Discover Seattle!

General Category => Discover Seattle! => Topic started by: opassa on Jun 15 07 03:14

Post by: opassa on Jun 15 07 03:14
  **FORWARD TO ALL** ||||COSMIC AWAKENING|||| check my profile for details[/p] we have had enough?[/p] We as onE[/p]  [/p] **we have all travelled stars together, this is our last journey...
we got it all wrong for too long
all you have to do is choose whats real to you...
when fantasy becomes life.
do we really want to live here in chaos? ||
or do we want infinate energy ||
=0 we all make it! hang strong**[/p]
[/p] we are all KID brothers and sisters... is that hard to understand?

lets finish up on un-wanted things.

lets advance as beings...**[/p]  [/p] ***MASS [span style="text-decoration: line-through;"]SPAM[/span] MESSAGE***[/p]  [/p]
Post by: PostMonkee @(^_^)@ on Jun 15 07 02:47
Your post reads like badly translated jpop lyrics.

So needless to say I'm sporting an erection.

Post by: siber on Jun 15 07 05:43
anything u say.  
Post by: opassa on Jun 15 07 11:57
i like looney toon chicks......gurgle
Post by: stretchedout on Jun 16 07 08:50
Bugs Bunny was the original androgenous pop star!
Post by: Alien mAAAAN on Jun 18 07 12:49

 [FONT color=#0000bf]vny!://[/FONT][FONT color=#0000bf][FONT color=#0000bf]www[/FONT][/FONT]

I have mentioned several aspects of how we will eliminate the human race from this planet if we do nothing. I am not a chemist or Ph.D. in physics. I am sure many of you are not accredited with expansive degrees either but it doesn't take a rocket scientist to resonate with the truth of my words. I am including sites from many of the Ph.D. types for you to further research and confirm what you already know, that we are indeed deeply in trouble. The light beings have told me we can stop much of this harmful behaviour and destruction if enough humans decide that they want to become spiritually connected. It is possible to re-form a grid connection between us that will allow us to realign the energy of this planet and with each other. They have told me that on July 17, 2007 at 11:11 Greenwich Mean Time. — 03:11 (3:11 AM) in your time zone — there will be a surge of creation energy which will make our reconnection possible. Please read about this in The Plan. There is hope for a miracle!


 this event is already underway, i saw etheric forces and heard a loud resonance noise yesterday.... the shift is acceleratinge xponentially now.!

Post by: TehBorken on Jun 18 07 04:02
 Alien mAAAAN wrote:  [p style="font-style: italic;"]this event is already underway, i saw etheric forces and heard a loud resonance noise yesterday....[/p]So did I, but it turned out it was just gas. (//forums/richedit/smileys/Sad/11.gif)

Post by: P.C. on Jun 18 07 04:04
[img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://" border=0].
Post by: alieen mAN on Jun 19 07 06:24
its all real, as the morph [A href="vny!://"][/A] becomes stronger mroe ppl will see it, and yes i saw morph in various different ways, i seen teh plasma balls flying over my head, the visions out of nowwhere that can be about anything...

  i already sence teh light forces at work ever since june 17th... things arnt the same, ppl have become more open and awake.

  dont get left behind  
Post by: TehBorken on Jun 19 07 08:38
 alieen mAN wrote:
its all real, as the morph [a  href="vny!://"][/a] becomes stronger mroe ppl will see it, and yes i saw morph in various different ways, i seen teh plasma balls flying over my head, the visions out of nowwhere that can be about anything...

Errrr, time to up your meds, my friend.


[/div] [div style="font-style: italic;"]i already sence teh light forces at work ever since june 17th... things arnt the same, ppl have become more open and awake.

Not me, I feel groggy and kinda peevish. I cannot sence teh light forces. (By the way, you spelled "light" correctly. That's 2 bonus points!)

[/div] [div style="font-style: italic;"]
dont get left behind[/div] [div style="font-style: italic;"]
 Thanks, but I already have reservations on the Left Behind train. It leaves two weeks ago.
Post by: P.C. on Jun 19 07 10:10
By the way, you spelled "light" correctly.

  omg TB.....that's one of the best laughs I've had all day.
Post by: twiggy alien man on Jun 19 07 10:22
teh porkinz, stop sobbing and come to teh lake on july 17th, then you will feel it.    
Post by: TehBorken on Jun 20 07 07:41
 Alien mAAAAN wrote:
I have mentioned several aspects of how we will eliminate the human race from this planet if we do nothing. I am not a chemist or Ph.D. in physics.

Lol, no shit? You're NOT a Ph.D?? Wow, who coulda seen that coming?

The light beings have told me we can stop much of this harmful behaviour and destruction if enough humans decide that they want to become spiritually connected.

It's incredible how even the most mentally disturbed people can get an internet connection AND use a keyboard. I mean, really.

They have told me that on [b style="font-style: italic;"]July 17, 2007[/b] at [b style="font-style: italic;"]11:11[/b] Greenwich Mean Time. — 03:11 (3:11 AM) in your time zone — there will be a surge of creation energy which will make our reconnection possible.

I'll bet you one million dollars plus a cheezeburger that this is utter bullshit and doesn't happen. Hell, I'm so sure it's crap, I'll make that TWO cheezeburgers.

Post by: AlienjectoR on Jun 20 07 06:21
thats just what this world needs, closed minded sheep to run around and work for billionares, instead of realizing we are infinate power and taking it back.

  there are no aliens to these idiots cause teh government tells them they dont exist.

  and u mite look retarted if youre friends catch you saying things liek that.

  you ppl are really starting to piss me off.

  for more info on that check out my DEATH OF GLOBAL EGO thread, or it could be teh death of you.

Post by: P.C. on Jun 20 07 08:13
thats just what this world needs, closed minded sheep to run around and work for billionares, instead of realizing we are infinate power and taking it back. opposed to open minded sheep ?  [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://" border=0]
Post by: TehBorken on Jun 21 07 04:34
 AlienjectoR wrote:
thats just what this world needs, closed minded sheep to run around and work for billionares, instead of realizing we are infinate power and taking it back.

I want to personally apologize for not buying into your delusional world-view filled with nonsensical mumbo-jumbo. But I can't.


there are no aliens to these idiots cause teh government tells them they dont exist.

What's your point?

[/div] [div style="font-style: italic;"]and u mite look retarted if youre friends catch you saying things liek that.

But u mite look smarter if yoo kould spel symple werds liek "retarded".

[/div] [div style="font-style: italic;"]you ppl are really starting to piss me off.

News Flash: We're not responsible for your precarious metal state or lack of self-esteem. There's also no requirement I know of to agree with your semi-psychotic ramblings.

 [/div] [div style="font-style: italic;"]for more info on that check out my DEATH OF GLOBAL EGO thread, or it could be teh death of you.[/div]
I'll pass, if that's okay with you. I don't want to miss any reruns of Hee Haw. Roy Acuff is supposed to say somthin' funny tonight!


Post by: notimejectoR on Jun 23 07 12:20
no time for youre board attention getting responds...

even the sleepers will witness what will occur in this year marked 2007.

  my work here is over...tee hee
Post by: GORDY GAMBINO on Jun 23 07 09:16
^ F'ucking nostradamos...............tell us some thing factual you cosmic f'ucker
Post by: P.C. on Jun 23 07 09:26
Gordy....I think TB has pointed out before that this isn't your personal cussing board.  Smarten up.
Post by: GORDY GAMBINO on Jun 23 07 09:32
Yes it is.

No i wont,

Anything else.???????

U just pissed off that TK got engaged and ain't drilling u.

So f'ucking live with it and get new batteries!!!!!!
Post by: P.C. on Jun 23 07 09:37
Real nice Gordy.
Post by: LoljectoR on Jun 24 07 01:33
lol at drilling TK

  june 30th venus and saturn align. eventually the whole universe aligns, it cant be stopped

  thinks of planets as north and south magnets, when they all align, the force of north and south becomes one massive magnetic energy, so massive it rips thru the material world and even thru time.

  north and south represent good and evil.

  choose the nuetral path  of the result of the RIP in space-time.

  that path is YOURS, its what you want, make it happen

  cant get more obvious...
Post by: TehBorken on Jun 24 07 03:07
 P.C. wrote:
Gordy....I think TB has pointed out before that this isn't your personal cussing board.  Smarten up.

Gordy gets the Idiot Award, and a 2-day timeout from me.

Post by: Project.ORG on Jun 24 07 07:21
if u read this article by alex, u have to foreward it to all ur friends, enjoy.


  Welcome to your newsletter, I do hope you have enjoyed a wonderful

As the weeks and months progress, I am receiving more and more
messages about 2012, and specifically what we can expect, what will
become of us and what can we do to prepare?

Many of these questions are motivated by observing changes that are
happening right now, and are becoming more and more apparent by the
day at all levels. Many people for example have written to me about
weather conditions, often very extreme, that they are currently
experiencing, conditions that are unprecedented in history.

Others are becoming increasingly aware of changes in consciousness
both within themselves and those around them, with people becoming
more aware of Spiritual issues, and above all of our connectedness
with All that Is.

In terms of the physical changes, weather conditions in particular,
we must be aware of the fact that this is nothing to do with so
called "greenhouse gases" and other such explanations associated
with what is generally known as "climate change".

These changes are occurring throughout the solar system and probably
beyond and will continue to do so at an ever increasing rate.

The same applies to consciousness although of course we can only
observe this on Earth within ourselves and those around us.

We do not know yet what 2012 will bring, whether it will be
physical, affecting Earth and everyone on Earth, a Spiritual event,
or simply a continuation of what we are experiencing now, lasting
for perhaps tens or hundreds more years.

What we can say for certain is this:

1. 2012 is not a "prophecy" it is a prediction. The Maya for example
were cosmologists who created extremely advanced calendars by the
scientific observation of the great cycles of the Universe relative
to planet Earth.

2. Consciousness and indeed life itself evolves in cycles - there
is increasing evidence in the fossil record to support the fact
that life evolves in cycles.

3. Whatever happens is therefore all a part of the grand scheme of
things and part of the great cycles of the Universe necessary for
the evolution of life and consciousness.

Over the coming months and years I will continue to keep you
informed about the progression of events, but in terms of actions
there is only one form of preparation necessary - inner preparation
Spiritually. The coming events are likely to be an opportunity for
humanity of the kind that only happens every 25,000 years, but only
those who have prepared themselves Spiritually will likely be in a
position to take that next major step on the return to our Creator,
or, depending on the precise nature of what we are facing, be fully
prepared for the next phase of life on Earth.

These are some of the reasons that I wrote Our Ultimate Reality, as
a complete reference for Life, the Universe and the Destiny of

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We must also always keep in Mind one fundamental truth - we all
create our own reality with the power of our Minds. Whatever we
believe will happen in our thoughts, imagination and emotions will
happen, every time. It is therefore very important that we maintain
absolute control over our thought processes and expectations, not
only because of the approaching end of the age, but also in creating
our day to day reality and a life of health, happiness and

Again, these are reasons I created the Mind Power Books collection,
many of the most powerful books on this subject ever written.

As a valued newsletter subscriber, you can also obtain the very
powerful Mind Power Studio suite with Mind Power Books if for a
short time:

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Above all remember that your worst enemy is fear. We must approach
the future with joy in our hearts knowing that we are infinite,
immortal, inseparable aspects of The Source Who only knows
Unconditional Love for all creation.

-----The Physical Universe-----

As we are discussing the great cycles of the Universe this week we
will take a closer look at the physical Universe of matter in which
we live, the outer aspect of the Universe which is still
misunderstood by many, including scientists.

When most people think about "the Universe", they often think in
terms of the observable Universe of planets, solar systems,
galaxies and other celestial bodies as studied by astronomers,
astrophysicists, cosmologists and others. This is the Universe that
can be perceived by the five physical senses, through optical
equipment such as telescopes, and other scientific equipment.
Science even today tends to make the assumption that if something
is not measurable by scientific equipment or the five physical
senses, it simply does not exist at all, it is "out of sight and
out of mind".

In fact, the physical Universe of matter represents only a very
small percentage of the entire, greater Universe as a whole. The
majority of the Universe exists at levels of Energy and vibration
far, far, far beyond the measurement capability of current
scientific instruments.

For example, upon passing on from the physical world at the time of
the transition erroneously known as "death", a person is in reality
transitioning from the high density, low vibration environment of
the physical word to a much finer level of existence at a much
higher vibration and lower density than the physical world of

Upon arrival within the Astral worlds subsequent to the transition
from the physical world, people find vast, dynamic worlds populated
by billions of Souls, worlds which are not only at least as solid
and "real" as the physical world, but actually much more so.

Matter, by comparison with Energy that has not differentiated into
matter, is very crude due to its much higher density and much lower
levels of vibration. Throughout the Universe, everything is
relative to Energy and vibration. We perceive, experience and
progress relative to the Energy level or "plane" of the Universe of
Energy at which we are focused and at which our Astral or Mental
Body vibrates.

The physical world seems very solid and real to humans living on
Earth due to the fact that our bodies are also comprised of similar
high density, low vibration physical matter, comprised of
molecules, atoms and sub-atomic particles, bodies of matter
equipped with the five physical senses through which the physical
world is perceived and experienced.

The level of the Astral worlds to which a person will transition
after death will always be at the same level of Energy as that of
the Astral body. In fact, as previously mentioned, due to the much
finer levels of Energy of the Astral worlds and without the
physical, dense characteristics of matter, everything seems so
"solid" and so "real" that many people initially do not even
realize they have left the physical world of matter. This is
particularly true when the transition to the Astral has been
particularly sudden. So, everything in the entire Universe is
experienced in absolute harmony with the relative level of Energy
and vibration at which it exists in accordance with the perfect
order of All that Is.

The Universe in its entirety may be considered to be spherical like
a planet, with God, The First Cause, The Source at the center,
existing at the highest vibration and lowest density, progressing
outward though progressively higher density and lower levels of
Energy and vibration until finally reaching the physical world of
matter forming the "shell" of the Universe.

Using an apple as a metaphor, the core of the apple can be
considered to be The Source, and the skin of the apple the physical
world of matter. The thickness of the skin of the apple can be
likened to be proportional the "thickness" of the physical Universe
in comparison to the Universe as a whole.

Another metaphor that may be applied to the Universe is that of a
balloon. A balloon consists of a rubber skin filled with air, with
the rubber skin representing the physical world of matter.

Scientists have recently noticed that the Universe is still
expanding very rapidly, but are at a loss to know why. The reason
is fundamental to all life and the existence of the Universe.  In
the beginning God, The Source, The First Cause sent forth from the
Logos powerful thought forms, thus creating the Universe and
everything in it as recognize it today. Through these living,
Spiritual creations, for example human beings, God, The Source
experiences, and thereby expands. This expansion is therefore from

As the Universe and everything in creations is in a constant state
of experiencing, the Universe is in a constant state of expansion
from within, but in an outwards direction. We can simulate this by
blowing up the balloon. If we draw circles on the surface of the
balloon with a black marker pen, the circles representing galaxies,
and then inflate the balloon further, representing the expansion of
The Source through experience, we will note that the black circles
representing the galaxies will move away from each other, which in
fact is precisely what science is observing. So the Universe is
expanding from within by experience, thereby causing the outer
physical skin of the Universe, to expand.

It should also be mentioned that the so called "big bang" of
science did not originate from a point on the physical Universe, it
originated at The Source, the core, the very center, at the very
highest vibration, starting, as all creation starts as a thought
form, and progressed outwards, the vibration of Energy slowing as
it progresses until finally it "freezes", forms subatomic, atomic
and molecular building blocks, finally differentiating in to
matter, the physical Universe.  

Energy can be considered to be "light"--not physically observable
light in the form of photons, but the Divine Light of The Source,
Energy, also known simply as "Spirit".

The physical Universe is spherical and, therefore, has no beginning
or end. It would be entirely erroneous to think in terms of "the
end of the Universe". As with travel on Earth, if we were able to
travel in a straight line within the physical Universe, we would
eventually arrive back at exactly the point at which we started.
So, notions of "traveling to the ends of the Universe" are as
erroneous as seeking a specific, physical place in the physical
Universe where all creation started with the "big bang".

Due to the holographic nature of the Universe as a whole, the
physically observable Universe is only one of a potentially
infinite number of "parallel" Universes, both physical and
non-physical, all existing concurrently. This is possible due to
the fact that everything in the Universe is ultimately pure
vibrating Energy, and such concepts as "dimensions" do not really
exist except to the limited perception of the human senses, while
restricted to the three dimensional physical Universe of matter.

Parallel Universes exist at all levels of the Energy spectrum, not
just the lowest aspect where Energy differentiates into physical
matter. Science even now is beginning to realize the possibility of
these parallel physical and non-physical Universes when such
"phenomena" as "black holes" were discovered, with "worm holes"
being thought of as portals to these alternative physical

The entire Universe, including the physical Universe, is maintained
in a state of perfect harmony by The First Cause, The Source, God.
In the context of the physical Universe, the same balance needs to
exist in order to maintain perpetual harmony. Physical Universes
are balanced by the opposite characteristics of matter and
antimatter which are configurations of Energy at similar levels of
vibration and density but with opposite sub-atomic characteristics,
for example whereas an atom in this physical Universe contains
anti-electrons, or positrons, and anti-protons. Ultimately, as with
all aspects of the infinitely perfect Universe, these opposing
characteristics conform to the Universal Law of polarity, one of
the Laws that ensures perpetual harmony on a Universal.

"Wormholes", are conceptual gateways between the physical
Universes of matter and anti-matter. Traveling through a wormhole
would result in the arrival within a parallel Universe of
anti-matter, and traveling through a further wormhole would result
in arriving at a further parallel Universe of matter.

The word "dimension" is also erroneous, only having meaning
relative to the concepts of "space" and "time", which we know are
illusions perpetuated by the five physical senses. Ultimately,
everything in the Universe without exception is pure Energy
differing only in rate of vibration, and manifestations of that
Energy, Quanta which have quantum potential, influenced by Mind.
Ultimately, everything within the Universe from The Source, The
First Cause, God to the physical world of matter is an inseparable
aspect of everything else.

Governments of the world are currently spending vast amounts of
money on exploration of a tiny fraction of the physical Universe at
a time when millions of people in the world are suffering from
disease, famine, war and other situations. In fact, the destiny of
every human being is not to travel within the restrictions of the
three-dimensional Universe of matter, but to travel inwards through
the glories of the greater Universe on the sacred path back to God.
It is the ultimate destiny of everything in the Universe, without
exception, including every human being, to evolve back to The First
Cause, The Source, God in a state of perfection--this is the true
meaning of life.

True exploration is not about the temporal, observable, physical
Universe of matter, but rather about the magnificence, splendors
and glories, far beyond the current comprehension of mortal,
Earthly human beings, of the Infinite Universe of Energy, Mind and
Consciousness. Beyond the restrictions of the physical body, the
entire physical Universe can be explored at will, instantly,
traveling quite literally at the speed of thought. People who
Astral project can and do travel anywhere on Earth in an instant or
to the moon, including the far side of the moon, other planets,
solar systems and even galaxies. Most importantly, they can travel
inwards to the inner Energy levels and vibrations of the Astral
worlds. Those who learn the ability of Mental projection, can
travel even further inwards towards the great Mental planes of life
and reality, even meeting some of the powerful Beings residing
there, Beings who watch over the evolution of human beings and life
on Earth, as well as Gaia Herself. Beyond the physical constraints
of the physical body, a person is a true explorer of the Universe,
and it does not cost a penny.

While mankind continues to focus exclusively upon the physical
Universe as the only perceived reality, no true progress can be
made. Only when mankind understands that the physical Universe is
ephemeral, temporal and nothing but an persistent illusion
perpetuated only by the five physical senses, will true long-term
progress be made towards our true destiny, a destiny that will
leave the dense, material Universe, far behind, once it has served
its intended purpose of the first year kindergarten of this great
Universe of conscious, intelligent, vibrating Energy, of which
everything is an aspect.

Until next newsletter I wish you and your family a wonderful, happy
and healthy week.

In Lak'ech.

In Peace, Light and Truth,


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Post by: hp on Jul 02 07 04:12

 MASS MESSHIZZLEIS, please forward this message to the NET.

 ALSO anyone can ADD to the message and forward. :)

 REmember the words of my profile. ANYTHING YOU ARE ABLE TO CREATE.


 what is crooked is really straight, forth straight= crooked


 from now on when u are LOOKING in this world, instead look between youre eyes and the material world. DO THIS in a dark room with multiple colour spectrum lighting, ex. night light, or computer visualizations with screen brightness turned really low. FIND THE ETHERIC< ELEMENTAL.

 ONCE you notice the faint distant blue orbs, with a small ring around them.


 then youre GOOD TO GO

 /dream factory

 the music of the stars and etheric will giude you.

 reminder july 17th 2007cosmic awakening WORLD WIDE .......TOOSDAY

 trout lake for vannies.

 ||We are onE||

 MessenjectoR only

 MASS MESSHIZZLEIS, please forward this message to the NET.


Post by: Oh please on Jul 02 07 07:41
[span style="font-weight: bold; background-color: rgb(0, 255, 128);"]FRUITCAKE ALERT[span style="background-color: rgb(255, 255, 0);"] - [/span]FRUITCAKE ALERT[span style="background-color: rgb(255, 255, 0);"] - [/span]FRUITCAKE ALERT
[/span][span style="font-weight: bold; background-color: rgb(0, 255, 128);"]FRUITCAKE ALERT[span style="background-color: rgb(255, 255, 0);"] - [/span]FRUITCAKE ALERT[span style="background-color: rgb(255, 255, 0);"] - [/span]FRUITCAKE ALERT
[/span][span style="font-weight: bold; background-color: rgb(0, 255, 128);"]FRUITCAKE ALERT[span style="background-color: rgb(255, 255, 0);"] - [/span]FRUITCAKE ALERT[span style="background-color: rgb(255, 255, 0);"] - [/span]FRUITCAKE ALERT
Post by: Lise on Jul 02 07 08:52
So far..... from what I gleam of this thread. It's about:




    Do I score any brownie points yet?
Post by: TehBorken on Jul 02 07 09:24
 Lise wrote:
[div style="font-style: italic;"]So far..... from what I gleam of this thread. It's about:[/div]   [div style="font-style: italic;"] sheep[/div]  [div style="font-style: italic;"]gas[/div]   fruitcake

Yeah, I think you hit the high points, such as they are. And don't forget the trancedental gobbldegook jive about the world's transformation of light energy and stuff too. That was really important. *cough*


Post by: P.C. on Jul 02 07 09:43
Well so far I think I'm following all of this.

Except for the part about looking between my eyes.  This is making me crosseyed and leading me nowhere.  Any tips?
Post by: tenkani on Jul 02 07 11:00
I want to hear more about how to light my room.

I'm just not happy with it at the moment and could use some pointers.

  P.S., Xenu WILL be coming in 2012 but there's nothing we can do to stop it, and from what I hear he will turn all the cities of man into a bonestorm whether we oppose him or join his unholy legions. Ignorance is bliss, but since I can't unlearn what I already know, I will just enjoy my time left here on planet Earth until He is released from his eternal (NOT!) prison and drinks the blood of every human man, woman and child.

  If you can, find the serenity to accept the inevitable, love those around you and try to enjoy yourself before the streets run red with the blood of our doomed species. Yipee!!

  P.S., give Proj some respect. He's seen shit that would turn you white.
Post by: Sportsdude on Jul 02 07 11:39
duuuude where's george noory when you need him.  
Post by: P.C. on Jul 02 07 12:05
 P.S., give Proj some respect. He's seen shit that would turn you white.

  He's going to have to come up with a better trick than THAT. I'm already white.[/DIV]
Post by: plantjector on Jul 02 07 01:34
the  system of earth is made so you cant focus into the etheric, elemental...

  try using some of natures plants to get youre mind in the right state

  try to take a seretonin releaser, then eat some shrooms 1 hour later.... that will awaken youre soul, in order to see the etheric,

  since so many ppl are now seeing it, they are working on a way to have everyone see it without the use of spiritual plants

  like medetation and stuffz.
Post by: tenkani on Jul 02 07 04:37
Assjector, do you think there is a link between the supression of mind-altering substances by government forces and their fear of what widespread knowledge could create?

  In other words, do you think the powers that be see such tools as a threat to their monopoly on "information management"?
Post by: Sportsdude on Jul 02 07 04:45
well the CIA is doing experiments on US citizens. Ask them. lol  
Post by: tenkani on Jul 02 07 04:50
It's funny. A tool is neither evil nor good by nature, but only in how it is used.

LSD, for instance, can be used to expand one's consciousness and achieve amazing insight.

On the other hand, decades ago the CIA used it in mind-control experiments.

I don't think there is a thing that those walking turds couldn't pervert and bend towards the destruction of their fellow men.
Post by: jectorboreD on Jul 02 07 10:45
yes hamkennis they say certain substances are bad, well having a weak spirit can be even worse.

  the government needs worker slaves, not infinate ppl on plants seeing reality.
Post by: CosmicjectoR on Jul 03 07 09:06
it seems more than 1 event is taking place for this year 2007, recall my "2007 the year the world changed forevor posts"

  777 july 7th 2007  [FONT face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size=4]Harmonic Shift 777- July 7th 2007 vny!://[/FONT]

[FONT face=Arial size=4][/FONT]

[FONT face=Arial size=4]july 17th 2007, light beings come to earth and release CREATION energy, so create something  [A title=vny!:// href="vny!://!" target=_blank][FONT face="Times New Roman" size=3]vny!://[/FONT][/A][/FONT]

[FONT face=Arial size=4][/FONT]

[FONT face=Arial size=4]august 25, 26th  2007, gather with friends to discuss and release energy into space ime.[/FONT]

[FONT face=Arial size=4][A href="vny!://"]vny!://[/A][/FONT]

[FONT face=Arial size=4][/FONT]

[FONT face=Arial size=4]wakey wakey.[/FONT]

[FONT face=Arial size=4][/FONT]

[FONT face=Arial size=4]more info [A href="vny!://"][/A] user:  ProjectoR South[/FONT]

[FONT face=Arial size=4][/FONT]

[A href="vny!://"][/A]  
Post by: GORDY GAMBINO on Jul 04 07 12:39
I have never been able to follow this thread as it makes no sense whatsoever.

  Hey moonunit stay off the mushrooms you spaced out hippie.
Post by: RetardalerteR on Jul 04 07 11:47
 I have never been able to follow this thread as it makes no sense whatsoever.

  Hey moonunit stay off the mushrooms you spaced out hippie.

    if you cant click links yet and read english, and identify dates of omportance mentioned

  then i am gonna have to call you a RETARD.

  sorry for being so harsh TARD.    
Post by: Lazy Isis on Jul 04 07 02:53
I feel like I just read a script to Jerry Springer....duh...
Post by: Zzzzzzzzzzzz on Jul 04 07 04:10
[font style="font-weight: bold;" size="4"]This is tthe most idotic crap I've seen on the internet in a long time.  [/font][font style="font-weight: bold;" size="4"]"XXXXjector" must be trying to convince eveyone that he's a retard, or just plain stupid, or BOTH.

[font size="1"]CosmicjectoR wrote:
[/font][font size="1"]it seems more than 1 event is taking place for this year 2007, recall my "2007 the year the world changed forevor posts"[/font]
[font size="1"] [/font]
[font size="1"]777 july 7th 2007  [/font][font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="1"]Harmonic Shift 777- July 7th 2007 vny!://[/font]
[font size="1"] [/font]
[font face="Arial" size="1"]july 17th 2007, light beings come to earth and release CREATION energy, so create something  [a title="vny!://" href="vny!://!" target="_blank"][font face="Times New Roman"]vny!://[/font][/a][/font]
[font size="1"] [/font]
[font size="1"][font face="Arial"]august 25, 26th  2007, gather with friends to discuss and release energy into space ime.[/font][/font]
[font size="1"][font face="Arial"][a href="vny!://"]vny!://[/a][/font][/font]
[font size="1"] [/font]
[font size="1"][font face="Arial"]wakey wakey.[/font][/font]
[font size="1"] [/font]
[font size="1"][font face="Arial"]more info [a href="vny!://"][/a] user:  ProjectoR South[/font][/font]
[font size="1"] [/font]
[font size="1"] [/font] [font size="1"]
Post by: RetardpoHlicE on Jul 04 07 09:02
looolO!L!!!! gotta love the comedy

  instead of  reminding ppl this thread is attracting gouligans

Post by: GORDY GAMBINO on Jul 04 07 10:04
Post by: tenkani on Jul 05 07 09:50
Or maybe it's disguised as rubbish to weed out those unworthy to behold its heavenly glory.

It's a dangerous world we live in, and there are people who don't want the truth told.

You can't just put everything out on front street, hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm?
Post by: JectorpwN on Jul 05 07 01:02
yo tenticle anus thanx for dropping by

  and rave girl updates?  
Post by: tenkani on Jul 05 07 01:21
Yes, this just in, I want half a dozen naked rave girls to jump up and down on me until I cry    0_0  
Post by: margretli on Jul 05 07 02:28
 tenkani wrote:
Yes, this just in, I want half a dozen naked rave girls to jump up and down on me until I cry    0_0

Oh dear, should have known better to read posts in the middle of the day. Now I'm all excited and stuck at the office! BTW, why rave girls?

Post by: tenkani on Jul 05 07 02:40
Just an inside joke between me and Masta P    :)))

In truth I wouldn't be so picky about which girls get to step on me    ;)
Post by: ProFFjecotR on Jul 05 07 04:38

   what is crooked is really str8

  and im fukkin crooked  
Post by: tenkani on Jul 05 07 04:47
I knew you weren't straight.
Post by: FinalwarninG on Jul 05 07 09:47
when teh final warning comes out tenkcornis runs out!!!!    
Post by: tenkani on Jul 06 07 07:50
Not that there's anything wrong with that.