Rules: Category and Answer are given. Next player gives the question- then posts a new category and Answer. Got it?
Category: Rock Music
Answer: Band from Sheffield, England with a one-armed drummer.
Question: ???
Who was Def Leppard ? [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://" border=0]
I think you're next to give out a question P.C.
Category: American Cities
Answer: City had a molasses flood in 1919.
(I had to look it up lol)
American trivia fact:
What was going to be the official bird of America?
The turkey
Category: Vancouver landmarks
Answer: Built in 1977 and powered by excess steam in underground pipes.
The Gastown Steam clock ?
steam clock is older then that, it must be.
EDIT: Hmm thought the Steam Clock was older then that. lol
Gastown Steam Clock is correct.
someone, please post something...
*I so suck in this, I can't contribute anything trivial*
Ok. here goes.
Category: DS Regulars
Answer: Owns the most colourful underpants
Question: Who is _________?
Who is tenkani ?
Q: Which Canuck has been recently nicknamed "The Bra-barian" ?
What is a human being who plays for the Canucks?
Category: Diapers.
Answers: This being is able to poo four times in an hour.
What is Lise Jr.
Category: Asian Foods
Answer: This prickly fruit has a smell like none other.
Theres some of this as ice cream on the gelato along venables before clarke.
Category: goats
What food is it that has lots of seasoning in the mediteranean cuisine.
What is a goat?
I've had curried goat. Nice spices, slow cooked--but still tastes and smells like a goat.
Can't imagine goat souvlaki. too much goat flavour and smell
Category: British Expressions
Answer: One buys tools and hardware at this shop.
I really suck at this game.(//vny!://
What is Rona? Home Depot??
Category: Greek Mythology
Answer: Born from Zeus' head. Thus Zeus said, "Yeowie, I've got a splitting headache and out she popped. Gives new meaning to the word birth."
What is Athene? (needed to look that up)
(one buys hardware at an Iron Monger's shop, btw)
Category: Movies
Answer: Robin Williams utters the dialogue "Titus...Come hither" in this film.