This site is a pathetic display of control by a few bullies, the worst of which is Schedenfreude. Dare you put out an opinion that is not homogonized like the members brains, and they all come down on ya. Probably they can't wait for their high school reunions to cut people down.
Yep, I can't wait for my highschool reunion!!!
Who is this noob??
And what gives him the right to post????
Like omg.. totally
He probably has a big ass and is just jealous.
Me thinks so too. Back on subject. Has anyone watched that High School Reunion movie with Lisa Kudrow!??? OMGTHAT SHOW F*CKING ROCKS!
and I invented post-it's!
Observer you ignorant twit. You come on and criticize people thoughts, opinions and tastes and then get up in arms because that draws a negative reaction. You're a social retard.
LOL. Romy and Michelle's High School Reunion :)
I laughed a lot harder at that movie than I expected to.
Also it was the day I fell in love with Mira Sorvino (//vny!://
Yeah! That's the movie! It was such a funnay movie.
Mira? Pics please.
[FONT color=#ffffff size=1].[/FONT]
Me thinks so too. Back on subject. Has anyone watched that High School Reunion movie with Lisa Kudrow!??? OMGTHAT SHOW F*CKING ROCKS!
and I invented post-it's!
Ah ah I saw that. that was good indeed. I must admit I watched it cos I was curious what other character Phoebe could play. And she was damn good!
hum, I don't remember the young lady. cute anyway.
ah, I'm hooked...purdy girl... :)))
tenkani wrote:
Hey! Don't laugh at me! *SMITE -1*
Just remember in the end, when cities lie ruined and the human race itself is on the verge of extinction...
you struck the first blow (//vny!://
I can certainly handle the first blow and many more cuz I'm a big girl now.
You've earned this smiting, missy.
So I don't want to see a single tear, is that understood??
Now bend over my knee >:(
I'm going to put a banana in my ear.
oh i smell a fight
*cafeteria starts chanting*
It's just as well.
My smite is re-loading.
[FONT color=#800000]But mark my words, your bottom will wish it had never been born!! [/FONT] (//vny!://
You must've been the high school bully who took our lunch money! Well, I AM NOT SCARED OF YOU!
lol more like the protector of the weak. When I enter fights everybody runs to the hills.
Sportsdude wrote:
lol more like the protector of the weak. When I enter fights everybody runs to the hills.
Say another word and I'm going to smite you too for butting in! (//vny!://
I only butt in to break things up. :)
carry on. as you were.
You disobeyed my warning. -1 SMITE!
Say more SD!!!!
If we divide her chi she is doomed!!!!
[FONT face="Arial Narrow" color=#ff0000 size=7]Shoryuken!![/FONT]
waaah waaah
You should've shaddup when I told you to, SD. Don't say that I didn't warn ya!
girls are soo mean. *sticks out tongue* did she manage to smite us both???
I sense the meddling hands of the gods in this conflict.
Damn you Loki!!! For how long will you dog my steps!?!?! >:(
Sportsdude wrote:
girls are soo mean. *sticks out tongue*
Let's not start the battle of gender differences. (//vny!:// GRRRR
hehehe purelife is getting testy. love it!
[FONT face="Arial Narrow" color=#ff0000 size=7]YOGA FIRE!!!!111eleven[/FONT]
Oh, don't start yoga fire on me mister. I know your weak spot for A**! I can take her away, you know!
*slinking away*
My god, if only I could understand 10 % of what's happening here ! lol. Bunch of kids !
I am one with the universe *begins to float*
Sportsdude wrote:
I am one with the universe *begins to float*
That's Superman's job. NOT YOURS!
I am superman you didn't know?
Superman has a girl. You don't.
That's as gentle as I could be.
LOL She's killing me !
no he doesn't. He must suffer throughout his life, he can't be with anyone. He's only with girls on emotional levels.
Wha? Superman is an EMO?
where have you been? lol he invented the word emo.
If I was a girl I wouldn't touch superman's pole with a 10 foot pole.
Did you see that episode of the Superman TV show where he tried to pet a kitten, sneezed and crushed it flat as a pizza??
I don't want to be within a city block of him when he makes the O face :(
I agree. Superman has no heart and no feelings! No wonder he thinks that he gets the girl!
SD, don't you mouth back at me. That's MY job!
Michel wrote:
LOL She's killing me !
This isn't cheap entertainment Michel to pass time at work. You owe me lunch! Wait till you register on DS and I'll be your first SMITE! HA!
okay, I surrender
and purelife has left the building
This isn't cheap entertainment Michel to pass time at work. You owe me lunch! Wait till you register on DS and I'll be your first SMITE! HA!
I owe you lunch I agree, but I don't wanna be smite. bwah ! (//vny!:// [/DIV]
Guests can't be smited.
For they have no souls 0_0
observer wrote:
This site is a pathetic display of control by a few bullies, the worst of which is Schedenfreude. Dare you put out an opinion that is not homogonized like the members brains, and they all come down on ya. Probably they can't wait for their high school reunions to cut people down.
You poor baby. I'm sorry you weren't invited to hang out with all of us Cool People.
tenkani wrote:
[div style="font-style: italic;"]Who is this noob??[/div] And what gives him the right to post????
I don't know, but he's not wearing the right clothing brand, so ignore him.
observer wrote:
This site is a pathetic display of [FONT style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffffbf"]control by a few bullies, the worst of which is Schedenfreude.[/FONT] Dare you put out an opinion that is not homogonized like the members brains, and they all come down on ya. Probably they can't wait for their high school reunions to cut people down.
Aww, lighten up on Schadypoo. He's hot and uncomfy under all that body hair in this summer heat so he can't help but be snarky toward you. (//vny!://
LOL. Brilliant!!! *applause* (//vny!://
You'll have to forgive me for not welcoming you with open arms. You've slung mud at just about everyone here and yet seem to feel that YOU are the one being bullied. You are certainly entitled to your opinions and equally as entitle to post just need to be aware that when all you have to say to people is're probably going to get a negative reaction.
[TABLE style="TABLE-LAYOUT: fixed" cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=5 width="100%"] [TBODY] [TR] [TD style="OVERFLOW: hidden" vAlign=top width="16%" rowSpan=2]
Observer [DIV class=smalltext]Guest
[A href="mailto:
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[A href="vny!://,4984.msg91937.html#msg91937"][FONT color=#000000]Re: !!!!!!!!!!!!!VAN PPL POST HERE!!!!!!!!!!!![/FONT][/A] [DIV class=smalltext]«
Reply #31 on: June 12, 2007, 12:43:57 PM »[/DIV][/TD] [TD style="FONT-SIZE: smaller" vAlign=bottom noWrap align=right height=20][A onclick="if (!currentSwap) doQuote(91937); else window.location.XXXX = this.href; return false;" href="vny!://;quote=91937;topic=4984.30;num_replies=51;sesc=59ea96ef389ecc9772cf46eb11bcc885"][FONT color=#000000]Reply with quote[/FONT][/A] [A href="vny!://;msg=91937;topic=4984.30;sesc=59ea96ef389ecc9772cf46eb11bcc885"][FONT color=#000000]Modify[/FONT][/A] [A onclick="return confirm('Remove this message?');" href="vny!://;topic=4984.30;msg=91937;sesc=59ea96ef389ecc9772cf46eb11bcc885"][FONT color=#000000]Remove[/FONT][/A] [A href="vny!://;topic=4984.0;at=91937"][FONT color=#000000]Split Topic[/FONT][/A] [/TD][/TR][/TBODY][/TABLE] [HR class=hrcolor width="100%" SIZE=1] [DIV style="OVERFLOW: auto; WIDTH: 100%"] The P.C. person really seems lost mentally, but posts constantly from dawn to past dusk! Get a life![/DIV][/DIV][/TD][/TR][/TBODY][/TABLE]
Then you took it to the next level and broadened your criticism. ALL your posts are of the same nature and you're confused as to why you haven't been 'embraced'?
I have a great life thanks! Just thought I'd check this out and it seems boring probably due to the number of posts by P.C. and other Administrators such as yourself. Do these people have lives is what I wonder because they seem to post dribble constantly? I suggest turning off the computer and developing some interests that will enrich your lives. You can waste your time on sites like this when you are old and disabled, if you keep your marbles! It seems you had no desire to post here in the first place.....I think you just wanted to drop in and let us all know how pathetic we are. You did......we reacted. Where's the mystery?
This thread is like
Bong Hits anyone?
(this is supposed to be like me in high school right??)
Duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuude...I bet we could make a killer bong out of observer's skull 0_0
tenkani wrote:
Duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuude...I bet we could make a killer bong out of observer's skull
I bet it's too small and pointy to make a decent bong out of.
Smell like poodles in here to me..............................
poodles? You sure you ate the right kind of brownies there Lise? (//forums/richedit/smileys/Teasing/4.gif)
No..... reminds me of a certain poster who no longer goes by his previous name but is now demoted to a poodle. Sound familiar?
oh that poodles
That was an interesting experiement no?
Cheers, y'all!
But get lives. Wasting it on this "club" in cyberspace is so 1990s. And DV has far more diversity than this place.
Trust someone from Cali to come up with the "I bet his ass is big" retort? That is the mentality here? Can't deal with issue so attack someone's body which you haven't seen?
Leaving places like this is freedom! Try it, or are you addicted to mindless text interaction with strangers?
observer wrote: Cheers, y'all!
Shutup. It's too late to suck up to us now, you buttwiper. lol
But get lives. Wasting it on this "club" in cyberspace is so 1990s. And DV has far more diversity than this place.
Ahhh, I see. But wasting it on DV is rewarding and itellectual, right? lololol!! hahahah!
Trust someone from Cali to come up with the "I bet his ass is big" retort? That is the mentality here? Can't deal with issue so attack someone's body which you haven't seen?
No, we were all just making fun of you. Cuz you're so lame. (//forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/12.gif)
Leaving places like this is freedom! Try it, or are you addicted to mindless text interaction with strangers?
Gee, thanks for your sage advice, O Brilliant One, but I'll run my own life if it's okay with you. And even if it's not.
Lise wrote:
No..... reminds me of a certain poster who no longer goes by his previous name but is now demoted to a poodle. Sound familiar?
Yeah, he sounds ver poodle-icious to me.
Leaving places like this is freedom! Try it, or are you addicted to mindless text interaction with strangers?
Interesting post. It makes me wonder why you want to waste your time here since you feel that way about DS. And what makes you think we are interacting with "strangers"? We are all friends on this board, with the odd exception of interlopers like yourself.
...and yet you yourself just can't seem to stay away. That's kinda funny....right?
If DV has more diversity....and that's what you are looking for....what exactly are you doing wasting your time here. We clearly aren't offering what you want, so I don't understand what it is that compels you to keep telling us so.
If you want to post negatively on just about everything, that's really all right....feel free. You are most welcome to do so.....but you prefer to make it personal and then feel slighted when there is a reaction.
P.C. wrote:
[div style="font-style: italic;"]...and yet you yourself just can't seem to stay away. That's kinda funny....right?[/div]
I know- that's the truly delicious part, lol. He's apparently coming here as a public service to tell us how terrible we are. We're soooooo bad, yet he just can't stay away....LOL!!
If DV has more diversity....and that's what you are looking for....what exactly are you doing wasting your time here. We clearly aren't offering what you want, so I don't understand what it is that compels you to keep telling us so.
But P.C., his intarweb is broken and he only gets one channel! Clearly he is forced to come here against his will. Oh, those damned intarwebs, they're always borken!!!
If you want to post negatively on just about everything, that's really all right....feel free. You are most welcome to do so.....but you prefer to make it personal and then feel slighted when there is a reaction.
Observer fulfills my occasional need for target practice. He pops up, everyone blasts his silly ass, and then he goes back down to lick his wounds and contemplate why he isn't making any headway in his Anti-DS Crusade. Works fer meeeeeee!
*sitting in the corner at the back of the room*
[img height=107 src="vny!://" width=119 border=0]
Just observing ? [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://" border=0]
[img style="WIDTH: 89px; HEIGHT: 53px" height=53 src="vny!://" width=70 border=0]
I'm just waiting for the fists and hair pullin....hehehehe....why flame when you can sit back and laugh at everyone else's burns.....hmmm hard choice here!
I never was a sit back and watch things happen in high school.
I think I was the only person ever to get banned from running in elections for Student Council.
LOL SD that's too funny!
I wasn't a quiet one in high school either....I might have put a few chicks through some windows before at a local convenience store....
I've calmed down since then...why get your hands dirty...?
yeah I got Tony Benn'ed from the Student Council. I was going to run for a leadership post but the school didn't like my platform so I was told it wouldn't be a good idea or I'd face suspension if I won.
observer wrote:
That was an interesting experiement no?
Cheers, y'all!
But get lives. Wasting it on this "club" in cyberspace is so 1990s. And DV has far more diversity than this place.
Trust someone from Cali to come up with the "I bet his ass is big" retort? That is the mentality here? Can't deal with issue so attack someone's body which you haven't seen?
Leaving places like this is freedom! Try it, or are you addicted to mindless text interaction with strangers?[/DIV]
You are on to something. The 1990s ruled! I miss it so much...I am addicted to not working and slacking off on DS! hey! I get paid to do it too! YAY!
*90s style hugs to observer*
It's not perfect here, but if the alternative is being productive then the choice is obvious hmmm? =)
Maybe Observer just needs a thorough prostate massage with full release to clear out his congested chi.
Well hello post monkee.. nice to see you are still around.
Howdy Russ =)
Nice to see you also!
I love watching DS's version of a flame war.
It's like watching a dog slowly drown in a bucket of honey.
Awwww poor puppy!!
Poor puppy?
I'm not the one tearing Mr. Poodle a new a**hole =)
When I typed a**hole it came out as a**hole.
I think there's something wrong with my ********.
Poodles can die...all they do is whine and whimper anyways...dumb dogs....however Boxers are cuddly and cut and oh so soft....*sigh* I miss my dog...
I'll be your dog, Goddess.
I will wear a collar and follow you around on all fours drooling hmmm? =)
A monkey that's HAWT!!
Mindless obedience of a dog + opposible thumbs = the ultimate sex toy =)
(picturing monkee on a leash) *monkey on a leash in the park, people are staring, a little kid asks mommy what's that doggy?*
lol classic.
It's all fun and games until someone loses an arm =)
That's insane!
To answer your unspoken question...
A monkey, 'cause he's smarter =)
that's illegal in 48 states I believe. lol
It's illegal for me to even walk down the street without being shackled like a criminal.
So down with the human legal system! Up with the laws of nature!!!
I think its legal in Mississippi and Alabama and sometimes West Virginia.
Are we talking about monkee love here?
I hope so.
P.C., I know a cozy little chat room around the corner.
It's got a hot tub, mirrored ceiling, padded walls. The works!!!
Padded walls on a hot tub ? Sounds.......squishy. [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://" border=0]
observer wrote:
[FONT style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffffbf"]Cheers, y'all![/FONT]
But get lives. Wasting it on this "club" in cyberspace is so 1990s. [FONT style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffffbf"]And DV has far more diversity than this place.[/FONT]
That is not Poolah! He would never say DV was better than DS. Plus he doesn't use the word cheers.
wyk wrote:
observer wrote:
[FONT style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffffbf"]Cheers, y'all![/FONT]
But get lives. Wasting it on this "club" in cyberspace is so 1990s. [FONT style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffffbf"]And DV has far more diversity than this place.[/FONT]
That is not Poolah! He would never say DV was better than DS. Plus he doesn't use the word cheers.
There's some great deductive reasoning!
[TABLE id=Table2 style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt; COLOR: midnightblue; FONT-FAMILY: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=10 width="100%" border=0] [TBODY] [TR bgColor=gainsboro] [TD style="FONT-WEIGHT: bold" vAlign=top align=left]Raging Poodle! [/TD] [TD colSpan=2][img title="" height=15 alt="" hspace=3 src="vny!://" width=15 border=0] [FONT size=1]Posted - 4/2/2007 3:35:55 AM[/FONT] [HR noShade SIZE=1]
I'd say dv isn't a heaven by any stretch of the imagination, but in many respects ds is worse than dv.
So much for that thought.
P.C. wrote:
[table id="Table2" style="color: midnightblue; font-family: Verdana,Arial,Helvetica;" border="0" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="1" width="100%"] [tbody] [tr bgcolor="gainsboro"] [td style="font-weight: bold;" align="left" valign="top"]Raging Poodle! [/td] [td colspan="2"][img title="" alt="" src="vny!://" border="0" height="15" hspace="3" width="15"] [font size="1"]Posted - 4/2/2007 3:35:55 AM[/font] [hr noshade="noshade" size="1"]
I'd say dv isn't a heaven by any stretch of the imagination, but in many respects ds is worse than dv.
[/td][/tr][/tbody][/table] [/p]Finally, we're Number 1!!!! Wooohoooo!!! And from no less of an unimpeachable source than a basement-dwelling bozo with an anger-management problem!
Ummm...TB...I think he said that DS was worse than DV. Tissue ?
This place is like a retired DV community where there are fewer trolls.
P.C. wrote:
Ummm...TB...I think he said that DS was worse than DV.
Yeah, I know, I think that's an incredible accomplishment (to be considered worse than DV) and I'd like to thank all of the little people for making it happen. It's an honor that I'll remember for as long as I can and I'd like that sentiment carved onto my tombstone as well.