5 minutes before serving. You should do that after bbqing steaks as well. Meat is a muscle and tensions itself when you heat it.. let it sit for abit and it relaxes.
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: Lil Me on Nov 05 08 05:39
I don't have the time or patience to let my steaks sleep in the oven, so I just cook them on the BBQ.
 Sear on high heat, cook on low.
 purelife- You can bacon-wrap the cut roasts, marinade and then individually freeze.
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: purelife on Nov 05 08 05:59
I like your tips Russ and Lil Me.  I didn't know that you have to let your meat sit for awhile before serving...good to know.

I don't think I'll bbq (in fall/winter), so I could just brown them on high heat on stovetop and then put in oven?  

I know what I'm going to buy at Costco soon. :)  
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: JJ on Nov 05 08 06:09
They just announced a Dunn's Famous brand Smoked Meat pouches recalled from Costco.

  [A href="vny!://"]vny!://[/A]
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: Russ on Nov 05 08 10:04
I agree LM.. I do the same. I sear then cook on low on the que.
It was just an alternate suggestion.

They were out of sirloin roasts (//forums/richedit/smileys/Angry/2.gif) . They probably sold out earlier in the day.

The six packs of steak and bacons were 11.88

Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: Sportsdude on Nov 06 08 12:48
 49er wrote:
SD,  its like forever you were living on quesadillas, since when you became a connoisseur of goumet cooking?
I have 'foodies' for roommates. It's wearing off along with their asian dishes.

Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: Lil Me on Nov 08 08 09:34
Michel- I'm told downtown Costco has a better selection of heat and eat meals.  You could pick up dinner there every night!  (or teach kitty to get on the Skytrain and go shopping).
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: Michel on Nov 08 08 09:38
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: purelife on Nov 09 08 06:49
I was at Richmond Costco and they sold teriyaki beef or chicken with rice and some veggies.  Didn't try it though.

Russ - I brought the sirloin roasts, marinated them in teriyaki and then wrapped in bacon.  I froze the rest.  I can't wait to cook em tomorrow.  I hope they turn out excellent.
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: Lil Me on Nov 09 08 08:16
Excellent purelife! Give us a full steak report tomorrow.
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: Russ on Nov 10 08 11:43
 purelife wrote:
I was at Richmond Costco and they sold teriyaki beef or chicken with rice and some veggies.  Didn't try it though.

Russ - I brought the sirloin roasts, marinated them in teriyaki and then wrapped in bacon.  I froze the rest.  I can't wait to cook em tomorrow.  I hope they turn out excellent.

sounds good purelife! I try to leave just the steaks in the marinade for 24-36 hours, then wrap in bacon and freeze.
Try.. sometimes I dont. They will turn out great!

Just think about them as your mouth is watering..
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: purelife on Nov 10 08 07:22
Hey Russ - how did you get the bacon to stick on the steak?  Mine kept falling apart....

I marinated the steak with the bacon wrapped around it.  I fried it, then baked it.  It was yummy though.

I also experimented with making deviled potatoes (instead of deviled eggs).  I halfed the potatoes, boiled them, then scooped out the middle.  I added some butter, cream, spring onions, bacon and garlic.  Then, scooped the filling on top of the potato and grilled with cheese on top.  Oh, it was yummee! *burp*
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: 49er on Nov 10 08 08:52
purelife wrote:
Hey Russ - how did you get the bacon to stick on the steak?  Mine kept falling apart....

with Elmers glue................I normally stick a tooth pick in to hold the bacon in place
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: Lil Me on Nov 10 08 08:52
 Yum  The stuffed potato.  Or, the "twice baked potato".  
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: Lil Me on Nov 10 08 08:53
 49er wrote:[em][/em]
 with Elmers glue................I normally stick a tooth pick in to hold the bacon in place
 I use roofing staples.
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: Michel on Nov 10 08 08:54
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: Lil Me on Nov 10 08 08:56
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: Lil Me on Nov 10 08 09:13
I think the Health Inspector would have a few things to say.  
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: Michel on Nov 11 08 12:30
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: purelife on Dec 09 08 10:29
Free 5 digital prints 5x7


Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: Russ on Dec 09 08 11:29
er... i just noticed your question pl. I use toothpicks to keep my bacon around my steaks.. i will be doing this for this weekends camping festivities. Im hoping the cold will have receeded enough for this weekend.. if not I will probably get a bit worse, but hopefully the natural hotsprings will help as well as spiced apple ciders adn captain morgans! mmm

what was i talking about again?
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: purelife on Dec 28 08 01:37
Costco sells fresh pomegranate seeds and these were the juiciest, sweetest seeds I've ever had!  Perfect!  They are $10 for two small containers.  It looks like seeds from 4 pomegranates.  
Title: Re: Costco Lovers! - pointless
Post by: Orik on Dec 28 08 02:45

wish i could go shopping at costco ... wish i could go shopping at any large store. but this weather and illness have left me immobilized...  
Title: Re: Costco Lovers!
Post by: JJ on Feb 15 09 11:27
Again a new get 5 free 5X7" Digital Print expires Feb 28/09

  [A href="vny!://"]vny!://[/A]    
Title: Re: Costco Lovers!
Post by: purelife on Feb 15 09 07:38
I don't know why but my photos won't upload anymore. :(

Guess what?  My brother started working at my favorite place!!  
Title: Re: Costco Lovers!
Post by: P.C. on Feb 15 09 08:42
Costco ????????   (//vny!://
Title: Re: Costco Lovers!
Post by: purelife on Feb 16 09 12:52
Yep Yup!  One of the perks is that he automatically gets a Business Member card.  

  Costco surpringly pays really well.  
Title: Re: Costco Lovers!
Post by: P.C. on Feb 16 09 01:33
Does he get any kind of discount on purchases ?
Title: Re: Costco Lovers!
Post by: purelife on Feb 16 09 02:49
No discount on purchases.  No "close-to-expired" food to take home either.

  I found out that Costco has a high-standard for their groceries.  For example, cooked chicken can be left out for a max of 6 hours on the shelf, but at Costco, shelf life is 3 hours.  After that, they remove from shelf and use the chicken to make chicken pot pies, salads, etc.  Interesting, huh?

  Oh, and Costco knows exactly how many flats of food to order and even though they throw food away, it's very minimal.
Title: Re: Costco Lovers!
Post by: purelife on Feb 17 09 08:11
I purchased this Wafu Japanese Vinegarette from Costco, 2pk for $6.99.  It's really delicious.  Even my friend who is Japanese says she likes it.  I use it as a dressing over mixed greens and my veggies.

  [img height=326 src="vny!://" width=702]
Title: Re: Costco Lovers!
Post by: Michel on Feb 17 09 08:18
Title: Re: Costco Lovers!
Post by: 49er on Feb 17 09 08:57
purelife wrote:
No discount on purchases.  No "close-to-expired" food to take home either.

A few weeks ago while I was in the return line, the guy behind me was returning a netbook and the Costco guy by the exit door asked him what was wrong with the pc....when he was told nothing he said he gets to purchase returned items for 50% and he was going to buy it since nothing was wrong with it