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General Category => Discover Seattle! => Topic started by: Sportsdude on Feb 28 07 09:48

Title: Donald Rumsfeld was with Cheney in Afghanistan!
Post by: Sportsdude on Feb 28 07 09:48
[h1]Who was that mystery official with Cheney?[/h1][h2]Briefing to media on plane offered some interesting clues, didn't it, sir?[/h2]

Who was the mystery official on Vice President Dick Cheney's plane? There were plenty of clues about his identity if you read a transcript of his remarks.[p class="textBodyBlack"][span id="byLine"][/span]The rules were simple. The official who briefed reporters on Cheney's plane could be identified only as a senior administration official. But the high-ranking official wasn't very careful about concealing his identity as Cheney wrapped up his round-the-world trip with surprise stops in Pakistan and Afghanistan. Pay attention to the pronouns — me and I — that the official uses in describing the vice president's mission.[/p][p class="textBodyBlack"][span id="byLine"][/span]"The reason the president wanted me to come, obviously, is because of the continuing threat that exists in this part of the world on both sides of the Afghan-Pakistan border," the senior administration official said Tuesday.[/p]The White House distributed a text of the official's comments on Air Force Two as Cheney flew from Afghanistan to Oman before beginning his flight back to Washington. The transcript did not spell out why the official on Cheney's plane would not be quoted by name.[p class="textBodyBlack"][span id="byLine"][/span]There had been reports in some newspapers that Cheney, who was back in Washington Wednesday, was going to tell Pakistan's president, Pervez Musharraf, that he needed to be more aggressive against al-Qaida operatives and Taliban fighters in the lawless border area between Pakistan and Afghanistan.[/p][p class="textBodyBlack"][span id="byLine"][/span]"Let me just make one editorial comment here," the official said. "I've seen some press reporting says, 'Cheney went in to beat up on them, threaten them.' That's not the way I work. I don't know who writes that, or maybe somebody gets it from some source who doesn't know what I'm doing, or isn't involved in it. But the idea that I'd go in and threaten someone is an invalid misreading of the way I do business.[/p][p class="textBodyBlack"]"I would describe my sessions both in Pakistan and Afghanistan as very productive. We've had notable successes in both places. I've often said before and I believe it's still true that we've captured and killed more al-Qaida in Pakistan than anyplace else. And I think we're making progress in Afghanistan."[/p][p class="textBodyBlack"][span id="byLine"][/span]'Slightly different' in Pakistan
The senior administration official said that Karzai was upbeat "because of the United States' economic and financial commitment. We've asked for significant sums for him this year in the budget, the commitment of an additional brigade of troops to beef up what's already there, that's all taken as a sign of our commitment, specifically to Afghanistan.[/p]"They worry about that. They look over their shoulders, obviously, and if they see weakness on the part of the United States, or an unwillingness to carry through on our commitments, they automatically raise questions about how good our commitment to them is."[p class="textBodyBlack"][span id="byLine"][/span]The official said the situation was "slightly different" in Pakistan because the United States does not have U.S. forces on the ground there.[/p][p class="textBodyBlack"][span id="byLine"][/span]"But Musharraf, of course, has been the target of assassination attempts," the official said. "He's been closely allied with us going after al-Qaida. And, again, you've got people who, in effect, are betting the farm, so to speak, that they can count on the United States to be there, and to support them, and in many cases provide the leadership necessary to prevail in this global conflict with these extreme elements of Islam. And it would be difficult to sustain that conviction on their part if the United States were to suddenly decide that the problems in Iraq are too tough, we're going to pack it in and go home. So there are consequences in this part of the world for a course of action that some people are advocating in the U.S."[/p]
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That's classic Rumsfeld.  The constant use of I and 'betting the farm', attacking the press. lol