Glad to see that people are leaving that cesspool of degeneracy and idiocy at DV and switching over to DS, a higher calibre and more intelligent forum.
[A id=thelink onclick="return fitsInWindow();"][img id=thepic title="Click to visit ImageShack for Image Hosting!" onclick=scaleImg() alt=img175/7443/50cent150ib1.jpg src="vny!://"][/A]
I agree Adam. DV is a complete piece of shit! It is sad that that forum has the name Vancouver in it. Vancouver is a beautiful place, that site gives overflowing outhouses a good name!
It's baffling to me why DV isn't cleaned up and the site held to a little higher standard. The city of Vancouver should be ashamed that this kind of stuff goes on in their name. I can only imagine what prospective tourists think when they stumble across the site while researching "places to go in Canada".
How long has it been since Mike has been claiming that user registration is coming? 2 years? 3 years? 5 years?
Why do they let the spammers and racists and nazis run rampant?
How can they tolerate all the "my poop stinks" and "pussy" threads?
Seattle ROCKS! Plain and simple. ;) [span style="color: rgb(255, 0, 255); font-weight: bold;"]Mike iz teh super jeluz... ;)[/span] tee hee....
Absolutely!!! DV will sink, mark my words.
purelife wrote:
Seattle ROCKS! Yes Seattle Rocks!
But so does Van City, that is why Mike needs to be hung by his ginch from a flagpole in public wearing a sign that says "No Affiliation with Vancouver".
Mike claims registration will happen within this month or the next. Give or take this year. He claimed it so when he went on-air. Watch and see what happens.
i read that mike is taking his entire staff of clubzone down to miami? to some club/party convention.
Lise wrote:
Mike claims registration will happen within this month or the next. Give or take this year. He claimed it so when he went on-air. Watch and see what happens.
Nah, they're [A href="vny!://"]too busy banning Orik from DV[/A] to be concerned about registration.
Lise wrote:
Absolutely!!! DV will sink, mark my words.
If there is any justice in this world, yes it wil...but if there isn't, do you have any ideas how we could speed up the the sinking?
M50 wrote:
Lise wrote:
Absolutely!!! DV will sink, mark my words.
If there is any justice in this world, yes it wil...but if there isn't, do you have any ideas how we could speed up the the sinking?
unban Orik ?
This pic sums up Mike and DV,
[A id=thelink onclick="return fitsInWindow();"][img id=thepic title="Click to visit ImageShack for Image Hosting!" onclick=scaleImg() alt=img87/1434/fakepoowwwtxt2piccomne8.jpg src="vny!://"][/A]
I just came from Dv and want to say hi to everyone on DS anyway i used to go by the handle cartman a\on DV and i will continue thatr here on DS...
The only way it can sink faster is if people bring it to the attention of the media again...everyone has reverted back to the racist, sexist etc. posting, so nothing has changed despite the bad publicity...except for the fact that a lot fewer people go on there now.
I previously sent emails to a couple of the advertisers on DV, telling them about the racism etc. They replied and weren't aware of the site, but assured me they would look into it. A couple of days later the paper article appeared, and a couple of days after that, Mike was trying to defend himself on CBC radio. Coincedence? Maybe. If he disassociated the site with Vancouver, a beautiful city, i'd be much happier. We'll see what happens.
They call it the 'Scum of Vancouver chat' & 'Vancouver's Worst Forum'.
For very good reasons...
I am staying as far from DV as possible. It is only trouble.
Most of the moderators over there have some serious psychological issues.
Beware of DV.
[table id="mbEnd" class="ra" align="right" bgcolor="#ffffff" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="25%"][tbody][tr][td align="center" height="25"][h2 class="sl f"]Sponsored Links[/h2][/td][/tr][tr height="7"][td][img alt="" height="1" width="1"][/td][/tr][tr][td onmouseover="return ss()" nowrap="nowrap"][font size="-1"][a id="an1" href="vny!://!://"][font size="-0"]Vancouver's Worst Forum[/font][/a]
The Scum of Vancouver Chat is Here!
Hated by Tourism Vancouver
[font class="a"][/font]
British Columbia[/font][/td][/tr][/tbody][/table]
It's baffling to me why DV isn't cleaned up and the site held to a little higher standard. Unfortunately, the concept of "cleaning up" DV that's in vogue right now involves stifling harmless free speech. I checked in the other night and saw that someone's thread had been deleted because they were asserting that a certain mod should be fired. It's always a fine line between order and rigid authoritarian bullshit, and several of the current mods have moved to the dark side IMO, at least where that is concerned.
They have completely misunderstood both the negatives of DV and (more importantly IMO) they have lost sight of what makes it great. At this point I don't spend much time on DV, not because of the racism (which I loath but can stomach), but because some of the mods and one admin in particular are shitting on the vibrant heart and soul of something I love.
it baffles me too...
It used to be great before Mike took over the reins.
No :)
Hey, I was trying to be nice here, Mr. tenk-san. (//vny!://
OK. DV was better for a time being.
dv has always been a cesspool and we love it so.... but none of us really can stand mikes apathy ...
Yeah. Mike is a dick tree but it was pretty bad before him.
It always comes in waves. Waves of racism and hate and waves of creativity and magic.
Mike is just worse because he decided to show up on the forums in person and make an ass of himself.
The highlight of the story was when Mike decides to ASK everyone how he should perform when he went on the interview. That was HILARIOUS!!!
Then to write back and said, he'd gone and done pretty good despite the hottie at the other end. Guess you can see the professional level that can only come from him.
Wish I could see/hear that interview!!
i would like to have heard that interview too... i heard mike got castrated by the lady.... but he only those who heard it know what ahppend...
orik...castration is a little over dramatic. I heard the interview. She painted a picture of herself being a self righteous bitch and seems that she was dabbling in threads that alot of DVers wouldn't frequent. Mike did an alright job of defending DV. Took forever for the story to air and then..they asked for people to phone in comments and then didn't air them.
She should have gone after him some more IMHO. A better reporter would have done her job better, research more into DV and hang him by the balls.
Zoinkers wrote:
She should have gone after him some more IMHO. A better reporter would have done her job better, research more into DV and hang him by the balls.[/DIV]
That would be difficult seeing as Mike has no testicles.
LOL. Maybe mikey should create a "Hate threads about me on DS" discussion and compile a list like I did on DV? [A onclick="addImg('icon/icon_smile_big.gif')" href="jvascript:void(0)"](//vny!://[/A]
[TABLE style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt; COLOR: midnightblue; FONT-FAMILY: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=2 width="100%" border=0] [TBODY] [TR bgColor=whitesmoke] [TD][A href="vny!://"][FONT color=#0000ff]List of hate threads about me[/FONT][/A][/TD] [TD align=middle]Raging Poodle! [/TD] [TD align=middle]38[/TD] [TD align=middle]218[/TD] [TD style="FONT-SIZE: 7pt" noWrap align=middle]3/12/2007
3:06:57 AM[/TD][/TR][/TBODY][/TABLE]
Adam_Fulford wrote:
Glad to see that people are leaving that cesspool of degeneracy and idiocy at DV and switching over to DS, a higher calibre and more intelligent forum.
^^^^stock refrain of your typical banned DVer^^^
around 10 regular posters here vs hundreds over there.
around 100 posts / day here vs thousands of posts / day there
...... yeah, really looks like this is the shiznit alright.
Quality, not Quantity.
Yes, exactly. Quality.
hmm wrote:
[div style="font-style: italic;"]around 10 regular posters here vs hundreds over there. [/div] [div style="font-style: italic;"]around 100 posts / day here vs thousands of posts / day there [/div] [div style="font-style: italic;"] [/div] ...... yeah, really looks like this is the shiznit alright.
It doesn't take a fortune teller to see where the traffic will head, how the tide will turn. DV is as is like Rush Limbaugh. He may have had his time in the fart-fueled light during the dark ages, but now, in the light of day, he's exposed for what he is -- a foul and putrid conservative slug with a trail of slime around him, just like Scooter Libby. In the same way, DV is exposed for what it is -- a cesspool of bigotry, hypocrisy, and stupidity. I still hate George W. Bush and neo-Conservatives, and hated them even when they were hot, because they're bad for American and bad for the world. They're helping China take over, by making the world turn away from America in disgust. But now the tide is turning. I was right. You were wrong. Americans are finally seeing the light of day. DV is like Richard Nixon. DS is like John Kennedy. DV is stagnant, uninspiring, ugly, and hateful. DS, on the other hand, is vibrant, intelligent, and hip.
Adam_Fulford wrote:
DV is like Richard Nixon. DS is like John Kennedy. DV is stagnant, uninspiring, ugly, and hateful. DS, on the other hand, is vibrant, intelligent, and hip. [/DIV]
DS is still too much like high school with a few select and popular students that take over the board, leaving little room for newcomes to make their presence known. I compare DS to York House, all hoity-toity and elite, while DV is like Gladstone, tough and messy at times, but good when it can be. At least on DV newcomers from the old-timers to the poo flingers are accepted if they can tough it out, plus if DV ever became registered it still would receive far more traffic and have more diversity than DS.
I'm curious as to why anyone feels the need to compare them.
DV is what it is, as DS is what IT is. It's no different than the Toronto vs Vancouver, Apples vs Oranges, Is This better than That etc. Why can't it just be left that people choose which forum gives them what they're looking for, for their own reasons.
[img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://" border=0]
P.C. wrote:
I'm curious as to why anyone feels the need to compare them.
Lol, it kinda baffles me too. It's not like we're in competition with DV, nor do I want to put DV out of business, take their members, replace DV etc etc. It's just another site. If I wanted to compete I'd just register [span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 191);"][/span] and start beating the drum. (Yes, that domain is available, BTW. Should we register it and make a parody site? (//forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/14.gif) )
So, I don't get it. Why people feel the need to compare them is a mystery to me.
Light has no meaning without the presence of darkness, hay?
P.S. DV is not sinking.
I have a feeling it will outlast us all.
Because it's better ;)
LOL, I remember Hamburg starting up that [A href="vny!://"][/A] (or was it .net?) and that site bashed DV and was basically started because Ham N Cheese was fed up with V.C.'s modding. LOL Then, it got hacked. Nope, it wasn't my hacking skills. Totally funnay! ;)
That was hilarious. Yeah, it was a .org site and stayed up for a week or two right?
I never visited because I didn't want him to have my IP and back then I didn't know how to use a proxy.
People think EED is bad, but hammie made him look like girlscout!
my local NPR station's motto is "Intellegent Talk and great entertainment" that to me sums up DS to DV.
DS is a place where you clean your sins from DV. ;) And a place where we all be nice and play the merry go round together.
LOL, Hamburg and Panhof...gotta love'em both. Hamburg was a first class troll. I know someone who has met him. :) Hamburg then ended up posting as Montreal guy. A troll asking a mod "Is it okay if I post pics of ladies legs?" LOL. Oh, and everyone remembers TEH GUTCH! ;)
I wonder where NWO fit it? The World is going to come to an end! LOL
I miss Gutch, so much wisdom in those giant red letters.
And CURSES! Clever guy. :) I wish that he would "drop by" and add spike DS a bit. ;)
What happened to Stoner?
(//forums/richedit/smileys/Sad/6.gif) [font style="color: rgb(255, 255, 255);" size="1"].[/font]
I always missed Gutch's wisdom.
Gutch will never make an appearance here. We're too tame! (//vny!://
Hahaha wrote:
Adam_Fulford wrote:
DV is like Richard Nixon. DS is like John Kennedy. DV is stagnant, uninspiring, ugly, and hateful. DS, on the other hand, is vibrant, intelligent, and hip. [/DIV]
DS is still too much like high school with a few select and popular students that take over the board, leaving little room for newcomes to make their presence known. I compare DS to York House, all hoity-toity and elite, while DV is like Gladstone, tough and messy at times, but good when it can be. At least on DV newcomers from the old-timers to the poo flingers are accepted if they can tough it out, plus if DV ever became registered it still would receive far more traffic and have more diversity than DS. You might get a kick out of this:
[TABLE style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt; COLOR: midnightblue; FONT-FAMILY: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=2 width="100%" border=0] [TBODY] [TR bgColor=whitesmoke] [TD align=middle][/TD] [TD][A title="Difference between DS and DV" href="vny!://"][FONT color=#0000ff]Difference between DS and DV[/FONT][/A][/TD] [TD align=middle]Raging Poodle! [/TD] [TD align=middle]17[/TD] [TD align=middle]164[/TD] [TD style="FONT-SIZE: 7pt" noWrap align=middle]2/1/2007
1:37:35 AM[/TD][/TR][/TBODY][/TABLE]
Two most important messages in that thread (in case it gets deleted):
[TABLE id=Table2 style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt; COLOR: midnightblue; FONT-FAMILY: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=10 width="100%" border=0] [TBODY] [TR bgColor=gainsboro] [TD style="FONT-WEIGHT: bold" vAlign=top align=left]Raging Poodle! [/TD] [TD colSpan=2](//%5BFONT%20size=1%5DPosted%20-%201/31/2007%2011:25:48%20PM%5B/FONT%5D%20%20%5BHR%20noShade%20SIZE=1%5D%20%20%5Bb%5DThis%20is%20what%20you%20get%20at%20DS:%5Bimg%20alt=%22%22%20src=%22vny!://
Yes, that's a cucumber sandwich with the crust removed...[/b]
[TABLE id=Table2 style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt; COLOR: midnightblue; FONT-FAMILY: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=10 width="100%" border=0] [TBODY] [TR bgColor=gainsboro] [TD style="FONT-WEIGHT: bold" vAlign=top align=left]Raging Poodle![/TD] [TD colSpan=2](//%5BFONT%20size=1%5DPosted%20-%201/31/2007%2011:26:49%20PM%5B/FONT%5D%20%20%5BHR%20noShade%20SIZE=1%5D%20%5Bb%5DAnd%20this%20is%20what%20you%20get%20at%20DV:%5B/b%5D%5Bimg%20alt=%22%22%20src=%22vny!://
[A onclick="addImg('icon/icon_smile_big.gif')" href="jvascript:void(0)"](//vny!://[/A]
f*cking brilliant :)
and yet you keep going back over and over and over again for that hot steaming mouthfull of cucumber.
analogy doesn't really work so well when you play both sides of the fence.
It might, if you took down the fence. [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://" border=0]
^^^^ even more brilliant.
Unfortunately, P.C., that doesn't work for people who need to construct a universe with clear cut good and evil, black and white etc. I think the fences keep them from killing their neighbors.
Unfortunately, P.C., that doesn't work for people who need to construct a universe with clear cut good and evil, black and white etc. I think the fences keep them from killing their neighbors.
I suppose that's true tenkani. It's a better alternative if we could just keep the edges a little fuzzy. There's some pretty nice shades of grey out dove grey......[img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://[/img] (I know....what a sap)
The DV dove ;)
LOL....that looks like a much more peaceful dove ! Never look a gift dove in the mouth.....that's what I always least I think that's what I always say.
Anyone see that movie Mars Attack? That dove just got shot down on DV.