This from [a href="vny!://"]Overheard in Vancouver[/a][/p]
Overheard at the Tsawwassen Ferry Terminal,[/p] [blockquote]1st BC Ferry Worker, into their walkie talkie: "We've, uh, got a hearing-impaired gentleman with us, so we're going to have to delay the boarding just a bit to accommodate his needs.[/p] 2nd BC Ferry Worker, loudly and clearly over the walkie talkie: "Okay, but I'm not doing it when the ship starts to sink. He'll be on his own. Not like he'll notice until it's too late..."[/p] 1st BC Ferry Worker, back into walkie-talkie: "Uh... the whole lobby just heard you."[/p][/blockquote]
Priceless. LOL. (//vny!://