Sorry, I'm at work.
I'm a very busy person and don't have time for this thread.
This thread smells funnay!~
This thread has no strings attached.
this spongey!
There's nothing funnay about wasting time on unproductive jibber jabber while vital projects languish in mid-air >:(
Now if you'll excuse me, I intend to make myself a productive and respectable member of society. BRB.
I'm also busy too, so any one of you could reach me at 900-4-GINGER or 900-4-SHEILA.
This thread has FIBER !!!!
This thread really knows how to soak up the juices.
OMG, gotta go soon too... ttyl, hopefully in less than teh hourz!
Ok I'm back. Phew!! That was hard work.
I called 900-4-SHEILA but a Brazilian tranny named Antonia answered.
I see tenkani has made it onto 'The person below me' thread. (is that naughty?)
this thread confuses me... i think
P.C. wrote:
I see tenkani has made it onto 'The person below me' thread. (is that naughty?) ......
I hope so.
Did tenkani leave? Wow, he really doesn't have time for this thread...
[img height=168 src="vny!://" width=166 border=0]
tenkani wrote:
[div style="font-style: italic;"]Sorry, I'm at work.[/div] I'm a very busy person and don't have time for this thread.
Same here, I'm swamped. I couldn't possibly have time to fiddle around in here, not even to post that I don't have time to post to this thread. Sorry.
Great, thanks to this thread, I am going to be late getting back to the lunch thread!!(//vny!://
I love to add something here, but I don't have time.
Since I have nothing to say here..I am just going to stare at P.C.'s avatar for awhile.....
I don't want you to strain your eyes Devil.......
[DIV style="MARGIN: 2ex"][img id=avatar alt="Do Nothing" src="vny!://" name=avatar][/DIV]
meeeow...hello kitty!
OMG!!! Here I am, wasting time on this thread while the rest of you are so busy! Could it be that it is after 11PM and everyone is sleeping after their busy day? Just remember to stop and smell the roses, provided they are on your route and you don't waste too much time.
I don't have time, got to go to work.
I have time to love Kitten tenderly...
but not to post on this useless thread.
If this thread can give me tenkani's love, I must post on it regularly!
I would make time for this thread if it had.......
I was here but not really. Gotta go!
Hi everybody, sorry I'm late. Anyway, bye!
I'm not even going to come to this thread....I'm very busy.
I said I was busy but just popped in quickly again. I won't be here for too long because I've got better things to do. ;)
I keep hoping for "mo naked ho's" but see it's just that tease, Purelife.
Sorry about that burst of bubble [pun intended], there Schadey. Better luck next time?
So how many of you aren't here right now, besides me?
I'm not. I don'thave time.
I don't have the time either...I will leave my name though..just so you don't forgets me
I don't have time to post on DS much these days. So if you see me on here remind me I have artwork and yardwork to work on and I shouldn't be wasting time with empty posts.
There's still daylight out now and I really planned on getting the yard mowed today...
Plans are just guidelines, not rules. So you can remind yourself that it will still be there tomorrow. Procrastination can be a beautiful thing!
Procrastination can be a beautiful thing!
Quite right. I wish I had the time for it...
Try to schedule this important part of life into your busy world.
ok, maybe tomorrow....
LOL.... if I had the time.....I'd tell you how funny you all are. But I don't.
I don't have time to be in this thread because the heat is causing me problems.
Wish I had the time to come up with some suggestions.
Wish I could coordinate my clocks so I'd know what I don't have time for.
That would be very time consuming Kitten.
You're right. But I don't have time to do it anyway. I'm too busy not hanging around this thread.
I hear ya. I simply don't have the time.
Yay! I have time today for this trhead! FINALLY!
I'm happy for you. I sure don't.
i wish i didn't have time for this thread.
i guess i'll come back later..
Although I don't really have the time, I would still like to say... HEY FEMALE !!! Sorry I missed you. *hugs*
I don't have time to post today since I'm off to work. I just have time to scroll through for anything interesting on my way to my e-mail account.
[FONT face="Arial Narrow" color=#ff0000 size=7]EVERYONE STFU SO I CAN GET SOME WORK DONE KTHANX!!!!!!![/FONT]
lol tenkani's monkee needs some tlc it must be driving him nuts.
Haven't seen hide nor hair of the little bastard in a while.
I think he's driving someone else's nuts at the moment.
he must be zoom zooming in the mazda while your at work.
I don't have time to log in...I've got to get back to work... :(
*tries to smite purelife but can't*
Too busy too post.
Gotta go!
I haven't had time to post in this thread for a year.
I'd forgotten all about it.
Me too. I like to go back every now and then, to see what we were all up to a year ago.
i wonder what ever hsappend to that crazy old crow we loved to hate ... is tenkani dead. ? or has he just set sail for a part of the world with no internet...