I remember you guys talking about meatloaf recipe. Can you give me a really easy peasy one to do? Something that won't surprise the kids and hubby too much? It'll be my first time. It looks easy enough to do...
mmmm meatloaf
Meatloaf.....Paradise by the Dashboard Light? lol
I don't make meat loaf, sorry. Noone in my fam will eat it.
I do remember seeing a recipe for kids- make mini meatloaf in muffin cups. Lise Jr and Lise Jr might enjoy cute little meatloaf muffins?
Try here: [a href="vny!://www.royalrecipes.com/results.php?searchtext=meatloaf&searchtype=names"]Meatloaf recipes[/a]
Easy Peasy Meatloaf
Some chopped green pepper
Some chopped onion
Some minced garlic
A small handful of rolled oats
A small handful of bread crumbs
An egg
*optional...a package of dried onion soup mix.
*optional...finely grated carrot
Moosh it all up with your hands, throw it in a loaf pan. Squirt a couple tablespoons of ketchup in a bowl. Add a tablespoon of brown sugar. Mix it up, spread on top, throw in oven at 350.(//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/12.gif)
Oh yea
...and some lean ground beef.
LOL PC... you're funny. :))
I've got a receipe too. I don't think it's that easy as PC's...
lean ground beef
lean ground pork
lean ground veal
2 eggs or however much is required to hold everything
oats (soak them up first)
chopped up carrots, celery, onions
minced garlic
bacon slices
tabasco sauce (if you're into that)
any other spices that are good with meat
you take the bacon slices and lay them on top of your meatloaf on the pan.
purelife is cheating. That's a [FONT size=4]gourmet meatloaf ![/FONT] (is that an oxymoron?) (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/5.gif)
But it's yummy and kinda easy to make... :))) hee hee...
It could be a bit expensive buying the variety of ground meat plus the bacon.
I think Lise can take suggestions and improvise. :)
Ok...totally forgot about ketchup...meatloaf has to have ketchup
Maybe you can mix up types of meat. Pork is cheaper than beef. Especially at StupidStore or T&T
Wow! Some great ideas and tips. Can't eat pork though but I'll improvised and come up with something. Hopefully my family will eat it no problems.
I've got something that I think your family and anyone else here will absolutely love if they love cheese and chicken and brocolli.
My guy loves this receipe and all the kids I know. :))) It's definitely VERY easy to make and I make it very often.
3 chicken breasts
pepper to taste
some brocolli florets, about 3 bunches
1 can of cream of chicken soup (low in fat)
1/2 cup mayo
1 tsp curry powder
1 tsp lemon juice
1 cup grated cheddar cheese
cut chicken in bite-sized pieces and sprinkle with pepper, saute in oil until a bit brown. while that is cooking, boil or steam your brocolli until tender crisp.
drain brocolli and arrange in bottom of buttered casserole dish and then place chicken on top. in another bowl, mix together soup, mayo, curry and lemon juice. pour this mixture over the chicken/brocolli and then sprinkle with cheddar cheese. bake 350 uncovered for 30-35 min.
serve over rice.