This one is especially for purelife
I like her toes better. (//vny!://
Oooo...nice, thanky Gopher.
What was the last pair of shoe did you buy?
How many pairs of "active" shoes do you have? (active meaning that you wear)
My last pair of shoes that I bought.... Victoria, I think. Shoe Warehouse had a big sale, 50% off clearance shoes so I picked a pair of Clarks open toe shoes and a pair of blue tennis shoes.
I've got 3 pairs. one for exercise, one for everyday use, and one pair of dress shoes. Plus big boots.
Open toes are cute. Do you like the peep toe kinda shoes?
Something like these?
O.K. Purelife, I'll assuage your curiosity. I wear a couple of pairs during the day ,plus sandals when I don't feel like walking around in bare feet. I also have a couple of shoes which I've not yet worn, two pairs of boots, one pair of tennis shoes, a pair of shoes I reserve for weddings - and probably three or four others pairs.
Wow've got quite the collection there. What kind of brands do you like?
Oh gosh... nothing that sexy. Just something kinda like this but light brown in color. I'm all about comfort, not how I look.
I can NEVER understand the need for pointy shoes though. Sure they look fantastic but you kill your feet with them.
purelife wrote:
Wow've got quite the collection there. What kind of brands do you like?[/DIV]
Easily affordable.
I agree about the pointy shoes, Lise. Although I do own a pair of pointy shoes from Aldos. They're flat and are way more comfortable than the ones with a bit of heels to them.
I like nice shoes with comfort. The best ones that I've ever brought were these Rider brand sandals. Extra cushion for the pushin! ;)
what is it with girls wearing really tall high heels and jeans. Doesn't make sense to me.
I don't like it either, SD.
I think that these girls just want to look taller!
Ah yes, so they can measure up to Sportsdude.
yeah probably.
Yeah but this is the sad part though.... not many guys want to date a girl that's taller than her. I think most guys would prefer to date a shorter woman, no?
well I pretty much have no choice the shorter girl department. lol
Yes, I prefer shorter women. ;)
SD, think of it this way, when she starts kissing you, she'll be able to cling onto your nipples for support! Hehe. (//vny!://
For shorter girls?
Sportsdude wrote:
what is it with girls wearing really tall high heels and jeans. Doesn't make sense to me.
I do it with a couple pairs of jeans- out of sheer laziness because my pants are too long and I can't be bothered to get them hemmed. So I either wear them with tall shoes or roll them into capris pants.
That's a good point Lil Me. These girls look really nice with the heel/jean thing.
Heel/jean is simple and sexy !
I decided to bring this one up again, Purelife - just for you!
LOL, thanks Gophie. *blesses8
I brought a pair of leather 2inch ankle boots and love 'em. They make me extra tall.
I wanted a pair of dressy evening shoes but didn't feel like spending the $ for one cuz I don't go out often enough to make use of it.
Any recent purchases from anyone else?
I bought a pair of ankle boots, too! Rockports because I'm a klutz and I like comfy toes. Couple of weeks ago. 30% off due to currency price adjustment.
*high five* Lil Me! Did you spend a lot of time looking for a pair? Or did you just know where to go?
Nah, I just ran into the mall and tried on a few pairs.
Why don't we men have anything to say about shoes?
Because it dashes all the old fashioned hopes men had of keeping women barefoot and pregnant?
Mr LM actually has more shoes than I do. But they're all utilitarian- boots for every possible weather condition, terrain and climate. Such is life when you run secret ops.
Oooo.... I just found a pair of dressy kinda shoes for my gown and it was only $10 on clearance from Shoe Warehouse! It was originally like $50ish.
How many pairs have you got, Purelife?
Less than 10 pairs of shoes that I wear on a regular basis. This is actually my first dressy kind of shoes.
If I had the $$, I would move into a 3-bedroom and turn that one bedroom into a shoe kingdom with clothes, bags, purses, girly stuff galore. LOL ahhhh...only in my dreams. ;)
Honestly, I don't need that many shoes cuz I won't end up wearing them.
.[img style="WIDTH: 476px; HEIGHT: 680px" height=959 src="vny!://" width=647]
As it's getting close to Valentine's day, I thought I'd do something loving for you Purelife - so I've resurrected this thread.
Thanks Gophie..Blesses..
No shoes purchased this year...yet. :)
Did anyone else buy any?
Just a pair of Costco running shoes.
But I bought Jeckyl 2pr running shoes at Shoe Warehouse. Now he needs to learn to tie laces.
yes but they need to be shipped to me, so who knows when they come, judging by track record of this shipping company.... july.
What size are they SD?
Holy! Your feet grew another two sizes in the last year ? That's a LOT for someone your age, and VERY unusual.
lol my feet have been size 15 for 4 years now. Although I really need my shoes custom fitted. one foot should be in a 15.5 shoe.
I've never done the custom shoe thing, do i just go to any store and ask? help
Maybe call Mr. Big n Tall. They are a clothing store, but they will probably be able to point you in the right direction.
i was called shrek in high school.
i still think of myself as a short person though. wish i was 6'2ish.
It sounds like you need to be more comfortable in your own shoes than the shoes finding you, SD.
very true, i'm not comfortable being taller then everyone.
Bump...another important thread.
Any shoe purhases lately? None for me...
i got these new sort of nicer/casual shoe. They make me taller though, have to duck under doors when I'm wearing them. lol
I'm still looking for a pair of sandals.
I'm looking for a pair of sandals too Gophie. They're in my closet somewhere.
Maybe mine are there as well - they're certainly not in the shops.
Gophie, may I suggest a pair of Rider sandals? I have a pair that looks like this
and they are super super comfortable. I know they have a selection for men.
website: [A href="vny!://"]vny!://[/A]
Not bad Purelife, thanks for the idea. They've got massage knobs on them as well .....
Maybe mine are there as well - they're certainly not in the shops..
[img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://" border=0][/DIV]
You might want to think about a new shirt too Gophie. [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://" border=0]
Gopher wrote:
Not bad Purelife, thanks for the idea. They've got massage knobs on them as well .....
I'm not sure if they sell it at your neck of the woods. I just happen to find a pair in Winners. I don't want to order online so will check the States one day for another pair. I can't seem to find this brand here.
Heckyl and Jeckyl each bought a new pair of running shoes at Ross. Less than $15 for name brands.
I like Ross for that too. Though, I didn't see any shoes for me but I should've picked upa pair of Columbia hikers for $20. I regret it.
I've seen kids Timbaland runners for $18. Cheap. :)
Ross is a discount store (like Winners) in the US. There's one just over the border.
I saw some men's shoes and sandals at Costco's.
lol there's a ton of "winners" type stores down south.
Do they have boots at Costco? I'm looking for one.
Lise, you should consider getting both. [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://" border=0]
shhhh! Don't tell anyone this (I was sworn to secrecy but...)
The other leg is actually a pegleg.
She doesn't want to wear form-fitting scrubs at work because....she hides a parrot under her shirt.
Is there a Gordman's in Bellingham? I think that I've visited all the major stores... Has anyone been to Big Lots? The prices are amazingly cheap!
Nope, no boots at Costco's but there are these cute cute pretty pink flowery rubber boots for lil girls. I thought of your daughters when I saw them at Costco's. I wish I had a daughter because I would SO pick them up for her. Heck, I was just going to buy them just for the future... hee hee.. sooo darn cute.
If you're up to it, Lise, I'll be more than willing to take you down to Costco Saturday before dinner. :)
you might wanna take Michel as well. Poor guy said he had no pants.
I took Michel a few weeks ago. He brought just that. PANTS and in 4 different colors! :)))
For a colour blind guy, he's very colourful.
Good good that he has pants. No more running around in his underwear.
The other leg is actually a pegleg.
She doesn't want to wear form-fitting scrubs at work because....she hides a parrot under her shirt.
....and I heard him say, he's VERY happy to be there.[img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://" border=0]
captain lise
Queen of the Sea
Yes, and I've heard that her parrot prefers her right side than her left. And this parrot was thinking of building a nest there.
Has anyone else heard high heels described as 'prostitutes' heels'?
no, I never have.
I heard it this morning, I thought it was hilarious especially as the two women talking about them were obvuiously not the kind given to flights of fancy.
There are also brothel creepers.
And there are also "CFM boots" (come f*ck me)
Never heard of them, thanks for the enlightenment.
You already said you like that kind of boots...
I've just put them on Google (images), they're there - alongside CFM boots!
[FONT size=7]l.o.l.[/FONT]
I think these might be the ultimate CFM boots.
[img style="WIDTH: 390px; HEIGHT: 547px" height=667 alt="" src="vny!://" width=468 border=1]
I think you could just say.......
She wears boots.
My vote is for these boots.
Those are quite lovely Lil Me.
[img id=product_thumbnail style="WIDTH: 180px; HEIGHT: 185px" height=350 alt="Sexy Buckle Thigh High Boots - Available in 4 colours" src="vny!://" width=350][img id=product_thumbnail style="WIDTH: 85px; HEIGHT: 182px" height=350 alt="Sexy Lace Up Back Thigh High Boots - Available in 4 Colours" src="vny!://" width=175]
[img style="WIDTH: 159px; HEIGHT: 149px" height=223 src="vny!://" width=225][img height=147 src="vny!://" width=165]
It's really all about he heel.....isn't it. [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://" border=0]
I meant that CFM Boots are the firefighter's boots. Damn, that would have been more clear if I had posted a pic with a firefighter IN the boots. I'm an idiot...
Gopher wrote:
Has anyone else heard high heels described as 'prostitutes' heels'?
[hr style="width: 100%; height: 2px;"]
Yep! Granville Street past Robson has a store full of kinky stuff and many prostitute heels.
In honour of St Paddy's Day...
purelife wrote:
In honour of St Paddy's Day...
Hey! This is what is at the Shoe Thread! I am in!!
I wonder what kind Nigella wears?
The "CFMtwice" boots, extra long?
What kind of shoes is she wearing?
She certainly doesn't need CFM boots.
Wow... that girl with the green boots is certainly hot.
I'm just wondering... what do you gals think about these shoes? I like them because they're flat but do they look old fashion? I know everyone's into pointy shoes these days but I can't stand them. Too hard to wear.
I saw a similar pair of Nine West shoes at the outlet for like $20 but they don't have my size. (//vny!:// I'll have to keep hunting tho.
On you Lise, they're going to look fabulous!
Flat pointy shoes are more cumfy than the ones with a bit of heel.
I'm all about comfortable clothing and footwear.
I'll learn how to dress like a girl sometime.
I, for one, won't!!
Gopher wrote:
I, for one, won't!![/DIV]
This comment out of nowhere Gopher made my day.
Tell us if you were able to find some, Michel. :)
I saw some nice flats at Mark's Work Wearhouse's flyer that I'm going to check out soon.
I never thought about footwear for photography. Yipppeeee....a reason for another pair of shoes !
I just got a pair of shoes that are excellent for brushing your teeth in....and I saw another pair that will be perfect for doing on-line banking.
The shoes are very very important.
Ony the shoes are visible!
i walked around in my new shoes today, people thought i grew again.. lol
I WANT MORE MONEY so I can have 1,000 shoes!!!! Waaaah.
Just saw a really nice pair of comfy shoes at Winners (did I mention how much I love that store???!?!?!) but had to resist. Maybe next paycheque. *sigh*
[A href="vny!://"]vny!://[/A].
Gopher wrote:
[A href="vny!://"]vny!://[/A].[/DIV]
Yikes! Those shoes look like they belong to Spice Girls.
[A href="jvascript:void(0)"][img id=primaryImage_0 src="vny!://" border=0 name=primaryImage_0][/A] I like these ones. (//vny!://
Were those from the site, Gophie posted up? Those are C U T E!
I only got a chance to see these on the site.
Yes...from Gophie's site. I clicked on Shoewawa, and there is an impressive show of shoooozzzzz !!!
Shoewawa makes me think of Shawarma.
Michel wrote:
I want a Shawarma. Where should I go O omniscient Lil Me?
Beirut? Tehran? Or...maybe one of those takeout shops next to the Skytrain!!!!
You're right, Michel. The shoes gone from Winners. Everything flies out the door at that store. Probably a good idea so I won't have to spend too much.
Oh my, shoes and food together? That's a thread made in heaven! (//vny!://
I wore my leather high heel boots the other day. Crap but I can only be in them for less than 2 hours before I had to call it a day. ARGH! Why must we women suffer to look good? Oh, nevermind answering that.
High heels are terrible.
Army and Navy has their annual shoe sale starting some time next week. I won't be going, that's for sure. Women literally jam their feet in a shoe that isn't their size because it's "such a good deal" and "too cute for words," etc. They'll tell themselves that eventually, they could fit into them. LOL too funny. And women are kinda crazy when they see good shoes that are cheap, well, women at this A&N annual shoe sale. It's a well-known sale.
If you're going to go, Lise, you must go to the Downtown location. The New West one is too small.
ADD: Here's the website. It starts on Wed April 16. [A href="vny!://"]vny!://[/A]
I much prefer the Bay or Sears during this time to pick up any nice sandals/shoes because it's quiet. :)
She needs to ask a girl for opinion on shoes because most guys aren't into shoes as much as the girls are. :)
I like to ask MrPL for his opinion on clothes and shoes. If he doesn't like it, I usually don't buy it. I trust his taste and value his opinion. I like to be in and out of the store, that is.
Does anyone here take their partner's opinion?
Maybe I've misunderstood or maybe I just got off track. LOL
I get it now. (I think) Her shoes hurt her feet and she just wanted a really good excuse to get rid of them. And your words of "no, don't like them," or "no, they don't look good on you." were better reasons than her own shoes hurting her feet.
Here are all the locations in BC for those who are interested in checking them out. LOL
[TABLE style="FONT: 12px Verdana" cellSpacing=3 cellPadding=0 width=611 border=0] [TBODY] [TR] [TD class=green style="FONT: 14px Verdana" align=left width=237]Address and Phone[/TD] [TD class=green style="FONT: 14px Verdana" align=left width=200]Store Hours[/TD] [TD class=green style="FONT: 14px Verdana" align=left width=150]Departments[/TD][/TR] [TR] [TD width=30 height=10][/TD] [TD width=237 height=10][/TD] [TD width=200 height=10][/TD] [TD width=150 height=10][/TD][/TR] [TR] [TD class=green style="FONT-WEIGHT: bold" vAlign=top align=right]1.[/TD] [TD vAlign=top align=left]Winners - Abbotsford
Abbotsford Power Centre
1335 Sumas Way
Abbotsford, BC
V2S 7P5
Phone: 604-556-7558
[A href="vny!://"]get driving directions[/A][/TD] [TD vAlign=top align=left]Mon-Fri: 930am-9pm
Sat: 930am-7pm
Sun: 11am-6pm[/TD] [TD vAlign=top align=left]Little Winners
Plus[/TD][/TR] [TR] [TD colSpan=4] [/TD][/TR] [TR] [TD class=green style="FONT-WEIGHT: bold" vAlign=top align=right]2.[/TD] [TD vAlign=top align=left]Winners - Burnaby
Madison Centre
1899 Rosser Avenue at Lougheed Hwy.
Burnaby, BC
V5C 6R5
Phone: 604-294-0117
[A href="vny!://"]get driving directions[/A][/TD] [TD vAlign=top align=left]Mon-Fri: 9:30am-9pm
Sat: 9:30am-7pm
Sun: 11am-6pm[/TD] [TD vAlign=top align=left]Jewellery
Expanded Accessories[/TD][/TR] [TR] [TD colSpan=4] [/TD][/TR] [TR] [TD class=green style="FONT-WEIGHT: bold" vAlign=top align=right]3.[/TD] [TD vAlign=top align=left]Winners - Burnaby
Metrotower II
4700 Kingsway
Burnaby, BC
V5H 4M2
Phone: 604-430-3457
[A href="vny!://"]get driving directions[/A][/TD] [TD vAlign=top align=left]Mon-Sat: 9:30am-9pm
Sun: 11am-6pm[/TD] [TD vAlign=top align=left]Jewellery
Petite[/TD][/TR] [TR] [TD colSpan=4] [/TD][/TR] [TR] [TD class=green style="FONT-WEIGHT: bold" vAlign=top align=right]4.[/TD] [TD vAlign=top align=left]Winners - Burnaby
Big Bend Crossing
5771 Marine Way
Burnaby, BC
V5J 0A6
Phone: 604-433-4685
[A href="vny!://"]get driving directions[/A][/TD] [TD vAlign=top align=left]Mon-Fri: 9:30am-9pm
Sat: 9:30am-7pm
Sun: 11am-6pm[/TD] [TD vAlign=top align=left]Jewellery[/TD][/TR] [TR] [TD colSpan=4] [/TD][/TR] [TR] [TD class=green style="FONT-WEIGHT: bold" vAlign=top align=right]5.[/TD] [TD vAlign=top align=left]Winners - Coquitlam
King Edward Retail Centre
15 King Edward Street
Coquitlam, BC
V3K 4S8
Phone: 604-524-2602
[A href="vny!://"]get driving directions[/A][/TD] [TD vAlign=top align=left]Mon-Fri: 930am-9pm
Sat: 930am-7pm
Sun: 11am-6pm[/TD] [TD vAlign=top align=left]Jewellery
Expanded Accessories
Plus[/TD][/TR] [TR] [TD colSpan=4] [/TD][/TR] [TR] [TD class=green style="FONT-WEIGHT: bold" vAlign=top align=right]6.[/TD] [TD vAlign=top align=left]Winners - Courtenay
First Pro Courtenay
3199 Cliffe Avenue
Courtenay, BC
V9N 2L9
Phone: 250-703-0161
[A href="vny!://"]get driving directions[/A][/TD] [TD vAlign=top align=left]Mon-Fri: 9:30am-9pm
Sat: 9:30am-6pm
Sun: 10am-5pm[/TD] [TD vAlign=top align=left]Plus[/TD][/TR] [TR] [TD colSpan=4] [/TD][/TR] [TR] [TD class=green style="FONT-WEIGHT: bold" vAlign=top align=right]7.[/TD] [TD vAlign=top align=left]Winners - Cranbrook
Tamarack Shopping Centre
1500 Cranbrook Street North
Cranbrook, BC
V1C 3S8
Phone: 250-417-0949
[A href="vny!://"]get driving directions[/A][/TD] [TD vAlign=top align=left]Mon-Wed: 9:30am-5:30pm
Thu-Fri: 930am-9pm
Sat: 9:30am-5:30pm
Sun: 12pm-5pm[/TD] [TD vAlign=top align=left]Expanded Home[/TD][/TR] [TR] [TD colSpan=4] [/TD][/TR] [TR] [TD class=green style="FONT-WEIGHT: bold" vAlign=top align=right]8.[/TD] [TD vAlign=top align=left]Winners - Kamloops
The Summit Shopping Centre
1180 Columbia Street West
Kamloops, BC
V2C 6R6
Phone: 250-377-3150
[A href="vny!://"]get driving directions[/A][/TD] [TD vAlign=top align=left]Mon-Fri: 9:30am-9pm
Sat: 9:30am-6pm
Sun: 11am-6pm[/TD] [TD vAlign=top align=left][/TD][/TR] [TR] [TD colSpan=4] [/TD][/TR] [TR] [TD class=green style="FONT-WEIGHT: bold" vAlign=top align=right]9.[/TD] [TD vAlign=top align=left]Winners - Kelowna
Capri Centre Mall
1835 Gordon Drive
Kelowna, BC
V1Y 3H5
Phone: 250-860-0267
[A href="vny!://"]get driving directions[/A][/TD] [TD vAlign=top align=left]Mon-Fri: 930am-9pm
Sat: 930am-6pm
Sun: 11am-6pm[/TD] [TD vAlign=top align=left]Jewellery
Expanded Accessories[/TD][/TR] [TR] [TD colSpan=4] [/TD][/TR] [TR] [TD class=green style="FONT-WEIGHT: bold" vAlign=top align=right]10.[/TD] [TD vAlign=top align=left]Winners - Langley
Langley Power Centre
20150 Langley Bypass
Langley, BC
V3A 9J8
Phone: 604-532-0377
[A href="vny!://"]get driving directions[/A][/TD] [TD vAlign=top align=left]Mon-Fri: 930am-9pm
Sat: 930am-6pm
Sun: 11am-6pm[/TD] [TD vAlign=top align=left]Jewellery
Kids' home décor
Plus[/TD][/TR] [TR] [TD colSpan=4] [/TD][/TR] [TR] [TD class=green style="FONT-WEIGHT: bold" vAlign=top align=right]11.[/TD] [TD vAlign=top align=left]Winners - Nanaimo
Woodgrove Mall
6631 Island Highway North
Nanaimo, BC
V9T 4T7
Phone: 250-751-0308
[A href="vny!://"]get driving directions[/A][/TD] [TD vAlign=top align=left]Mon-Tue: 930am-6pm
Wed-Fri: 930am-9pm
Sat: 930am-6pm
Sun: 11am-5pm[/TD] [TD vAlign=top align=left]Jewellery[/TD][/TR] [TR] [TD colSpan=4] [/TD][/TR] [TR] [TD class=green style="FONT-WEIGHT: bold" vAlign=top align=right]12.[/TD] [TD vAlign=top align=left]Winners - North Vancouver
Lynn Valley Centre
1199 Lynn Valley Road
North Vancouver, BC
V7J 3H2
Phone: 604-990-8230
[A href="vny!://"]get driving directions[/A][/TD] [TD vAlign=top align=left]Mon-Fri: 9:30am-9pm
Sat: 9:30am-6pm
Sun: 11am-6pm[/TD] [TD vAlign=top align=left]Jewellery
Petite[/TD][/TR] [TR] [TD colSpan=4] [/TD][/TR] [TR] [TD class=green style="FONT-WEIGHT: bold" vAlign=top align=right]13.[/TD] [TD vAlign=top align=left]Winners - Penticton
Penticton Power Centre
2210 Main Street
Penticton, BC
V2A 8X3
Phone: 250-487-1141
[A href="vny!://"]get driving directions[/A][/TD] [TD vAlign=top align=left]Mon-Fri: 9:30am-9pm
Sat: 9:30am-6pm
Sun: 11am-6pm[/TD] [TD vAlign=top align=left][/TD][/TR] [TR] [TD colSpan=4] [/TD][/TR] [TR] [TD class=green style="FONT-WEIGHT: bold" vAlign=top align=right]14.[/TD] [TD vAlign=top align=left]Winners - Pitt Meadows
Meadowtown Centre
19800 Lougheed Hwy
Pitt Meadows, BC
V3Y 2W1
Phone: 604-465-4330
[A href="vny!://"]get driving directions[/A][/TD] [TD vAlign=top align=left]Mon-Fri: 930am-9pm
Sat: 930am-7pm
Sun: 10am-6pm[/TD] [TD vAlign=top align=left]Little Winners
Plus[/TD][/TR] [TR] [TD colSpan=4] [/TD][/TR] [TR] [TD class=green style="FONT-WEIGHT: bold" vAlign=top align=right]15.[/TD] [TD vAlign=top align=left]Winners - Port Coquitlam
Westwood Mall
3000 Lougheed Hwy.
Port Coquitlam, BC
V3B 1C5
Phone: 604-468-2210
[A href="vny!://"]get driving directions[/A][/TD] [TD vAlign=top align=left]Mon-Fri: 9:30am-9pm
Sat: 9:30am-6pm
Sun: 11am-6pm[/TD] [TD vAlign=top align=left]Jewellery[/TD][/TR] [TR] [TD colSpan=4] [/TD][/TR] [TR] [TD class=green style="FONT-WEIGHT: bold" vAlign=top align=right]16.[/TD] [TD vAlign=top align=left]Winners - Prince George
Brookwood Plaza
3900 Walls Avenue
Prince George, BC
V2N 4L4
Phone: 250-562-9465
[A href="vny!://"]get driving directions[/A][/TD] [TD vAlign=top align=left]Mon-Fri: 9:30am-9pm
Sat: 9:30am-6pm
Sun: 11am-6pm[/TD] [TD vAlign=top align=left][/TD][/TR] [TR] [TD colSpan=4] [/TD][/TR] [TR] [TD class=green style="FONT-WEIGHT: bold" vAlign=top align=right]17.[/TD] [TD vAlign=top align=left]Winners - Richmond
Landsdowne Park
5300 No. 3 Road
Richmond, BC
V6X 2X9
Phone: 604-279-9466
[A href="vny!://"]get driving directions[/A][/TD] [TD vAlign=top align=left]Mon-Fri: 9:30am-9pm
Sat: 9:30am-7pm
Sun: 11am-6pm[/TD] [TD vAlign=top align=left]Jewellery
Expanded Accessories
Petite[/TD][/TR] [TR] [TD colSpan=4] [/TD][/TR] [TR] [TD class=green style="FONT-WEIGHT: bold" vAlign=top align=right]18.[/TD] [TD vAlign=top align=left]Winners - Surrey
South Point Exchange
3091 152nd Street
Surrey, BC
V4P 3K1
Phone: 604-535-0115
[A href="vny!://"]get driving directions[/A][/TD] [TD vAlign=top align=left]Mon-Fri: 9:30am-9pm
Sat: 9:30am-6pm
Sun: 11am-6pm[/TD] [TD vAlign=top align=left]Jewellery
Expanded Accessories[/TD][/TR] [TR] [TD colSpan=4] [/TD][/TR] [TR] [TD class=green style="FONT-WEIGHT: bold" vAlign=top align=right]19.[/TD] [TD vAlign=top align=left]Winners - Surrey
Central City
10153 King George Highway
Surrey, BC
V3T 2W1
Phone: 604-584-4404
[A href="vny!://"]get driving directions[/A][/TD] [TD vAlign=top align=left]Mon-Fri: 930am-9pm
Sat: 930am-6pm
Sun: 11am-6pm[/TD] [TD vAlign=top align=left][/TD][/TR] [TR] [TD colSpan=4] [/TD][/TR] [TR] [TD class=green style="FONT-WEIGHT: bold" vAlign=top align=right]20.[/TD] [TD vAlign=top align=left]Winners - Surrey
Strawberry Hill Shopping Centre
12101 72nd Avenue at Scott Road
Surrey, BC
V3W 2M1
Phone: 604-501-0153
[A href="vny!://"]get driving directions[/A][/TD] [TD vAlign=top align=left]Mon-Fri: 930am-9pm
Sat: 930am-6pm
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[A href="vny!://"]get driving directions[/A][/TD] [TD vAlign=top align=left]Mon-Tue: 9:30am-6pm
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Army and Navy? Seriously? For shoes? No way! The downtown location kinda scares me. The last thing I bought from them were scrubs from a long time ago.
BTW, I bought a pair of DKNY shoes at Winners. Flat heels for like $50, 1/2 price from $100. I'm so happeeeeeee......
I saw a pair of silver runners there once. (//vny!:// I moved them to the 'unusual decor' section.
That sounds like some comfy shoes you have there, Lise.
Yes, they are. They kinda look like these ones. I wanted something comfy and easy to slip on when I go to work.
Those look really nice Lise...will go with capris and everything.
My dog chewed my runners, then five months later, chewed my sandles.
OK.... tried them on for today. My feet hurt. I've blisters near my big toe. Stupid shoes. Weren't as comfortable as I thought they would be. I'll have to break them down some more. *sigh*
Throwing out your old cutlery? Drop it off at a used goods store- Salvation Army takes donations at the back door (12th and Main) or a bunch of smaller charity stores on Main St.
Those look like a good pair of comfy shoes, there Michel.
I also got Mr PL to buy a pair of sandles, from Costco.
How much were they?
Uhm..... wot the heck is Losers?
not sure if these shoes were ever posted but they are the trend now in Japan...
Oooooo....those look comfy.
You can't be serious!
Any video footage? I would love to see how attractive one might look actually walking in those.
I think PC is more serious than ever.
Oh I AM ! [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://" border=0]
Are you a size 5, PC?
Which toe ?
Sorry SD, but that guy with the tennis racket wouldn't look good in those shoes.
I'm still trying to figure out the connection.
Maybe he thinks the Wimbledon Tennis (female) players would like a pair of these shoes.
John Mcenroe the hot head U.S. Tennis Player from the 70s/80s. Famous for shouting and getting into hissy fits with umpires saying "YOU CANNOT BE SERIOUS!!! over and over again throwing his racket around causing a stir. lol
First badass of tennis.
One of his hot head moments:
[a href="vny!://"]vny!://[/a]
His 'Serious' tantrum at Wimbledon:
[a href="vny!://"]vny!://[/a]
purelife wrote:
not sure if these shoes were ever posted but they are the trend now in Japan...
[img style="WIDTH: 127px; HEIGHT: 186px" height=384 src="vny!://" width=164]
Whoa!!! I wouldn't be able to walk in them!
High high high heals usually make a woman's' feet look sexy. They 'set' the calf muscle in a way that is more shapely. They also shift a woman's' posture into a more graceful line and create a glide in her step.
I see these 'shoes' doing none of those things.
Somehow I don't feel all that when I'm wearing high heels, PC. More like.... wobble, wobble and hope I don't fall flat on my face.
I don't know how women can last all day long on high heels. It's like torture!
[FONT color=#ff00ff]HORS3 NEDS SHO3S 2[/FONT]
[FONT color=#ff00ff]STILATOS[/FONT]
Taking 'Spike heels' a little too literally !!!!!
Looks like a form of torture by the U.S. for female detainees at Guantanamo.
Shoe Shop Surprise
[A href="vny!://"]vny!://[/A]
Any shoe purchases since June anyone?
I gotta get a pair of runners soon.
No new shoes for me.
Speaking of shoes, my Crocs melted and deformed themselves :(
lol. More likely the Fashion Police caught up with me and torched my ugly comfortable shoes.
Yep, one pair - nothing special, just comfortable.
This afternoon, I just saw the perfect semi-flat casual Hush Puppies shoes. I just have to save some money for it... about $100. I tried em on and they are so super comfortable.
I bought new shoes, didn't fit, so I've got to ship them back.
Oh, I forgot to mention that I finally purchased a pair of runners that I desperately needed.
This thread is exactly one year and one day old. And look how many shoes we've purchased. (//forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/11.gif)
THOSE are a nice pair of shoes, much after the discount?
Do you think the resoling them will savage your old pair? Didn't you say that they were totally worn out?
THAT is a good deal!
Shoe thread rules!
Shoe thread forever!
Long live the Shoe thread!
"I broke my Shoe" at 1:12
[a href="vny!://"]vny!://[/a]
purelife wrote: This thread is exactly one year and one day old. And look how many shoes we've purchased.
Awwwww. Happy Birthday Shoe Thread........... why it seems like only yesterday. *sniff sniff*
[img style="WIDTH: 250px; HEIGHT: 371px" height=393 src="vny!://" width=250]
Wait a minute. What am I celebrating. This merely points out that I haven't bought a pair of shoes for a year.
I am more of a sandal or bare feet kind of I still allowed to visit this thread?
If you got're in.
Vancouver heels ?
[A href="vny!://"][img style="WIDTH: 537px; HEIGHT: 314px" height=328 alt="New trand in women's shoes " src="vny!://" width=561 border=0][/A]
I love those Vancouver heels! LOL
I bought a new pair of walking shoes and some sandals on sale.
The walking shoes are great for walking but I had to drive in them and that was bad!
I generally have shoes that are for walking, running, driving......and if I can get away with it.....fine dining.(//vny!://
P.C. wrote:
I generally have shoes that are for walking, running, driving......and if I can get away with it.....fine dining.(//vny!:// My work shoes are like that as I never know just what I'll be doing.
I think I might be missing an important gene. I've never been a big shoe fanatic. I like nice shoes, but at some point (and I don't know when this happeded) comfort became a priority. I have a pair of runners, a pair of sandals, a pair of leather boots, a pair of sexy heels and 4 pairs of garden
lol.....I think all of mine work for sleeping.
my g/f has over 300 pairs of shoes
her mother has over 600!!!
Wow...almost one for each day!
I found a pair of comfortable shoes for work...(really needed a second pair) - in black, of course.
[A href="vny!://"]vny!://[/A] know your shoes, Michel. :) I think you're right that it's a mary-jane style shoe. [/DIV] shoes arrived Monday! (//vny!://
Tomorow I'm going to look at my winter shoes and see if they need upgrading.
Gopher wrote:
Tomorow I'm going to look at my winter shoes and see if they need upgrading.[/DIV]
Upgrading to something like these, Gophie?
[img style="WIDTH: 212px; HEIGHT: 264px" height=404 src="vny!://" width=311]
Definitely CFM
Gopher wrote:
Hmmm, does that mean you like 'em dirty?
Well, I don't like cleaning them, that's for sure.
Hey, Purelife. What kind of shoes do you recommend for throwing as an expression of disrespect?
I love pretty shoes!!!!^^^
These are my favourite everyday shoes.
Not very sexy, I know.
But comfortable and practical. I rarely get wet feet and I rarely fall on the ice. Our sidewalks are still covered in ice and snow here.
LOl Michel.^__^
I lovvvvve heels!!!=D I am tall in them though. I am already 5'6, so when I wear heels I can go to 5'8-5'10. =) ehehhehehehe.^^^^^^^ I LOVES IT THOUGH!!!!
I love the straps, Sparks but they always seem to fall off afterawhile. I'm not sure.... maybe I just don't know how to tie them together.
(//vny!://[A href="vny!://[/img][/A]
Trying to look for something like this so I can wear in the snow. High heels are fine when you don't have to take the bus and walk to work. It's hard to find good boots!
Those are nice, Lise.
I'd look for nice boots if I had to dress well for work.
Yes, nice ones Lise. Practical, and classical.
Ja, I think so too. Caved in today and bought my leather boots. Couldn't resist. 50% off the original, real leather and made in Italy. I'm happy and broke.
Gopher wrote:
Hey, Purelife. What kind of shoes do you recommend for throwing as an expression of disrespect?
muddy soccer shoes?
Those shoes look comfy Lil Me. I was going to buy a pair similiar looking but they didn't have my size. Where did you buy those?
Lise - It's nice to treat yourself once in a while.
My green shoes were in the bargain pile at MEC a few years ago. I think they were only about $40.
Michel, you should have bought the girls a set each! How could you not?
My feet hurt today after all the walking. Blasted boots.
I bought 2 pairs of footwear yesterday. (//vny!:// (not something I do very often)
I bought these ones to wear with pants...
[A href="vny!://"][img height=170 src="vny!://" width=165 border=0][/A]I used to be 'fashion before function'. NOW as you can see, I'm function before fashion. lol
And these ones....
Hmm...can't find these ones.
And then these ones, that I want these as well for walking....they were like walking with clouds strapped to my feet. They are called Bare Traps.
[img height=349 alt="product image" src="vny!://" width=339 [ td]
Just got back from town. My feet are killing me. (//vny!:// (just kidding) Those are pretty comfy lil boots.
[A href="vny!://"][img height=170 src="vny!://" width=165 border=0][/A]I have something similar, PC! Those shoes rock. The only problem I had was during the freak snow storm we had when I couldn't find something higher while stepping into the snow. I still wear them though they hurt my feet after a full day of walking in them.
The price we pay for beauty........
Hate to rain on your parade, Lise but I don't think that most men notice what shoes a woman's wearing - unless they're of the cfms.
I agree Gophie, but Miss Lise is a girly girl. :)
I prefer comfort over style but I do have to admit that I have one pair of shoe that is absolutely cute that I would like to wear more often if it didn't hurt my feet. Oh well, only for special occasions.
umm whats CFMS stand for ?
and gopher is right men almost never notice a woman's footwear (foot or shoe fetishist's aside) . i do notice if she is wearing a nice dress or skirt, nylons and heels... but i am more apt to tell u if she had nice legs, rather than nice shoes lol
Did Imelda Marcos manage to hang onto all of her shoes - or did Purelife get them?
My shoes have holes.
Gohan's shoes!! I purchased the brown ones recently. The other 3 were given to me by a friend. He doesn't fit them yet.
[img style="width: 507px; height: 379px;" src="vny!://"]
Oh so cute. I love the little booties on the left/front !!!
I've now developed three holes in my shoes and the first one is now 'first toe from the big toe big'
my shoes are cheap at costco
My shoes are cheap wherever I get them.
Find one that i can use to kick the trolls out of here
[img style="WIDTH: 132px; HEIGHT: 136px" src="vny!://" width=132 height=135]
You could try spraying this on your shoes, it might help.
Gopher wrote:
[img style="WIDTH: 132px; HEIGHT: 136px" src="vny!://" width=132 height=135]
You could try spraying this on your shoes, it might help.
Just might work .Thanks....................holds nozzle down until can is empty..................smells better here now too
Gets rid of the foot odour?
Gopher wrote:
Gets rid if the foot odour?[/DIV]
Troll odour was real bad
[A href="vny!://"]vny!://[/A]
What a shame they don't generate money as well.
Gopher wrote:
EWW! Those are so ugly. I hate looking at feet.