...so now we will all come here. We'll provide you with hits, if you accept our trolls.
Hey, DV is down.
Looks like Discover Vancouver is down.
Good Riddance.
Why Penitent....I would have expected a sermon on acceptance or the reaching out of arms.....embracing our brothers and sisters.....etc.
...what's dv?
Ok, I'm up. where is everybody?
Don't worry... The trolls will be arriving shortly. Some are not so bright, so it may take them some time, but they will come. Oh yes, they will come.
Acceptance of evil is no virtue. Heed not the foul words of deceiving spirits, nor the doctrines of demons.
Eschew wickedness and hold fast to integrity in these dark days. Wormwood approaches and the lines of battle have been drawn.
Ok, what posters are here now that normally post on DV? Who jumps back and forth from time to time? I crave this knowledge...
do you ws?
i crave a dip cone from DQ....wanna come dip with me?
I can't do the dip cone with you, as I'm out of town. I'm on 'vacation,' yet I still spend my time on these boards. I'll tell you what, go ahead without me...
[img style="WIDTH: 154px; HEIGHT: 142px" height=124 src="vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Sad/2.gif" width=114 border=0] no, i don't wanna. my momma told me not to go out alone. i will wait.
Actually, that reminds me... Most fast food restaurants have been renovated within the last 20 years, yet I'm certain many Dairy Queen's have not. Dairy Queen seems notorious for this. Some even have ashtrays still mounted in various places inside...
C'mon guys! Say something! There's three or four people staring at this thread!
was it the work of hackers?????
Superstar maybe, or GOATSE ???
You guys suck. But you did give me a good idea, formula1... It's 3:30, and I haven't eaten all day. It's been a while since I've been to Dairy Queen, so I think I might drive down and pick me up a DQ Deluxe Burger...
wholley smokes I even tried bringing up specific thread addresses and got vny!500 errors
this is huge
Well I am bored. Damn DV!
omg wrote:
wholley smokes I even tried bringing up specific thread addresses and got vny!500 errors
this is huge
Who are you, omg... Nobody should remember that handle. It has bad karma attached to it...
Actually, I think this would be a good time for me to change this handle. I don't like it anymore...
If I created an account here but don't remember it can someone find it for me?
Lady you will remember but probably never come back. lol
K I don't like this set p... it's a bit of a pain in the ass to keep typing my name in there and the spam filters are making me 'randy'... I've had climax and bushes... I think DS is dirty...
So what is with this annoying Anti-Spam Bot-Stopper? Here I go to type a word so I can post my cheap message. grrrr
I got enough! lol.... Is this place kicking me out? ;P
It's all quite annoying... I'm not sure it's completely worth it... I think DS has sex on the server... My three spam bot stopper words have all been kinda dirty... Climax, bushes, babies... what's going on with your sick sick minds?
Mandy I think we are the only two people on here. lol
WS wrote:
You guys suck. But you did give me a good idea, formula1... It's 3:30, and I haven't eaten all day. It's been a while since I've been to Dairy Queen, so I think I might drive down and pick me up a DQ Deluxe Burger...
no dipped cone?
Mandy wrote:
It's all quite annoying... I'm not sure it's completely worth it... I think DS has sex on the server... My three spam bot stopper words have all been kinda dirty... Climax, bushes, babies... what's going on with your sick sick minds?
we have sex 24/7. jeluz?
That's better. Now I must find an 'avatar'...
Hello Ace
Nice of you to join us. lol Not too much happening.
who's ace? hey guyz... what are your names on DV
Mandy and Ace are there handles on DV. Lazy people. lol j/k
That was "their" damn I don't proof read here either. :(
hey uhm, what does tna stand for?
Ace, plenty of neat avatars:
[A href="vny!://www.coolavatars.net/"]vny!://www.coolavatars.net/[/A]
[A href="vny!://www.avatarcorner.com/"]vny!://www.avatarcorner.com/[/A]
Caramel Kisses wrote:
That was "their" damn I don't proof read here either. :(
you can modify your posts. :)) thatsa perk of being a member you see.
Do I have to keep typing my name and typing the spam thing to post if I'm a member?
I feel spiders on my skin, my tongue is swelling up and the walls are breathing. Yup I'm addicted all right. I would steal a tv set to get one more hit of DV.
Ok I'm a DS noob... I still have to type the stupid spam things...
Well hello over here Mandy.. welcome.. Just blessed ya.
Thanks for the avatar links, Lise...
There, I think everything is set up proper now.
Ace wrote:
Thanks for the avatar links, Lise...
There, I think everything is set up proper now.
Ace is it possible that I got all set up proper before you did?
Has the flood of trolls started up yet? Maybe DS should advertise more on DV so in times like these the trolls will know where to go. Hah just looked down and the spam stopper word is 'entice'. That made my skin crawl a little.
Mandy wrote:
Ace wrote:
Thanks for the avatar links, Lise...
There, I think everything is set up proper now.
Ace is it possible that I got all set up proper before you did?
It is possible Mandy, but I had difficulty choosing my avatar! It'll do for now...
(btw, I've been registered here since March, but it's time for a 'fresh' change...)
Have you never posted here before, Mandy? The people here are actually nice. A little too nice at times...
Ace wrote:
Have you never posted here before, Mandy? The people here are actually nice. A little too nice at times...
Nope this is my first... Two or three posts then I registered.. I think it's a little creepy that they keep tabs on you so much here.. but oh well I guess I'll live with it.
I just got climax again as a spam word thingy... I think DS thinks I'm dirty...
DS reads DV in its spare time.
Ric Mongler wrote:
DS reads DV in its spare time.[/DIV]
Mandy wrote:
Ace wrote:
Have you never posted here before, Mandy? The people here are actually nice. A little too nice at times...
Nope this is my first... Two or three posts then I registered.. I think it's a little creepy that they keep tabs on you so much here.. but oh well I guess I'll live with it.
DV keeps the same tabs on you, believe me. And 'the powers that be' over there already have my email addy, so there's no difference, really...
DV keeps the same tabs on you, believe me. And 'the powers that be' over there already have my email addy, so there's no difference, really...
That's fine with me... I think the spam words are hilarious... My last one was buzzed... this one is...
bagged... Who makes up these words?
DS knows you're dirty because it read DV.
P.S. none of my anti-spam words are dirty because DS knows I'm a well-adjusted individual.
Are the spam words on a random rotation? Maybe they should have some better words before things get sketchy here... Something like Christ... Jebus... Catholic... Instead of climax, bushes, bagged...
LOL nevermind... current spam word is bishop... This is freakin hilarious...
Ric Mongler wrote:
DS knows you're dirty because it read DV.
P.S. none of my anti-spam words are dirty because DS knows I'm a well-adjusted individual.[/DIV]
Well that makes complete sense to me... I guess I'll live with it... Starting to feel like Joey from friends... He can make "Grandma's chicken salad" sound dirty...
Ohh current spam word... Adjust... I'm starting to think DS is a little bit creepy..
I just wanted to let you know, Mandy, that your Email addy is visible in your profile. That can be hidden...
Have you guys ever seen Zardoz?
[TABLE bgColor=#ffffdd border=1] [TBODY] [TR] [TD align=middle colSpan=2][SMALL]Anti-Spam Bot-Stopper
Please type the text below into this field[/SMALL][/TD][/TR] [TR] [TD align=middle] [STYLE type=text/css] TD.at_r1 (vertical-align:bottom;) [/STYLE] [TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 border=0] [TBODY] [TR] [TD][/TD] [TD class=at_r1 rowSpan=2]th[/TD] [TD][/TD][/TR] [TR] [TD]ear[/TD] [TD]s[/TD][/TR][/TBODY][/TABLE][/TD] [TD][INPUT type=hidden name=sauce_check][INPUT size=10 name=sauce][/TD][/TR][/TBODY][/TABLE] Weird.
Ace wrote:
I just wanted to let you know, Mandy, that your Email addy is visible in your profile. That can be hidden...
Thanks.. it's all good though everyone already knows my email... it's a DV special... I'd never use my real or important emails for this kinda junk...
Ric Mongler wrote:
Have you guys ever seen Zardoz?
[TABLE bgColor=#ffffdd border=1] [TBODY] [TR] [TD align=middle colSpan=2][SMALL]Anti-Spam Bot-Stopper
Please type the text below into this field[/SMALL][/TD][/TR] [TR] [TD align=middle] [STYLE type=text/css] TD.at_r1 (vertical-align:bottom;) [/STYLE] [TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 border=0] [TBODY] [TR] [TD][/TD] [TD class=at_r1 rowSpan=2]th[/TD] [TD][/TD][/TR] [TR] [TD]ear[/TD] [TD]s[/TD][/TR][/TBODY][/TABLE][/TD] [TD][INPUT type=hidden name=sauce_check][INPUT size=10 name=sauce][/TD][/TR][/TBODY][/TABLE]
What's Zardoz and why is earths weird?
I'm not sure. I saw it when I was a kid and I don't remember so much about it.
[TABLE bgColor=#ffffdd border=1] [TBODY] [TR] [TD align=middle colSpan=2][SMALL]Anti-Spam Bot-Stopper
Please type the text below into this field[/SMALL][/TD][/TR] [TR] [TD align=middle] [STYLE type=text/css] TD.at_r1 (vertical-align:bottom;) [/STYLE] [TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 border=0] [TBODY] [TR] [TD][/TD] [TD class=at_r1 rowSpan=2]ov[/TD] [TD][/TD][/TR] [TR] [TD]alc[/TD] [TD]e[/TD][/TR][/TBODY][/TABLE][/TD] [TD][INPUT type=hidden name=sauce_check][INPUT size=10 name=sauce][/TD][/TR][/TBODY][/TABLE]
K Ric you lost me... but that's ok cause I'm getting ready to go home now.. have a great weekend and see you around DV/DS sometime... B'bye.
Alright guys, I'm starving! I haven't eaten all day, so I've gotta fix something up...
Take care.
Be seeing you Mandy ;)
[TABLE bgColor=#ffffdd border=1] [TBODY] [TR] [TD align=middle colSpan=2][SMALL]Anti-Spam Bot-Stopper
Please type the text below into this field[/SMALL][/TD][/TR] [TR] [TD align=middle] [STYLE type=text/css] TD.at_r1 (vertical-align:bottom;) [/STYLE] [TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 border=0] [TBODY] [TR] [TD][/TD] [TD class=at_r1 rowSpan=2]gm[/TD] [TD][/TD][/TR] [TR] [TD]eni[/TD] [TD]a[/TD][/TR][/TBODY][/TABLE][/TD] [TD][INPUT type=hidden name=sauce_check][INPUT size=10 name=sauce][/TD][/TR][/TBODY][/TABLE]
They are working hard on it now. It came up for a minute and then it collapsed down again on itself. I'm sure a fixed DV is right around the corner.
[TABLE bgColor=#ffffdd border=1] [TBODY] [TR] [TD align=middle colSpan=2][SMALL]Anti-Spam Bot-Stopper
Please type the text below into this field[/SMALL][/TD][/TR] [TR] [TD align=middle] [STYLE type=text/css] TD.at_r1 (vertical-align:bottom;) [/STYLE] [TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 border=0] [TBODY] [TR] [TD][/TD] [TD class=at_r1 rowSpan=2]id[/TD] [TD][/TD][/TR] [TR] [TD]bor[/TD] [TD]e[/TD][/TR][/TBODY][/TABLE][/TD] [TD][INPUT type=hidden name=sauce_check][INPUT size=10 name=sauce][/TD][/TR][/TBODY][/TABLE]
Maybe the DV Admins are implementing registration...
I tend to lean toward the "major hacker attack" theory
I'm sure that's it. Maybe they are both around the same corner. I would personally like to refute some things I hear a lot. The DV admins absolutely CAN code their way out of some wet paper bags. And I've seen pics also and they are NOT mongoloids =(
omg wrote:
I tend to lean toward the "major hacker attack" theory
I'm still intrigued as to why you would remember one of my handles that I haven't used in months...
Anyhow, Orik seems to be keeping a low profile lately... He still posts on DV, just under another handle.
In fact, you could be Orik, 'omg'...
Well yes i post on dv from time to time. i am not there near as often as i used to be. being banned for posting under my own damn name gets highly annoying. i also hate using proxy's makes things damn slow... im on a chronic shit list since i said some naughty things about the dv admins and the semi competent mods... as for me being the hacker to bring dv to its knees, lol... you got the wrong man... i have no idea whats going on. im almost never around from 8 to 5 pm. i am normally to busy working... low profile i guess u could call working 12 hr days a low profile. speaking of which i have to get back to work...
i also love how the mods ban me when i use the name orik... but kits... aka mod.... can hijack my name with impudence... and others seem to be able to use it also.. it would look like i am the only one not allowed to use my name... gotta love the impartiality of those dv mods ... a round of applause for the headsman... if you please...
outstanding post, Orik.....
I honestly didn't really believe it was Orik, he is not that malicious
I must say Superstar has been pretty conspicuous in her absence...............
They've done that to me too, Orik. One of my user names was 'auto-banned,' meaning any IP attempting to post with it is automatically banned. Also, the post will not appear when one attempts to post using that handle. But low and behold, there was my 'handle' posting on a few occasions! Oh well, let them have their fun...
Superstar is a lot smarter than people think. Underestimate her at your peril hehe
Pow! I can smell DVs circuits sizzling from here =) The poor girls getting tag teamed by a bunch of guys now and they aren't treating her like a lady.
Ace wrote:
They've done that to me too, Orik. One of my user names was 'auto-banned,' meaning any IP attempting to post with it is automatically banned. Also, the post will not appear when one attempts to post using that handle. But low and behold, there was my 'handle' posting on a few occasions! Oh well, let them have their fun...
What handle is that?
sTp wrote:
Ace wrote:
They've done that to me too, Orik. One of my user names was 'auto-banned,' meaning any IP attempting to post with it is automatically banned. Also, the post will not appear when one attempts to post using that handle. But low and behold, there was my 'handle' posting on a few occasions! Oh well, let them have their fun...
What handle is that?
I'll give you one guess, although it's now being posted with spacing, which is acceptable, I guess..
Also, don't go looking for that post, as it magically disappeared! Like I said, let them have their fun. I like fun...
It has been hacked.
It is down again... Now, that doesn't necessarily mean it has been hacked, does it? I'm not that 'web site' savvy, but could it be a possibility that Administration might need to temporarily shut it down to make changes?
Maybe WE knows a thing we don't =)
I am the editor for the westender and I paid a hacker to hack it. Because I am very angry at the racism and homophobia on dv.
westender wrote:
I am the editor for the westender and I paid a hacker to hack it. Because I am very angry at the racism and homophobia on dv.
Should you really be posting statements like this?
Ric Mongler wrote:
Maybe WE knows a thing we don't =)
I'm not too sure what you're saying...
Sorry to inform, but hacking DV never did and never will make a dent in the racism and other hate there. Why would it? You have to know this right? So then why? And it's a question for whoever really did it not necessarily WE whoever that is.
[img height=291 src="vny!://img341.imageshack.us/img341/5518/eedskullxg0.gif" width=183]
EED is a tease I saw him wimp out from a dozen fights so don't try to make people frightened with his lame handle =)
well look,
Now that DV has been taken down FINALLY
Can u all at least LOOK at my forum? No one ever gets banned or censored EVER!
What u post STAYS posted.
see it here:
a free board lol..
"Now that DV has been taken down FINALLY"
LOL don't you mean AGAIN?? =)
free 4 all wrote:
well look,
Now that DV has been taken down FINALLY
Can u all at least LOOK at my forum? No one ever gets banned or censored EVER!
What u post STAYS posted.
see it here:
What if I post something when I'm drunk late one night, and then later on I decide I no longer want it posted?
My alien detector just went off like crazy =)
well look at that.............
I'm surprised that no one bothered to ask an important thing. Who has the most to gain from it?
looks like it's down again
This thread is on fire!
Yup! Unfortunately just like over on DV it's all one guy posting everything under some different handles.
Ric Mongler wrote:
Yup! Unfortunately just like over on DV it's all one guy posting everything under some different handles.
I don't think that's usually the case... Sometimes, but not that often...
I'll pull a # out of the air... I would be willing to bet there's around 20 +/- posters on DV at any given time during the day...
And I'd also be willing to bet that half of them are lurking around here right now...
Nope. It's just me most days. And let me tell you it gets lonely =(
Ric Mongler wrote:
Nope. It's just me most days. And let me tell you it gets lonely =(
Don't worry. I'm there too most of the time... and it does get lonely, especially late at night.
yay to poo board! but you really need to bring back the anonymous posting.
no one will register or post there, unless they can post like they do on dv.
Yeah why don't they allow anonymous posting here wtf??? Oh wait...
The only way to truly post 'anonymously' is to run through a proxy server located in a country that's not so friendly with ours...
What a drag. It's doable but very inconvenient in the long run. They also have utilities to rotate through a list of proxies periodically just to throw some salt on the wound but it's still annoying to set up and not so stable =(
Ya this sucks....
Maybe it's the night for their yearly 'dinner & drinks' party, so they just shut it down for the time being...
OMFG i got up this am to an offline msn msg telling me that DV is down!? WTF???
Iwas in need of a serious fix then i found an email from my new bud Ric, Informing me about this chat?!?! Woooooooooo wooooooooooooooooooooo! Had a good fix of daily reading! lol
How are you all?
~Hey Ric i still need a pic?! or do the msn thing and we can webcam????
Mws n hugs to all (new, old, known and unknown!) lol
Hey Ace how are you?
ps my anti-spam was carton! obviously it knows im not duurty! lol
I was digging around and found a sort of parallel universe Discovervancouver at [a href="vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/"]vny!://www.discoveralltheworld.com[/a]
not sure what to make of it, maybe that is what they are working on with handle registration or something?
is this old news have you seen it before?
haha looks like there was already a cool conversation between raor and zekko over there :)
DISCOUVER THE WORLD is the new DV. Surrender and join.
eli ward wrote:
<DIV>...what's dv?</DIV>
"DV" is short for Discover Vancouver, a Canadian bloggers forum which frequently feels like a cyber fish market in terms of insults, racism, and obscenity. I understand that Discover Seattle requires higher standards of decency and civility. If that's true, good! I only insult to put an insulter in his/her place. Given the choice, I prefer polite disagreement and exchange of thoughts.
These forums are intended to help people think. Not to help people STINK!
The Penitent wrote:
Acceptance of evil is no virtue. Heed not the foul words of deceiving spirits, nor the doctrines of demons. <BR>Eschew wickedness and hold fast to integrity in these dark days. Wormwood approaches and the lines of battle have been drawn.
May the sun shine upon thy roof, and may the I.R.S. grant thee A BIG REFUND. And, oh yes. Don't forget to chant the magic mantra: GOO-GOO-GAA-GAA!!
Wow if the usual suspects don't have their fix they panic over here I guess and Salty Dog is promoting a new web site?
"Hey Ace how are you?"
I'm excellent! And how is everyone else doing this beautiful morning?
Good morning Ace, you sound very happy, should I ask why? lol
Ric Mongler wrote:
Sorry to inform, but hacking DV never did and never will make a dent in the racism and other hate there. Why would it? You have to know this right? So then why? And it's a question for whoever really did it not necessarily WE whoever that is.
I think when racists show their true colours they are rendered down to their hideous, distorted realities. And the world needs to see that, interesting though their new movement is led by guys in suits and ties and the bedsheets never leave headquarters.
Caramel Kisses wrote:
Good morning Ace, you sound very happy, should I ask why? lol
It's just in my nature now! I've been 'reformed' some time ago, so I've been sent in to keep the mood up...
Talk to me people! What are your weekend plans?
\'reformed\' lol...... Were you a bad guy on DV? ;)
fula: How do you define "racist"? Just wondering.
Caramel Kisses wrote:
'reformed' lol...... Were you a bad guy on DV? ;)
Bad guy? No, not exactly... I just tried to liven things up in the past when times were slow...
This thread is on fire! It's red hot...
hmmm I think I know what kind of livening up you did. I\'m sure you pissed me off a few times, but since you are \'reformed\' I\'ll let it be water under the bridge. Is that the right saying? Damn I\'m shitty at these sayings, I blame my mom for that, she is famous for getting all of them wrong. People kill themselves laughing at what she comes up with. hee hee
Caramel Kisses wrote:
hmmm I think I know what kind of livening up you did. I'm sure you pissed me off a few times, but since you are 'reformed' I'll let it be water under the bridge. Is that the right saying? Damn I'm shitty at these sayings, I blame my mom for that, she is famous for getting all of them wrong. People kill themselves laughing at what she comes up with. hee hee
I may or may not have... Most of my smack talk was aimed at my good Administrator friends, though...
Anyhow, the past is the past... and I now must step out now and get myself a Tim Horton's coffee...
udontsay wrote:
I was digging around and found a sort of parallel universe Discovervancouver at [A href="vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/"]vny!://www.discoveralltheworld.com[/A]
not sure what to make of it, maybe that is what they are working on with handle registration or something?
is this old news have you seen it before? LOL it does remind me of a strange Seinfeld episode or something
hmm, seems like Borken changed the link, guess you have to type it in
that's not good, Borken
www. discoveralltheworld .com[A href="vny!://www. discoveralltheworld.com"][/A]
Tim Hortons mmmmm can you get me a Boston Cream and steeeeep tea, one sugar and cream. Thanks :)
I don't have time to read all the posts here but is DV having problems or did they shut it down due to people making threats about sending stuff to the cops?
DS DATW DV wrote:
hmm, seems like Borken changed the link, guess you have to type it in
that's not good, Borken
Lol, just messing with you. (//forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/14.gif) Here you go:
[a href="vny!://www.discoveralltheworld.com"]vny!://www.discoveralltheworld.com[/a][a href="vny!://www.%20discoveralltheworld%20.com/"][/a]
[a href="vny!://www.%20discoveralltheworld%20.com"][/a]
really? Borken :)
your post has spaces though, see if this one works:
[A href="vny!://www.discoveralltheworld.com"]vny!://www.discoveralltheworld.com[/A]
I'll go over there and put up a recip for you
DS DV DATW wrote:
[div style="font-style: italic;"]really? Borken :)[/div] [div style="font-style: italic;"]your post has spaces though, see if this one works:[/div] [div style="font-style: italic;"] [/div]Doh, my bad. It's fixed now.
k, thats cool Borken :)
there is another site that is promoting DS, DATW, and DV
links there too
[A href="vny!://www.discoverforum.com"]vny!://www.discoverforum.com[/A]
"not sure what to make of it, maybe that is what they are working on with handle registration or something?"
Registration? at DV? It's just around the corner! All kidding aside, I personally prefer it the way it is, although I'm sure some will disagree...
Whatever the reason for its demise, or revamping, or fixing, I think it is very rude not to provide an explanation. I hope it is down for good. DATW appears to be a good compromise.
John Galt wrote:
Whatever the reason for its demise, or revamping, or fixing, I think it is very rude not to provide an explanation. I hope it is down for good. DATW appears to be a good compromise.
DV is the type of place where they could know weeks ahead of time that they'll be shutting down, but they won't say a single word...
That's just the way they roll...
I kind of like the blurb on [a href="vny!://www.discoverforum.com"]vny!://www.discoverforum.com[/a]
it says:
DV is and will always be the biggest.
[a href="vny!://www.discoverseattle.net"]Discover Seattle[/a] is a newer forum but features a more moderated look and many intelligent participants.
[a href="vny!://www.discoveralltheworld.com"]Discover All The World[/a] is a forum that looks similar to DV but is a much newer arrival on the scene
hmmm, amazing I still have this handle in DS
hAcH wrote:
hmmm, amazing I still have this handle in DS
I haven't seen your handle in a long time...
yeah, I semi retired it a while back.
You probably I know but not in your new handle
[font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica"][font face="Arial" size="2"]Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server[/font] [font face="Arial" size="2"]error '80004005'[/font] [/p] [font face="Arial" size="2"][DBNETLIB][ConnectionOpen (Connect()).]SQL Server does not exist or access denied.[/font] [/p] [font face="Arial" size="2"]/forum/forum.asp[/font][font face="Arial" size="2"], line 86[/font][/p]
[/p][font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica"][font face="Arial" size="2"]Provider[/font] [font face="Arial" size="2"]error '80004005'[/font] [/p] [font face="Arial" size="2"]Unspecified error[/font] [/p] [font face="Arial" size="2"]/forum/forum.asp[/font][font face="Arial" size="2"], line 86[/font] [/p][/font] [/p][/font]
Hopefully that crappy website has been permanently shut down. Nothing but a cesspool of raving, adolescent punks that is embarrassing to Vancouver itself.
If it does get back up and running then hopefully some controls are in place to limit the trash.
If you don't like it there, you don't have to visit...
Ace you must admit if you think about out of town people bumping into that forum and reading any of that stuff you must cringe a bit. I sure do. lol
Here's the way I look at it... I doubt many intelligent people would take much of what's posted seriously anyhow. I doubt that many have changed their travel plans to avoid Vancouver due to that site.
They have been slowly cleaning it up lately, though. You should've seen it a few months ago...
I do take the racist comments very seriously, who goes around joking about stuff like that. Really not funny. Just shows ignorance and true colour of that poster. Sick and sad. You don't have to go around loving everyone but to hate someone because of their background. No joke.
You don't have to be intelligent to see racism is no joke. This coming from a clown at heart. :D
I understand what you're saying, CK, but sometimes people take things too seriously. The term 'racism' is a little over used these days, in my opinion. For example, I'll type two 'posts' below... Tell me if you would consider them 'racist' statements...
Post #1... Why are Asians terrible drivers?
Post #2... Why are Germans such war loving people?
Ace wrote:
If you don't like it there, you don't have to visit...
The site never had anything good to offer in the first place. It was a garbage dump and to those that say it was cleaning up, I say LOL@YOU. The same stupid threads about anal sex, facesitting, who is better in bed etc. don't give it a positive image. Perhaps it does to you.
Ace wrote:
Post #1... Why are Asians terrible drivers?
Post #2... Why are Germans such war loving people?
They fit my definition of racist because they apply an arguable "attribute" in a blanket fashion to a race or class of people who are without question not a homogenous group.
The first statement is more so than the second, because it's based on genetics, whereas "Germans" could include anyone from any racial background. Nonetheless, it still fits the criteria above, i.e. painting a large diverse group of people with a very broad brush. A statement like that may even be true, but it's still "racist" by definition.
If two loving couples want to engage in anal sex in the privacy of their own home, then so be it. DV just offers them some insight, tips and advice on taking a walk on the brown side...
LOL Ok I see what you\\\'re saying. Its just nice that the Asians are taking away from the old jokes about bad women drivers. ;P
But Teh, wouldn't those two statements be more accurately described as 'stereotypes'?
Ace wrote:
But Teh, wouldn't those two statements be more accurately described as 'stereotypes'?
That too...if you want to get technical, you could say they were racial or racist stereotypes. Now if you said "Why do all Metallica fans have vacant looks on their faces?", that would be a simple stereotype and not racially based.
I think it depends on how things are said as well. If you are making a statement based on what you have observed about a certain race, like I notice a lot of East Indians being taxi drivers. But if they way you are saying it sounds angry like its a fact... You know what I mean? lol Not very good at explaining myself at times. :)
I'm not quite sure I agree with you, Teh... A Racist is someone who thinks his/her race is above all others. My statements contained no material that would suggest my race is above any other race. What they did contain, in my own opinion, were 'cultural stereotypes', which is differerent then 'racism', in my opinion...
Ace wrote:
A Racist is someone who thinks his/her race is above all others.
Not necessarily. I hate quoting Wikipedia, but sometimes they're succinct:
[hr style="width: 100%; height: 2px;"]"Racism is a belief or doctrine that differences in physical appearance between people (such as those upon which the concept of race is based) determine cultural or individual achievement, and usually involve the idea that one's own 'race' is superior."
[hr style="width: 100%; height: 2px;"]
Note the "usually" part. It's not integral to racism, just a frequent component. You can be racist and not think that your own race is superior. But I'll be the first to admit that that's typically the way it works.
"My statements contained no material that would suggest my race is above any other race."
"Well the first comment about Asians driving, I would consider racist because who are you to judge who is a better driver. You are saying that Asians are bad drivers and assuming that you are white, it would suggest that your race thinks they are above in this situation.
BTW I am a white female and the best on the road. lol ;P
Caramel Kisses wrote:
"My statements contained no material that would suggest my race is above any other race."
"Well the first comment about Asians driving, I would consider racist because who are you to judge who is a better driver. You are saying that Asians are bad drivers and assuming that you are white, it would suggest that your race thinks they are above in this situation.
BTW I am a white female and the best on the road. lol ;P
Here's now where people are divided. Again, some might consider that a 'racist' statement, while others may not. Now the second question... what if it was observed that Asians generally have a harder time navigating their vehicle? Now it's not a 'stereotype' any more, it's an 'observation'...
Observed is the key word, more polite way to hidden racism. lol
I don't know, all I know is if you cut me off you better give me some kind of signal of apology for your wrong doing :)
Caramel Kisses wrote:
Observed is the key word, more polite way to hidden racism. lol
I don't know, all I know is if you cut me off you better give me some kind of signal of apology for your wrong doing :)
I hear ya!
Anyhow, DV is back up, so I must leave you now, ladies & gentlemen... I've done my best to increase the hit count here, and it's been a pleasure!
Take care,
Not very good at explaining myself at times. :)
With those lips of yours im sure it would be sweet!!
[A href="vny!://vancouverforum.googlepages.com/forum.htm"]East indian seeking white male please chat with me on shoutbox[/A]
Orik wrote:
Well yes i post on dv from time to time. i am not there near as often as i used to be. being banned for posting under my own damn name gets highly annoying. i also hate using proxy's makes things damn slow...
yups, hehe
... im on a chronic shit list since i said some naughty things about the dv admins and the semi competent mods...
yups, hehe
...as for me being the hacker to bring dv to its knees, lol... you got the wrong man... i have no idea whats going on. im almost never around from 8 to 5 pm. i am normally to busy working... low profile i guess u could call working 12 hr days a low profile. speaking of which i have to get back to work...
that's what i told steve, even told him to go down to where you worked and see for himself that you couldn't possibly be lurking on DV during those times he said you were posting and hacking, but as usual he's under the delusional cloud of pot.
...a round of applause for the headsman... if you please...
surely you don't mean the grand poobah aka fire crotch? that child needs a right royal spanking with a pin paddle and several electric zaps to his testicles.
Hello you long time no see.
WYK I was thinking more along the lines of a beating so fast so many fists doing it, it sounds just like [em]applause [/em]
Cutie wrote:
Hello you long time no see.
so thats it forever banned from dv sad in a way all i did was talk about datwf and send one littlelink
what a bunch of chumps
jitterbug wrote:
so thats it forever banned from dv sad in a way all i did was talk about datwf and send one littlelink
what a bunch of chumps
Maybe you're not banned... Maybe DV is dying like a retard that lives alone... It's all good for a little while but sooner or later it's not gonna be able to make it's way through all the garbage.
Don't worry about being banned. They like playing games like that. I'm always banned, too. And then I'm not, and then I am...
The only way to get back would be to get down on your hands and knees and blow 'em...
Resist that urge under any circumstance.
Orik wrote:
WYK I was thinking more along the lines of a beating so fast so many fists doing it, it sounds just like applause
Btw, maybe a reason the forum is down is because the registrar has changed on DV which would mean new owners. The grand poobah's name no longer shows up on any of his web-sites except ClubZone and CasinoZone. So he did make good on his plan to sell all his domains and be 100% on ClubZone.
Btw, any new pictures of Pepper enjoying the summer sun?
looks like facebook is down too
hah all my cosmic stuff exploded facebook
no more fbi spying on that
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The only good alien's a dead alien, son.