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General Category => Discover Seattle! => Topic started by: Lise on Jan 23 07 02:52

Title: Post-It-Notes Joke
Post by: Lise on Jan 23 07 02:52
Man, some people have wayyyy too much time to spend at work. Here's a practical joke you can do to your co-worker. (courtesy of Orca! Thanks!!)

   [H2][SPAN id=ppt727399]Jaguar "customized" With 14,000 Post-It Notes[/SPAN][/H2] [P class=byline]Posted Jan 1st 2007 12:01PM by [A href=""]Chris Tutor[/A]


  Scott Ableman says the folks at [A href=""]InPhonic[/A] get along great and love playing practical jokes on each other. He says one of his co-workers is "fanatical about his car," going so far as to park it in the "most remote corner of the garage." So, naturally, Scott and his office buddies just had to stick 14,000 Post-It-Notes on the [STRIKE]XJ[/STRIKE] S-Type.

Take note, if you want to pull off a sticky job like this yourself, get several friends to help, raid the office supply room, and plan for it to take a couple of hours.

Scott says the owner of the car took the joke very well and was even able to drive home with most of the blocks on the car for his kids to see. And all you Jaguar fans shouldn't worry. Scott says no cats were harmed in the making of this practical joke.

I wonder, though, if in the ever-escalating InPhonic practical joke war, the Jag owner will come back next week and Wite-Out Scott's Porsche. Or color a co-worker's white Eos with pink highlighters. Scott, keep us updated. We definitely want to know what happens next in the InPhonic garage. Anyone there drive an Enzo, by any chance?

Many more photos after the jump, and even more at Scott's [A href=""]Flickr page[/A].

Thanks to faithful reader, Spluch for the tip!
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Title: Re: Post-It-Notes Joke
Post by: Sportsdude on Jan 23 07 02:53
wow I guess the person can't drive their car anymore because if they did all those stickies would fall off and all that work would go to waste.  
Title: Re: Post-It-Notes Joke
Post by: Lise on Jan 23 07 02:54
The owner of the car did drive it to his house so his kids could see it. Must have caught quite a number of funny looks.
Title: Re: Post-It-Notes Joke
Post by: kingy on Jan 23 07 08:03
that is alot of money worth of post-its.
Title: Re: Post-It-Notes Joke
Post by: Lise on Jan 23 07 08:06
Ah, but they're the company's!
Title: Re: Post-It-Notes Joke
Post by: kingy on Jan 23 07 08:15
i guess if they all are driving jags and porsches then they can afford the post its.
Title: Re: Post-It-Notes Joke
Post by: Russ on Jan 24 07 12:12
kingy wrote:
 that is alot of money worth of post-its.[/DIV]
 my first thought as well kingy. wonder what the boss said.. no way he could have missed it, especially with a news story on it.