Discover Seattle!

General Category => Discover Seattle! => Topic started by: Lise on Feb 10 07 10:28

Title: What is the most exotic food you've tried?
Post by: Lise on Feb 10 07 10:28
The most exotic food I've tried......

  a) frog legs

b) chicken feet

c) beef sashimi

d) jellyfish

e) kangaroo tail (edit)  
Title: Re: What is the most exotic food you've tried?
Post by: P.C. on Feb 10 07 10:33
Sea urchin (GROSS)  The taste was fine, the texture was disgusting.



fiddlehead ferns ....well, they're not exactly exotic....but yummy enough for mention

Title: Re: What is the most exotic food you've tried?
Post by: Lil Me on Feb 10 07 11:17
that Persian salty fizzy yoghurt soda (forgot what it's called)
Title: Re: What is the most exotic food you've tried?
Post by: Gopher on Feb 10 07 11:18
Fingers of Fatima  
Title: Re: What is the most exotic food you've tried?
Post by: Lil Me on Feb 10 07 11:22
 Gopher wrote:
Fingers of Fatima
 I had to look that up!  Sounds good, though.

Title: Re: What is the most exotic food you've tried?
Post by: Sportsdude on Feb 10 07 11:24
Title: Re: What is the most exotic food you've tried?
Post by: Russ on Feb 10 07 11:52

Title: Re: What is the most exotic food you've tried?
Post by: P.C. on Feb 10 07 11:55
Perhaps we should define exotic. rofl
Title: Re: What is the most exotic food you've tried?
Post by: 49er on Feb 10 07 03:37




Title: Re: What is the most exotic food you've tried?
Post by: Lise on Feb 10 07 03:39
Exotic. Hm. Maybe other than your usual fish, chicken, beef or pork.

  Ugh. I can't believe you actually ate a dog, Russ. And you have one too!!!

    Oh yes, forgot ostrich. Thai House has this ostrich dish that really great but it tasted rather like beef to me.    
Title: Re: What is the most exotic food you've tried?
Post by: Russ on Feb 10 07 03:41
Lise wrote:
 Exotic. Hm. Maybe other than your usual fish, chicken, beef or pork.

Ugh. I can't believe you actually ate a dog, Russ. And you have one too!!!

Oh yes, forgot ostrich. Thai House has this ostrich dish that really great but it tasted rather like beef to me.

 I didnt knw what I was eating. Someone told me later...

  I know lise. :( I felt terrible afterwards.
Title: Re: What is the most exotic food you've tried?
Post by: Lise on Feb 10 07 03:42
Ah well. At least you didn't know. That's totally different. I would feel sick too if someone told me I just ate a dog. (//vny!://
Title: Re: What is the most exotic food you've tried?
Post by: purelife on Feb 10 07 03:44
I don't think that I've had any exotic meat.
Title: Re: What is the most exotic food you've tried?
Post by: Lise on Feb 10 07 03:50
Oh purelife. We gotta get together soon. Maybe Thai House? We can try out their ostrich dish there. It's lovely.

  Hm. I thought we had ostrich dish together that one time we were there? (//vny!://  
Title: Re: What is the most exotic food you've tried?
Post by: Sportsdude on Feb 10 07 03:52
The Hot Dog is exotic enough for me who know's what's in that stuff.  
Title: Re: What is the most exotic food you've tried?
Post by: kingy on Feb 10 07 04:09



chocolate covered ants
Title: Re: What is the most exotic food you've tried?
Post by: Lise on Feb 10 07 04:10
OMG. Chocolate covered ants!!!! *cringe* (//vny!://

  What did it taste like?
Title: Re: What is the most exotic food you've tried?
Post by: purelife on Feb 10 07 04:10
 It was ostrich?  I never paid attention.    
Title: Re: What is the most exotic food you've tried?
Post by: Lise on Feb 10 07 04:12
Ah well. Maybe you were overcome by the man boys serving us. (//vny!://  We'll try the dish another time.
Title: Re: What is the most exotic food you've tried?
Post by: P.C. on Feb 10 07 05:15
OMG kingy.  Your chocolate covered ants, reminded me that when I was in grade 6, my science teacher Mr Jo, (I loved Mr. Jo) would bring us strange and weird things to sample if we wished.  We had CHOCOLATE COVERED ANTS.  We also had honey covered bees and something else that I don't remember.  Ahhhh......thanks for making me remember Mr. Jo. [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://" border=0]  

VERY fond memories.
Title: Re: What is the most exotic food you've tried?
Post by: Lise on Feb 10 07 06:55
Eeow. I can't believe your science teacher would do that. I guess it's probably a good thing because you'll always remember the ones that did things differently.

  So.... how did it taste? Did you try one, PC?
Title: Re: What is the most exotic food you've tried?
Post by: P.C. on Feb 10 07 07:20
Oh absolutely.  I'd have eaten tarantulas covered in ketchup for Mr

  I had quite a few.  The just tasted like Glosettes raisins.
Title: Re: What is the most exotic food you've tried?
Post by: Lise on Feb 10 07 07:23
Tarantulas!!! *shriek* Wow, are you ever brave........

  Is Mr. Jo still around? Ever thought of going back to see your old teachers? I did went back but they couldn't quite recognize me. They say they do but I doubt it. Still, it was nice to see my former teachers.

  My favorite Biology teacher was Mr. Reed. He was hilarious when he wanted to be. Has a temper to match his wits though.
Title: Re: What is the most exotic food you've tried?
Post by: P.C. on Feb 10 07 07:38
I don't know if Mr. Jo is still around.  He's not around the school I went to though.  *cry

I think he inspired my interest in science.

And Mr. Birch.....Thos Birch, my English teacher, was the one who made me love books.