And I'm proud![/DIV]this has to be some kind of record.[/DIV]from zero posts to 78 and counting in 24hrs.Time for me to retire for the evening and go to sleep.
G'night. I'l take over for a while.[/DIV]This board rocks! And people are actually here.
g'night my shift is over.
yeah i'm kinda stuck. Got a bad bloody nose from accutane medication and I can't separate myself from the computer. I'm an addict post whore.
This new board seems to have everyone in a postwhorey mood! I'm getting all jazzed to get all over this board. These are all the fun people that made DV so entertaining when I found it.
Okay. I don't know what it was about but I thank you.
Damn Sportsdude! The right side of my screen just says sportsdudesportsdudesportsdude...[/DIV]You have been at it a while. I salute you. I'm planning a big sit around and stare at the internet bender this weekend since the wife and kids'll be out of town.
yeah i've been at it for hours. I'm in every thread.
tenkani is going to hit the floor when he sees the tally numbers this morning.
I was just checking out the stats page. Nice work. Tenkani will have to post mightily.[/DIV]Stats is a way cool option for this board. I'm into it.
OMFG. I bow down in supplication to my new lord and master.[/DIV]I just can't compete with this level of whoredom.(//vny!://
Glad you like being a postwhore.=D I would hate to have all that attention.=D hehe
[FONT size=5]Yuki!!![/FONT][/DIV]How's life, mi amiga??
Thank you, Thank you, being the new whore on the street has given me power and confidence I have never felt before.
where do you get all these sayings tenkani? They are very funny and odd.
Hey tenkani.!(//vny!:// I'm good.=D How about you.?
Well Yuki, I'm at work, so things could be better. On the plus side, people tend to leave me alone. My manager stays out of my hair most days so I shouldn't complain. Oh, and it's a beautiful day (//vny!://
"where do you get all these sayings tenkani? They are very funny and odd." We are surrounded every day with funny and odd. The trick is to capture it before it flutters away.
what kind of work do you do?
Yeah, work sucks. I just got back a hour and a half ago. But I am happy today.!=D One of my guy friends was depressed for awhile. But todays he's all happy because his boyfriend is coming to visit him in two weeks.^-^ They have a long distance relationship. It was so cute.^-^ Now I am happy because he is happy.=D It's not very sunney where I am. A dark,cold room. The sun hurts my pale vampire skin.
"what kind of work do you do?"[/DIV]I'm a graphic designer, but mostly they pay me to surf the 'Net. Hay, Yuki, have they ever met before or is this the big first date in RL?? That's exciting.
Couldn't resist...[/DIV](//vny!://
Nope, This will be their first time. They met over the internet, but had webcam conversations, so there will be no surprises. He let me read his emails.=D It was so cute.
eheheh The vampire picture is so me..............Hey, you were the one who told me it was night so when I walked out I burned and then you took a picture.! Now everyone will know..............
Sorry about that!![/DIV]Looks like your cover's blown, goth girl!! (//vny!:// Hay, just be happy that you have vampire super-healing abilities. Those burns should be gone in no time!
Yes. Heal evan faster the more blood I get from victums, the people I trick into trusting
Yes. Heal evan faster the more blood I get from victums, the people I trick into trusting
LOL!! Or did you mean "meat"?? :)
hmmm Both will work.=D
ROFL. Admin, who were you on DV??
*handing Yuki a shot glass of blood*
Admin was on DV?![/DIV]noo(//vny!://
Thank you Tenkani.! *drinks* Now, I shall spare you from my vampireness.=D
Awww :(
Lol. Why sad.? If you prefer I could make you into my vampire slave.? lol.=D
Lol. Why sad.? If you prefer I could make you into my vampire slave.? lol.=D
Hmmm.....that sounds.......strangely attractive..... :)
Thanks Admin.! Would you like to be a vampire too.?
Thanks Admin.! Would you like to be a vampire too.?
Sure, if it involves ummm, you biting me and stuff... (//forums/richedit/smileys/Other/26.gif)
But Ofcorse. Alrighty I shall sneek into your bedroom window and bite you. hmmm First I need the okay. Us vampires have werid rules where we have to be invited in order to fly into someone's house and steal their blood.
But Ofcorse. Alrighty I shall sneek into your bedroom window and bite you. hmmm First I need the okay. Us vampires have werid rules where we have to be invited in order to fly into someone's house and steal their blood.
So I've heard. Well then, "come on over". lolololol
Great. Be sure to leave your windows open. Makes things easyer. Oh, and don't forget to act surprised. Okie Dokie.?
Great. Be sure to leave your windows open. Makes things easyer. Oh, and don't forget to act surprised. Okie Dokie.?
If I wake up and you're sucking my blood out, you can be pretty sure I won't be just acting [/b]surprised. (//forums/richedit/smileys/Shocked/4.gif) And remember, this is my first time, so be gentle. (Well, not too gentle.)
Don't worry. It'll be fun. Then you can join the vampire group.=D I am boss though, okie dokie. I am the highest rank vampire.^-^ heheh
Count Dracula!!! [/DIV]Argh, Argh.Did you here about that vampire running for govt. of minnesota, he got arrested.
Wasn't a wrestler elected governor there before? Just think, if this "vampire" is released, he stands a good chance at the polls!
he got arrested and then taken of the ballot.[/DIV]I will try to find a pic of this guy. He's creepy.(//vny!://
Jonathon "The Impaler" Sharkey, who said he plans to announce his bid for governor on Friday on the ticket of the Vampyres, Witches and Pagans Party.
[A href="vny!://"]vny!://[/A] [img height=593 src="vny!://" width=473]
He couldn't have thought people would take him seriously!! *apart from the police, that is!*
well he got national attention. Was mentioned and interviewed on the today show, visited a couple fox news shows so he could get yelled at, and he's been on cnn and msnbc. So so far everything seemed to have worked except for that arrest thingy.
I have the distinct impression that he's naked under that cloak...
maybe he got arrested for indecent exposure.
He doesn't look like a vampire...........He's a vampire wannabe.!
BREAKING: SHARKEY ARRESTED [!-- END HEADLINE --][DIV id=ynmain][!-- BEGIN STORY BODY --][DIV id=storybody][DIV class=storyhdr][EM class=timedate]Tue Jan 31, 1:11 PM ET[/i]
[DIV class=spacer][/DIV][/DIV]Minnesota Gubernatorial Candidate/Vampire Jonathan "The Impaler" Sharkey has been arrested on outstanding warrants for stalking and escape (honestly, what else could his outstanding warrants have been for?). Which gives the AP the chance to write this nearly-perfect graf:
Sharkey launched his campaign last month. His platform includes an emphasis on education, tax breaks for farmers and better benefits for veterans, but he also said he favored impaling certain wrongdoers in front of the State Capitol.
Sharkey's crack team is already working on expunging all mention of the incident from his Wikipedia entry (in the name of Our Dark Lord, natch).
But out favorite part might be the FEC filing an operative sent us the other day regarding Sharkey's previous bid for the presidency, back when he was running as Rocky "Hurricane" Flash:
I am now OFFICIALLY stating that I want this committee closed, immediately. Rocky "Hurricane" Flash's human existence ended on October 22, 2004. Hence, there is no reason to keep this matter of his campaign committee open
Now there's a handy way to get out of all sorts of things. We may call in undead tomorrow, in fact.
EARLIER: Wonkette's Coverage of Jonathan Sharkey
'The Impaler' Governor Candidate Arrested [WCCO]
FEC Document
Related: Their Satanic Majesties (Change of Address) Request
Related: The Devil Went Down to Florida
Related: Tales From the Dark Side[/DIV][/DIV]
Yeah well, having the photo taken in broad daylight is a tipoff (//vny!://
Actually, he's not a vampire. He calls himself a witch, but was attempting to forge an alliance between vampires and witches.
Well In my werid little head, I see Vampires being sexy.=D. That guy doesn't work......... They ruined the 3rd Blade movie.=C The evil Vampire didn't look at all like a vampire. That made the movie suck.
Yeah, that and the script, mediocre effects and terrible acting (//vny!://
Hi guys,gal. I missed those movies, stay at home too much..
Hi Brent. Yes, Tenkani the acting was bad. But not Blade. He's good. I liked the 2nd one with frost.=D
You must have seen a lot of Vampire
Yep. I like teh Vampires. Their my friends.
I 've missed the vampire movies mostly , but if they exist...
They do. I'm a vampire. Tenknai is too. I got him a week ago. Right Tenknai.? Your a vampire now.
It'd be neat if you were.... Do you know how to give karma as I owe a couple people? Neat site.
Nope. sorry I don't know about the Karma thing. I really am a vampire though. Kits is going to be my next victum.(//vny!:// It'll be a surprise.
I'm up all night as is , what's the main difference?
Vampires have pretty fangs and suck blood. They are also sexy and are respected.(//vny!://
She's not lying. Two nights ago I lay awake in my bed, listening to the sound of the ocean through my open window. Suddenly, a pale beautiful woman clad in black leather floated noiselessly into my room. I think I must have fainted, and when I woke up she was gone and my neck hurt. She didn't even leave a goodbye note! *cry*
Yuki, I'm free tonight if you're still thirsty...
Got no prob with that, and Blade dresses cool and drives a cool bike right, awesome. And hi Tenkani, they didn't warn you were posting simutaneously.
Oh But I am. I shall see you again tonight Tenkani.=D Don't pass out again. It's funner to hear you scream.(//vny!://
Blade is good. But I killed him. He was all, I'm gonna kill you because your a vampire. and i'm all like, No way!..........and then I killed him.
I'm better than Blade, but would rather be a Vampire, more fun..
It is fun. I get to be all goth like, and get into the good clubs.! That only vampires can go to.
Any special Vampire events?[/DIV] HaHa Sportdude!
suck off 2006.
"suck off 2006."
There are many events. Mostly Balls. We love our fancy balls.
suck off 2006[/DIV]umm? I don't know what this means...who's 2006.?O.O
I take it you don't want to Not be a Vampire at those balls..
It's crude,I'm not explaining
"there are two types of people... those who suck, and those who blow..... "[/DIV] How does this one end tenkani?
HI Kits.! Brent, It would be bad if you weren't a vampire at these balls yes. They will be killed and their blood put into the wine glasses for all.=D
But if they were drained carefully wouldn't they turn into more Vamp's? [/DIV] Not with No blood I guess.
Nooooo. You have to be more than bitten to be a vampire. [/DIV]1)Must be bitten on the neck.[/DIV]2)Only a little bit of blood so not to kill them.3)When they wake, they must drink your blood.4)They turn into a vampire and you have another lacky.
"How does this one end tenkani?"
I know the solution to that riddle, but I will let someone else answer it.Don't want to suck my own horn...
How does this one end tenkani?" I know the solution to that riddle, but I will let someone else answer it.[/DIV]Don't want to suck my own horn... Lol. I get that now.! Lol.=D
So those Goth balls are for just partying..?
Nice avitar again Tenkani, keep it up.
How does this one end tenkani?" I know the solution to that riddle, but I will let someone else answer it.[/DIV]Don't want to suck my own horn...[/DIV] it still brings a smile to my face!
ummmmmm. Maybe.................Maybe not..............hehehehe It's a secret.!(//vny!://
This should be my 100th post, to make me only the third 'full member' here!
How is that for DS whore!
Congrats Kits, this place gets more comfotable each time you post...
[FONT size=6]W00h00 KITS!!!![/FONT]
Lol. Home-slice.!
where did you get that pic of us!?!?! that was a long time ago! lol
I know. Hard to believe we were ever that young.[/DIV]I think you look WAY better without the dreads BTW.
Pics, that could be a theme of some neat threads (though some of us can't post yet)
Yeah, that would be a nice thread. Well I have to go. Bye Brent, bye Kits. Bye Tenkani, I love you.!(//vny!://
[img style="WIDTH: 162px; HEIGHT: 116px" height=116 src="vny!://" width=112][/DIV].
Goodnight Yuki.
Counting on you other 2 for them pics now, at least you've got decent senses of humour.
[A href="vny!://!://!://"][img height=128 src="vny!://" width=88][/A] Sexyest anime pic ever. okay last post. I don't know if the picture will show.
Rawr![/DIV]Love you too, Yuki!Great pic!!
Kool, and even you can post pics, ..'night
Can't resist. Just for Yuki, since she thinks Teh Brad has no equal...
Nice of you Tenkani, I chose the only one I liked. Gonna change later as I figure this stuff out,lol.
...almost there...