I was driving on Davie street today and i saw something that immediately made me think of you. A store called "Gay Mart".
I decided, i haven't shared any repartee with the Swot4/Tenkani for a while so i figured i would come onto DS (Since I am permanently banned on DV) and send a plea out to cyberspace in hopes that it will reach you.
I would also like to give a shout out to Lise.
Always remember, I am the best and superior to all.
Gunta bless you all.
Hola Gunta. Nice to see your little needle pricking DS. You got banned as well? No way. Damn those mods are quick to ban people left and right. The nerve of banning Gunta and his superior ways!
What did you warrant to get ban in the first place? Anyways, you can always contact the elusive Mr. Pom and see if he can un-ban you.
Well, DV's loss is our gain. [FONT size=1][FONT color=#ff0000]I hope[/FONT]. (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/3.gif) [/FONT]
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Gunta always had a little prick for me!!
You were banned? No big surprise.
As you might have experienced, things have changed a bit on DV.
Did you notice the f*cking profanity filter?
Never thought DV would be locked down tighter than this place!! ;)
Heya Gunta!
Have you visited Blenz at the corner of Robson and Bute? Please tell us if the glory hole is still there. ;)
if it wasnt there, he probably made his own hole. :)
Lise and Tenkani, I have no idea when I was banned, I hadn't posted there for about 6 months. I went there yesterday to flame douchebags and i couldn't post any messages. SO whatever.
Purelife, Vancouver is such a dive. I try not to go there too often.
Kingy, Do I need to slap-a-bitch?
I agree parts of Van is a dive.. what part of the lower mainland are you from then? I would say ditchmond and the rest around here is just as bad is not worse than Van.
Raised in Coquitlam, live in Pitt Meadows.
Oh! I would like being further out like that. Less restrictions.
Im in south van.