Hi - Could anyone recommend some places in Vancouver to purchase inexpesive furniture? I find Ikea to be quite expensive.
I know about JYSK, JR Furniture, The Brick and Liquidation World.
Depends what you're looking for. I haven't bought much furniture!
We've bought a few things from the cheap futon stores.
Just before Xmas, I bought couches at Ikea (buy 1, get 1 half price sale).
Before that we had a futon couch (cheap), before that another futon couch (cheap).
My living room tables are the cheap unfinished pine ones from the futon store (stained them myself).
Dining room table/chairs and beds are castoffs from family/friends.
TV stand and bookshelves are Ikea.
My friend just bought a really nice microfibre couch on Craigslist.
I wish that I could purchase big items from Craigslist if only we had a truck... My mom-in-law picked up a bedroom suite, solid oak for dirt cheap.
I'm so over-whelmed right now because quite frankly, my guy has WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYY too many things like DVD's and games that need to be properly shelved. At the moment, they're EVERYWHERE, scattered and unorganized.. He needs to de-junk some things.... I moved into his place with all my stuff fitting in a car. I'm living in a man's apt and I would like to meet halfway to have it much more organized...
ok, end of rant.
Oh... I feel your pain.
Well, you can do a lot with baskets (cheap at JYSK), Rubbermaid containers (StupidStore) and those plastic stacking drawer things.
For larger items, borrow a truck. psssst!- you can probably bribe Russ with a beer and burger.
If you're desperate, a 1 day U-Haul is $29
That's my plan, Lil Me. :))
You too, huh? Oh dear....Don't you just get frustrated some times? I would love to invite friends and family over but can't cuz it's too darn messy. *sigh* Time for hugzzzzzz.
I invite people over selectively. Close friends/family/neighbours=ok.
Anyone else, I try to meet up with them "out" somewhere.
What kind of furniture are you looking for purelife?
Don't overlook second hand stores for dressers and bookshelves. Doesn't matter what shape the finish is in, a can of black paint makes everything look updated and fabulous.
Second hand stores are a great idea. I forgot about them. Thanks PC.
Love your avatar, purelife. Reminds me of van_guy, who hasn't been around for a while.
Your avatar IS too cute !
Love your avatar, purelife. Reminds me of van_guy, who hasn't been around for a while.
van_guy is furry?
van_guy is also a white bear.
Van_guy must also be very very cute. [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://www.cheesebuerger.de/images/more/bigs/c032.gif" border=0]
mmmm.....Is van_guy a bear with blue eyes? ;)