I don't know whats going on nor really care but I can't post anymore. Oh well I'm suprised I lasted this long over there. Anyway all I wanted to do one last time was post an article on Harper should that he's the biggest crook on the planet. But what can you do.
One day I shall release the full force of my turdballs and see how long it takes them to ban me. lol. Just kidding... (//forums/richedit/smileys/Word_Slogan/1.gif)
now I'm confused. I couldn't make a topic but I can reply??
[FONT size=5]Pwned![/FONT][/DIV][FONT size=1](+1 post)[/FONT]
oh well. It seems i can post under my usual name but not the news names.
Erm...what? That doesn't make a whole lot of sense.
Okay here's what happend.[/DIV]I usually post under a differnt name on DV when it comes to canadian politics so I don't get all the trolls coming after me [/DIV]I post under[/DIV]BREAKING NEWS[/DIV]Yahoo News [/DIV]Globe and MailCBC NewsCTV Newsetc. Tried to post an article under Yahoo News but it wouldn't let me. Then to see if I was banned i went to my usual name and posted a comment. So I can't post under my secondary handles anymore i guess.
Um...unless they changed the software, they don't have the capability to restrict the use of handles. Otherwise you would never see posts from panhof, Erik etc.
That's really weird, dude.
I don't know whats going on really. Can't use any other name except the normal one.
Wow! Well maybe they changed the code! If they did, of course, we'd never know it since they don't have stickies...
It amazes me how a board with so much f*cking traffic could be so damn low-tech...
Yeah I agree.
i haven't been able to post there in quite a while. i went back and tried a few different names but nope, i can't post there at all, period.
so that's it, i guess i'm totally 100% done with that place.
thanks a bunch, DV! lovely job f*cking up your user base, you ignorant clownz.
(somebody please post this over there so they know what a mess they've made of things)
I'll post it, but I need to know what handles you go by on DV.
Before anything happens, a sacrifice must be made.
Third is a turd...
Don't fall for the "banning" trick like poor P.C. did.
There's no such thing on DV - it's a myth. Probably there's a technical problem you're overlooking on your end. Don't give those tyrant [FONT color=#bf5f00]asswipes[/FONT] more credit than they deserve.
I wrote the following as part of my response to UBF in the old forum. I'll quote the relevant part here:
-- start quote --Banning on DV is a myth. It's a lie perpetrated to keep the internet illiterate at bay from acting out irresponsibly on a relatively anonymous bulletin board.
The admins as well as mods themselves know that there isn't a damn thing they can do other than "issuing warnings" which in of themselves are just hot air.
Good luck to them trying to "ban" anyone who's on a dynamic IP.
"Oh we can ban the whole domain" is the usual self righteous response to that. Of course, to anyone who's finished grade 2, that's also more smoke and mirrors.
Yeah, I wanna see them go ahead and ban the whole Telus domain... [img style="CURSOR: pointer" src="vny!://www.cheesebuerger.de/images/smilie/konfus/p035.gif[/img]
-- end quote -- So no need to glorify them, or accept any of their BS. If you can post at all, then you're not "banned". If you're on a high bandwidth connection and you can't access the site (meaning they blocked your IP) just change your IP and post as usual. (//vny!://smiley.onegreatguy.net/poo.gif)
Hi Sportsdude, how come you were ban from DV? Hmmm...... have you been posting some rather nasty comments? Your comments are usually pretty good. Want me to look into it?
nah its okay. Again my computer wasn't letting me use my other handles but my sportsdude handle was fine.
Good Times wrote...[/DIV]Don't fall for the "banning" trick like poor P.C. did.
I 'FELL' for something ??? It wasn't my imagination that I couldn't post on DV, I really couldn't. I may not have the computer savvy that many have, but how do you figure I fell for something. Also, I've always been clear, that I didn't believe I was 'banned' for posting inappropriate content, but that I was unfortunately caught up in some kind of mess. No offense Good Times, but I kind of get a little tired of the MODS on DV taking such a hit. They do what they can, VOLUNTARILY, and are sometimes hit pretty hard by some of the simpletons out there, and are blamed undeservedly for everything. It's just wrong.
well I removed myself from dv. forever.
The 'banning' isn't the biggest issue for me......the content is on a downhill slide. It's like it's been taken over by idiots. (meaning the posters) I'm not exactly a long time resident, but there was always something that caught your interest before.....now.....not so much. I find myself sort of flitting around there and making less than nice comments, and THAT'S what bothers me the most.
Well I knew I was going to cause trouble from the start with my knowledge of Canadian politics and having conversations with people about it seem to turn people the wrong way when I tell them I'm not from Canada. First person that 'hated' me was Swan Dive. Then it was 7th, Pear Shaped, then it went down hill from there. Oh well. I say something stupid and I get vilified for it (the story of my life) anyway I need to get away from that site or I'm never going to get on with my life.
Don't worry so much about it sportsdude......if you take a look at the 'Most Annoying posters on DV', you'll notice that the people with the most intelligent things to say, are on it. (well MOST)....what does that tell you. [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://www.cheesebuerger.de/images/smilie/liebe/g018.gif" border=0]
true. thanks p.c.
DV has went down the crapper, LONG LIVE DS
They seem to have banned panhof. I mean REALLY banned panhof.
That makes the Jesus cry.
He made turning crap threads into unexpected hillarity an art form.
Another misunderstood genius...
Public horniness is okay if your horny and in a bar, maybe, but it's kinda boring on a forum.
Yeah, well they were still the most interesting threads on DV for weeks...but I guess that's not saying much. Then again, flirtation and ribaldry were never really your style. You are very serious about your comedy...
they really did ban panhof?[/DIV]Noo way.
Well, certain mods kept deleting his posts and it sounded like his IP had been banned at one point, but he kept coming back. Then, no panhof. Of course, I haven't checked DV lately so maybe he was just out on his boat for a couple of days...
Well I one up'd the mods and killed my name. [/DIV]It felt good.
Is Panhof really banned? I haven't seen him around in days. The tech admins haven't banned anybody lately, for a few weeks now.
I think that he's just lurking. He keeps blaming me for deleting all his posts, like I'm the only one who can ever delete. How odd. Oh well.
Panhof is...different. And the whole love/hate thing you guy's have going is really entertaining to watch. Plus he's a toelicker, so he can't be all bad.
Speaking of which, I can't believe TUX just vanished. I figured he'd be a permanent installment here since he knows the admin.
panhof just showed up on DV.
yeah what happend to tux?
He was taken to the cleaners
Quote from: kits on Feb 09 06 11:43panhof just showed up on DV. [/DIV]
Nope, wasn't Panhof. It was a handle-hijacker.
^that just about says it all bout DV
tenkani was a fag
Sportsdude wrote:
Well I knew I was going to cause trouble from the start with my knowledge of Canadian politics and having conversations with people about it seem to turn people the wrong way when I tell them I'm not from Canada. First person that 'hated' me was Swan Dive. Then it was 7th, Pear Shaped, then it went down hill from there. Oh well. I say something stupid and I get vilified for it (the story of my life) anyway I need to get away from that site or I'm never going to get on with my life.
I remember you quite well - The problem people have is when you a have kid from texas that has never been to Canada and starts mouthing off about Canadian politics - We get pissed off...That is why you were unpopular
Take6 wrote:
I remember you quite well - The problem people have is when you a have kid from texas that has never been to Canada and starts mouthing off about Canadian politics - We get pissed off...That is why you were unpopular[/DIV]
That's understandable and it also goes both ways. There are so many people who never step foot in another country but think because they watch CNN or some type of current events show they have the right to mouth off about the politics of that country. If a person feels know what's best for a country then run for office and make a difference. Don't kick back on a forum bitching about how you know better.
Yea right..............don't get me going now :)
Natasha wrote:[strong style="font-weight: normal;"]
That's understandable and it also goes both ways. There are so many people who never step foot in another country but think because they watch CNN or some type of current events show they have the right to mouth off about the politics of that country. If a person feels know what's best for a country then run for office and make a difference. Don't kick back on a forum bitching about how you know better.[/b]
Don't make assumptions about how other countries do things- that's what they do in Russia!!
DDD wrote:
Yea right..............don't get me going now :)[/DIV]
You can go on if you'd like but I probably wont read it... lol ;)