How far back in age can you remember certain events in your life? Do you have more of a selective memory?
Probably selective memory. I can't remember when but I do remember drinking from a bottle one day then saying no shortly afterwards. Have never touched the bottle since then.
I have two or three memories from when I was four years old and one from some time before.
I wonder how (or if) we can remember things before we have a vocabulary?
I remember being in the womb... just kidding. ;)
I actually remember being in Alberta when I was like 4ish and had to walk home by myself. My dad had dropped me off to this daycare place and he had left on his bike. I went to the door and it was closed. I was then crying all the way home. I actually found my way home by myself and my mom was amazed that I had walked all by myself for that long of a distance. She said that it was really far!
Oh wow. That's quite a story.
I do think memory is a function of language/vocabulary. I have early childhood memories (around age 1?) but I was a very chatty kid.
I always wonder how (and if) babies think, because they always look as though they do.
And when babies think, they look sooooooo serious, it's just too cute!
Isn't it strange how all new life seems to have built-in cuteness? I wonder what happens to it and why it doesn't last (apart from in some all too rare instances).
My earliest memories are from when I was 4. My husband claims to be about to remember back to one.
I remember all kids of things from before age 4.
The opening of Robson Square
The opening of Park Royal South
When Coquitlam Centre was new
(my grandfather worked in construction, and used to take me to see new buildings he worked on)
Recently, I saw photos of the UN exhibit Habitat (with lots of white little pyramids on the lawn of the Vancouver Art Gallery). I remembered seeing that before, and I was about 1 when it went up.
I have really scattered memories, but nothing concrete. I think a lot of memories for me are more a memory of the stories told...not necessarily that I actually remember the event.
When you guys recall a memory, which of your senses are heightened? Do you hear the noises around you, see them in color?
I only smell purple lol.
Actually, smell triggers more familiarity with my childhood than anything. Every once in a while, when I cook a roast pork, and the fireplace is going...I always think of my grandmas' place. But it's odd, because it doesn't always smell like grandmas....only once in a long while.
Haaven't seen that game for years! Used to play it at school when it was raining and we couldn't go outside. I can't rememeber if we played in French or English.
I can remember as far back as 1. I remember the apartment which we lived in til i was almost 2.
I haven't seen that game since I was a kid. We used to play it all the time. Coup Fourre !!!! Yeayyy...a memory !
I still have my childhood set of Mille Bourne cards. (//vny!://
Mine are exactly like those as well. I loved that game. You said you played it online ???
Thanks Michel. I'm going to check that out later. Right now I gotta fly. [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://" border=0]
Have a great day.
A tout a l'heure. (? is that correct? lol)
i found all my lincoln logs during the break. I had so many I'd build little cities.
[a href="vny!://"]
[SPAN style="FONT-STYLE: italic"]A tout a l'heure. (? is that correct? lol)[/SPAN]
Of course ! Very good ! The good writing would be [SPAN style="FONT-STYLE: italic"]À tout à l'heure.[/SPAN]
[SPAN style="FONT-STYLE: italic"]À plus tard ! [/SPAN]is more used however since it means the same but a little bit later.
I don't have all those fancy aigus and graves on my keyboard. (//vny!://
sadly i have no memorey recolection at all of my child hood. just the stories told to me of my antics. and even then i find most of them hard to believe