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General Category => Discover Seattle! => Topic started by: TehBorken on Mar 26 07 08:36

Title: The first million dollar laptop
Post by: TehBorken on Mar 26 07 08:36
 [p class="" pull_quote=""][font style="font-weight: bold;" size="5"]The first million dollar laptop[/font]
[/p][p class="" pull_quote=""] March 23, 2007
[/p][p class="" pull_quote=""]UK-based bespoke luxury goods creator [a href="%22vny!://" target="" _blank=""]Luvaglio[/a] has created the [span style="font-weight: bold;" bold;=""]first million dollar laptop[/span]. That's what the first of their luxury laptops will sell for. Full details of the laptop have not been released at this point, but it is known that it incorporates a 17" widescreen LED lit screen with a specially designed anti-reflective glare coating for clear and brighter image, 128GB of Solid State Disk space and a slot loading Blue-Ray drive. There is an integrated screen cleaning device and a very rare coloured diamond piece of jewellery that doubles up as the power button when placed into the laptop and also acts as security identification. Images [a href="%22vny!://" target="" _blank=""]here[/a], video [a href="%22vny!://" target="" _blank=""]here[/a].[/p][p class="" pull_quote=""][a href="vny!://"]vny!://[/a]
Title: Re: The first million dollar laptop
Post by: Sportsdude on Mar 26 07 08:38
wait, I thought they were trying to make laptop's cheaper?  
Title: Re: The first million dollar laptop
Post by: tenkani on Mar 26 07 09:51
I hear it comes with a free "f*ck the homeless" t-shirt.
Title: Re: The first million dollar laptop
Post by: ForShure on Mar 26 07 12:55
Never mind the million dollar laptop, I've got my eye on the FlipStart!  [A href="vny!://"]vny!://[/A]