Here's an old forum game. You can answer True of False to the above statement and then come up with your own. I'll start.
The person below me loves chocolate.
Then you answer: True.
And come up with another statement: True. The person below me is afraid of mice.
See, easy right?
So here's mine to start:
The person below me is afraid of mice.
The person below me owns a pet.
[div style="font-weight: bold;"]The person below me owns a pet.[/div]
The person below me has been arrested at least once.
The person below me is a cop.
Thread Cop wrote:
The person below me is a cop.
The person below me has the "hots" for a co-worker.
The person below me loves to travel.
Ahh, too true. Never enough time or money to do it thye way I wanna, though.
The person below me is in their pajamas.
The person below me is under 30
the person below me is a girl
The person below me is into kinky stuff.
The person below me likes coke
True. (Especially diet coke with lime!!)
The person below me is afraid of heights.
hate heights completely. still do it though, gotta conquer your fears
the person below me is using a computer
The person below me loves camping.
False! (I hate the outdoors!)
The person below me loves eating salmon.
The person below me likes riddles
False. Riddles are not for me.
The person below me had sex yesterday.
False. (too bloody tired......)
The person below me has a set of handcuffs somewhere in the closet.
False (I wish)
The person below me has a vibrator (or his partner does)
The person below me like to go to the casino.
False (just to see the architecture)
The person below me believes in miracles.
the person below me eats cats
Ewww....false for sure.... i love cats
the person below me has a crush on his/her coworker.
false, I work with guys
the person below me thinks the person above is a fool
I request more clarification on the definition of "fool" before I proceed, please.
The person below me likes pizza
The person below me likes ice cream.
what was russ answering true to? that someone is a fool??
kingy wrote:
what was russ answering true to? that someone is a fool??[/DIV]
Nope, I answered that she should have more definition of what I put above.
What I meant to say was that, the person below thinks the person above THEM is a fool. I PM'd that to her.
I carried on to try to prevent a stall.
In response to kitten:
The person below likes board games
The person below me likes white-water rafting.
twice a year I go
The person below me likes to travel
To the person below me: Please tell us where you have travelled to.
Also true
I have travelled to Hungary, The U.S., and across Canada.
The person below me likes to tease.
Its so much more fun
The person below me has broken a cell phone
(never owned one)
The person below me loves good food.
The person below me wants to go water skiing
The person below me goes to clubs frequently.
The person below me has gone skinny dipping
**ok, ttyl, I have to run for a bit**
Skinny dipping, that's full on naked, right? not semi? If it's full on naked, then, false is my answer.
The person below me is bored right now.
my cousin showed up interupting my studying and is now playing Grand Theft Auto on my xbox
The person below me likes playing grand theft auto
False. (I can never understand the reason to steal a car, see hookers, do drugs, get $$$ for fun)
..... unless you add sorcery.......
The person below cried when Bambi's mother died.
True, when I was four
The person below wants a turkey dinner
The person below loves cats.
False. (I don't love them, I like them)
The person below me hates the sight of blood.
uh.... true.
doesnt really bother me. see it lots.
The person below me wants a rum n nog
False. (not exactly into that stuff)
The person below me wants a vacation in the Carribean. LIKE NOW.
Yes!!! uh True.
I would love to get away there for one. But I think in march we are going to go to cuba. better get there before ole castro kicks the bucket.
The person below me wants a gooey dripping double hamburger with cheese, bacon, ham, egg, oinions, mushrooms, the works.
Oooh. Cuba. I'm officially jealous!!!
OH YEAH TRUE, BABY!! I'm hungry. (though I might skip the bacon)
The person below me wants a nice cold beer, straight from the fridge.
although Im actually drinking a rum n nog
the person below me, wants to go on vacation... where?
True. (I would love to go anywhere hot and Sydney is my first stop)
The person below me is thinking about the color blue.
The person below workout atleast 4 days a week.
four days a year maybe
The person below is female
The person below me got stuck in the snow.
Somewhat true. Skytrain rides were HELL during times of snow.
The person below me wears glasses and/or contact lenses.
The person below me spent a lot on Christmas gifts this year.
Somewhat true. I think that I spent somewhere around $700. How about everyone else?
The person below me loves to play Mario on Nintendo anything.
WHAT? No way!!! Wow. I think I spent like $200. Blech. I'm a Scrooge but only because I know where to shop. (//vny!://
True. I love playing Mario Kart on Nintendo.
The person below me has skydived.
False. but i would like to...
The person below me is in a melancholy mood...
I spent around 1200 on xmas. not including the gifts to me
The person below me wants a coffee
False ....I liked the idea of a rum and nog, I'm doing that.
The person below me is creative.
Well, myself and RSS are on Rum n nogs
The person below me likes to drive
The person below me flosses every night.
*Uhmm, that $700ish included myself too. yup. *
true....are we talking teeth ??? lol
*forgive my turn your back for 2 days, and you're out of touch. Who is RSS ?*
The person below me likes gourmet cooking
Uh cooking it or eating it? Cause i like both. BBQ is gourmet right? <dont burst my bubble>
RSS is Russ's Startfish Scientist. LOL, I abbreviated it to SS for a while but didnt like what the acronym could also mean.. so kitten, lisen, and pl helped me pick it
The person below me likes to go fishing
True..... went fishing once and enjoyed it. one day, i'll tackle it again.
The person below me loves vanilla ice cream.
The person below me has been to Las Vegas
False. I don't think that it's my kind of place to visit.
The person below me is not afraid of heights.
Ohhhh...BIG False. Don't be liking the heights
The person below me likes to 'dress to the nines' now and then.
the person below me knows where the expresion dressing to the nines comes form and will explain it
I dont Orik, do tell
The person below me has shot a gun
True!-- took posession of it during the be on the safe side, hehehe.
The person below me speaks more than one language
Cierto somedays, falso others. I have a decent handle on Spanish, I just need to study more and become actually proficient in it.
The person below me can quote "The Big Lebowski"
The person below me hasn't heard of The Big Lebowski
False heard of him and watched it years ago
and russ i have no idea where the term dressing to the nines comes from hoped some else did though...
the person below me has Apiphobia
The person below me has brown eyes
The person below me likes the origional batman
The person below me IS the original batman
LOL, False
The person below me doesnt have a mouse on their computer
True, it's lying beside it - on the table.
The person below me is trying to outwit everyone else.
I actually DO have a friend that doesnt have a mouse.. He uses his keypad and its so oldschool. LOL, absolutely hates them?
I wondered if you would use a tongue twister as an answer gopher.. you REALLY make me think about my answers.
The person below me wants to go offroading in Moab.
The person below me is much given to fascinating flights of fancy
'bless' for your last answer!
The person below me has fish
The person below me forgot the blessing
True! lol, that I did gopher, thanks and sorry at the same time
The person below me has been to canada
The person below me has visited three continents
True, and three more making it six
still dont know anything. lol
The person below me knows about Canada's only civil war
False. I don't know or remember too much about Social Studies 10-12.
The person below me needs a great big hug.
True! If you give it.
The person below me has started the new years festivities
The person below me isn't going out this evening.
The person below me has exploded an egg in the microwave.
The person below me is cooking dinner.
False. (My mother-in-law is cooking dinner for a special occassion tonight)
The person below me has ridden a horse.
True. (when I was a child)
The person below me is having curry for dinner.
Rack of Lamb for us. [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://" border=0]
The person below me will have some champagne tonight.
False. *brandy*
The person below me isn't working tomorrow.
True. (mat leave for a year, yaaay!)
The person below me loves to party.
True and False......depends on what type of 'partying' you're talking about.
The person below me is good with money.
True. (out of necessity)
The person below loves animals.
They are some of the nicest people I
The person below me is afraid of flying.
(Love it)
The person below me owns their home.
Well, me and the bank.
The person below me likes cinnamon.
The person below me likes gardening.
Most calming thing there is.
The person below me prefers a bubble bath over a shower.
True. *with candles and perfumed bubble bath and a good book*
The person below me has a happy personality.
True and false. (depending on my mood)
The person below me is afraid of the dark.
The person below me is happily married.
The person below me has ran in a marathon.
The person below me has travelled to Europe.
True. (and I wish I had more money to travel back)
The person below me believes in reincarnation.
False. (maybe. Not sure)
The person below me does yoga.
False. (although I've tried pregnacy yoga for like 1 minute)
The person below me reads a lot of books.
The person below me enjoys computer games.
The person below me likes comedy over romance movies.
True. (but I seldom watch movies)
The person below me like handicrafts.
the person below me was having a brandy snifter last night, er this morning.
EDIT well true for handicrafts too, thought you put HANDCUFFS kitten
The person below me didn't go to bed until early this morning
True. I think that I went to bed at around 2am.
The person below me can not wait until Spiderman 3 comes out in theatres.
The person below me likes to go for long walks.
The person below me likes his or her own company
*accompanied by cat*
The person below me likes helping others.
The person below me loves the rain and thunder.
True in part. (love thunder, hate rain)
The person below me has been in snowball fights.
Snowforts used to be the best part
The person below me has a cat
False. (we used to for a while...I miss Leon)
The person below plans to have kids some time now and 5 years.
False. (That's it for me (//vny!://
The person below me drives like a maniac on the highway.
The person below has received a speeding ticket (and paid it off)
False. (Knocking wood)
The person below me loves going to the spa.
The person below me loves foot massages.
True... and head massages too... puts me to sleep.
The person below me would describe him/herself as a romantic type.
I think Im a little thick like rock in that area.
The person below me is excited to go back to work tomorrow
False. I just woke myself to reality that tomorrow is Tuesday and it means that I have to return to work.
The person below me enjoys listening to Josh Groban.
No clue whom that is.
The person below me will tell us all who it is
LOL. Josh Groban is a singer. He sings more of the operaish kind of songs like what Michael Buble sings (I think). Josh sings Italian music as well. One of his well-known songs (among many) is "I raise you up." (gets played on radio stations many many times) Sorry if my definition sucks, but here's the website. His music is awesome, imo.
The person below me likes to listen to Linkin Park.
I didn't know you could listen to a park *chortle*
The person below me loves their job.
True (except when its snowing or raining)
the person below me, is a seaman ....
False (I get sea sick)
The person below me loves animals.
True (especially barbecued )
the person below me wants to bless me
The person below me keeps a journal.
False ( does poetic prose count as a journal if it involves what i see and do and hear ?)
if it does then its true
the person below me read the hardy boys as a young lad or nancy drew if a lady
I read the Bobsey Twins though (Bobbsey....Bobbsy ???)
The person below me doesn't like football.
True (Football is boring)
The person below me owns an exspensive car.
I opted for function before fashion (and to not go into debt)
The person above you is going to too early in the morn.
The person below me likes shortbread.
Too much when I was younger and stole my mothers platter one night.
The person below me likes this game
The person below me hates being back at work
Gopher wrote: The person below me hates being back at work
The person below me has more than 4 pairs of shoes.
The person below me likes to sleep late over the weekends.
The person below me would like to sleep over every day
True. (I wish!)
The person below me loves salad.
The person below me avoids the mirror
False (I'm vain.......)
The person below me loves going to the movies.
The person below me wonders what I look like in real life
True. (so very, very true. (//vny!://
The person below me is a stud in the bedroom. (//vny!://
(Just wanted to keep your imagination astir)
The person below me is a fantasist
Not really.
The person below me plans to buy some sexy lingerie some time this month.
False. (and we'll leave it at that....)
The person below me has participated in a stag/ stagette party before.
Oooooh yeah, my buddies wont let me plan stags anymore lol.
The person below me now wants to know what happened
False......hey....if your buddies don't want you doing it anymore, that's enough for
Ther person below me likes bacon and eggs, over cereal.
No, not over cereal.
The person below me has rocked at the Gorge at one point in the 90s...
Explain 'the gorge'. ?
The person below me wants to explain bacon and eggs over cereal
oh man! The Gorge is the best place to see a concert in the NW. Nothing in Western Canada even comes close.
Many amazing concerts are seen here.
[A href="vny!://"]vny!://[/A]
oh, and I will answer yours.
Nope, couldn't explain bacon and eggs over cereal???(//vny!://
The person below me is sick to death of big cities.
Love the smaller towns.
(bacon and eggs are not physically OVER the cereal.......eggs over cereal = eggs vs. cereal )
The person below me likes to be surrounded by natures beauty
gimme lakes and mountains, not malls, traffic, and concrete!
(ok, I love eggs over cereal then...)
The person below me wants to buy me a New Years present....
True. Just tell me where to send and I'll send you something.
The person below me has met one of us in person.
Ive met Orik (only person though, waaah!)
LOL, eggs and bacon over cereal makes sence now.. I would say true.
I HAVE heard of the gorge OMG! I almost went a while ago with a bunch of friends. I still like Merrit Mountain Music Fest... hehehe
The person below me is waiting patiently for a new true/false question.
(it's really a clever way to find out snippets of info about each other)
The person below me can't kill bugs and spiders.
I agree, its interesting.
The person below me knows what skimboarding is and has tried it
The person below me hates driving
Love driving, hate other drivers that are idiots.
The person below me is a canadian
Proudly YES!
The person below me is a parent.
CK wrote:
Proudly YES!
The person below me is a parent.[/DIV]
Not married either.
The person below me likes watching information shows like the discovery channel
I love discovery, discovery health, history channel, tlc, pbc etc etc.
The person below me loves sushi
Nope. I like it, not love it. its just ok.
The person below me loves George Bush.
The person below me has a wireless mouse
I do have a Canucks mouse though..stocking stuffer...(psst..I am a geek)...
The person below me was born in BC.
born and raised in Vancouver no less... not that many people like me I am finding.
The person below me likes reading
True. (sometimes and depends on what I'm reading - technical books = a BIG FAT NO!)
The person below me would like to meet Lise in person.
True. (I love meeting myself in the mirror every morning (//vny!://
The person below me likes to sing in the showers.
I sing sometimes, but not always. If I am singing, it's probably "The wheels on the bus" to entertain my teething baby in her bouncy chair.
The person below me is depends on sky train to get to work
False. I rarely sing in showers. Actually, never. I don't know why. Not my thing.
The person below me has tried the salsa dance and liked it.
Ooops. I think Ally answered the statement before you, purelife.
Anyways, I'll answer purelife's since it is the latest.
False. I can't dance. Period.
The person below me loves fried food.
False. I only like fried food but don't have it often.
The person below me considers him/herself as good looking. (whatever that means to you)
True and False. (I like to think I'm beautiful inside and out)
The person below me has flirted with the guy from the office and got away with murder.
True to flirting with the guy at the office (not lately though) and false to murdering anyone.
The person below me enjoys people watching.
Very true
The person below me is shy
Somewhat true. Depends on situation.
The person below me has a moustache.
False. (OMG I hope not!)
The person below me drinks fine wine.
False (I can't afford it).
The person below me wears a false moustache
The person below me has READ Playboy. (//vny!://
True/False. I've looked. I didn't read...I got distracted. ;)
The person below me has brought something with the playboy logo.
False. (At least I don't remember)
The person below me was a teacher's pet.
The person below me liked going to school
True and False (I had a blast in Australia but not in M'sia)
The person below me wore uniforms at highschool.
The person below me had pigtails
The person below me likes devilled eggs.
Sure, I guess I like them. Its been so long, I can't remember the last time I had them??
The person below had undies ripped off by someone's teeth.
....but I've ripped off thousands of pairs with MY teeth.....does that count? (rofl....just kidding)
The person below me is afraid of HUGE crowded stadiums.
I hate crowds and thus dont shop at malls. But I go to Costco? Go figure.
The person below me thinks I should try snowboarding
True. (definitely give it a go, Russ!)
The person below me is afraid of the dentist.
The person below me likes seafood.
So very TRUE!
The person below me exercises at least twice a week.
True (sort of. Some seafood anyway)
The person below me is a great cook.
Im a really good bbq'er and semi decent cooking in the oven and stove
The person below me wants it to snow again
False. (I have enough snow to last me through 2010)
The person below me has sung in a karoke bar before.
False. (as in...NO WAY!)
The person below me loves baking goodies.
True. (I love fresh baked cookies!)
The person below me is afraid of cockroaches.
False. (annoyed by them, but not afraid)
The person below me likes going to the beach in the summer.
A stones throw for me.
The person below me likes to swim.
The person below me is ruled by their pet.
False. (I just let him think so)
The person below me loves cocktails.
True. (sometimes)
The person below me loves to entertain guests.
So very true.
The person below me reads newspaper everyday.
Well, sort of, I suppose. I read it online sometimes and watch the TV news every night.. Too depressing. I stick to our local rag.
The person below me is a good baker.
False. (unless you like lead pastry)
The person below me works too hard.
True. (I like to believe so....... when I'm not on DS 24 hours of the day)
The person below me hates being cold.
True. (I hate being cold)
The person below me has traveled a lot.
Somewhat true. (but there's always room to travel some more)
The person below me has been to more than 2 provinces in Canada.
True. (8)
The person below me likes decorating her home.
Her doesnt have a home
The person below me wants to watch the new movie Children of Men
The person below me hasn't read the book.
I had to google it to see what it is. looks crazy!!
The person below me plans on evacuating a city like its on fire as much as possible on weekends this winter to go skiing and/or snowboarding.
False, I'm both too uncoordinated, and too poor for mountain sports.
(as an aside I was shopping for a jacket shell with my xmas money thinking it's time to get one them fresh looking North Face or Mt Hard Wear jackets that everyone but me seems to have - but they were $200 to $400!!! Who on earth can afford 400 clicks for a jacket? (made in China no less) Made me wish I was one those trust-fund kids)
The person below me has a cup of coffee in hand.
Future Canadian wrote:
The person below me has a cup of coffee in hand.
The person below me rarely watches television.
Im just on the net on educational sites like DS
The person below me is watching the telly
False. I'm staring at the computer monitor.
The person below me is wearing a black top.
Im wearing a grey hoodie.
The person below is wearing something provocative and wants to describe it
True. LOL. It could be provocative. My loosely fitted long-sleeve, black is supposed to hang off the shoulder, bearing one naked shoulder. That's the style. The shirt is kinda crooked in that way as it leans to my right as the top is supposed to fall off to the side shoulder. But, because I'm at work, I pull it up because I'm not allowed to show off bare shoulders.
Good enough of a description for you, Russ? LOL
The person below me must tell us his/her height.
5 foot 11 inch. well 5'10.5" to be exact.
I guess the description is good enough.. Im having trouble writing it all down.. :)
The person below me wishes they could help me clean my fishtank
True/False. It depends on what kind of fishies I get to see if I'm going to help clean your tank.
I imagined your height to be that.
The person below me has had organic meat and likes it.
True I guess
I eat it the same as any other meat. I dont like to take any medications unless I absolutely need to, Ill suffer to let my body have a chance first. People did it for years before... My opinion people are too dependant on keeping things perfect, thats why so many people have asthma and allergies.. no chance for their bodies to build up an immunity if they never experience it a bit.
I have two large angelfish
Two large Algae Eaters (I got them at 1" they are now 9 inches!!!)
Six guppy like fish (had more but the angelfish ate them when they were smaller)
The tank is a forty gallon fishtank.
The person below me is laughing cause of all the time I took to post a simple answer
True. I'm actually giggling and still in awe about your fishies and lil pet. Pretty! :)
Oh, I agree with you about people becoming too fussy about food and germs. This reminds me of an incident I saw while riding the bus. This mom kept telling her son (who looked to be at around 6 years old) not to touch things. He was touching the windows, the seat and the rails...whatever you can touch while riding on a bus. She kept telling him "Don't touch, it's dirty. You don't want germs...blah blah blah" She kept saying this after he'd touch something. I felt like saying to her, "Would you stop torturing your son ALREADY! GOODNESS SAKE, you have a little boy NOT a plastic doll! Let him touch and let him build up his immune system to germs. Just make sure that he washes his hand before eating. But STILL, our bodies could fight things off. Nevertheless, I didn't like hearing her nag at her son like that. She was already driving me bonkers!
The person below me agrees that I spent too long on my post too! ;) LOL
I totally agree with you. Some parents want to keep their kids in a germ-free plastic bubble, but it does more harm than good.
The person below me has good common sense.
Im the type of person that for example will touch something and burn myself, then think about it and try it again.
'bless'es by the way
The person below me has a cat who rules the roost.
Psst, where's my bless? You mustn't forget about me. I'm a bless whore. ;)
Answer is False. I don't have a cat.
The person below me has never went skiing.
And I never will!
The person below me goes to the gym a lot.
The person below me have taken private dance lessons .
(two left feet!)
The person below me watches sports on TV.
True I guess.
I watch hockey, thats it. the games only, I hate the idiots that come on and talk about this guy did this but in his tenth year as a junior player he did that and then predict... twits.
I blessed ya pl and kitten?
The person below me wants a new vehicle like I do.
*please, please*
The person below me goes to Wreck Beach in the summer.
Woah, aren't we jumping the gun there kitten... tee hee ;) Answer is false.
I've been there once and probably don't plan to go there any time soon. I might one day try the tanning nude thing. (if I only dare)
The person below me has visited Wreck Beach and tanned nude.
False. (No way!!!)
The person below me loves snow.
The person below me looks forward to bright sunny weather.
True. Oh so very true. I like a bright and warm city.
The person below me agrees with my answer.
True. (send me the sun anytime)
The person below me wants to run naked across white sandy beach.
False. With people around, no way hozay.
The person below me is thinking about how soon Chinese New Year's is approaching.
I was just thinking about it the other day. I think it's in the first or second week of February.
The person below me is going to a restaurant for Chinese New Year.
My calendar says that it's the 18th. Year of the Pig.
Person below me loves fruits.
True. (I love all kinds of fruits)
Thanks for the heads up, purelife!
The person below me drinks coffee everyday.
The person below me is vegetarian.
False. I have to eat meat.
The person below me likes to eat anything with soy. ie. tofu, soy beverage...
The person below me eats out quite a lot.
The person below me likes old fashioned board games.
Somewhat true. It's a tossed up between Halo 3 and Monopoly.
The person below me hates losing at board games. Or any games for that matter.
True and False.
I'm not too picky about board games, but losing at anything else drives me to work harder and win next time!
The person below me is feeling sad today.
The person below me loves eating donuts.
purelife wrote: [div style="font-style: italic;"]The person below me has visited Wreck Beach and tanned nude.[/div]
False. (Sounds interesting, though :)
The person below me has had a threesone, 4-some, or more-some.
Not cut out to be what it is.
The person below me likes goats.
Really Russ? What do you mean that it isn't all hyped out as people would say it is?
I would've answered False but noticed someone posting.
The person below has light complexion.
purelife wrote:
[div style="font-style: italic;"]Really Russ? What do you mean that it isn't all hyped out as people would say it is?[/div]
It can be.... (//forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/12.gif)
purelife wrote:
[/div] [div style="font-style: italic;"]The person below has light complexion.[/div]
[div]The person below has traveled outside of his or her country.
True. Only to the UK
The person below me has over $5,000 in savings.
The person below me has denby dishes in their cupboards.
False. Uhmm, lemme google what denby brand is. *scratches head*
ADD: I googled and saw some images. They look beautiful!
The person below me drinks milk daily.
Have it in my cheerios
The person below me wants to help me bottle my beer tonight.
False. That sounds like a long job.
The person below me enjoys cycling.
That includes exercise
Bottling beer takes about an hour and you drink when you do it
The person below me is restless waiting to go home
TRUE TRUE! My work ended an hour ago.
The person below me prefers red over white wine.
I enjoy them both equally, depending on what I'm eating.
The person below me is in heaven when they smell bread baking.
The person below me owns his/her own room.
True....sort of
I own my own house, so I own SOME of the rooms, and the bank owns some of them. I'll take the good ones if there's ever an issue. I CLAIM THE
The person below me wears high heels.
Can't walk in them.
The person below me is always busy with something.
True. (when I'm not on DS, I'm changing diapers)
The person below me has smoked before.
Sorry.....I answered the one before, and then removed it.
The person below me likes all baby people too.
True. They melt your heart.
The person below me can't wait for the next stat holiday.
The person below me has a globe. (I don't know why that intrigues just does)
False. (but I had a huge world atlas hung on my wall when I was younger)
The person below me likes Star Trek.
The person below me wants to go camping like I am this weekend
My idea of 'roughing it', is a hotel without room service.
The person below me likes to fish.
Try to do as much fishing as I can. Love trolling in a boat around active pass with a cooler full of beer.
The person below me has hunted before
The person below me doesn't like kippers
The person below me is very organized.
This is retarded, this is the fourth time Im trying to reply.
PAcking for camping, travelling, going to work at sea, shoolwork, and job related Im very meticulous and organized.
Everything else? Take it as it goes.
The person below me is happy like me to see the snow.
False. It's now mushy and getting slippery. Not my fancy.
The person below me had breakfast and if yes, will tell us what he/she had.
Im eating a bowl of cheerios right now so I havent HAD breakfast.
The person below me wants to answer some of the other threads
False. Which other threads?
The person below me likes talking on the phone.
False. Not crazy about the phone. Mind you I am a guy. Conversation with friends usually goes like this...
The person below me hates reality TV with a passion.
False. (I gotta escape sometimes)
The person below me is already looking forward to the weekend.
(I can't do the reality TV thing either......except I don't mind the Apprentice)
The person below me likes to paint (artist type of painting)
false - I need a measurements and detail to create anything...(i guess that is why engineers are soulless..hehe)
The person below me LOVES Vancouver Island.
*Hi Ck*
The person below me got new gloves for Christmas.
False. (I got books so yaaay!!)
The person below me loves gardening.
True. I know that I would love it.
The person below has an ipod.
False - I got satelitte radio instead. Ipods are too much work!
the person below me has tried surfing (real surfing, not internet surfing)
Love it.
The person below me sun burns easily.
COOL! (about P.C. surfing!)
True - I burn way too fast.
The person below me is wearing red panties....(//vny!://
[FONT size=6]OMG
[FONT size=6]That's spooky[/FONT].
The person below me likes log cabins.
The person below me likes canoeing
I love anything in or on the water. I used to row...but my back gave out on me.
The person below me loves taking photographs.
The person below me is an animal lover
true - don't have any due to my long hours away from home, but I do love animals.
*sigh*...still thinking about P.C.'s red panties...............
The person below me has hiked Kokanee Glacier
The person below me has attempted the Eiger
False - never even been to Europe (sadly)
The person below me has had a nice smile from a complete stranger within the past week.
The person below me doesn't wear glasses
False. I wear glasses part time.
The person below me is tired today.
The person below me wouldn't say no to a drink.
False. You're talking about alcoholic drinks, right?
The person below too wears glasses.
The person below me was born in BC
yep, in Burnaby
The person below me already has summer holidays planned.
The person below me plans considers him/herself to be organised.
False. Not even born in Canada.
The person below me isn't looking forward to walking outside.
Hmmm, I'm two posts behind.
Ok, true to the organised part and false to the summer holidays planned.
The person below me is a neat freak.
false (neat, but not a freak over it)
The person below me loves `The Empire Strikes Back`
Star wars was the only space sci fi that really is any good.
The person below me cant wait to go driving in the snow
False. It's really snowing down hard...I don't even want to step outside to grab lunch! :P
The person below me loves chocolate.
false. love playing in the snow mind you
cool Russ. I totally agree on the Star Wars thing. I can't stand 99% of other sci-fi movies or tv shows.
The person below me has had an accident as a result of snow and/or ice.
whoops, mine was late.
love chocolate!
person below me hates chocolate.
False. (I don't hate it, I just don't like eating it as much)
The person below me watches Battlestar Gallatica: The New Series.
Nope. The old battlestar gallactica is the bomb.
The person below me remembers Astro Boy
Astro who?
Person below me will tell us his/her favorite actors/actresses.
Robert Deniro, Angelina Jolie, uh, others whose names I dont know..
Not really fair though, I like an actor on a movie by movie basis.
Astro Boy was a cartoon. I used to watch it when I was knee high to a grasshopper.
The person below me knows where and will tell me where my propane extension line is cause I cant find it.
LOL. Just say "Found" and walk around your house. You'll find it eventually. It always works for me and everybody else that I've told to use this trick. One time, I dropped an earring backing. And these suckers are tiny tiny. Anyways, I kept saying "found" and I was lead to it and FOUND IT! I was excited. I do this all the time when I have misplaced something at home. Try it.
The person below me owns his/her own home.
true/false. Technically the damn bank does. My bro and I are only paying on it.
The person below me lives with who?
I live with my b/f.
The person below me drinks herbal tea.
False. Long Island Iced tea is about the only tea I kinda drink on occasion. Other than that its coffee for me.
the person below me likes timmy ho's coffee
True. I only like their decaf double double drip coffee.
Their breakfast sandwiches are awesome, by the way. It tastes better than McPuke's.
The person below me had McDonald's in the past month.
True. (gross but it was quick)
The person below me loves cheeseburger.
True, but doesn't often eat it and prefers a bacon sandwich
The person below me has considered having cosmetic surgery.
True........ at one point in my life.
The person below me had Botox.
False......never will
The person below me is happy with their appearance.
Somewhat true, although I could do without new wrinkles.
The person below me enjoys reading on the toilet.
I've never understood that.......hubby is a bathroom reader. Me ? I want fluffy pillows and a scented candle and a cashmere throw.
The person below me is a label reader. (ingredients etc.)
True. I have to be because of our diabetes situation.
The person below me loves eating salad.
Love a good salad. Always on the hunt for different salads.
The person below me has had to use crutches at some point in their life.
False. (I hope not in the future!)
The person below me has a pair of sexy strap-on high heels.
Dont have occasion to wear them often, but like to every now and then.
The person below me has all their report cards from when they were a kid.
The person below me walks or uses public transport to work every day
No public transit where I am.
The person below me has NO fears.
The person below me hates the wind
I'm always in awe at the power of wind......I find it quite's the potential for damage that I don't like.
The person below me likes to build things.
The person below me likes su doku
I prefer crossword puzzles.
The person below me plays scrabble.
*off topic......Gopher, tell me what you see in the [FONT style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #40a0ff"][FONT style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #80c0ff"]Topic Summary [/FONT][/FONT]when you ar replying to a post.
Is it the last post (the one you are replying to) or the first post of that page.
Then person belove me didn't intend to baffle the person above her
The person below me is only temporarily baffled.
Below the box where you are typing your reply (scroll down a wee bit) Below the Post Preview
'boxes' is this........yes ? no ?
[TABLE class=windowbg style="TABLE-LAYOUT: fixed" cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=2 width="100%" align=center] [TBODY] [TR class=titlebg] [TD colSpan=2][FONT style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #a8bed1"]Topic Summary[/FONT][/TD][/TR] [TR class=catbg] [TD class=smalltext align=left colSpan=2] [DIV style="FLOAT: right"][FONT size=2]Posted on: January 06, 2007, 05:09:28 AM[/FONT][/DIV][FONT size=2]Posted by: Lise [/FONT][/TD][/TR] [TR class=windowbg2] [TD class=smalltext id=msg45990 width="100%" colSpan=2] [DIV class=smalltext align=right][A onclick="reqWin('vny!://;quote=45990;sesc=f20a04337d4452df99e1ab6a453cfb42', 240, 90);" href="vny!://;topic=3475.330;num_replies=340#top"]Insert Quote[/A]
[DIV style="OVERFLOW: auto; WIDTH: 100%"] True........ at one point in my life.
The person below me had Botox. [/DIV][/DIV][/TD][/TR][/TBODY][/TABLE]
It's then first post!
The person below me is happy with my reply
As in first post of the current page. So the LAST post (the one you are likely to be responding to) ISN'T visible ?
The person below me would prefer to get back to the proper flow of this
False. If we deviate into an area of sexy topics, go for it!
The person below me is scared of icky spiders.
False....I pick them up and put them outside. I don't LIKE it, but I won't kill them.
The person below me still has a large family.
True. I have four kids and a hubby...fairly large family.
The person below me cheats at cards...
*Hi meloncollie I haven't seen you around in a long time. How are you doing?*
The person below prefers to sleep on a EXTRA FIRM mattress.
False.....give me cushhhhhh.
The person below me has been spoiled with Egyptian Cotton sheets.
Those sheets sound expensive. How many thread count? The ones I have now are 300 and 100% pure cotton. Are the Eyptians better?
The person below me can't wait for some calendars to lower in price so that he/she can go out and buy a few.
True ....LOL
*Thread count isn't the be all end all. I have some 300 count that are like a cashmere cloud. I also have some 650 count.....cost a fortune, but look like an old Kleenex went through the wash cycle. Gross. Egyptian cotton IS expensive, but once you try them, you'll never get anything else. And they will last forever, and look good for many many years. (yes....years)
The person below me is confident.
Somewhat true.... depends on situation.
The person below me drives like a maniac.
I've always driven carefully.
The person below me doesn't sleep well at night.
True. My body is now tuned to waking babies. (//vny!://
The person below me likes the sound of rain falling.
True. (somewhat)
It was keeping me awake last night.
The person below me looks forward to a full night of sleep.
True (very much so)
The person below me is finding it very hard to get up at the moment.
False. I've been up since the crack of dawn.
The person below me looks good in swimsuit.
True.......although it's been a while since I've taken a dip. But I'm SURE I'd still look good in it.
[img style="WIDTH: 384px; HEIGHT: 205px" height=237 src="vny!://" width=449]
The person below me lives within a block from water. (ocean, river, lake)
The person below me likes to take photographs of people and nature.
The person below me has been to the Royal BC Museum in Victoria.
I think it was there... I went there during the michelangelo exhibit a few years ago.
the person below me is wondering when the price of gas will go down.
EDIT: OMGFG, that post was freaking long! My friend's phone has a small keyboard. His phone is about 6 inches wide. I was bored at that time and needed to do something. :P
true it's damn high
i hopethatthis post turns out ok cuz i'm using a friend's tiny phone to
the person below me is hungry
Your friends tiny phone takes up a whole lot of space on a page.....LOL
The person below me has watched An Inconvenient Truth
False. never even heard of it.
*hi PC*
The person below me has seen bodyworlds
False. never even heard of it. [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://" border=0]
*hi Russ*
The person below me had a good time camping
True, some intersting times...
2' of snow and got stuck a number of times. Had to pull a buddy almost half a km as the snow was too deep for his truck. I got some good pictures!
The person below me had a good weekend?
Puttered at this and that, and has some old friends for dinner last night.....good time.
The person below me likes the smell of coffee and bacon in the morning.
Although I usually just go for the coffee.
The person below me actually eats breakfast when they get up.
False. Never right away. I usually have something to eat about 1.5 hours later. I would never get up 15 minutes early (to go to work) to eat breakfast. I'd rather sleep. Sleep is VERY important to me.
The person below me gets up at 7am during the weekdays.
5:30AM or earlier.
The person below me works in an office.
I dont work in an office. Couldnt do it. I do alot of paperwork with my job, but yeah.
The person below me despises brussel sproats
The person below me was born under a wandering star
Maybe ?
I don't know how one would know this.
The person below me has had a speeding ticket in 2006.
*Russ, I gag at the very thought of brussels sprouts.
P.C. wrote:
*Russ, I gag at the very thought of brussels sprouts.[/DIV]
I am SOOOO sorry that you can only get one bless in an hour PC... I DESPISE and wish they would dissappear off the face of the Earth they are so icky.
False, no speeding ticket for 2006. only a warning.
The person below me wants the bless rule changed.
The person below me is wearing jeans.
The person below me has a lot of work to do.
Thats why its not getting done
The person below me is thinking about one of those big flat screen plasma TV that hangs on the wall.
True. Now I am that you mentioned it.
The person below me has RRSP's.
Not that many.
The person below me cant do without thier cell phone, but hates it.
False. I rarely use my cell phone. That's why mine is a really really old Siemens.
The person below me uses cologne/perfume.
Unless its a special occasion.
Siemens? They were one of the better phones.. I used to have an M55
The person below me is ready for retirement
False. Ready financially? Nope. Ready at heart? FOR SURE! ;)
*Siemens (older models) are awesome. I get buy with my Siemens C56 model...tiny. I've dropped in so many times on concrete/hardwood that it's still okay. I'm not a popular socialite, so I don't need one of those flip/camera phones. I want one but don't absolutely need it. And it's so expensive to own one... like $300ish to buy it.
The person below me likes getting flowers.
purelife wrote: The person below me likes getting flowers.
Well, sure, I guess.
The person below me likes R&B music from the 40's and 50's.
The person below me likes GIVING flowers
True. Nothing brightens your day like flowers.
The person below me enjoys a cup of hot herbal tea.
false. long island ice tea fer me. or chai i will break down and admit
The person below me feels like me and wants a soak in the hot tub and a nap
So true! When do I get the time???
The person below me dreams of flying like Superman/Supergirl one day.
True, i did in the past.
I tried jumping off the roof of my playhouse when I was young and flapped my arms. my bubble burst and i hit the ground pretty hard.
The person below me wants to be catwoman *merow*
I think.
The person below me likes lox.
false (playin it safe, who's a lox?)
The person below me watches the news everynight
The person below me has a favourite show, that isn't on anymore. (what is it ?)
*Lox....thin slices of cold-smoked salmon.
[img style="WIDTH: 204px; HEIGHT: 199px" height=360 alt="Food photography © Michael Ray 2006 – lox" src="vny!://" width=360 border=1]
P.C. wrote:
The person below me has a favourite show, that isn't on anymore. (what is it ?)
*Lox....thin slices of cold-smoked salmon.
[img style="WIDTH: 204px; HEIGHT: 199px" height=360 alt="Food photography © Michael Ray 2006 – lox" src="vny!://" width=360 border=1][/DIV]
Ooh, The last answer was ture then.
True, Hermans Head.
The person below me has kids
2 daughters and 1 son
The person below me is watching football.
False, dont really like the sport. Im actually watching the news on the sixtuplets (or however the hell its spelled).
The person below me agrees that sixtuplets is far too much and risky
Don't be frightened, It's sextuplets. Yes SEX.
True.....sort of
I don't know how risky it is, but it would be MOUNTAINS of work. Six kids is one thing.....Six - 2 year olds is definitely TOO much......or SIX 14 year olds *involuntary shudders* is TOO much.
The person below me want to have children some day.
True. Two.
I dont really care if boys or girls, nature will take its course. On the Male side of the family (fathers) its always boys for the last few generations.. no girls born.
The person below me now knows what body worlds is
Russ wrote: [DIV style="OVERFLOW: auto; WIDTH: 100%"] False. never even heard of it.
*hi PC*
The person below me has seen bodyworlds[/DIV]
P.C. wrote:
False. never even heard of it. [img]vny!://" border=0 ="url(this.src);"]
False.....I STILL don't know what it is.
The person below me likes ice cream.
LOL, I remembered you wrote that before, wondered if you had relooked at it.
[A href="vny!://"]vny!://[/A]
we are booked with tickets for tomorrow.
True, I like ice cream.
the person below me wonders how I am on cell phone number 23
The person below you doesn't know what a Cell phone 23 is either. *I'm starting to get an inferiority complex.
The person bleow me puts 'stuff' in their hair. (gel, mousse,
False. I put nothing into my hair. It goes where it wants to. I keep it pretty short and trimmed though usually.
LOL PC. Why? theres LOTS you post that I have to use Mr Google on before answering. Lets not even talk about our buddy gopher.
I meant I have gone through 23 cell phones. Im on the 24th one right now. I use and break, lose, drive over, swim with, drop into the ocean or bilge.
The person below me uses a farmers almanac
I thought it was like some jazzy new gadget I hadn't heard of.
Love the Farmers Almanac
The person below me has brothers and/or sisters.
True. One brother, younger.
The person below me has any brother(s) and/ or sister(s)?
2 sisters.....I'm the baby.
The person below me enjoyed high school.
Nope. False. Hated it. It was better than elementary, as in I did fairly well, c+ to low A average. But I hated it, I had my circle of friends, and that was it.
I talk to very few from HS.
The person below me has been on a cruise (where?)
True. Scandinavia.
The person below me is dissatisfied with his/her pay.
True. I could always use more $$$$.
The person below me likes to draw or paint.
The person below me skips breakfast.
Somewhat true. By the time I get everything done, it's lunch time but I try NOT to skip breakfast as it is an important part of the meal plan.
The person below me loves maple syrup on hot pancakes.
Sort of True
I like Maple syrup.....but only in the tiniest of doses.....and I like pancakes too....but again, only on rare occasion. I find more than one pancake makes me feel like I ate a bowling ball.
The person below me shops on-line regularly.
False. I window-online shop.
The person below me is addicted to eBay.
I can see the attraction though
The person below me had a big wedding
False. Big weddings will never be my thing. I prefer them small, ie. less than 50 of only close friends and immediate family.
The person below me likes bling bling.
The person below me likes the countryside
Very true, I fit in more out there than in Van, lol. If I ever have kids im moving out of the city. Why? I walked up to my old elementary school with my dog last week.. as we walked through the school yard I saw three used needles. This is two blocks away from where I live.
The person below me is having a coffee right now.
The person below me likes the occasional wallow in nostalgia
False. I live for the moment.
The person below me has skydived before.
The person below me would rather take a bath than a shower
False. Don't have the time.
The person below me loves steak.
Nothing beats a montreal peppercorn with an egg on top.
The person below me likes flavouring their coffee with something like hazelnut
The person below me is considering having a haircut
True. Send me a hairstylist anytime.
The person below me loves lobster.
False. I eat it once in a while, but its REALLY rich for me. I prefer a good salmon, cod, or tuna.
The person below me can explain why there are quid notes from both Britain and Scotland, instead of one UK monetary pound[/DIV]
The person below me has met royalty
False. I would love to meet Prince William.
The person below me sings in the bathroom.
The person below me can touch his/her feet without bending his/her knees.
False, not anymore.
The person below me likes the TV show Crossing Jordan
The person below me should be working
True, but Im on study leave so I just got confirmation Im off until March now. Wow, ten paid months off from work, lol. I have no complaints.
The person below me wonders about having a small aluminum boat in case it floods near them
False.....amazing you should say that at this moment. I was just considering heading out to the shop to start on an Ark.
The person below me will get home from work before dark.
False Im home (sorry to destroy your question).
LOL, I tried to build a raft when I was younger in case of a flood.
The person below me knows what a log splitter is.. and has one?
(im collecting parts to build one)
Nope. No clue. And false.
The person below me likes watching Smallville.
False. I dont have a clue about that show. I only know the name is called smallville. Isnt it filmed here or around here?
The person below me is wondering what to have for lunch.
Log Splitter:
(//vny!:// (//vny!://
ahhh, I haven't seen a log splitter. Thanks for those images Russ.
Answer: false.
The person below me likes brussel sprouts.
[FONT size=5]Gak[/FONT]....we've covered this one. Now I have to yak all over again.
False, False, False.....even the smell of the nasty little things makes me gag.
The person below me drinks milk.
Oh you ARE home before dark.....True ?
True. But I don't drink milk too often like the boys do.
oops, did we already cover brussel sprouts? sorry. My colleagues were talking about them yesterday. Half of us either loved them or hated them.
The person below me wants to be in bed sleeping.
There already aren't enough hours in the day to do everything I'd like.
The person below me likes trinkets and novelties.
The person below me has a fine collection of silverware.
I have NO silverware. I DID just buy a new set of flatware, that I LOVE. I have a bit of a dishware, dinnerware, tableware fetish. I'd have a different set for everyday if it wasn't so ridiculous.
The person below me likes fancy papers and stationery.
True. I like but don't own.
The person below me likes to do caligraphy.
False. LOL PC. Tableware fetish.
The person below me enjoys gourmet cooking.
The person below me like to EAT gourmet
True. Anytime!!
The person below me likes to get massages.
Oh yea.....I mean True
The person below me has been to a drive-in movie. (I hear they're coming
Yep. Out in Langley.
[A href="vny!://"]vny!://[/A]
I also went to one when I was out in Guelph, Ontario. Its in the kitchener/ waterloo area though. Dont ask me where more specifically. Cause I can honestly say I hate that province and dont have a clue.
The person below me can tell me the difference between PC's idea of tablewear and flatware and such. To me its plates, dishes, and cutlery. Period.
LOL....the reason I lumped them all together, is because everyone calls it something different. The only thing I know of that has a clear difference is silverware and flatware. Silverware is.....silver. Flatware is.....ummmm...flat? (Just kidding) Flatware is utensils that are made of something other than silver. And cutlery usually is referring to chefs knives....etc.
The person below me could care less what all that crap is called.
True, but I was curious and should at least find out in case someone calls me out at some point on terminology.
The person below me likes paintings
True and Flase
I have no specific likes or dislikes. I used to say I prefer watercolour over oil paintings, but then discovered how many exceptions there were to my own I changed my rule. I just like something for no particular reason sometimes.
The person below me likes has a liking for something that he/she doesn't admit to anyone.
True. And Im not admiting it.
The person below me is dying with curiosity as to what it is.
True...absolutely, you bet, YUP, Yes SIRReeeeeee [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://" border=0]
The person below me, knows that Miss P.C. is VERY discrete [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://" border=0]
The person below me is VERY VERY HANDSOME
True, I know miss PC is very very discreet.
The person below me wishes the blasted wind would end.
It's both exciting and frightening at the same time.
The person below me would like to go fishing this weekend.
ACtualy, that would be true. that would be a very good way to spend the weekend.
The person below me likes sushi?
True....although I haven't had very much of it. I would like to try more.
The person below me has a favourite apple (what is it)
True 'macintosh'
the person below me has a green house
False....I borrow my neighbours'. She doesn't use it, and has offered me it's use whenever I'd like.
The person below me likes to watch someone cook.
The person below me likes to hear the clicking of knitting needles.
The person below me wears slippers at home.
The person below me is enjoying a coffee right now.
False. I wish! Milk......
The person below me is cold right now.
False, I am in my cozy warm office, coffee in hand, Sirius radio playing, looking out at the blustery weather.
The person below won't eat french fries.
False. I've been known to cave in to those little devils.
The person below me loves Mexican cuisine.
The person below me actually humps..on Hump Day. don't have to answer that one...I will just assume you all do! hehe!
the person below me has actually hit a computer before, out of frusteration.
False....but I've cursed at it........out loud.
The person below me would prefer to have a Monday off work.....or a Friday.
Hi CK !!!!!!! [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://" border=0]
HI BEAUTIFUL!!(//vny!:// long as I don't have to exchange a Saturday or Sunday for it.
The person below me has lived in BC's interior at on point of their life.
Born in Vancouver.....lived in Vancouver (and surrounding areas) until I move to the Island.
The person below me is happy where they are.
true, but could be happier not living in a city anymore!
The person below me has a gym at their own house.
Do a set of stairs, a mat and some cans of tomato juice for weights count ?????
The person below me won't eat white bread.
I would never buy it for myself. But if someone invited me over for a lunch and had a white bread sandwhich, I would eat it.
but you may as well just have potatoe chips..hehe!
The person below me has a tattoo (this question may have been asked before?).
No tattoos for this gal.
(I eat white bread too......there are some sandwiches where nothing else will do) *I make my own though.
The person below me has done cross-country skiing.
The person below me loves hiking.
True. I love the exercise and being with nature.
The person below me has more than 10 pairs of shoes.
False. Less than 10 but could always use more.
The person below me wears perfume/ cologne all the time.
The person below me has done the grouse grind
True. Enjoyed it.
The person below me wears makeup.
uh, False
The person below me has fish
**that little trick you told me about finding stuff in the house worked purelife... but Im not going to admit it**
**that little trick you told me about finding stuff in the house worked purelife... but Im not going to admit it**
[/DIV]I told you that it would work. Isn't it like magic? It works all the time for me. It's truly amazing. Spread the word, k? That's all I ask. (and you can buy me cheesecake as a thank you gift, k?)
False. Used to have a small beta fish.
The person below me has been breastfed.
Hasnt everyone? Its only recently that they could do it artificially i though?
Who is a beta fish <off to google>
The person below me likes cheesecake? What type?
True. LOVE cheesecake. Strawberry, chocolate, lemon..all good!
The person below me is staying home all day.
Moving a fridge today from a buddies to my place, to see if theres anything wrong with it like loud noise in testing, then tomorrow drop it off at another buddies and take his fridge to the transfer station.
And tonight we are going to see bodyworlds at science world.
The person below me has seen or wants to see bodyworlds?
The person below me is p---d off with the wind
True, its getting closer to losing the 100 foot evergreen tree in our front yard, the roots were lifting the dirt box around it.. to one foot above normal. We were getting worried as if it goes, it goes into TWO neighbors houses. Eeek. Insurance will like us for the next 5-10 years.
Drat! Blast! I keep trying to hit someone who KNOWs bodyworlds.. isnt working, lol.
The person below me likes bloody caesars
The person below me likes ancient rome
Like to read about it, would hate to live in those times. I would probably be killed for violating something and have been thrown into the gladiators ring.
The person below me has been to stonehenge
The person below me has visited the Eiffel Tower
Then lost the camera with the pictures on it before developing them. All my friends like to tell my Im lying with out photographic proof.. cause they all know I lost my camera.
The person below me has been to egypt to see the pyramids.
False (but was discussing the possibility of doing so, only last night).
The person below me has gained weight over the last couple of years
True, when Im at home. When Im away on the ships, I lose weight all the time. No matter what I do there, lol. I would always even out wiht the gain at home then loss when I was away. It turned into a net gain when I was working in china though.. Im only starting to lose weight again. LOL, and that is probably useless information Im babbliing on about to most of you.
I would recommend it Gopher. They are closing off certain monuments and areas because of the erossion of many tourists and the change in weather. I had a blast when I was there, got a little inebriated and rode camels around the pyramids and monuments. Its a little awe inspiring when you actually stand there and see the scale of what they did. Pictures dont do it justice.
I want to see stonehenge! How would you describe it? I was going to go last year when I was going to do a trip I was planning to Cowden Beath in Scotland, because I apparently had family that came from there.
The person below me thinks I wrote an essay
It was a good story......always room for a good story.
The person below me has done a lot of canning. (or any canning)
The person below me has has had two coffees this morning
I love my timmy's!
The person below me loves the Discovery Channel.
True.....I don't watch a lot of TV.....but when I do, it's most often documentaries and the like.
The person below me uses their full first name in real life.
True. Even though my "real" name can be shortened quite easily...I've never allowed it.
The person below me drives an SUV.
I have a nice little fuel efficient car........had driven a truck for years.
The person below me uses a Bodum
crayons(//vny!:// that something to do with coffee?
if it is the next word is...
wrong game. mommy brain...
the person below me has an automatic coffee maker
Hi Ally. *waves*
False to no coffee maker.
The person below me has been to Mt. Seymour.
purelife wrote: The person below me has been to Mt. Seymour.
The person below me drives a truck or SUV.
True. I do have an SUV
**big wave** Hi Purelife(//vny!://
The person below me is aware that you can no longer buy plain old bic pens
I feel shame......My name is P.C. .......and I am a pen snob. I don't know when it started, all I know is, I've always liked really nice pens. It feels good to finally say that out loud.
The person below me keeps a journal
False. I'm lazy when it comes to journals. The last one I wrote was way back in highschool.
Stonehedge is quite interesting, Russ. You build up all this anticipation and excitement about it and then you reach there and.... and.... and.......
...... they're a bunch of rocks. [FONT size=1]woot. [/FONT]
The person below me loves Greek salad.
Yum.....True......and I'll toss in a vote for Russ too. I'm sure with all that goat cheese, he would like them too.
The person below me likes roast duck.
True. Yes, please!
The person below has condiments over 6 months old.
There is nothing in my fridge older than a month old. Chucked and replaced everything after our power outage.
The person below me has gone to one of those go-cart places. (FUN !!!!!)
False.... but I should check it out one day.
The person below me loves blue cheese.
The person below me has a good sense of direction.
Somewhat true. I don't get lost in a strange city if I've been down a route once.
The person below me loves eating popcorn during a movie.
Gotta have popcorn to watch the movie or I can't focus.
The person below me makes their own lunch to take to work.
True. There's nothing around where I work that's remotely edible. At least everyday.
The person below me loves panini sandwiches.
The person below me remembers their first job fondly.
True. Stocking shelves at the crack of dawn. (//vny!://
The person below me loves their job.
True. I don't know about love but I do enjoy it and like it a lot. Great company.
The person below me wears a bath robe.
Cooshy and Comfy and purdy in pink.
The person below me has/had a favourite school teacher.
True. LOL PC. Cute image.
The person below loved mathematics at school.
True.....anything that resembles a puzzle.
The person below me has dinner prepped for tonight.
False. I'm just having a microwave entree.
The person below me has black panties.
True. With frills. Hehe.
The person below me loves stockings.
True. Not love. They are a necessity. I have these funky looking ones with designs and little holes that I receive so many compliments from. I love them.
The person below me hates putting on pantyhoses.
True. They rip, they tear, they have holes in the worst places... but we need them!!
The person below me loves flying on a plane.
False [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://" border=0]
It's just not natural for something that heavy to think it can float.
The person below me has a nick-name for their partner.
Kinda. If you count sweetie, honey etc as nick names.. I'd call them "affectionate names"
The person below me likes watching the Discovery channel.
True, that and history and A&E.
The rest is becoming more and more like garbage. At least I learn something on those channels, even if it is how to commit a perfect murder. lol.
The person below me likes quiznos better than subway... contest. Subways food couldn't get any more bland. Ptewwii
The person below me likes grapefruit.
True. I love grapefruit.
The person below me sleeps on a king size bed.
Big toss-up when we recently bought a new bed....king? queen? I opted for the queen. Price of sheets for king and the amount of real estate it sucked out of the bedroom were the deciding factors.
The person below me like flannel sheets
False. Too itchy.
The person below me loves milkshakes.
False....mind you I haven't had one since I was a kid.......tastes change......maybe
The person below me uses an iron or a steamer to press their clothes
I use an iron. I haven't ironed clothes since I was a teen. I make sure that I buy clothes that don't require iron and if my white blouse looks crinkly, I just stack some encyclopedias on top. It works. LOL
The person below me doesn't like to iron.
False....I don't mind it at all. I did however just buy one of those steamers like they use in the clothing stores. They're fantastic for sweaters, knits or suit jackets.....stuff like that, that don't like to be ironed.
The person below me likes crab and lobster.
False. Had too much of them, and only like them once in a while now. Anyone that says all the oceans are emptied of sealife needs to go to africa, its teeming with aquatic life. Seafood is abundant there. I can take a fishing line, put some bait on a hook on the end, with no lure or flasher, and withing five minutes of dumping it over the side have a fish.
The person below me likes coffee more than tea
The person below me likes drinking water
On a hot day yes..
The person below me has a yard
True (but also a garden).
The person below me has two feet.
The person below me has two eyes.
False....just a P and a C
The person below me has a good imagination.
True. I think.
The person below me is confused by the weather
False. Global warming, I tell ya.
The person below me has a very long last name.
P.C. wrote: [div style="font-style: italic;"]The person below me likes grapefruit.[/div]
Yeah...kinda. So I guess that's "true".
The person below me smoked a lot of weed in High School.
False. Never smoked in h.s. but that doesn't mean that I haven't puffed weed.
Great idea about the steamer, PC. I'm going to check it out in stores. How much was it roughly?
The person below me likes songs from Madonna.
Uh, Nyet.
No material girl for me.
The person below me had the same first thought as me... steamer as in a coiler of turd. (I had to look back a bit to see in what context of steamer you were talking about)
False. I was thinking about steaming and pureeing baby food.
The person below me believes in supporting local economy as opposed to foreign economy.
I can't afford the luxury of shopping at places who's prices aren't competitive for the sake of patriotism. I always LOOK locally first, but when the price difference is substantial........sorrrryyyyy
The person below me prefers to shop anywhere BUT malls
The person below me lives in Vancouver, BC and last night was stuck on the traffic nightmare.
I don't know how people can DO that.
(Hi Orca [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://" border=0])
The person below me had a late lunch today.
False. Is 1pm late?
The person below me likes to wear pink.
False (unless it's my housecoat)
Other than that, 90% of my wardrobe is black........yes....I'm in a rut.
The person below me wears pants to work
It's cold man...
(//vny!:// PC!!! How are ya!!!
Hey Orca!
*patiently waiting for question*
...oops, almost killed the game... (//vny!://
The person below me was once a girl guide (scout)
The person below me buys brand name everything.
Costco.. unless you consider kirkland a brand name.
The person below me has shot a gun
False....but I have an awesome sling-shot ....and I'm pretty good with it if I do say so myself
The person below me could kill a bambi......I mean a deer.
Almost.. I missed.
I wasnt allowed to go back with them once I hit 16 though cause I didnt have a lisence... and I still havent gotten off my butt to get one yet. I really should since I am being willed some guns.
The person below me likes the island more than the mainland
The person below me has visited Sun Yat Sen Gardens in Vancouver.
I have nothing against the mainland, I just prefer the pace on the Island and being able to afford a piece of property the likes of which I could NEVER afford on the mainland.
The person below me is happy where they live.
Oops.....that was a true to Russ's
False.....I have never been to the gardens
The person below me would love to grow their own veggies
I have at one point when I was younger but the birds, coons, and snails ate most of them. So The only thing grown in our gardens now are flowers that come back on their own every year, and tomato's cause they're tomato's.
The person below me likes liver
True......and I love chicken hearts too. Poor Mr. P.C. gags at the thought. He will grill himself up a steak on chicken heart
The person below me has had abalone.
True, that stuffs real cheap, lol.
The person below me likes a juicy hamburger, with THICK patty, covered in cheese, with a slab of ham, an egg, mushrooms, and beer sauted onions.
Hmm, that actually might be dinner tonight now that my mouth is watering.
Fasle......sounds like WAYYYY to much stuff between a bun for me.
The person below me makes home-made fries.
I actually have, true. Got a deep fat fryer from my aunt. A nice one. I tried making Russ's Fried Chicken instead of KFC? Didnt quite taste the same, and when they say you fry it? You really do.. I REALLY fried that chicken.. dry.
The person below me has deep fried before... and can give a fool some helpful hints.
Nope, never deep fried.
The person below me likes to eat sashimi.
Love it. Its something I can make myself without screwing up.
The person below me likes BLT's
Sure do!
The person below me has been on a naked tube ride for spilling drinks. (getting towed behind a ski boat on a tube, but naked, because you spilled 3 drinks......little game....)
I have been thrown off our boat for spilling a drink in it, I have been towed behind it for a while instead of driving it.. but not as you put it.
the person below me wants to explain this game to the rest of us?
I know some of the lunch gang from DV will remember me talking about this.
Very simple. My friends and I have a cabin at Kalamalka Lake, BC. Of course drinking brews sometimes happens. Well, this one time a girl that was invited by another friend from Burnaby kept spilling her drink. So they made it a game, if a person got busted spilling 3 times, the punishment would be a naked tube ride. Of course the ride would happen the next day in the sun. (after everyone is sober). Kind of funny, this particular gal had no problem stripping down and jumping on the tube!
We are not as crazy out there these days, everyone has kids with significant others now. Its more of a family environment! LOL!
The person below me wants to see a naked tube ride.
Ok I tried to let one of the ladies answer, but since they didnt answer,
So thats a big negative over...
The person below me wishes they were outdoors right now instead of on the computer.
Mostly false. (are we allowed to answer like that?)
I would love to be outside..but it is -19 right now.
The person below me loves pepperoni.
The person below me likes a good stiff Gin n Tonic
True and False
I only EVER drink a Gin and Tonic on a sweltering hot summer day. Nothing can taste better on a day like that.
The person below me doesn't like champagne.
False. A good bubbly for the right occasion is just lovely.
The person below me does not like KFC.
The person below me has seen a UFO.
False. But I would never know as I have seen some "weird" things up in the sky that I can't explain.
The person below me weighs more than 150 pounds.
The person below me doesn't.
Uhm. I don't know my weight count and even if I did, I'm not telling!!
The person below me loves ice cream.
The person below me is self-deprecating
False. I live in self-denial.
The person below me loves sashimi.
Lise wrote:
False. I live in self-denial.[FONT color=#0000ff](Odd that I've never met yuou there - it's one of my favourite places too).[/FONT] you there)
The person below me loves sashimi.
[FONT color=#0000bf]False[/FONT]
[FONT color=#0000bf][/FONT]
[FONT color=#0000bf]The person below me was very popular at school[/FONT]
True. (at least I like to believe so)
The person below me loves science classes.
False (but getting more interested in the subject nowadays)
The person below me has already made three mistakes today
True......although I try to not count my mistakes until after noon.
The person below me likes to read a good mystery book
Laugh if you will, The Hardy Boys is still one of my favorites.
The person below me is having internet troubles like I am. grr
False (for a change)
The person below me keeps hoping to see signs of spring.
False. I like the snow!
The person below me has HDTV
Spring? What happened to winter thats what I'm thinking.
Person below me just had lunch
The person below me finds it easier to answer the questions than to come up with new ones.
I'm more curious than I am decisive.
The person below me would make a good lawyer
The person below me is more of an extrovert than an introvert.
False. True. False. True. I don't know. I guess depending on the situation.
The person below me daydreams a lot.
True. Its called 'self reflection' or 'self relaxing' in todays psychobabble is it not? Or am I confused with other things? This has been know to happen.
The person below me wanted to be a superhero when they grew up
I wanted to be a surgeon growing up.
The person below me finds firefighters sexy.
False. The women firefighters look like the men firefighters and Im not going there.
The person below me wants to vacation to Cuba
False. I've been to Cuba three time. 2 times on vacations, and one time for work. Havanna is worth seeing one time. Varadero is just not my thing, and the food in Cuba is just not great. I don't think I will ever return.
The person below me thinks that chubby baby thighs are the cutest thing.
True, so very true. And their cheeks... they're soooo cute. Don't remind me Ally. I'm going to want babies now. LOL
The person below me thinks that I need another watch when I already have one.
(I saw this really nice watch that I wanted to upgrade mine from. I don't know if I'm going to get it...still thinking.)
Nope actually never been a huge fan of watches. I've got a cell phone which is does the job for me no need really in an expensive watch. Plus they can never fit right on my arm even when I get the watches customly fit.
The person below me can't wait for the weekend.
True. So very true. I can't wait for tonight. Hubby has a bit of work this weekend but hopefully not too much. It seems that from the time he gets home it's rush rush rush and then bed time. Life is so fast.
The person below me has some unfulfilled goals.
I wouldn't call them unfullfilled but more of goals that have yet to be reached or am in the process of trying to reach them.
The person below me is having car trouble.
False. I'm a believer in imports and thus far(knock on wood) have never had a vehicle that's needed any type of repair(maintenance doesn't count!)
The person below me thinks that McDonalds is gross.
Ugh Mcdonalds is disgusting! Only 'fast food' I eat is Taco Bell but I tend to eat way too much of that, way too much.
Yeah cars ugh my ford is a piece next car I'm getting will be either a used honda or a cheap kia rio5 or something.
The person below me likes rain.
True and False. I love being home with my baby when it is pouring rain. Pouring so that the rain falling on the skylights makes a racket. I have the fire place on and both baby and I are in cozy velour.
I hate it though when it seems to drizzle for months on end!
The person below me has a lot of used textbooks hanging around that are old editions and worth nothing.
True. Gotta get rid of them.
The person below me would love to have a garage sale soon.
True. My mom's a teacher and she's got all these old reading textbooks that are as old as me in storage. Its funny to look at the print date and its older then yourself. Ever have those encyclopedia's of the years events? My grandmother has those from the 50's up to the mid 80's. Never got the point in those they don't even give a lot of information anyway.
The person below me likes camping/hiking.
True for hiking, false for camping.
The person below me has been to Disneyland.
Never been to Disneyland but have been to DisneyWorld/Epicot. I personally had more fun talking to girls from other countries (the norweigns kept blowing bubbles on me for some odd reason) but my sister loathed it. She liked DisneyWorld better although I thought Disney over excessive when it came to loving cartoon characters. I like Busch Gardens better.
The person below me loves to watch whales.
True. I've been on 3 or 4 whale watching trips. The best one was in Peurto Vallarta(which is a poo poo hole place) but we went on this private boat trip to a little place(famous for pies) forget what it's called. On the way back we saw sooo many whales and dolphins. I was 2 months pregnant at the time and vomiting 2-3 times a day and that combined with the sea sickness left me hurling over the side of the boat.
The person below me takes multivitamin everyday.
True. Gotta get my vitamins in me.
I would love to see a whale! Last time I saw a killer whale was at the aquarium and then never again....
The person below me loves hot chocolate.
Hot chocolate the drink right? Yeah love it and I like the real kind not this instant stuff.
I was at the beach once in Florida visiting my Oma and I saw a wild dolphin swim by, made my day. Then spent the day at a rescue place for Manatees. Poor creatures so soft and kind. A couple were on life support pretty much after a boats blade ripped through them. Then saw sea turtles hatch one night as well awesome. All at the same beach. (voted best public beach in the country btw Siesta Key in Sarasota Florida)
Person below me is thinking about dinner.
True. Especially the peppermint hot chocolate from Williams-Sonoma.
The person below me has recently laughed so hard they almost pee'd.
True. (not elaborating)
The person below me likes to dance.
Only in my dreams because in reality I'm about as mobile as a rock.
The person below me likes to ice skate.
True. Love iceskating, went last month.
The person below me enjoys snowshoeing and swimming.
True though haven't done either in awhile.
The person below me buys organic food mostly.
I try but its expensive
The person below me likes what they do for a living.
True. I like the company.
The person below me has walked for more than 3 hours once.
True. Training exercise with full equipment.. years ago believe me, doubt I could do it anymore.
The person below me is thinking about a new vehicle...
True. Hubby's non family friendly vehicle has come to the end of it's life with us.
I am looking at the Toyota Sienna.
The person below me has lost a $20 bill before.
The person below me absolutely needs a massage from a pro.
True.. you a professional? lol.
The person below me cannot believe the prices for massaging here...
False. In a salon yes, by a pro no. I used to see a RMT in Vancouver. $45 got me 45 minutes and what a difference it made in my third trimester.
The person below me is participating in the Canadian Cancer Society's relay for life 2007.
False. (are you?)
The person below me knows how to change a flat tire.
My dad taught me the day I got my DL. I have changed a tire 3 times.
The person below me knows how to check their oil.
oh and yep i'm participating in the relay for life!
False. I know nothing about cars. I should though.
Wow. Great that you're doing the marathon. Am jealous!
The person below me knows how to fix a leaky toilet.
LOL, yes, I'm a pro at giving massages. I taught my guy how to massage me. ;)
The person below me is planning to do his/her own taxes this year.
Are you doing the Sun Run, Ally?
Oh no, Lise beat me.
Ah well.
So, false to the leaky toilet fixing. I know how to take it apart. I saw my dad doing it.
The person below me would enjoy demolition. ie. knocking down walls.
Nope not doing the Sun Run. Doing the Relay for Life(canadian cancer society)
False. Don't enjoy renovations or demolition.
The person below me hates La Senza!
True. It's messy in there and the stuff in there are far overpriced for the poor quality stuff. Same applies to La Vie en Rose.
The person below me much prefers Victoria Secret.
True. Though I firmly believe in buying bras at Nordstroms.
The person below me has Oprah on their TV right now.
False. I firmly believe in no tv for the kids, one to two hours is fine but no more.
The person below me has tons of DVDs.
True/False. They're not mine but my guy owns over 300 dvd's. So, technically, they're OURS! ;) hee hee..
The person below me saw someone they knew on tv.
The person below me has played an extra in a movie.
False but I would love to play Batman's love interest one day. *sigh*
The person below me has met a real life celebrity.
True....A few, even.
The person below me has more than one umbrella.
True. just two
the person below me has over 3 hand bags. that wrong. [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://" border=0]
The person below me doesn't care about designer labels.
True. I care for quality and designer labels are wayyy over-priced.
The person below me has over 5 shades of lipstick and/or nail polish.
*nothing wrong with having over 3 hand bags, PC. ;) hee hee..
True and True....although more often than not, my hands are a mess.
The person below me wears bright colours.
False. Not really. I've worn bright red and light blue before, but that's about it.
The person below me has that one sexy black dress that she feels like wearing soon. I admitted in an earlier post, 90% of my wardrobe is black. I probably have a dozen 'little black dresses'. I don't mean to, but every time I need a new dress to go out, I always gravitate to black. I'm working on it.
The person below me likes a comedy more than a romance. (movie or book)
True. I shy away from romance
The person below me likes the movie mad max
Yipes.....that's an oldie. I'd have to honestly say I don't remember.
The person below me has ONE movie that is their all time favourite.
True.. now wouldnt you like to know what it is...
The person below me makes or has made their own beer or wine.
True.....and liqueurs too.
The person below me wants to share what their favourite movie is.
I don't really have a favourite (is that wrong? lol)
The person below is worried about the weather.
Nope, false. Dont care about the weather. I do what I want when I want.. for example I camp all year round, rain snow sun.
the person below me has a laptop
I've got a laptop
(there's a big ice storm pound me at the moment hence the weather question)
The person below me likes boats. (gosh I'm horrible at this game can't think of anything)
Sportsdude wrote:
The person below me likes boats. (gosh I'm horrible at this game can't think of anything)
The person below me likes hiking.
Oh LOOOVE Hiking nothing better then climbing about a mountain/trail and looking down at the splendor of the world! Highest climb I've done is a 8,000ft 'mountain' at a summer camp I went to in Colorado.
The person below me hates ice storms
The person below me likes animals
True. The fuzzier the better.
The person below me has gotten seasick/carseat before.
I can get car sick at nights in the back of a cramped car speeding around throwing papers. Heck that would make anyone car sick really. Good thing nobody ever rides with me at night they wouldn't last 5minutes in the car. (I drive like there's no tomorrow when working)
The person below me likes happy feel good movies.
The person below me wonders who the person below him/her will be.
False .......Que Sera Sera
The person below me sings in the car.
The person below me hasn't been to the movies for at least six months.
saw casino royale a few weeks ago.
The person below me is having a lazy saturday
true I should get working on things but I'm just too tired and plus I'm not going outside in the ice storm.
The person below me has wanted to see the arctic ocean.
Not really, Ive been to alaska and the yukon. Its cold.
The person below me has hit an animal before.
As in car? yes countless of times due to work. I've had a few too many close calls with deer, two coyotes and one skunk that sprayed all over my car making it hard for me to breathe.
The person below me can speak another language.
Kindve. I can hold my own in a French coversation. Writing it out and having someone understand what I wrote is another matter entirely.
The person below me keeps meaning to get off the computer but it isnt happening so far
Somewhat true.
I would love to speak fluent French one day.
The person below me would like to learn sign language.
Sign language would be cool but really I'd just like to learn anything where I can secretly communicate with someone and nobody in the room understanding me except the person I'm talking to.
The person below me hasn't been outside today
The person below me likes M&M's.
close, s&m maybe but not a fan of m&m
person below snowboards?
The person below me is a pro at skiing and will tell us how he/she learned it.
False......I learned that my repeatedly falling on my a$$
The person below me made snow angels in our last snowfall
False. Only made snowballs and snowmans
the person below me will tell us what he/she had for dinner.
Hubby has a way with ribs like none other
Ribs coleslaw and a baked potato
The person below me likes to do crossword puzzles
the person below me already has valentine's day all planned out.
False. No life. (//vny!://
The person below me eats well.
Somewhat true.
The person below me has brought flowers for a guy before.
The person below me wears a lot of black.
The person below me likes to wear g-strings and the likes.
False. I hate butt floss.
Hey, you changed your avatar again! I like this one too.
The person below me loves going to the spa.
*yup, changed again. this one is more gentle and serene.
the person below me likes cardigans.
False......well, I like sweaters.....but not ALL sweaters. Same with cardigans....I like SOME cardigans, but not ALL cardigans.
The person below me likes leather.
True. I have two leather jackets, and my next vehicle will have leather seats.
The person below me likes borat
I'm on the fence with this guy. It may be a mood thing, I'm not sure yet
The person below me likes marshmallows in their cocoa
MMmm, true, although I havent had either in years really.
The person below me has a wireless router in their home.
Is that anything like a rat ? [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://" border=0]
Uh, no. False.
ok, theres no question LOL.
The person below me wants to go wakeboarding.
False....would this involve swimwear?
The person below me can tell me what a wireless router is. Is it anything like a cordless drill?
Ah, ok. LOL.
[A href="vny!://"]vny!://[/A]
This is what I just bought actually. Its where you take your internet cable and hook it into, then you can use your laptops or other desktops in other rooms of the house without wires going to them.
The person below me has a laptop?
I don't have a need for one that I can think of.
The person below me is losing at monopoly. [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://" border=0]
True. My buddy has hotels on Boardwalk and parkplace... Myself and another friend have landed on them twice. Im not doing so hot. My two properties arent worth as much :( and no one landed on them.
Sorry about that PC, I didnt mean to take so long.. I had to drive a buddy home.. he wasnt fit to drive. LOL. And he wouldnt take the offer to stay the night.
The person below me drives a car or truck?
Car. A black 2002 2 door Ford Focus hatchback. Not a fan of trucks grew up around them on the farm so I don't have this 'need' to own one as people do around here in the suburbs trying to act tough.
The person below me hasn't had a hair cut in ages.
False. A few months ago.
The person below me has hilighted his/her hair.
False......I use Mother Nature. She does a pretty good job, except she always takes the winter off.
The person below me has seat covers in their car.
Nope no seat covers.
The person below me likes to play video games.
the person below me loves developing pictures.
I guess so. Never really developed pictures by hand in a dark room.
The person below me is a good runner.
False. hate running
the person below me has done pilates and/or yoga and enjoys them.
Always wanted to do Yoga looks calming my mom takes yoga classes and loves it.
The person below me has rocked climbed before
The person below me sleeps in whenever possible.
True I'm a sloth all I can sleep the entire day off if given the opportunity.
The person below me is a good singer.
True, I guess if you like the way a seagull sings.
The person below me decided lunch was overated and had brunch today
The person below me has broken all their new year resolutions
False. Didnt make any cause I know the way I am. Didnt want to disappoint my self.
The person below me did make new years resolutions.
The person below me is possessed of great self-knowledge
True, if you mean I learned alot from my own experiences.. of what NOT to do :)
The person below me has a rifle?
The person below me likes bog-snorkelling
False I guess. Ive never tried that! Didnt know anything about it, I had to google it. I have scuba dived, although I got rid of my equipment years ago.. to many hobbies had to downsize lol.
The person below me has hunted/ shot a rifle before?
False....don't see it happening any time soon.
The person below me has some old vinyl records.
True, i decided to be cool like everyone else and build a vinyl collection,. tyhen I gave up.. dont want to get rid of them either
The person below me cant stand the thought of getting rid of anything they might one day want to use
False. Rule of thumb is simple. Don't use within a year, it's a goner. (Furnitures not included. I hate clutter)
The person below me wants to buy an apartment in downtown.
False. One, its downtown. Two, theres not enough room for my stuff. LOL.
The person below me thinks I should get rid off my treasures.
Although I'm in the process of trimming the fat, so to speak, I'm a saver and a keeper. As long as it is organized well and stored well, what's the harm.
I have a friend who's always crowing about her simplified life of freedom from clutter and encumberances. If I had a nickel for everytime I've heard her say....'Oh yeah....I had one of those before......I don't know why I got rid of it' I'd be rich [FONT size=4]rich[/FONT] [FONT size=5]rich.[/FONT]
The person below me didn't have much, growing up.
Oh yeah.......I just remembered something else, that made me laugh out loud. Miss Clutter-free got rid of all her purses. "Two is all I need.....let's get real" she said. One of the purses she got rid of had her wedding rings in the zippered pocket.
(I can laugh about it now, as she amazingly got them back)
True. We were better of than some, but not as well as the average. We made do with what we had.. now although my bro and I spend alot freely, we do appreciate what we have and the experiences as we grew up. Im better off for not growing up with TV, video games, or a computer. It was.. grade 9 or ten when I was finally allowed a video game system. We did have a TV but we were only allowed to watch it when my parents were up till ten. And if we did want to watch a show we had to explain why we should be allowed to watch it.
That IS funny PC. I have a few friends like that as well, not with as good of a story as the purse one though.
The person below me can tell me why I just ordered an electic pencil sharpener. I mean I really do need it, lol.
False......I do not know why you need one either.....ROFL
*I think pack-ratism stems from growing up with very little. That's my story and I'm stickin to it.
The person below me has a good relationship with their family.
False. At the moment no, my family and I do not get along mainly because I really shouldn't be living at home anymore and we clash to much.
And I don't even know my own sister she doesn't talk to me, just ignores me.
The person below me procrastinates to much.
The person below me knows how to paint.
True, I can paint rooms, and house exteriors. I have also painted a vehicle before. The preparation like sanding is the most important, if that is done right painting a car is a snap.
The person below me likes country
Country music? I don't dislike it.
The person below imagines me to look like my avatar. ;)
the person below me watched the NFL playoffs today
sadly I did what a waste of time
The person below watched/or is going to watch 24 tonight
The person below me prefers watching movies at home than in theatres.
True. The prices of pop and popcorn is horrendous.
The person below me uses a wireless mouse
Sometimes true depends on the movie and the mood. If I'm not in the greatest of spirits then nothing beats seeing a movie at home and people are too loud no a days at the movie theatre.
True i have a wireless mouse.
Person below me had soup tonight.
The person below me invests in the stock market
I have and am in the market at the moment but I still equate it to legal gambling and hate it.
The person below me has giant sized feet.
the person below me has over 5 pairs of jeans.
True I've got 8 pairs I think.
The person below me likes to wear hoodies.
Uhm, not really into hoodies.
The person below me has found more than $50.
false. Most I've ever found is like a dollar in the bottom of the public pool or something.
The person below me has a fashion sense
True. My clothes have to match and I know what looks good on me. I really don't care if others disagree. ;)
The person below me has received a compliment in the past few days.
Hmm not in the past few days but in the past couple of weeks yes I have, mainly over my new found outlook on life, I seem and feel happier.
The person below hates working in offices would rather work outside doing something.
I prefer half outside and half at the computers.
The person below me likes neopolitan icecream over vanilla.
False, I like vanilla more than multicultural ice cream. To be honest vanilla is my favoritest.
The person below me has a cell phone
The person below me has over 5 email accounts.
almost 5 but then again I'm not in college yet and they would give me another email address as well so I guess you could say I have 5.
The person below me likes libraries.
I have spent alot of time in them. Especially the Vancouver downtown one.. Ill probably be there alot over the next few weeks studying for the next exam.
The person below me has a car?
Kinda have a car.
*sure, sure, you'll be "studying" at the library. I KNOW what happens at the 3rd floor at VPL!* ;)
The person below me is good at chess.
True. Its still in the shop though because some teen ran into in front of my house 2 weeks ago when she 'got lost in the sun' on her way to work cutting through my nieghbourhood. Hitting a parked car is pretty bad, but hitting a parked car in the other lane (which means she was on the wrong side of the street). odd.
The Vancouver downtown library is a place I want to visit looks awesome.
My physican growing up always told me to make friends with the girls in the library because 'they are the ones going places and are smart' lol.
I play Chess but I'm really really bad at it.
The person below me has been to an event of some kind in the past couple of months (concert, sporting event, play etc.)
Bard on the Beach during the summer end.. Midsummer nights dream by Shakespeare. Very very well done.
The person below me has lost their drivers lisence before or had it stolen
The person below me loves watching acrobatics, ie. Cirque du Soleil.
ADD: *waves good bye to everyone. talk to y'all tomorrow.*
False, never seen something like that so I wouldnt know
Nite miss PL
The person below me has a bike
bye pl have a good night
me I'm a big bike person in a previous life I must have raced bikes because it comes way to easily I just don't get tired.
The person below me loves Stanley Park.
Dont mind it. I like the seawall and stuff. But its not the end all to be all.
The person below me can work on their own vehicle?
True ex used to work on the boats too, so I spent weeks and weeks on my own. Learn to fly or get out of the sky.
The person below me will cook dinner for their partner this week.
I do most of the cooking with assistance from my assistant. Except for when she is in charge. LOL.
We do alot of cooking together.
Except for when we eat out.
The person below me will try a hotpot soon :)
True.....looks very awesome, and I like that 'style' of dining.
The person below me has had a format come up in DS that they have never seen before.
A fast screen loadup without errors? ;) True
The person below me wanted to be a movie star
False An olympic gymnist would be the closest wish for fame that I ever wanted.
The person below me can play a musical instrument.
True. Clarinet and Bass Clarinet. Still have them too. Uh, somewhere in my closet.
EDIT: Nope not in there, wonder what special spot I put them in.
The person below me knows what a clarinet is? (most people I know dont LOL!)
The person below me can't remember the wiord with which this game began. He/she will also look it up.
The person below me is tired this mornin
False. I'm surprisingly wide awake.
The person below me likes changes.
True and False
Sometimes I'm a little resistant to change.....other times I welcome it.
The person below me ate breakfast this morning. [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://" border=0]
True. tea and some digestive chocolate covered cookies. This isn't breakfast breakfast, is it?
The person below me uses lip balm instead of lip stick.
I find it's like sticking your lips in melted wax. I like lip gloss.
The person below me has a favourite perfume
True. It's not really perfume. It's a cologne/body mist type of spray.
The person below me likes cranberry-pomegranate scented anything.
Mmmmm True
Yummy smell.
The person below me has a non-portable phone in their house.
Yep, we actually still have a bc tel rotary phone in one of the downstairs rooms.
The person below me has tried pot
True. Don't ask.
The person below me prefers to shower at night than first thing in the morning.
I like a bath at night....soothing, relaxing
A shower in the morn....invigorating.
The person below me has a pair of RUBBER boots....(not dress boots).
True they're more hiking boots then anything but when snow/ice comes they come out they also make me 5 inches taller.
The person below me loves to take walks in the morning or walk to work because it wakes them up.
True. I prefer to walk in the afternoon because I'm pressed for time in the am.
The person below me used to have acne or some sort of skin problem.
didn't everyone? of course I had to go on that acne medication that has driven people to kill themselves with depressive thoughts. (no joke) acutane.
The person below me likes the smell of sea air.
The person below me drinks more than 10 glasses of water daily. (or at least, tries to)
nope, get two maybe
The person below me has more than one remote control for their TV setup
The person below me has drank mineral water.
Isnt all water technically mineral water when it comes from the ground??
The person below me wishes it was sunny out
* I remember listening to a health program once, purelife, and the claim that one must drink 8, 8oz glasses of water per day, has never been substantiated by the medical or scientific community. There is actually an increase in health problems directly related to the current 'craze' of consuming mass quantities of water.
(Market driven?)
Despite the seemingly ubiquitous admonition to "drink at least eight 8-oz glasses of water a day", rigorous proof for this counsel appears to be lacking. This review sought to find the origin of this advice (called "8 × 8" for short) and to examine the scientific evidence, if any, that might support it. The search included not only electronic modes but also a cursory examination of the older literature that is not covered in electronic databases and, most importantly and fruitfully, extensive consultation with several nutritionists who specialize in the field of thirst and drinking fluids. [FONT style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffffbf"]No scientific studies were found in support of 8 × 8.[/FONT]
The person above me, uh, missed something.
The person below me likes avocado's
There's bottled mineral water that is verrrry expensive but the taste is absolutely exquisite. When I first tried mineral water, I wished that I didn't have to turn back to tap/bottled water. I was spoiled.
I've heard about that as well, PC. The 8 glasses a day, to me, sounds too much. I think that it depends on body type. Some have told me not to drink too much during workouts and some have said to drink water when working out. So, I just listen to my own body. I'm surprised that the 8 glasses of water wasn't advertised alongside of a water company like Avian waters or something. Or, am I wrong?
True. I love avocados. I just had some this weekend.
The person below me likes fresh cucumber slices on their skin and eyes.
are you joking? Them things are to eat! Are you playing with your food again miss PL?
The person below me can help witha good site for xbox cheats.
True. I know someone who can get cheats for virtually anything.
The person below me is secretly wishing that he/she owns a Nintendo Wii.
rendezous? Is there a little DS meet up planned? cool.
nope not wishing I got the Wii instead of the xbox 360.
The person below me would be happy to be old.
Am I old? I feel old should a 20 year old feel old? lol
(Awesome on the meet up hope you guys have a LOT of FUN, mountains rule)
The person below me has been ignoring work all day and can't believe the time.
Partially true, I've done my best to ignore it but haven't been 100% successful.
The person below me has at least one item of clothing that he/she has had for at least three years without wearing it.
The person below me donates clothes frequently.
try 8 years. I've got this shirt I've never worn it still hangs in my closet. I've got this Bears tshirt I got when I was 8 that I've never worn because I don't like the Bears lol (football team) and it hangs in my closet as well.
Yes I donate all the time and used to shop at the goodwill store when I was little.
The person below me is tired of infotainment on tv (celeb gossip)
Extremely True
The person below me doesn't have red hair
The person below me hates being cold all the time.
Somewhat true.
The person below me is listening to music right now.
The person below me is looking for something that vibrates
True listening to my ipod. Got a U2 song on now
Nope not looking for something like that......
Person below me owns some kind of Mp3 player.
The person below me can thnk of more than five reasons why they'd be happy to give up work.
True.....unfortunately, I'm not in the snack bracket that makes that an option.
The person below has taken up a new hobby within the last year.
The person below me has already planned his/her main holiday this year.
False. But hopefully not for long.
The person below me likes to go to the library.
The person below me gets a lot of letters
False. Unless you count bills.
The person below me gets spammed a lot.
False (but it's increasing at present).
The person below me has already eaten lunch
The person below me is afraid of flying.
The person below me lives more than 100 miles from where they were born.
The person below me remembers the music group ASIA.
The person below me can't remember the death of George VI
The person below me believes in the Monarchy.
True......I love butterflies. [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://" border=0]
The person below me collects something.
True. Not with a passion though.
The person below me loves playing hide and seek.
True. Ill take the chance for a nap
The person below me likes rap
False. Eminem is ok though.
The person below me likes watching those classic Disney movies.
purelife wrote:
False. Eminem is ok though.
The person below me likes watching those classic Disney movies.[/DIV]
True. I have a bunch. So does the person below me.
Some are okay, some of them are just bizarre. Whenever my mom wasn't around when I was little my dad would say "Your mother cannot be with you anymore, We must go deep into the forest" with a deep voice, always got a kick out of that.
The person below me is tired of watching sports on tv would rather play them.
False. Don't watch the sports anyways.
*I take it you like Eminem too. BLESS yar too! Do you have a favorite? I like the "When I'm Gone" "Mockingbird (I think that's the name)" and Encore and one of the Slim Shady song...can't remember.
The person below me has neat handwriting.
False. BIG False my hand writing sucks.
The person below me likes to send things through the mail
False email is easier.
The person below me is happy generally
The person below me spends too much time in front of the monitor.
lol true
The person below me liked to climb trees when they were little.
More like fall out of them
The person below me is having a good day at work today
The person below me is hanging out with friends this week(end).
True, it looks like another buddy has caught the hotpot bug and will be having one this weekend.
The person below me likes hamburger helper?
It's okay.
The person below me looks at the mirror before leaving his/her home or at a public washroom.
False, I am who I am.
The person below me remembers the movie 12 monkeys
True. Excellent movie indeed.
The person below me just forgot what his/her next question was going to be.
*darn! I had a good one too!*
12 monkeys is on right now.. thats why I was soo origional with my question.
The person below me has been offroading
True. (I spend half of my time on a farm so I go off roading all the time in between fields, in the woods and such)
Whats 12 Monkeys
The person below me is having an early dinner
12 monkey's - the movie:
[A href="vny!://"]vny!://[/A]
The person below me prefers eating turkey over chicken.
Oh, I saw 12 Monkeys. So sad.
False. Don't like turkey.
The person below me loves to bike.
The person below me owns his/her own bike.
Ah a movie before my time.
I like chicken but I love turkey thats cooked not processed.
The person below me saw their first rated R movie when they were... (how old what movie) (heck this could be a new thread)
mine Ali but by myself T3 (on my birthday yes I'm young)
True. First porn sometime before SD was born.
The person below me sings in the bathroom.
I own a bike but I don't ride it because its too small for me I ride my uncles bike down on the farm, thinking about getting a racing bike though. (big biker here I think I should everyone what bike I was going to buy too on here somewhere)
No singing but I do know how to make the bathroom wet.
The person below me loves candles.
True. Romantic.
The person below me loves wearing sandals.
Lise wrote:
True. First porn sometime before SD was born.
Lise wrote:
True. First porn sometime before SD was born.
Linda Lovelace, deepthroat?
Sportsdude wrote:[/DIV]HEY!! LOL
psst. you arent answering the questions or posing new ones.
No I hate sandals. Barefeet is better.
The person below me has been on a bc ferry before
The person below me hates watching Reality tv shows.
(except the Apprentice)
The person below me likes cartoons
ugh I loathe reality tv since its all fake and scripted and not reality.
The person below me has car problems.
The person below me plans to run a mile tonight.
false. not a chance in a million, run?
The person below me is religious
If I work out tonight yes I will on the treadmill.
Not anymore. I think its silly now.
The person below watches foreign language films
I did while in china, not much in the way of local programing on the TV. We used to ad lib our own conversations in to the programing or see if we could guess what the hell they were talking about. Then we would ask the waitresses or waiters where we were for what it was about and what was happening.. then the closest persons didnt pay for their beer.
The person below me is having computer problems
True and false
I only seem to have trouble on DS......what up with that.
The person below me has a suit.
True. I have four suits and a Tux. Havent worn them in eons though, probably wouldnt fit most of em anymore.
The person below me knows what they are having for dinner
The person below me can't sing at all.
False I have my fathers voice, he's an trained choir singer/conductor/organist/choir director/pianist.
The person below me is relaxing tonight.
True. Enjoying the new digital box we got for cable.
The person below me has an iPod?
yup I've got one a black video 30gb ipod
The person below me has ran in a marathon.
I was a sprinter in high school....and once at the provincial trackmeet, the gal who did the long distance run was sick that day, and I was subbed in. I finished.......and that's about it. Marathon ????? Not for this gal.
The person below me took some kind of dance lessons, growing up.
two years ago salsa when I was trying to pick up a girl there as well
The person below me has more than one animal
False....I only have one kitty. Have always had multiple pets, but Mr.P.C. Kitty is unique. Well, actually, he's downright anti-social.
The person below be grew up with pets.
The person below me wants another dog?
I love dogs, but I've become quite selfish with my time, not to mention there could never be another like my ol Dobie. I couldn't give a dog the time they deserve anymore.
The person below me thinks snakes and rats aren't good pets.
You sure you dont want a min pin? Theyre fun...
The person below me likes freezies all year round
False. That's a type of candy, right?
The person below me wanted a pony when they were little.
Good family friends when we were growing up had a dude-ranch, so we had access to riding horses a lot. Wouldn't want one now, and didn't then.
The person below me has one of those fancy coffee machines. (the kind that make expresso and lattes)
edit: Ooops, I think I accidently stickied this
False I returned it. I would push a button to do a normal cup of coffee and it would do something different
The person below me wants to sticky thingys up!
*Did someone say "sticky?"
The person below me likes listening to music in latin and spanish.
purelife wrote:
The person below me likes listening to music in latin and spanish.
The person below me hates cold weather.
False. I like the cold.
The person below me can recite the letters of the alphabet backwards.
false, well true if I have it written down in front of me
The person below me likes cheerios?
The person below me has had sex outdoor in the snow.
the person below me has similar plans
The person below me believes ghosts exist and has seen one.
False. See, touch, taste, feel.
The person below me has big travel plans for the summer
I have big travel WISHES though
The person below me has shoveled their walk this morn.
True. I was disappointed cause I had salted the entire walks a few days ago.. and the with the snowfall and it patially melting, it washed away the salt <whine>
the person below me will salt or sand their walks?
I have no walks.
The person below me has already decided what they're having for lunch.
Nope its lunch time and I'm not hungry trying to figure out this essay.
The person below me has an uncomplicated life. Or is that even possible?
True and False.
The person below me wants to learn martial arts.
False. did that for seven years.. I want to go back, lol.
The person below me wants a halo 2 challenge on xbox
False I tried to do it once took a couple classes but I couldn't hit the person I was training with and starting sobbing like a sad sap. (I'm a pathetic sissy can't fake anger with all the hee hoo haaa stuff)
Get Xbox 360 and then we can talk.
The person below me uses chinese herbal medicine
The person below me should be doing real work. (//vny!://
The person below me thinks makeup is useful when trying to hide those nasty blemishes.
False. Uh...
The person below me likes microwave popcorn
True. Even though they're high in transfat.
The person below me MUST have popcorn and pop at the movies.
False. Im more into getting the pop and BK burger now at Riverport. Much healthier.
the person below me likes conan the barbarian
The person below me is interested in world history
history repeats itself might as well learn from our mistakes
person below me has a fire extinguisher in tehir house
True but then you get labeled a "you know too much" by people and they begin to hate you.
Doesn't everyone have one of those things?
The person below me is going out to eat today
Actually popcorn is "healthier" than a burger. (if you minus the butter that goes with it)
The person below me likes horror movies.
heres one for the history .. dementia 13
The person below me liked the ring
The person below me has read His Dark Materials
The person below me doesn't like to use MSN that much and is really not into it.
The person below me spends more than an hour on DS at least five days per week.
False. Probably about an hour a day 3-4 days per week.
The person below me wishes that the snow would stay on the mountains and off the roads.
Mountains? What Mountains? True but then again I don't live near mountains. You need ample supply of corn though I'm your man.
The person below me knows what they are eating for dinner.
True. Sardines and a grapefruit.
The person below me doesn't mind eating out of a can.
True. I will eat out of anything. Tupperware, glad, ziplock, plate, bowl, cup...whatever!
The person below me is currently suffering from procrastination.
True. I'm good at putting off work.
Bless you Ally for your answer. People think that I'm weird from eating out of the can. I do it all the time. Saves me from washing stuff. :) hee hee..
The person below me likes watching the cooking channel.
False. My hubby's secret desire is to be a chef. He watches the food channel for about an hour every evening. Makes me crazy. Sometimes I enjoy it, but it gets old fast.
The person below me still has a rotary phone in their house.
Yeah I'll watch cooking shows if they are location shots. For example there was this cooking show where the cook went back to his home country Norway and did all traditional dishes and things and gave a little history lesson as well. Now thats a cooking show.
The person below me is good at playing sports.
False to both statements.
The person below me has a DVD recorder at home.
The person below me likes the easy listening genre.
Some.....True and False. I like blues
The person below me knows how to do a good manicure.
False. Nail clippers and however they come out for me.
The person below me has seen the Avengers with captain america in it
The person below me had a nap today
The person below me remembers his/her dreams.
Somewhat true. I like to think about what I dream and why. Waah! No life.
The person below me loves Pepsi or Coca-Cola.
The person below me loves the ocean.
When I travelled across Canada a couple years ago, it too me a while to realize, that part of the 'homesick' that I was feeling, was being too far from the ocean. There's some kind of connection for me.
The person below me likes to canoe.
false. ok, partly true. canoeing is ok.
I prefer being on a air chair behind a ski boat.
The person below me has never been to the prairies.
False.......never again. I wept when I realized I had to go through it again to get home.
The person below me likes Yorkshire Pudding.
I dunno, never had Yorkshore Pudding
The person below me have never visited an Asian country
I've never been off this continent.
The person below has travelled a lot.
true. im not naming all the places again.
the person below me wants to go to china
The person below me woke up early
The person below me thinks Chris Rock is a rather crude comedian.
(poor Lise on waking up early)
I really don't find stand up comics funny because it doesn't come off as 'natural' my friend is obsessed with Dane Cook but I just don't get it. Its all forced and practiced over and over again. I find natural people funny. More physical comedy.
The person below me drinks tea in the morning.
Coffee or water, nothing else will do!
The person below me has music playing in their house more than the TV is on.
True...although it come from the TV. I have it on the blues channel.
The person below me is working.
cool! Blues is sweet! yeah...True....working...yeah.....
just having my morning j-ava before I wake up enough to actually work...hehehee!
The person below me had a vivid dream last night and it is leaving a lasting impression...(//vny!://
TRUE....nuff said. [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://" border=0]
The person below me has had their fortune read.
About your dream...was it that same one you told me about with my purple Speedos???
False, maybe I will try the fortune reading thing sometime!
The person below me will be sad that I have to get to work now...
Not at the moment no, I usually don't start my day until 10am which is in 15 minutes.
The person below me likes to plant things.
True....anything that'll grow.
The person below me had a healthy breakfast this morning.
*was it that same one you told me about with my purple Speedos???
That's the one, CK [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://" border=0]
The person below me is currently reading a good novel and will tell us what he/she is reading.
False Im watching SeaQuest DSV on the telly.
The person below me is contemplating an Ice Cream later
False. Ice cream in winter? Brrr.
The person below me likes a good joke.
...nothing healthier than a good laugh
The person below me can TELL a good joke.
The person below me knows how to do magic tricks.
True.....if that includes making a piece of cheesecake disappear,
The person below me like Cris Angel
Somewhat true. His shows are entertainting.
Teeheee. Cheesecake disappear.
The person below me would like to watch David Copperfield when he comes to Vancouver.
False. Who;s that? Im off to google.
The person below me likes the new battlestar gallactica
Speaking of David Copperfield, have you ever watched that episode where he would show us how he completed his tricks? Oh, that show was awesome!
The person below me has been to a live hypnosis show.
False. Unless you count lectures at university.
Nope. Have not seen that show. I think David Copperfield is too much of a showman. Too flakey.
The person below me likes fish and chips.
yeah I like fish and chips
The person below me likes to go fishing.
False. Icky icky worm.
The person below me has rock climbed.
False....don't see it happening. It has zero appeal to me.
The person below me likes to shop alone.
***LOL Lise. hypnosis show......False. Unless you count lectures at university.
Good one Lise
True on shopping alone.
The person below me has too many passwords to remember.
False, I gave up and use two for everything now. One for detailed info, and one for websites like this one.
The person below me wants to go to karaoke at the legion tonight.
That sounds like fun. So, true.
The person below me has his/her driver's licence and SIN/Social Security numbers memorized.
True. I got lucky and mine are easy to remember so even an idiot like me can remember them.
The person below me likes sardines with what?
.....sardines with Russ.
The person below me hates the sound of balloon popping.
The person below me speaks more than one language
The person below me doesn't like filling in forms or legal documents.
True. you should have seen my attempt at filling my documents for the government. The lady finally gave an exasperated sigh and took it away from me and filled it out for me.
The person below me has downloaded the info to get a passport..;
The person below me has legs which turn to jelly everytime an official brown envelope arrives through the door.
True. so very true. Especially when it says "Revenue Services"
The person below me has received a singing telegram before.
The person below me dreams of being a millionaire one day.
Dreams? Hell, I INTEND to be a millionaire one day.
Gotta get my gf working harder.
The person below me like Nelson Demille
Fale, but could be true if I'd read anything by him
The person below me likes reading the Barbara Cartland
False. Who?
The person below me has played along Wheel of Fortune.
The person below me has appeared on television
The person below me pays all their bills on-line
The person below me considers themself to be more old-fashioned than he/she likes to appear to other people.
The person below me used to make model cars
The person below me is wearing black shoes
False, Im wearing slip ons that are brown.
Person below me likes bacon, eggs, and sausages for breakfast
True and or False....I like each of those things, but I can't imagine having bacon AND sausage for breakfast.
The person below me can define what they think Gophie means by old-fashioned
True. Ideals and interaction with other people.
I have been known to be wrong however.
The person below me wants to go for outdoor exercise but its too cold..
False.....I've spent a bit of time outside this morn, and have been back and forth from the old shop (now referred to as the shed) to the new shop.
The person below me is having a frustrating day.
False to frustrating day. *knock on wood*
The person below me doesn't think that UGG boots are attractive.
Whos an UGG boot? Does UGG stand for soemthing?
The person below me likes to swim
True. Love swimming.
The person below me has worked for a union.
These are UGGS. Pretty or no pretty? They're made in Australia and was "so last year!" LOL
True apparently Im in one, although a crappy one.
UGG boots are Ugh.
The person below me doesnt have any of those I hope? (foot in mouth?)
True. Those things are F'UGGLY!
The person below me has a big teddy bear and handcuffs in their bedroom.
teddy bear yes hand cuffs no.
The person below is having a good day
True. Can't complain.
The person below me has holes in his or her her socks.
I have a few socks with holes in them. They make good floor hockey socks in the basement.
The person below me has seen the Canucks at the Pacific Coliseum.
The person below loves the Oilers.
The person below me has holes in their underwear. Please, don't give details. ;P
False. (//vny!://
The person below me had a mega crush on the jock/cheerleader during highschool.
FALSE. Canucks rule the universe! (i was conceived at a Cunucks game..its in my blood..sorry)
The person below me doesn't like when the Doomsday Clock moves forwards.
where you the one posting about it on DV?
The person below me wants to watch a movie tongiht..
sorry...i am way behind on these..and i got to go...i will catch up tomorrow.
Russ wrote:
where you the one posting about it on DV?
The person below me wants to watch a movie tongiht..[/DIV]
nope, I haven't been able to post on DV in about a year.
True. Providing I get the chance.
The person below me wants to watch Transformers, the Movie when it comes out.
Sure the movie looks interesting.
Who's watching American Idol tonight? Apparently Seattle can't sing.
SD, you need a question! *crossing arms* ;)
Anyways, the person below me owns a pair of ski pants.
The person below me loves snowboarding.
Not sure.
The person below me loves eating raw veggies.
False. I'm no cow.
The person below me loves a good book to read at night.
just to reiteriate, the person above me is no cow.
tpbm (the person below me) has sex atleast once a week.
very true
The person below me can tell me why lise thought someone was calling her a cow? Im at a loss to see how that answer ties in to the last three posts before hers?
Cows eat raw veggies thats the only thing I could come up with. Moo Moo lise moo moo. ;)
I know cows been around them all my life, in cow form and human form and Lise is no cow
[img alt="IPB Image" src="vny!://" border=0]
Russ wrote:
very true
The person below me can tell me why lise thought someone was calling her a cow?
It was Lise's own response to purelife's question....the person below me likes eating raw veggies.
The person below me will paint a room in their house in the next month.[/DIV]
still getting over my last paint session from the fall!
The person below me has been to Crater Lake, OR.
True......beautiful......absolutely beautiful.
The person below me is having a nice cup of coffee.
how did you know!?
The person below me wants to have a coffee with me!
SO VERY TRUE! I want more than just coffee with you. ;)
The person below me would like to join CK and myself for coffee.
ohh...please let a cute female answer purlife's question....(//vny!://
Ha ha, Ill say true just to keep it going. as long as theres some Amarula in it as well.
The person below me has been to the Horne Lake Caves
False. Only really been to Tofino on the Island.
The person below me love Skittles.
*Russ could be a cute female, I guess... [insert odd look here] huh?!*
The person below me has some overdue rotten food in the fridge.
I did a few days ago, I had a bag of salad in the back of my crisper, that was covered in other stuff, my nose led me to it. I forget even buying it?
Hehe. I mean cow, as in grazing over fields of grass.(//vny!://
Uhm.... what was the question?
False. I try to clear out the fridge as much as I can. Freezer is another story.
The person below me had a weird dream last night.[/DIV]
The person below me will be relocating within the year.
True. (hopefully)
The person below me is still tired.
The person below me likes sledding!!
(What the heck happened to my post? Aaaargghhh, I swore I posted before SD did!)
The person below me is frustrated with some of the problems of this site.
False. Works fine for me. Maybe TB just loves me.
The person below me has hands 'burning' from shovelling snow.
Nope. Not from the snow, from the salt I threw on the sidewalk on the side of my house, gutters are frozen so overflowing directly onto the sidewalks, which are icy, lol.
The person above me really likes the snow in her inner childself
Yes he certainly does
The person below me often walks around with his/her mouth open trying to catch snowflakes on his/her tongue.
I did today as a matter of fact Gopher.
The person below me likes soup on cold days
The person below me likes the song "Party like it's 1999" by Prince.
Uh, Nyet.
The person below me likes the song summertime by the fresh prince.. 1992 i believe
Don't know that one, Russ
*I loved that song AND Little Red Corvette
The person below me is going out for dinner tonight.
True, not eating dinner at home, dont know where we will be eating.
The person below me likes potato chips
True, or should I say 'Guilty'! : )
The person below me loves Chocolate?
LIKES chocolate. Im not going to marry it or anything :)
The person below me likes meat in some of their sandwiches??
True. I prefer Russ in my manwich but I'll take chicken breasts anytime.
The person below me has a lotta junk food lying around in the kitchen pantry.
The person below loves icecream (strawberry)
False....not so big on the ice cream
The person below me has made a 1000 piece jigsaw puzzle before.
False. Try 2,000. I love jigsaw puzzle.
The person below me enjoys cheese fondue.
Ohhhhh....TRUE. Me likey the fondue.
The person below me has had a fender bender because of ice.
True. In the past.
The person below me likes pizza.
Who doesn't like pizza?
Person below me took a walk today
The person below me has won the lottery before.
False......but you'd think I would have come close. I sold lottery tickets at the Vancouver Airport for a couple years, and that was back when the vendor would earn a percentage if they sold a winning ticket. Out of the hundreds of thousands of tickets I win.
The person below me has a 'old favourite' casserole recipe.
True. Made it a few days ago actually.
The person below me has snowshoed before
I could have when I went to Breck 2 years ago but I decided to ski another day instead.
The person below me has to go to work now lol.
psssst Bud! Wheres the question? lol.
what oh lol dreading work my bad.
The person below me has had a nice evening.
The person below me is amazed at all the bad news on the accidents ont eh news
The person below me is glad that bad news dominates the headlines (if it didn't then it would mean that bad news was the norm rather than the exception).
Good point actually! True. Otherwise like what you say, we would become desensitised to it, and it would become the norm.
The person below me can tell me what is a good colour to paint the washroom?
The person below me shops daily for food, instead of the big weekly shopping.
False. Usually once a week.. if that.
If I want a certain meal or need stuff for a meal, Ill go out and get it for that day, and stock up as well.
Im a random shopper really, theres no ryhme or reason to what I do. Or buy really. I stock up on things that I dont need to.
The person below me likes shakespeare
I think for the most part, I don't understand it. [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://" border=0]
The person below me has written a poem for their sweetie.
The person below me likes Thai food.
True! *morning PL
Love the curries with coconut milk
The person below me has an external hard drive or a USB memory stick
*Heya Russ*
The person below me prefers to wear cotton clothes than polyester.
True.....except for undies. [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://" border=0]
The person below me is already counting the minutes till the end of the day. FRIDAY !!!!!!
True, although its moreso for my friends to get off.. I can end my day at any time, lol.
the person below me wants another cup of coffee like I do
True but I'll have to settle for decaf.
The person below me loves marshmallows in their hot chocolate.
The person below me plans on getting up late tomorrow.
The person below me has eaten at a buffet within the last week. was at a hotpot buffet.
The person below me is a Canadian and has never visited the US.
The person below me has met a person from a forum.
The person below me would like to meet all active DS particpants.
The person below me wonders what EED looks like in real life.
I dunno, false. If I remember correctly EED is european euro dude or something to that effect is it not?
The person below me has done a brake stand before.
Would that be something I might do on purpose?
The person below me is a procrastinater
True. Worst when I have DS on.
The person below me has a headache.
I did have a headache but it went away.
The person below me ran into somebody they haven't seen in ages today or yesterday or the past week.
The person below me is sleepy.
true but I've got to work in a couple hours. ugh what people do for money.
The person below me had a good week.
The person below me can type over 60 wpm.
The person below me has been out tonight.
True went to Applebees with a friend of mine, then tried to melt my old hard drive (failure lol just going to throw it in the river tomorrow) and saw an old friend at Applebees as well. Good times
The person below me is excited in general
False. Don't know who general is. So nope, not excited about "General."
The person below me has seen a dead body.
Define 'dead' have I seen someone die in person: yes. I saw somebody who died in a car crash and saw someone get shot before. Funeral been to many.
The person below me likes the where they live
*define DEAD ???? To die would be right up there with dead
The person below me feels like they may have a before bed snack.
lol well you know 'dead' person. Watch someone die or dead body at a funeral type of dead. lol
I might since I have to go to work in about a half an hour.
The person below me is sleeping in tomorrow
The person below me used to wear head bands and still like them.
Never been a big hair band person. My hair never went over it but made it stand up more which wasn't cool especially on the basketball court.
The person below me has been called a 'dreamer'.
True. Proved em wrong. only props in life against people who used to bully or make fun of you...
I HAVE seen dead people/ bodies. Not a pretty sight... especially where I was in Africa. Nigeria is not the best place in the world, lol.
The person below me has had a good night?
So far depends on how my work goes friday nights are always weird. Yeah I've been called a dreamer and a talker my entire life and I'm sick of it. One of these days I'm going to prove all those nay sayers wrong and show them I'm not full of shit as they claim.
Anyway..... end rant.
The person below me doesn't get how rap music became popular. (neither do I)
True. It can go back to wherever it came from.. but thats just me. Everyone has their own tastes and likes/ dislikes. who am I to judge?? (I dislike rap, have I mentioned that? LOL)
the person below me dislikes R&B?
The person below me has dodged at least two acqaintances this week.
The person below me is happy to see rain again.
The person below me is already ready for spring because he/she is tired or wearing pants and sweaters. Time for skirts and tees!!!!!!!!!!!! Who's with me?
False. I don't know about you but I'm feeling cheated on my winter. Not cold enough.
The person below me had a nice lunch.
False. Couldn't eat after Lise Jr. threw up on me.
The person below me is enjoying the sunshine right now.
oh thats horrible hope lise jr is feeling better.
Nope no sunshine here instead snow snow snow. Its dark and gloomy outside.
The person below me has been outside today.
True. Am going back out in a moment.
The person below me watches too much television.
Doesn't everyone? My parents would say thats all I do but I disagree. lol
The person below me gets along with their siblings.
True, my brother and I are like best friends........ we barely argue, and alot of our friends are mutual friends.
We were just in the backyard pulling down our diseased pear tree. poor thing.. we had it for years.. we decided it was time for it to go when it gave us a grand total of three pears this year. We decided to play with some fun tools... the winch, the chainsaw, pickaxe, shovel, shears... the neighbors love us.
The person below me hates sharpening chainsaw blades...
The person below me has picked wild rice
False. I've eaten it before but not picked it.
The person below me did not get enough sleep last night.
The person below me is cute
True. (//vny!://
The person below me had a full breakfast this morning.
Too much sleep I'm afraid. Last night was pure hell. Took 6 hours to do my job in the snow the streets were not plowed and I spun out tons of times twice on the highway. ugh!
I just got up so I haven't had anything to eat yet.
The person below me is having a good weekend.
True. I love my weekends because it's family time.
The person below me wants an iPhone.
The person below me can't afford an IPhone.
I don't know I want a razor first.
The person below me is looking for a new car.
True. If I can afford one.
The person below me needs a Tylenol right now.
The person below me has already eaten
false speaking of food I need to eat *goes to raid the kitchen*
Person below me is about to have lunch
The person below me is happy with life in general.
*gotta dash! catch ya later!*
True. Life is good The person below me bet on today's football games
Nope I don't gamble, I've seen what it does to people.
The person below me watched a movie today and enjoyed themselves.
Nope, didn't watch a movie nor did I "enjoy" myself. ;) LOL
The person below me has friends over.
lol. meant had a good time :)
Nope no friends over but my sister (whose social life runs circles around me (//forums/richedit/smileys/Sad/11.gif) ) went out
The person below me had an awesome weekend.
True. Any time when I'm not working is AWESOME.
The person below me has had a tooth extracted.
I've had 8 teeth taken out permenantly. 4 molars 4 wisdom. painful.
The person below me is going skiing this year (I am and I'm so excited!)
True. Beginners. My first time.
The person below me likes to live in high rises.
You went skiing this year? Awesome. We're off to Breckenridge for Spring Break so much fun.
I do like to live in high rises makes me feel 'important-ish'.
The person below me loves cold weather.
Nope, haven't been skiing yet but I will this year.
The person below me is ready for Spring.
I don't know if I'm ready for Spring since I really haven't been able to enjoy winter this year. Hate the summers here though its a sauna here.
The person below me is watching tv right now.
The person below me is going out for dinner tonight
The person below me cooks really well.
I'm a horrible cook although I never have really tried to cook either.
The person below me needs a new cell phone.
Sportsdude wrote:
The person below me needs a new cell phone.
False. Nope, I like my ancient Motorola just fine. It doesn't have any fancy features, it's just s phone.
The person below me had driven across the country.
False (but I'd like to)
The person below me has a fireplace and uses it frequently.
Woodstove with a glass front count?
The person below me is having something home-cooked tonight
False. Just a sandwich. Sure a woodstove counts as a fireplace.
The person below me wants to paint something. monkey....I cannot tell a lie.....
[FONT size=6]TRUE[/FONT]
The person below me feels the need to give a lecture on the wisdom of relaxation.[img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://" border=0]
I also need to hear a lecture on relaxation! But it's easier to give one than receive one.
The person below me is able to do almost anything in the way of carpentry.
True... how straight do you want it and if it looks decent is something else. I know how to play with all the tools though.
The person below me wants a double big mac like what Im clogging my arteries with right now
(I want a couple of cream puffs to clog my arteries!)
The person below me eats out a lot.
*I love your latest statement, Russ. Funneee!* restaurants, hardly friends....often
The person below me is trying to play 'catch-up'
So much to read, so little time.
The person below me likes crossword puzzles.
I like anacrostics too.
The person below me likes jig-saw puzzles. (I'm thinking I might have asked this
ture. RSS and I did a 1000 piece, figured we would have no problems and got an 8000 piece. Um yeah, after three weeks we cleared off the dining room table and packed it away.
I don't blame you, but what's the question?
LOL. good point.
The person below me likes donuts?
(just creampuffs and eclairs)
The person below me loves to travel. long as both feet remain on terra firma. (OK, so I don't get FAR)
The person below me has travelled somewhere by train.
Scared of flying P.C.? I've got fear of airports for some reason but I love the flying part. bizarre. The more the airport feels like a mall the better I feel for some reason.
Never been on a train I wish that North America had a vast high speed rail system like Europe does.
The person below me watched the football game tonight.
It was on during my shift at work. (I've been across Canada twice by train.)
The person below me plans to relax tonight.
You have Kitten? AWESOME!!
Yeah the colts made the biggest comeback in the history of the playoffs.
Relaxing yes, I do to work tonight thank god its not snowing like last night, what a mess.
The person below me wants to see Arctic Canada
Where is that exactly. I was stuck in the walk-in freezer at work once. Does THAT count?
The person below me loves roller coasters
The person below me has more than 5 full photo albums.
I used to like roller coasters but this one in roller coaster in Chicago almost knocked me out. It had a few to many loops and I started to black out one more loop and I would have gone unconscience.
Artic Canada (above the arctic circle)
True, family has a million photo albums
The person below me cleaned today
Only my little self.
The person below me reads their horoscope.....even if they don't believe in it.
The person below me knows their blood type..
I thought I did but no I don't I think its O- though.
The person below me has had something burn down in their life.
I almost burned down my dads garage when I was younger. does that count?
The person below me thinks I should have just flushed the mcdonalds I ate right downt eh toilet instead of the 10 minutes of suffering Im about to endure.
True......hindsight is always 20/20
The person below me has a good sense of direction
Yeah that counts, when I was little my house burned down and then 4 years later my church burned down. lol weird.
Yes very good sense of direction.
Yes I completely agree Mcdonalds eckkkkk!
The person below me likes to party
*sorry for interrupting the flow, but do YOU know your blood type Russ. I've even had a blood transfusion, and I still don't. Should I ?
The person below me would consider some form or sort of plastic surgery.
Already have had plastic surgery.
The person below me has had some kind of work done.
Would a pedicure qualify?
The person below me is afraid of getting old.
* aging doesn't bother me, just the aches that accompany old age*
The person below me thinks that good friends are important in life.
True. So very true.
The person below me keeps in touch with friends often.
True....good friends ARE life.
The person below me has cried in the last hour.
*actually, I was responding to Kittens in spite of the warning that there was another post. It takes so long to
Then I realized it fit purelife's equally as well.
I try.
Yeah I've cried in the last 15 minutes actually
The person below hasn't had a hair cut in ages
*you try to cry in the last hour, SD?"*
The person below me has siblings.
Two sisters.
The person below me is the youngest in their family.
False. I'm the oldest.
The person below me has a great great grandma who is still alive.
False....I'm a orphan. No grandparents or parents either.
The person below me likes to spend some time alone.
great great grandpa? heck no they died before world war 2. lol
I meant I cried 15 minutes ago.
I spend to much time alone and get really lonely.
The person below me has grand kids
False.. well none that I know of anyhow.
the person below knows their ethnic heritage?
P.C. wrote:
*sorry for interrupting the flow, but do YOU know your blood type Russ. I've even had a blood transfusion, and I still don't. Should I ?
I know mine because I went to donate blood and they tested everything before taking it.. you should see the forms you fill out they even want to know if youve bumholed someone and if someone has bumholed you! I ended up being denied in the end cause I worked in africa.. and theres a high risk of diseases and malaria there.
Im type O-, my brother is type O-, my mother the same, and my father type O+
They call us for our blood, lol. Apparenly its a universal blood that can be put into anyone.
You should ask your doctor for your blood type, if you have had a transfusion it will be in your file, some bloods CANNOT mix and if you get the wrong one it will be rejected by your body.. Its good to know your blood type if you need blood in an emergency.. they might not have time to check.[/DIV]
I sort of know my ethnic heritage I've got lost family members over in Hungary/Germany split by war and I'd like to find them.
The person below me has kids
[div style="font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;"]Im type O-, my brother is type O-, my mother the same, and my father type O+[/div] [span style="font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;"]They call us for our blood, lol. Apparenly its a universal blood that can be put into anyone.[/span]
[hr style="width: 100%; height: 2px;"]That's one of the rare blood types. That would certainly come in handy when someone needs it. :) I have the most common one, A+. It's common, right?
A+ isn't the most common one, purelife. I'm O+ which is the most common. My father had AB+ which is one of the rarest blood types.
False. Dont have kidlets.
The person below me wants to click the 'dress your zinky'
Psst! you two! Wheres your q and a's?? tut tut
I thought that O+ was one of the rare ones.. and that A+ was common. Hmm, learn something new all the time. Thanks miss kitten
Oh, I guess that I was misinformed. I thought it was. oopsies. So, O+ is more common than A+, I take it? And AB+ is extremly rare? I've got lots to learn.
True. I do want to click it but am afraid of pop ups galore.
PS My q's and a's are properly crossed and dotted. ;)
The person below me plans to smoke a cuban cigar soon.
People with O blood are called universal donors because they can donate to any blood type. However, they can only receive type O.
Here's a ton of info on blood types by country:
[h3][span class="mw-headline"]Table of ABO and Rh distribution by nation[/span][/h3] [table class="wikitable" style="width: 45em; text-align: center;"] [caption]ABO and Rh blood type distribution by nation (averages for each population)[/caption] [tbody][tr style="width: 9%;"] [th style="width: 28%; text-align: left;"]Population[/th] [th]O+[/th] [th]A+[/th] [th]B+[/th] [th]AB+[/th] [th]O−[/th] [th]A−[/th] [th]B−[/th] [th]AB−[/th] [/tr] [tr] [th style="text-align: left;"]Australia[sup id="_ref-9" class="reference"][a href="vny!://" title=""][11][/a][/sup][/th] [td]40%[/td] [td]31%[/td] [td]8%[/td] [td]2%[/td] [td]9%[/td] [td]7%[/td] [td]2%[/td] [td]1%[/td] [/tr] [tr] [th style="text-align: left;"]Canada[sup id="_ref-10" class="reference"][a href="vny!://" title=""][12][/a][/sup][/th] [td]39%[/td] [td]36%[/td] [td]7.6%[/td] [td]2.5%[/td] [td]7%[/td] [td]6%[/td] [td]1.4%[/td] [td]0.5%[/td] [/tr] [tr] [th style="text-align: left;"]Denmark[sup id="_ref-11" class="reference"][a href="vny!://" title=""][13][/a][/sup][/th] [td]35%[/td] [td]37%[/td] [td]8%[/td] [td]4%[/td] [td]6%[/td] [td]7%[/td] [td]2%[/td] [td]1%[/td] [/tr] [tr] [th style="text-align: left;"]Finland[sup id="_ref-12" class="reference"][a href="vny!://" title=""][14][/a][/sup][/th] [td]27%[/td] [td]38%[/td] [td]15%[/td] [td]7%[/td] [td]4%[/td] [td]6%[/td] [td]2%[/td] [td]1%[/td] [/tr] [tr] [th style="text-align: left;"]France[sup id="_ref-13" class="reference"][a href="vny!://" title=""][15][/a][/sup][/th] [td]36%[/td] [td]37%[/td] [td]9%[/td] [td]3%[/td] [td]6%[/td] [td]7%[/td] [td]1%[/td] [td]1%[/td] [/tr] [tr] [th style="text-align: left;"]Hong Kong, China[sup id="_ref-14" class="reference"][a href="vny!://" title=""][16][/a][/sup][/th] [td]40%[/td] [td]26%[/td] [td]27%[/td] [td]7%[/td] [td]<0.3%[/td] [td]<0.3%[/td] [td]<0.3%[/td] [td]<0.3%[/td] [/tr] [tr] [th style="text-align: left;"]Korea, South[sup id="_ref-15" class="reference"][a href="vny!://" title=""][17][/a][/sup][/th] [td]27.4%[/td] [td]34.4%[/td] [td]26.8%[/td] [td]11.2%[/td] [td]0.1%[/td] [td]0.1%[/td] [td]0.1%[/td] [td]0.05%[/td] [/tr] [tr] [th style="text-align: left;"]Sweden[sup id="_ref-16" class="reference"][a href="vny!://" title=""][18][/a][/sup][/th] [td]32%[/td] [td]37%[/td] [td]10%[/td] [td]5%[/td] [td]6%[/td] [td]7%[/td] [td]2%[/td] [td]1%[/td] [/tr] [tr] [th style="text-align: left;"]UK[sup id="_ref-17" class="reference"][a href="vny!://" title=""][19][/a][/sup][/th] [td]37%[/td] [td]35%[/td] [td]8%[/td] [td]3%[/td] [td]7%[/td] [td]7%[/td] [td]2%[/td] [td]1%[/td] [/tr] [tr] [th style="text-align: left;"]USA[sup id="_ref-18" class="reference"][a href="vny!://" title=""][20][/a][/sup][/th] [td]38%[/td] [td]34%[/td] [td]9%[/td] [td]3%[/td] [td]7%[/td] [td]6%[/td] [td]2%[/td] [td]1%[/td][/tr][/tbody][/table]
True, I WANT a cuban soon.. been awhile since I sucked on a stogie while sipping some single malt scotch.
Hmm. Thats an interesting chart SD. Do you have link to the site so I can bookmark it? Do you know what year that was from? I want to keep that on file.
BUT you didnt do a Q and A either. hmm. this thread is drifting off the shipping lanes here...
The person below me likes Ivory
(Prefer Dove)
The person below me prefers baths to showers.
Cuban cigar? Those are illegal I don't want to go to prison.
Ivory? Thats illegal too!
I can't fit in a bath tub too tall so I take showers.
Here's the link Russ:
[a href="vny!://"]vny!://[/a]
The person below has worked night shifts before
EDIT: Didn't know you meant the soap.
True. I have worked it in two jobs.. and I someimtes do a night shift while on ship.
The person below me wants to own a boat at some point in their life.
Ivory is legal if it is already in the country. But cannot be imported or exported without the proper documentation.. that it is not poached but culled legally.
I have some Ivory at home.
Cuban Cigars are legal for us.. its also legal for us to go to Cuba.
Yep I know about Cuba its stupid. The 1950's are over geesh.
I'd like a sail boat/yacht and boat between Vancouver Island and the lower mainland.
The person below me has been to Yukon.
Van Isle and the gulf islands are great.
The person below me wants to get a motorbike
I've always wanted to ride a motorcycle. It would be really fun to drive down on the rarely ever driven on roads down on the farm. There's this really old motorcycle down there that I could learn on.
The person below me has taken flying lessons.
False. I really REALLY want to though. Two of my buddies went and got their small plane liscence for Cessna's. Cost them around 6 grand. Now we sometimes go rent a plane for 100 bucks an hour. pretty fun.
The person below me can tell me how much a pack of cigarettes is down where they are
False. My company doesn't sell cigarettes, marijuana (I wish) or cigars.
The person below me celebrates V-day.
Dont know what to do yet. Still have lots of time
The person below me knows what he/ she is doing
The person below me has a bad cough.
the person below me likes love story movies
The person below me watched Star Wars four times already.
The person below me has read Gone With The Wind
False. There was a book?? (//vny!://
The person below me has watched original Dirty Dozen.
Person below me cant wait for summer
The person below me loves fishing.
Person below me wants to sit on a boat with me and some beers this summer...
drinking and boating is bad isn't it? But sure why not lol. Live too far away though sorry.
The person below me has driven across the country
False. made it two provinces over then got called away to sea. never had a chance since to try it again.
The person below me wants to drive across the US and CAnada
I want to drive across Canada and then drive up to the Arctic Ocean. Dempster Highway?
The person below me likes hockey
True. I like to watch (LIVE) and play hockey, if that was what you meant.
The person below me likes to wear khakis.
True I have a number of thems.
The person below me likes lower lever or upper level at GM place
Upper. Never been to GM Place but the real people are up in the upper deck while the people who just want to be seen are in the lower sections.
The person below me has been to a CFL game.
TRue. BC lions.
The person below me has heard of the AHL
yes I have
Vancouver Giants
The person below me has done curling before
The person below me went bowling before and plans to try the race cart driving.
Yeah I used to bowl a lot when I was younger. Best I ever did was 170. Race cart driving? You mean actual driving in a 'race car' I've done that. A couple years ago my friends wanted to enter a amatuer car race and have me drive but I declined wasn't up to it. Now I'm too tall to fit in a race car. (race car driving runs in the family)
The person below me has driven a tractor before
True. hit something too, uncle never let me touch his tractor again.
Person below me thinks writing the person below me every time is tedious.
AHL is american hockey league
Do you mean 'Go Cart'?[/DIV]
True. It sure is tedious.
True or False: I have swam in the nude.
He he now this is open to interpretation..
I will say that True I (russ) has skinny dipped.
And I will say True I (purelife) has skinny dipped.
PBM watches Clive Cussler on the Sea Hunters
Nope, I (purelife) have never skinny dipped.
And nope, never watched that.
True or False: I have decorated a party for my partner. (ie. birthday)
True. Some really crazy party at my cousins house everyone swam in his lake, in his backyard.
False. I sadly do not have a girlfriend nor never have.
True or False:
Do you like Canadian rock music (Stills, Arcade Fire, Stars, Broken Social Scene etc.)
Hey Cliver Cussler - my b/f has his books! No wonder I recognize that author!
True or False:
Do you like Canadian rock music (Stills, Arcade Fire, Stars, Broken Social Scene etc.)
False. I have never heard of those bands.
Ture or False:
HAve ever been to Europe
purelife wrote:
Hey Cliver Cussler - my b/f has his books! No wonder I recognize that author![/DIV]
LOL. I love Clive cussler. Prob one of my favorite authors. I have all of his novels. [/DIV]
You've never heard of Arcade Fire? OMG no way. They've been on the Time Magazine cover, nominated for a Grammy considered one of the most influential bands of the 21st century so far.
I've never heard of Arcade Fire. Are you saying that we should be reading the Times or something?
purelife wrote:
Hey Cliver Cussler - my b/f has his books! No wonder I recognize that author![/DIV]
LOL. I love Clive cussler. Prob one of my favorite authors. I have all of his novels.
[/DIV][/DIV]You guys probably have the same taste in books.
No not saying that I'm just saying I'm talking about the biggest most influential band to come out of Canada and you haven't heard of them.
[a href="vny!://"]
I guess that they weren't so influential at all. :P LOL
Anyways, back on topic.
True or False: I think fishnets are sexy (on yourself or on a girl)
False on either of them. Better piled on the floor.
True or False
Watched 'the guardian.
True or False: likes to buy birthday cards.
False. Such a chore.
The person below me has received flowers at work before.
True. My coworker got me flowers for my b-day.
True or false: prefers cheesecake over tiramisu.
The person below me loves chocolate cake.
True or False: I've seen a waterfall.
The person below has stepped on doggy's doo doo before.
haven't we all?
True or False: You are going to try to see an event when the Olympics come in 2010
You mean Live? If so, false.
True or false: you like or liked to play with lego.
The person below me can't stand Borat.
T or F
Person below me likes steak[/DIV]
The person below is having a good laugh at what's happening on DV.
True. And is getting to be mundane.
Person below likes to eat chicken wings with the fingers.
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm chicken wings mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
the person below me likes gum
Um, you never answered if you eat chicken wings with your fingers, SD. Tsk!
True to chewing and liking gum.
The person below me has played knicky knicky 9 doors. (I think that's the name)
whats knicky knicky 9 doors it sound kinky.
True....I think
The person below me has been fired from a job
False. Told him to stick the job up his ass though.
T or F
Person below me likes water or juice better
lol....I pick I pick, juice,wat......I don't know
The person below me likes tonic water.
True. If theres Gin in it.
T or F
Person below me likes the smell of freshly cut wood. of my favourite smells.
The person below me has got to get dinner ready soon.
*hmmh.....I just blessed you three times. I thought you could only do it once per hour. I wasn't sure that the first one took, so I did it again. Then I thought, that the first one HAD counted. So then I tried it AGAIN to see if I was right.....LOL
Hey! yer a mod with godlike powers! I can still only bless once an hour. *grumble*
I thought my blesses were going up abnormally fast.
I would never intentionally abuse this power [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://" border=0] .....I really didn't know.
False. Dinners cancelled due to lack of interest.
The person below me wants to go for a walk
False.....I'm in put my feet up mode, and a relaxo is in order.
The person below me won't be following the Pickton murders trial on TV
True, too much effort. Ill watch the verdict.
T or F
Likes watching movies
True....but I never seem to take the time. I'm about a decade behind on
The person below me saw Sylvian Brown getting put in her place on Anderson Cooper tonight.
false. that would've been funny!
the person below me knows where the bow and stern are located on a boat.
just had it on PC saw it.
ture. of course I know the bow and stern. lol, would be pretty bad if i didnt.
Person below me knows what port and starboard is on a vessel
OH I DO!!!!!
Bow front
Stern rear
Starboard out towards the seas
port- closet side to the dock
starboard - right....port - left
(worked on the tug boats for a while)
The person below me has been on a luxury cruise. edit....if you're facing the bow
where's your question, SD?!
btw, knickey knickey 9 doors is a childhood game. you ring a doorbell of a house and then RUN for your life. you ring the buzzer on apt doors and then don't asnwer when they're on the speaker... it was fun..'twas good times, good times.
oh thanks for the clarity on the game Pl, don't know where the question is I can't think of any. lol
[FONT size=4]OMG purelife[/FONT]....I'm SO sorry. I accidently removed your post. I was trying to remove MINE
(the ???) because I figured out what I was puzzled about) My deepest apologies.
hmmm, then i'll ask.
the person below me likes apples dipped in peanut butter. mmmm....
Forgive me ??????? [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://" border=0]
forgive you cause you like apples dipped in peanut sauce? uh ok.
The person below me likes CSI
one of my post here was removed?
i didn't even notice... lol
ok, you need to bless me 10 times for your boo boo... hee hee.. ;)
Your last post, moments ago said 'you'd better not do that at my appartment......."
It puzzled me, so I responded with "???". THEN I immediately figured out what you were referring to, so I quickly tried to remove post. I AM really sorry.
(I'm sorry I'm not playing properly for a minute or two, but I'm rattled over this.)
true. i like csi.
the person below me dislikes it when people use the words "like" "do you understand" "do you know what i mean" all the time in sentences.
don't worry pc. posts removed don't bother me :) thx for letting me know though.. ;)
Like omg like I totally hate it when like um people like use like in a sentence its like omg.
The person below me likes hammicks
What the H. E. double hockey sticks is a hammick?
those things you put out in between trees and lay down to rest on.
Hammock thats what I meant to say sorry. Word processing problem I've got, I can hide the problem really well but there are some words where I can't hide it. I'll spell surprised suprised or Arctic Artic. I'm freaking illiterate.
Ohhhhh...sorry. the hammock
The person below me doesn't need an alarm clock to get up early.
lol thats baloney for me.
Person below me stutters
The person below me has eaten a snail before.
Oh the escargot
The person below me likes squid.
The person below me has eaten squid ink soup before.
(//forums/richedit/smileys/Shocked/2.gif) what did it taste like? chicken?
I didn't know there was such a thing Lise.
So that would be a False for me.
*tell me about it
The person below me is feeling generally happy tonight
yeah I am actually feeling pretty good today
person below me wants to know what squid and squid ink taste like?
Somewhat true.
Squid Ink: [A href="vny!://"]vny!://[/A]
Dunno myself. I saw it on the TV the other day. When you said squid, it kinda just popped into my head.
The person below me has been spammed once too many.[/DIV]
I know what squid tastes it. I don't know what squid ink might taste like.....sounds messy
The person below me likes Greek food
what does it taste like PC?
You've not had calamari? It's usually cut in thin onion rings.....battered and deep fried. They are mild tasting and have a bit of a rubbery texture. A tzatziki sauce to dip into.....Quite yummy.
isnt kalamri like squid?
The person below me thinks people should answer the questions above them AS WELL AS posting a question before answering the other random questions.
oops I forgot about calamari.
I do....I did....True
Calamari IS squid.
The person below me is going to bed early tonight
True. Ill try to be in bed by one am tongiht.
the person below me likes to collect paintings like I do
I have no walls.
The person below me likes black and white photography.
False. If I want a picture it is to be colour.
The person below me is spending lots of time reading the threads on DV
It's frustrating to not be able to say a thing or two. A few posts have inspired a couple comments.
The person below me has their mind made up about the right path for DV.
The person below me likes the sopranos
The person below me has won something and will tell us his/her winnings.
True. Biggest prize I've won so far was a night's stay at the Empress hotel including ferry tickets.
The person below me gets sick after seeing someone else's vomit.
false. I won the lottery once, I won an extra scratch off ticket. Felt bored down on the farm went to the grocery store then out of curiosity bought a ticket then won a ticket but never redeemed it.
The person below me feels a little stuffy and has a dry throat this morning.
Hey SD, you're not playing by the game. You are supposed to answer the latest statement. (//vny!://
The person below me has an emergency kit at home.
False. No kit at home.
Yeah, SD. When you see that red remark notifying you that someone has posted, you need to stop and go back.
The person below me prefers white gold over gold.
True. Thinking of wedding rings, purelife? (//vny!://
White gold is really beautiful. I think it's a good change from the normal gold rings. I'd go for it if you have the extra $$$.
The person below me is excited for the year 2007.
I am very excited about '07 got a good feeling about it.
*sorry guys guess it was too early in the morning for me usually I do go back*
The person below me is having chicken
True. For dinner.
The person below me has read Asimov.
The person below me is having a good morning.
Somewhat true.
The person below me is starting to get hungry.
The person below me is feeling in first class condition today
False. Am a bit under the weather.
The person below me wants to sail around the world.
True (with long stops everywhere along the way)
The person below me is clock-watching
True that would be awesome but I'd need a gf to do it with. Going alone ain't fun
false. what clock
The person below me wants to go back to sleep again.
The person below me doesn't sleep well
True. Some times.
The person below me is a light sleeper.
The person below me is happy in their work.
True. I'm very happy with the company I am with. I can see myself here for a long time.
The person below me has been promoted.
The person below me has never been fired
True. I told him to stick his job up his...
The person below me has a hair dryer
True (it's the wind)
The person below me is alone in the room
Ture. On a wireless laptop.
Person below me has DS and the TV on at the smae time.
The person below me likes writing letters
yes I''m alone, upstairs, in my room, looking at the highway and the cars zip by from my window.
Yes I have the TV on MSNBC at the moment. Betty's not on CNN today so I'm not watching CNN.
I like the personalization of letters, I love it when people send me stuff it makes me feel important. But my writing is horrible.
The person below me has had lunch
True on writing letters and false about having lunch.
The person below me enjoys reading poetry.
The person below me is a romantic
True. Romance R me. ;)
The person below me is also a romantic type.
The person below me should meet the person above her
Uh? ok?
The person below me has three different kinds of toothpaste
The person below me has too many shirts
and not enough pants that fit anymore. lol
Person below me has a system to know when things need checking or changing of batteries around their house
False (absolutely)
The person below me is disorganised
False. Only my bills and important documents are disorganized.
The person below me would love to meet Gopher.
False - I see enough of him in the mirror
The person below me is wearing something blue
True I'd love to me everyone on here.
jeans wearing jeans
The person below me is still tired and is going to take a nap.
And not wearing anything blue today too.
The person below me likes clothse from Old Navy/The Gap/American Eagle/Banana Republic.
False. Uhm... I don't like wearing brand names if I can help it.
The person below me is afraid of mice.
False. The only way they'd scare me is skirt along the wooden floors in front of my feet when I'm all relaxed. That would freak me because it's totally unexpected.
The person below me doesn't kill bugs. This person lets them free. Ie. catch the spider/fly and let it out.
False. I screamed, then grabbed the nearest newspaper and whack! whack! whack! If it's a big spider, it's spray! spray! spray!
Sometimes if I'm in a good mood, I catch them then let go.
The person below me has cobwebs in the corners.
False. RSS got rid of all my friends in the corners.
the person below me likes it when my dog and cat get in a scrap beside me when Im sleeping so I wake up thinking theres a war going on. like what just happened.
True, I love that feeling!
The person below me used to watch the 'Barbapapas' on tv when they were a kid.
False? Im having to google this.
The person below me has tried an online dating site?
The person below me has been to a singles outing.
Hey that avatar that Angel is using.... that's familiar!!!
The person below me is so happy to see the sunshine today.
*Yeah, I used to use that and then Chicklet used it... it gets around. ;)
The person below me once believed in Santa.
True. What do you mean once? He exists I tell you! Dont believe your parents, they lie to you to keep you down!
PBM has an external hard drive
I believe in Santa too. sssshhhh....
T/F: enjoyed their prom/grad night.
False. I didn't end up going.
The person below me had a boyfriend or a girlfriend in highschool.
False. No b/f.
T/F: enjoys long walks on the beach at night.
True. Especially in Australia.
The person below me has been to Hawaii.
False....and until I can drive there, it's not on my list.
The person below me will accomplish a task today, that they've been putting off.
The person below me has taken up life insurance.
The person below me has previously breakfasted on a reservation
T/F: has a cerification and will tell us what he/she is certified.
True......I'm a registered civil engineer
The person below me has collected unemployment insurance at least once
The person below me doesn't give a damn
True. (at least about certain things)
The person below has written a will.
The person below me is feeling very happy at the moment
PBM thinks a mouse is a great addition to computing/ surfing the net
PBM had a great lunch.
The person below me has been to The Old Country Market (the place with the goats on the roof)
False. (//vny!://
PBM loves dogs.
True on the top two questions.
I had forgotten about the goats on the roof on the market in Coombs, but I remembered the last time I went throug.. I was ecstatic. RSS thought I was a little wonky.
I love dogs... we have a Min Pin.
PBM can help me with the theory behind deep frying food.
False. Dunk and serve?
PBM hates doing the laundry.
Persson below has changed diapers more than twice this morning
Too true.
PBM has never changed a diaper in his/her life.
The person below me washed his/her hair this morning
False....thought I'd wait til AFTER I finished painting.
The person below me has stuck to their New years resolution so far.
*Russ....what do you need to know about deep frying?
True/False....didn't make any new year resolutions
The person below me has check the stock market performance at least once this morning
False. Any hot tips as to what to invest yet?
PBM owns a wok at home.
nope don't have that
the person below me is going to the autoshow when it comes to his or her town.
False. Hate cars and anything to do with them.
PBM had a crush on his or her highschool teacher at one point.
TBM has been in a hot air balloon.
False.........been up on a blimp though
The person below me rents his/her home
False. Making payments.
PBM wants a rubber ducky in their bathtub
Uhm, False? *scratches head*
TBM needs a good spanking for being naughty today.
True....although I would say the same if I wasn't naughty.
The person below me reads everything that was posted since they left the previous day.
EDIT: DRAT Quickdraw PC beat me out.
True, I read all that happened since I last left.
PBM has used 'mosnter clean' to clean their screens/ monitors before.
purelife wrote:
Uhm, False? *scratches head*
TBM needs a good spanking for being naughty today.[/DIV]
True! If you are doing it ;)
PC Wrote:
*Russ....what do you need to know about deep frying?
Uh, everything.. I want to attempt this again tonight but am hoping that someone will have a good website?
TBM thinks librarians are hot.
Would you like to be spanked with the hand or a ping pong paddle, Russ? ;)
PC, I could spank you if you wish. I mean, since I'm on a roll here ;)
Uh, True if they are young and having stared in such true non fiction stories such as Debbie Does the Library.
Otherwise most librarians I have seen are scary old ladies that glare at me all the time.
PBM likes playing ping pong?
False. Frack but that ball's small.
PBM likes to play golf.
False. I like drinking at the clubhouse though.
PBM liked the movie, Romancing the Stone
Never seen the movie.
TBM likes PB and J!
You've NEVER seen Romancing the Stone?!?!?! Argh! You gotta purelife! It's so funny and romantic, kinda your area.
PBM has watched The Terminator trilogy.
ok, I'll put it on my rent list. :)
TBM likes to wear vests.
False. (OK.... I don't own one)
PBM had an ice cream in the last week.
True. And freezies.
PBM has seen Blade Runner
True. BR ROCKS!!!
PBM has seen Aeon Flux.
False. The person below you has never heard of Aeon that a stomach ailment? [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://" border=0]
The person below me accomplished a lot today.
Yes, at work.
The person below me loves eating noodles.
can't go wrong with noodles!
TPBM likes diet sodas
FALSE.....wouldn't touch one with a ten foot can opener. Ptewwwwi
*your body doesn't know the difference. You're kidding yourself if you think diet soda is doing you any dietary favours. Science will back that up.
The person below me lights candles on more than just special occasions.
True. Im a pyro so after a few drinks Ill light all the candles I see. People go behind me and put them out.
PBM Has seen friday night lights.
Is that a movie?
I can't say true or false, because I don't know what that it. On the other hand, I HAVE seen lights on Friday nights.
The person below me has a 'music share' night. (that's when you dig out all your old faves.....and you get your partner to dig out all THEIR old faves, and then you take turns playing each other the old songs that had some meaning to you......complete with stories, of course)
Hmm, no I havent. That sounds good though. We have been doing game nights alot more now.. getting friends over and involved. We had both of our brothers and their g/fs involved.. We played settlers of Cattan. Im getting addicted to that dumb game.
Friday Night Lights.. movie: [A href="vny!://"]vny!://[/A]
PBM knows of or has played Settlers of Cattan?
Oy vay......False.
You're making me feel like I'm on another planet again. [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://" border=0]
The person below me can make a bonfire with ONE gasoline.
Uh, I have tried. It took me a number of times, with ONE match, but I managed to light a fire using dry moss and grass, and I carefully flayed dry pieces of cedar kindling.
Heres Settlers of Cattan: [A href="vny!://"]vny!://[/A]
PBM Likes playing computer games? ie NOT solitaire
The person below me had porridge for breakfast
False, but that sounds like a good idea. Its been a long time for me.. I think Ill see if I have any Red River left...
PBM Drinks a few cups of coffee every morning.
PBM has lost contact with a long time friend and wishes to find this person.
(I miss my friend... I don't even know how to find her again... (//vny!:// )
True.....thanks for the reminder, purelife. I think I'll get on it and look them up.
The person below me likes brown sugar and a wee dollop of butter on their porridge.
(You're welcome, PC.)
PBM always read before going to bed.
And the quickest way to fall asleep, is if the book is really good. If it's a crappy read, I tend to be able to hang in there longer......hoping it gets better I suppose.
The person below me has had to remove wallpaper before. (ugh)
True, got mad and sanded the rough edges and painted over it.
PBM hates it when they run out of toilet paper in the throne room.. especially when they find out the hard way.
lol.... could you spare a square?
The person below me doesn't like to be late.
Person below me likes cranberry juice.
The person below me prefers limeade more than lemonade. edit: Awwwww...I love Snoopy and Woodstock.
you two are too quick. Ive tried to post in the last three.
PBM has an icemaker ontheir fridge
PBM drinks a glass of milk a day.
False. Milk is good for you.
PBM has a digital camera
PBM loves eating hotdogs and chips.
PBM loves potatoes in its many creations.
True. Very true.
PBM likes eating at the Keg.
True, going there soon.
PBM likes spaghetti factory
false. I wasn't impressed with their food.
PBM has had vietnamese shrimp rolls.
False.... but that could change soon.
PBM loves eating dim sum.
False.. havent I told you my chicken foot story?
PBM wears a hat sometimes.
False......I get hat hair, so I don't bother.
The person below me plays or played on a baseball team.
But do tell, Russ..... what happened to the chicken feet?
PBM likes to eat cold pizza the following day.
pbm is curious about Russ's story about chicken feet.
(do tell Russ)
True.......I am curious
PBM has eaten bitter lemon
EDIT bitter melon
edit: False
The person below me has been to Mt. Rushmore.
The person below me is thankful that tomorrow's Friday
PBM has eaten frog's legs.
PBM prefers chicken over pork.
PBM enjoys a good bowl of spicy soup.
PBM has done something they're ashamed of.
PBM has had his or her fly zipper open and not know about it while he or she walked in public.
True. Did it today again at ICBC actually. Noticed after I was driving out.
PBM likes ICBC
Never had to deal with them. So, can't say.
PBM can see him/herself still posting on this forum in the next 5 years.
True. VIVA LA DS!!!
PBM has skinny dipped before.
I think this belongs in the naked thread but yes I have, skinny dipping is especially fun when there's girls around....
the person below me is has been to wreck beach
The person below me prefers to swim in the ocean than a pool
False. Kinda scared about the deep blue end.
PBM can swim laps.
I was a swimming champion in grade school. During summer camp, I'm really shy with the ladies (as people know) but if I always raced the hot life guards seeing who was the better swimmer. I killed them. I've got giant lung capacity I can go the length of an olympic pool without taking a breath (50m) then make the turn take a giant breath go about half way and take another one and do 100m. My strong legs come in handy. But I always flirted with the life guards by racing them and them leaving them at the starting line. Great fun. So yeah I'm a very good swimmer.
The person below me has gone off a high dive before.
Uhm, true if 15 ft diving board counts?
PBM went through an embarrassing moment and will tell us.
True and False
The person below me cans things in the summer.
T and F. used to with my mother.
PBM likes watching 80's movies
PBM wears a wedding band
PBM wants to get a new vehicle
False......just got one.
The person below me would like a Morgan.
*I'll have this one
[img style="WIDTH: 422px; HEIGHT: 306px" height=324 src="vny!://" width=473]
I'd like a Honda Fit.
The person below me had a nice dinner.
PBM has great plans for this weekend. plans.....yet
The person below me will go to the theatre this weekend.
PBM thinks Keannu Reaves is hawt.
He's very very warm.
The person below me knows all names of the faces on our currency.
I do sort of
Macdonald on the 5
Sir Lauier (the first Liberal PM) 10
King 50
the Queen 20
and oh gosh the PM before World War I is on the 100
checking to see if I was right....
Lauier is on the 5
Macdonald is on the 10 got those mixed up
Queen on the 20
King on the 50
Borden (the guy I was thinking of) on the 100
lol and I'm not even canadian.
That would be a True for SD who's forgoteen to put out the next statement.
PBM would like to travel around the world.
True I want to see the world
The person below me can name all the PM's (I can do all of the PM's of the 20th Century I get lost when I get into the 19th century) Harper, Martin, Chretien, Campbell, Mulroney, Turner, Trudeau, Clark, Trudeau, Pearson, Diefenbaker, Lauerent, King, Borden, Lauier.
ah dang I skipped over Bennett (comes before St. Laurent) and Meighen comes after Borden before King! argh got to remember those two.
Asked and Answered
The person below me uses butter instead of margarine
So very true.
Person below me eats whole wheat everything.
Somewhat true with the exception of bagels. I don't touch them if I can even the wholewheat ones.
PBM played basketball in highschool and sucked at it.
False. and I still sucked at it.
PBM can tell who first started using PBM in this thread.. and heres a hint, it wasnt me
lol, I don't know who used it first.
PBM thinks that PBM stands for peanut butter marmalade.
Somewhat true. (//vny!://
Methinks it's Gopher.
PBM has been to Europe.
I do believe it was Russ who was the trailblazer for PBM
[A href="vny!://,3475.1140.html"]vny!://,3475.1140.html[/A]
[TABLE style="TABLE-LAYOUT: fixed" cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=5 width="100%"] [TBODY] [TR] [TD vAlign=top width="85%" height="100%"]The person below me likes smoked cheese[/TD][/TR] [TR] [TD class=smalltext vAlign=bottom width="85%"] [TABLE style="TABLE-LAYOUT: fixed" width="100%" border=0] [TBODY] [TR] [TD class=smalltext align=left width="100%" colSpan=2][/TD][/TR] [TR] [TD class=smalltext vAlign=bottom align=left][/TD] [TD class=smalltext vAlign=bottom align=right] [A href="vny!://;searchip="].[/A] [/TD][/TR][/TBODY][/TABLE][/TD][/TR][/TBODY][/TABLE]
False. Ill take cheddar.
Uh, and further back miss PC. KINGY used an abreviation. I actually was looking back for something that somebody recently asked was checking and saw what he did.
[img alt="" src="vny!://" border=0]
PBM can tell me why I still have xmas lights up. the goat Russ
True....cause they're purdy.
The person below me misses Kitten.
True. I hope she's doing ok... and getting better.
I honestly think the xmas lights are still up cause Im lazy.
PBM thinks old everyday items now considered garbage or antiques are really really neat!
The person below me is an early bird
Apparently not as early as you
The person below me has a cat.
True, or is it the Cat has me?
PBM likes to rent a car for a road trip.
PBM likes to listen to Diana Krall.
purelife wrote:[div style="font-style: italic;"]PBM likes to listen to Diana Krall.[/div]
False (never heard of her)
The person below me likes action flicks.
PBM has too many old clothes they dont use anymore in their closet
False. My wardrobe is pitiful and sparse.
PBM is waiting to watch Ghost Rider.
PBM is an active volunteer in his/her community.
False. But would like to later on in life.
PBM has donated to the SPCA before.
False and wont.
PBM has read Wilbur Smith.. River God
And why not donate to the SPCA? They need us!!!
PBM has wicked plans for retirement.
PBM always has cereal for breakfast.
True on weekdays, false on weekends.
PBM likes Bonns' on Broadway
PBM has had McDonalds Gridle burger-pancakes and think it's too sweet.
PBM likes Tim Horton's breakfast sandwiches.
Yuck, False.
I actually like the mcgriddles. lol.
PBM has been icefishing.
PBM has skated on an outdoor pond/lake.
PBM has a passport
true. but it expired. :(
PBM is not looking forward to the lineups at the passport office in downtown.
False. When I have to get my passport it shouldn't take too long.
The person below me is still tired.
true...a wee bit sleepy
Person below uses salon hair products (shampoo/conditioner etc.) only
doesn't everyone shampoo their hair? Eck if they don't!
The person below me can't think in the mornings
False (after the first hour).
The person below me wonders what it's all about.
very true. I doth protest too much.
The person below me likes epics
EDIT: You guys are too quick! Uhm, epic what? movies? I guess false.
*uhm, you misunderstood, SD. Some people buy drug store shampoo/conditioner and some buy them from the salons. The salon products are more expensive and generally better than store-bought.
PBM likes to eat biscuits with their tea/coffee.
....and what IS it all about Alphie....I mean Gophie
The person below me doesn't pump their own gas
um, no on the biscuts.
Epic movies: LOTR, etc.
Oh yeah I get saloon stuff.
The person below had tea this morning
True. to having tea this morning.
person below knows how to check tire pressure and fill with air appropriately.
PBM uses only credit cards that offer rebates or rewards
The person below me prefers to pay cash
HEY ! SD.....answer the question above you before moving on.
*haven't quite grasped the concept of this game yet, have ya[img onmouseover="'#C6D3EF';'1px solid #3169C6'; " style="BORDER-RIGHT: #3169c6 1px solid; BORDER-TOP: #3169c6 1px solid; BORDER-LEFT: #3169c6 1px solid; CURSOR: pointer; BORDER-BOTTOM: #3169c6 1px solid; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #c6d3ef" onclick="InsertImage('/forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/4.gif');" onmouseout="'';''" src="vny!://" align=absMiddle][/DIV]
The person below me doesn't pump their own gas
*Not you, silly goose, Russ. I know YOU'VE got it
False. I have grasped the game
False I pump My own gas.
PBM will miss Ford when it goes bankrupt. (I wont)
false. You're talking about Ford cars?
PBM can make chicken noodle soup. (and send some to me?)
what? I missed a question again? oh silly me.
chicken noodle mmm sounds good.
Person below loves it when people check in on them and seem like they care
False (only when they really care).
The person below me has nothing special planned for the weekend.
False. Going to the auto show on Sunday. Sit in my future car the Honda Fit.
The person below me wishes governments would spend more on public transit.
False.....hahahah Gopher, you beat me to it. That's exactly what I wrote, but then had to take the long journey back to post again.
The person below me will make homemade cookies this week
*from now on, I'm going to post anyways, and I'll modify my true or false ...Like I just did
PBM believes that great minds think alike.
True sort of.
PBM wants their life back
False....never lost it
The person below me has a lot of kids in their neighbourhood
PBM is glad they're not a member of the royal family.
true. I went from old people to young families or kids my age. (different neighbourhoods)
no I like being a commoner
PBM worries too much
PBM has read self-help books.
SD....[img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://" border=0]
Person below me would rather be infamous than merely famous
No. I don't want to be either
can't seem to find that smilie on cheeseburger what does it mean?
PBM is confused
False. not confused.
PBM owns a typewriter.
I do. I use it to write christmas letters.
TPBM had lunch
TPBM plans on having an early night
The person below me has used a potters wheel
True and LOVED IT.
The person below me has taken pictures of wildlife in the wild.
The person below me can do one magic trick really well.
The person below me no longer has the wool pulled over his/her eyes.
The person below me likes a challenge
Challenge is my middle name. Counselors, doctors, shrinks have all said to me and my parents "There is two paths the easy path or the really hard path, SD always takes the hard one"
The person below me is out of money
False (surprisingly)
The person below me realises his/her addiction to this site.
True too True. Most of December I spent crying in my room not leaving my room. All over an internet message board. crazy. Glad thats over with. lol although I gained 30lbs because of it. (not good)
The person below me didn't know what to do with there life at one point in their life
The person below me is an optimist
I try to be really really hard but pessism runs in the family. I always fear the worst.
The person below me lives in a rural setting.
False (I wish I did, it's what I'm used to).
The person below me wonders if when spring will come to work its miracle.
what spring? My flowers in the back yard have already bloomed then the ice came.
PBM likes where they live and explain why
PBM is also a daydreamer
True but I shouldn't it takes control of me too much and then I don't do anything. aka I get 'stuck' in my dreams. if that makes sense
The person below me grew up some where different then where they live now
The person below me has been out of his own country
True. Canada in '99. Drove through Windsor, London, Hamilton, St. Catharines, Niagra Falls. People drive way too fast on the 401 in Ontario. Saw a really cool farm house around London.
The person below me has been to every province of Canada.
False (only BC, AB and SK)
The person below me is confident that one day he will change his nationality.
TRUE!!! And can't wait.
A lot depends on this year to see how quickly I can do this. If I get into the BC school there's high probability I'll fall for a local girl which then means I sometime after the olympics. Heck give me the test now I'd pass it. But if that doesn't happen I've got to find 15 points to gain in order to get my PR and then work the hard way up. (only need 15 more points to gain a PR from Canada thanks to my job experience mainly).
The person below me has hope in the future.
PBM believes we'll live in spaceships in the near future.
I don't know about space ships but I believe we will be able to teleport in the future.
The person below me went to the bank this week
PBM hates cleaning the toilet.
Too True
The person below me has taken in some of that beautiful vitamin D today.
True. More Vitamin D plez!!!
PBM hates pulling weeds from garden. to do the weeding
The person below me has done some yard work today
Whats Vit-D again? I forget.
nope no yard work
The person below me is ready for the weekend!
You like weeding, PC? Ack! Come over and do my garden, plez!!! I haven't been able to touch the ground since pregnant and now I have overgrown weeds everywhere.
PBM is looking forward to seeing tulips soon.
I have little teeny tiny leaf buds on my climbing hydrangea.......Eeeeeeeee!!!!!
The person below me can't wait for that smell of cut grass
False. I see the lawn and I think work! work! work!
PBM has tried growing orchids.
Nope. The only thing I have had luck with is growing cactus's.. cause they dont need water.
PBM has a mantle clock?
PBM is going to get dinner going soon.
False...Mr. P.C. prefers to eat later on a Friday........and Saturday, Sunday, Monday................
The person below me thinks it's important to involve children with the dinner making prep.
True. Hey! Im not a kid anymore!
(sorry, the nights festivities has already started)
PBM has seen the dukes of hazzard movie?
The person below me has cracked his first Friday night beer
PBM has managed to burn cake before.
lol....False. But I burned the bejeezers out of some cookies once. I put them in the oven, and then went shopping. Hahhahahhahahaaa
The person below me has an expresso machine
false. Speaking of expresso machine, my last job had one and omg, divine! We made tasty latte's and had one of those steamer things... pretty modern looking.
PBM learned to ride a bike at age 5.
False. I can't remember.
LOL. Can't believe you did that to your cookies. I've.... managed to forget putting flour in my cake. The one time I thought, geez... why is my batter so damn wet and never thought about flour.
PBM has broken a few bones before.
false. told you i was a goody goody...;)
PBM has more than 5 calendars around the house.
Yup. Not counting my reconstructive surgery i've broken an arm and a toe, bloody toe it hurt.
The person below me had a great dinner.
SD, oops, you did it again. You answered Lise's question... *to the tune of Britney's song*
False. Boston pizza sucks at pizza, and everything else. My beer was flat, dumb waitress didnt care, and service sucked.
LOL PC. You arent the only one. I did that after making my own soup.. and then forgetting to turn it off for later, and went out for 4 hours.
PBM has seen You, ME, and Dupree
Have you? was it funny?
PBM likes M Night Shyamlyn's(sp?) movies
False. I HATE his movies. Dunno what all the fuss is about. Only one I ever enjoyed was The Sixth Sense.
PBM has watched all 6 Star Wars saga.
pbm has slept with wet hair.
True ........and my mom used to tell me I will have headaches when I am old
pbm scraps his/her tongue each morning after brushing.
false. I'll do it if I remember.
PBM thinks "fun" is relaxing at home after a long day at work.
True...I'd have to agree with that purelife
The person below me has tried Absynth
Person below me finds they watch more tv now then they did ten years ago
Person below me feels stress levels rise everytime he/she watches the news: despite this, he/she likes watching it.
I've become numb to the news. Nothing phases me anymore. I've been like this since Bosnia Conflict. (growing up thats all I watched the Nightly News I remember watching the Soviet Uprising in '92 or '91 with Russian Helicopters firing rockets at the Parliament Building in Moscow. I was blown away. Then Waco happened when I was coming home from kindergarten I watched that, Oklahoma City in grade 4, The first world center bombings, bosnia, etc) If you want to blame someone for this blame my parents but I'm glad they sat me infront of the tv when all of this happened because I witnessed things that never happened before and never will (fall of the USSR I was 3 but I remember it vividly) I saw things that my generation never saw they were watching cartoons while I was watching the world change. I see it as a curse and a blessing.
The person below me is going to accomplish a lot today
PBM had a good sleep last night.
False.....well true I suppose.....just not enough
The person below me is going to do something today they've never done before.
True. Throw stuff out.
PBM sometimes reads the readers digest
False (but I used to)
As a child, TPBM had an imaginary friend.
True. still do. although its a big joke now
PBM has speakers for their computer
What was he/she/it called?
TPBM's best subject at school was science
True.....loved my science class
The person below me is starting their spring cleaning early
True I guess.
Muggie. (what I used to call the hamburgler from McChokenpukes).
PBM uses plug in air fresheners
False...I use a Lampberger
The person below me is going to have to look up Lampberger. (I'll save you the
I use Glade plug ins with the changable cartridges.
PBM has interesting things on their mantle
TBM hasn't had lunch yet, or can't decide.
True. Im sitting here with RSS discussing what to have and complaining about how much effort it is, but doing nothing is making it take longer...
Whats your suggestions?
PBM can help with this issue?
Boston Pizza is not an option nor will it ever be again.
True, I might help.
How about an egg salad sandwich? Grilled cheese? Hotdogs?
I'm going to have a hotdog and potato salad.
PBM has been outside.
True. Gave a bunch of toyota stuff away earlier to friends buddy.. cleaning up the yard. gotta do it sometime.
Then went down to the autowreckers to see if they had.. any more toyotas or chevies for parts. lol.
PBM is having potato salad? Homemade or storebought?
True. Store bought, from Save On Foods. It's kinda bitter.
PBM has painted a house before.
True, part of a house. Sucks.
PBM likes reading about the history of BC
Speaking of history, have you been to the museum place in New West?
TBM enjoys visits to the museum, art gallery and play houses, etc.
Somewhat true. Depends on what's showing.
PBM has smoked......... ahem........
True. I've tried it a few times. Not really my thing and am not addicted to it. (just to get that straight)
PBM has seen some girls gone wild!!!
True. But I'm not one to kiss and tell.
PBM has unknowingly clicked on porn links before.
Woaha! Lise! I didn't know!? In college, dear?
PBM has a pic of a beautiful naked girl on the wall.
PBM had a mega crush on Johnny Depp at one point.
Uh Mega False.
Someone mentioned smoking... I smoke.
PBM wants to help me take down the xmas crap. . I mean decorations.
SLOW DOWN YOU GUYS! lol, I had three posts done for the last few.. then had to change, then change. LOLOL[/DIV]
False. Don't like taking down xmas stuff. lotsa work. And work conveniently is a 4-letter word. ;)
I know you smoke, but I think we were talking about weed. You smoke that too?
PBM enjoys fishing.
Russ wrote: SLOW DOWN YOU GUYS! lol, I had three posts done for the last few.. then had to change, then change. LOLOL[/DIV]
***This is my new trick for that problem, Russ. I click 'Post' anyways. Then I quickly modify the true or false part, once it's on the page. At least that way I'm not back and forth and back and forth.....arrrgggg*****
***** I agree. I get the red words and I'm like FUDGICLES!******
LOL. True you two. lol, again!
Nope, dont do pot. Used to back in HS, but dotn anymore. Couldnt even if I wanted to... I get drug tested once a month or so with my company.
PBM wishes it was the sixties and seventies again[/DIV]
PBM would take up the opportunity to visit his/her past again and will tell us that one moment that he/she wants to see again.
True. back to HS, would have payed more attention.
PBM has a webcam
And yes, I was talking about weeds.
PBM had bird pooped on his or her head before.
Does yours work well, Russ?
PBM has more than $5,000 in savings.
False.... but am working on that. Lotto lotto lotto....
PBM has done a little wee wee dance in the pool before.
TPBM has stocks and bonds
True. I think.
PBM can dance the Jive.
Works good PL. I got it when we got the new laptop for RSS. QuickCam Messenger from Logitech.
PBM wants to see it really works.
I'd love to see Russ' goat.
PBM can't figure out to work the webcam but is praying someone can teach him or her.
True. But I did figure out when I plug in the usb and click a bunch of buttons numberous times it works.
Kinda. LOL, it works pretty good.
PBM wants to go sailing
true. i know that i would thoroughly enjoy sailing. Bow is front, stern is back...repeat 500X to remember this! ;) *please don't tell me that I've got it all backwards* *don't burst my bubble!* ;)
PBM used to watch Ally MacBeal and enjoyed it.
False. Don't like what's-her-name.
PBM watches Sex in the City re-runs.
False.....never watched it the first time
....loved Ally McBeal....zany, and excellent writing
The person below me is going to a party tonight
False. I have no life! Party-days are gone.....
PBM is having curry tonight.
PBM likes Calista Flockhart's new tv series... can't remember the name, something sisters?
PBM does not understand why Friends is still doing so well even after so many re-runs.
PBM knew there was a robocop three
PBM likes to eat dim sum.
Absolutely true. I still wanna hear Russ' story on the chicken feet though.
PBM has eaten kangaroo meat.
PBM has eaten pig's tail.
PBM has eaten ox's tail.
The person below me didn't sleep to well last night
PBM has eaten buffalo before.
PBM likes deer meat.
True (and buffalo)
Person below me has discovered something new about themself within the last seven days.
PBM read a lot of comics when he or she was little.
Preferred novels.
PBM loves to read.
PBM is satified with the health of his/her mojo
Uhm, what's a mojo? I guess, true?
PBM doesn't like window shopping.
False. Thats how I shop at malls when I do end up going. I dont price shop either there.. in and out wiht the fewest places as possible.
Think austin powers II PL.. he lost his 'mojo'
PBM has fish in a fishtank
False. fishy went dead dead... :(
PBM has an organized system for his/her personal files. And if true, will come to my place to sort my papers. PLEASE! I SERIOUSLY NEED HELP!
I save all my papers in a pile then once a month file them in my two drawer filing cabinet. Ive got all sorts of headings lol. Bank statements, credit card statements, financial info, loan info, payments info, receoipts for warranties.. etc.
PBM couldnt pay me enough to do that as it takes a cattle prod to get me to do mine.
Uhm, true.
Filing cabinet. That's what I need. *ding* *ding* One day, I'll get one. :) (with colored files....)
PBM has a paper shredder and loves this handy machine.
True. I shred everything cause its cool. I tend to overload it though and have replaced it once already.
Two drawer filing cabinet that locks with files already in it, was 180.
PBM wants more fishies?
PBM wants a photomosaic puzzle. And loves putting a puzzle together.
False. I get tired of it, so its a waste with me.
PBM hates smileys with sound
True but I like the ones that do it silently.......hence a smiley with a dancing fart. (//vny!://
PBM is getting ready for dinner.
Uh True I guess, Im waiting for a pizza to arrive.
PBM had waht for din din?
I had home made chicken pasta'ish looking soup. Very good.
The person below me worked very very very very very very very very very hard today and got a ton done today.
False....I just did my job
The person below me thinks a man who can cook is sexy.
( a man who will cook is even sexier!)
The person below me is feeling tired.
False ......... I wide awake
The person below me is going to call in sick to work tomorrow.
Day off tomorrow.
The person below me is feeling very content right now.
True .......... I am stuffed, came back from a banquet dinner
The person below me is presently multi tasking.
EDIT: True if you consider TV and internet multitasking
PBM has plants in their house/ home
The person below me gets frustrated posting their response to 'the person below me' only to find they have to redo the whole thing because someone beat them to it.
I don't have that problem. I've got firefox it remembers what I wrote so I can go back and forth without losing anything. Otherwise I just forget the warning and post it anyway and then make an edit if I have to.
The person below me is tired.
EDIT: true. long time to strip that truck
LOL True. Ah, its life, makes it a race to post as fast as possible.
PBM has had to remove a tree from tehir yard before and can tell me how to rot a stump
Gasoline and a match
The person below me is in a good frame of mind right now
Uh, its a 500 dollar fine for having a yard fire in Van without a permit. and they dont give permits anymore.
But I do agree with you.
PBM has planted a tree before and watched it grow up to a big tree?
Plant trees like there is no tomorrow. (It'll help change that) Looking back over the years, if I were to find myself in a new home.....I would invest every penny in planting trees FIRST. The paint and wall paper can wait.
The person below me KNOWS they've done something therapeutic (sp?) for themselves, when they watch something REALLY funny.
Russ wrote:
Uh, its a 500 dollar fine for having a yard fire in Van without a permit. and they dont give permits anymore.
But I do agree with you.
Rent a root grinder for a couple of hours from a equipment rental place.......thats what I did when I cut down my tree
Darn I wanted to answer the tree question. My dad planted 8 pines next to my house in '88 when I was 2. I remember the day like it was yesterday. They're still there and very tall of course. And we used to buy real live christmas trees and plant them after Christmas. Planted 4 'Christmas Trees)' (From '92, '94, '96) All are still there except for the '92 one, it got knocked down in a wind storm.
The person below me is going to bed like I am.... (//forums/richedit/smileys/Other/9.gif)
PBM likes to buy tissue boxes that matches with their house.
False. Whatevers cheap and on sale.
**im looking into that 49er, thanks**
PBM has been up for three hours?
I got up at 7am so thats 5 for me.
The person below me is hungry
True, making hot dogs for me and bro.
Keep forgetting you are a few hours ahead.
PBM used to have a swing set in their yard while growing up
Yeah I wish I was in your time instead of mine. Days seem longer, much longer. (at least when I was in Seattle for a week).
True. Had one growing up.
The person below me is working hard today
PBM loves looking out at the fog.
True. Its even more fun to drive in it. lol.
PBM misses the snow as much as me :)
True. Let's measure how much for accurate results. ;)
PBM feels like crying but can't.
False. Why would I want to cry? About the snow? lol, Im not that bad...
PBM wants that Ghostbusters car.. its a 59 caddy!!!
false. I prefer Batman's car with Batman in this car.... I want the total package!
Anyways, PBM is looking forward to blossoms on the trees soon.
False. Itll drop onto my truck with that acidy sap and if you dont get rid of it right away itll eat your paint.
I tried to get the city to let me cut it down and put up another less sappy tree. I offered to pay whatever permits and such.. and they wouldnt let me. A monkey tree isnt acceptable apparently.
Sorry to hear that PL.. Smile! The day is half over!
PBM likes cult classics.
Oh, I didn't know about the sap on cars... There's an original monkey tree (I think that's the name) that the former Saint Mary's Hospital in New West request to keep forever. This was part of the contract if the builders wanted to tear down that place and replace it with a couple of high rises. Beautiful tree. Perhaps I shall take a picture of that one day for all to see. They are rare in Vancouver.
PBM would like to see this monkey tree.
True (preferably in your company).
The person below me likes hunting for bargains in second-hand shops.
true. I love a bargain.
PBM just sneezed.
False (but he just blew his noise - he has a cold).
Person below me is under 5'8"
PBM has black hair.
false. add a foot.
true sorta true. blackish brown.
the person below me is on his or her designated 'lunch break'
PBM wants to sleep some more.
False (he just wants to sleep).
PBM could also do with an unbroken night's sleep.
I took a power nap earlier while reading satirical poetry.
The person below me is drinking somethig caffenated.
PBM just finished vacumming the entire house.
The person below me should be at work again in about 40 minutes
False. But I've got to go in a bit.
PBM has just finished reading a good novel.
True (and started another)
PBM prefers wild flowers to the cultivated variety.
I like both. Wild and cultivated varities.
PBM has a favorite flower(s) and will tell us what it is.
True. Dont know the name.
I call it flower.
PBM still has open christmas presents kicking around wondering what to do with them.. as in store them.
True and false. They are opened(wrapping paper) but not out of packaging. I will be re-gifting!!
TPBM loves black licorice.
True.. if its Sambucca
PBM likes sambucca?
False .........I don't know what Sambucca is
PBM likes durian
PBM has tried dragon fruit.
True .......... dragon fruit is ok but durian is better
PBM can't stand to wait in line for service
True. If I'm in a hurry, I get really impatient. And oh, it's not a pretty sight to see me impatient.
PBM believes that customer service rarely exists out there in the retail world.
Durian is da bomb!!! Love that stuff. Dragon fruit is also yummy.
PBM love bubbletea.
False........can take it or leave it.
PBM still stays in touch with his/her first love
False. Absolutey NO FRIGGIN way.
PBM is still with the first love of his or her life.
False. A number now.
*I still keep in touch with my first love at times.. its sparadic, a long story*
PBM remembers and has kept in touch with the first person they slept with.
True. Nuff said.
PBM had his or her first kiss when they were still in highschool.
never been kissed.
The person below me misses someone in there life
PBM has been to Disneyworld or Disneyland and loved it.
Not a big fan, had more fun at epcot and its nations thing even if the Canadian movie was 20 years old.
The person below me is tired and thinking about going to bed early.
False. I'm hyped and awake..... must be all that sugar running in me.
PBM is tired of writing essays. (//vny!://
*gotta go*
Nope actually I like writing them because that means I'm closer to my goal. Yupee!
Anyway I'm sleepy I'm going to bed lol
Person below me is having a good day (gosh I can't think of anything anymore)
true. everyday is good.
PBM likes martinis than magaritas.
Whats the difference?
PBM is on a break as its ten.
PBM is enjoying this wonderful sunshine day.
I guess. LOL
PBM has lingerie
PBM likes to drink lagers.
True, but then Im not racist towards any kind of alcohol
PBM will post pictures of said model in the lingerie?
LOL, no pics of me in lingerie
PBM is wearing red panties.
Do red boxers that have drawings of pickles count?
The person below me is freezing.
WHAT? Red with pickles? What kind of.... That should be banned! ;) LOL
PBM remembers his/her first kiss. Ie. location.
lol I got them for christmas from American Eagle. These don't say anything but the banana ones they got me say "Top Banana" with a dancing banana or something drinking a beer.
Never been kissed so I wouldn't know where and what and so on.
The person below me has suggestive t-shirts (say naughty things)
True, those are called good shirts.
PBM has things to do but cant quite get around to doing them.
false. I would rather be outside. I wish that I can take my work outdoors, someway far away, preferably.
PBM still writes 2006 on cheques.
False. Checks are obsolete. I hate having a chequing account but alot of banks are caught in the stone ages.
PBM wants pizza for lunch
nope I'm making Thai food!
The person below has gotten up once and not remembered the previous night
PBM is trying in vain to take things easy today.
nope going to get the first semester done today in english
the person below me thinks its freezing outside.
PBM has a pen on the table.
true. and many more stuff on my table.
PBM wants a bigger house.
PBM has a cup of tea on the desk.
PBM often plays the castanets
False. I play the piano, the sax, and wish I could play the violin.
The pbm takes a multivitamin everyday.
PBM has a good singing voice.
Very good. People say I sing like my father which is a very nice gesture considering he's a music prodigy. Now if I could only learn to play the organ....
The person below me can play the organ.
The person below me can skate well.
PBM can rollerblade well.
True. I love rollerblading
The pbm swims well and loves the water.
PBM likes to eat nuts.
Somewhat true. Don't really like peanuts but love cashew.
PBM has karoke in front of people before.
I've read off a news telepromtor at CNN before
The person below me is motivated at the moment
That's not karoke, SD. (//vny!://
PBM has sharp nails.
false. I have no choice but to keep my nails trim.
PBM likes lounging at home with either no clothes or in sweats.
But its close Lise!!! hehe
Yeah the CNN lady was impressed ever since my parents have had ideas of me in journalism. lol
Anyway whats the question?
Oh wait doesn't this question belong in the Naked thread? hehe
I'll take the no clothes (//forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/1.gif)
The person below me likes to laugh
See my reply above ya, SD. :P
Anyways, back to the game.
PBM likes lounging at home with either no clothes or in sweats.
The person below me feels clausterphobic when it's foggy.
PBM needs to buy a new hoodie sweater with the front pockets and will tell me a great place to buy one that is cheap.
We make a bunch of those once a year.. we call 'rowdies' they say rowdy canucks rivers inlet fishing xx. the xx is the year.
I just bought one that actually is pretty good. I forget where I bought it though and the price. Ill ask RSS, she remembers things like that.
PBM is watching 'Predator' right now on the telly like I am.
PBM is good with numbers.
True. Well, kinda. Not fast but Im pretty methodical.. except when it comes to minor things like how much things cost when I, uh, NEED it.
PBM has a cat/dog/pet and will tell us what it is? Dead fish dont count.
Tabby cat.
PBM is enjoying a beer right now.
false. lol, darn...wanna tell you about my dead fish that i used to have. ;)
uhm, we used to have a cat name Leo. I miss him... :( I wish that I was around to take care of him more.
[hr style="width: 100%; height: 2px;"]Oh gotta modify my post.
Ok, false to drinking a beer.
PBM thinks that I need a kitty.
False....sipping a Sambuca
The person below me senses a weird feeling in the air.
Weird feeling outside or on DS? Uhm, false?
PBM thinks that this game is going too quickly.
This thing is TOO SLOW FOR ME
[FONT size=5]aaaarrrrgggggggggg[/FONT]
How about we answer any of the last 10 questions?
Psst, it's my way of getting out of asking questions. Do you think it's gonna work? ;) LOL
False. not gonna work.
PBM is having flaming sambuccas?
PBM can get clothes at a discounted price. ie. through an employee or from him/herself.
PBM likes a real fireplace over a gas fireplace.
PBM will tell us which stores he/she can get a discounted price for clothes!
uh fleamarket and value village?
PBM has been drinking
True...drinking water.
PBM has had mineral water.
Isnt all water by definition mineral water? lol.
False anyhow.. I use the water from my fridge water/icemaker unit.
PBM has an entertainment book?
True. But dang they're getting less and less.
PBM has used their entertainment book coupon already.
Used a bunch of them. But they arent as good as they used to be. Half the restaurants seem to be those touchy feely hippy places.. I wont bother with those. lol.
PBM Has paintings up on the walls in their house
True...only a couple. Mr P.C.'s uncle's portrait from 1841 and a couple other old paintings. Other than that, I have no walls.
The person below me would NOT have been a hippy if they were living in that era.
True. I would have been the guy with the musclecars with big engines and stuff all over his yard.
I have a number of paintings.. only two actually on the walls. I have five handpaintings from africa, the canvas only, and I have a number of paintings from here.. of ships and sea scenery.
It took me a few to get what you meant by only one wall. lol.
PBM still has a VCR.
False.....Mr. P.C. 'needs' every new toy there is.
The person below me prefers watercolour more than oils.
Mr PC and I sound like we have some things in common, lol. I 'need' all the right tools to do the job on my own.. even though it will cost 5 x as much then having someone else do/make it. But then I have the tools in case I need them for something else...
False. I have only oil based paintings.. I dont seem to like watercolours. I cant actually think why to be honest.
I went and counted how many paintings... 15. I was curious cause I actually didnt know.
PBM likes to paint.
True....both walls and canvas. (although I'm not so good at the latter.) Mr.P.C. thinks I'm much better than I am, but then again, his best rendition of a horse is a stick horse. ROFL
The person below me (oh god....don't misspell BELOW) is watching Boston Legal.
nope sportscenter's 12am-1am show. I'm tellin' ya you guys have longer days on the west coast.
The person below me can't wait to attack the day tomorrow.
uhm, true, I guess.
PBM has not had coffee yet this morning.
im a troll right now
PBM wants to bring me a cup
false. it's too cold outside. :P
PBM is listening to music.
Mr limewire has a few new additions Im listening to.
PBM knows what a zippo is.
false. Is that a zip program?
PBM likes watching Oprah.
False. There's something about her voice that drives me bananas.
PBM reads everything Oprah recommends.
false. I don't have the same taste in books as she does.
PBM has been to Chapters in the past few days.
PBM loves making brownies.
PBM has a nice assortment of cookbooks.
True I could probably open a bookstore. (I have one that I have a recipe in too)
The person below me likes grapefruit
False. Too sour-ish.
PBM loves pineapples.
PBM has made his/her own curry sauce.
True. Compliments of my mother-mentor.
PBM has made tandoori chicken.
PBM has made his/her sweet n sour sauce.
true....great recipe book for sauces.....Over the Top and Down the Sides
The person below me has their photos in Albums
PBM has over 5 photo albums.
Then I have an external hardrive full of digi pics.
PBM has mouth mints around teh house
false. i have jelly bellies.
PBM likes jelly bellies.
PBM has too many photos in their hard drives and needs to get them printed on photo papers soon.
Person below me likes everyone he/she works with (with a few exceptions).
True.. it changes every time I go back.
EDIT: PBM likes to download stuff from the net
PBM doesn't very often print out things from the net
False. I do recipes all the time.
PBM has used Photoshop before.
PBM is feeling in great health today
PBM is about to head off to get lunch started.
False (eaten it already)
PBM can't remember the word that started this thread (without looking it up).
Somewhat true.
I remember chocolate but that's about it..... and I started this thread. (//vny!://
PBM is going to have a wonderful dinner tonight.
false. nothing fancy and nothing homemade.
PBM uses lip balm rather than lipstick.
False ........... I don't use either
PBM is ready to take a afternoon nap
PBM will provide me with a bed to nap on.
true.........anytime when you're in the SF Bay Area.
PBM will leave her boyfriend and visit me.
LOL. True. I'll leave him temporarily.
Funny you mentioned San Fran. We're planning to visit that place if all goes well.
PBM would meet me half way, ie Seattle.
PBM doesn't know where half way is between SF and Vancouver
So, where is it?
PBM travels to Vancouver and when he does, he'll come and visit me.
Somewhere in Oregon
PBM will welcome me with open arms when I visit Vancouver
True. Hugs?
PBM likes giving out hugs.
False but for you, purelife, anytime.
PBM has seen all James Bond movies.(//vny!://
PBM likes Sean Connery.
True. only real james bond. though this new fella reminds me big time of mr bond.
PBM can help me come up with a drawing of a four stroke diesel engine exhaust silencer.
false. What's it for?
PBM is attending a wedding this year.
making diesel engine exhaust quieter.
PBM is snaking on junkfood.
PBM likes digestive cookies.
false. never heard of them.. who is a digestive cookie? Sounds like some kinky toilet soiree.
PBM has pictures of their family up in their house.
true. I've got tons of pictures around the apt.
These are the digestive cookies. They're usually very plain but taste great with tea/coffee. It's very "british" like. Whatever that means. (//vny!://
PBM also has family photos around his/her house.
Not sure
[A href="vny!://!://,GGLC:1969-53,GGLC:en%26start%3D0%26sa%3DN&sa=X&oi=print&ct=result&cd=1"]vny!://!://,GGLC:1969-53,GGLC:en%26start%3D0%26sa%3DN&sa=X&oi=print&ct=result&cd=1[/A]
The person below me thinks that is the longest url ever.
False. I think I've come across the longest URL before as an interest but you come close, PC.
Digestive Biscuits are yummy but oh-still-loaded with calories despite being tooted as 'healthy'.
PBM loves having biscotti with his or her coffee.
EDIT: False. dont like those.
WOW! Thanks PC!!
Unfortunately the pages I require are actually not there in that book preview.. But thanks for actually looking, I didnt think anyone actually would.
I have a bunch of books and I found some info, just not enough.
True, thats a long link!
The micvities hobnobs I actually eat! I like those, but they can get addictive. I have been known to eat three packages at a time. Are you sure the hob nobs are digestive thingys?
PBM Likes Michael Connely
Somewhat true. He's OK..... when he's not swearing half the time.
PBM watches a lot of TV.
False. rot your brain. not that a computer monitor is that much better.
PBM wants to plays computer games.
True. Sim City!
Yup, McNobs are digestive cookies.
PBM likes chocolate chip cookies.
False. Me no likey chocolate.
PBM has written a will.
True. Have to for my company. Most things I have are not in my name cause of that.
PBM knows how to change the oil in their own car.
Do big John Deere tractors count?
The person below me got work they wanted to finish today, finished.
True kinda. Got a bunch of stuff done.. will continue later tongiht as well.
I would like for it to all be done. no chance though for a while, lol.
PBM is getting hungry
PBM likes the classics. ie. Dean Martin.
****Russ, I'm a little puzzled. The post I made with the link to your engine, was directly below your question....but upon logging on just now, I see there are about 5 or 6 posts in between. (???)
The person below me has a regular family doctor.
True. We went to him when our old family doctor retired.. And moved to the Yukon. lol.
I saw that PC.. it happens to me as well. Dont worry, I knew what you meant! Thanks!
PBM has dinner all planned out. is cooking as we speak.
The person below me has had something published.
False. Actually True! In my company newsletter I had an article printed. I didnt know about it until two years afterwards though. That doesnt count though does it?
I have been on TV a number of times, due to interviews and me being in the wrong place at the wrong time to get picked for it.
PBM wants to tell what she has simmering for din din?
True...Italian Spaghetti sauce. (with everything in it but the kitchen sink)
The person below me has had a broken bone.
False. More than 'a' broken bone. ;)
Hmm, I make my spagball sauces the same way, all the basics then all the rest of the stuff in the fridge.
PBM paints.. what images?
A tiny true. I TRY to paint. Botanicals or landscapes. Mostly I like pen and ink.
The person below me still has their old school yearbooks
True. Well mostly, I cant find half of them. for the past few years they have been used for very useful things.. like doorstops and backstops for when you cut shapes out of paper.
PBM is about to have a drink.. like I am lol.
PBM wants to buy me a drink.
True. Hey! Ive offered! hehe
PBM has an electric pencil sharpener.
False.....I have an old cranker. Just got Mr. P.C. to move it from under the stairs to the new shop
The person below me is inventive
False. True. False. True. Not sure.
PBM likes to eat at Tim Hortons.
False....I don't eat out much
The person below me has a favourite perfume
False. I like Polo Sport COLOGNE
PBM has a vehicle under 5 years old.
MMMM...I like Polo Sport too.
The person below me owns a suit
False. (Although I'm on the hunt for 2 or 3 suits)
The person below me likes to watch Grey's Anatomy.
True. Someone forces me to.
PBM should change the channel as they have the remote. See those things rolling across the screen?
True. I've changed the channel to Ultraviolet.
The person below me likes Milla Jovavich.
[img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://" border=0] crayons
You changed the channel to Ultraviolet? Didn't know that was a tv channel.
Not too familiar with her she's before my time....
The person below me is not tired.
I'm tired....but I'm not sleepy.
The person below me likes to colour (like kids)
True! I feel like a kid again when I do! And it must be crayons.. otherwise I feel too old.
Ultraviolet is a movie.. its on one of our movie channels.. the things rolling across the screen were the credits from the movie 'outbreak'
PBM has many old things on their mantles...
True....I love old stuff.
The person below me is looking forward to garage sale
True.. isnt it garage sale season all year round?
PBM Wants a new camera
True....mine is beat up badly
The person below me has had to be in the hospital for a period longer than 3 weeks.
oy....bad wording.
I mean for a STAY longer than 3 weeks
Hmmm I haven't been in the hospital for 3 weeks but does a week and a half count?
The person below is going to get to work off.
*no......1 1/2 is not greater than 3
The person below me likes super spicey food
PBM likes lobster and crab.
Definitely true.
PBM enjoys phad thai.
PBM can't believe that it's February already! come from Christmas to Christmas was an eternity when I was a kid. Now it feels like the equivalent of 3 months.
The person below me has heard of a piece of music called Cellestial Soda Pop
False. Hubba what???
PBM has listened to Meatloaf and actually understood the lyrics.
True....Paradise by the Dashboard Lights.....CLASSIC
The person below me has a paved driveway
PBM has great plans for the weekend.
True Study.
PBM wants to travel.. where.
True. Australia, Hong Kong, Malaysia.... anywhere but the USA.
PBM is going to Victoria this year.
Most likely. Gotta have my fix of Capital Iron and Chintz and Company
The person below me sews,
False. Unless you count sewing a button on when there's no other way to avoid walking around like a dork.
PBM can knit.
true to knitting. my mom taught me.
PBM loves looking at baby clothes because they're so cute.
True. I just teh melt each time.
PBM is about to have lunch.
true. so gotta go.
PBM has brought baby clothes when he/she doesn't have a baby yet.
PBM is envious because I've only got half an hour's work to do before finishing until Sunday.
PBM is hanging out with friends soon.
PBM likes instant noodles.
true. just without the flavoring packages. too much salt and msg for me.
PBM likes fried rice.
PBM likes eating century eggs.
True. I love century eggs! Love Congee!
PBM has played field hockey.
False.. nobody plays field hockey anymore do thay ;)
PBM is watching greys anatomy AGAIN
False.....I didn't watch anything.
The person below me knows what would cause a toilet to stop flushing properly. *aaarrrgggg
You might want to check in the toilet bowl. Something could be loose in there. It happened to me and I just had to hook that thingee to the hook. (Uhm, yeah, I feel so smart. (//vny!:// )
PBM plans to go swimming soon.
PBM automatically awards a bless point to Purelife each time he/she posts one of her sensitive appreciations of DV...PBM also awards one to Lise for the same thing.
The same goes for Gopher for being cute all the time.
PBM prefers KFC over Church's Chicken.
true. They're both terrible though, but I prefer KFC.
PBM did the hanky panky in public before.
True (but discreetly)
PBM did it blatantly.
Not telling.
PBM did it blatantly and got caught.
PBM doesn't believe I'm typing this.
hanky panky is that a dance? ;)
PBM thinks Russ goat got caught and he's not telling.
PBM is an only child.
PBM loves to do things with family.
PBM has filing cabinets in his/her hom.
PBM hates housework.
PBM likes visiting public gardens.
Person below me likes long summer evenings
true so very true.
PBM likes to have lots of salads in the summer.
mmm salad! (//forums/richedit/smileys/Other/18.gif)
PBM likes to eat salad
PBM has put pinenuts and almonds in their salads.
False. Salads are rabbit food. theres no meat in them'
[img alt="" src="vny!://" border=0]
PBM wants a goat
True. If it's Russ's goat. Heck, I'll take two. One to savour now, and one for later.
PBM wants some of my goat.
True, and Ill share some of mine with you.. lol
PBM wants an apple iPhone
true. You gonna buy, Russ?
PBM needs a palm organizer thingee magigee...
PBM is looking forward to dinner tonight.
true. hee hee...
PBM drank at least 5 glasses of water today.
True. Have to produce....... stuff.
PBM is looking forward to having fun tonight.
PBM is planning to hang out with friends tonight and is excited!
PBM has gotten a good nap this afternoon.
I just blessed you and we need one more to get you to 400, Lise.
PBM has just blessed Lise.
False. Too bad I can't bless myself.
PBM sings in the shower all the time.
PBM enjoys karoke.
True. *singing Britney's Oops I did it Again*
PBM likes eating Chinese donuts with his or her congee.
true ..... I love jook and chinese donut
true ......I did blessed Lise
PBM will tell me what the character in PL avatar means
False. But the word below reads Happiness.
PBM is wondering why 49er hasn't gotten an avatar just yet.
PBM can suggest an avatar to 49er.
Idea: we should start a thread rolling for 49er soon.
PBM has got to dash in a bit.
True. I've got to go.
I can't believe that I stayed 15 minutes extra for DS. ;)
PBM is way past their time to leave.
true ...... got to go to a poker game tonite
PBM going to give me an avatar
[img height=275 src="vny!://" width=400]
True......this is Clementine 1 (NASA)
There's a song about a 49er and Clementine
The person below me knows what song I'm talking about
PBM likes the movie bad news bears with Billy Bob Thornton
PBM watches David Letterman and thinks he's quite the comedian.
False...I did once....haven't really watched for years.
The person below me would rather be somewhere else tonight
PBM likes to snuggle under the bed covers on a cold winter night with a good book in hand.
Soooo true
The person below me feels like they might bake tomorrow.
False. Eggs n bacon n sausages n stuff.
PBM hates it when light bulbs burn out..
PBM is going to have lasagne tonight.
False....I think we're looking to cook a roast piggy tonight.
The person below me is going shopping today.
Errands today but I'm not going to do them.
PBM enjoys a good bowl of hot chicken noodle soup.
Later today, PBM is going to have a long, decadent wallow in a hot bath.
False. I wish!!
PBM is about to dash off for a quick lunch.
False - just had it
PBM is so far enjoying the day
True.. slept in so this is morning for me.
PBM wants some ham, sausage and eggs. I made too much and two people didnt show up.
False (unfortunately I've already eaten)
PBM likes doing his/her own cooking.
True and false. Most often I do.....but sometimes it's just a big nuisance, and I like to be cooked FOR too.
The person below me is on a different clock.
True, you are looking at the clock on your wall or your computer and since my computer is different as is my cell phone colck its a different cock then yhours.
What did you mean by that? lolk.
PBM is still drinking coffee like I am
False, I drink mine in a gentlemanly way.
Drinks four cups of coffee per day.
Gopher wrote:
False, I drink mine in a gentlemanly way.
Drinks four cups of coffee per day.[/DIV]
True. at least that many cups.
PBM eats their eggs with catsup?
PBM Prefers bacon to sausgaes, but have get enough of both.
Gopher wrote:
PBM Prefers bacon to sausgaes, but have get enough of both.[/DIV]
Ture. and I dont know why either. lol. But I DO have enough of them right now. I never thought I would EVER turn down bacon.
PBM has a cell phone?
True. What person doesn't?
PBM knows how to text message.
Lise wrote:
True. What person doesn't?
PBM knows how to text message. [/DIV]
True. I tend to use text messages more now than ever, more than calling as well. Which is funny cause with my plan I have unlimited phone usage, but I pay for text messages.
PBM carries a big ass purse and has everything in there.. including snacks.
True. You forgot diapers.
PBM does not have a man-purse for himself instead he uses his GF or wife to carry his coinage.
Lise wrote:
True. You forgot diapers.
PBM does not have a man-purse for himself instead he uses his GF or wife to carry his coinage.[/DIV]
False I dont carry extra stuff. She carries enough for both, its all hers though. :) <im gonna get smacked>
PBM is part of a union
The person below me likes cashews
P.C. wrote:
The person below me likes cashews
Ture, when its mixed with stuff.
PBM likes grape nuts
True....forgot all about those things...haven't had them in years
The person below me likes garlic
P.C. wrote:
True....forgot all about those things...haven't had them in years
The person below me likes garlic
OOH Yeah!~ Garlic goes on everything possible. Thinking of that I tend to do that with Montreal Steak Seasoning as well as catsup.
PBM likes european cuisine... like this: [A href="vny!://"]vny!://[/A]
NOTE: I just been looking for this as someone else asked me about good steaks. Go there!
False. Although I have been exposed to all the McDonalds and Burger King all across Europe.
PBM would love to visit Moscow.
pbm enjoys eating jelly bellies.
[DIV style="PADDING-RIGHT: 10px; PADDING-LEFT: 10px; PADDING-BOTTOM: 10px; PADDING-TOP: 10px"]Ce qui sont jelly bellys
[DIV style="PADDING-RIGHT: 10px; PADDING-LEFT: 10px; PADDING-BOTTOM: 10px; PADDING-TOP: 10px"]The person below me likes bar-b-cue ribs[/DIV]
Treu. I like making my own in advance too.
PBM liked the Grapes of Wrath
PBM has a cold
PBM likes a good single malt scotch on two rocks once in a while
True...and a double malt scotch on a single rock aint bad either.
The preson below me has put in more than 2 hours of couch time today.
False, wish i could, lol.
PBM wants to light a fire in their fireplace
False....I already did as soon as I got home from work, it was freezing in here. Mr. P.C. is hibernating in the shop where it's toasty warm watching the Stupid Bowl.
The person below me is growing weary of studying.
False....stopped studing eons ago
The person below me lost money on the Super Bowl
False.....I SAVED not throwing a Super Bowl Party
The person below me had to work today. (as in, at their job)
PBM is enjoying a lovely libation at the moment.
Yes....True...yes [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://" border=0]
The person below me can't imagine their life without a pet in it.
True, most definitely.
PBM enjoys the life he/she is living.
True....couldn't ask for anything more.
The person below is getting v-e-r-y s-l-e-e-p-y. [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://" border=0]
True.. another hour after this break then bed. lol.
PBM wishes they could be back studying again.
[img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://" border=0]
You noticed, did you? Was it the snoring that gave it away?
The PBM is ready to sleep too, and is fighting to stay awake.
Not yet.. But Im getting there. Coffee at ten pm at night does wonders.
PBM drinks tea. (not the long island type.)
True- but only a couple of cups per day.
PBM is having a sleepless night.
False ...but it sure wasn't the best sleep I've had in a while
The person below me likes a treasure hunt.
PBM has not had tea/coffee this morning.
False. Very big false.
PBM has books on travelling in other countries, like backpacking travelling.
PBM has some language books/video tapes.
False. Thats not as much fun as being stuck somewhere and trying to draw on a scrap of paper or making hand signals much to the enjoyment of the locals.
PBM wants it to be warmer.
true. as in temperature?
PBM had a morning shower today.
Of course? Who doesnt. I even shaved.
PBM has the origional remote for their TV or a universal remote for their TV, DVD, Stereo, ETC.
Uhm, true.
PBM has studied programming in school.
False. I figured I would just make enough money so I could pay one of them witch doctors.
PBM has a surge protection for their computer.
PBM has more than one cell phone.
Had. I am on my 24th cell phone. No joke.
PBM has spare printer cartridges kicking around just in case you run out.
PBM has a stack of re-writeable DVD discs sitting somewhere....................
PBM has copied a loaned DVD movie onto computer or a disk.
False (can't think why I'd not thought of it before).
PBM has stolen a book from the library.
PBM has an overdue book.
PBM has a favourite item which he/she uses as a bookmark.
true. my favorite bookmark
PBM has over 10 varities of bookmarks.
False. I keep losing them.
PBM has a light that you actually keep onto your book for night reading.
PBM has blue light at home.
True. For what reason, I don't know.
PBM has killed a cactus.
True....OMG...I had forgotten all about this until you asked that question. I killed a 125 year old cactus handed down from a great aunt. (in record time I might add)
The person below me has lots of indoor plants in their home.
False. I used to have more and now I'm down to two.
125 year old??? HOLY CRAP. No kidding. How did you do it? Water it to death? (//vny!://
PBM enjoys drinking lots of water.
False...I have to force myself to drink water.
The person below me grows their own sprouts.
False. Too lazy.
PBM has lots of herbs in his or her garden.
*I think the cactus died, because we had a gas leak in the house for about 6 months, before anyone would listen to me. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
True......the one I want the most is the one I have the most difficulty growing. Tarragon
The person below me watches Anderson Cooper
P.C. wrote:
*I think the cactus died, because we had a gas leak in the house for about 6 months, before anyone would listen to me. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
Hehe. It's a good story and I so believe you, my dear.(//vny!://
PBM has wee little tulip bulbs that are peeking through the soil right now.
False *cry
I gave up on the tulips. I don't mind sharing with the deer, but they haven't fully grasped the concept of SHARING.
The person below me thinks Larry King is on the edge of National Enquirer journalism.
False. I hardly watch Larry King even though he's quite a good journalist.
PBM has watched Oprah and doesn't get her.
False.....I get her. Love her or hate her, one couldn't possibly deny the good she has done.
The person below me wonders if being rich isn't all it's cracked up to be.
False. You can say mondey doesnt buy happiness but it sure can biuy alot of beer and hookjers.
PBM is drunk like I am right now. I ammsureprised I can type corretly and legiblyy right now.
crasp its all wento raft shift didntg it?
LOL Russ. Uhm, at least you can type in a straight line and that we don't have to decipher something like this:
i c t b e t h...a i a mm... ooooo
a n l i v e t kkkk.... aaa
Anyways, false to being drunk. Purelife never gets drunk and never will. ;) (so don't even TRY)
PBM likes getting high.
Hmm, I wondered where I posted last night. I think i can read what I wrote.
Dont worry PL.. these things happen. ;)
PBM wants to have some of my headache and wishes that the level of volume would be lower in general.
*headache from drinking? I heard that drinking lotsa water before bed will help cure the hangover.*
PBM needs a shoulder massage.
True. I always say yes to a massage.
I always have water before bed after drinking, and make sure that I have some nearby the bed. I also will have a glass of milk if I can take it.
LOL, its NEVER the cause of alcohol, that can never be the cause of anything. lol.
thinks DS is so SSLLOOWW right now.
true. nothing wrong with slow. it means that i can get some of this work done. :P
PBM has been a victim of credit card fraud or some sort of id fraud.
True. And I don't think you can ever escape that.
PBM is going to somewhere nice and warm this year, like the Bahamas or the Cuba.
PBM would pay off debt if they won 20 grand.
Can't go to Cuba I'd be thrown in prison.
The person below loves chairs with cushions.
True to both statements.
PBM would love to declare sleep as an official hobby.
True. I get 8 or more hours of sleep and I still take a nap a couple hours later.
The person below me is hungry.
PBM has had a mega huge cup of cofee.
PBM likes cream and sugar in coffee/tea.
True. I hate black black coffee.
PBM has eaten at Uncle Willys and thought it was ok. *yikes*
true. way back when it was just ok. It probably sucks now.
PBM doesn't like to try new things.
true..........I don't like changes.
PBM wants to see a pic of Purelife in her gym clothes
false. I see myself everyday already. No pics please.
PBM has made a "naughty" home video.
PBM has starred in one.
PBM has thrown their stupid mouse against the wall like I just did. [/DIV]
Fale (But I've stamped on it on a couple of occasions).
PBM has several spare 'mice'.
Uh, mouse broken? I wanted to throw my mouse at home. Actually, I wanted to throw the CPU out because our stupid CD drive keeps coming out. It has a freaking mind on its own. AAARrRrrrrggghghgh!
Oh, time to edit post.
False to Gophie's question and to Russ.
PBM isn't too technical when it comes to computers.
PBM has cursed at his or her computer in many different languages.
True: English, German and Foul.
PBM visits the library at least 3 times per week.
False. But I would love to there more often when I get the time.
PBM has played badminton.
PBM has played tennis.
Yes (a lot).
PBM has naturally coloured hair.
kinda true.
PBM needs a hair cut.
PBM likes having his/hair cut.
true. not all the time though.
PBM wears underarm DO.
False. Can't because of baby.
PBM has had facial spa treatment.
PBM has noticed that it's suddenly gone quiet.
me thinks that everyone is having lunch now.
PBM has dark circles under his/her eyes.
True. Its nap time I think.
Im STILL howling about this gopher:
True: English, German and Foul.
PBM wants to go sailing.
PBM wants to rescue me out of my hour-long meeting that I'm not looking forward to. :P
False......thats why you make the big thru boring meetings.
PBM has done whaleboat rowing
True. Boat oars and all that other junk.
PBM hates scanners
False. Our copier machine scans the document directly to my inbox in a pdf! SWEET PERKS!
PBM has spoken to a crowd of more than 100 people.
True. I've done a few things, speaking wise.
The person below me is getting what they wanted to accomplish today done.
False. I have toilets calling but I'm ignoring their pleas to get clean.
PBM loves Kettles Potato Chips. them, buy the 30oz bags at Costco
PBM is expecting money back from their tax return
True. Well, I hope so anyways.
PBM is going to pay a hefty tax sum to the government this year.
I dunno but I'll definately ask to do my own financial stuff.
Person below me just broke another chair
PBM drinks a can of coke a day.
not since today
The person below is awesome.
Absolutely friggin true. Remember this till the day you die!!
PBM has read Sex for Dummies and still don't get it. (//vny!://
I'm lost what do I do again? ;)
TPBM finds those types of books hilarious
true. More "educational"
PBM has tapped the Kuma Sutra books.
I've haven't picked it up in the library but I have read some things about it.
PBM has seen those 'better sox videos' they advert in the papers.
False. Don't need them when sox is perfect.
PBM has committed the imagery from Karma Sutra to memory for just in case sessions.
Karma Sutra?
PBM likes cream filled puffs covered in chocolate.
True. *YUM!!!*
PBM loves those Boston Cream donuts.
False. When I do eat donuts I like the wagon wheel ones.. I forget the actual name.
PBM has more than one memory card for his camera
true..just two.
pbm is really bored right now, like me.
uhm, what's your question, russ. LOL
PBM likes going to casino's
PBM allows him/herself a certain amount of money to last the week.
PBM said hello to a stranger either yesterday or today.
Does a long lost school friend count? If it does then yes.
The person below me can't believe how slow it is today on DS
Nope, long lost friend doesn't count. A stranger is someone who you were never aquainted with and don't know. So, false?
True. It's slow today. It's slow with my posting so that deters me from coming here and it's busy for me at work.
PBM has done kick boxing before or some sort of martial art.
I took tae kon do or whatever you call it for a couple classes broke a few boards but then stopped for some reason I just couldn't hit my partner. oh well probably could do it now I guess.
The person below me has a broken cell phone but somehow it still works.
PBM has one of those camera thingees on their cellphone.
Yup I've got a camera phone.
person below me has a black berry type device
PBM has a digital camcorder.
who doesn't? lol. Got one on my camera and then my cell phone.
PBM has a sorta has a hilly backyard.
PBM looks forward to watching fireworks.
They're okay, around here at least. Probably cooler in a more sexy local.
The person below me went vegetarian for lunch
False. MEAT for me!!!
PBM is going to have sushi for lunch.
PBM has watched Charlie Angel series.
True. A few but not all.
PBM is always excited about looking at purelife's ever changing avatar.
PBM has already avoided two acquaintances this morning.
PBM loves eating raw sashimi.
PBM likes animals, but not all animals.
PBM has made sushi before.
True, but very badly misshapen.
PBM forgot an umbrella today.
PBM doesn't mind today's rain.
the person below me feels guilty when they masturbate.
PBM is enjoying lunch.
True.....I am enjoying a Vietnamese sandwich
PBM is on a diet
PBM wants to go on a detox.
I'm trying, got to shed a few.
no don't want to detox those are not fun
The person below me has had a Bocca burger before
True.......if you referring to those vegi burger that you buy at Costco
PBM does not shower every day
false. I feel gross if I didn't.
PBM has chinese letterings in his/her home.
actually i have some asian letter symbol thingy on the left hand bottom corner of the read slider window on my toy. It came with that and RSS wont tell me what it says. I am too lazy to remove it, cause Ill probably break the window at some point anyhow and have to replace the whole thing.
PBM wants a snack of bacon ham eggs and steak
Take a pic. We'll try to decipher this chinese lettering, Russ. ;) Don't count on me though. Hmm, I can't read well.
PBM likes to drink green tea.
PBM has gotten drunk and made a complete ass out of himself or herself.
I don't remember, er yeah big time. lol
The person below me had fun today.
True. Fun at work and on DS.
PBM likes eating seaweed snacks.
PBM has eaten beef sashimi.
PBM likes ketchup.
False. Not a big fan of teh red stuff.
PBM loves eating hot dogs.
false. too burpy!
PBM collects change in a jar.
not really a fan.
PBM is very tired and is calling it an early night
False. I'm still here, aren't I? (//vny!://
PBM enjoys Broadway music.
True and False
The person below me is generally a positive person
True. I guess
PBM is having nectar giving coffee.
false. what the.....?
PBM likes this warm weather.
What's the....'What the?'
The person below me can literally smell spring in the air.[img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://" border=0]
*waves to PC. I meant "what the heck is nectar coffee?"
PBM likes to drink herbal tea, especially chamomille.
False.....I'll take my coffee. And with any luck, I can stand a spoon it it.
*waving back to purelife [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://" border=0]
The persone below me is planning a garage sale this spring
False. I usually just donate my items.
PBM has just finish reading a book and is onto another one.
False.....aside from the fact that I can't stay awake long enough to read more than a few pages a night, I also decided I don't want this book to end. I'm loving it.
The person below me has a favourite potato. (whipped, fried, baked, boiled.....etc)
True. Baked spuds are awesome but fries are my downfall.
PBM can make fish n chips and I'm not talking about them coming out of a box.
PBM was born in the Year of the Pig.
PBM has bought an item off eBay before.
PBM has a CMNGT* account.
PBM had a weird dream last night involving Russ' goat.
You did Lise? Do tell!
PBM didn't have a nice dream last night.
I was just kidding. No goats but I did dream about someone trying to break into our home. They left a baby on our doorstep. Weird as hell.
PBM had a good breakfast this morning.
True....poached egg on toast.
The person below me has SOLD something on ebay
PBM has brought something off of CraigsList.
Person below me is wondering what's happened to the weather.
true. it's really warm all of a sudden. what a change!
PBM thinks that we're going to have one hawt summer. (let's clarify that it's not YOU and I having a hawt summer together (//vny!:// )
True (can we have a hot winter together as well?)
PBM thinks that the remark made by the person above me is not to be taken seriously.
My summer is going to be hawt regardless. oh yeah!!
I dunno there gophie I heard level 3 in the VPL can get a little crazy. ;) lol
The person below me loves the VPL
PBM thinks the time's going slowly today.
PBM has seen a real life gopher up close and personal.
True....I fed them....too cute
The person below me will come over and help me rip up some linoleum
True.... but only if you promise to make me something good to eat. (//vny!://
PBM is not looking forward to working on the linoleum today.[/DIV]
Arrrrgggg....true (anytime Lise)
the person below me has learned a valuable lesson today. (heehee)
True. Flour burns easily. (//vny!://
PBM is looking forward to dinner tonight.
PBM is going out this evening
true. stoopid parent advisory council mtg.
PBM needs another coffee
PBM is about to have lunch.
true. my stomach's growling!
PBM plans to drink green tea today.
PBM likes writing letters.
The person below me doesn't think an email can replace a real letter.
PBM doesn't care that Anna Nicole Smith just died.
Wow......39 is too young to die
I do care
The person below me is going to eat something sweet today
Can you say chocolate 10 times?
PBM is going to bake a cake in the next few days.
PBM has seen the movie "Still Small Voices."
False. What's it about?
PBM enjoys sketching.
false. not an artist. i can sketch sticks really well.
The movie features that main girl from JAG. It's about a lady who hears voices in her head from little girls. She thinks that her daughter (who died at 12 ish) is speaking to her. Her mission is to follow her voices and solve the murder of girls in a fire. I won't say anything more Lise because the rest will give it away. If you like mystery, then, this is your kind of movie. I thorougly enjoyed it.
PBM likes to doodle.
Interesting. I'll keep an eye out for that. Always on the hunt for good movies.
PBM thought "Meet the Fockers" was hilarious.
The person below me likes to draw
False false false!
PBM has a cough or cold.
PBM is watching the evening news.
PBM knows all the words to O Canada.
Which ones
The person below me like to look through decorating books
Er... I thought there was only one song to O Canada?
PBM loves flipping through all the cooking books at the library.
PBM has brought a book from Chapters within the last week or planning to soon.
False...most of my books I get from Winners, Homesense and Costco. I keep telling myself...NO MORE COOK BOOKS......but I can't help myself.
The person below me wears slippers
I love slippers but sadly they don't make size 16 slippers. shucks!
The person below me likes wearing lounging pants (sweats, flannel pajama pants)
true. I always look forward to getting out of my work clothes. I love my comfy lounge type clothes.
PBM has a suit and rarely wears it. (men or women business suit)
I've got a mens wearhouse suit. Only have worn it to homecoming, funerals and fbla events.
Person below me likes to nap on the sofa.
False.....I hate the part where you have to get up and go to
The person below me had dessert tonight
Nope. Don't usually do desert.
The PBM likes to kayak
PBM has over 20 DVD's
yeah if you count each Smallville disc 4 or 5 per season x 5 seasons on dvd so far
The person below me has a flat screen tv
The person below me is getting sleepy
PBM likes to eat wine gums.
Never heard of wine gums? any good.
PBM likes wine
totally true. that's wine- not whine!
PBM drinks diet pop.
yup diet pepsi boy/diet dr pepper
PBM likes trains
True....although I've never been on one
The person below me can play the piano
I can't but my dad sure can.
PBM was begged to tryout for choir by the choir teacher but declined
False. Choir teacher was the same teacher as the band teacher and needed me to stay in the band as I was lead clarinet. I did want to go to choir though.. all you do is howl at people.
PBM can tell me where to find a replacement windshield washer reservoir for a 1966 plymouth VIP (like a fury three) that doesnt cost 200 for a piece of dumb plastic.
PBM is thinking of buying a new car soon.
True, or new to me car. Im jealous though.. my brother is going to look at a one ton dodge diesel this afternoon.. if he gets it Im going to have to buy one a bit bigger... :)
PBM Is sure they cant help me on a windshield washer reservoir for this car?
[A href="vny!://[/img]vny!://[/A]
False but good luck.
PBM wants to win a million dollars soon.
The person below me would like me to share my million dollars with them.
True.....I'd buy Russ a Plymouth
The person below me likes digestive cookies with cheddar
False. I like 'em with tea though.
PBM likes squeezing lemon into their tea.
The person below me enjoys eating raw lemons.
False. They're so corrosive to your gums.
PBM flosses every single day.
True. before bedtime.
PBM likes to drink warm milk.
Person below me drinks about 6 cups of water per day.
False. I try to but can't.
PBM is going off for lunch now.
PBM is glad that today's Friday
True.......playing poker again tonight with my buddies
PBM will try to leave work early today
PBM is going out tonight.
I might but then I might just work out.
The person below me ate lunch
true. chicken curry, again.
PBM is not going to have curry for a long time now.
False....I don't know got me having a desire for something curried.
The person below me has transferred all their VHS onto DVD
Nope. I'm lazy.
PBM has old undeveloped film sitting around waiting to be developed.
False....haven't used film in 6 years
The person below me is craving some watermelon
PBM still uses those disposable cameras.
PBM sings in the shower.
PBM likes to buy bath products and uses them regularily.
True. I buy soap and shampoo.. I would be worried if people didnt.
P.C. wrote:
True.....I'd buy Russ a Plymouth
LOL, thanks PC.. but I have that car already.. was my grandfathers. Im trying to look for pieces on it that are broken or old and need to be replaced. I need to rebuild the engine as the seals are gone on it as well as the transmission. I also need to slap a coat of paint on it again.. but its all origional with 83k miles. He bought it from the showroom.
PBM wishes it wasnt raining out.[/DIV]
Uhm, Russ, I meant bath products including bath bombs, moisturizers, shower gels, etc. You know, the beyond one's basic needs. ;)
PBM likes shopping at Winners.
I dont know that place. Seriously.
PBM loves costco as much as I do... I need to take only so much money or I always go over.
Love Costco.....and Winners
The person below me has a birthday this month
PBM likes to drink freshly squeezed juice. sister has an orchard and a vineyard......she juices a LOT. Fresh grape juice is like the nectar of the Gods
The person below me has made cream puffs
False. I like eating them though.
PBM wants to share a recipe?
True. What kind of recipe would you like?
PBM likes hedgehogs (chocolates)
false. too many hazelnuts.
PBM likes chocolate coffee beans.
PBM doesn't like msn.
I like msn better then yahoo.
The person below me doesn't know what they're having for din din
PBM uses hand lotion daily.
False....I use it several times daily. Right now my hands are screaming. Down to the second layer of removing my old kitchen floor. AArrrrrrgggg
The person below me has long hair.
true at the moment my hair is so long if I stretch it out its past my nose.
Person below me likes food.
PBM likes Moroccan food.
PBM is anyone's for a couscous.
False.....although I like couscous
The person below me is going to make their own valentine
PBM is going to do something special for Valentine's Day.
False (at least to my present knowledge)
PBM usually gets more than one card.
False I don't get any cards, never have.
Person below me is sorta dyslexic.
Person below me has already had lunch.
false. I just had my breakfast.
PBM loves this warm weather.
PBM feels as though it's almost spring.
warm weather rules
not today
PBM doesn't like it when it gets hot out
True. I have hot and hotter all the time when Im away at work.
PBM is having a slow day like I am.
False....I'm on a mission
The person below me likes cotton candy. (even though it's so BAAAAD for you)
True. on enjoying and it being bad.
PBM still laughs at some commericals.
PBM has a digital watch with fancy doo dads.
haven't had a digital watch in years.
PBM wears a watch.
true. all the time.
PBM is celebrating someone's birthday this month.
not this month but next
The person below me know who Barack Obama is
PBM is planning to buy flowers soon.
Nope most likely not buying flowers.
Barack Obama: [a href="vny!://"]vny!:// [/a]
person below me can name all the main political parties in Canada
Dont really care to be honest.
Theres only three that are significant in my mind.
PBM has watched usual suspects.
PBM has sent Valentine cards to other people.
yeah but I always get ignored by the reciever
The person below me wishes V-day would just go away
PBM likes to wear yellow.
False. I hate sticking out like a sunflower.
PBM has a pair of sexy thongs......
PBM has a sexy bra with matching panties.
False. I did and then it got lost somewhere along my youth.
PBM has been a bridesmaid or best man at least once.
Nope never been, my cousin though if he ever gets married better have me as his best man because well he like me has like no social life lol. poor guy.
person below me is religious
PBM believes in reincarnation.
nah too out there for me
person below me has fallen trees in their backyard.
PBM has to clean doggy poo from his or her lawn.
oh god yes its like a war zone out there.
The person below me's dog/cat whines a lot
False. He sleeps a lot though.
PBM has a rocking chair at home.
Yup I've got two. One from my great great grandpa its over 100 years old. And another that still has milk stains from when my mom was feeding me way back when.
person below me doesn't know what to have for dinner.
PBM reads the comics daily.
False.....haven't read them for years. Do they still have Calvin and Hobbs?
The person below me has had a portrait done of them.
I don't think so but C&H is super funny.
PBM wonders why it is so quiet tonight......
True.....I wonder if we're missing something......LOL
The person below me likes black and white photography
I guess it's a Saturday night, everyone's out except us. *wwaaaah!*
PBM loves to take photographs of everything. (gotta run, Ms. PC. Diaper-time! G'nite!)
The person below me may need a clothes peg for their nose.
G'nite Lise.
True (I've got a cold).
PBM is looking forward to a nice lazy afternoon.
I wish, I've got some work to do
PBM needs to lose a lot of weight
PBM eats too much.
Yes I need to stop last night I went to my favourite pub and ate about 5lbs worth of nachos and then I had shepards pie. Seriously something is wrong with me for eating this much. Felt like I was having a 5hr heart attack afterward.
PBM is a 'binge' eater
PBM has recently sent an e-mail to Harper.
*hi Gophie
The person below me finds the air in here odd, the last few days.
Air in what way? As in quiet? don't know what you're saying P.C.
PBM needs an explanation to what PC was saying lol
True....I have no idea
The person below me feels like having a chocolate bar
food is not on my mind at the moment
Person below me finished something they were working on.
Ture, I was working on a chocolate bar - and yes, I agree with PC about the air.
PBM wonders what's going to happen next.
The very fact that I'm posting from work is odd.
The person below me thinks a vacation is in order
PBM has an updated resume.
Hmm never done a resume. But I would like to know where some of my school record has gone. I varsitied in Band and yet my record doesn't show that I did and then there's the lost ACT score which is beyond odd.
Person below me wants to head to the mountains.
PBM likes to chew gum and does it daily.
PBM is on the computer right now
well duh? lol
PBM picked my states new licence plate off the link I gave in that new licence plate thread.
PBM likes to eat cinnamon hearts.
True. :)
Person below me has a Valentine this year.
PBM wears colored-contact lenses.
false. I dont know where I put my contacts. I should really try to find them at some point. Do the disposable contacts expire?
PBM can tell me if disposable contacts expire and if so when?
If the disposables are still in the original saline solution, then it expires in about 2-3 years. I don't wear disposables but my regular contacts only last for about 2-3 years in the solution when unopened. Hope that helps?
PBM has been outside for more than 2 hours.
True, but not recently.
Drat, Ive had them for six years.. maybe I should stop using them off and on. Still have some unsealed packages.
PBM likes CSI. Which one is the best.. CSI Vegas, CSI Miami, CSI NY
true. but don't have a favorite CSI.
I could be wrong about the expiry dates. The box might have an expiry date.
PBM has over 5 pairs of sunglasses.
True.. Dont know where the lenses are though,, Ill look when I find em thanks..
Just watching CSI miami now.
PBM knows what they are having for dinner?
true... homemade chicken-brocolli lentil soup
PBM has a blog.
PBM owns a Pet Shop Boy's cd?
False....but I own a pet
The person below me enjoyed the hint of spring in the air today
false. I did enjoy yesterday's warmthness. Today, was pretty chilly with the rain.
PBM has a green thumb.
True (ish) Sorry about your yucky weather. It was beautiful here today. I looked and felt like April.
The person below me paints their toenails. (except if Russ is the person below
True. Except I have to re-touch them again. *wiggling single big toe that's painted*
PBM loves open heels shoes.
wahts an open heeled shoe? a pair of sandals or thongs?
PBM likes SCI Fi Movies.
Which I'm sure your GF loves too, right?
True to your statement. Love Sci-Fi and Fantasy.
PBM eats out a lot.
False......prefer to cook
*nice shoes
The person below me can juggle
juggle what? goats or schoolwork and play?
PBM likes to go camping?
False.....did it since I was a wee bit. Now my idea of roughing it is a hotel without room service.
The person below me is a good swimmer
used to be. havent swum in a while so Ill probably be a walrus or namu the killer whale.
PBM likes driving with the windows down and the tunes up.
The person below me has been to a Cirque du Soleil
True........I have been to several over the years
PBM has been to a Las Vegas show
True......all 5 Cirque du Soleil shows were booked last time I was down. ALL FIVE *cry
The person below me has done something 'on stage' in front of an audience.
Ture I guess. I was in a play when I was in elementary school, I played 'Don Gato'. Dont ask anymore thats all I remember.
PBM can play the guitar?
False......except for the Bonanza
The person below me has lived in another country. (not visited)
PBM has read a book on comedy and can recommend me one.
False...but don't let that stop anyone else from recommending.
PBM stomach is growling because they are hungry!
PBM wishes it was noon so they could have a beer without feeling bad.
False (if I have one before the evening it knocks me out).
PBM is wondering what's going to happen re. Iran.
Beginnings of WWIII in the middle east.
PBM has watched King Kong
PBM is looking for inspiration.
PBM has started writing a book.
False (but it's always on the cards).
PBM has already written one.
PBM is planning to go ice skating some time this month.
PBM has seen a crocus in flower this morning.
False but I'm keeping my eye out because they'll flower soon.
PBM would like to sail down the Nile one day.
PBM is good at taking medications on time when prescribed. (ie, 4 times a day at the same time for a week)
Somewhat true.
PBM has gotten vaccinated recently.
PBM is due to have a blood test
false. Had mine done a few months ago.
PBM gets cramps.
False....... we men are created differently (//vny!://
PBM is sick of hearing of Anna Nicole Smith
True. Anna Nicole who?
PBM likes to watch wrestling.
pbm likes plants
Somewhat true. Depends if they die on me. If they don't then they get a gold star.
PBM believes we will be able to travel to other plants and colonized them in the near future. plants
and True to colonizing other "plants." ;)
PBM has many plants in his/her home.
True. for you thats a rhetorical Question is it not? lol
PBM thinks humanity will fizzle eventually.
True. And the cockroaches will rule.
LOL. Planets! Planets!! Russ' statement threw me off course.
PBM thinks the future of mankind is somewhat bleak.
You don't need yuppy scientists to tell us manking is heading down a dark, irreversible path.
The person below knows that, and enjoys everyday as much as possible.
true. You beat me to your comment, lol. I pretty much put the same think CK.. hows your day treating you?
PBM wishes (like me) whenever the mailman delivers mail, their dog would be ever so kind and not go to great him everyday. As well as taking the mail and shaking it to make sure theres nothing that can get damaged, as well as leaving loving teeth marks in them.. Just making sure his teeth are cleaned im sure.[/DIV]
True. LOL. My dog usually just barks at the postman/postwoman but nothing more.
PBM has gotten his mail ripped by his or her dog or cat or pets or lover.
True. Dog
PBM eats in front of the telly or at a table for dinner.
False....we eat at the bar in the Ebony Lounge
The person below me likes Southern Comfort
True. Pass them black-eye peas, pls.
PBM has a brownie recipe he or she can share with me. (//vny!://
False. The only one I ever wrote down involved pot. And I dont do that stuff anymore so I dont have the recipe.. sorry.
Like southern comfort miss PC.. Use it in Sanghria after you add the one orange, one apple, and two bottles of red. Add like three ounces. then when you are ready to use it, add ice, fill cup 2/3rds, then add sprite or ginger ale.
PBM adds water into the bottom of the ashtrays for themselves or friends.
I can't go near an ashtray without getting sick.
The person below me is on their second career.
PBM read the newspaper on his or her throne.
Career???? False I've never had a career. I've had a few jobs, but never a career.
The person below me is in a job (or career) that doesn't feel like work.
False.....IN ....OUT....I read in bed.
The person below me is in a good mood tonight
How can you not be happy in the presence of Ms. PC? (//vny!://
PBM knows how to mix cocktails.
I read newspapers on the throne as well.
PBM likes suspense police thrillers.
hmmm last good cop thriller I've seen is that Gene Hackman movie the French Connection.
The person below me went out to eat tonight.
PBM likes malaysian food
I plead ignorance.....but I'm willing to gamble True
The person below me had an Etch-A-Sketch when they were little.
hmmm I always tried but I failed, oh I here snow on the window
PBM has started to use Lise's phrase for dinner: din din
How do you TRY to have had an Etch-A-Sketch. Either you did or you didn'
Anyone who has had kids calls dinner 'din din'
Ther person below me had a Magic 8 Ball
False. that term means coke to me.
PBM is smiling
I had an 8 ball but it never gave the answer I was looking for.
(I've attempted ech-e-stetch but I've always failed in making something)
Yup I'm happy right now contempt with the day of work I've done.
PBM is going to bed *yawn* good night (//forums/richedit/smileys/Other/10.gif) (//forums/richedit/smileys/Other/9.gif)
Not yet. Night SD
PBM likes corn whisk brooms or the newer synthetic fibre ones.
Yeaaaaayyyyy....corn whisk
The person below me has used White Flower for aches and pains
False. sounds interesting though!
The person below me thinks (white flour are for cookies???) or is that a different kind of flower..? confused...
lol.....White Flower is a little herbal remedy that comes as an oil. It's like Tiger Balm, but liquid.
And I forget the question.
Ther person below me had a hearty breakfast this morning.
Ah, that makes sense now! Sorry, a little sleepy this morning.
just Cheerios today and coffee
The person below me loves to go for romantic walks.
True. But I don't think I've done it in years. (//vny!://
PBM has tried to surf on the water before.
In Cabos San Lucas. Met some Californians down there and they gave me some lessons.
PBM has been to the Black Tusk in Garibaldi Park.
False. Are you kidding me? That's only for the very serious, serious, serious hikers.
PBM has hiked the Big Chief before.
PBM has already made one big mistake today.
Do tell.
PBM has flip flops at home and is ready to use them this summer.
PBM is without shame
True :|
The person below me hunts mercilessly for mushrooms in the wild.
The PBM has had a curse/hex put on them!
True!!! :O
The person below me has been an extra in a movie or TV show!
The person below me enjoys Turner Classic movies.
False!! I don't watch much TV and most of the movies I see are via netflix.
The person below me is deathly afraid of a certain animal, but doesn't tell people because he/she is afraid it will sound silly.
PBM has photos all over their mantle
PBM has an authentic autograph of a celebrity.
Erm, I have the autograph of a semi-famous Vietnamese buddhist nun (monkette?).
She wrote a book; does that make her famous??
The person below me thinks Party Boy (Chris Pontius) has the hawtest ass in creation.
PBM has holes in their underwear.
false. I'd throw them away.
PBM is having tofu dessert or likes tofu.
False. I hate anything tofu except tofu pudding with syrup.
PBM likes to eat beef tripe.
true ........ I like tripe
(I save all my underwear with holes for trips and then throw them away after I had worn them)
PBM likes to eat stinky tofu
False. EEEOOWW. Gawd, no!! The smell makes me cringe inside.
PBM likes spicy Szehuan tofu with minced pork.
never had that before.
PBM likes vanilla-scented candles.
False. Candles are dangerous.
PBM likes holes in their underwear.. easy access and air conditioning
PBM buys underwear at Costco.
Actualy True! Have you seen my costco posts? lol. I do most of my food and clothing shopping there. I have been hitting wallyworld alot more as well.
PBM has more than one telly in their home.
PBM has multiple alarm clocks.
person below me had a nice dinner.
Had some teryaki chicken, veggies, and noodles
PBM loves Henry Rollins (its his B-Day today!).
He looks like a muppet character. I only know him from Vh1 shows when they talk about music.
PBM has a hard time getting their car out of the snow.
The person below me is doing something special for their sweetie tomorrow.
I canned his ass last year. :) (//vny!://
PBM believes in ghosts?
PBM is ordering a heart-shaped pizza tomorrow from BP
False. Ok what is THIS acronym standing for? BP = 'b' pop (pc), British Petroleum (russ), and????
We are going out somewhere, but Im not posting until tomorrow. I have been looking for a decent place for three days now and lucked out yesterday with booking.
Not posting cause you know who will probably see this.
PBM had waht for dinner... We had Mr Wendys.
false. Nothing for dinner planned yet.
PBM can wake up on time without an alarm.
False. I can't even wake up on time WITH an alarm :(
The person below me went to a speed dating event once, was frightened by the things they saw and never went back.
false, never been.
PBM decorates his/her cubicle or desk area.
PBM wears glasses
PBM likes have breakfast for dinner and dinner for breakfast.
True. I have been known to partake in nocturnal cereal and early morning dinner leftovers.
The person below me was once bitten on the ass by a venomous animal!!
PBM was once bitten by an ass
true. not literally though.
PBM has a night stand.
PBM has had at least five one night stands
PBM has been on a blind date before.
[span style="font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;"]true. not literally though.[/span]
Anyway, false. Blind dates are scary :O
The wanker below me once sprained a body part during sex!
PBM is thinking nasty dirty thoughts. Do share, please! ;)
true..well, only after seeing purelife was around.
The dude or dudette below me hates sports flags on cars.
PBM has windchimes at his/her home.
The person below me has been to Ainsworth Hot Springs.
False. But once when I was a child I peed the bed.
The maniac below me thinks men who can cook are sexay!
TOTALLY! Men cooking makes my cucumber wet!
The Peanut Butter Sandwhich below me loves to cook.
True I gues. lol
PBM likes PB and banana sandwiches
False. I have no particular opinion on that topic :|
The toxic mutant below doesn't mind dog-earing and sometimes even scribbling in books they read.
True. Im terrible at that at times.
The crazy redneck guntoting bandit below me likes to flavour their coffee and not drink it balck
False. BLACK COFFEE or nuttin' pardner. If yer coffee tastes bad and you have to add stuff to it, better finda new coffee there mister!
The Granola, tree-hugging, backwoods of the Slocan Valley hippie below me loves granola.
PBM knows how to change a spare tire.
true. everyone should learn that. Had to change one on the #5 in Los Angeles. I made poop that day!
The pbm gives blood regularly.
False. I mean to but they turn me away because I have a pet.
I still can't change tires..... that's what husbands are for.
PBM understands erotic art.
EDIT: True if its a playboy or hustler
False. not allowed to, they dont accept my blood cause I work in africa.. and theres lots of malaria there. So I told them to F**k off and stop calling then.
The tree hugging touchy feely commercial drive artiste thinks the organic and non organic price difference is a joke while theres no real difference between the two anyhow.
False. There is a difference because one's grown with a certificate that says no chemical or pesticide has touch the produce. However..... it's a different story when you start putting the produce side by side with the ones that are not organic.
I do agree the price shouldn't be higher though.
PBM prefers his or her steak raw.
False.. 'blue' to medium rare. Depends where the steak is from.. I like my meat red and dripping...
the fuzzy naval orange aqueezing person below me likes the show mythbusters.
True. I especially like the one where they try to slice "ancient" swords.
PBM likes to watch a lot of old western movies with the Duke.
True. Love the duke. aint no body like 'im pilgrim.
The person below me with sweat rolling down their face, likes celtic music and celtic festivals.
Somewhat true. I like Celtic music but not sure about the festivals since I haven't participate in any just yet.
PBM has a box of chocolate or flowers ready for his or her love ones today.
False. Havent picked the flowers up yet. I will on the way.
The greeny meanie person below me has a japanese glass fishing ball.
False? WTF is it??
The drooling, crunked up party animal below once vomited into a hat.
Japanese glass fishing ball is what we find on the westcoast on the beach from japanese fishing nets. Its what they used for floats, and some of them get away. I have a bunch of them.
[A href="vny!://" target=_top][img height=78 src="vny!://!://" width=104][/A]
The flashy gaudy goose below me likes renting movies and watching them at home instead of going to the theatres.
True. Though the theatre has some perks like surround system and comfy couches.
PBM is going to watch Ghost Rider this weekend.
nah I like seeing a movie a the theatre, especially the tiny theatres, that show 'edgy' films that aren't in the big box chains (mainly foreign language films and political movies). Plus I hate teens.
nope probably won't see that film might is Volver though.
The person below me is going to work out in a few minutes.
PBM maintain good posture while using the computer.
I wish I did.
Person below me feels downish for some reason.
PBM just had something to eat.
I had a gatorade Propel getting ready to workout going to drive through the snow waiting for ipod to charge.
PBM wants a new MP3 player
false. my ipods good enough for a while.
PBM plays set for life.
PBM likes nutella on bread.
PBM has seen 'school for scoundrels'
False. Is it good? Looks funny.
PBM doesn't get Jackass the Movie.
haven't seen it.
PBM owns an Entertainment Book.
PBM has cut his or her own hair before.
True. I think that I attempted the bangs when I was a wittle gurl. ;)
PBM has been surprised on his/her own birthday.
False. Nobody gets by my radar without me knowing! (//vny!://
PBM has been to a strip joint and was shocked at the display.
True. Not my cup of tea to watch that stuff.
PBM likes to have chamomille tea with honey.
PBM is thinking about the person below me and is wondering what to question to form.....
PBM likes to play Mortal Kombat.
The person below me will be a woman with the handle Lise or purelife.
PBM can't sleep
PBM enjoys Guiness beer.
true. It's ok.
PBM likes to bake.
PBM likes painting
PBM likes needlepointing/knitting.
PBM has more than once signed a petition and then asked what it's about.
False. I always asks first in case they want my soul.
PBM has participated in a rally protest before.
PBM has been arrested
PBM keeps an agenda/appointment book either monthly/weekly.
PBM doesn't like wearing a watch.
I don't wear one, I carry one on my keychain.
PBM likes to listen to Mozart.
Person below me has been to Salzburg
True. Austria, right?
PBM has seen opera and understood every word.
true and false.
PBM has performed on a stage.
True. And I can't believe I did that!!!
PBM loves avacadoes.
true but I'm gonna be sick of them soon if I keep eating them!
PBM likes guacamole.
Only the hand-crafted kind. That guac paste they put in cheap burgers and whatnot makes me want to heave :(
The rusty trombone below me has cold fingers right now.
The person below me is not above me.
The slightly brown avacado below me once caught his or her penis in someome else's zipper.
actually tenk your above post should be false as I said "is not above me" and you being above me means that the statement is know the whole 2 negative rule
anyways false to your statement...
the person below me thinks Tenk is a little slow.
False. NEVER.
PBM thinks Aboozer is too cute for mere words to do him justice.
PBM has had moussaka before.
PBM hates olives on his or her pizza.
False I love Olives.
The person below me has nippleitous
What the heck is that? false.
PBM has instant noodles quite often.
True dat!! And if I had some now I would put my noodle in Aboozer's face! >:(
The noodle head below me likes the smell of burning hot dog meat.
True. slab of meat being seared over a fire is where its at.
PBM likes cheerios and milk.
PBM likes to have sugar with cereal.
True (unless it is already sweet)
the person below me has handle jacked the Aboozer name on DV at some point in their posting life.
false. I'd like to do it now but I'm banned :(
PBM doesn't like to feel banned from a forum.
I highly doubt you are banned - I can't post at home either and I know I'm not banned.
and True
the person below me turns their undwear inside out when they run out of underwear.
Oh, I know that I was banned for sure. I posted some nasty "I LOVE MIKE" comments to make fun of him and about 10 minutes, could no longer post. Coincidence, I think not. I heard that mods have the option to bann right then and there. I know that Steve or some dorky admin banned me. :P
PBM needs to wash about two loads of laundry soon.
false - my wife does my laundry hehe
the person below me always has a beer stocked fridge.
true. cant run low you might have an emergency.
pbm likes going for long walks with their mp3 players on
true. long walks on the treadmill, lately. :)
PBM has a broken mp3 player.
I can't f*cking believe mine broke just at 6 months and freaking WALMART won't take care of it. What kind of customer service was that? Gosh, I was pissed! London Drugs would've handled it right then and there for me. I had the box, receipt, everything! Grrrrrrr..... /end of rant.
you serious? wally world didnt help you with it? When you buy an ipod it comes with a one year warranty.. did you buy it with a credit card? if you did the credit card gives you one year warranty on electrical products as well.
i had one of those piece of crap ceative mp3 players. biggest paper weight ive ever owned.
anyhow. the jungle dwelling monkey diddling person below me wants an ipod.
True. I'm going to have to look for a used one from Craigslist or something. You selling one or know of someone?
Nope, paid by cash. B/f got it for me on my b-day in Aug. It was a Phillips 1GB mp3 player. I feel so musicless. I was speaking to the Mgr and OMG, he was a freaking doofus. I can't believe Walmart is so f*cking strict on their STUPID 3 months policy. AAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRGGGGGGGHHHHHHHH! I'm going to try again at another location when I feel physically better. I'm not giving up!
ADD: I'm not being unreasonable, am I?
PBM can help me find a used ipod.
False. Sorry to hear that purelife. Maybe check craigslist.
PBM hates Walmart and won't shop there any more.
the person below me doesn't put toilet paper on the toilet seats when using a public washroom
False. Need "landing gear". I've been to some gross bathrooms (rugby clubs and Chinese restaurants).
PBM always washes hands afterwards.
True on washing hands and true on seeing gross toilets in restaurants in china and asia.
um purelife. buy another one keep that one, return the one you have thats f*cked for a new one, then return it soon after you get it and use the credit for something else. not that ive done that or anything. wallyworld is usually pretty dumb.
PBM wants what kind of ipod
False. I have..... no desire to get an iPod or know what type I have.
PBM has seen a flying cockroach.
false. those buggers fly? Crap!
PBM has an old record player.
Yes. They do fly!!! And it's really scary when they fly straight at you. I remember those damn bugs flying all over the room back in M'sia. *shudder*
PBM plans on going somewhere (anywhere!!!) this year.
Yup! I am too scared to take a long trip in my new car quite yet but soon I'm hoping to make it up to Oregon where a lot of my family lives.
The pot brownie below me is slightly offended by some of Teh Borken's paid advertising (and also worries when their office mates walk by and see cleavage).
True! Those girls are so damn.......................... BIG. LOL.
PBM hates the Fart Button banner that keeps popping up and screwing your thoughts.
I've got used ipods. Silver metallic Ipod mini nobody has ever used lol.
Oh on the trips well duh I'm going somewhere this year lol
Person below me likes ipod's.
PBM likes lemon cheesecake...mmm....
False. I prefer the plain cheesecake with no flavor.
PBM eats not one slice of cheesecake but at least two. Gotta have TWO.
PBM has been watching Deal or No Deal Canada.
False (hmmmm...a cheesecake with no flavour)
The person below me has a favourite lotion.
PBM has used one of those toilets in the floor where you have to squate.
*You're right Lise....[FONT size=4]THAT FART BUTTON IS DRIVING ME MENTAL [/FONT]!!!!
I don't mind the fart's THE STROBE! Can anyone be misguided enough to believe this is effective advertising?
True. In Paris...not fun.
And true to having a fav lotion - Aveeno
PBM has a favorite handbag that she uses all the time.
The person below me likes baked beans. (question inspired by the fart button I suppose)
I don't have a man purse, although Jack Bauer does and he's no less of a man.
Person below me doesn't get why women can't find anything in their purses.
True. more or less organized chaos. ;)
PBM likes hot chocolate.
True! The best hot chocolate is to be had when you're camping and sitting by a fire and it's freezing cold out and you're listening to a coyote howl and it's creepy but then teh chocolate kicks in :O
The old school fig bar below me once took a photo of their nipple with their cell phone and sent it to someone.
Trying to put an end to this huh ? Hahhahahahaa
True....what did you think
The person below me puts marshmellows in their hot chocolate
W00h00!! :)
False. I don't think I've done that since I was a wee lad, but I'm not sure why I stopped...
The Scent of purple below once went skinny dipping in a swimming hole and was chased out by a water moccasin or other venomous snake-like creature! :O
False.....But I was once sent to go skinny dipping in a swimming hole wearing nothing but moccasins and I think there may have been a snake.
The person below me wears a bracelet.
PBM takes daily medication
false. pills count?
PBM has a few friends expecting this year.
true on the meds. addhd + anti depressants
I hope not, on expecting. But then again its been not even 2 years since my class left high school out of a 125 class 7 have gotten pregnant.
PBM wants to have kids.
True. One more will make me more happy.........
PBM wants to dance naked in the sun and not give a fig about what others think.
Hmmmm. No? Sort of? I think I would have to be well um...medicated to go through with something like that :)
The twig and berries below me would like to be the first human being to have sex with an alien species.
PBM has a life insurance policy.
PBM has had sex with an alien. (//vny!://
False :( My twi-lek girlfriend doesn't believe in sex before marriage!
The wookie below me eats a lot when they are depressed.
PBM is taking multi-vitamins daily.
False. I should but I've stopped.
PBM is looking forward to the weekend.
true. very much so.
PBM is taking it easy tonight.
True.....alright.....this is my LAST try on this
The person below me thinks all those anti-bacterial soaps and stuff are not a good thing[/DIV]
False. Some anti-bacteria soaps are OK, like the ones I have to kill on the toilet seats.
PBM can't believe the page on DS is not loading as quickly as he or she wants.
Its loading super fast like me flying by on the interstate!
The person below me is doing something for Mardi Gras
PBM has a plastic water bottle.
False....Lise DS is always painfully slow for me.
The person below me likes abalone.
looks up abalone, can't say I've tried it.
pbm has had a pork steak before.
regularly....a fave for both of us
The person below me likes a good comedy more than a drama
true. depends on my mood.
PBM has over two phones around the house.
True....I'd prefer 0
The person below me can wear sneakers to work
True. I could probably get away with going pantsless.
The hairy kneecap below me is ascairt of goth kids :O
Take it away legs and knee caps are silken
P.C. wrote:
Take it away legs and knee caps are silken
lol? what? meh confused? lol
PBM had sons or daughters that gave you a lot of grey hair. (sorry mom lol ;))
False....although they tried. They did however teach me to appreciate silence and order.
The person below me wonders why men look better with gray hair than women.
true. But I notice that women with gray hair looks just as pretty too. :)
PBM isn't afraid of getting old one day.
PBM looks forward to having a lifestyle of which he/she is worthy.
That requires greater thought
The person below me has a piece of chocolate for P.C. (I just had a hankering....I think this is a good sign)
I'd gladly give you chocolate P.C, but I don't want you to get sicker since it has samenella.
PBM thinks there greatest accomplishments in life has been there kids.
True, P.C. - but as I can't send it via cybermail I'm going to eat it myself.
PBM prefers plain chocloate to milk.
False. I once ate some baker's choc as a kid. Hurk!!! Milk choc is tasty and delicious :)
The walking banana peel below enjoys disco music and/or owns a pair of tight glittery pants.
As is DARK chocolate? If so....true
The person below me will tell me about the new scare of chocolate and salmonela glittery tights. (I's disappointing itsn't it ?)
Its Peter Pan peanut butter if you have it toss it. Problem is I have that peanut butter and I ate it. eck
PBM likes chocolate oranges
Mmmmm Terry's dark chocolate oranges.
(didn't you say that you didn't want to give me chocolate because you didn't want me to get salmonela?) I confuse easily. Be gentle.
The person below me is going outside to soak up some Vitamin D
True. Along with the frigid cold air.
PBM has eaten an apple.
True. In the past, not lately.
PBM likes crunchy red apples.
PBM gets about 5 personal letters per week.
True....they all request money.
The person below me likes a fountain pen.
PBM likes calligraphy.
True. Unfortunately I haven't done it in a long, long time. *wonders where I put my pen....*
PBM likes reading other people's letters. (//vny!://
PBM wouldn't like anyone to read his/her diary.
Well duh everyone's got a little spy in them
nope I hide things from my snoopy sister if I get things in the mail or things from girls
PBM snooped on their siblings when they were younger.
False (didn't have any).
PBM doesn't care what anyone says about them, as long as it's not the truth.
False. dont care what people say about me at all. I am who I am, I dont hide behind stuff.
PBM hates getting mail with windows in them
PBM hides things around the house and somtimes, can't find them. ie. money.
I don't hide things I lose things lol its my crutch.
PBM knows somebody or is somebody who always can't find where they put things.
True.....I hide my keys all the time.
The person below me has a day planner
PBM has milked a cow before.
I do but do I ever use it or follow it, sadly no. I should though, it would keep me on task lol.
I have at my uncles farm. Its weird.
PBM is watching the Daytona 500 this weekend.
False. Not interested.
PBM loves to ride the rollercoaster, the faster the better.
LOVE the roller coaster
The person below me will answer purelifes unanswered question ....modified....I see that you did.
I want to milk a cow.
The person below me has a list of things they want to do in their life. (quirky milk a cow)
True. and false. I've never milked a cow before.
PBM has shovelled manure.
Yes.....but that was my OLD boss
The person below me rides horses
LOL. PC..... *sheds tear*
PBM likes to have a long hot bath uninterrupted.
true. with candles and rose petals, please.
PBM hasn't had a bath for a loooong time come due.
I haven't had a bath since I was little, can't fit in the tub lol.
PBM needs to visit the chiropractor.
PBM has a pair of red shoes.
False. My choice of footwear is way too boring :(
The purple stubbed toe below me craves the power to transform into an animal at will.
PBM has a stuffed animal or two in the home.
True.....I used to make teddy bears, so there's a few........hundred
The person below me has made their own pasta
You made your own teddy bears, PC? Sweet! How did that work out?
PBM regularily donates to a charity.
True. Amnesty Internation and Red Cross mostly but soon I will loan to Kiva!
The free-floating drop of rainwater below is having a REALLY rough day today and just wants it to be over.
i guess so, I'm just super tired haven't been able to do anything. ugh
PBM just wants to sleep.
Awwww....I sense a message there[img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://" border=0]
False.....all is well, and my lunch is still in my tummy.
The person below me will go to the pictures only thread for a kitty fix
modify.....sorry....I answered tenkani's, and I was too lazy to go back and do it all over again
True. I've seen your kitties, PC. Lovely and cute. Lotsa furries.
PBM is left-handed.
False. [masterbation reference deleted for her pleasure].
The ooey gooey gumdrop below has been using the Internet seriously for fewer than 5 years.
The person below me thinks left handed people are more artistically inclined.
true. I think...
PBM needs some fresh air.
False. Ok, well fresh air is always nice but I just got back from being outside so I can survive in my cube until quitting time.
The small bundle of cat fur below has been tested for VD in the past 10 years.
PBM likes to play Scrabble.
True! I love word & vocabulary games!!!
PBM ate a grilled cheese sandwich this week?
Darn, now I'm gonna crave for that. Haven't had it for a while.
PBM has some massage tools and doo-dads at home.
Er..... not telling about my doo-dahs.
PBM believes there are real aliens out there and that they have visited earth many, many times before.
The PBM hasn't celebrated their birthday yet this year.
True dat.
The peeled grape below has designed their own set of cards (playing cards or tarot cards for instance).
false. sure does sound interesting, tenk. do you?
PBM has had his/her tarot cards read. grandma used to do that. She could read the same way from a regular deck of cards too.
(all I remember is Jack....the postman.....receiving a letter) ?
The person below me want to hear more about the grape peelers card designing.
Er..... true?
PBM has eaten chocolate bigger than his or her fist before.
false. (that would be some pretty big chocolate)
PBM is freaking out.
lol, um..i plead the 5th amendment :)
the person below likes giraffes :) :) :)
True. Who doesn't?
PBM likes going to the zoo and seeing all them animals.
PBM has a few gold bracelets.
true. Did you hear about the zoo on valentine's day that had all there animals have sex during viewing hours? crazy.
nope no gold fer me.
PBM does not get along with relatives.
False. They just think Im crazy cause of all the things I do for fun and the fact I work outside the country.
PBM has a bikini and wants to model it for us
but it's so cold out...
person below me likes the person above me :)
True.....Russ is a good boy. [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://" border=0]
The person below me is actually aware that it's Friday (apparently I lost a day) Yipes !
True!! Unfortunately I'm stuck here at work until 9:00!!
The unusually soiled patch of carpet below has a secret dance they dance when no one is around, and no living soul has yet seen it :O
"false. sure does sound interesting, tenk. do you?"
No, but I created a role-playing game about gang warfare in Lose Angeles when I was a kid. Tee hee.
Person below me has had a family get together where everyone gives blank stares and nobody talks.
The person above me FAILED and needs to post in the proper format.
Don't make me release the toads of war.
PBM has bought something x-rated from eBay.
*releasing toads of war*
*toads fail to attack SD*
Grrrr. Anyway, false. Not from EBay I would be afraid of getting USED ones :(
The former member of the Blue Man group below would like to travel abroad but is afraid of being mistaken for (or properly identified as) an American.
yes I'm afraid of my own shadow.
PBM is afraid of their shadow.
False....that thing's got nothing on me
The person below me is having a nice glass of wine. (we'll see how THIS sits)
False!! Although I feel like whining into my soul patch because I'm still at work!!
The dog loving traitor below denies the obvious superiority of the feline species and will be the first up against the wall when the revolution comes.
false I had a beer earlier but I go to work tonight so no more booze.
To answer tenkani: Women, rule they are always right, you cannot question them. ;)
PBM likes to wear jeans.
No more beer for you. That answer wasn't even close to tenkani's question [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://" border=0]
It wasn't? lol
Still women are my bosses. Ugh try taking a vacation with two of them and you're the only male. And they say I wear them out. lol like other way around.
Uh True/ false? Wheres your question SD? I think you missed posting it.
PBM wonders where the porn plots came from
PBM wonders who the person below them will be.
I wonder how Gophie looks like.
PBM has a 42inch tv or larger.
The person below me hasn't had a milkshake in years.
false. It's been a few months though. :(
PBM likes to eat pea/lentil soup.
MMMMM pea soup
The person below me will be spending time with family tomorrow
PBM has magnetic photo frames on his/her fridge.
pbm is interested in astronomy.
false. not really my thing.
PBM reads his/her horoscope on a daily basis.
False....every now and then
The person below me had a fabulous dinner tonight
PBM needs to buy a new stove or an appliance of this nature.
False......well maybe not. Replaced everything except the washer and dryer last fall....and they're living on borrowed time
The person below me has seen those cool dryers with the place to hang clothes in a special drying section. (pathetic
false. Sounds interesting though. I was very intrigued by this commercial where you can just quickly steam your outfit in the washer before heading out. Ahhhh...sounds divine!
PBM has a few loads of laundry that need to be done.
*like this. Racks for laying sweaters flat.....awesome
[img id=individualGalleryImage1 title="Maytag Neptune MCE8000AY Electric Dryer" height=150 alt="Maytag Neptune MCE8000AY Electric Dryer" src="vny!://" width=177]
Fasle PC, I havent seen one of those.. Whats the point of having those flat thingys above the dryer? But that comment is coming from someone that puts everything in the wash at once.
PBM likes a good drink at teh end of the day.
hi! i do like water!!
person below me loves to sing!
True. Especially in the showers.
PBM is going to see a real life lion dance today in lieu of CNY.
PBM wonders what purelife looks like!
PBM likes country
PBM doesn't like cities
True. Im starting to dislike where I live.. but RSS cant move.
PBM has a digital camera?
PBM takes a lot of photos
True. I take forever to upload them, and label them properly. Too much time.
Digi camera's great, although can be blackmail pictures too.
PBM has a dog?
Yup. I've got a doggie.
PBM is going to watch cars go in circles for 500 miles.
Not a chance. I can think of better ways to waste my time.
PBM is going out.. like I am
True (in about half an hour).
PBM had a late night last night
True. My bad luck continued when I went out to work, I got stuck in the snow and had to call for my dad to help me out in the snow. ugh
PBM likes auto racing (any form)
PBM has seen several signs of spring.
lol no way snow snow everywhere.
PBM likes to watch the Tour de France.
True (sometimes)
PBM likes watching tennis
When Roger Federer is playing, that guy is amazing.
PBM likes the winter olympics more then the summer olympics
True (very often)
PBM would like to go to Wimbledon.
I'm more fascinated with the French Open. When I played tennis on the high school tennis team I believe it or not didn't serve very fast, never could get it under controlled. So I developed spin and such. So I always have liked the clay surfaced tournaments because it requires more thinking instead just mashing it.
PBM has gone cross country skiing.
True. I did that with my cousin in 100 mile house. :)
PBM has never gone down-hill skiing before.
TheAngel wrote:
PBM has never gone down-hill skiing before.
TRUE. But I've gone cross-country skiing and liked it.
PBM has a riding lawnmower.
False but I can always use one. Not that I have that much lawn to mow on.
PBM knows all the words to How Much is that (damn) doggy in the window?
False....I know THAT line....and the next line, and that's it
The person below me still has their first pair of roller skates.
PBM can still fit their jeans from two years ago.
yeah of course I can.
Person below me wears shoes that are over 2 years old.
PBM has many many flip flops.
The person below me has played pin the tail on the donkey as an ADULT
True. You mean stab someone with a fork or something in the bum right? Or you mean real pin the tail on the donkey? See the first comment.. thats what usually happens.
PBM has seen and likes the movie waterworld
False. I don't get Waterworld.... it should have drown with the rest of Kevin Costner's fame.
PBM believes in spirits.
True. Both good and evil.
PBM had many vivid dreams last night that were very unpleasant.
False. Couldn't sleep last night because I was too scared. A friend's friend claims she's in touch with the 'spirit' world and talked about it at lunch yesterday. Too freaked out.
PBM wants to sleep now.
What? Wow, in touch with the spirit world? Wow, kinda freaky interesting. I would never want to be in touch with any spirit world or be responsible for such a talent/gift! What else did she say? Perhaps she can become a fortune teller?
PBM is intrigued about others who claim the "sixth" sense ability. ie. sensing spirits and such
PBM has encountered a ghost.
false. No way, I'd freak!
PBM has many many old phonebooks.
True. Time for spring cleaning.
purelife. I know it's so creepy just talking to her. I didn't really want to be in the same room as her. She talks about it as if they were everyday occurance. She says that she can detect something if you go into a house so if we ever want to know if a house is OK to live in, let her know and she'll tell you. She can also see when a person is going to die. Crrrrreeeeeepy..
PBM likes to eat spicy food, the spicier the better.
Wow, Lise. When a person is going to die? Interesting. I wonder.... You definitely don't hear these sort of gifts all the time.
PBM wouldn't want to know when death is called upon.
Uncertain - at least it would enable me to budget for the rest of my life.
PBM has a secret burning ambition.
PBM would like to live somewhere other than their current province/state.
False.....I'm blissfull where I am.
The person below me has a day off.
PBM visits other sites when posting/browsing on DS.
False and True.
Sometimes to check on other things but mostly I keep here while I work to juggle other things.
PBM has just gotten his or her T4 slip.
True. But I need 2 more slips.
PBM has more than 2 T4 slips for 2006.
PBM is going to get something from the government..... hopefully from his or her taxes.
Dunno. I hope so. *crossing fingers*
PBM purchased a calendar in this month.
False. Last Jan.
PBM writes a lot on their calender to keep track of events.
True (but only at work)
PBM has several old address books which 'can't' be thrown away because of their sentimental value.
PBM has called numbers to find out who they belong to.
PBM has painted and hidden eggs on Easter Day so that children could find them.
true. I enjoy Easter.
PBM has done an Easter egg hunt for a loved one.
PBM is still a child at heart.
Very true.
The person below me has been to Disneyland. :)
PBM has a tattoo or is thinking of getting one.
nope not a fan of tats.
pbm is having a good day
I guess so. blah cloudy weather
PBM wears a hat backwards.
PBM likes wearing hats.
My head is too big for me to wear a hat. Plus wearing a hat leads to male baldness. lol I wear a hoodie.
PBM likes new balance shoes.
True. I prefer Saucony's.
PBM prefers zippered hoodies over pull-overs.
True because then I can use the hoodie as a coat and it doesn't mess up my hair which of course is super important.
PBM likes dark colours instead of bright ones when it comes to clothes.
False. I prefer neutral.
PBM owns a cowboy hat.
Not in this lifetime.....perhaps another.
The person below me had some snow today.
False. Do you still have snow up there?
PBM can't believe the stores are already displaying Easter eggs and chocolates.
False....I can believe it. (we did have a little flurry this morn)
The person below me eats ketchup, vinegar or gravy with their fries.
True.... just the ketchup though. Nothing else.
PBM has made smores while camping out before.
True. Never again, easier to buy premade ones and warm them up.
PBM has a good hangover headache cure and wants to share it
Ramen noodles, juice and McFries
PBM likes drinks with ice.
Sure, ice is nice. :)
Person below me likes eating cucumber sandwiches with the crusts cut off!
True. Hate crust.
PBM likes salmon sandwiches.
Mmmmm......True. But only if it's fresh salmon. Can't do the canned stuff.
The person below me likes peanut butter.
True. PB&J all the way.
PBM can play the guitar
I tried will pick it up again though.
PBM can play the piano.
Semi-true. :) I had gone for lessons but that was long ago. I probably have forgotten how to play the piano by now.
The person below me is a Mozart fan.
True. Not a fan fan. I love listening to classical.
PBM likes to listen to Scores.
PBM believes that given the right circumstances, he/she could achieve great things.
true. I believe that I will eventually have what I want when I put my mind and heart to it.
PBM had lunch with friends recently.
False (unfortunately)
PBM wonders what's happened to everyone else.
true. It's been rather quiet this past week(s). :(
PBM eats fresh, raw veggies daily.
False (but eats buckets of cooked vegetables and raw fruit).
PBM is so far having a good day.
PBM sometimes eats ice cream directly out of the bucket.
True. Hagen Daggs....mmmm...
PBM has finished a bucket of ice-cream in one sitting.
False. that much ice cream is disgusting. A bucket of those chocolate covers puffs from costco now.. lol. To each his/her own.
PBM has seen the Da Vinci code.
PBM has read that book. The Da Vinci Code. (book was better than that crap movie!)
True. Honestly, it wasnt until we bought the movie last week thta I realized I have never seen it, only read the book
PBM likes the TV show with Clive Cussler, the sea hunters
False. I think my b/f watches it or reads his books. He's got many of his books.
PBM can read and finish 3 novels in a week.
true in the lazy summer time.
PBM reads old comic/joke books in the bathroom.
PBM doesn't mind eating standing up when necessary.
PBM has eaten a lot of chips and bad snacks lately.
*looks at growing stomach* yup true
Person below me is seeing the day fly by.
PBM wishes that he/she can fly.
True....I can in my dreams. It seems so darned easy until I wake up.
The person below me has a reoccurring dream.
Hi! we have a recurring dream that someday we will find ourselves a man!!! Call us okay?? :) :)
The person below us wants to ask us for our phone number!!
false. butterfaces.
pbm can tell me where to get a maintenance manual for a 15 yr old gas fireplace. the place sent me a manual for the newest fireplace. only 15 years different.
the person below me has witnessed bullying at a workplace.
True....I've even felt some of that myself.
The person below me had a yummy dinner.
I was lazy and had soup tonight. was just ok, but not yummy.
The person below me loves cuddling on a blanket in the grass under the stars, with a loved one in the summer.
The person below me can't wait for those summer nights.
True. I miss those summer nights and then when its summer I miss those winter/fall nights. lol
PBM is going to travel a lot this summer.
False.....going nowhere *cry
The person below me loves to walk on a sandy beach.
I love walks on the beach! (going nowhere P.C. oh poor thing/ I'm going somewhere place I'm going for sure is Colorado this summer, I'm going to drag my friend along and show him this college in the mountains.)
Person below me has been within swiming distance while in the water swimming of either orcas or dolphins in the wild (sea world doesn't count)
False.....I've been in touching distance in a boat though....and have in fact almost touched them over the side.....does that count? lol
The person below me is close to making some zzzzzz's
nope not close to sleeping lol getting closer to finishing frankenstein and I've got work later in a few hours.
PBM thinks comedians shouldn't make fun of vulnerable people like Britney Spears (at the moment).
False, she has done it to herself. Might as well get some enjoyment out of it.
PBM has seen snakes on a plane
Yeah I've seen it thought it was okay.
Person below me wants to see Reno 911 the movie.
PBM pays bills online.
the person below me has pancake nipples
What the? false.
PBM has in "innie" belly button.
The person below me wishes they were spiderman
false. I secretly wish to meet his tights..... ;)
PBM has worn tights and hates it.
but I like to see hot girls in black tights..does that count?
The person below me is surrounded by sick people and is starting to get afraid he/she will get a cold too.
true to being surrounded by sick people and false to being afraid of catching it.
PBM has not been sick last year.
actually true (Purelife someone is really flaming you today on dv)
PBM likes there steak medium rare...mmmmmm
False (medium to well done)
PBM likes really hot spicy curries.
Most definitely true - I can sacrafice everything to live off curry.
PBM is slacking off at work right now.
Very true - only an hour to go and then I'm finished until Sunday.
PBM has a handle indicative of his/her true nature.
Er.... false?
PBM can make the perfect boiled egg.
true - Aboozer is perfect in every way...
the person below me is an "in the closet" pooer at work.
PBM has watched Charlie's Angels one and two.
PBM is going to to something this weekend.
PBM wonders if Britney Spears' hair has made it to eBay yet.
false. already on ebay.
PBM has a long first name.
It did and then it got pulled off the site.
I guess so 7 letters.
PBM thinks DS rules
false (I don't mind it but I won't go as far as it smites please)
The person below me thinks it's ok to have sex with your second cousin
False..... eeeeowwwwww.................................
PBM wants to appear on the Jerry Springer show as a guest star at least once.
ha ha. False. I'd love to be in the studio audience, though.
PBM has been on tv.
True. I said hello on the Today show a few years back.
PBM likes green tea
False. no alcohol in it.
PBM likes to recieve mail that doesnt have little plastic windows in them
The person below me likes to secretly sing karaoke.
True. Britney Spears has no chance against me.
PBM wants to climb the Eiffle Tower.
false. no climbing of such for me...only thing I'll climb is Grouse.
PBM has climbed Grouse mountain.
false but one of my other handles did.
Person below me watches survivor
False. Canna stand the bickering on the show.
PBM watches Beauty and the Geek. Religiously.
PBM wears lipstick.
false. lol
PBM wants to join me in a rum and coke
False. No rum but coke will do fine.
PBM drinks "lite" beer instead of heavy beer.
person below me smells as good as me
False. Better.
PBM would like to smell Aboozer up close and personal.
PBM washes in Tide laundry detergent.
PBM wishes the weekend was here...... like NOW.
It is the weekend. Wait, when does the week start and the week end?
PBM wishes they could get a new 'old' car, rather than the newer ones.
PBM opens doors for the ladies.
True, when I remember to do so.
The chicken fried steak below has an eel fetish.
False. though I do order unagi once in a while.
PBM has cooked chicken fried steak.
No I never cooked that, but today I had Church's chicken for lunch. :)
The person below me has friends in high places?
I have more friends in low places I think.
The fluffy white feather below dreams of being a rapper's girlfriend.
False! My butt isn't big enough.
PBM has got "back"
true, a friend gave me some 'back' bacon from Ontario!
the mutilated stinker below me is sad that there is so much attention to whores like Brittenay Speers while millions of people are being exucuted in Africa in a mass genocide.
PBM has already brought chocolate easter eggs.
Easter? Easter? When? lol nope not a chance I'll let the easter bunny buy that stuff.
PBM tells or will tell their kids about santa clause and the giant bunny on roids. lol
Only after they're in college
The person below me will plan an easter egg hunt. (we hide liquor mini'
college? what college? ;) lol
Sure I love easter egg hunts
PBM liked going to college
false. don't like school, with a passion
PBM likes participating in easter egg hunts.
True....I like any kind of treasure hunt. (I like hosting them too)
The person below me likes Purdy's chocolates most.
What's Purdy's chocolate? Will it give me a sugar high? lol *drinks more coke*
PBM wants a new car
False (Purdy's is a good quality chocolate 'boutique' here SD.
The person below me has car seat covers.
nope no car seat covers. Don't really need them when they're stained from somebody who is not a friend anymore when he threw hawiian punch all over my interior for no reason and thought it was funny.
PBM has stained interior in their car.
Not yet.
The person below me will spend some time outside today.
PBM reads comics.
True. Who doesn't?
PBM has been to a comic convention.
true. my b/f drags me along. I go there to collect sketches from the comic artists there and have brought a few collectible comics. OMG, what has he done to me? ;)
PBM has a sketch book with many of Artist's works.
nope don't have a bunch of work from an artists.
PBM likes to play golf.
PBM likes visiting museums
True.....and I like golf too. (that's how I learned some of my best swear words......hyphenated ones too)
The person below me plays a team sport
PBM used to be a good sprinter
True.....long distance was NOT my specialty.
The person below me likes to bake.
PBM likes to go looking for mushrooms chanterelles.
The person below me make jams and jellies from wildberries.
PBM has been on a blind date.
True (it was NOT a good experience)
PBM doesn't like going to parties
Depends on what kind of party.
The person below me likes champagne
false. It depends on what kind of parties I'm going to.
True to liking champagne.
PBM has known a friend since preschool years.
The person below me skips answering particular questions in this thread because they don't know what to
true. There were some times when I didn't have an answer.
PBM is hungry right now.
False (just eaten)
PBM likes salmon.
true. wild salmon when cooked.
PBM has post it notes all over the computer monitor.
PBM has three calendars which he/she only uses for checking the date.
PBM has used a lame pick up line to pick up a member of opposite sex.
True (in the long distant past)
PBM has noticed that Sportsdude logged-in about ten minutes ago and still hasn't posted anything.
false. lol.
pbm is wondering about lunch
False (it's already eaten)
PBM is thinking about going out for a drink tonight - just as I am.
PBM wants to have dinner out too
True (but don't think it will happen)
PBM is a secret desperado.
PBM brought a music CD recently.
True. Bob Marley.
PBM still has videos and a VCR.
No VCR but true do VHS
PBM was born in the 1970's.
PBM had rainbow suspenders or shoelaces in the 1970s.
EDIT: False. I had those spokey dokey's though, that were rainbow coloured and you stuck on teh spokes of your bike tire and would slide when you rode on your bike.
True. Ah the 70's.. those were the years.
I just threw out my last VCR. Seriously. I think my brother still has one holding up a corner of his bookshelf but thats it. All DVD's for us.
PBM wishes they never cancelled their national geographic subscription
false. never subscribed.
PBM subscribes to the newspaper.
True. The sun and national post. And for some reason it makes sence that the vancouver sun still calls me to subscribe to them??????????
PBM wants to go wakeboarding. well, in the summer anyhow.
PBM has been swimming this winter.
False. I don't swim.
The guppy below knows how to sabotage someone's brakes and make it look like an accident.
PBM knows how to hot-wire a car.[/DIV]
PBM got paid today[/DIV]
true. YES!
PBM has been a victim of fraud.
PBM knows who stuck a "feather in his hat and called it macaroni".
wait you're canadian. You're suppose to despise that song.
PBM has a speaker system in their house.
true to know that song and true to speaker system in house.
PBM used to play equipment tag and loved it.
False. Que pasa? What's that?
PBM has hiked up a mountain and screamed at the top of his or her lungs when reached the top.
true to hiking up a mountain and false to screaming.
PBM had a nice bath recently with scented bath bombs and the WORKS!
False. No time. A shower is all I get before the kids (and hubby) starts looking for yours truly.
PBM loves shopping at the Body Shop.
The person below me has eaten a vegetable today. :)
True Beets. From Borsche soup.
PBM wants a real fur coat.
Not really. Fake fur works fine for me.
The donut hole below claps their hands when they're happy and they know it.
Umm...true...but not until my face shows it.
The person below me changes their furniture layout around regularly.
when I bought my house, I seen where the furniture was going to be before I moved in, and it fits too perfectly to move again!
The pbm ate too much for supper.
True. We overmade. So we ate it anyway and are contemplating napping. LOL.
PBM likes watching shows like 48 hours, cold case, etc.
True.....I like that guys voice on Cold Case....(at least I think that's the one)
The person below me has a collection of some sort.
right now I have a collection of coke cans from my marathon school work session today.
PBM is near exhaustion.
False. Still full from dinner
PBM had lots of old knick knacks as decorations around their place.
lol....I'm afraid so.
The person below me doesn't get all those anti-clutter freaks.
I despise anti clutter people cause they tell me to throw things away if I havent used them in 2 years. Can you imagine? THROW something out!!
Um yeah.
PBM likes the show Will and Grace
I've only seen it a couple times. I didn't hate it, but it didn't grab me either.
The person below me watches Boston Legal (that's my one and only show I
The person below me watches the CSI shows
True. Origional one, then NY, then Miami. Horatio Cane scares me.
PBM likes the new James Bond, Casino Royale.
False (not seen it yet)
PBM doesn't care who wins Oscars
False. I love the Oscars.
PBM has watched "The Queen"
False. thats a renting movie.. we arent trusting the opinions of my parents. My mother is STILL scared of the exorsist!
PBM wants to sit around all day and not go shopping.
LOL....I have a feeling this isn't mine to answer, but I will anyway.
False.....I wouldn't mind getting out of the house.
The person below me will eat popcorn while watching the Awards
What awards? And yes to popcorn regardless, although I am being encouraged to eat heathier snack foods like those mini carrots.
PBM wants to go shopping with SS. I can stay at home and not fight for the remote then.
True. Who wouldn't want to go shopping w/ SS? I love bargain shopping! :)
PBM likes to wander through flea markets. a good flea market.....especially when I'm getting low on fleas
The person below me can spend hours in a junque/antique store
Edit: True. I like antique stores. I can see what some of the junk I have at home is worth then.. We just found an older oak table my mother bought where her and my dad got married in '75. Theres now an arguement on what they paid for it, and from where. And we arent allowed to keep it :(, my mother is.
True. Flea markets are the bestest! you can buy broken tools for dirt cheap and return them for warranty and get new ones!!
Have I mentioned you can buy tools?
PBM wants to go to the flea market tomorrow.. (do you have one close by where you are PC?)
I would want to go to the cloverdale one.. but its not that good unless its in the summer/warmer months.
True. We can go if we can wake up early enough.
PBM is going to clean their garage tomorrow.
False....I don't have a garage
*I'd love to go to the flea market tomorrow, except my boss will be unhappy if I don't show up for work.
*we do have a couple flea markets close by. Very 'commercially' though. But there are enough 2nd hand and antiquey stores as well as some fine antique places. There's also an auction place not too far that has some great stuff and amazing deals. Antiques auction only twice a year....the rest are estate sales.
The person below me likes an auction
True. I havent been in a few years now though.
It was bad news. I bought two couches I have since gotten rid of, one didnt even make it in the house. And I bought an old TV cause it looked neat! (read OLD tv), I was inebriated with a few friends one night and decided to plug it in to see if it would still work.. lets just say that idea went up in smoke. Bought a kitchen table and chairs from there as well..
PBM likes browsing red flag deals as the person across from me is doing.
I might.....I don't know what a red flag deal is.
The person below me is creative
[A href="vny!://"][/A]
PBM is dying to sit down with an ice cold drink to warm yourself up.
Can be. ;)
The person below me enjoys foreign films?
Oops hit der reply button too fast.
True, I love a cold drink to warm up, lol. :)
Person below me has visited an Art Gallery last year?
PBM is getting hungry :( talk of food is bad news.
PBM likes architecture.
True....I'd love to go to Europe for that purpose alone
The person below me is doing their own taxes this year.
True....I've been doing my own taxes for years. I use TuboTax software
The person below me has been audited at least once by the revenue service on his/her tax returns.
False........ Knock on wood.....[img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://" border=0]
The person below me can add as fast as their calculator.
lol no way
PBM thinks giant fake exhausts on 4 cyc or stupid and sound like somebody on the can
True. tin can exhausts are dumb.
PBM know how to use an abacus.
PBM prefers coffee from Starbucks over all others.
False, I don't prefer any coffee over any other coffee. :P
Um, person below me has owned a pet bird?
PBM has held a mouse in his or her hand.
I dunno Lise, Starbuck's wasn't open yesterday so I went to Mcdonald's and had their coffee and it was better and a lot cheaper (only a dollar)
nope no mouse.
PBM still hates Mcdonald's regardless of how good their new coffee is.
True enough. Still go there once in a while...
(they were serving Seattle's Best- don't know if they still are)
PBM drinks coffee morning, noon and night.
PBM had an autograph of someone famous.
True. I had an autographed pic of Joey Jeremiah back in the day.
PBM has a recent autograph.
True. I've got Anika Sorenstam's autograph, Bob Costas came to my hosptial bed when I was in the hospital for a couple weeks and I know Ozzie Smith personally.
The person below me knows somebody famous.
True. went to school with Steve Nash.
PBM is related to somebody famous.
False. I wish.......
PBM is going to watch the Oscars in a few days.
define 'famous'
well or widely known.
well my family is regionally famous especially in the rural parts and my grandma had a newspaper article written about her.
ok! back to the game!
False. No cable.
PBM still has a black and white tv somewhere
PBM has a flat screen TV.
True and false. Front is flat but still a foot thick (and heavy).
PBM also has a heavy tv.
oh gosh yes the main tv in the family room weighs 100 pounds.
PBM wants an HDTV
What's an HDTV? lol.
The person below me has done cross-stitching before?
High Definition Television.
Yes I've cross stitched.
PBM has an old old old soewing machine that's foot powered.
The person below me likes fish and chips.
big fan, then again I'm a big fan of everything haven't ever not liked a food (except maybe bbq chicken pizza).
The PBM had soup tonight.
PBM has had a physical in the last 12 months
True....sort of.
The person below me wears jeans to work.
True....most days
PBM has at one time fractured a limb
True, true, true, true, true, true and true
The person below me saves all their receipts.
I try but then I lose them all. lol
PBM likes Bob Dylan
Absolutely....Rainy Day of my faves
The person below me knows CPR
I do.
person below me has been saved by the hymlick manuever
PBM had to perform mouth-to-mouth before to try to save someone. (Practicing it during First Aid DOES NOT count)
The person below me would prefer niether, but if you had to have one which would it be.
Something that required stitches, or something that required a cast.
cast. Stitches suck.
True. Answer.
PBM likes to play chess or checkers?
False....both put me to sleep
The person below me plays Euchre
False. A what???
PBM has watched opera before and not fallen asleep through the entire performance.
PBM also doesn't know what Euchre is.
False its a card game. I used to play it and get so confused.. then just as I was getting to know it I stopped playing it. LOL.
PBM Has more remote controls for their tv and entertainment centre then they can shake a stick at.
PBM knows the derivation of getting hold of the wrong end of the stick.
False. I actually dont thinking about it.
PBM wants to enlighten us? I know Im curious!
Haha! I hope you will enlighten yourselves. :)
The person below is planning a surprise party for someone?
True. Me, I want to surprise myself.
PBM likes soups or salads for a side dish
PBM likes to eat Greek calamari.
never heard of Greek Calamari, I've had Calamari though and I like
PBM is having a nice Sunday.
True. Really busy though.
You've got to try Greek calamari!! It's so awesome. Deep fried, then squeeze lemon juice over it.... aaaaaaah...... I just had some but I want some more. (//vny!://
PBM slept in today.
True sort of, I just woke up from a nap.
PBM doesn't know what's for dinner.
False. I've already ordered my hubby to grab some buns because I'm going to make my own Philadephia steak-version.
PBM is hungry.
cheese steaks? yum yum yum yummy!
Person below me took a walk today.
PBM plans to go ice-skating soon.
I'd love to but I don't know if skating places have my size in skates.
PBM wants to skate on a frozen pond or has skated on a frozen body of water.
PBM has recently brought a pair of jeans or is in need of one.
false. My jeans are old 2 to 3 years old. And when I go to the store I see people buying torn and ragged looking jeans lol. Doesn't make any sense.
PBM is a wall flower during parties (that means you hang near the back and sorta don't draw attention to yourself)
False. I tend to be one of the ones in the middle without really meaning to be.
I agree SD. WTF are people thinking PAYING MORE MONEY for jeans that are already ripped and torn without you even wearing them? Maybe I should be selling my old workshirts for 1k each.
PBM thinks the Oscars are overated.[/DIV]
true. Then again I've never understood the award shows. They should just play movie clips. The worst ones are the Grammy's and Emmy's. Same old crappy pop singers and tv shows that shouldn't be winning awards anymore.
PBM played on a sports team in high school.
False...I was in track and field and gymnastics.
The person below me remembers a favourite teacher that made a difference in their life.
True. I think she was my grade 3 teacher. I wanted to be a teacher just like her. She was awesome. :)
PBM made it on the honor roll a couple of times in school.
True....for many years [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://" border=0]
The person below me was in the 'popular crowd' in school
PBM was in the cheerleading squad.
False. Me? In a tutu? uh no.
PBM likes playing board games.
true love board games.
Person Below me went to University.
The person below me loves to play Lacrosse.
true. it was fun!
PBM played football once.
Yeah I was on my high school football team, was an offensive lineman/defensive tackle even though I had a tight end body I couldn't run fast enough. Team was number 1 in the state sophmore year played in front of 15,000 people at a game. Almost won the state championship.
PBM was on the basketball team.
PBM likes to do house chores.
PBM knows how to drive a stick shift
PBM has a standard vehicle.
false I only know how to drive an automatic.
PBM likes to doodle.
PBM cracks their knuckles.
false. I heard that it's bad for your knuckles to do so.
PBM stretches on a daily basis.
False. really should, but I don't.
PBM is doing the Sun Run this year.
PBM plans to take part in a marathon or has done it before.
heck no! PBM runs every day.
nope I could never run well for lond distances knees start to hurt.
PBM can swim really good.
False. But I can sorta keep myself a-float for a bit.
PBM is going to finish his or her tax stuff this month.
PBM wonders why pay after out pay being taxed, the pittance we're left for our saving is also taxed - not to mention the fact that everything we buy gets taxed as well. Earn, save, spend - whichever way you look at it, you get taxed.
true... tax, tax and more taxes.
PBM has won over $25 from the scratch lotto games.
PBM is glad to see Kitten back with us
the pbm has been stabbed by a knife before.
True....sort of. Well, I've been cut with a my own self.
The person below me plans on accomplishing a ton of work today.
true. I must. lol got 2 tests and a couple essays to do or cinderella's glass slipper breaks 12am thursday. lol
PBM is having a nice morning. far...yes :))
I'm enjoying some green grapes now.
PBM is planning to go for drinks some time this week.
PBM thinks purelife's avatar is superhawt.
PBM thinks Purelife is even hotter than her avatar.
PBM has ridden on a horse along the beach before.
nope I cannot say I have.
PBM has surfed before
PBM likes to eat mixed nuts.
True (with raisins)
PBM agrees with Prince Charles's kind words about McDonalds
False? Dunno. What did he say?
PBM has too many digital photographs on his or her computer.
False (something very derogatory)
PBM will look for it on the net.
False. Too lazy.
PBM will find out what Prince Charles say and put it on DS for me to see.
false. i'm too lazy and don't care too much for that sort of news.
PBM sun tans easily.
PBM thinks stock markets are legalized gambling.
true. but necessary.
PBM thinks the Shanghai crash is going to speed up the coming US recession.
I dunno... I don't pay too much attention to stocks.
PBM is looking forward to seeing the completed Shangri-La in downtown.
ok- maybe... (note to self: must go downtown more often!)
PBM has seen the movie Shangai Surprise (with Madonna in it).
nope speaking of that hotel when is it going to be finished?
PBM likes it when new skyscrapers are built and planned for construction.
false. I think that they "plan" to have it completed in late 08. But, judging on the Construction and the Developers, it's going to be done in 09 and maybe 2010. Work rarely gets completed as scheduled.
PBM thinks that Downtown Robson is overrated.
True.....I think so when I drove thru once several years ago.
Developers like to finish in phases as the development is getting sold out. They don't like to be holding on vacant completed developments because they will be paying property taxes and insurances on the full value
PBM agrees with me that this cold and wet weather is perfect for hotpot
True. but then any weather is good for hotpot. We are thinking about another one this friday to be honest...
PBM likes swimming in the rain
PBM knows who Russell Peters is and thinks that he's funny.
true! love that guy. somebody's a gonna get hurt!
PBM has seen My Big Fat Greek Wedding.
Russell Peter is coming to The Orpheum on June 20. Tickets on sale starting March 10. Just to let you know. :) He's hilarious!
PBM plans to watch Spidey 3 when it comes out in May.
Oh of course big Spidey fan here.
PBM likes going to really old old theatres when you walk in to them its like a time warp to another era.
I agree! Russell Peters is Fawkin hilarious!
First time I saw him I was killing myself! I couldnt believe it. You can download him on U-tube.. him talking about his dad cracks me up...
ok thats it im going u-tubing.
PBM wonders when TehBorkenTube is going to take off
True. I'm just waiting to see him stripping off slowly on YouTube.
PBM thinks TehBorken is hawt in every sense. (minus deep-fried cockroaches)
TRUE TB IS HAWT!!!!! He makes my insides sizzle... ;)
PBM wants to watch Russell Peters again.
Oh, and you can find his videos on Yahoo. Did you listen to his latest stuff? Hilarious!
False. I don't know who he is.... are you sure it isn't a chocolate brand?
PBM bought discounted Valentine chocolate.
false. We already have Halloween, Christmas and V-Day chocolate up the ying yang (not literally).
It's Russell Stover chocolate!
PBM collects the Whitman brand Snoopy souvenirs.
false. but my sister's friend collects everything Snoopy. Not sure if it's the Whitman brand tho.
PBM collects erasers.
true. Just the regular kind because the kids keep losing them (GRRR!)
PBM collects different pens.
PBM enjoys wearing sweats instead of jeans.
PBM wants to watch the movie 300.
True. I know someone else that wants to as well.
PBM likes skinny dipping.
true. only if no one else is around.
PBM has a tattoo on his/her body. Do tell us where, if so?!
Maple leaf on the top right shoulder.
PBM likes arnie schwartzenegar.
false I have never liked his accent...and found him extremely cheesey in terminator..
PBM likes to collect shoes.
false. If I had the money, maybe.
PBM has quit a job in the past.
LOL..true...of course....
PBM likes chocolate
True. LOVE chocolate...m.mmmmmm.....
PBM works in an office.
true if you count my room as an office and then when I'm off to uni the dorm will be my domain.
pbm is rocking out to music..
false...retail...on my feet all day..that is why I SIT at the computer on my days off...LOL
PBM likes kittens
kittens rule. I learned that my cat doesn't stop 'growing' until he's 4. lol he's freaking massive and he's only 1 and half.
PBM likes small to medium dogs.
true..I like all dogs...
PBM likes country...LOL
PBM is always happiest walking on the grass.
PBM has taken the Greyhound bus before.
PBM has crossed the Atlantic
PBM knows how to do some card tricks.
False (I used to, but I've forgotten them all).
PBM misses having Lise around at this time of day - and wonders what she's doing.
PBM has broken off a fight before.
You mean broken up a fight, yes, tons sadly. People always looked to me to be the 'cop' if you will because of my size. The result meant I got a few sucker punches to the face by the fighters. But of course I never was knocked down or anything. lol
PBM has seen guns pulled at fights.
PBM has never seen a civilian with a gun
false. I've seen what they can do sadly.
PBM has seen someone get shot.
PBM is fascinated with words.
PBM has walked for 5 hours or more at one go before.
PBM likes walking long distances
True. Unless its at airports when Im switching between terminals like Charles De Gaul in France.
PBM likes the show Due South.
False (buy used to)
PBM watches TV for more than four hours per day.
PBM gets migraines.
False (grew out of them)
PBM has an embarrassing complaint
True. doesnt everyone?
PBM uses skincream
PBM uses body lotion
Uh, Im going with false on this one.. whats the difference?
PBM thinks I should go for a walk.
true. Dog probably wants a walk.
I think of "skin cream" as face cream and "lotion" as body lotion.
PBM is going for a walk.
False.......just came back from a walk
PBM drives a SUV
False. AWD car here
PBM rides a bike every day.
I have two trucks insured, lol.
PBM is getting annoyed with the flashing 'congratulations you have won our hourly prize.. click here to claim it before the time runs out'.
True. Nothing flashy please.
PBM has had some veggies today.
false. fruit only.
PBM ate veggies at lunch.
True.......the bean sprouts in my chow fun
PBM drank tea at lunch today
PBM has played beach v-ball.
False. I teh sucked big time.
PBM enjoys eating tons of sui mai.
PBM has been to Victoria.
PBM has eaten siu mai in Victoria.
PBM likes to eat bbq duck.
True. I cant make it properly though, so dont try mine for a while yet.
PBM likes GnT's
false. like the t-water, can do without the g (yuck!)
(you MAKE bbq duck? )
PBM likes rye 'n coke
Who makes bbq duck?
PBM makes excellent stir fried rice.
true- but only with ham.
PBM owns a rice cooker
PBM steams with a wok
false. But as soon as I buy that bamboo steamer, I will cuz I was just given a wok.
PBM loves to steam whole fish.
false. fry with a wok only. Have never tried steaming a fish
I have a rotiserie on my bbq and I have used it for chickens, roasts,pork.. but I havent had luck with duck yet. Im working on it though. Only dont duck once though to be honest.
PBM likes Beverly Hillbillies[/DIV]
false. Can't get past the bad sound quality- can hardly hear a damn thing thy're saying.
PBM is a hillbilly.
PBM thinks gothic chicks are hawt.
PBM loves to eat Chinese donuts.
true. Ok, dim sum over at T&T's!
PBM loves dim sum.
false. deep friend chicken feet is all I remember.
PBM thinks I should wash my cat.. Chloe still stinks like dead algae eater, making me gag
PBM also thinks Russ should wash the cat.
(How do you wash a cat?)
True. With goat shampoo.
PBM thinks Russ looks good in tenkani's thongs.
TRUE! purple thongs, please.
PBM thinks that tenkani has a secret stash of used panties lieing around. ;)
True. And most of them belonged to purelife.
PBM would like to see tenkani running along the beach in purple thong, waving his massive hair in the wind and looking like Brad Pitt.
PBM knows that tenkani loved to be spank.
False dont want to know
Hoohaa? Tenkani's thong? Where did that come from.
True what lise said, you use a special shampoo that wont mess up the animals skin(making it flakey), I use one formulated for fleas. Dont wash the cat very often, I dont like to get sliced up.
The dog on teh other hand will hop in the bathtub with you if you leave the throne room door open slightly so he can push it open.
PBM thinks the sun is good but it needs to raise the air temp as well, not jsut tease us.[/DIV][/DIV]
True. The sun needs to be naked and not be wearing a thong to cover it up. (thong = the clouds)
PBM has used condoms that smell like chocolate.
PBM has condoms in their wallet.
PBM wishes they had condoms in their wallet.
false. I'm not getting lucky tonight
PBM is wondering what's the reason for condom obsession this evening
false. I dunno. I think that somebody (and I won't say who) needs to get laid! ;) tee hee...
PBM has slept in silk sheets.
false. cotton cotton cotton
PBM has slept in shiny, satin-y sheets.
false. cotton for me too. :)
PBM has more than $50 in his/her wallet (in cash)
probably not.
PBM has a lot of pennies.
PBM speaks or understand Mandarin
PBM still has his/her calendar showing January.
um.. yeah. one of them.
PBM has a Chinese calender on the wall.
false....pitbull calendars..all over the house...and they sport the right month.
PBM likes tequilla
PBM likes Apple Martinis.
false...can't say I do...if I haven't had one right? LOL
PBM will look outside..and see snow
false. most likely either rain or fallen trees.
PBM has fallen trees in their backyard.
PBM is still writing 2006.
True. Did that on a cheque the other day and got a call about it. They didnt like me telling them just to change it from a 6 to a 7.
PBM has a few flashcards and an external hardrive and whenever they need them still cant find them.
LOL..huh? I think false...LOL
\PBM thinks that Jerry Springer is a waste of tv air
true. but I don't watch him anyways.
PBM likes to eat Danissimo mousse....mmmm...yummy
false...not much of a yogurt fan....
PBM likes peanut butter!
PBM has a tissue box nearby within arms reach.
Not arms reach but its a room away.
PBM has a messy messy desk space and needs to clean up the area.
kinda true. It's dusty and have papers everywhere! Where to start? :P
PBM will help me organize my desk.
false..have my own shtuff to do...sorry! LOL :)
PBM is dressed and ready to go somewhere
nope false. I'm in pajama pants and a tshirt lol.
PBM had breakfast this morning.
True. banana, some yogourt.... then I'm going to have some grapes.
PBM likes to eat green and red grapes the most compared to the black ones.
partially false....I like green grapes only
PBM is a morning person
PBM is a night-owl.
false. Up and to around midnight, my body starts to defunction.
PBM thinks that all the male posters on DS are freaking HAWT!
false...don't even know the guys...LOL...I like them for their brains though! LOL
PBM has a pet
PBM is planning to go to the park this afternoon.
false...gonna go get the taxes done..visit the doc...
PBM is watching tv as well as posting here
Fasle. I have wireless. On the throne.
PBM likes reading magazines that are science and fact orientated.. not MAKEUP
true. I don't buy them, just read them when I'm in the mags section.
PBM is celebrating someone's b-day this month.
False, or at least dont think so? Ill have to ask the boss.
PBM thinks it should be raining not sunny
PBM can't think of any country they'd not like to visit - under peaceful circumstances.
well there are some parts of the U.S. I don't want to visit at all. lol
PBM has been to South America.
PBM knows how to sing "Waltzing Maltida".
PBM knows all the words to "O Canada"
PBM dislikes the Star Spangled Banner.
PBM is still hangin in hangin out clothes
PBM is feeling particularly good today.
PBM is about to head off for lunch.
false...just had lunch...gotta head out though
PBM wears a ball cap
false. Not into hats...but I do wear toques in teh winter.
PBM has a pair of waterproof boots.
True. With furries attached.
PBM wants to buy a new stylish coat.
true. been looking.
PBM needs a new pair of shoes.
false. Need is a strong word, since my shoes are all sorta ok. Would LIKE a pair of new shoes!
PBM just bought shoes.
True. Just bought a replacement pair of steel toe shoes
PBM has smelly feet
true if I don't wear socks.
PBM owns cowboy boots.
True. great pair of daytons. best and most comfy pair of footwear ever. PBM likes hamburgers with cheese, bacon, ham, and an egg.
TRUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yum yum yum! LOL
PBM has had their dinneralready...and enjoyed it!
True. Greatly enjoyed it. lol.
PBM wants to have a fire cause its so blasted cold out right now.
false. we have no fireplace...i wish :(
PBM has shoveled manure before.
shovel Sh*t? I guess so, I did the putting of bags of manure.
PBM likes to make faces at the people sitting near them to see if they notice.
true. but they always notice. :)
PBM recently brought jewelry.
true....if a Rolex watch counts
PBM has heard that Costco is changing their return policy
False. I havent. Whats the change mr 49er? Is the same for all stores?
PBM likes how teh origional CSI lineup has changed. kinda bored of the whole CSI theme. Just watch it every now and then
PBM is drinking coffee right now
the pbm has been to Ozzfest.
PBM watched "Are you smarter than a 5th grader" on the telly yesterday.
True. for less than a minute while I was flipping through channels.
PBM has a graphic calculator.
true TI-85
PBM actually uses their graphic calculator
true. I did when I was in Math 11/12. I liked how the graphs popped up...tres cool!
PBM is planning to watch a movie this weekend either in theatres or rental.
true. I might, there's some movies I'd like to see.
PBM likes to travel
PBM is going to watch the movie "300".
True.. whens it out again? My brother is champing at the bit to go see it.. amazing considering he usually cant be bothered.
I have a TI-84plus.. AND a TI-89. I got the TI-89 as an upgrade cause I actually use these things.. but I found it much too different and alot to learn compared to the TI-84plus so I still use that one. bleh
PBM has used a fire extinguisher before. And knows how to use one.. and what type of extinguisher to use on what type of fire.
False but we have one......... when fire comes, I'm going to chuck that thing at it.
Movie comes out sometime next week or in the next two weeks. Looks damn good. I can't wait!
PBM is a fan of Frank Miller's work.
PBM bites their nails
the pbm has cancelled their cable or satelite service because they are sick of how lame TV has got.
PBM is used to using a reverse polarity calculator
PBM Would rather count on his/her fingers
PBM likes to suck on toes.
PBM thinks that's disgusting.
false. It can be verrrrry sensual if you do it at the right tempo. ;)
PBM has tried tango or wants to learn some sort of dance.
wouldn't mind to tango. Looks like fun.
PBM has taken dancing classes
PBM is expecting a phonecall.
PBM wants to sleep right now.
True. I've been yawning all day long. I wouldn't mind a nap.
PBM received flowers recently.
False. I'm developing allergies against fresh cut flowers........
PBM has gotten 12 stem roses from someone before.
false. I wish... :(
*note to self - no fresh cut flowers for Lise...sorry 'bout last time, Lise. I didn't know :( *
PBM prefers to receive plants over fresh cut flowers.
I like plants because you can plant them and enjoy them longer.
PBM likes to plant trees
purelife wrote:
PBM likes to suck on toes.[/DIV]
Yeah, I am going up a few posts to answer this one.
TRUE..after a good shower and foot wash. The toes are a nice place to start sucking.
as for sports question. True, trees are awesome!
the pbm has a job where they sit in front of the computer a lot.
False.......I would say about 25-33% of the time.
PBM works for a company that has over 100 employees.
PBM works for a company that occupies more than one floor in the buidling.
PBM has received sexual harassment training from his/her employer
the pbm ignores sexual harrasment training and flirts like crazy with all the cute guys/girls.
true only with people I've known for a while and who reciprocate......never with subordinates. PBM has been slapped by the opposite sex
true. slapping across the face, I'm assuming?
PBM has also been slapped across the face by someone. sculpture would be most unpleasant to bite
PBM has been hacked before.
*uhm, what's hacked in this content mean?
PBM has had their puter hacked...just wondering what it is like...just wondering if it has happened to me but don't know it yet.
false. Nope, never had my computer hacked before.
PBM collects figurines.
true? I collect dragons. I used to collect TROLLs. The cute little fat guys with the freaky hair!
PBM is going to bed soon.
True...getting sleepy
*have you read the stories of the Dragons of Pern ? I'm thinking you'd like them.
The person below me displays their collections in their decor.
pitbullca.bc wrote:
PBM has had their puter hacked...just wondering what it is like...just wondering if it has happened to me but don't know it yet.
Its not fun at all. When I was little somehow our email got hacked into and some perv was sending my sister sick stuff and sending sick stuff to her friend from England. Not fun at all.
True to PC's statement. We have books on display.
PBM thinks the wolverine is a nasty looking beast. (well, sort of)
False. I think its a majestic beastie.
PBM has some momento's on their mantles that have some interesting stories behind them.
true...small sculpture of a totem pole... Dad won it when I was a little kid...still have it.
PBM will go out shopping today.
False. Im not sure If Im going to do what I origionally wanted to do today.
PBM likes to watch TV as they play on the 'net
PBM has a cel phone and loves to text message
False. I don't even know how to text message anything!
PBM has bid on eBay lately.
PBM hates that little smiley thing above that says 'hheeelllooo' once in a while
True - I didn't know anyone else was hearing it.
PBM has already spent more than they intended today.
PBM spends more than $100 a week on groceries.
False (but almost true)
PBM stayed in bed late
well the family sure does. But then again we've got 6 people in the house plus a cat and dog.
When I go to the grocery store I go to Trader Joe's which means I save a lot more. (everything there is like 1,2 or 3 dollars.)
yeah I didn't go to bed until 2:30
PBM likes fish
true, when fish is cooked properly
true to staying in bed late
PBM likes to eat whole grain crackers.
TRUE (to fish), not quite so true to grain crackers.
PBM has just had an e-mail about work matters (and is full of resentment about it).
false my company of tens of thousand's of people could careless about me to be honest lol.
PBM is going to do something fun today
TRUE (well at least I hope so, I've nothing planned as yet)
PBM likes surprises
Gopher - do tell about your work email. what was it about, may I ask?
PBM loves eating oatmeal.
PBM is seeing rain outside
false ....... no rain[/DIV]
PBM has a friend or relative who is pregnant least I hope not!
PBM will take a walk this evening
*is that the Bay Bridge 49er?
P.C. wrote:
*is that the Bay Bridge 49er?
yes...view from SF towards the East Bay
Cool....thanks 49er walk tonight for me.
The person below me has a particular favourite way of cooking potatoes. (mashed, baked, scalloped....etc)
edit.....I suppose I mean favourite to EAT....not cook
False. A spud is a spud is a spud to me.
PBM likes to have everything on his or her potatoes. (eg. chives, sour cream, bacon... the works)
PBM also eats the skin of a bake potatoe
True.....that's where all the vitamins are.
The person below me wishes on shooting stars.
True. Have been since I was small and my mother had me do that.
PBM still has an old rotary phone.
false...nothing but cordless for me so I can share my phone conversations with my neighbours baby monitors LOL
PBM is listening to music right now
PBM likes to read the flyers to find out what's on sale and such. is also my homework...LOL
PBM is a caring person
true. i put my family first before me in many many ways.
PBM is living his/her dream in terms of career wise.
absolutely totally and completely false...though...working with people is a ton of fun. Working with animals is what I would prefer
PBM will be hitting the hay soon about an hour or so.
PBM likes to wash with shower gels and scented body washes and such.
*back flip* true! Love them...body shop vanilla such and such for now.
PBM loves scented body creams
True. I do but I don't use body scented creams.
PBM does the 3 step facial cleansing every night. (cleanse, tone, moisturize)
FALSE...sorry...coon eyes in the am. LOL
PBM likes to have showers and not baths
true. I have baths a few times a year....about two.. LOL
PBM likes to put cucumbers on the eyes to relax them. would do some damage to the house f I did that! LOL j/k
PBM does the eye cuke thing...or teabags
PBM likes to roll a fresh peach over their forehead, just because it feels good.
false. never tried it.
PBM takes multi-vitamins almost daily.
false....I should though...maybe I wouldn't be so sick right now.
PBM likes to ride a bicycle.
False. Tricycle is more my style with the tassels flying.
PBM hates it when the blasted pen they are using runs out of ink in the middle of a sentence.. and the one in the pen cup they grab is dead too!! grr.
PBM had some friends over today is about to have friends over today.
false, wouldn't subject my friends to my cesspool of sickness...though my kid had a friend over
PBM will go to bed early tonight
PBM loves eating crabs.
True............ love steamed dungeness crab
PBM has eaten hairy crab
PBM has eaten soft shell crab (with shell intact). (spider crab sushi?)
False....but I've always wanted to try it.
The person below me watches cooking shows.
True. When the 'other' has the clicker. I really need to get one that overrides the other.
PBM thinks I should stop feeding my cat the leftover milk from my cheerios.. shes getting fat! lol.
yeah, milk is not good for cats, it can kill them, I think. After they're done growing its water only.
PBM loves their cat and thinks he or she is hysterical.
True. Shes right behind my head right now on the lazyboy headrest purring and swatting at my head when I move it too fast.
PBM uses armourall on the inside of their cars
False. I've never put anything on my car. Mainly because its ruined interior wise and there is always something broke or needs to be fixed on the exterior. (still have to fix the side of the car from an earlier accident for example). Once I get the that fix I might actually wax the car for once.
PBM waxes their car/truck.
true...have a black pickup that the color goes a little faded in the summer from the sun. Use a black tint wax and oil up the tires and the fly ride looks hot!
PBM leaves their tires low..till the bitter end
Nope don't have to, small car.
PBM has a lot of friends in other countries.
false...I take the word friends very seriously...few friends...lots of aquiantance
PBM has alot of aquaintances
true... under 10 acquaintances and under 5 friends.
PBM has known a friend since childhood.
TRUE! my best friend has been in my life since I was 8. She lived out of town..and her parents were friends with my parents. As we got older..her parents wouldn't let us hang out. Lost touch with her when I was about 14...and met up with her when I was 19...been best of friends ever since seeing as she moved to my town.
PBMwould do anything for their friend
True then again I'd help out anyone I know aquantince or friend, I'm that kind of person.
PBM has helped out somebody in need before.
true. I've helped many friends/acquaintances in need.
Wow, pitbul. That's awesome to know someone for that long. I'm working on knowing my current friends for that long too. That'll be awesome. And "bless" you for taking "friends" very seriously as I do too. :) Friends are just as important to me as family. :)
PBM has made a good friend this year or mid-last.
true, or so I hope its true. I consider them a friend regardless.
pbm believes in destiny type dreams, ideas or thoughts.
false...true....don't know...never really thought about it too much. Life is what you make of it...the faster our day goes by...the faster we are to the end of our life.
PBMhas gone out of there way to make a new person feel welcome...and attempt to take them under their wing.
true. both work and personal.
PBM thinks a group hug is in need now. ;)
I'd love a group hug. Last time I actually had one was when I was the centre of its attention.
PBM gets the feeling sometimes (or maybe a lot of time I dunno) that they are always the first one their when someone calls (for help) but when you are in need the line goes unanswered.
PBM thinks that DS folk are caring
don't know yet...after DV...very far so good! *thumbs up*
PBM has had lunch
PBM should be working
false. I am on a is true..I should be working..hehehehehe!
The mutilated head cheese below me has been to Van Cedar Point, Ohio.
>:( false..this mutilated head cheese has not been there
PBM likes to travel
true to liking to travel
PBM likes to drink green tea.
True. Especially with sushi.
PBM wants to bake a whole set of cookies tonight.
absolutely false! dinner for the kiddie poo's will be enough.
PBM is having a good day!
true. Getting things down, which is always good.
PBM is a multi tasker.
True. I can walk and chew gum at the same time.
PBM hates washing dishes.. when they dont fit into the dishwasher.
PBM would like to get massages from a cute hot masseur.
True. Possibly if it had a 'happy ending' as well.
PBM has a dangly thing on their phone.
I'd perfer a massuesess not -er
PBM has given or recieved a back rub/massage lately.
False to both statements.
But anything dangly is welcome in my books.
PBM has lost his or her cellphone once too many times.
True. I tend to lose it and then have to call it, to find where it is.
PBM needs a new cell phone.
false. I just got a new one.. on number 24.
PBM thinks cell phones are getting too complicated and people too dependant
PBM has an ancient cell phone. (no pics/no video/no camera/no mp3)
False and true. It was new when I bought it and ancient when I left the store.
PBM can't wait to go swimming in the beach.
PBM wants to go skimboarding in tofino
True. I'll try anything ONCE.
PBM would like to have a mirror up on one's ceiling, on top of one's bed. (//vny!://
not into the whole watching myself sorta thing....
PBM likes to snuggle
edit: kinda. not too sure on this snuggling thing although its great to keep warm
Um True. I one right behind the headboard thats HUGEl.. The room came with it though.. we didnt put it in. I swear.
PBM likes going through old photos that they have and laughing at themselves in some of them
PBM needs to have some photos printed soon.
PBM can't believe how fast this thread is going.
PBM likes to eat kale.
PBM likes to eat okra.
true. Don't buy it too often but oh so yummy.
PBM has tried dragon fruit and likes it.
true...tried it a few years ago...white flesh..little black seeds...colorful skin...hypnotic colors
PBM has had moose eat..seriously.
False. Where does one get it?
PBM is not afraid of petting anything. *whistles*
PBM can't whistle...
lol NOT True... I can whistle...
PBM has more stars by their name (//vny!://
Only one or two.....or three-ish
*Hi Glasgogirl [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://" border=0]
The person below me will be looking for a new job within the next month.
PBM plans to buy some flowers to plant in the garden soon.
false. can't be bothered *yet*
PBM planted bulbs in the fall.
PBM likes to eat yams and sweet potatoes.
purelife wrote:
PBM likes to eat yams and sweet potatoes.
PBM likes to go walk on the beach.
True......with bare feets !
The person below me likes to swim in the ocean more than a lake or a pool.
Actually, False.
PBM wants to take a bubble bath.
false. Hot showers for L'il Me.
PBM hasn't cleaned the bathtub this week.
....and Russ?.....I'LL take that bubble bath [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://" border=0]
The person below me slept like crap last night.....and thinks they will again tonight.
True my heated blanket isnt working properly. only one side is working and guess who gets that side, lol.
PBM remembers that daylight savings is on sunday.
Well actually I thought it was Saturday, so I guess I'd have to say false.
The person below me is sipping something yummy.
true enough. green tea.
PBM is drinking something alcoholic.
False....just a big ol' glass of ice water.
The person below me has to work early tomorrow.
*I'd better get my sorry behind to bed and FORCE myself to sleep.
False. Although Ill probably be shipping out within the next few weeks.
Ive heard rumors I might be going to India. Never been.. yet.
PBM likes freezies!! (im addicted)
Yum....true. I like sherbet too.
The person below me is sucking on a freezie RIGHT NOW.
True. lol. Im on my third.. SS is on her first.
PBM has candles ready to go all over the place.
I love candles! BF hates that I have fancy...plant like candle holders all over the puter desk...LOL.
PBM is having coffee right now.
false. having green tea.
PBM owns something made out of leather. (clothing wise)
false. leather is not for me.
pbm plays/or played Lacrosse.
Devil wrote:
false. leather is not for me. [div style="font-style: italic;"] [/div] [div style="font-style: italic;"]pbm plays/or played Lacrosse.[/div]
True, was really bad at it.
PBM is at work but not working
false. I can work and jump onto DS too.
the pbm loves peanut butter.
true. love pb
PBM has spoken in his/her sleep.
Apparently. I have however never heard myself talking in my sleep for some obscure reason.
PBM has speakers on their computer
PBM has a feeling the weather's going to make a decided turn for the better - before long.
true....warmer weather is called for...+10...but don't know if the rain will go away
PBM is addicted to their puter
Almost true
PBM shares my sceptisism that the rain is here for another few days.
true..may warm up...but rain will probably stay
PBM posts in DV and DS
PBM can write looking-glass style.
sorry...don't understand
pitbullca.bc wrote:
sorry...don't understand
You know, when you hold up a page of your handswriting to the mirror - you see everything 'looking-glass style'. BUT can you do it without the use of a mirror?
false...but I can read upside down...does that count?
PBM is an intelect
PBM enjoys writing upside down. is a challenge
PBM is at work
False (just having a prolonged break).
PBM can do other things upside down.
LOL..true...but that is for me to know
PBM is unemployed
PBM has plenty of time on his/her hands
true sure seems like it lately
PBM likes the color blue
PBM has seen at least three different spring flowers in bloom.
true...if you are talking about years before...this year...false
PBM likes long walks
PBM is a couch potato sitting with my family and watching a movie now and then but not a couch potater
PBM is male
PBM has two children
true...too wonderful little of each
PBM also has children
oops two
PBM is dyslexic nice though
PBM likes people
true most of the time
PBM likes their neighbours.
true...trucker and irish woman on one side...lesbians on the other side. Isn't boring that is for sure! LOL
PBM likes to listen to rock and roll
The pbm hates bible thumping preachy asstards.
With a passion, Devil. ;)
The lovely buttercup below me is waiting for an important piece of information today.
PBM is going to read a new book today.
PBM is having a GOOD day
nope no books for a while, I'm all booked out.
PBM has been busy today.
PBM loves taking their dogs out for a walk.
PBM is hearing birds singing
True except my dog doesn't stay on the side walk and has to stop every 5 seconds smelling things.
nope I hear cars, cars buzzing by the highway at high speeds
PBM has thought about taking the cat for a walk (it can be done there are devices to walk the cat)
False. I don't do cats........... but I've seen people take them for a walk.
PBM is looking forward to spring.
false..don't have any cats. Just two pitbulls and a german shepherd
PBM owns more than one cat
False. Never owned a cat before.
PBM has attended his or her prom night.
Never had a prom, never got to attend it.
PBM doesn't like the idea of the prom now and what it has become.
false...just a materialistic part of teenager hood...did not attend... and will only worry when it is my childrens time to go
PBM enjoys dinner theatres
PBM has taken advantage of White Spot's "Dinner and a Movie" combo deal.
PBM likes Triple O sauce
PBM likes burgers from White Spot.
true...but will never eat their salads again
PBM likes shepherds pie
PBM likes meat pies.
PBM likes tossed salad on a hot summers eve
PBM wishes it was summer now.
PBM agrees
true. time for tanks and low cut shorts/skirts. ;) ok, just kidding on the low cut skirts/shorts.
PBM has a wardrobe with colorful clothes.
false sorta....trying to add but with my is hard to get the right city only believes in pastels..blech
PBM has a colorful personality
[FONT color=#ff0000]T[/FONT] [FONT color=#bf00bf]R[/FONT] [FONT color=#60bf00]U[/FONT] [FONT color=#0000ff]E[/FONT]
The person below me has had more than 3 cats at one given time.
PBM has had more than one lover at any given time. (fantasies don't count)
False and I'm monogamous in my fantasies too.
The person below me dreams in colour.
true. I rarely dream in b&w.
PBM has been given an assignment but it turned out to be more than expected.
PBM has assistants working under him/her at work
False....I'm a doormat.
The person below me has been to a 'famous' museum or art gallery.
PBM likes to collect art (or would if they had the money)
False....I like to MAKE art.
The person below me can type more than 90 words a minute.
True. Took a course in highschool back when the electric typewritter was in vouge.
PBM types with two fingers.
PBM frequently uses the [Alt] [Tab] trick. ;)
False.....I use all eleven,
The person below me likes to collect silly things like napkins and match books etc. from their travels... to make memory books or scrapbooks to pass on to their kids
oops....that was for Lise's question.
In answer to yours, ....sometimes
* question still stands
PBM jay walks quite often.
False. I actually saw a cop handing out tickets Downtown and vowed never to jaywalk if I can help it.
PBM wants to see the Great Pyramids of Egypt.
PBM posts from over 4 different ip addresses.
False. LOL. Do you?
PBM has more than one handler name.
false. just this one. :) Honest. ;)
Yup, I actually post from 5 different ip's in total.
PBM thinks that Lise posts as a guest before on DS. :)
If you can guess I'll bless you.
PBM has gone back to DV.
true...back and forth ... too much time to kill...blah
PBM has dreamed of dinosaurs
false. Have you had dreams of dinosaurs? My b/f once had a unicorn in his dream. :)
PBM has had a unique animal in his/her dream.
I've had humaniods before but does talking animals count? In my dream my dog and cat have talked. Dog has a deep voice, while the cat had a high prissy voice. (seen to many talking animal movies) lol
PBM likes to sleep.
true...have had dreams about dinosaurs...but no dragons...*sniff* too bad...they are beautiful
PBM has dreamed of flying
true. i think that sleep is important. :)
And true to dreamt of flying. :)
PBM has been sneezing all day.
PBM enjoys the dreams of flying?
true... i feel free... :)
PBM has to buy a gift for someone's b-day soon.
False. I just bought one but I do have to send a card soon.
PBM loves dramatic color for their walls and wouldn't mind painting it bright red or dark green for effect.
false...prefer lighter colors.
PBM has a large tropical plant at home.
True. I think.
PBM has killed more than ten indoor plants in his or her lifetime.
false. I killed one.
PBM likes to buy poinsettas when they are in season.
false. They always die.
PBM likes plants.
True. When they are fake.
PBM likes REAL christmas trees and not fake ones.
true. but fake lasts all year round. :)
PBM is afraid of heights.
true. never used to be, but it's getting worse as I get older.
PBM has gone skydiving
PBM jumped from a 15 ft diving board.
True. Jumped.. not dived.
PBM can swim.
true. I was on a swim team way back when.
PBM can swim long distances
PBM has done water aerobics.
PBM is one half of a duo of synchonised swimmers.
very false.
PBM can do a mean cannonball.
pbm drank the night before
PBM can't wait to start some gardening.
false...though yard cleanup is called for...lotta debris has been unearthed from winter
PBM hates shoveling snow
pbm loves to air chair!
what is air chair?
Person below you also wants to know.
Person below me DOES know.
I'd post a pic but it is like water-skiing. But you sit in a chair and you can do flips, know, show off for the gals.
PBM loves showing off for the girls.
sorry..can't post a pic from work. I.T. nazis, you know...
false...girls are catty...though I could pick one up faster than a man could ! LOL jk
PBM skiis
PBM has the hots for the bad boy or wench.
PBM had the hots for one of his/her high school teacher.
false. Well there was this english teacher that thought I was brilliant and she looked EXACTLY like Julia Stiles.
PBM knows somebody who dated their college prof while in school.
PBM likes to eat turtles chocolates.
never had them.
PBM is hungry like a hippo.
false. just ate.
PBM is thinking about dessert
true. I might finish off that frozen yoghurt. :) Oh, I saw these oh so tempting desserts over at Save On Foods... I should've brought one
How about you, lil me?
PBM has had tuxedo cake.
false (what's that?)
I had a dish of rainbow ice cream.
PBM is having chocolate.
tuxedo cake, i think can only be sold at Save On Foods. It's rich, but oh sooo yummy. Not that sweet at all. If you're not counting calories that day, Lil Me, YOU MUST try the tuxedo cake. One of my all time fav's! :)
PBM might go and try the tuxedo cake.
False. Too sweet for me but I do enjoy them once in a blue moon.
PBM loves Phillipine mangoes.
true. (or the other ones- Mexican? the red/green ones)
PBM chews on the mango seed.
True. That's the best part!
Phillipine is the long yellow oblong shape. Mexican ones are.... what I like to call, floss mangoes because they leave hairs in between my teeth.
PBM enjoys munching on sour plums.
PBM likes to eat dried phillipino mangoes.
PBM likes coconut
true...the juice and shredded coconut..anything with coconut..
PBM enjoys eating chinese pastries.
PBM is allergic to dust mites.
kinda... i sneeze lots
PBM loves watching thrillers.
No clue. Probably not though.
PBM is dead tired and is heading to bed. (//forums/richedit/smileys/Other/9.gif)
true...I love comedies too
PBM enjoys latest kids movies
true. love Air Bud.
PBM watxhes Sesame Street on occasion
PBM watches what not to wear on TLC
True. Stacy and Clinton are hilarious. I wish they would do my wardrobe.
PBM wants Holmes to come and fix up their house.
true...LOL...anyone! Need a household makeover...oh wait...nah...just want a new house!
PBM thinks their house is divine
PBM has collector baseball cards. yes..a couple
PBM will be awake at the break of dawn
True .... gotta be at work before 7
PBM skips breakfasts
kinda, i have it about two hours later.
PBM gets up at 7.
False. I get up at all hours of the day.
PBM enjoys walking in the rain.
true..only if I am unhappy
PBM hates walking in the searing heat
true. do it all the time in africa. Its freaking hot there.
PBM wants to travel
[span style="font-weight: bold; color: rgb(64, 64, 255);"]True.[/span][br style="font-weight: bold; color: rgb(64, 64, 255);"][br style="font-weight: bold; color: rgb(64, 64, 255);"][span style="font-weight: bold; color: rgb(64, 64, 255);"]The person below me just got a haircut.[/span]
PBM colors their hair
False. Im all natural, lol.
PBM wants to see 300
False. Didnt.
You DONT want to see 300? seriously?
PBM likes to watch 'crossing jordan'
false...never caught my attention for a long period of time
haven't heard much of 300..K..nothing...just about didn't know what you were talking about! LOL
PBM likes watching Amazing Race
hate shows like that.
PBM gets tired of the news isn't like it is repeats..LOL
PBM is tired
false. wide awake now.
PBM uses hair spray or gel for his/her hair.
PBM clips his or her nails at least once a week.
once every 1 and a half weeks. My nails grow super fast.
PBM's nails grow fast
PBM wears a head band.
PBM has a school uniform hidden in his or her closet.
hey Russ...I finally figured out what the movie 300 was !! LOL..yeah...would be interesting to see the affects in the movie!
PBM will be here logged into DS for a while
False. Will be on and off.
PBM is pretty addicted to DS.
PBM plans to visit the Vancouver Aquarium this summer.
false...but I do plan on being in the area a few times in the summer in a Rig...vroom vroom
PBM likes marine life
I love marine life.
PBM has gone whale watching.
PBM throws socks with holes in them.
Throws holy socks where? at you sure! :)
PBM wonders what to do for lunchie
Already had lunch, a while ago.
PBM doesn't want to think of food.
false. I love food.
PBM plans to celebrate St. Patty's day. work colors are green so whether I am awake at work or not...still celibrating it LOL..btw..when is st. paddy's day?
PBM knows the date of st.paddy's day
true. March 17, ms pit. :)
PBM wants to celebrate patty's day with me, but for Friday.
I got invited to this Irish Pub thingee event.
thats this month is it not?
True Ill celebrate St Paddys day, what club/bar where? In vancouver I hope?
PBM is getting tired of that blasted show 24
true... that's why i stopped watching 24 after season 1. :)
LOL Russ. It sure is in Vancouver, on Smythe Street. $10 bucks pre admission and $25 at the door. LOL, don't think you wanna hang around with us 3 gals. :)
PBM needs another haircut?
True I haven't had a haircut since late September early October. My hair is really really really long.
PBM has gone longer then me in not getting a haircut.
false...not quite yet
PBM likes to have a girls night out...or a guys night out
PBM has locked themself out of the house at least once in the last six months.
PBM can pick locks.
False (something I must learn)
PBM is having an 'interesting' morning at work.
false. nothing really "interesting" ever happens at work
PBM would offer to come to my office and do a strip tease. I'll supply the pole for your props.
True.... but only if you became the pole.
PBM loves reading romance books.
PBM washed his/her hair this morning
PBM hates it when they cant find their cell phone
true. I phone myself every other day just to find it.
PBM has lost something today.
True. My cell phone. Havent seen it in two days.. and Ive called it. *sigh*. could possibly going onto cell phone number 25 soon.
PBM knows of a good place to buy a good cheap phone.
false. Broadway Skytrain station?
PBM actually knows where Russ can buy a new phone.
Uh, which plan? false.
PBM has a phone to give to Russ.
Never mind I found it. Er.. the chickie from XS cargo did. And called me back on it.. confusing the fawk outta me.
PBM thinks 20 bucks is enough of reward?
False. It should be $100.
PBM actually understood what Shakespeare was all about.... reading it the first time.
False. Thats what coles notes and 'net research was for. I got some of it.. not alot of it without sitting there and doing more reading/ research
uh.. Im not buying her number here. shes already got mine.. lol
PBM wants to blow something up
True. It's long and rubbery.
PBM has a sudden carving for a banana.
True. I wouldn't mind carving a banana. I'd like to mould another banana to double teh size, though! ;)
PBM likes to eat oranges.
Depends. I like mandarines more than the normal oranges.
PBM wants to dress up like a Geisha girl one day...... for whatever reason.
false. I prefer wearing the chong sam(sp?)
PBM likes the kimono style dresses out these days.
True. especially with missies Purelife and Lise wearing them.
EDIT!!!! And of course firstly not lastly miss Starfish
PBM is going to have a big drink tonight.
false. sadly.. :( but next friday, I will :)
PBM will wear a kimono-style dress if Russ wears a suit. :)
true why not
doesn't know what a kimono style dress is[/DIV]
False, it's a traditional Japanese dress.
Person below me loves to cook.
True (sometimes)
PBM has a headache
PBM loves watching birds feeding in their garden.
false - no garden
PBM has had a cold shower before.
True. It wasn't fun.
PBM is wondering why it's so quiet today.
true...perhaps nobody is awake yet... i'm still kinda sleepy...
PBM has shopped at a thrift store. ie. Salvation Army, Value Village, etc.'s like a treasure hunt
The person below me feels something peculiar in the air.
False. Unless you're talking about smelling something peculiar.
PBM thinks I should get a breadmaker.
True.....I LOVE my breadmaker.....we're on our 3rd. Fresh pizza dough.....cinammon buns....and of course bread that you know exactly what's in it.
The person below me has made doughnuts before.
PBM has made banana bread with/without the maker. :)
PBM has eaten Saskatoon Berries
PBM doesn't mind licking envelopes.
PBM has holidays half-planned.
True. China and Cuba with Starfish within the next year.
PBM has planned to similar extents
False (but there are one or two countries on the agenda).
PBM is hardly ever happier than when travelling.
True When on the plane. I do 12 long haul flights a year and I hate em now.
False when I get where I am going. Im like a kid in a candy store.
PBM wants to go to see the eiffel tower
false. It doesn't look too fascinating to me.
PBM keeps all cards received. ie thank you cards/b-day/v-day/xmas, etc.
False (but quite a lot of them, depends on their potential sentimental value).
PBM is a sucker for sentiment
True. But I dont let on to that. :)
Eiffel tower is ok. I did the 'fast french tour' when I had an 18 hour layover in Charles de Gaull one time. I took the shuttle bus to the Soffitel Hotel, where they do the tours, stored my luggage there and booked the tour. Did museums and a bunch of stuff. Then on the way back to the soffitel they took us to a cafe.. I left my disposable camera sitting on the outdoor table.. and lost all my pictures. Wah!
PBM thinks you have to try everything once
PBM wishes there were things he/she hadn't even tried once.
True. But at the same time I wouldnt know that unless I gave it a try.. which i wish i didnt...
PBM likes watching shows like 48 hours and cold case detectives
true! hell ya! I like it because they are solving puzzles before your eyes...I just hate that real peeps had to die so producing a show...
PBM had a GOOD day!
I'll tell you when it's over. Actually, I think I'm getting sick so the answer is no.
The can of slightly radioactive baked beans below used to practice kissing on a poster in their room (and maybe still does).
LOL..slightly false...mirror is more like it sweetheart...and no...don't need to practice on mirrors the real thing to practice on....and! I ain't no can of beans! LOL..radioactive or not! LOL
PBM has dressed themselves up as a fat lady...using pillows....and makeup...and BIG clothes...LOL
Neva. =)
Person below me likes to draw.
true....dragons...and wildlife....not so much anymore...need serenity to do so and finding that can be hard to do LOL
PBM also likes to draw
Yes, I like to draw & paint too. :)
The person below has a collection of coins from around the world?
Nope. But I do have one very special coin that a mercenary (the strangest dude I've ever met) gave to me. It's a coin from mexico that uses 2 different types of metal. The outer portion is copper colored and the inner circle is silvery.
The spartan helmet below used to whisper into the ears of their sibling's stuffed toys in an attempt to drive them crazy.
false...I grew up away from my I wouldn't be so lucky
PBM drew on walls as a child
PBM has many summer dresses.
false, I'm no Klinger. (M.A.S.H. joke)
PBM is bored
false. watching what not to wear and then going to bed soon...
PBM is going to watch the 300 movie.
might don't know going to a hockey game tomorrow so I doubt it.
PBM had a nice dinner.
Still waiting for dinner *single tear*
P.S. mad props for teh M.A.S.H. joke SD. May that show never be forgotten!! Can you imagine a M.A.S.H. show based on the Iraq War?? When did we forget how to laugh at ourselves?
The boiled herring below has killed a chicken with their own hand (or an axe).
I watched Mash in reruns every weekend down on the farm in the summers. It came on after Letterman.
Nope never killed a chicken, I'm no charleston heston and his cold dead hands.
PBM watched Mash as a kid and thinks Alan Alda still freaking rules.
true, i have watched mash but don't remember it too much... :( ah well
PBM watches music videos from youtube quite often.
False. I can't watch utube at work and never remember to check it out when I'm home (and if I do it's to watch stuffs like Bus Uncle).
This may sound stupid, but M.A.S.H. had a large influence on my developing views on the brutality and pointlessness of war. Just goes to show you the kind of power a sitcom can have. Of course, it's not formulaic, so it would probably never fly nowadays. Instead we get reality shows and king of queens and whatnot.
But I digress. The nest of vipers below drinks coffee for the rush and actually sort of hates how it tastes.
True. Its the only way to actually watch some bands full videos.
I like coffee but I'm more of a tea person.
Speaking of which I need some right now for work tonight.
PBM finds youtube the greatest thing ever.
False. It's Ok.
P.S. there's no excuse for cheating at this game since you get a warning when someone else actually beat you to the punch. 2 demerits and don't do it again.
The flattened armadillo below is a cheating cheater and knows it!!! >:(
ok, Ill be a cheater? Do I get a cookie with it?
Yeah. After you kill a chicken it runs around for another few minutes until it dies. Amazing really.
PBM wishes they could have a fire in their backyard.
false...don't have to wish...Can have a fire in the back yard and have a burn pit in the front love roasting hotdogs on it!
PBM likes to go tubing in the winter
PBM has a stack of old comics somewhere.
PBM has seen the Queen
True..on Canadian money.
If she was outside my door, I probably wouldn't turn off a movie to go see her mind you.
pbm considers him/herself healthy.
PBM would like to say something to Tom Cruise about aliens.
false. no interest in talking to that guy :P
PBM sweats very easily.
false. I do a lot of cardio exercise and it takes me awhile to sweat.
unless of course I see purelife is around, then I break into a sweat!
the pbm has a gym in their home.
False.....but I have dust bunnies.
The person below me was very athletic in high school.
Played hockey and Lacrosse...and hockey...then some lacrosse...somehow, I learned to snowboard in all that scheduling of games?!
the pbm love Reese Pieces.
true. i love pb and chocolate together.. :)
PBM uses a laptop on a daily basis.
PBM will go to bed early.
false...had company...then realized clock was changing...not early night at all!
PBM has been cyberstalked
PBM has been actually stalked.
PBM has dumped a guy/girl that he/she was dating.
PBM has been dumped
PBM had a date for the prom.
whoa! never been dumped? well, I wouldn't dump you, purelife!
PBM has been to a school reunion.
hee hee...thanks lil me.;) uh, I never really "dated."
PBM has more than 2 tv's at home.
True. Theres six in the house. Only three are used, the others just sit there looking pretty and are a stand for the dust displays.
PBM didnt remember spring back today.
Spring FORWARD, Russ!
PBM has an analog clock with hands.
We've got a few of those.. Ill leave those for my brother he's taller. Digital I can deal with.
Really? Its spring forward? Crap. I have to check the times then. What time is it right now then? 1030 1130?
PBM is laughing at me right now.
False.....sort of.
The person below me can feel that they got rooked out of an hours sleep.....except for Russ.(//vny!://
PBM likes the fresh air that the rain is giving.
false.....that's all a myth make us feel better about the 10 inches of rain we're getting today. LOL
The person below me has never been fired from a job.
True. I quit and told him to take his joke and shove it where the sun dont shine. Only time Ive done that.. I am usually VERY careful not to burn bridges.
So its 1250. Not even close to 1050 or 1150.
PBM likes beverly hills cop II
PBM would like a part in the new Tintin movie.
PBM has been an extra in a movie
False. But I would love to be the extra loin cloth hanging onto Gerald Butler's beautiful bod.
PBM is going to watch Indiana Jones IV.
True, love Indy Jones movies
PBM watches the NCAA basketball tournament
PBM likes to wear fibres such as cotton and rayon rather than polyester.
I'm in with the cotton....but I'll pass on the rayon.
*I was an extra in a movie....[img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://" border=0]
The person below me has their rooms painted all the same colour
false, people who had this house before us were colourful folks. Which explains my silly window blinds, white, gold, navy blue with dark green drapes. yikes.
PBM has a wall papered bathroom.
false. not a fan of wallpaper. I'd tear them up.
PBM has several up-standing tall lamps.. (whatever they're called)
PC, do tell us the time when you were an Extra. ;) It sounds interesting. :)
True...I think. Do you mean floor lamps or torchieres? I have two VERY old floor lamps.
The person below me won't laugh if I say what movie I was in.
I won't.
PBM wants to know what the movie was.
Rocky IV [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://" border=0] and a thousand others. It was really a lot of fun. Basically a 7 day party. We were ring-side by the judges and when the shoot was over there was a REAL big party. (hey...they fed us)
The person below me is rolling on the floor.
Oh, that's funny, PC. That must've been oh so FUN! Yeah, movie sets really know how to feed the cast and extras. :) Tons and tons of food.... Cirque du Soleil crew has their very own chef on board creating all kinds of dishes all day long.. how cool is that?
PBM would love to watch Cirque du Soleil live one day. :) *take me, take me* ;)
Yup, those floor lamps...forgot what they were called.
True. Have watched two shows in Vegas and once here in the Bay Area. Got complimentary tickets from Cirque du Soleil when they were here and got to mingle with the performers in a party following the show.
PBM plays poker
PBM has played striped Texas Hold'em and lost.
PBM wants to know if purelife did? ;)
False....what happens in Vegas....STAYS in Vegas.
The person below me can juggle.
*I love Cirque de Soliel. There was a retired CdS guy up the road from us. He was still getting royalties from a particular act that he originated.
But in my university daze, I use nto try and juggle a few ladies at one time..(//vny!://
pbm lives on a quiet street.
True I wouldn't change it for the world.
The person below me lives in a condo.
false. I have a house..ok the bank has most of it, but I have some of it.
pbm has seen 300 (movie).
But our neighbor has a Chryler 300. Does that count?
PBM Is really looking forward to work tomorrow.
False...YUCK !
The person below me has changed their profile settings to show the proper time in their posts.
I've always had the time up on posts. I do the day: hour: minute: seconds setting. But I'm still an hour behind need to move the hour up.
PBM is all messed up over the time change.
That's what I meant.....have you adjusted your profile to reflect the current time.
I'm fine with the time change. I didn't need that hour anyways.
The person below me has a hand cranked flashlight.
true! from when I was a little kid and the other is LED fancy dancy one! And still feeling jet lagged over time change...blech
PBM got to enjoy sunshine today
False! False False!
Torrential rains today, and now the wind warnings are up(//vny!://
PBM is seeking professional help for SAD!
SAD? what is that? Not seeking professional help with or for anything so far LOL..check back when I am old! LOL
PBM has to work tomorrow
*SAD is Seasonal Affected Disorder. It's actually an form of depression caused from lack of vitamin D or sunshine. (more basically...just light) It's quite common.
The person below has a hard time thinking of questions.
PBM suffered from depression as a teenager
Like actual clinical depression? I don't know for sure, really. Quite possibly.
The person below has one letter on the keyboard that they constantly miss-strike.
false. many. 'specially after a couple o drinks.
PBM is wearing PJs (or whatever shorts/sweats they wear to bed)
PBM, like me, is seaching for the instructions to set his/her digital watch
don't you just jam a pencil into the the recessed hole and keep stabbing it?
PBM has the wrong date set on their watch like I do.
True ........ never bother with the date
don't you just jam a pencil into the the recessed hole and keep stabbing it?
No, got to push buttons in a sequence
PBM throws away his/her digital watch when the battery is flat.
I keep them in a drawer for a good 5 years, THEN throw them out!
PBM has a collection of non-working watches.
PBM drinks red wine on a daily basis.
true but don't tell anybody its still 'illegal' for me to do so.
PBM drinks.
True. Drinks what though?
I drink water
I drink juice
I drink nectar of the gods.. I mean beer
I drink spirits.
PBM likes horror movies
PBM is feeling more than usually lazy today
true...but that is only because it is a day off and I have a list of stuff to do
PBM has watched Borat (I haven't though)
false. heard it was hilarious...but I don't like the guy.
PBM has been stood up before.
true...won't go there though...brings my nasty side out.
PBM has a funny tale to tell about dating
true. It's not really funny but kinda spooky/weirdish.
Wanna hear?
PBM has had deja-vu recently with someone they had met.
false...and yes! Share the story!!
PBM feels that they are reincarnated from a previous lifetime
false. Never felt that before...
PBM also thinks that he/she was reincarnated and knows the story. :)
Ok, here's my story.
When I was in the earlier stages of dating my current partner, I had moved out to a shared accomadation with a roommate. I couldn't live in his tiny bachelor suite. One day, when he was over at my place, I told him to lock the doors. For some odd reason, he used his own apartment key to lock my doors. (I don't remember how that happened because he intended to use mine or something). So, then, to our suprise, his apartment key can fit in my lock at the place where I was living. We were kinda spooked out for a bit.
Strange, huh? Now, that is an odd chance. We didn't know how to explain that.
Do you have any stories pitbul? I like hearing these "concidental" or "odd" stories from one's dating life. :) Hmm, perhaps I need to start a new thread? I've got more odd ones too.
LOL...if I thought about it for a bit...I might. What is funny..or different for me than for others.
PBM has been flamed in DV
True. Who isn't?
PBM has flamed someone in a forum.
false- not under my current handle
PBM still checks into DV
true...lurker more than poster these days after recent flaming
PBM will take a walk today
PBM would like to be fluent in three or four languages
true! I would really love to learn spanish...I can swear in english very quickly...LOL..would like to learn spanish actually as it seems like a very emotional language
PBM can see sunshine today
PBM can't wait to start walking around outside with several pounds fewer clothes.
PBM wears rubber boots
True (sometimes)
PBM is waiting for inspiration
false...LOL..more like motivation! LOL...I like my rubber boots! They keep my toots dry! But I don't wear them in public LOL
PBM uses sun as motivation
totally true.
PBM is putting on the shades today.
true...that is if I have motivation to face the brightness! LOL
PBM uses sunglasses as an accessory
true, when I'm not wearing my regular glasses
PBM is alos blind as a bat
False. Although I don't know how I retain my vision staring at a monitor 10+ hours a day!
The masterbating bonobo below me has a recurring nightmare about being mauled by industrial equipment (a wheat thresher, license plate stamp etc.).
masturbating eh? LOL...false....dreams of flying yes....industrial
PBM uses words to express themselves
true... dunno what you mean though. :)
PBM would love to live in United Arab Emirates in Brunei!
I have no idea if I would......geography is my weak spot.
The person below me is going on a fabulous vacation this summer.
huh? false? I like living right where I am now! LOL wish the shopping was better but oh well! LOL
PBM likes animal print rubber boots!
Like Welly's with Wooly's ? I think they'd probably be cute.
The person below me likes music-boxes that you wind up with a key.
False. Annoying.
PBM hates the smell of perfumes when they pass the perfume/cosmetic department.
false...I am farely indifferent to it
oops..PBM likes testing perfume
False. Unless it's mens.
PBM loves trying on different shoes.
true..if I had enough shoe stores to go to
PBM owns high heels
true- but hardly ever wear 'em- running shoes, sandals and work boots for me
PBM has a pair of Crocs/Holes/plastic clog things
false..i don't find them too fashionable.
PBM has tried on a pair of Crocs and wants to buy one?
PBM can smell my buffalo steaks grilling on the bbq! LOL
False...I wish I could though.
pbm golfs.
I love to golf I was on the golf team in high school.
PBM has had a hole in one. mini-golf.
pbm has been to Seattle during July 4th.
false, what goes on at the 4th in Seattle?
PBM has taken the train.
true..apparently when I was little
PBM is enjoying a full stomach now
False....not yet.
The person below me has a special talent.
True...Doesn't everyone?
PBM uses their special talent for work.
true..people skills I guess...LOL
PBM welcomes friendly people
PBM thinks mean people suck
false...people have their reasons for being mean. If they don't show why...then...I think they suck LOL
PBM loves laughing
PBM likes the movie 'Airplane'
false? don't know what it is...sorry
PBM loved The Grudge
false...never seen it.
Gotta see Airplane. It's the best comedy ever.
PBM needs a vacation
too true...gonna hit the highway with the bf this summer and enjoy it trucker style! LOL..headed all the way down to the vancouver area!
PBM also needs a vacation!
true. Spring break next week. Ski week!!!
PBM needs a change of scenery
True dat!! Time for a drive, just can't decide which direction or how far to go!
The rusty manhole below believes that anything posted on DS should be appropriate for a 12 year old to view.
false...I think that kids should use the puter as a tool and not a toy. And I ain't no manhole either..LOL..just one mans.
PBM is not sure what mood they are in
True. I seem to be on a mood swing. Wheeee!!
The Don Johnson fan below has been to a political demonstration.
LOL..Don Johnson...LOL..I must be getting old! LOL..not a fan of Don Johnson and his white that guy still around? political demonstration
PBM needs more coffee
PBM drinks it black.
false. too strong for me.... like lots of cream and sugar.
PBM has dated someone a few years younger than him/her.
true..I was 26 and he was 19. Learned my lesson! LOL
PBM has also dated someone a few years younger
true. didn't last long.
PBM has dated someone much older.
true...23 and he was 43...LOL..just testing the waters
PBM also has
PBM would rather date someone older than younger than him/herself.
PBM has been on a date in the last month.
False. True. Hm. Define date.
Did you go on a date, SD? (//vny!://
PBM hates washing the dishes.
lol sadly no, but I do plan on going on a date this year.
washing dishes is okay.
PBM talks about their kids when they go out with their significant others.
OMG. Really? Who? Who? That hawt Vietnamese waitress?
PBM will go to the prom with his or her date this year.
PBM would rather do the washing up than the drying up.
PBM loves garlic on everything.
True (well, not QUITE everything).
PBM thinks that the PAM was referring only to food.
False. I like to think of Pam in the biggest sense. Viva la Pammie's twins.
PBM has been to France and climbed the Effiel Tower.
Partly true - been there, didn't do it (but bought the postcard).
PBM would rather go to Rome than to Paris.
Don't know that's a toughie. I'll say Paris because you have more options to do things, or getaways and such.
(I'll be in university, I'll start dating then)
PBM has been to the midwest.
False....... has flew over the midwest
Been to both Rome and Paris. Prefer Paris........took elevator up the Eiffiel Tower, does that count?
PBM has taken a cruise
Nope. Taking elevator up does not count. You gotta take the stairs!
PBM thinks Europe has some rather hot looking guys.
false i prefer the girls.
pbm has driven through half of the states or most of the provinces.
true...too young to remember though
PBM is having a truly boring afternoon
PBM has stayed indoors all day.
true, if it wasn't for work at night I'd have been indoors since Saturday night.
true...darn it...k..will go outside now!
PBM has an ergonomic keyboard
PBM has an wrist rest for the keyboard.
false..but I do have one of the ergonomic keyboards. Makes typing on regular keyboard a bit of a bitch at times
PBM suffers from carpal tunnel syndrome
Used to. From carrying heavy stuff at work.
PBM has carpal tunnel syndrome for other reasons.
false...tendonitis though. Common problem in my job
PBM has dirty thoughts LOL
hmm don't want to know what those 'other reasons' are hehe. But true. I got it or in the process of getting it through my job.
of course who doesn't have those thoughts.
PBM doesn't like their job.
false love my job
PBM enjoys working in non-cubicle environments.
true but my non cubicle sucks. Driving around 100 miles a day is no fun.
PBM needs social interaction with their job.
true...big time
PBM enjoys peace and quiet
true. I enjoy my own time.
PBM studied hand-writing analysis.
false..unless you are talking about forging my parents signatures when I was a kid
PBM has super power people skills
false. I wish that I could read their minds though...
PBM has watched My Best Friend's Wedding.
PBM notices that Julia Roberts smiles from 2nd bicuspid to 2nd bicuspid.
True. She does have a big mouth
PBM is shocked by today's price of gasoline
True.....and yesterdays too.
The person below me has to fill up their tank more than twice a month.
True and False. I drive a company car that is powered by compressed natural gas. Fill it about once/week.....its a Toyota Camry and has a range of about 350 miles. Fill personal car about once a month.
PBM gets sick riding public transit
I might. I haven't done it since I was a kid.
The person below me likes oysters.
I love public transit.
Oysters are okay. Not my super favourites though.
PBM likes watching debates
false. engaging in.
PBM knows what the brown sludge inside my dishwasher is- because I'm stumped
PBM might though! LOL
true...actually false.
But possible hard water build up? or maybe it is not draining properly and last weeks cottage cheese leftovers are now brown?
pbm glad they read the above AFTER supper.
True..........its all the brown rice you're feeding your kids and who have been secretly disposing off behind your back (//vny!://
PBM prefers to wash dishes in the sink
ha ha- not a fan?
PBM lets their dog lick plates
False ........ eat wild rice once in a blue moon
PBM will have corned beef and cabbage sometime this week
totally false! sounds gross chicken breasts done on the bbq and fancy mac salad
PBM is sippin on a cold one
not yet. lukewarm green tea still
PBM has been drinking for hours
False.....Kind of. Does more than 1 hour but less than 2 mean it isn't hours?(//vny!://
PBM is waiting for kids to settle down
PBM drinks a glass of milk daily.
false. lactose intolerent
PBM drinks soy milk.
true. I drink the chocolate kind.
PBM eats soy hot dogs.
pbm has got an hour of exercise today.
true.. soon. :)
PBM is hanging out with friends on Friday.
PBM is wondering where everyone is.
PBM gets junk mail.
all the time.
PBM likes emails though makes them feel important
true to liking emails and false to feeling important when receiving emails
PBM has a crooked nose.
not crooked but I've got a bump.
PBM has big feet.
PBM has excellent posture.
PBM is feeling most excellent today
PBM this its nice outside.. but too cold still
false, its definately not cold out. Its 26 C out, but a cold front is coming in.
Pbm hates drastic weather changes.
false. I just roll with it.
26C in St Louis? Holy mackarel.
PBM agrees with the statement "Cookies are a Sometimes Food"
yup right now its 21 out, but by the end of the day its suppose to get around 26 then plummet back to zero when a cold front comes through.
True on the cookies
PBM doesn't like oreos
they're ok... not my kind of cookie.
PBM likes salt n vinegar chips.
very true
PBM likes vinegar on fries
PBM likes to eat cottage cheese.
PBM wonders how cottage cheese was invented.
false, I've seen how they do it.
PBM can grip a basketball with one hand.
PBM has picked wild rice
false...sounds good though
PBM can tell me where or how to make pickled wild rice.
I never heard of pickled and wild rice in the same sentence before.
PBM likes to drink a lot of water everyday.
PBM likes ice cubes
False. I cringed whenever I hear people crunch on them.
PBM loves crunching on ice cubes.
false. sucking, no chewing
PBM wants a Slurpee
False. Too much calories.
PBM has drunk a huge 2 Litre Coke by himself or herself in one sitting.
Do you gals know what it means to bite/chew/eat ice? Do you want to know? ;)
PBM knows what it means.
true. I know what it means to a 12 year old!
PBM will ADMIT to chewing their ice.
true. I was at the pub with my g/f and she told me what it meant. That's when I continued biting it even more.. HARDER with more INTENSITY! ;)
PBM is looking forward to buying the Easter treats when they go for half price after Easter.
false. still stockpiling chocolate from halloween and xmas.
PBM likes Cadbury eggs.
true. can't wait to have them go half price afterwards.
PBM owns a bike. needs work though
PBM spent some money today
true- just came back from the liquor store
PBM is ready for a cocktail
false. no cocktail for me :(
PBM has a lawn mower.
false. no lawn!
PBM has a lawn AND a lawn mower AND a lawn chair.
true! and I plan on taking full advantage of it all with warmer weather!
PBM would love to have a drink with me!
PBM is thinking backyard BBQ season is around the corner
true...LOL..though...I just ran my BBQ out of propane cause I turned the nob the wrong way! LMAO @ myself!
PBM loves hotdogs and camping
PBM either can't sleep or hasn't yet gone to bed.
True. Cant sleep now. Been in and out since about 6pm because been a sickie.
PBM hasnt been sick in a while and it should stay that way.
True (apart from a bad cold)
PBM imagines that they're not going to have any sleep at all tonight/this morning.
oh I'm going to sleep, clean bed sheets and everything, plus the room is really cold, which is what I like, easier to breathe, worried that I won't get enough sleep to watch the basketball games in a few hours. (lol the run on)
PBM is off to bed.
False. Im scared to, lol.
PBM is having problems with their wireless like I am.. and for some inexplicable reason likes to smack their laptop/desktop like I do to try to fix it. lol.
PBM has a transistor radio which he/she takes into his/her bed.
False. Got a stereo in the room. Which is off right now. lol.
PBM uses ebay
PBM wonders how life will be when he/she's 64.
True. I tell everyone Ill be dead by then with my lifestyle so thats ok.
PBM has ridden in a helicopter before.
PBM will have a good day
[img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://" border=0] [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://" border=0] [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://" border=0] [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://" border=0] [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://" border=0] [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://" border=0] [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://" border=0][img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://" border=0] [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://" border=0] [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://" border=0] [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://" border=0] [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://" border=0] [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://" border=0]
The person below me had a good breakfast[/DIV]
true... had tea, crackers and some walnuts.
PBM makes his/her own hot chocolate out of real chocolate and not from an instant powder mix.
False, but that sounds scrummy.
Panda bear in a tux below always washes their fruit before eating it.
false. sometimes I just rub it on shirt, kinda deal.
PBM has heard about someone washing their vegetables in soap.
I wash everything in water.
PBM double cleans their plates. Hand washes them and then puts them in the dishwasher.
False (the only dishwasher I have is me).
PBM recycles their envelopes
False. Thats what the garbage is for.
PBM has a wood fireplace or a gas fireplace?
True.....but I keep getting my own mail back.
The person below me has written a short story.
False.....but have a woodstove.
Same question as above.
Really? You have a woodstove? Those are getting harder to find.. we still have an old one from my grandparents sitting in our basement.
PBM wants to go horseback riding
false. horses don't like me. been thrown off too many times.
PBM likes horsies.
To P.C.'s question, haven't started on the short story yet. I think that will be the last of the 5 essays to do.
My sister rides horses, does all those jumps and stuff. I've ridden horses before but I end up geting seriously rug burn on my bum/inner thigh.
PBM likes photography.
PBM has a stash of personal photos NOONE else is gonna see.
False - they can look as much as they like, as long as I'm not there to see them looking.
PBM believes that their mirror lies.
True....I've caught it in a lie several times.
The person below me has written a list of things you would do if you won the lottery.
false. Not really planning on winning it but if I did, there are a few obvious things I'd do.
PBM wants cottage house in the mountains.
TRUE - by the side of a river.
PBM is a daydreamer.
True.....sometimes you just can't rely on night dreams.
The person below me doesn't care for wall to wall carpet.
day dreamer is my middle name. I tend to follow them as well. (I know some people that don't)
true, although its easier on my knees.
PBM has followed one of many of their 'dreams'.
TRUE (and fully hopes to continue to do so)
PBM is all too aware that following dreams can be expensive.
True but if you believe deep enough, price is no issue.
PBM can't remember what he or she dreamt of last night.
PBM has more than 1 pillow and extra binkits
True. I have three pillows for handy breast feeding position. (//vny!://
PBM loves the smell of fresh bedsheets.
PBM has colourful bedsheets
pbm drinks at least 8 glasses of water a day.
False. Close though.
PBM doesn't believe in drinking from bottled water.
I don't its not good for the environment. Bottle was probably made in China and then flown to Europe or where ever and then filled with that local tap water and then shipped to where ever you live. That's a lot of energy wasted and pollution created for a bottle of water.
PBM uses cards instead of actual money use both! But...seems money is disapearing outta me purse...and the dogs aren't the culprits if you know what I mean!
PBM doesn't care if they are using a card or long as they can spend spend spend!
True how true.I spend money like it's going outa fashion.
PBM has had an affair!And we want all the hot goss!!!!
false in this lifetime.
PBM is HAVING an affair.
false...been there..done that...and I ain't doin it to this guy...he is my world...after my kids of course
PBM has had an affair in the past
PBM is certain that they will eventually meet someone else from DS
can't say....will probably meet someone from DV first LOL...
PBM will have a good day
umm..hoping for True.
pbm can't stand Star Trek.
PBM has recently received an unexpected sum of money
PBM agrees with the statement "Z95.3 plays today's best music..."
PBM can hardly wait for the weekend.
PBM thinks everybody wants a little romance.
PBM considers him/herself to be extremely liberal.
false. not extremely
PBM could use an exteremely liberal application of hand cream.
Is PBM also of the opinion that PAM is in need of a liberal application of hand cream?
Gopher wrote:
Is PBM also of the opinion that PAM is in need of a liberal application of hand cream?
PAM= person after me?
or PAM= Pamela Anderson Lee?
true and false (she has people who follow a schedule for mundane tasks such as those)
PBM wishes for a quiet nap.
False - I'm feeling full of the joys of spring.
PBM is counting the hours.
PBM prefers butter to margarine
PBM generally considers that him/herself has good taste.
PBM got wet today in the rain.
what rain? ;)
PBM loves this thread
PBM is having a bad hair day.
Not tellin'.
PBM watches the Discovery Channel.
true- if I had cable.
PBM has a "thing" for the Kratt Brothers (Chris & Martin)
PBM likes to wander through any art gallery.
true enough. not really a visual person, but ok.
PBM likes to smell their way through life.
False. My nose receptors were blown out by youthful indiscretions :(
The ninja/dragon hybrid below likes sweaty sex on sweltering summer nights.
False. Too hot. Too bothered. Just want to zzzzzzz.
PBM has been to a live nudie show.
does that mean 'strip club' yeah I've been, thought it was the stupidest thing on the planet.
PBM has gone to a strip club
True. A group of us went to the Mitchell Brothers place in SF for a 21st birthday celebration
PBM has received a lap dance
PBM has sat in the front row at the peeler bar.
Yep, when I was under age too, never got ID'd at the time.
PBM has hired a topless waitress for a poker party.
PBM likes to treat civil servants like shit!
false...thing of the past baby!
PBM does though
false...just needed a change from the little strip mirrors in the house
PBM has fetishes and wishes to share them
true...yup...I wear da pants in da family...but the bf is my sugar daddy! LOL..suits me just fine!
PBM approves of internet dating
PBM is going to stay inside all day looking at the rain
false...I hope not...have lots of yard work to do..rain or shine...shine would be nice but it seems that rain is all that is in store
PBM likes DS
False, I love it!
PBM expects it to snow pretty soon.
PBM can go without checking or logging into DS for at least a week.
Uncertain (I've not yet tried it).
PBM has at least one book on loan from the library.
PBM wants to help me with yard work today! No rain!
PBM is hungry right now
false. Had lunch at a buffet place.......still full
PBM lives in a condo or in a planned neighborhood and has to follow the rules/guildlines of a Homeowners Association
PBM actually follows rules
Rules? What rules? lol
PBM is going to have some kind of surgery soon.
PBM showers twice a day.
PBM prefers a bath over a shower
true...if I had all the time in the world..unfortunately...I don't so shower is the way to go
PBM wishes everyone goodnight peeps!
false- Good Morning!
PBM slept well last night
true! and good morning to you!
PBM has nice weather today
False. Downright foggy.
PBM enjoyed St. Patrick's Day yesterday.
false...found the majority of it quite boring
PBM enjoys
PBM is glad someone else is on this board.
false...just bouncin...but it is a little nice!
PBM is bored
PBM is waiting for an e-mail
PBM writes an email at least once a day.
PBM has cancelled their home phone in favour of their mobile
false...I like to be open to lots of I have both LOL
PBM prefers chat on puter to chat on phone
true. who has time to talk on the phone?
PBM thinks the phone is an annoyance
false. phone comes in handy.
PBM thinks msn can get annoying with the pop ups and such.
true- don't do msn
PBM likes Pop Up Video on Much
PBM needs a new pair of glasses.
sun glasses. I've got 120 dollars worth of gift certificates to Sunglass Hut.
PBM wears sun glasses.
true...a must have
PBM has over 3 pairs of sunglasses.
PBM owned a pair of Oakley Blades with the interchangable doohickey
PBM owns baseball bat and gloves.
PBM plays baseball with the family. (catch etc)
PBM can throw a curveball
true. I could have pitched but the wanted me in the outfield because I had a strong arm, could throw people out at home plate from outfield.
PBM played sports growing up.
PBM likes the song Centrefield by John Fogerty
love that song.
PBM likes folky type music (Fogarty, Dylan, Lightfoot, Mellancamp)
False. Great Big Sea is as far as I go.
PBM has seen the movie the marine.
PBM LOVES GOODFELLAS a certain extent...I love my goodfella...
PBM is sharing a cup of coffee with me
PBM could be a wise guy in a different life
LOL...true...but prefer being a wisegal in this lifetime! LOL
PBM likes to ice skate
true- but avoiding it because ah needs new laces
PBM will volunteer to re-lace my hockey skates
sure...military style...makes it a bitch to loosen and tighten laces..but looks neat and tidy! LOL
PBM enjoys the material things in life
false- the simple things
PBM is a Material Girl/Guy
False...partly true I guess. I love my house and my toys, but I don't race to the store to buy the "latest things".
PBM had a great weekend.
false....I love life simple...but that leaves me able to appreciate material things
PBM is still in bed!
devil writes: PBM had a great waste of a weekend off!
PBM likes to stay busy
PBM is hyper
true...but not when it comes to housework!!!!!!!! LOL
PBM collects pictures and wishes to share one
uh, true.
PBM is not feeling really well today.
true sort of I'm having a hard time breathing lately.
PBM is going to take a walk today.
True. I hope.
PBM sings quite well in public. get me nails done..LOL..
PBM would like to change their avatar
True. Too lazy at the moment.
PBM loves giving his or her pet a good darn wash.
LOL..true..but it takes the day...because can't bath just one...gotta bath the two others as well and the german shepherd takes all day to dry..even after using four towels and a hairdryer on her!
PBM has had a good day!
True I guess.
PBM wonders what the new budget does.
false...don't know..and don't care..I me naive!!!!!!!!
PBM enjoys chatting
True and False. Depends on who.
PBM plays games online.
PBM knows some magic tricks.
True, I push a red button on a black rectangular brick and Shazaam! The Tv magically comes on.
PBM is wondering what to have for din din.
false- already figured that out (fish n veggies soon)
PBM is getting a pizza
False. robson Sushi.
PBM wants to kill something like me. My father decided to come borrow my truck for the night.. and not tell me. I noticed this a few minutes ago as I tried to find it.
Report it missing....LOL
False...I'm in a super relaxed state....OHHHHMMMMMMM
The person below me has had dragon fruit.
I think I have
PBM drinks low sodium v8 juice.
ugh. false.
PBM likes Caesars with xxxtra spice
No extra tobasco. *low sodium V-8....ptewwwii
The person below me like fresh cracked pepper.
sure beats the full.
PBM drinks a glass of red wine every day.
true most days
PBM makes wine
I'd love to know how. Might consider doing that when I get older.
PBM has been to a winery.
PBM has been known to whine
PBM gets chided for acting 'too silly'
PBM has used the Whoopee cushion trick at least once
PBM was constantly being reprimanded for talking too much during lessons at school.
true...sorry...found school way too boring
PBM has climed a tree and looked into a birds nest in their childhood
PBM has climbed a tree and ripped his/her pants
false...but I have looked into birds nest...robins nest..little blue eggs!
PBM has gotten into a fight back in school...
True a few. I wasnt always on the winning side either.
PBM puts flavoured milk in their coffee
sometimes- the toffee flavour
PBM bows to the shrine of the Timmies drive-thru
True. I love getting an extra large double double from Timmy Ho's
PBM snowboards?
PBM enjoys playing Tim Horton's Roll Up the Rim.
PBM is looking for inspiration
The PBM has been to Trinidad.
True. Only for a few days while passing through though.
PBM has been to Scotland
True. Beautiful countryside, wonderful polite and generous people. I can't understand a word they say though.
PBM wore a kilt at one point in his or her life.
PBM owns a kilt with family tartan
PBM thinks Sean Connery is still hot.
true- in a mental, visceral sense- not a physical one
PBM has the hots for Jean-Luc Picard
Very Very False.
PBM has been to Cuba
false, I can't, it's like illegal for us.
PBM has been to Rio
pbm has been to hong kong
true- 1988?
PBM can speak an Asian language
PBM can speak fluent pig latin
PBM can read roman numerals into the thousands
false...dyslexia screws me up on that one
PBM likes paper bags vs. plastic
PBM re-uses grocery bags for garbage, laundry bags, shoe bags, etc.
PBM doesn't trust most plastic bags and gets them double bagged
false- I trust the professionals to do their job- they know when to double-bag and when not to.
all my grocery bag blow-outs occur when I DIY at the StupidStore
PBM has a bunch of StupidStore gas station coupons in the car
false...I am gas is tax free..and blah blah blah dee dah...
PBM disses their cashier
PBM has ranted and raved in the form of a customer complaint at least once
True. and Ill probably do it again at some point.
Thats cheating miss pitt LOL!
PBM thinks the price of toys is outrageous and too commercialized.
true...BTW...Russ...what is cheating?LOL
PBM has a keychain full of junk + the keys that they actually need
false- got rid of the junk
PBM feels ripped off if they pay full price
false. i feel ripped off even by paying half price of what they want for some plastic hunk of crap.
PBM is awake.
Russ wrote:
false. i feel ripped off even by paying half price of what they want for some plastic hunk of crap.
PBM is awake.[hr style="width: 100%; height: 2px;"]Only half true... COFFEE!!!!!
PBM wants a hug.
True. Especially if its from miss Jing!
PBM likes bubble tea
Uncertain - never tried it
PBM could do with some loving
True. I could do with more but I'm satisfied with what I have right now.
PBM needs a good hug.
PBM is the one to do it.
PBM will get over today and be grateful for the 'experience.'
True (writes he disbelievingly)
PBM is being driven crazy by the weather
False. Already crazy
PBM is amazed at teh amount of garabage that accumulates around their place
True (if it's my own production).
PBM prides him/herself on the tidiness of his/her bedroom.
False. I gots piles high in there.
PBM likes old cars
PBM likes bog-snorkelling.
False. lol, you sent me a picture of that!
PBM likes old trucks?
PBM always tidies house before parents visit.
true. but they rarely visit.
pbm has an LCD TV.
kinda true. LCD projection TV.. 48"
PBM has a big newer TV?
true. 50 inch sony.
PBM wants to go caving.
False. Not too crazy about dark caves.
PBM has been inside a deep dark cave and loved it.
True. although we had lots of beer and lanterns
PBM liks to travel
PBM has hitchhiked
PBM has picked up hitchhikers
False. NEVER!
PBM just had a wonderful dinner.
false...too tired.....
PBM is scared of heights
true- never used to be
PBM is prone to motion sickness
false..true...only if I am reading on a long journey...other than that...good to go on car..truck..or boat
PBM has embarrassed themselves while sick
true- but more to do with youthful indiscretion than motion
PBM has vomited on someone else
false...unless you are talking about baby spit up
PBM has a regular sleep cycle
PBM has a regular menstrual cycle
true...though it has changed since having kids! LOL..not that that outta be aired here
PBM has regular bowel movements LOL
PBM considers themselves to be a "regular" person
true...7:30 am on the dime! LOL
PBM is open to any kind of talk
PBM secretly spies on the neighbours unto others as you would like done unto you!
PBM sneaks peeks in peeps windows while out on a walk
false. i mind my own business
PBM has completed his/her taxes.
false. procrastinating.
PBM has an electric pencil sharpener
true! the shape of a school bus LOL...
PBM loves salad
PBM likes greek salad
false...haven't tried it
PBM likes macaroni salad
PBM likes jello salad
false...reminds me of the hospital
PBM is apprehensive about hospitals
PBM has a wonderful doctor.
false...thinking of changing....he is a pass off kinda doc....never really gets to the bottom of and my family's health is on the line....gotta have a good here are like men...all the good ones are taken
PBM hates PAPS
True. I wish they would invent something that would scan your body then tell you the results without being so damn invasive. Oh well.
LOL about docs and being good men. I so know what you mean. Mine is getting older... so I'm hoping he will retire soon and we'll get a young, more up-to-date doctor to take over the reins.
PBM is scared of getting needles.
PBM can't stand the sight of blood
false...sickly fascinated with the sight of my own blood...except the month thing....
PBM has had stitches
true...only stitches in my mouth
PBM has a jar full of pennies.
true! not a jar..but the cutest fat pig sitting on his duff...LOL
PBM rolls their pennies
False (but now you've reminded me of it, I'll start it again).
PBM can touch their nose with the tip of their tongue.
false...and the tongue ring gets in the way of that attempt..LOL
PBM can touch their chin with the tip of their tongue?
PBM has TRIED to touch their chin with the tip of their tongue.
true of course...the x could...LOL..didn't get him anywhere though! LOL
PBM likes the mirrors that distort proportions...takes a midget..and makes them tall and skinny...takes a tall skinny person and turns them into a rotund butterball...
PBM only likes seeing other people in distorting mirrors.
False. Who cares what I look like.. lol. I am who I am.
PBM likes watching snowboarding on tv
PBM watches too much TV
false...but I play on the puter too much!
PBM is a sports fan
PBM feels they have some way to go before they obtain real maturity. long as I don't turn into a crabby old lady...I am all good with the things that I have learned about life
PBM is still enjoying what life has to offer...and learns new things everyday
true. variety is the spice of life. Day you stop learning is the day you stop living.
PBM is getting tired of the rain.
oohh...don't be is sunny are out in shirts without jackets.....
PBM suntans
True, I do it alot more in Africa than here. I find it funny, I dont use suntan lotion there and dont burn. Here I put on lotion and burn.
true to sun tanning. i tan easily. one of my perks. :)
PBM is dilligent about wearing sunscreen.
PBM has had heat stroke
PBM has fainted before.
true....on a cement lucky though...went over backwards and not forwards
PBM has fallen off of a horse
False. Fallen off of a sawhorse before though.. does that kinda count.
Thanks for that recover miss PL.
PBM has been in a wedding party.
true....and dang did I get drunk after...and did it with the best man...LOL..was maid of honor...been that to more than one person
PBM likes a lame excuse to party
Maid of honour is the ultimate goal for any guy at the wedding. I know I try every time. If not her then i settle for one of the maids of honour.
PBM was born and raised int he lower mainland.
false...born in toronto and grew up in the pacific northwest
PBM likes drunk women
PBM likes guys in uniforms
true..but...LOVES men in long as their bellies don't stick out farther than their belts do! LOL
PBM has worn a uniform
True. Have a few uniforms. Still, lol. Never get to wear them anymore.
PBM has a webcam
PBM likes to preform
PBM likes to sit down with a drink later and night and relax. (note Im not touching alcohol tongiht though)
true...unfortunately...goes strait to my stomach and thighs..LOL
PBM is a reformed they say
better than I used to be.
Still a little shaky, Russ?
PBM can stomach Wildcat beer
LOL..false...never tasted it...LOL...but it sounds pretty bad LOL
PBM can do tequila shots without the lemon and salt
PBM licks their arm instead of salt
false...straight down the chute baby...and beating the guys too boot! LOL
PBM likes to lick in foreplay
true if the lickee is lickable
PBM likes the taste of stamp glue
false...makes me cringe that mankind has sentenced us to such a thing
PBM prefers the sticky already stamps that are out there
you mean the stickers? love those.
PBM likes to recieve and send mail.
true...though...receiving IS more fun than sending...though I am a sharer at heart
PBM will have a good day tomorrow...LOL.wait..that is more of a wish than an ad to this post..
PBM use to play with cars as a child
PBM still plays with cars
true...LOL..though rarely...for my kids sake
PBM will see sun today ( I say that because it is pouring rain here today)
PBM will see a friend today doubt about that one! Work is the social center of this city.
PBM plans to watch a movie today
PBM hates the "reminder" message from Rogers Video.
false...don't have a rogers video here
PBM is noticing an increase in telemarketer phone calls
PBM wonders why telemarketing companies even bother
true....and curse them under my breath
PBM has a phone number similar to a friends
The person below me has a birthday this month.
*PBM is noticing an increase in telemarketer phone calls
pitbull.....we got one of those 'zappers' and our telemarket calls are almost down to zero. It was getting insane there for a while. Check them out.....15 bucks well spent.
PBM likes to play with something in the bath
True. thats for me to know and you to find out.
Telemarketers are fun to play with. 'Here, just wait on teh phone while I get xxx', put down phone and turn up the teletubbies on tv.. for 20 minutes. they will be gone.
PBM hates selling stuff on craigslist
False (never done it)
PBM is going out for a drink tonight
True. Dont know where yet though.. Take it as it comes. lol.
PBM reads a paper newspaper or the online version of the newspaper.
PBM has an insatiable curiosity to know everything about everything under the sun..
True. Doesnt mean I always remember though. lol
PBM has blankets near their chairs and couch by the telly in case its cold instead of turning up the heat.
PBM doesn't ascribe to the Spartan way of life.
True. I'm an Athenian and a dove.
PBM be wants to move to somewhere different.
false. Im out of the country 6-7 months of the year normally. Ill stick around to where Im familiar with for the rest.. and that changes all the time too :(
PBM likes light medium or dark beer
I used to be a beer guy but made its the fact that red wine is readily available in my home, I'm starting to be just a wine drinker.
PBM likes wine over beer.
Dont be silly. False.
PBM drinks hard acohol or beer
PBM is left-handed.
false I'm right handed
PBM is right handed
Right handed from some activities but left handed for others. ;)
PBm needs to renew his/her licence soon.
true my birthday licence expires but that's in july.
PBM has been in a car wreck.
false...thank god!!!!!!
PBM has not been in a car wreck
false no write-offs here *knocking on wood*
PBM enjoys driving in teh deep puddles
hahahah False...Not to you GORDY!!!!!!!!!! LOL
PBM reads playboy just for the articles
false- don't read
PBM studied National Geogrpahic in a thoughtful way as a youngster
false..never got to really study them....though I think that it is a GREAT mag.
PBM reads novels regularily
PBM is currently taking a class of some kind
False. I wish.
PBM is going to eat lots and lots of chocolate come this Easter.
false..not a chocolate fan
PBM loves easter egg hunts
True....and treasure hunts and scavenger hunts too.
The person below me has had and easter egg hunt even if there are no children involved.
false...but I have been to one...and treasure hunts too....LOVE EM!
PBM thinks that christmas ROCKS!
True....I'm a hopeless Christmas sap.
The person below me prefers to swim in the ocean more than a pool.
depends. Lakes no problem but Oceans eh, I'll just walk in the water until it gets to my chin which would be pretty far away since I'm really tall. But swimming in the ocean is really weird, feels like you're not actually going anywhere. Now surfing is cool.
So I like the pool.
PBM likes to surf waves here...just a lake...and some deadly rivers...LOL
pbm...used floaters as a kid...the kind you put on your arms
PBM likes to do calligraphy. me it is a form of art...though...unable to do it now..not having the tools to do so is the reason
PBM...did well in school
PBM can do "scrapbook" lettering
PBM buys cases and cases of bottled water.
PBM likes the taste of green Gatorade
false. don't drink gatorade
PBM is on a low-sugar diet.
False.....I don't eat to much sugar to start with so I think I'm OK.
The person below me is about to hit the hay.
*I in the morning....ptewwi
false. not really tired yet. Got some things to finish first.
PBM likes to write about half hour to sleep
and false to writing
PBM has baby oil inthe house.
false? What do you need the baby oil for?
PBM has dry hands.
PBM uses Vaseline
PBM likes to sleep on his/her front.
false. can't breathe!
PBM has a favourite pillow
PBM likes to sleep on soft pillows.
false. heavy othopedic water-filled pillow.
PBM has a stuffed animal or two (or 3)
true..they're more for display. :))
PBM has won a stuffed animal from the PNE/Playland.
false. Not a big one.
PBM has won something from a "crane" machine
PBM likes to play arcade games.
only the old skool ones
PBM is a pinball wizard
never really played arcade games, did I miss out on anything?
PBM me grew up with a video game system of some kind.
false. used to visit people with Atari so I could play!
PBM owns 2+ gaming systems today
false..not me..but my guy does.
PBM is planning to buy a new gaming system.
false. Just bought a 360 and haven't used it enough lately. (too busy)
PBM me has one of these PS2/Xbox/360/PS3/Wii
False. Not into video games at all.
PBM has been to Christina Lake, BC.
true- driven through. Love the Kootenays
PBM has been on the Hells Gate Airtram
pbm has been to 6 Flags Los Angeles
PBM has been on the Mill Bay ferry.
true. I was pretty young when we went on that to the Sunshine Coast.
the pbm needs to get to bed!
true...though I just got up from sleeping all night LOL
PBM has ridden in a monster grave digger
PBM has done whitewater rafting.
PBM would like more space
I'm happy where I am. *fingers cross*
PBM would like to fix the house within a day.
Ture (even within a month).
PBM is unusually pleased with the weather.
PBM drinks a glass of red wine a day.
*gotta run, Gophie! Have a great day!*
False, but maybe I should, isn't it supposedeto begood for hypertension?.
PBM is feeling bright-eyed and bushy-tailed.
true. I drink a glass everyday (well when I'm working)
PBM is enjoying the weather.
PBM has this afternoon planned out.
true. gonna cook dinner in an hour or so and then go through work stuffs for the rest of the evening.
pbm will spend $2000 on an omega watch.
false, I don't use watches, I have a cell phone.
PBM likes walking on the beach.
PBM likes the feeling of wet, squishy sand between the toes. verrrry true.
PBM collects sea shells by the sea shore.
of course who doesn't?
A couple years ago when I went to Cape Cod there was this beach that was so full of sea shells it hurt to walk on the beach.
Person below me wants to do some rock climbing.
PBM has done rock climbing.
PBM has surfed
PBM has been to Florida.
PBM likes The Jerky Boys
false. dunno who they are.
PBM thinks Mad TV is funny, especially Mrs. Wong. (I think that's her name)
Mad TV & SNL rule!
PBM plays the lottery.
PBM has won something from Safeway pulltabs
true. highest was $10. :)))
PBM won something from Safeway pulltabs as well.
true- just free airmiles
PBM has won a radio contest
false....but someone close to me won tickets to
The person below me has won more than a thousand dollars from ANYTHING.
PBM has found money on the street.
True....the most was a 20 dollar bill. (I also found a wallet in a washroom once with over $1700 in it. I turned it in, and within 10 minutes I saw a gal literally BLAST through the doors and go straight to the bar.....I knew immediately it was
The person below me is a member of some kind of club....other that a health/fitness club.
true...local 4x4 club...LOL..but I think...due to rumors...that the club has actually folded...LOL...ok..maybe I am not...due to my lack of knowledge of the clubs standings..LOL
PBM built a fort/ tree house/ club house as a child
PBM would secretly like to live in a tree
false..LOL...I am afraid of heights...LOL
PBM would like to live in a house boat...btw...does anyone actually still live in those? Macgyver used to...same idea
YEah PB, theres still houseboats everywhere. We went by some of them yesterday in ladner. They yelled at the guy in the drag boat cause he ripped by them very quietly.
PBM needs a few cups of j-ava a day.
**what club PB? PM me with the name..
LOL..Coast Mountain Crawlers...LOL..doubtful if their site is even up and running..
and TRUE...need at least 5 cups
PBM has unpaid speeding tickets
False. Paid mine.
PBM has unpaid library fines
False. Er, not that I know of anyhow.
PBM smacks their computer at least once a day. Just a love tap, really. work though..not my baby at home tenderly
PBM has a gentle side that they hide
False, the opposite is true.
PBM is glad that the first half of the first day of the working week is over.
PBM hates getting envelopes with windows in them, in the mail.
PBM goes pale when a brown envelope arrives.
Especially when its from Rev Canada or whatever this government calls it now. Probably only cost a few million to change the name. Cause it could either be a friendly tax guy, or the three month medical bill.
PBM hates getting gifts that they dont need.. but smiles and acts like its great.
PBM saves gifts they don't like and gives them to someone else the following Christmas.
Um. of course not. I would NEEVEER do that. would I? :)
PBM hates when the phone rings more than twice in an hour
PBM loves call display
true...for all the unwanteds
PBM rolls eyes for more than one regular phone number showing on call display
PBM hides when there's a knock at the door
false...I let the dogs take care of the unwanteds..LOL
PBM has long hair
PBM is wearing a hat today
False. My hat still stinks from yesterday LOL
PBM hates it when you bend over and stuff falls out of your pockets on teh ground
true...happens when I wear my big plaid jacket
PBM collects change off the ground
true....if i see any.
PBM has to go grocery shopping soon.
false...just did a big shop not too long ago..
PBM hates having to have change for a buggy
PBM has in-suite washer and dryer.
huh? you mean having a washer and a dryer in my house? then true
PBM needs change for a washer and dryer
true... we live in an apt and w/d is on ground level. :(((
PBM prefers to hang clothes outside to dry when it's sunny.
false...the pitbulls would take to pulling it off the line...LOL..j/k..nah..our weather is too unpredictable here...wouldn't trust it...and I hate hanging laundry anyways
PBM had to hang laundry as a child
In Australia, you don't even get a dryer.
PBM has played Spin the Bottle.
PBM has played spin the bottle recently spin the bottle partner would never quit if that happened LOL
PBM has played the game Trouble in their lifetime
PBM is a card shark
false...not at called a bitch the last time I played a card game cause I won...and that settled it for me!
PBM is sensitive to name calling
PBM is sensitive to being yelled at keep from letting it hurt my feelings..I get MAD...which is probably worse LOL
PBM had a mean teacher in school
false. unfair, yes.
PBM had a nice kindergarten teacher
can't remember...sadly enough...I think mine was a little philippino lady...of some asian descent....
PBM stays in touch with some highschool friends
true- a few
PBM avoids some high school friends
false...I am a friendly person..and if I was buds with them in highschool...then I say hi even now!
PBM has finished their dinner
PBM needs a snack
false..just a drink LOL
PBM needs a drink too
false....but I'm having one anyways
The person below me still lives within 20 minutes of where they grew up.
PBM has lived in the same area their whole life
false...born in toronto...moved to bc when I was little..then to the city that I live in now..that is also in BC LOL..grew up here though
PBM has been horrified by something that they have seen on the net
PBM falls, stubs toes, etc.
False. Not so much anymore hehe.
The peep below is addicted to a local shock jock and has actually called in to his/her show.
false. I listen to Sirius...I think the DJs are 1000s of Km. away.
(you are talking about radio?)
PBM loves spring more than summer.
false..but not far grass...sunshine...spring or long as it is beautiful...and no snow
PBM uses a snow scoop...the type you push in front of you rather than a shovel when it snows..
PBM is thinking about gardening
True. Have to clear out my garden soon.
PBM loves watching cherry blossoms on trees.
true. We have some blossoming right now in the backyard.
PBM has used DS Chat
PBM thinks that glasses get dirty..way too easily
True! And teh greasy fingerprints drive me bananas!
The person below me can repeat all the important lines from their favorite movie verbatim.
false. You never speak about the Club. First Rule.
PBM has been to a live concert of artist/band.
true. I live for music. Probably been to over 100 concerts and festivals.
pbm has parents who went to the US Festival.
Not sure what it is so I guess it's unlikely?
The person below has wished at least once that they were gay.[/DIV]
uh true. i'd be gay for Angelina ONLY!
PBM has spotted a celebrity this year.
tenkani wrote:
Not sure what it is so I guess it's unlikely?
[A href="vny!://"]vny!://[/A]
purelife wrote:
uh true. i'd be gay for Angelina ONLY!
PBM has spotted a celebrity this year.[/DIV]
True. Seen Robin Williams at Lake Louise.
PBM are closing their eyes now, dreaming of purelife and Angelina Jolie together.
false...*shove*get away from her PL...she is mine MINE YOU HEAR?
PBM has thought of having a same sex encounter?
False. Eeeow. But as Jerry Seinfield say, "Not that there's anything wrong with that."
PBM has climbed to the top of Mt. Seymour.
false..but I have climbed to the top of one mountain...and driven to the top of another
PBM likes hiking
PBM likes throwing rocks into water
PBM fishes
PBM golfs
false. never tried that......yet
PBM collects miniature cars. (ie hot wheels)
false...dragons and gargoyles
PBM likes Leonardo Dicaprio
false. not my type.
Speaking of dragons, do you collect McFarlane ones?
PBM has swords at home and nunchucks.
I collect mcfarlane ones too
False...don't have weapons
PBM played dungeons and dragons as a kid
PBM currently plays D&D
false...but I do have a dragon poster that sports the dragons from D&D
PBM built model cars and planes as a kid
PBM can still fit into their grad dress/suit and still has it.
purelife wrote:
PBM can still fit into their grad dress/suit and still has it.
False I rented a tux and went swimming off Jericho with it. Was an expensive night.
PBM is heading out tongiht?
false. no way..... too old to head out at this time. :(
PBM hasn't had dinner yet.
False. Needed something after not eating the whole day cause too busy.
Im heading out to kits to the coppertank.. a buddy of mine just got back in and I got a drunken phone call about 20 minutes ago.
*hey! you arent too old! you are the same age as me!
PBM is thinking about desert
false. onto 1st glass of wine
PBM has had a few already
true...beers...LOL..went to the local CB&W and two guys tried to pick me up to go watch a hockey game...LOL
PBM is havin a good day
PBM is going to have a good day tomorrow
TRUE! day off and will enjoy it
PBM is onto another drink
PBM likes catching snowflakes on his/her tongue
PBM has cold feet
pbm is deep in love with a significant other.
PBM believes in opening a door for a lady
True. I open the door for everyone even those ungrateful jerks.
PBM believes a man should pay for dinner bill on the first date.
only if he asked me to go out with him. If I asked him, I would pay.
PBM has been on several dates.
PBM enjoys dating
PBM has been on several blind dates.
PBM gets right to the nitty gritty
true- being straighforward with people is good IMHO
PBM has been accused of being too blunt
true...hate to candy coat shtuff
PBM has to go outside today..
True. I walk home everyday from work.
pbm has a shitty commute.
PBM is going to buy a car soon.
False. My car should be good for a few years. I also have a work truck, but I keep it at work.
pbm has a job that provides a vehicle.
PBM recently had some good news
PBM isn't feeling too happy these days.
False - I was feeling pretty unhappy for a few days, but now I've bounced back,
PBM would like to sit with their feet up
True. I am right now wrapped in an electric blanket on a lazyboy. Laptop on lap, legs up.
PBM has an electric blanket?
True (but never use it)
PBM has a hot water bottle.
PBM uses Tiger Balm/A535/some other ointment
true..but only at ball season
PBM uses acetiminophen and ibuprophen to stop pain (tylenol and advil)
the person below me would buy the person above him/her a cup of coffee and a date square.
PBM thinks a square is a nice shape.
PBM likes the newer streamlined cars or the older boxy looking ones.
boxy. would really like a vintage Suburban or IH Travelall
PBM thinks the Scion is cute car
false. don't like boxy cars
PBM thinks the hummers are nice. are talking about the "vehicle" right?
pbm drives a SUV.
False. Two trucks currently.
PBM knows what 'hummers' PL was talking about
PBM hates housework
True. The person who loves housework must be insane.
PBM loves the smell of roses. ...a little....but I LOVE the smell of lilac flowers..on the tree
PBM has plants in their house
True. Two, down from 10 before the kids.
PBM has killed a goldfish accidentally.
true...when I was a child...thought that I could pet it...but now...I feed it to my clown knife fish...he is about 15 inches long...and polishes off 25 goldfish in 2 days....I feed him scallops from the store as it is cheaper than live food
PBM has fish
false. they died
PBM is having a seasonal allergy attack today
false..hard to do with the slush falling outta the sky LOL
PBM is full of bright ideas
True. Just have to find time to implement them.
PBM loves the feel of feet underneath warm, white sand.
true...but I have to settle for tan colored here LOL...or the clay by the river LOL
PBM is planning bonified vacation this year vacation plans this year. *cry
The person below me has golfed.
true. i'm officially a "*whack* F*CK!!!" golfer.
PBM fly fishes
False....but my dad was an excellent fly fisher. Some Field and Stream thing filmed my dad's technique. And my sister fishes too. I can't fish because I might catch something.
The person below me likes trout.
False..kind of.
I will eat it, but not crazy about it. I fish for Rainbow Trout once a year at a place in the BC side of the Rockies.
PBM has seen Eric Clapton Live
false...only on tv...on video...
PBM knows that Swollen Members is coming to Prince Rupert....what a hole! Why the heck would they go there?
true..or I believe they would. Swollen Members has not made 'it' south of the border, so they play all Canadian towns of all sizes.
pbm likes Swollen Members
kinda true..they're ok...not my fav though.
PBM has more than 5 appliances at home.
PBM would like to see the PBM in a cheerleader outfit.
I'd like to see Lise in a cheerleading outfit. ;)
PBM has received a speeding ticket. away with looks and charm I seatbelt...all at it luck I do!
PBM has gone for coffee with a cop
false. that would be cool though
PBM has sat in a cop car.
False. But I would roleplay that any day.
PBM has a pair of handcuffs in his or her drawer.
false. I don't have a 4-post bed. If I did, then, that would be another story. ;)
PBM has a 4-post bed.
false...and I have had coffee with a cop...actually two...and ridden in the back of a cop car...all about bein a redneck lmao!
PBM has a squeeky bed
False.....not any more. Got rid of that blasted thing.
The person below me has or does hold a management position in their job.
I dunno, it kindve is. I tell three people under me waht to do.
PBM wants to go gokarting
OOOO.....did that Russ. FOR OUR STAG no less. Invited both our ball teams and rented the whole place. It was the most fun EVAR.
The person below me has done the Formula 440 (?) in Tswassen.
True. But now we do the indoor track out off No 6 in ritchmond.
PBM likes watching some funny video's off of U-Tube
PBM has brought some CD's recently.
True. Some mixed CD.
PBM likes the show dog the bounty hunter
false...can't stand beth's floatation devices...and dog's pretences...either you are or you aren't a bad A$$
PBM likes to fall asleep watching tv
false, no need for me to.
pbm is done taxes for 2006.
PBM thinks that the worst day of the working week is Tuesday
PBM likes to go jogging.
PBM would like at least three new blessings today
false. don't need blessings today...someone else could have mine if need be.
PBM is over 40 years old.
PBM is happy to be the age they are
false. i'd like to be older.
PBM has attempted to follow a rainbow.
true of course..LOL..who hasn't?
PBM has reached the bottom of the rainbow
PBM has seen an upside-down rainbow.
only when hangin from the monkey bars!
PBM wishes they coulda found the gold at the end of the rainbow
PBM has something special planned for Easter.
false...when is it again?
PBM believed in the easter bunny as a kid
False ( I was deprived all knowledge of its existence - however, I do now).
PBM wishes that childhood preferences could be freely indulged in adulthood - witrhout the mockery of others.
bah...true...I am still a kid at heart...and celebrate it at times freely
PBM builds sand castles in the summer
Its a must. When I go to the beach in florida I'd always make a moat.
PBM has been to a beach recently.
false..just the river bank...and there isn't much for sand there
PBM uses cel phone technology
True I guess. I use a cell phone? If you mean all the gidgets and gadgets on it, then false.
lol, when I was younger I used to believe that if you dug at the end of a rainbow you would find the gold. I used to dig holes in my back yard and ride around on my bike with a shovel. It was then my parents went from thinking its cute to bad news when I starting digging holes in neighbors yards.
PBM is doing something outside this afternoon.
True. Done that already.
PBM drinks his or her coke with a straw.
false. don't drink pop
PBM thinks Russ's story about digging holes as a kid was funny. :)))
pbm loves grapefruit.
False. Icky unless sugar coated.
PBM prefers vanilla ice cream over chocolate ice cream.
False. Not a big ice cream fan unless its papaya, mango, or dragon fruit.
PBM likes to eat potato chips.
False. Not too crazy about chips.
PBM would pick a calorie-loaded bar of chocolate over salad anytime any day.
PBM has a 19" flat monitor.
False. whatever my laptop screen is. that count as a flatscreen?
PBM is wondering whether to get a PPV movie or to get off his/her ass and go get one. <like me!>
false...just hoping to wind down...
PBM is having a good evening
true, sort of bored, don't know what to do.
PBM likes U2
false..not reallly a fan
PBM hates negativity
PBM has seen a real life python.
true...nothin to hoot and holla about
PBM likes to browse the petstore
True. Love watching Lise Jr's reaction with the dogs.
PBM has donated blood before.
false...I wish...but this town is lacking in the availability to help people...
PBM has attended and helped at a car accident before
True......not a pleasant experience.
The person below me is looking out at some sunshine this morning ? (hope so)
PBM has had a root canal.
PBM likes Dickens
false. too sombre
PBM likes Calvin and Hobbes
PBM should be working
true. kind of...its Friday...
pbm gets weekends off.
PBM is cold right now
false.......thinking of shutting the office trailer door and turning on the airconditioner
PBM is playing solitaire on his/her computer right now
False. Playing Armada 2525
PBM likes playing older computer games.
True. I miss the old Prince of Persia.
PBM has played on an Atari.
PBM has called a friend up today.
True I guess, he's texted me, called my cousin and grandma yesterday though.
PBM loves the new Prince of Persia.
FAlse. Dont know it.
PBM has heard of Master of Orion?
false. uh, is that a video game?
PBM is planning to watch a movie tonight.
true. I might see 300 or that new will ferrel movie
yeah prince of persia is a video game franchise.
PBM likes the spring rain fall.
PBM enjoys camping outdoors, come rain or sunshine.
love camping. anybody want go? ;)
PBM is excited.
And nope, I refuse to go camping unless there's four walls and a roof over my head.
PBM is counting down the hours when his essay is finally graded.
True. Because then they'll mail my diploma in the mail, and I can apply to Mala.
PBM wants to go back to school
true. I do want to but can't afford to.
PBM has moved up in a company to a higher position before.[/DIV]
False....but I've move OUT of the company.
The person below me shops for groceries daily
*and Gophie....I don't know how this got by me. You don't like Calvin and Hobbs ? [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://" border=0]
I'm so disappointed.
False. I try not to.
PBM likes to wear bright colors.
False....but I think that's about to change
The person below me has a MOST favourite book of all time.
false...trilogy...the lord of the rings...have hoarded my parents copy since I was a child...and have loved it everytime I read is where my true imagination stemmed from as a child
PBM likes to curl up with a book and a blanket..
True.....and a hammock's a nice addition too.
The person below me knows how to sew.
PBM has gone deep sea fishing
I'm not sure......what would I be fishing for ?
The person below me has a boat.
true. inflatable kayak
PBM owns a boogie board.
false...I know how to boogie...and I am usually bored...does that count? LOL
PBM...enjoys summer sports to winter sports.
PBM likes sledding my world..sledding means snowmobiling..LOL..false...but the shizzle man!
PBM likes to do close contact sports in the winter..
true, depends HOW close the contact is. Hockey, yes. Hunkering by the fireplace, also a yes!
PBM is sick of winter
true...oh gawd...could you tell by my posts in the lunch thread?
PBM..needs sleep!
so true
PBM is going nighty night
PBM likes Tim Horton's coffee
True, like Timmy Ho's
PBM still makes thier own coffee at home though.
True.....only had Timmy's once or twice I think.
The person below me has a project planned for today.
True get well, and continue bending tube for my brothers exo cage on his truck.
PBM thinks cough syrup is a joke.. cause it hasnt helped me stop my cough yet.. and Ive had three swigs of it now, this morning.
True......most are useless
But you MUST try this....I've never seen it fail. Nin cough syrup EVER
The person below me has tried this stuff.
True actually! I have some of that in my cupboard. I brought a few bottles of it back from china. Can you get that stuff here?
Wow, thats amazing. I actually know that stuff.
PBM has speakers on their computer.
PBM is going to church tomorrow
is it easter tomorrow or is that next week?
PBM hasn't been to church or place of worship in a long time.
False (by the way Easter is next week)
PBM is feeling in an extraordinary good mood.
PBM is enjoying the sunshine today.
*'scuse me....pardon. Yes Russ you can get it here. Even some of your regualr grocery stores carry it. *'scuse. Carry on !
true. I did enjoy the sunshine. :))
Oh Russ, you can pick up those chinese cough syrup at T&T or any asian medicine place. They're under 6 bucks a bottle. :)))
PBM has completed his/her taxes.
ADD: hee hee..Ms PC beat me to your answer. :))
PBM would like to meet Tom Cruise in person.
false...I deal with enough lunatics in my town...don't think much of that hollywood lunatic! LOL
PBM...apologizes for treating someone bad....
False. At least I can't recall doing any harm to anyone.
PBM loves big dogs.
true..big or small...till they display naughty behaviour...I love them all. Pits are my fave though...they are the most human like breed that I have met yet.
PBM has been to a dog show.
False. When I lived in Surrey I had a German Shepherd and a St. Bernard.
PBM likes outdoor activities.
true...and I have two pits..and one german shepherd..father is a professional handler..and breeder of shepherds....and outdoors with the mutts is one of the best things...softball is second LOL
PBM plays softball
PBM has tailgate parties
false...after bars..OK!!!!!!
PBM was first entertained by a pit party...gravel pit..not pitbull...LOL
PBM has fallen and extracted gravel from their knees
True....but it wasn't at a gravel pit party.
The person below me still has all their grandparents.
false 2/4
PBM has a grandparent with Alzheimer's
false, she's just not 'there' all the time, spaces out, calls you by another cousins name etc.
PBM likes the 'in-laws'
FAlse. not that far yet
PBM likes old country and westerns
true to the movies. can't get through the Louis L'Amour novels.
PBM likes Blazing Saddles.
Like all old westerns.
PBM likes orange juice orange juice.
And I love Blazing Saddles. I really liked Madelaine Cahn (I'm sure I haven't spelled that remotely close) She was awesome.
The person below me knows if she is still around.
true. not around
[a href="vny!://"]vny!://[/a]
PBM laughs every time they see the campfire beans scene
False. I don't think I've seen that.
PBM hates paper cuts.
loathe paper cuts.
[h1][a class="main" href="vny!://"]Madeline Kahn[/a][/h1] [div id="tn15content"] [h5]Date of Birth[/h5] [a href="vny!://"]29 September[/a] [a href="vny!://"]1942[/a], [a href="vny!://,%20Massachusetts,%20USA"]Boston, Massachusetts, USA[/a]
[h5]Date of Death[/h5] [a href="vny!://"]3 December[/a] [a href="vny!://"]1999[/a], New York, New York, USA. (ovarian cancer)
PBM hates it when they get cuts and have to take a shower. Oh the burn
True. Verrrry true.
PBM has taken a shower with his or her leg or hand or arm hanging out because of a bruise or cut on it.
PBM spent the summer of '87 repeating lines from Crocodile Dundee and laughing every time
False. I like croc dundee but not that much.
PBM has been to the Eiffel Tower.
false. too bad the elevator got taken out in Superman II
PBM has been to the leaning tower of Pisa
nope they haven't called me yet to push the tower back up.
PBM has been to the CN tower
Um, you missed one SD.
False to GG. lol.
False to SD.
PBM burns in the sun the first few times until their skin gets used to it.
PBM blesses more people than he/she smites.
PBM is working hard today.
False (I have been working hard, but now I'm not).
PBM can't imagine ever having an easy life.
False It's one of my fantasies!
PBM is looking forward to his next vacation.
PBM is still looking for the silver spoon that he/she should have been born with.
False I found it, but it was corroded beyond usefulness.
PBM is having an interesting lunch.
True (birthday cake - made with lavender)
PBM has never eaten the above
True (lavender???)
PBM has exotic tastes in food.
false. Don't know that kind of cake.
True. I love to eat interesting things.
PBM has trains going by their house
PBM is enjoying the weather today.
PBM has been April fooled this morning.
PBM played a trick on someone this morning.
PBM will be off to work within the next 20 mintes
False. I'm leaving now.
PBM is tired of working for a living.
PBM is almost bouncing with spring feeling.
PBM is easily amused
PBM slept in this morning.
false. I wish.
PBM is having an early night tonight
true.... wanna go to bed before 10. my whole body is really tired, all of a sudden :((
PBM would like a good full body massage.
true! any volunteers?
PBM will be wearing comfy jammies tonight.
False....I just put them on NOW. *have you and purelife got a webcam hidden in here?
The person below me puts foil in the bottom of their oven. (there's a reason I'm asking that)
false. self-cleaning oven.
(no, I don't have a webcam in your house. We leave that to Raging Poodle)
PBM puts foil in the oven.
Hahahaha....Yes and No. Hubby put some in yesterday....and I took it out today. It was sticking in the back of my mind that you're not supposed to put foil in a self-clean. So he dug out the manual and it says nothing about foil.
The person below me will bake this week
true. meat or fish. not cookies or anything that requires actual effort!
I think foil is ok as long as it isn't touching the elements.
PBM bakes bread.
True....less now than I used to.
The person below me likes and old fashioned apple crisp.
True. Just too lazy to make one for myself.
PBM is enjoying a small libation after dinner.
true. soy milk.
Is a libation necessairly alcoholic?
PBM is a thirsty duck
False. It usually refers to something alcoholic.
PBM is very tired tonight.
PBM has a favourite pillow
True. But any pillow I can put my head on is good.
PBM goes for a walk in the evening.
False....there's lion and tigers and bears out there...Oh MY !
The person below me know that walking in sand is really good for your feet, legs and *whispering......your buns.
true. I know now!! thanks.
PBM likes a fire on the beach.
true. the only beach that allows open fires is Steveston out in Richmond. Haven't been there in years!
PBM will explain to me why foil is needed.
Uh, is it to protect the oven from getting dirty from the drips?
I think foil was created for pot smokers, because they seem to love foil when high.
It's good for bbq'ing though.
PBM grills outdoors.
*uh, PC was talking about foils in the oven, not foils for pot smoking!*
PBM has a charcoal grill
PBM brings bottles to the bottle depot for cash.
what's a 'bottle depot'
PBM says depot the british way or the american way deee-po or dep- oh
I say it the american way.
PBM is organizing an Easter egg hunt this weekend.
*Bottle Depot is a place where you can drop off all your bottles to get cash. Your pop cans are worth so much. You already have to pay the extra tax on any juice/bottles you buy anyways, so it's better to just go to a Depot and get your money back*
true. But tomorrow night with my Beaver Colony
PBM likes finding Easter eggs, even if it's months afterwards
true easter egg hunts are always fun
PBM recycles.
true. doesn't everyone?
PBM does not recycle
PBM makes his/her own compost
false. used to. no time.
PBM supports local business
edit....Rats....did the push for a post even when I knew I was going to be late.
True....when I can.....but it ain't carved in stone for me. Stay competitive and you're in
* I lack grass clippings for a compost which really speeds things up. No lawn.....just forest.
The person below me is planning their spring veggie garden.
False.....easier to buy at weekly farmers market stalls
PBM buys fresh poultry ie. freshly killed
wait you don't have a lawn P.C? cool!
what's 'fresh' when it comes to poultry?
Ah, uhm no.
PBM likes Swans
false. scared of birds.
PBM likes birds of prey
PBM has made an anatomically correct snow person
LOL....true. *what's the difference between snow men and snow women ?
Snow balls.
The person below me hasn't rollerskated since they were a kid
PBM has played street hockey recently
Ture. Didnt get too far. Too much of the street hockey 'road pops'
PBM likes online jokes.
true...but I LOVE hearing them straight from a persons mouth..the animation adds to the joke.
PBM like knock knock jokes
Not so much....well sometimes. (now there's a wishy washy answer if I ever saw one)
The person below me played jump rope with songs when they were a kid.
TRUE!!!! and to the knock knock comment...I have never been a real fan..but when my kids were learning to tell them...and when they tell them now...I love to see the joy in their faces at making me laugh.
PBM hates it when kids are too honest...because they can't help it.
<DIV>False....I love that about kids. It's innocence at it's best.</DIV> <DIV> </DIV> <DIV>The person below me spends too much time staring at their keyboard when they're trying to think of the next question.</DIV>
Well isn't that ironic.
I had a 'session time out' pop-up. What's with that? I didn't take THAT
and my other post that I did didn't show....wierd....I tried to say
holy god...need another coffee...LOL..wrong thread LOL
False...I stare at the wall
PBM does one finger typing
PBM still owns a typewriter.
false...I have enough stuff taking up space that I don't have...LOL..a typewriter would just collect dust in my house
PBM enjoyed typing class in highschool
True. It was actually helpful and fun.
PBM doodled (like draw on paper when bored) a lot during highscool. some of my highest grades in typing class LOL
TRUE...I was..and still am...a draw-er. I wasn't so much of a doodler as I was an all out draw-er.
PBM used to pass notes in class alot.
False. I was a goody-goody two shoes.
PBM was a teacher's pet.
false...very very false.... into a fight in school.
PBM watched fights in school.
true...we didn't have much else to do in my "town"
PBM had a messy locker
false. made my own shelves and such. :))
PBM took drama in school.
PBM chose to take art in school
True. It was one of my strong subject.
PBM took chemistry in school and loved it.
false...dyslexia played a part in the annoyance of nothing sticking in my brain...
PBM was bullied in school
PBM learnt that it was wiser to turn the other cheek sometimes.
true...but I learned that at an only child
PBM..picks or has from someone elses flower garden and brought them home
PBM has taken vegetables from someone else's garden
true. My friend gave me some vegges from his garden once.
PBM had a cherry tree in backyard once.
pbm would throw rotten tomatoes or eggs at houses at Halloween when they were young and foolish.
PBM often picked off somebody else's fruit trees when he/she was a kid.
pbm has seen Reign over Me. (and was it good or bad?)
PBM...likes black evening gowns
true. hides all the fat and lumpy curves. ;)
PBM has several black evening gowns.
False I don't do evenings any more.
PBM loves the colour green.
false...likes is birthstone is peridot..used to wish as a kid...that it was emerald though LOL
PBMloves the colour royal blue
False Likes okay, though. My birthstone is a colourless zircon.
PBM likes riding motorcycles.
false...haven't had the chance yet. BF is ok with umm...the other kind...but I say a growling harley all the way baby!
PBM has fallen off of a horse..and ended up in the hospital.
True and false. Fell off a horse when I was a kid, but didn't go to hospital.
PBM goes rollerskating.
PBM likes to walk in the rain
False. Give me sun any day.
PBM likes to barbeque in the summer.
PBM is dreaming of sunshine
false, believe it or not I'm dreaming of cooler weather.
PBM likes the rain.
PBM thinks Pine Sol has a lovely scent
False....I like Spic and Span
The person below me likes their steaks cooked rare.
False. I like to be sure the cow is dead first.
PBM enjoys dining out.
Once in a blue moon, it's nice.
The person below me will wash their car this week.
False. That causes rain to fall.
PBM will rent a movie this week.
False....I haven't rented a movie for at least 10 years.
The person below me is almost ready to call it a day.
True. Hate to squander my time off with sleeping, though.
PBM doesn't like to sleep in late in the morning.
true (and this is coming from a chronic sleeper who could sleep the entire day)
I feel like I've wasted it if I get up too late.
PBM is off to bed doesn't matter what time I go to bed.....I still get up at the same time. Early!
The person below me likes to sing.....whether they have a good voice or not.
PBM sings alone in the car, or in the shower
PBM can regulate their moods with music
PBM knows how to sing the entire chorus to "Oops I did it again".
false..not a spears fan
PBM likes spice girls
PBM needs to buy a drill soon.
False. Got one.
PBM likes to take things apart to see how they work.
FALSE only when necessary. re-assembly is sometimes a problem. Mr LM calls me the Queen of Extra Parts.
PBM has jars full of extra parts
False. They're strewn around my tool box. Must run. Long distance call.
PBM is working too hard today.
PBM is also finding that nothing's straight forward today.
true as always
PBM is non-linear
non-linear thought patterns (ie random)
PBM find trivial matters far more easy to remember than those which are serious.
Somewhat true.
PBM does a lot of swimming laps.
I would if I forced myself to the pool. I used to be a swimmer.
PBM swam competitively.
PBM drank 6 glasses of water so far.
false. I've had 2 today.
PBM drinks a lot of water.
PBM drinks a calcium beverage every day (ie milk, soy, etc.)
PBM eats green vegetables every day.
PBM eats rice every day
PBM eats rice in a bowl
PBM likes cereal out of the individual serving size boxes with perforations
False.........I usually consume more than one serving, therefore too much trouble
PBM likes fruit with their cereal
true...if it is fresh...not..if it is dried fruit.
PBM likes sugar on semi bland cereal
PBM likes soggy cereal
true...if it is LIFE brand...LOL...but love my quaker granola crunchy.
PBM eats cereal with a soup spoon
PBM loves corn on the cob slathered with butter.
PBM likes simply steamed crab rather than other ways of preparation
True....the best without a doubt. (but I still like to dip it in butter AFTER it's cooked purely....LOL)
The person below me thinks it's nasty to squirt lemon juice over seafood.
false. lemon juice, hot sauce...bring it on.
PBM eats fish skin
True.........only if its burnt or fried
PBM eats fish heads
only the cheeks and eyes
PBM likes smoked salmon
sure, I like all fish
PBM eats fish at least once a week.
false...grew up with salmon and trout...and find it intensly boring for some odd reason...though halibut rocks...but in moderation
PBM likes fish and chips
PBM likes vinegar on fish n chips
false...tons of tartar sauce on the side though!
PBM would rather have a salad than fries as a side dish
True. I do that all the time now.. I actually really like salad now instead of fries...
PBM still likes hamburgers with ham, cheese, mushrooms, onions, and to top it off with an egg.
PBM likes onion rings
False. Im not a fan of them at all for some reason.
PBM likes to go ice skating
false...week ankles make me look like a tard...LOL
PBM likes cross country skiing
False. Ill go cross country snow mobiling.. does that count?
PBM likes using a chainsaw
false...or..maybe true..never tried it to judge it.
pbm is a Canadian that lives, or lived in the USA.
LOL...yeah sure...will let that one go! LOL delicate female nature hasn't allowed me to use a chainsaw...LOL...nah..just never had the chance to. If I did...probably would go to town cutting things with it LOL
Devil...false...full canadian..and proud of it!
PBM likes to travel the highways
True. Stereo loud with an ice cold drink and let the mind wander.
PBM has towed a trailer before with a long wheelbase vehicle and knows what a PITA it is.
False. No way I can do anything bigger than an SUV.
PBM has driven a Jag before.
PBM went on a boat cruise before.
PBNM prefers sailing to flying
Anything is better than flying...
PBM likes coffee
PBM likes to eat nuts.
PBM likes to eat bananas
PBM is partial to the occasional double entendre.
PBM likes putting sugar and flavoured milk in their coffee.
just 'coffee' flavoured coffee for me.
pbm believes they drink too much coffee.
False! Blasphemy! The unbeliever must be stoned until he is cured of his demons! He is possesed!
PBM misses the Penitent
True, he had a soft spot for the Devil.
PBM has coffee in the evening.
true if I need to do something
PBM drinks double/double at TH
Extra large double double please!
PBM hates it when the fawking pen they are using runs out of ink. Then you throw it across the room in frustration adn the dog grabs it and runs off to chew on it. And you have to chase it to stop him in case he gets splinters in his throat and makes a mess. Like what just happened.
lol. false. in my world, i throw the pen in the garbage.
PBM has ingested a foreign object.
True. Don't ask. At least it came out the other end.
PBM hates giving a blood test.
false. I don't mind the needles poking.....I've been through worse.. :((
PBM is overwhelmed about how many passwords he/she has to keep track of.
false- it just happens
PBM is easily overwhelmed
PBM has tense shoulders.
PBM grinds their teeth
PBM gets drowsy in the mid-afternoon.
PBM sleep talks some times.
False. I live alone, but I don't think I do.
PBM gets the midnight munchies occasionally.
PBM has sleep walked before.
PBM has fainted in public.
The person below me can speak more than one language.
PBM believes in reincarnation
True..... because of one particular story that can't be explained any other way.
The person below me hasn't had an ice cream cone in years.
PBM likes waffle cones
true. had a chocolate dipped waffle cone the other week.
pbm liks to put catsup on many things
Not sure......but I have the gadgets kit to make day. I picked up an ice cream maker a garage sale a couple years ago for 4 bucks......brand new, never used. Makes yum ice cream. So them I got the waffle cone thing.
The person below me likes the smell of vanilla, but not the smell of vanilla perfumes.
OOOPs False on the catsup.
true, er kinda. like vanilla, both of them.
PBM likes comedies on tv.. but misses hunter
true. he was dang good.
PBM likes King of the Hill
PBM needs to go shopping for summer clothes.
Saw a ketchup question earlier.
So do you say ketchup or catsup?
I say catsup. Just cause, really.
PBM has a set of encyclopedia's
false. just one or two and tons of reference books :)
PBM needs to paint the walls of home soon.
true unfortunately.
PBM enjoys watching paint dry
False. I get tired of it and try to touch it up while its still wet. Then have to sand and repaint areas the next day.
You are missing out miss PL.. I have a set my dad gave me. They are really recent. 1964.
PBM likes juice boxes or juice mix.[/DIV]
LOL...false. (sorry, had to laugh..sounded funny, Lil Me)
PBM is running out of veggies at home.
ADD: true to liking juice boxes..nice and compact
I can't read past the first paragraph of an encyclopedia Russ. I dunno, but I'm really dumb when it comes to anything technical with tons of jargon...
false...LOL...the tins are all lined up correctly...and fully stocked...
PBM hates packing lunches
PBM re-uses grocery bags for garbage
True.....hubby picks plastic.....I pick paper. (I'm trying to gently nudge him in the environmentally friendly direction)
The person below me likes dark chocolate.
false...don't really like chocolate at all...too much indulgence as a child a child I guess
PBM is looking forward to an easter egg hunt
looking forward looking forward to an easter an easter egg egg hunt... ;)
(but I'll be hiding them myself and hunting 'em down)
PBM recently had the hiccups.
PBM has a know-it-all-cure for headaches.
false...I know nothing
PBM hates to take the blame
PBM feels the weight of other peoples' problems
true. Can be a heavy load sometimes.
The person below me can follow a map.
***Miss Pits response.....priceless.
false...I know nothing
PBM hates to take the blame tummy hurts from laughing tonight.
PBM dislikes asking for road directions
PBM can find North
True. I have a gps and compass.
PBM likes to drive over things
PBM needs new shock absorbers.
False. lol. Mine are adjustable to different levels of resistance pressure.
PBM finds things they swear they threw away years ago
PBM needs to throw out more junk
false. just because I did so much of that last year. I am running low on junk.
pbm hates a cluttered house.
true...but..the kids are getting too big...and the house isn't holding as much junk as it used to..
PBM waxes their floors
PBM eats a lotta chicken.
Pbm has a shop manual for their vehicles
False. Mechanic at my company takes care of my work truck, and my VW is a bloody computer. They build these VW so they kill you on the service.
PBM has had good luck with their vehicles.
True. Any problems i fix myself. computer or no computer.. got a scan tool.
PBM had ice cream last night
PBM has made a recent purchase on Ebay.
PBM has old books they like to pull out and read.
PBM has to head out today to buy groceries.
false. Although I do have to head out, out of the area lol
PBM likes to drive long distances.
True. We drive 4-5 hours each way when we go camping normally.
PBM is wondering what the person above them is going to write.
True. And least it has to involve some kinda goat.
PBM goes to the dentist at least once a year.
Um. I plead the fifth on this one. Im pretty bad about remembering to go to the evil dentist
PBM has a box of old buttons in case they break one on a shirt and have to put a new one on
false. my mom does.
PBM has a portable sewing kit.
true. i carry it with me when i travel.
PBM has booze in their fridge
PBM enjoys a good glass of rum.
PBM has a guitar
PBM can sing a falsetto.
true, I've got a good singing voice, inherited it from my opera singing father
PBM grew up with a duty to play an instrument or they shamed the family.
PBM can play Stairway to Heaven
false, I only can sing, but I have the musical ear.
PBM wished they could live up to there parents expectations
false. I try to think more healthy thoughts
PBM is happy today
PBM isn't working tomorrow.
PBM is going for a jog in the park today.
PBM thinks this board is particularly good this morning.
False. It's good any time of the day.
PBM has gotten an[FONT color=#ff0000] [FONT size=6]F[/FONT][/FONT] for his or her homework before.
PBM has had a D before.
sometime, i'm sure.
PBM wears sensible shoes.
False. I love my boots. They're so bad for me but I love them.
PBM has gotten in a car accident before.
True, several ........ other driver at fault each time
PBM drives a vehicle that he/she bought new
True....last year. I [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://" border=0] My
The person below me is superstitious. a certain extent
PBM fears a broken mirror
False.....awwww....chin up IHLL [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://" border=0]
The person below me knows that things always get better.
true...but it can be hard reminding myself of that...
PBM...comforts others
PBM wants a hug
Always [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://" border=0]
The person below me feels an extra bit of subliminal excitement in the air......and relates it to the arrival of spring. three when I got em...but alone..and personal space time has begun
PBM is into public displays of affection
PBM is having pizza tonight.
false to both PC..and excitement...and a couple of smokies...just a quick munch
PBM is often too tired to eat after work
false. I eat more when I'm tired.
PBM is having an early night
True-ish...I'm not sure if it's because I'm's more like I've lost interest. Or that I'm using all my focus on unwinding. I'd just as soon have a cocktail and skip dinner.
The person below me get burny feet when they work all day.
edit....OK...this was for the question above, above....and in spite of the warning, I posted anyways because I was too lazy to waste this post. LOL
agree with you there pc...
true..and more...downright footmassage..too painful..
PBM has a sensible pair of shoes for work
true. I wear sensible shoes for everything.
PBM is a practical person
false? LOL..I just do what makes me happy..and pay the consequences later..
PBM likes to think that they live a carefree life..
PBM washes the plastic detergent cup with the laundry
false...hightech..fancy dancy washer doesn't allow for that...
PBM..uses fabric softener
how did you know that i like "Cops"?
PBM likes bicycling.
true...was my mode of transportation everywhere as a kid
PBM can see sun this morning
PBM agrees with the statement "The future's so bright, I gotta wear shades!"
PBM is a legit optimist
i guess i'm somewhat optimistic. but i don't know the legal requirements.
PBM is serial killer.
PBM is a compulsive liar
False. I lie when I need to. Like now.
PBM knows how to grout his or her own bathroom tiles.
True.......has done it many times
PBM has used a firearm
PBM has good aim
True. Im usually withing a few inches of the centre down a hundred yards.
PBM likes to gut and clean fish
PBM likes handling raw liver
As long as its not mine.. true. Fry it up with onions and bacon.
PBM has smoked their own fish before.
PBM prefers smoking tobacco to smoking fish
True. Its easier and much more satisfying to smoke tobacco then to smoke fish.
[A href="vny!://"][img id="" alt="Gypsy Classic Hookah Pipe" src="vny!://" width=100 border=0][/A]
One of my buddies just bought one of these.. then he uses flavoured tobacco.
PBM has used a food dryer before and made jerky or trail mixes?
PBM feels sympathy for PAH because he has to work tomorrow.
true. poor Gophie.
PBM thinks the weekend will be great
True! Should be good times.
PBM has too much cologne/ perfume... many bottles that arent used anymore but cannot get rid of them due to 'i might use it someday, i swear'
true. Gotta throw out those sample bottles. Some day.
PBM has lots of samples, hotel bottles, travel sizes, etc.
true. they were recently given to me and now, gotta get rid of them cuz i don't use these.
PBM likes to use samples. ie shampoo/perfume etc.
PBM is a total sucker for anyone wearing nice cologne
False....maybe if she's wearing Channel No. 5
PBM normally leaves a tip for the hotel maid each morning
PBM sleeps in a lot of hotels, all over the world.
False......but when I go somewhere that isn't all over the world, I like a nice room
****purelife......they were recently given to me and now, gotta get rid of them cuz i don't use these.
Just a thought, but those things might be welcomed at any kind of shelter.
The person below me is posting from somewhere that is not home this weekend.
PBM has a stroller at home even though they havent had a baby around for years.
False....but I have a cradle.
The person below me has a billion cans of paint hanging around.....or...some cans.
True, Billion. And if i can find the can i need when i need it so i dont have to get mad and go buy another one..
PBM has one and likes using a hot pot
False and True.....I don't have one, but I sure mean to try it someday.
The person below me has some neat old tools that used to belong to their dad.
True and false. I have them but he still thinks they belong to him.
PBM has a nice wood table
*he's so
We have a huge.....I mean HUGE dining table that was Mr. P.C.'s great grandfathers. It has a crank handle to open for the leafs.
The person below me is having their Easter dinner tomorrow night.
Ture. Isnt it supposed to be tomorrow night? Im clueless with things like this. Everyone told me easter dinner is supposed to be sunday night so I said ok.. Turkey and Ham tomorrow.
Ooh! I LIKE old tables like that. They dont make them like that anymore.. with care and attention. Im trying to put my newer 'fasionable' table in my parents with a tablecloth on it and steal I mean borrow my mothers old oak table. I think its ok cause she has two more.. she doenst agree with me though for some reason.
PBM Is having Turkey Lurkey for their easter dinner
False.....Ham and scalloped potaties.....and some other stuff.
*good luck on the table
The person below me has changed their light fixtures in the last 3 years.
false. Really should cuz the dining room light keeps crapping out on us. It's been taken apart and re-wired so many times.
PBM uses them newfangled energy saving bulb things. some places....not all. Although I hear they are coming out with different shapes that are more compatible with the lamps and light fixtures that we all have.
The person below me has a hand crank powered flashlight
incorrect. i used old fashion battery flashlight.
PBM likes to watch TV.
Not so much. Far less now than I ever used to.
The person below me rents movies more than once a week.
false. takes me at least a week to finish a single movie
PBM watches PPV
only once....for An Incovenient Truth
The person below me likes popcorn
true. lotsa buddah.
PBM likes caramel corn.
PBM likes arranging furniture
true. to create more space
PBM needs to get rid of furniture.
pbm has an easter egg hunt planned
False. Did. Past tense.
PBM has allergies today. ACHOO!
false. Medicated for a few days :)
PBM wants a bunny.
true. i saw a black and white one. but ran away.
i'm looking into replacing my parakeet, first.
forgot to put PBM
PBM likes ice cream.
true if it's sorbet
PBM likes popsicles
true ... I like crunching on them
PBM's handwriting has gotten worst since grade school
totally true. Gets worse every year.
PBM has a really funky signature
PBM needs to buy some summer sandels.
false. last year's sport sandals are still ok. I can't wear the pretty sandals, cuz I'm too much of a klutz.
PBM trips over things.
PBM likes to wear flat shoes.
PBM likes comfy feet
PBM is flexible.
false, i trying to stretch more though.
PBM goes commando, no underwear.
PBM has went commando before for an outfit.
false. feels weird.
PBM has colourful underwear.
PBM has a favorite color underwear.
PBM throws out the underwear once the elastic is shot
PBM likes wearing thongs/gstrings.
false. hella uncomfortable.
EDIT: hurts the poutine
PBM likes cotton undies
true. cotton with some stretchy material so that the panties last longer.
PBM has over 5 pairs of jeans.
Person below me can't seem to ditch the jeans even if they get really worn out.
PBM wears pyjama pants outside
PBM pees in the shower
PBM pees in the pool
PBM has soaked in a hot spring
PBM will do anything to avoid a porta potty.
very true. eck. barf
PBM grew up with an out house.
PBM has used a bedpan there's some comfort for ya.
The person below me has spent more than a month in the hospital. (in one stay)
PBM luvs hospital food
lol.....I generally pretty happy with any food that's brought to me on a tray and followed by the removal of the dishes.
The person below me is at work today.
PBM is planning to go out later on today.
PBM plays texas holdem
PBM has a poker face.
false you can read me like a book
PBM has lied to gain something
True. Unfortunately I tell little white lies......
PBM reads a lot of magazines.
PBM subscribes to magazines.
PBM goes to the library.
PBM has recently borrowed a book from the library.
false....library is a place of the past for me
PBM thought the library had interesting people there as a kid
PBM has slept on school campus before (overnight)
PBM has watched the progression of a whole 24 hours from one vantage point.
PBM recently purchased an item more than $200.
PBM is in the mood for throwing caution to the wind.
PBM has windy weather
False (for once)
PBM has visited a piggery
pig farm..yes...slaughterhouse yes
PBM is sickened by the furtrade
PBM would like to be (but isn't) vegetarian.
false...I like my meat raw LOL
PBM grew up with a parent that carried a fold up knife and used it in restaurants because the steak knives were too dull
PBM is a member of the mile high club.
PBM had terrible dreams lately.
Fales (but a couple of weeks ago I had them night after night)
PBM likes reading in bed
PBM is an avid reader
PBM likes writing letters
kinda.... i only write letters if i have to.
PBM has a pair of leather gloves. dogs would eat them
PBM owns a real fur coat
PBM likes jewelry.
PBM hates pierced tongues
false...mine is done
PBM thinks that eyebrow rings are repulsive
true. though some girls look ok in them...
PBM has been on a rollercoaster.
true...only twice...I hate heights...and was a chicken on both.
PBM loves cotton candy at the fair
false....cotton candy gets too sticky for me.
PBM has been to PNE/Playland.
false...but I stopped in at the CNE in ontario. Canada's wonderland too....that rocked!
PBM has puked on a ride
PBM has puked in someone's car
PBM has puked after a night out
PBM knows the trick to drink lots of water after drinking lots of alcohol.
true...but I don't get the chance to do it...sleep comes way too quickly
PBM can't function after a night of drinking
PBM doesn't care if he/she loses the millions of brain cells from alcohol.
false. hi purelife!
PBM can't wait for the NHL playoffs to start.
PBM wants to carry a stick and land a crosscheck at work
False. Baseball bat and gun work better.
PBM has noticed its five thirty and is still wondering what to have for dinner
false. I had pizza for dinner (and for lunch tomorrow!)
PBM loves reggae.
sometimes. like ska and soca
PBM plays air guitar at home
After a few beers I have been known to do this and many other funny things.
PBM like me hates reggae.
false. Is okay, mon.
PBM can carry a tune
True, I can carry a tune. I have an iPod.
PBM likes the cadbury cream eggs.
PBM likes English Toffee cappuccino at TH
false. sounds too sweet
PBM likes licorice.
(my cousin served some gummy marshmallow mushroom thingies this weekend. we called them the "dong go" candies)
PBM likes liccorce allsorts (the different colours and textures)
PBM likes to go bargain hunting.
PBM likes garage sales
PBM can spend hours and hours in Ikea.
Never been to an IKEA.
PBM likes furniture shopping
false. But keep buying Billy bookcases from IKEA.
PBM takes the free pencils from IKEA.
they give out free pencils? ikea near me
PBM...loves family time
PBM lives on his/her own
I wish!
PBM is stuck with a slovenly partner and/or offspring
slightly true. My bf isn't home when he is...he rushes to do projects...but fails to completely clean up after himself
PBM is a neat freak
false. I think I'm normal! (doesn't everybody)
(I get tired of putting tools away and closing cupboard doors. I cut my feet on metal shavings, and we're constantly buying drill bits and screwdriver bits because they're lost in the washing machine. -sigh-)
PBM needs a holiday by themselves
false...I love to share a relaxing time with the bf.
PBM needs a haircut
PBM "wears the pants" at home
PBM likes to be in control of things
false, as long as there is an organized plan
PBM cannot fly by the seat of their pants
false...but it stresses me out..
PBM likes their pants being grabbed
uh ture i guess, grabbed by who?
PBM likes to browse things for sale on craigslist... but know they shouldnt buy it
PBM likes reducing things to the absurd
true...i guess?
PBM has been to Victoria's Buchet Gardens.
true. eeons ago.
PBM knows where the Russian sub that used to be in New West, then moved to Victoria finally went?
False. Maybe PC would know.
PBM watches the Surreal Life.
false. saw it once, and not interested after that.
PBM used to listen to MC Hammer's songs.
PBM wore the hammer pants
true (my mom used to make pants for us when we were younger, all types of patterns and colours)
PBM would like a rum and coke.
false. Still gotta drive :(
PBM is having a cocktail
PBM is hungry.
false. just ate
PBM is still thinking about what to eat
false...... just ate too
PBM wish someone could peel him/her an orange
false. I cut into sections and stand over the kitchen sink eating them.
PBM likes grapefruits
False. Too sour for me.
PBM has drunk a durian milkshake before.
false. Scared to eat durien.
PBM knows how to cut and peel and durien
True....I think, done it several times and I still have all my fingers
PBM likes everything on their hamburger
PBM likes hot sauce on burgers
PBM hasnt gotten any recently within the last hour?
The person below me likes ice milk.
true, ice soy milk.
*waves* Hi P.C.!
PBM likes warm milk
Hi Lil Me [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://" border=0]
True....False....true........damn....I forget the question.
The person below me is amused easily
Oh yea....True....especially with a titch of sugar and a dollop of vanilla
Same question.
so true
PBM laughs at their own jokes
True....if it's funny enough.
The person below me has eaten artichokes....(dips and spreads don't count)
PBM likes roasted veggies
GAKKK! False. (unless they're potatoes)
The person below me makes homemade soups.
PBM likes Campbells Cream of Mushroom
false...just chicken noodle soup for me thanks!
PBM takes crackers in their soup
PBM likes soup in a mug
False.....I like it in a bowl.
The person below me makes good pie pastry.
ack. false!
PBM makes pastry
The person below me likes honey on toast.
PBM likes peanut butter on their toast
false- almond butter.
PBM likes crunchy peanut butter better than smooth
PBM used to snack on it with a spoon...or off the knife
The person below me knows that a spoonful of peanut butter is THE BEST cure for hicups?
NEVER fails.
true- now I do!
PBM likes sparkling beverages- sparkling water, juice, wine, etc.
PBM is low in patience right now
False....patience is good. ( y'OK Miss Pit?)
The person below me uses spell check for their posts.
PBM has had a few this evening, so the typing is suffering
false...and I hate when I spell things wrong...PC...just a cruddy day at the office
PBM credits themselves for their spelling abilities
oops...and again...false
PBM prides themselves in the computer literacy
False. I make like I know what Im doing.
PBM has more than one coffee maker.. and forgot they had the others. cupper...and regular coffee maker..but I stick with gut rot doesn't happen for instant.
PBM has experienced gut rot induced by coffee cupper...and regular coffee maker..but I stick with gut rot doesn't happen for instant.
PBM has experienced gut rot induced by coffee
true in excess
PBM can tell me how much dry coffee to put in the Bodum
false...what is a bodum?
PBM is citified
true- city girl married to the Clampetts
Bodum= glass coffee pot with a plunger to strain the coffee from the liquid
PBM needs another beverage now
True. I finished my Caesar.
Bodum? I call them a french press. Interesting.
Um, I would go for one heaping desert spoonfull Lil Me, and then go onto trial and error from there.
I hate instant I would rather drink tea than instant (and for me thats saying ALOT).
PBM has filing cabinets full of papers, papers, and more papers. Hates keeping all the damn papers.
True 12+ years of credit card statements that I should probably just shred. But I'm paranoid- might need them.
PBM has a pile of junk "to file"on the desk
True. Have a carboard box full to file. Dreading doing it, cause taking the time to do it will take time away from all the other projects that need to be done.
PBM likes ice skating and still goes to the local community centre to do so once in a blue moon
PBM plays fun hockey once in a blue moon
True. street hockey, not ice hockey. Im not talented enough to play real ice hockey :(
PBM has undeveloped exposed rolls of film lying around, and is trying to figure out what is on them.. cause like me they havent had a film using camera in almost 5 years now.
true- for the Kodak Disc camera, which hasn't been around since the '80s. I found a place that will develop the photos, by mail order, but haven't sent the damn things in yet.
PBM dreads finding out what's on the mystery film
False. Im more curious than worried, plus I can throw them out if they are worrisome.
PBM had a polaroid camera back in the day. And still has it with some polaroid cannisters.
true. In amongst the mounds of sh*t at my parents' house.
PBM has a truckload of digital pictures that need sorting.
False. Most of mine are pretty much sorted right now. I take my 40Gb external HD that I use only for pictures with me when I go away and sort them with all teh time I have out there.
PBM plays computer games (solitaire and tetris not included)
PBM played Doom
True. And Castle Wolfenstein 3d...
PBM has played SimCity.
True. I'm playing one right now.
PBM excessively uses a bluetooth device with their cellular phone.
PBM uses a phone strictly for communication
false. I store phone numbers and text message with it alot.
PBM likes rain in moderation
PBM has a yellow raincoat and/or yellow gumboots
True. Yellow Helly Hanson raincoat and black gumboots. to name a few in the pile.
PBM has a few older wooden baseball bats.. not just the new aluminum ones.
true- somewhere.
PBM yells "Car!" and "Game on" whilst playing street hockey
True.. things like that havent changed!
PBM has a webcam
PBM has a billion CDs with no cases
True. Tons of disc cases now, no more plastic cases and paper books in them.
PBM likes having lots of disc cases instead of stands and stacks of plastic CD/DVD cases
true, esp. in the car
PBM knows why my steering is wonky at high speeds
Unbalanced tires and/or you are needing a wheel alignment.
around 50 bucks for a wheel alignment (I would start here.. is it a new or newer car you have?)
Most tires unbalance over time, but usually isnt that noticable unless they are really worn or the wheel weights have fallen or been knocked off.
I would really have to know more and possibly see what you mean to make a firm assumption.. but Iwould point my finger to wheel alignment adn unbalanced tires.
PBM is getting tired... and drink is finished.
yup. *yawn*
Must be the wheel alignment as the tires were re-balanced last week.
PBM is ready to hit the hay
True. Soon. tomorrow comes early with more things to overcome.
PBM is already wondering what to do for lunch and dinner tomorrow.
true. gotta plan ahead
PBM wonders why life is so complicated
true and then it hits you in the head
PBM hates those moments
Somewhat true but you can't go on hating that otherwise one never learns.
PBM is allergic to fur.
PBM wants Snoopy for a pet
false...pitbulls would think Snoopy was a playtoy.
PBM wants garfield for a pet
true + Odie + Pooky
PBM thinks Nermal should stay permanently in Abu Dhabi
false...nermal..and pookie...fall under the same category of cute in my world!
PBM has been to india
PBM has lost something that was worth more than $100.
True. My wedding ring. Waaaaaaaaaah!!! Lise Jr. pulled it off on the plane one time and I didn't noticed till it was gone. *sob*
Got a replacement tho... but it wasn't the same.
PBM wants to meet an alien.
awwww...sorry to hear that Lise.
false on meeting an alien. I'd freak.
PBM has seen a ghost in real life.
PBM has recently had a frustrating experience with a zip fastener.
true to zippers, true to zap straps
PBM has a huge jumble of cables behind the computer that need to be zap strapped
False (I'm not at home)
PBM doesn't feel his/her age.
true. I feel younger today :)
PBM needs to act his/her age
PBM is of a similar nature
true. sometimes I'm waaay to immature, sometimes I'm old, stodgy and dull
PBM likes a cigar once in a while
PBM regularly smokes a pipe
False. Not even on occasion.
PBM likes Jazz
only if it's swanky 1960s lounge lizard stuff- Girl from Ipamema
PBM has been to a genuine tiki lounge
You listen to a what from who? Thats a type of jazz is it?
PBM has flowers planted in their yard
True...I used to plant them in my kitchen, but watering was always messy.
The person below me likes hard boiled eggs.
false. allergic
PBM likes egg salad
PBM likes to poach their food.
false. I've never stolen an animal in my life!
PBM has stolen an animal and/or hunted/fished out of season.
False. Unless you count tenkani's monkey then I'm guilty as charged.
PBM eats a lot of potato chips.
false, but i do eat alot of french fries.
PBM likes to go running outside at night.
PBM reads the newspaper everyday.
PBM listens to the radio every morning
PBM listens to the local news everyday
PBM is watching or listening to the Nucks game now
false...leafs fan...but don't follow since nucks unseated leafs a while back
will follow a bit...when things become hotter
PBM watches football.
PBM watches curling
false...but have memories of listening to my dad...yelling at the peeps to huuuuurrrrrrrry! and telling him...gawd..they can't hear you...why do you do that?
PBM pong matches on youtube
PBM plays ping pong
false...tried it in 8th grade...don't like it
PBM like badminton in highschool
PBM has a set of free weights at home.
false. Used to, but its not worth it anymore, just go to the gym.
PBM rather work out in a gym then have workout equipment at home.
true. no space
PBM would rather do something outdoors than go to the gym.
again true again. Last weekend I got a workout picking up giant tree branches on the fields on the farm. I so beat working out.
PBM thinks there's nothing better than a good night's sleep
hmmm...there are alot of good things out there...that are hard to the end...a goodnights sleep...after some awesome nooky...absolutely rocks for the next day..true..
PBM thinks that sleep is awesome...but there are so many more interesting things to do than sleep.
true- but I'm getting old and need a good night so I can function and do interesting things!
PBM is also feeling the signs of age
PBM uses advil and tylenol in their daily vocabulary
PBM prefers to drink their soda drinks with a straw.
PBM uses a toilet seat protector when they hit a public loo
True. If not, then the good ole tissue papers work just as well.
PBM uses their foot to press down on the public toilet handle.
PBM is a germaphobe
Somewhat true. I have to use universal precaution at work so I'm quite sensitive to what's out there. I have to be if I want to protect myself from work.
PBM faints at the sight of blood.
false...quite fascinated by the sight of my own blood...except at the once a month time LOL
PBM is grossed out by my comment
*scrapping image from mind*
PBM has done naughty pictures before.
PBM wishes to share some naughty pics
false. no way hozay would I share my naughty pics...they're private. ;)
PBM has dressed up in a cheer leader outfit.
PBM is so far having a good week
false...too many issues at work...easter long was good though
PBM has seen sunshine today
PBM has found some money today
how much did you find, if any?
PBM is planning to get a pet soon.
False (50c)
PBM wishes they had a pet
true- a polar bear
PBM wants a mythical beast for a pet
PBM believes in the existence of unicorns
PBM has seen something extraordinary
true. a rainbow the other day. don't see these too often over a beautiful lake :)
PBM plans to go kayaking this summer.
PBM wonders if purelife1 is the original purelife under another name
PBM can eskimo roll a kayak
False. Put that on my list of things to do before I bite the dust.
PBM wants to learn how to karate-chop someone.
Yep, purelife1 was me. I was logged off and didn't feel like logging back in and repost that.
PBM has posted as a guest on DS under many handles.
PBM has posted at DV under different handles
True. though most of the time was Russ
PBM is still easting easter stuff
false- hid the chocolate away for now
PBM thinks it's time for coffee
True.. well false. I think its beer time actually. Its been that way since noon.
PBM is getting hungry
true. I've been hungry all day
PBM is grouchy when hungry
true so very true.
PBM knows how to put up shelving on his/her own.
i never tried, i don't know.
PBM tried skydiving once.
True, and the key word there is once!
PBM has gone bugy jumping
no, my one of two opportunities was forbidden by our teacher.
PBM is professional killer.
not yet
PBM has witnessed a killing
false, incorrect.
PBM has been on a 4 hour hike. least I hope more pitbull puppy would be sweet though
PBM is satisfied with their dinner...
teehee whoops
true to the hike
PBM is satisfied with their dinner
true, i had mexican food (pastor).
PBM has tried goat meat?
True. Stringy.
PBM has eaten crocodile meat.
false, would like to also try snake meat. it all tastes like chicken anyway. maybe, i get some chicken meat and pretend.
PBM likes to travel.
PBM believes it's wrong to pack more than you can carry on a trip
True. But that doesn't stop me from carrying my bathroom with me.
PBM packs 1,000 and 1 medications on a trip. (for just in case reasons)
true...but...still pack too much...gotta match...and what happens if I change my mind and might want something different..and in case...pack more socks...blah blah blah
PBM brings home way to many souveniers on their trips
false to meds....just the neccessities
PBM brings home way too many souveniers on their trips
False. Only magnets. Hubby is another matter....
PBM has a tacky looking souvenior at home. is all in the eye of the beholder! teehee!
PBM has magnets on their fridge...though they don't need them
true. they're so tacky. but new ones keep appearing. we're onto magnetic poetry now.
PBM has batteries in the freezer a little battery pet cemetary
PBM finds that freezing batteries actually works.
false- cell phone battery dies every time I ski
PBM has coffee in the freezer
pbm has had foreign objects removed by a dr.
PBM is gay.
happy- true
PBM needs some extra levity this morning
True. There is nothing fun about installing a new kitchen sink.
PBM is Superstitious
PBM enjoys window shopping.
PBM uses any excuse to go the fire hall
LOL - hot men, huh? ;)
PBM prefers to date someone of the same ethnicity.
oh so false
(on my last trip to the fire hall, I was in the elevator with teh training officer and he smelled SO GOOD)
PBM has dated someone of the same ethnicity
(OMG, Lil Me, you lucky ducky. ;))
PBM has dated more than 10 guys/girls.
only in my dreams. I'm a super stud.
On the ethnicity question, yeah I don't like white girls, I've been emotionally scared by them.
Plus every time I go to the Mexican Market, there is a girl there that keeps hitting on me.
I'm irresistable, apparently.
PBM is a stud or studdess.
false. I don't even own any stud earrings to make me a studess...yet.. :(((
PBM thinks that SD should approach this chick.
false I don't date midwestern chicks. They give the gift that keeps on giving.
PBM thinks the girl on the new ads had too much sugar in the morning.
Uh, False.
lol, on your comment SD. We say that about, er, nevermind.
PBM is still intraveneously taking coffee.
PBM has taken caffeine pills
PBM takes daily vitamins.
False. Some fruit for me.
PBM has stuff sitting out in their back yard that they dont want to put away even though its not where it should be cause they need it soon agian.
false- no yard to junk up
PBM watches Junkyard Wars
False. Got boring pretty quick when they could always find what they wanted in the yard.
No yard?
PBM Has an annoying cat like mine that will attack you if you walk by her and not acknoledge her.. as well as jumping up on your keyboard when you are on the computer
false. thank goodness!
PBM has been biten by a dog.
True. Sometimes my min pin if i work him up enough and hes riled up, lol.
PBM has lots of pictures of things that happened and people and cant always remember who they are or where they were taken
PBM secretly laughs when bad things happen to mean people.
False - I laugh loudly and openly
PBM is daydreaming too much this morning
false. firmly rooted in reality today.
PBM has an active fantasy life.
PBM can get his/her toe in his/her mouth
true- both literally and figuratively
PBM often gets their metaphorical foot suck in their mouth
PBM is noted for modesty
Somewhat true. Depends whom I'm with.
PBM can breastfeed and juggle cooking at the same time.
PBM can trim their beard
True. Hehe. Nuff said.
PBM has big ideas for their garden.
false- just the usual tomatoes
PBM has a very green thumb
False. More often a bruised colour
PBM is enjoying a Friday evening adult beverage
true- summer sipping wine
PBM wishes it was nicer out right now
True. [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://" border=0]
PBM prefers rain over snow
PBM is finished dinner
pbm likes to watch science shows
true depending on topic
(You drunk already, Russ?)
PBM thinks Bill Nye is one cool dude
False. Who?
PBM thinks Martha Stewart is someone she or he would want to work for.
(Bill Nye the Science Guy was a PBS show)
PBM would like to be a contestant on Jeopardy
PBM likes to keep a low profile
<no i was eating dinner AT the time I was posting that lil me>
PBM likes watching the old comedy with Count Frightenstein
PBM likes to watch COPS all day and laugh at the bad guys.
pbm is up early
PBM likes the cop show To Serve and Protect because they recognize people and places in Van.
false..don't get the I can't watch it...LOL
PBM did a good deed yesterday.
PBM believes in random acts of anonymous kindness
True. Karma
PBM is still eating easter eggs?
PBM bought an easter egg at 1/2 price.
False. Not AN easter egg. I bought an um slightly bigger amount.
PBM knows a good beef jerky marinade
False. I don't go near that stuff.
PBM is a procastinator when it comes to certain things.
true. like organizing my files
PBM needs to buy a filing cabinet later.
False. Have one. Mostly empty with the papers piled on the top and sides of it.
PBM hates having sore backs..
False (never had one).
PBM is prone to several days of absolute despair about three times per year.
PBM has more dark days in the winter
true I guess. Don't know what you mean.
PBM is sick and can't stop caughing.
PBM had a good day today.
Person below me had a grout day today
False. I chickened out. I need Holmes.
PBM isn't afraid to tackle house projects.
The person below me could use a manicure.
false, its been miserable, sick and lonely.
PBM hates being sick.
PBM is feeling just fine
PBM likes to do motorcycle stunts.
PBM has injured themselves recently
True.....I have a killer hangnail.
The person below me is going to have a relaxo Sunday.
true enough
PBM has big Sunday plans
If 'big plans' envolve sleeping, and moaning in pain and being a big baby then yeah I've got big 'plans' lol
PBM needs a massage.
PBM has a personal massage device
True. Starfish.
PBM likes seafood
true to fish, allergic to shellfish
PBM has been to a trout farm
Fish farm? yes.
Really? thats too bad.. although shellfish are super expensive so its probably better that you dont eat it.
PBM can recommend a good electric blanket. My dog chewed the thermostat on mine and now only 1/3 of my blanket works.
I didn't know you could still buy an electric blanket. I thought they were declared a fire hazard or something. I'm a believer in the goose down duvet.
PBM thinks an electric blanket is unnecessary in April
True. Actually, I don't think an electric blanket is safe at all. Period.
PBM loves Tim Horton's ice cappacino.
false never tried it.
pbm has been to the mission hills winery
W-what???? You gotta try, dude!! It's awesome.
False. Don't drink wino.
PBM always orders fries with his or her McD combo.
True I guess. Everywhere else where theres an option i order salads.
PBM has done the tubing trip down that small creek in peachland.
PBM still retains a sense of wonder.
True. you learn something new everyday if you keep your eyes open.
PBM has an electric pencil sharpener
PBM feels in love with every one and every thing at the moment.
False. Im not a hippy, lol.
PBM is thinking they should get SOMETHING done today <hopefully for me anyhow. lol>
False (I've done it already).
PBM wonders how long he/she will live.
False. Im gonna live till my time is due.
PBM is wondering why, like me, they still have a few disc boxes of 5 1/4 inch disks around. When they dont have a drive for them anymore.
PBM likes walking barefoot
False. I like to have something, albeit slippers or sandals on my feet.
PBM thinks most of the movies out now have no plot to them
PBM wonders what everyone else is doing
False. Im wondering where my friend that was supposed to be over, an hour and a half ago is.
PBM filled up their vehicle with gas and cringed at the price
false- I've stopped looking at the total.
PBM can live in denial
True....I don't know why people talk about it like it's something negative. I find it a very comfy place sometimes.
The person below me hates talking on the phone.
Ture. I ignore it half the time.
PBM likes sitting down with an after dinner drink
PBM is ready for a drink
PBM washes his/her hair daily.
PBM prefers a shower to a bath
true. bath takes too long and is too fussy.
PBM has a bath every so often.
false- I get bored
PBM hates cleaning the tub
True. Oh so true.
PBM has 1,000 liquid cleaners at home. One for different part of the bathroom/kitchen/whatever.
false- trying to keep it simple these days. Pine Sol, bleach, Comet, windex, Wet Swiffer.
PBM thinks that happiness is a clean toilet's nice to appreciate the simple things in life.
*BTW....that's my list of cleaners too....Pine Sol (although I finally found Spic and Span the PineSol is out)....bleach, Comet and Windex. No Wet Swiffer though. I also have stainless steel cleaner for my pots and a cleaner for the ceramic stove top. I use lots of vinegar and water for cleaning too.
The person below me would be the type that, if they had a maid....they'd clean up before she got there.
P.C. wrote:
The person below me would be the type that, if they had a maid....they'd clean up before she got there.
False. The maid has to kick her way into the place, dislodging pizza boxes that are stuck to the floor by wine spills.
PBM likes to greet the day with a generous portion of rum.
false, can't drink in the morning.
PBM likes red wine.
PBM will drink anything alcoholic
yes, in small quanities.
PBM has tried brandy.
PBM has a favourite coffee cup
PBM prefers cocoa to coffee
PBM does drugs. call tylenol and advil drugs.
PBM enjoyed the hockey game last night
true- as exciting as radio can be!
PBM needs a shower and caffeine in the morning in order to function.
I like to sort out the big issues AFTER my caffeine.
The person below me would like a nice homemade muffin right out of the oven.
false. Not hungry yet.
PBM needs to brush their teeth in the morning before they feel truly alive
coffee first...then shower..then the teeth brushing. It is a topper for a morning routine
PBM blowdries their hair
True.....will look like Shirley Temple if I don't
The person below me has a favourite perfume.
PBM is a true believer in aromatherapy
PBM has watched the movie "The BreakUp"
PBM wants to go back to sleep NOW.
PBM can't get too comfy or they WILL fall asleep
can't get comfy at all...feel oddly restless...but oh so tired.
PBM prefers heat to cool.
PBM likes to drink flavored water.
true- water flavoured water!
PBM likes to drink water
true. lots of it all day long, except for the weekends when I'm less active. :))
PBM is craving for a t-bone steak. :)
false. still carbonated from last night
PBM wants a steak
false. not on solids yet.
PBM likes broccolli
PBM has eaten kale before.
true. love it. Rest of my household thinks it's crap.
PBM likes alfalfa sprouts
true. love it in sammiches. :))
PBM has had toasted almonds and pine nuts on salads.
PBM wants a Kula Greens salad from the Cactus Club
(greens, dried cranberries, nuts, grilled salmon, miso-apple dressing)
true. it's so yummy.
PBM likes to eat ginger snaps.
PBM likes cookies and tea
PBM has already got his/her next holiday planned.
PBM has their luggage lost by an airline
true many times. always have a carryone with all your important irreplacable documents in, and two changes of clothes for when the airline loses another bag.
PBM is tired today
PBM needs to stretch
true. need to actually re get out of bed again too. im having a lazy day. lol.
pbm has a bit of coffee left over in their coffee carafe still
PBM likes chocolate covered coffee beans
PMB likes sour jelly bellys
PBM likes sour warheads and super lemon bombs
PBM likes to eat black licorice. the licorice. *Panda brand for me
The person below me has something in their fridge that needs to find it's way to the curb.
I have a few good morsels walking around my fridge now.
PBM can help me guess what they were..
PBM needs another coffee
yes, true.
PBM has had a broken bone.
PBM has a current injury
True. Mental.
PBM likes watching tv while eating dinner
PBM eats dinner at a table
PBM has missed work to watch or go to a sporting event
True......many times
PBM participates in tailgate parties at sporting events
False....don't see that much around here. They look like a lotta fun.
The person below me sometimes uses headphones at the computer.
PBM watches tv with closed captioning on you? I have WinPro on my computer, so sometimes tape something to watch while hubby watches then I use the headphone
The person below me reads back on the all the posts since their last post before they respond.
I do watch tv with closed captioning/subtitles AND volume.
PBM loses the remote control on a regular basis.
PBM sometimes forgets where he/she parked the car.
PBM walks around and loses their drink frequently
True on the last two questions.
PBM likes ice cream
true- especially sorbet
PBM likes to load up the ice cream with sauce and toppings
False. I actually prefer mine without anything.
PBM loves the Boston Mudd Pie from Red Robbins.
true, I think. It's been a while.
PBM has been to Red Robin in the last year
True. Good burgers. Sometimes nice eye candy.
PBM likes the steaks at the Keg
true. What's not to like? I eat the sirloin or the ribeye. Mr LM eats the baseball steak.
PBM likes surf n turf
PBM has broken at least one bone.
PBM has broken bones on someone else
PBM is quite inoffensive (usually).
true, usually :)
PBM has broken a window
PBM keeps being distracted.
huh? oh, ah, true.
PBM thinks pizza is just the greatest
True - well, quite often.
PBM likes pasta
PBM likes spicy meatballs
Very True.
PBM now has to have meatballs soon because they read 49ers question.
FAlse.. I was thinking about hitting the ikea for lunch after Home Depot but I got sidetracked in the tools isle and had to rush home
PBM Has bought a tool before because they recognize the name brand.. but dont know for the life of them what its for.
false...I buy for neccesity..not name.
PBM is a compulsive shopper
PBM hardly ever shops using cash but pays with credit cards
True. Sometimes. But it's better to pay with cash so you don't overspend tho.
PBM watches the Opera.
PBM has a secret admirer.
False. I wish!!!
PBM can't believe the sun is peeking out through the clouds.
true. love the strip tease from teh mister sunshine!
PBM needs to buy a couple of shades.
false. I like mine! $12 at Target years ago.
PBM loses/sits on at least 1 pair per year
true. I just buy cheap ones for under $15.
PBM doesn't understand why someone would spend over $200 on designer sunglasses.
PBM wears a daily sunscreen
PBM thinks that the rule about applying sunscreen daily is a marketing ploy.
True. I use it for the first four days then dont use sunscreen for the rest of the time.
PBM likes the old TV show Cheers
PBM knows at least one "Cliff Claven" and one "Norm"
PBM has a few old cell phones lying about they cant bear to get rid of cause they might need them one day
PBM thinks the Nucks will win tonight.
True.....I just saw it.
The person below me can enjoy a game LIVE even though they hate it on TV.
***Russ...there is a program where you can donate old cell phones for womens shelters etc. They program them for 911 calls only.
*but what happens if the phone only dials 1-900-GET-GOATS?
False. Never understood the concept of Live TV.
PBM sucks at odd jobs around the house.
False.....I've actually remodeled and rebuilt several homes with buddies to resell
PBM has accidentally smashed a finger with a hammer
true. all the freaking time.
PBM believes in RTFM when building/assembling
False....I like the challenge.
The person below me is good at following a map
***Lise wrote: Never understood the concept of Live TV.
I meant LIVE at BC Place LIVE.
PBM has gotten lost recently
PBM needs to get a haircut.
PBM has great hair plans
(cuz I don't)
i never know what to do with my hair. I might just dye my entire hair.... i need a change. this girl at my office recently dyed her hair pink..yes, hot pink.
PBM is thinking about dyeing their hair.
What hair colour would you die your hair pl?
PBM hates not being able to eat or drink for 8hrs before a surgery.
I had to do 12 hours a while you can suck it up SD and do this 8 hour. ;)
PBM has a nice silverware.
false- bulk pack from Linens n Things
PBM hates running out of TP
true.... end up using kleenex instead
PBM wakes up before 7 am.
true- going nighty night now. Polar bears are calling me!
PBM is also ready to be tucked in.
False, don't want to get anybody sick, *cough* *cough*
PBM is an optimist.
True (at the moment)
PBM can't get to sleep
false- it's morning now
PBM has a clock radio
The person below me does banking at more than one bank.
SD....PBM hates not being able to eat or drink for 8hrs before a surgery
rofl....I can do that in my sleep !
PBM needs to go to the bank
PBM has many credit cards.
False. Just one. Dont want too many as I am an impulse shopper. I would probably buy a car instantly if i had enough CC's.
PBM has had a tickle in their throat for weeks now like I do.
false. If I had one, it's a one-on-one with my buddy, Buckley's.
PBM believes that Buckley's work!
True. But it doesnt always help... It is the best.. because its liquid gasoline and your body knows that if the first shot doesnt work it will be plied with that death dealing stuff until A) it shapes up and theres no more cough or B) you die.
PBM knows that everytime you go to pick up a pen.. the blasted thing doesnt work and you have to go in search of another one.
PBM has a collection of at least a dozen pens which won't work, but won't throw them away just in case they decide to work the next time they are tried.
PBM likes to buy trial size stuff.
PBM is frequently complimented on the gracefulness of her ladylike deportment.
false. no compliments.
PBM is curious to see Gopher's picture.
PBM is curious to see purelife's picture.
false. I already know she's hawt
PBM thinks I should finish cleaning
True. But clean at my place, please!
PBM reads the labels on cans for nutritional information.
PBM reads the ingredient list
False. For me I dont care.. My mother does cause she cant eat certain foods and spices.
PBM Just tried that Home Depot online survey with a chance to win 1000 gift card.. and all they have so far is 8 new junk emails in their inbox
True and junk mail.
The person below me likes Lee Valley
true- but less so now that I've given up on gardening
PBM thinks the folks at Lee Valley are too serious
False. Never been there. Really. What is it?
PBM has played an instrument at school.
True. 4, I think?
Lee Valley Tools is a catalog-based hardware store [a href="vny!://"]vny!://[/a]
It's for the uber serious. I know many people who have full sets of Europeon crafted woodworking tools that they're afraid to use, because they want to keep them pristine. It's a tool cult.
PBM hates carpentry, just like I do. (not that I'm bitter or anything)
PBM has a work bench in the garage
false...don't have a have a work bench in the porch...what a friggin mess!
PBM thinks that workbenches get way too messy after a male has used it.
False. what are you talking about? Mines perfect! If you can move all that stuff on it you can see it! Um no, thats the other bench, its under that stuff on the other side.. just move that out of the way to get to it.. yes.
Our garages are all filled.
PBM wants to know like me, why I found a can of whipping cream in my brothers computer desk.
true. Either he confused it with the spray canister/duster or it was a stricty economic decision- the whipping cream was on sale and the KY was not.
PBM thinks Russ should confront his brother about the merchandise
True. Go Goat Power!! Woot!!!
PBM has 1,000 plus cooking recipes they've acquired and will never ever use.
PBM sees a recipe with too many steps and dismisses the whole idea
False....but I'm choked if I go through the million steps and it isn't exquisite.
The person below me has had a garage sale before.
PBM always has a celebration after the garage sale
False.....we celebrate DURING the garage sale.
The person below me has gone spelunking.
false. fear of enclosed spaces
PBM knows the difference between a stalagmite and a stalactite
True.....I always remember it by g for ground and c for ceiling.
(I can't do it either....I worry that the earth will shift while I'm in there, and I'll be stuck)
The person below me has a piece of art in their home that they created themselves.
true....wildlife drawings on my living room wall above the mantle
PBM hates styrafoam cups
true, just love my own travel mug.
pbm loves their career.
false...would prefer to be a stay at home mom. My family comes first...and I wouldn't consider my job a career.
PBM retains bitterness with their job
False. I love my job.
pbm loves Cola slurpees.
false...not a big fan of slurpees in is a hot summers day...and I am hung over! teehee
PBM has sensitive teeth
PBM has a crown on a tooth.
PBM has had their teeth knocked out from playing a sport.
false- not yet
PBM wears a mouthguard to sleep
True, I wear two. One I've had for 7 years now, to keep my upper teeth straight after braces. The other one is for tmj or something
PBM had braces.
PBM wore headgear
for what braces or sport?
PBM varsity lettered in sports.
false- I think.
We don't have Varsity lettering here- that's the 1st string team of Grade 12s in each sport, yes?
I needed to quit sports in Grade 12 and work on university and scholarship applications.
(I meant for braces, but that could have been clearer.)
PBM has played "snow pitch" baseball in the snow
Yeah but you can varsity your freshman year too, if you play for the 1st team that early. I varsitied sophmore year. Well technically freshman year if you count the golf team.
True but not softball. I had a couple soccer games during a snow storm when I was a kid. Played in a few snow storms in my high school football days. And rowed in a heavy down pour.
PBM thinks sports are better played in the elements
true- mud cushions the fall
PBM plays frisbee
false...I would if the dogs would catch it and bring it back...but they just eat the frisbee..
PBM plays league
pbm has comfy undies on today.
PBM always believes in comfy undies
True. Boxers only.
PBM likes licorice
PBM likes cinnamon candies
PBM likes sour candy.
PBM likes Fun Dip
Uh, whos a fun dip? Is that some type of new, uh.. yeah.
PBM likes strong coffee or weaker coffee? A darker roast or light roast?
false. decaf coffee...light roast
PBM has eaten frogs legs.
purelife wrote:
false. decaf coffee...light roast
PBM has eaten frogs legs.[/DIV]
True. Too expensive.. I mean, are frogs not abundant here? wtf?
DECAF! Thats like illegal or something. Its not even dark roast? <bewildered>
PBM has been tubing behind a boat
PBM needs to visit the bank.
True. Dont want to though. Hate banks.. they make us pay to use their services and they take our money to make themselves huge profits. Try asking them to take all of your money out at once.. right away.
PBM has a few memory cards for different things, but cant remember what they go in. <I have 5 different loose ones in my drawer here... and I dont know for what they went in>
LOL, false.
(Yeah, banks.... I prefer credit unions. I'm lucky that I have no fees with mine.) Try President's Choice or Coast Capital - no fee banking.
PBM has more than 3 bank accounts.
ugh. true
PBM knows what I should do about the self-inflicted burn on my shoulder that I just sustained.
What kind of a burn, Lil Me? I might know.
PBM likes flat shoes.
true. too klutzy to wear heels
(touched curling iron to shoulder while wearing a tank top. I'm currently icing it.)
PBM wears black shoes
true to black shoes.
toothpaste on it would help, Lil me. It cools the burn. :)
PBM has accidently touched the burner on the stove one time.
True. I dont which knob does what. The little diagram doesnt help either.
PBM has been ice fishing
PBM will admit to having listened to Vanilla Ice
False (I admit to nothing)
PBM has avoided someone today.
true! I'm avoiding everyone today. Gotta love call display
PBM also loves call display
PBM never uses foul language to people who try to sell him/her things on the phone.
true. They're just doing their job.
PBM hangs up on call centers before the opeartor starts speaking.
False. I keep them on the line for as long as possible.
PBM has a mean streak.
True. I mean no.. Im a happy dancing touchy feely tree hugger.
PBM likes pulling ice cream out of the freezer and randomly eating it
true. if there was ice cream in the freezer.. :(
PBM can finish one small containter of haggen daz in one sitting.
FAlse. Bad news if you do.
PBM likes reading technical manuals if they dont have to.. if they have to for work they hate it and dont learn very much.
true. I can read one sentence and that's about it.
PBM needs to buy some CD's.
False I have a huge stack beside me. Oh, do you mean with something ON them?
PBM wants to go outside and play
true..why am I still at work..oh yeah, to play on DS for a bit!
PBM has some cool plans for the weekend.
false. no cool plans.
PBM is planning to go to a concert soon.
True! Portland's Dandy Warhols at Mac Hall.
PBM knows the Dandy Warhols.
false. no clue.
PBM thinks that group sounds familiar.
PBM has plans to watch tomorrow's game somewhere
false. gawd no canucks for me! not into hockey
PBM is planning to grab pho soon.
pho sure!
PBM will get pho this weekend
PBM has a favorite pho place.
true- pho 99 is pho out, dude!
PBM likes lots of bean spouts in the pho
true. like em raw with the mint leaves.
PBM likes hot spicey food
there is no other kind of food!
PBM has a collection of hot sauce in the fridge
PbM uses them everyday
mostly true
PBM likes kim chi
true. it's okay.
PBM likes to make spaghetti.
PBM likes dried chilies on their spag
PBM uses only a folk to eat spag
false- gotta twirl with the spoon and fork!
PBM likes shaped pasta over spaghetti
true/false ... no preference as long as sauce is meaty
PBM likes bread with their pasta
PBM likes salad with their pasta
True. And garlic bread.
PBM ate late like we did tongiht.. had a few beers with some friends then someone showed up with some chicken and steak for the bbq...
PBM has a couple variety of juices in the fridge.
false. Just milk, water and soy.
PBM drinks OJ
PBM likes to drink flavored water.
PBM likes energy drinks
define energy drinks.
If its sports, vitamin sports drinks
then yes.
no to the red bull stuff
PBM likes iced tea on a lazy sunday
True. If it's a Long Island Iced Tea
PBM is looking forward to a lazy Sunday.
PBM has things to do.....later
True. Later.. Airport. Check
PBM is 'busy' this saturday AM
True (in a very leisurely sort of way)
PBM watches Coronation Street
PBM watches Fawlty Towers
Que? Farty Towels (episode 12)
The person below me was a Monty Python fan.
PBM laughed like stink at A Fish Called Wanda
You know what....I've never seen it. (I feel shame)
The person below me enjoyed The Bird Cage.
true. My friends and I repeat lines from that.
PBM can't believe Hank Azaria from The Birdcage is the voice of Apu/Chief Wiggums/Moe/and others
Really? Well you learn something new every day.
The person below me likes old movies.....and has a favourite.
false...much prefer the updated technology that creates wicked effects
PBM is obsessive when leaf raking
pbm needs to hit up a good coffee shop this morning for something strong!
false. We make potent jet fuel at home
PBM goes to the coffee shop every day to check-in with the staff and the regulars
true...I am like 'Norm' from Cheers at my local bean shop..they all yell "Devil"...except its coffee, not beer...and I am not as fat as Norm..
Usually stop everyday on my walk to work.
PBM better get their but off DS and get stuff done.
true- later!
PBM feels special as a regular customer
True...sort of.
The person below me is planning a nice Sunday dinner.
***Miss Pit....this is funny......PBM is obsessive when leaf raking.
I'm a bit of a freak (according to my friends and certain family members) when it comes to raking. I take it you are the same. It's nice to know that I am not alone in this obsessive
If its me planning dinner, its Chinese take out.
PBM likes Chinese food.
true. what's not to like?
PBM likes fried meat in red sauce
False. Well the fried meat sounds good.
PBM Had a great weekend.
PBM needs another weekend One was good. (mind you, I don't have to go to work in the morning....heeheeee)
The person below me would choose very rare, medium rare, medium................well done beef?
I forget now, usually medium I think.
PBM rather grill their own steaks then going out to a restuarant and paying a lot for the same thing.
True....I've never had a steak 'out', as good as I've had at home.
The person below me is watching hockey.
False.......the Sharks has already advanced to the 2nd round
PBM likes their steak with horse radish
raises eyebrow, horse radish???
PBM doesn't like any type of sauce on their steaks.
False. Has to be something... Preferable montreal dry steak seasoning at least.. Yaargh! The steak I had tongiht was great... I now know how big a 20 oz gourmet steak is! lol, wow !
PBM likes iced wine or chilled wine.. and red or white wine?
PBM is semi-addicted to su doku.
The person below me has played Mad Gab (hilarious)
false (but probably should)
(Russ- if you ate a 20 oz steak, your colon must be hating you today!)
PBM has played Balderdash
PBM likes playing cards
PBM knows what bridge is because I have no clue.
true- but don't know how to play
PBM has played Settlers of Catan
PBM has taken part in a play
PBM is a thespian *giggle*
PBM wonders if thespian has been included in 'Words that make you giggle' and if not, why not.
PBM thinks laughter makes the world go 'round
true because without laughter we'd be boring depressed people.
PBM likes to laugh.
true...unless it is over the top tickling!
PBM likes to be tickled
PBM needs to pee if they are tickled
false...hate being tickled. Did get tickled as a bad...that I started crying...and from then on...started to swing when getting me a party pooper.
PBM doesn't like having their feet tickled
True.....would put me through the roof
The person below me loves an English accent.
false...makes me irritated. Love the sound of an irish/scottish/ australian accent. But...the english..just make me feel constipated.
PBM enjoy decifering the german language
PBM enjoys speaking English with different accents- just for fun
sometimes. As much as I can do a generic upper class english accent, doing the southern accent is cooler. Along with my grandma's broken english in a german accent.
pbm has relatives who can't speak english very well.
PBM did the Hans & Franz accents on SNL
umm...false? No idear what you are speaking of. LOL...though...I do short periods of time...I can mirror the accents that I am works really well with the "northern people" PM me if you have any questions...teehee
PBM...thinks that finger painting is fun..
PBM hates the paint bristles stuck to teh wall
umm...true...think that paintbrushes should come with a no loss of bristles guarantee.
PBM has painted their shoes before...for fun
false- not on purpose
PBM hates paint in their hair
false...don't know why...probably cause my hair is short...but it doesn't bother me! LOL
PBM hates getting accidental pen marks on themselves
True. It always happens though.
PBM wishes they had one of those Tide-Away pens that they could then humm that annoying song to when they take out pen marks.
teehee....I wear my sloppiness with pride! LOL...nah...last thing that I got all over my shirt..was liquid fabric softener...kinda defeats the purpose I guess...using a tideaway pen on top of another laundry product..teehee!
PBM thinks that the balls that you fill with detergent...then throw in the wash...was a waste of money
pitbullca.bc wrote:
teehee....I wear my sloppiness with pride! LOL...nah...last thing that I got all over my shirt..was liquid fabric softener...kinda defeats the purpose I guess...using a tideaway pen on top of another laundry product..teehee!
PBM thinks that the balls that you fill with detergent...then throw in the wash...was a waste of money
True.. I KNOW they were a waste of money.
PBM still has easter chocolates
true...just because they were given free to us from the grocery store
PBM had an easter egg hunt this year
True. Lotsa eggs hidden. Each had their own eggs to find.. but we all threw them into a pot in teh middle.
PBM wants a newer vehicle
false...want my 4x4 outta the shop so I can play
PBM enjoys the luxury of a newer vehicle...but hates that they can't be worked on at home very much anymore.
True. Although, we have teh translator so we can plug the new dodge diesel into our laptops.
My 4x4 is awaiting on me still to put the other axles on. I think its gonna sit there until I get back now... too bad.
PBM wants to go get a little mud on the tires
false...not a little...teehee....ALOT!!!!!!!!!!! BF's jeep is waiting on it's axles. Gonna be sweet! He took the soft top off this was still too cold for wussie little old me to ride like that
PBM doesn't mind getting dirty
true, whether it be yard work, or bedtime with my sweetie...hehehe!
pbm has made their own lunch today.
True (it's cheaper)
PBM is on a tight budget
PBM likes to put together furniture.
PBM has just had to do an emergency repair to an item of clothing
PBM enjoys doing laundry.
False (but don't mind ironing)
PBM likes walking barefoot.
true on the beach. Otherwise, I need sandals.
PBM likes walking on the beach, even when it's raining
True. Theres no one then... I like going places at times of bad weather cause all the sheeple arent there then.
PBM likes nature places... hate the crowds of fools there.
PBM refuses to do the Grouse Grind for that reason
umm...dunno? What is a Grouse Grind?
PBM knows that fishing isn't as good on a sunny day
false. Gotta develop the patience for fishing one of these days!
(Grouse Grind is the trail up the front of Grouse Mountain that everyone and his dog does on a sunny day in Vancouver. It's crowded and full of tourists)
PBM has laundry to fold
true.....and iron too. blech! Developing the patience for sooooo rewarding. I love it. I do what is called bottom bouncing. find a spot...set up a chair...add a weight to your line...that allows...for the current to not carry it away...cast out...plant rod...add bell...sit back...and wait...listen to the birds..the river...just enjoy your surroundings.
PBM has soap allergies
Hmmm. That fishing sounds ok. I should try it, cuz I live 2 blocks from the river! I'm not very good at sitting still, though.
PBM likes lemon juice on fish. love my halibut with lots of tartar sauce though
PBM enjoys eating fish
true...wish that fish wasn't so i resort to canned.
PBM is on a low-carb diet.
False. Did it thoguh... it works.
PBM likes fishing... I like to sit in a boat.. float around.. and drink beer.
Give a man a fish... and he will eat for a day.
Teach a man to fish... and he will sit around in a boat the whole day drinking beer doing nothing.
I totally approve of the sit around...doing nothing...and fishing...very restful
so...guess that means TRUE!
PBM has taxidermied *sp?* fish on their wall..or on display somewhere in their house?
false- but there's a singing bass fish on the wall at Mr LM's favourite barber shop
PBM has something taxidermied in their home wouldn't be the same. LOL...have a beaver skin that is layed over my grandpa's handmade sliding rocker. I aim to have a couple of my dads bear skin rugs too.
PBM has slept with a bearskin rug before
false- dust allergy. We stand to inherit one from the inlaws, though. Along with the moose antlers, homemade knives and gun racks made out of scrap/broken hockey sticks...
PBM has no allergies
false..just a mild eurythomycin alergy...nothing major though. Very sensitive skin...and used to break out in rashes as a child if I wore any of the elastoplast bandaids
PBM gets heat rashes
PBM is a mosquito magnet
False......they hardly bother me. Now and then, but not so much.
The person below me has been stung by a wasp.
true...and they drive me craaaaaazy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
PBM is watching ultimate fighting right now
PBM is enjoying the brightness of the evening
false...hiding in a dark room...watching bullrun now...and posting here...
PBM will go for a short walk this evening walkies in this neighbourhood.
The person below me has read Tin Tin comics.
PBM has read Asterix comics
PBM loved the archie comics were cool as a kid
PBM knows a Jughead Jones x...teehee...seriously!
PBM know an Ethel
no, but my grandma probably does or did, can't remember too well now.
PBM likes the coolness of the air after the rain comes through.
love the smell...more than the chill...we get nasty chill here in bc
PBM has a bonified rain coat
False...I don't even have a bonafide coat. Or boots.
The person below me loves the sound of rain on a tent. (roof, umbrella, tarp......)
Love it! The barns at the farm are tin/metal so when I'm in the shop and its pouring, that's sweet sweet music.
PBM doesn't cover there head in the rain.
true...rain is part of nature...gotta take the good with the bad...
PBM loves the smell of freshly mown grass
false *sneeze*
PBM likes the smell of clean sheets
PBM takes long showers.
PBM has had a bad start to the day.
not yet- perhaps I can remedy the sitch with a hot shower
PBM likes shower gel
false..or maybe I should let a female answer that.
PBM stays away from fatty foods as much as possible.
PBM likes a blue steak
The person below me likes lobster.
True. In moderation and only once in a while.. it VERY rich tasting.
PBM likes cold pizza the next day
False.....heated please.
The person below me has a special meal they pick for their birthday.(and what is it)
false....I am not picky...I prefer being with special peeps on my is just an additive
PBM gets spoiled on their birthday
true, usually too much.
pbm LOVES tenkani!
true. LOVE in the most friendliest way possible. ;)
PBM hasn't had coffee yet.
true, I haven't had 'a' coffee, but several! hahahahaaaa...uhhhh..
pbm has been to Arizona in July.
false...would be fun though!
PBM...has been out crab fishing
false, although I would like to try.
(I went to Arizona in July once, I almost died, even the locals were dying from heat).
PBM loves to eat crab.
true- couple of bites only (damn shellfish allergy!)
PBM has had crabs
pbm has been sick from seafood.
True. Will never go to the Cannery down by the ports again!
My brother, my dad, and myself all got sick on my dad's 61st bday.
PBM has a collection of older partially broken pens for spare parts.
false. emptied the junk drawer.
PBM has eaten bad sushi
PBM is all at sixes and sevens
translation, please? (sorry, I'm still half asleep at the wheel here)
Lil Me wrote:
translation, please? (sorry, I'm still half asleep at the wheel here)
all at sixes and sevens = all over the place, which you obviously are.
true. oh haaa!
PBM either needs more coffee or hasn't had enough
PBM is gradually coming back into orbit
PBM has space cadet moments
true...all the time....I call them brain farts!
PBM loves blonde jokes
PBM is no stranger to senior moments
True....except I prefer to call them 'moments when I'm lacking clarity for reasons other than being blonde or aging or suffering from a lack of education or concentration and focus'. For short
The person below me wears a wrist watch.
PBM wears a ring.
PBM has a wing.
a wing? false. but if you mean ring, then yes. :))
PBM is feeling under the weather today.
false-the weather is actually under me!
PBM secretly watches re-runs of Buffy the Vampire Slayer
(that's right....come out of the closet already)
false, not a fan of Buffy, don't like vampires.
PBM has a tv show they don't like to admit they watch.
true...if you won't come out of the wood works then I will
That's right....I'm a Star Trek fan!
PBM likes to watch TV in the nude
true. generally prefer to be in the nude at home.
PBM sleeps in the nude.
*gasps* omg the pure form??? *faints*
True...naked naked naked...the only way to sleep!
PMB likes to sleep naked in silk sheets *wink wink*
true... i'm sure that that is an orgasmic experience.
PBM owns silk sheets.
false-but boy toy has them...I have egyptian cotton
PMB drives a fast car
false....but my rig would go where no car can
PBM wants a fast car
true, with all wheel drive
PBM considers themselves awake
True......but I haven't grasped alert yet.
The person below me has a wedding to attend this summer.
true...well...not this summer...more like this spring..may 5th
PBM knows what to wear to a wedding
True......but only after I've gotten there in the wrong thing
The person below me is using the new light bulbs.
true...if you mean fluorescent lightbullbs didn't know if there are any other new kind
PBM believes on saving on their hydro bill
Well....true, although I've never seen any evidence of that. Replaced all appliances last year with energy smart stuff, and bill didn't drop a penny. What a crock.
The person below me recycles everything they can. my city we don't have the resources...but...I can recycle pop,cans and bottles, beer cans and bottles..and milk jugs...
PBM approves of dumpster divers
Absolutely.....Anything RE. Recycle, Reuse, Repurpose, Remodel, Remake, Reserve, Redo, Redecorate, Regenerate, Rejuvinate.......................
The person below me donates excess garden veggies from their gardens to Seniors Homes and the like.
PBM is feeling almost in touch with sanity today.
......(no you are not Devil....)...
yes I am..remember what the doc said?
..( you ARE NOTTTT!!).......
PBM has been to Nunavut.
PBM has been to the Yukon
PBM has been to La Ronge
PBM has been to Prince Rupert
PBM has offended a group of Hutterites
(how do you offend teh Hutterites? Peaceful people in my experience)
PBM has bought chickens and veggies from Hutterites
PBM has been to a Quaker Meeting
only at my breakfast table
PBM has been to a Buddhist temple
False (but would like to)
PBM is in good form today
True, very good form!
PBM has been in a play during their adult years. (not an elementary school play).
false...though...everyday at work can be considered to be theatrical of a sort
PBM enjoys dinner theatres
true- very family dinner is theatrical
PBM has overly dramatic relatives
PBM has a casting couch
a couch..that you sit by the water and cast out your line? a couch where you lay down when your foot is in a cast? teehee
PBM...has multiple fold up chairs with cup holders
True. Thats a must for me.. no cupholders the company goesnt get my money. I even have a couple of camping chairs that have coolers built into the armrest.. and 12VDC heaters on them for when its a chilly night.
PBM wants to go camping now.
PBM has been poked by a marshmallow stick
PBM has fallen into the campfire drunk!
True. A few of us have done that and we all have helped each other out! lol. One guy fell in the fire three times within ten minutes.. and he wasnt drunk then either! LOL. Good thing he was wearing leather.
PBM is waiting on someone...
false...thank god....put off appointment with dad till a later time
PBM is having a quiet day
false. lotsa stuff to do today... tight deadlines. but all good.
PBM needs to get the eyes checked.
false. just did
PBM can't see
false and true...blind as a bat without the aid of my contacts or glasses!
PBM has big feet
true size 16 feet.
PBM has a big head.'s pretty big.
PBM can help me come up with a team name for my rowing team.
PBM wants a funny team name
*thanks LM - bless*
PBM is knowledgeable in Word and Excel.
false- more like competent user
PBM goes bleary eyed after too many hours of spreadsheets
false, don't look at them that much.
PBM has had a healthy supper tonight.
false...only entertaining thoughts of cooking at the moment
PBM would like to cook me dinner...
umm..true..but not tonight sweetie, I am *burp* done for tonight.
PBM would love to clean up my house tonight so I don't have to...(//vny!://
*snaps on gloves*
PBM likes the smell of a clean house
PBM has held various volunteer activities.
who doesn't? lol
I haven't started or held a volunteer event but I have volunteered countless of times.
PBM cleans their house/apartment after they can't stand the mess anymore.
PBM needs a paper filing elf
Sorta true. Most of the time I wish I had super speed and get things done in less then a minute instead of hours upon hours.
PBM wishes they had super powers.
true...then everything would be done..for when the sun pops out for five minutes...and peeps weren't being hurt...and vehicles weren't breaking down...and peeps...were happy...
PBM wished as a child that they could be their favorite super hero
False....don't recall being aware of the super heros back then.
The person below me is REALLY looking forward to the weekend. is filled with work
PBM..would love to take my place at work so I may enjoy it...and thanks pc...
sure, I feel bored out of my mind at home.
pbm walks/runs everyday.
true...walks...through the workplace...many times...
PBM experiences extreme foot pain when standing for periods of time
I can walk around and stand, but I can't stand still for hours when a chairs near by. Always got fatigue when I was playing in concerts.
PBM was in the high school band.
true..for grade 8. It wasn't any marching band...and I got the dang instrument to piss my folks off. Didn't work. Dyslexia caused me be unable to read and verbally relay back musical notes...sooo...dropped out and joined art instead
PBM has a most embarassing story to share from highschool..
True and false. I have an embarrassing story....but not one I can share.(//vny!://
The person below me has kids going to the same school they went to.
false...not yet...but...they both had the same principal...that was my viceprinciple/7th grade teacher..
PBM is reading for sleepies
false. fell asleep face down on the couch.
PBM has problems falling asleep
absolutely true
PBM isn't friendly if woken up
PBM is VERY friendly if his/her awakener crawls into bed beside him/her.
True. I have been known to grab whoever is awakening me and pull them into bed with me cuddling up to them... so beware! lol.
PBM is upset the coffee pot is empty already.
PBM hasn't bothered to shave today.
True... or for the past few days. lol.
PBM likes to plan ahead.. then leave everything to the last minute.
Extremely true
PBM dislikes planning anything
True. But I end up having to anyhow. I seem to be the one everyone leaves it to.
PBM has a great electric pencil sharpener.. but since the batteries died has decided its too much effort to use and is using the old manual one.
false, I got a plug in one! heehee!
pbm would love to just be somewhere tropical today.
false. ill be somewhere warm for two months very soon.
PBM want's to tickle me in secret spots!
True.. Crap I screwed up the game didnt I? Sorry bout that.. Thanks miss Isis.
PBM Wants but doesnt need a new cell phone.
PBM knows how to say no and walk away
PBM likes to eat cucumbers *wink wink*
all part of the game right Isis? *winks back*
PBM is gonna get some tonight..haha
PBM has a meat hammer
True. It does its job it beats the meat. hehehe hahaha
Person below me thinks that the Canucks want the games to last forever on purpose.
False....gaaawwwwd I wish I could care. (not meant in the cheeky sense)
The person below me spent time with good friends tonight.
PBM has had a close encounter of the third kind.
ummm....depends on what kind of encounter...true? including 3's?
PBM wants a better long distance plan
PBM thinks email is the best mode of communication
true/false. Nicer to hear a loved ones voice..and quicker to communicate on the phone. Email...has more personality..and you can send little greetings..teehee
PBM is going to max and relax today
False. The to-do list won't allow it.
PBM is going to take advantage of the sunshine today.
PBM wishes it were like this every day
PBM is thinking about lunch
True (it's now a very happy memory)
PBM is going to spend the rest of the day outside
false (I wish!)
PBM is going to grab some rays this afternoon
True (well, that's the intention, but a cold wind's just blown up and now I'm having second thoughts).
PBM has already met someone from DS
True. But that person introduced me to DS
PBM has plans to meet someone from DS in the future
PBM has recently seen a rainbow.
PBM is going to sleep in
PBM has had an interesting morning
PBM has plans for the evening
True (I always have plans).
PBM is over the moon to see Kitten back with us.
PBM is happy today
true...just happy to NOT be at the rat race work place
PBM is seeing sun today
PBM is in an excited mood.
true...goin shoppin with me pops!
PBM would like another coffee
false- too wigged out on coffee already
PBM needs lunch
PBM likes arranging furniture
true...just hate when it doesn't work out the way I imagined
PBM likes to invision home makeovers
PBM has an image consultant
false. Sounds expensive.
PBM has great summer plans.
True. Just waiting for the great summer.
PBM oftens fantasizes about many of the DS regulars.
false...just monkey sex with tenkmeister
PBM fantasizes about things in general
True.....reality is becoming a blur.
The person below me wears glasses or contacts.
True (reading only)
PBM had a beautiful supper tonight.
True-ish. Beautiful would be a stretch. Hubby likes a good ol meat loaf every now and that's what I made.
The person below me likes their burgers rare.
false...blech...but I like me steaks rare!
PBM is very careful with their food handling
True....but I still like my burgers rare. (we got around that by grinding our own beef. It's the filler etc. in ground beef that makes 'rare' dangerous. Grind it yourself, and you know what's in it)
The person below me has had to have stitches for one reason or another.
True. (many of them)
The person below me is a fast typer.
True. Of course I'm a fast typer how else could I have such long responses that go on and on and on and on forever it seems. ;)
PBM is optimistic.
True (or false, depending on my mood)
PBM would like to have a gigantic air conditioner.
plus I think my computer is over heating.
PBM wishes computers didn't go out of date so quickly.
False....I don't worry about such stuff. I have Mr Sawdust who takes care of such things.
The person below me has a 'games' site they frequent.
PBM has had a crown done on tooth.
PBM uses an electric/battery toothbrush (ON THEIR TEETH!)
false. That's the most pointless invention ever in my opinion.
PBM agrees.
false. I happen to have an electronic toothbrush, don't use it too often, but I enjoy a nice clean. I like it. :))
PBM has some visible bruises.
True....head to toe. Moving all this stuff out of here has left me looking battered. Ricocheting off door jambs, tripping down stairs.
The person below me is getting prepared to plant a garden.
false... I wish.. :((
awwww....... let me heal those bruises of yours... feel my chi?
PBM lets bruises heal on its own.
PBM has a good home remedy for scar removal
true. coconut cream, I think. Plus, over time, scars will heal.
PBM has a birthday to attend or celebrate this month.
PBM woke up far too early today
PBM would like to tuck me back in just relax.....and s l e e p
***Lil are some things that work pretty good for scar 'removal'
Rosehip seed oil, (available in health food stores) has shown to reduce the appearance of scars... Massage ( not rub) on the scars twice a day.
Aloe vera juice or gel fades scars and if applied immediately after a burn or a cut, can prevent scars altogether.
Lavender oil, (health food stores or bath and body shops) also reduces scar appearance when applied ( massaged delicately) on scars on a regular basis.
Also eat lottsa pumpkin seeds. They contain zinc which is good for more effective scar healing.
Even good ol' Desitin (diaper rash cream works on light scars)
The person below me went to bed too late last night.
PBM wishes that they had told me to go to bed cause it was getting late..haha
PBM needs someone to remind them to sleep
wishfully true...wouldn't work too well I don't like being told what to do
PBM slept well tonight
true. Clean sheets, lavender oil and 8 hrs of "tummy tuck" position.
PBM slept well also
PBM is in need of some loving.
PBM thinks the Canucks will win this series
PBM is planning to get a new cell phone. cell phone for me.
The person below me could go a week without a cell phone.
PBM has over 5 tissue boxes around the home.
PBM doesn't give a damn.
False....I give tons of damns.
The person below me thinks Gophie is having a bad day.
True...just give me some time in the garden together and I'll fix gophie right up!
PBM is envious of someone else
False....I'm doin OK
The person below me socializes with someone from work (meaning outside of work)
PBM....has fooled around with someone from work!!(//vny!://
PBM has thought about fooling around with someone from work.
The person below me will be driving less with the rising cost of fuel.
True...only essential driving for me these days!
PBM has thought about moving away because of the cost of living
False.....I don't think it's something you can get away from.
The person below me thinks Global warming is a reality.
PBM thinks they are more or less doing all they can to come to the aid of the planet.
False....I'm making a lot of changes, but I know there is more I can do. I'm working on it.
The person below me will plant a tree this spring.
False....unfortunately I leave that up to others
PBM wishes the rain would go away for the weekend
True (and incidentally I planted a tree this morning)
PBM always expects the weather to be poor at the weekend
True....and that's for every weekend!
PBM has problems with coming up with ideas for the weekend activities.
False....I have trouble coming up with enough weekends.
The person below me keeps thinking today is Friday. (yipes)
what its friday? Meh it was Monday like just yesterday. ;)
PBM loses track of the days. Has gone to work accidentally on a Saturday or a holiday to find nobody at work and couldn't figure out why.
False....however I have not gone to work on working days *snickers*
PBM has called in sick without being sick!
true. enjoy playing hookey.
PBM needs to buy some office supplies.
PBM loooooves office supplies
TRUE !!!! Love nice papers, pens.....anything that makes a mark.
The person below me has a wireless keyboard and mouse.
PBM is looking windswept
True.....and I haven't even been in the wind.
The person below me wants to come help me with this garage sale tomorrow. [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://" border=0]
PBM is glad that there's at least one other person on the board.
The person below me is kinda sad about this.
PBM wonders what everyone is doing today
true. It's Friday and I have two hours left of work!
PBM is in a fantastic mood today. :)
true. I must be the rain. I love the rain all this week.
PBM is enjoying the weather.
True.....except for the little rain shower we had today.
The person below me is not dining in fine cuisine (we're sure not)
True. Just macaroni salad.
PBM is feeling half dead tonight from working on a project.
True....this has been one of the most exhausting exercises ever.
The person below me is not far off snuggling into bed to read a few pages of their current reading material.
PBM likes to snuggle
True....snuggling is good. It's lovely with hubby and almost as rewarding with my man
The person below me has tried dragon fruit (?) (I see this all the time, but have never tried it.....but I want to. So how is it?)
False. I really should try it sometime.
PBM is going to be up early tomorrow.
PBM owns a camcorder and uses it often.
I have one. Used to use it a lot when I taped the varsity girls basketball games at my high school.
PBM has a camera/video cell phone.
PBM has heard something interesting on the grapevine
PBM wishes they could unplug themselves from the grapevine
False. Don't have one.
PBM is going to take it easy tomorrow.
true enough
PBM needs a sabbath day of rest
True. About seven of them in a row.
PBM is very athletic.
false, but I enjoy being active
PBM would be a contender if drinking was an olympic sport
False, perhaps a few years ago I might have made it to regional qualifying.
PBM is going to take an easy way out for dinner tonight.
Oh GAAAWWD I hope so.
The person below me is tired and (I am)
false. but am preparing dinner right now. :)
PBM is wearing sweats right now.
False. Jeans. I can't find sweats that fit and reach my ankles
PBM find jeans their most comfortable clothing item
False. pajamas are my favourite.
PBM is hungry.
PBM loves eating cheesecake.
PBM loves chocolate mousse.
PBM has a fetish
PBM has hilighted hair.
PBM is thinking about a new haircolour
PBM lives in a house/apt/condo/suite with hardwood floors.
True. Main floor is wood.
PBM is going to talk a walk in the park today.
PBM is envious because I've got another day off
False. I'm also having a day off.
PBM is trying a new recipe for lunch.
PBM is not having chicken for lunch
True. Beef stir fry.
PBM always eats breakfast before work.
PBM is going to write some letters today
True. (e-mail)
PBM plans to read a book.
True (in bed)
PBM intends a little decadence
False. House-cleaning instead.
PBM is planning to go for a walk in the rain.
PBM has a favourite household chore
True....I just can't think of what it is.
The person below me needs to move to the Island where it is nice and sunny
True. When will the spare room be available? lol
PBM is pleased with his/her accomplishments.
PBM has been 'finished' mean like sanded and varnished?
The person below me likes to sing
*lol Miss Kitten.....I'll be on that soon.
False. I'm still a work in progress.
PBM likes to tease his friends.
PBM hates being called sir
True... Yup....true
The person below me can play the piano
False. But I play a mean radio!
PBM enjoys classical music.
True.....different moods...different music
The person below me likes butterscotch
True. Sort of.
PBM is busy accomplishing great things today.
PBM has many great things yet to accomplish
True....and as soon as I figure out what they are, I'm going to be all over it.
The person below me will spend some time in the garden today.
False. Too soggy.
PBM has already done some planting.
PBM feels that we should have a thread dedicated to the celebration of the wisdom of Paris Hilton - i.e. in thread in which we could post all those little inanities which sometimes creep into our minds.
False. She is too shallow to inspire many thoughts.
PBM secretly thinks Paris Hilton is adorable.
[FONT size=7]False[/FONT]
[FONT size=2][/FONT]
[FONT size=2][FONT size=3]PBM sometimes imagines that her own personal preferences are shared by others.[/FONT][/FONT]
False. I have no illusions.
PBM enjoys going to movies.
PBM is on the ball today
False. I'm on a chair.
PBM likes word play and puns.
PBM identifies herself with a character in literature
False. Except while I am actually reading.
PBM must forgive me, but I have to leave.
False. I'm going nowhere its too hot out. Even the dog didn't want to nap in the shade.
PBM wishes it rain more.
PBM paints on his/her spare time.
True. Lol. Walls, ceilings, siding. As far as artistic, that's Mrs Sawdusts forte, I cant draw a stickman.
PBM Has creative talents
true...but not many know it
PBM has secrets...that a loved one doesn't..or didn't know about them
False....not that I can think of anyways.
The person below me does not think that TOTAL honesty in ALL situations is necessarily a good thing.
PBM was a good liar as a kid
False....was raised Catholic.....guilt was a big lies. I think I believed it to be punishable by
The person below has sisters and/or brothers.
PBM is an only child.
PBM likes being alone
PBM has infinite patience
false. not infinite but i do have lots of patience.
PBM doesn't like crowded places. me the heebie jeebies.
The person below didn't leave home until they were in their twenties.
PBM watched some tv last ngiht.
false I was too busy planning the next couple of months. lol
PBM went to university and where?
false...and no where...haha
PBM thinks that others who don't go to university...are undereducated...delinquents
False....I think they just decided to get down to business in a different way. (I've known a lot of dufusses with degrees and a lot of keenly intelligent people who barely made it out of highschool)
The person below me is happy with who they are.
uumm...true and false...mixed emotions on that one!
PBM...enjoys it's fullest!
true most days
PBM wants to curl up in PJs.
PBM would like a shoulder massage.
PBM misses Russ at lunch time
PBM misses all the other once-regulars too.
PBM knows where 49er is.
False...I hope he's OK.
The person below me thinks today really finally felt like May.
PBM wants to go to the beach.
The person below me loves to walk barefoot in the sand. (it's very good for your calves and a natural pumice to keep your feets nice and soft)
true so verrrry true.
PBM had a favorite toy when he/she was little. What was it?
True.....It was an 'artists set', with charcoal and pastels and paint......brushes and paper. I was in heaven.
The person below me remembers a specific gift that has stood out in their mind forever.
not really any gift per say. The family did get a new computer but it was wraped for me and they only got the printer wrapped. I went we had a very old mac at the time. And the printer was an HP. I said Macs and HP's don't go together. lol
the computer was in a huge box in my parent's bedroom.
PBM has a passport.
The person below me is doing something special for their mom this weekend.
false. just getting her some flowers.
PBM has looked around for some potted plants for mom.
It's mother's day?
not yet
PBM is looking forward to receiving a prezzie this Mother's Day
PBM has something on his/her mind
PBM has difficulty relaxing
True, I've got a lot of paper work to fill out.
PBM hates paper work.
False....for some goofy reason, I don't mind it at all.
The person below me has done a will.
My will would consist of computer speakers and an xbox 360, lol.
So, no I haven't.
PBM has a bike.
The person below me is thinking about getting a new camera.
true...a video one...little one doesn't hold long enough clips for my liking
PBM likes taking pics
PBM has the "artistic eye" for photography
True....although I seldom take the time to do it right. I'm more into capturing the moment than I am into composition.
The person below me has seen the works of 'photo montage'.
PBM has just had some weird notice in Polish come up on their screen
False....that may have been Schadenfreude just passing through.
The person below me has a bigger meal at lunch than at dinner.
PBM goes through the same ritual every morning
My first reaction was to say false......but on second thought I would say true. *I must change that.
The person below me is pretty good at breaking old habits.
PBM is secretly in love with all members of DS
False. My love for y'all is no secret. Never has been and never will be!
PBM knows where kingy is
False....although he has been around.
The person below me has tried Nestle's Dibs. *I don' even care for ice cream, but these things are yummy.
PBM is lactose intolerant
PBM is allergic to Neosporin
I don't know what that I'll say false.
The person below me is happy it's Friday. (it IS Friday....right?)
Neosporin- you but it on cuts and things.
I'm allergic to it, I break out in a rash where I put the Neosporin on.
Person below me is going to plant some flowers this weekend.
True...true....true. This makes me happy.
The person below me likes a big bonfire.
True. Last time I made such a big fire was at my cousin's 30th birthday on the farm. I somehow got the flames higher then the barn. lol
PBM likes to go camping.
False. I like the atmosphere of camping.....but not the lack of conveniences. I think camping is about finding some wonderful place in the woods....and staying for a few days. I do it all the time, but on a grander house is with me.
The person below me has out-houseaphobia.
false, but I won't set foot in a porta- potty
PBM would rather do in the woods than use a porta-potty.
Lil Me wrote:
I won't set foot in a porta- potty
Feet too big?
Lil Me wrote:
false, but I won't set foot in a porta- potty
PBM would rather do in the woods than use a porta-potty.
PBM likes eating outdoors
True normally. Not here though.. too hot, humid, and theres a chance of Malaria around here.
PBM wishes they could catch Malaria
PBM wonders what he's doing there.
false- I know!
PBM is having a good day
PBM regularly sees a masseuse.
No but I need to go to the chiropractor. My back is in ruins at the moment.
PBM has been to a chiropractor.
True. Many many years ago. I would never let one touch me again.
The person below me has been to an iridologist.
before I say yes or no, what's that?
This is a true or flase game. if you don't know the answer, don't answer, and don't play 20 questions.
(To PC's statement) False
PBM has been inside a mortuary
Sportsdude wrote:
before I say yes or no, what's that?
Google, is your friend.
PBM consults Google several times an hour.
False. (Being omniscient precludes the need.) lol
PAM has forgotten to ask a question.
True. I feel so snoopy when I play this game. It's rather uncomfortable.
PBM is not having a pleasant day at work.
False - I'm having a truly wonderful day!
PBM is sitting with his/her legs crossed.
True. You peeked!
PBM hates the thought of retirement.
False (well, sometimes).
PBM is overjoyed to have the x and z awaiting them on the I Am Game thread
I am zeroing in on a word right now.
PBM is glowing inwardly
True. It would look strange on the outside.
PBM is very well-informed on many issues.
PBM often talks to him/herself
False. I address all my conversations to the cat.
PBM wishes for a financial windfall.
PBM must leave in a few minutes
True. Regretfully.
PBM Is leaving soon as well.
PBM needs to buy some binders.
Probably in a couple months.
PBM wants to go back to school.
PBM enjoys playing hacky sack.
false, I'm horrible at it.
PBM played soccer growing up. awarded the most wierdest kick back in elementary school. Haha...watched my daughter play this weekend...she ran circles around even the teenage boys...haha
PBM enjoys watching kids play sports
true (except t-ball!)
PBM likes to play sports
semi true....gettin old feeling though..hate to know what I am going to feel like in ten years!
PBM thinks that their job ages them.
true. Not physically but mentally.
PBM has a second job.
PBM is finding DS very slow at the moment
PBM..doesn't hang around as much as before
PBM has a dancing pole in her bedroom!!!
... not
PBM is having his/her first cup of tea of the day...
False....which also means there will never be a second.
The person below me brought their own lunch to work today.
false...not working!
PBM has plans in the sun today
true. Gotta sit on the deck and chill later.
PBM couls use a nap.
True....makes me sad that I wrecked my hammock last year.
The person below me reads their horoscope.
PBM reads their tea leaves
PBM walks under ladders
PBM is not at all superstitious
PBM howls at the moon
true. only when I want to become "warewolf" of that night. ;)
PBM uses lip balm/chap stick. some sittin in front of me right now
PBM..suffers dry eyes
What kind of lip balm, Ms Pit? I'm a fanatic about lip balms...have over 5 kinds.
PBM has a life insurance policy.
PBM has played the Game of Life
PBM is planning to purchase a home within the next 5 years.
maybe. But most likely it'll be a condo/apartment. But who knows.
PBM likes the city life.
PBM has motivational posters.
True. Although its morphed from posters to pictures of people I respect and national and provincial flags.
PBM owns either a canadian or bc flag.
PBM has an article of clothing with a flag on it
PBM pays fine attention to clothing detail
PBM can't resist bacon sandwiches
True....yum. Haven't had one of those for years.
The person below me saves all the really old coins they get in change.
PBM has a coin collection
PBM collects stamps
PBM loses track of the postage rates
They just upped it here. I remember when it was below 30, now its 41c I believe. But I usually don't buy stamps, the post folks put this sticker on the letters.
PBM likes mail.
PBM avoids the mailbox
false I like mail.
PBM actually uses their land line phone still.
True and False. We finally just got one back after our November/December storms. It was a little creepy not being able to stay in contact with friends without the land phone.
The person below me could be content without power for at least a month.
false. I've got to know what's going on in the world.
PBM has a bike. bike. (you can use a good ol transistor radio for keeping in tune)
The person below me refills their own ink cartridges.
for printers? I just get a new one.
PBM has expensive computer speakers.
LOL....I don't know such stuff. I just know they sound good.
The person below me likes to go fishing.
fishing rules. My cousins got a huge lake they made in the backyard, its full of bass, catfish, and some other fish I can't think of at the moment.
PBM likes to 'nature walk'
true, if there's some element of difficulty involved
PBM has the Audubon bird book
False (but I once did)
PBM is pretty good at identifying wild flowers
PBM is a wild mushroom hunter
PBM likes walking through the dew
PBM likes to tiptoe through the tulips
PBM is having problems with his/her screen
PBM has vision problems
PBM bites his/her nails
PBM fidgets
PBM is feeling good about everything at present
PBM can't believe the gorgoeous weather he or she is having.
Its been really nice here too.
PBM has been to the park lately.
PBM has inline skates
PBM is an artist
False....but sometimes I like to think I I'm artistic, but I don't think that's the same thing.
The person below me has kept their childrens artwork.....or has it framed and proudly displayed in their home.
yes- a bit.
PBM likes to doodle
PBM has a habit unrevealed to others
Not that I can think of.
The person below me thinks getting angry is a waste of energy.
True (although even with that knowledge....)
PBM considers him/herself to be well-balanced
PBM likes to hide under the covers when the world is too much
PBM is in love with the world
False.....mostly because I'm not sure what that means. I'm certainly in love with my little piece of it. Animals and all of natures beauty, etc. But there's a heap-o-stuff I'm not so fond of.
The person below me thinks this time of year makes everything it's most beautiful.
PBM is about to head out.
True....well out to the yard that is. Just stopped for a spot of lunch......worked up an appetite.
The person below me tries to drive less than they use to.
True. I only now drive when I work.
PBM loves 3 day weekends.
True.......I used to have three day weekends every other week when I was working in the office, where we have flex schedule
PBM will consider buying a hybrid for their next car
True....I considered it when purchasing a new car last year. Prices still too high.....and although it wouldn't take long to make up the diff with gas prices, you've only got what you've got when it comes to money.
The person below me wonders why car manufacturers aren't being more conscientious when it comes to making them more affordable.
They're trying P.C. Honda is going to make a hybrid car by the end of the decade '09 model year most likely that will be priced under the Civic and just a tick above the Fit. Rumours are that they'll revive the classic CRX name plate.
Problem with the American automakers this that they've neglected cars for decades and now they're suffering those consquences.
But there is some promise that the automakers are bringing their smaller european cars over here. Lise's Mazda 5 is a perfect example of that. European space wagon.
Then another example is clean desiel engines that Honda is making. Starting by the end of this year the civic, CRV, Accord, Pilot, Ridgeline and maybe the (hopefully) the Fit will have these clean diesel engines that are cleaner then the north american gas engine.
So basically the north american automakers are slow to reacting. the Japanese automakers can quickly bring their small cars over here. (yaris, fit, versa)
sheesh. SD wrecked the game.
SD, SD, SD, what ever are we going to do wth you? 1) By posting in this thread you agree to answer the question posed with a true or false. (maybe is acceptable on occasion.
2) You also have an obligation to pose a new question.
Your above answer satisfied none of these conditions. Please stay with the tour, we don't want you to get lost. (//vny!://
false...not lost..yet...
PBM hates reading maps...
cmon peeps...back on task!
False. I get a kick out of being navigator.
The person below me can always find their way after they've been someplace once.
fairly true....depends on if I have been drinking or not..haha
PBM attempts to retain route info..after drinking.
False....If I'm drinking, I'm not I sit back and trust hub to get me there.
The person below me has a sweet tooth.
false..though...I have a craving for salt...(btw..I don't drink and drive is just visiting and having friends take me out..just in case..I still like to know where I am)
PBM loves licorice
TRUE....licorice is my fave. Sometimes I think I like licorice better than chocolate (usually when I'm eating it)
*if you're a licorice lover, you must try Panda licorice. It's the stuff in the yellow and black box.
The person below me likes cinnamon.
false...but I do know about the panda licorice...isn't that black licorice though? I love the red kind
PBM was a regular at a corner store as a kid
I grew up in the suburbs not a small town, didn't have a 'corner store'.
PBM grew up in a small town.
PBM is from the GVRD
PBM is having a lazy day
False. Work day.
PBM has a long weekend.
PBM is getting to go away
True. If you mean getting ready to go back to work.
PBM is having an easy day at work.
False (but it's enjoyable, all the same).
PBM has met several strange characters over the last few days
PBM has more opportunity to meet weird people.
PBM likes meeting 'characters'.
True....I'd like to meet Bambi and Thumper
The person below me has the knack for telling jokes.
False. But I love hearing them.
PBM has a huge collection of recipes.
False, but I love eating them
PBM has been having a series of dream-infested nights
True....I dream every night. Sometimes I just don't remember them as clearly as other nights.
The person below me would like to rid their house of a telephone.
PBM has just found some truly bizarre Victoria Day e-cards and is sending them left, right and centre.
False... I never thought of it as a card type of holiday.
PBM is/was too lazy to cook dinner tonight.
True.......dined out this evening
PBM wears work boots to work
PBM sucks at chess.'s way too slow for me. I'd rather watch paint dry.
The person below me likes Scrabble.
PBM still plays monopoly as an adult
True....I haven't played the actual board game for years......but we've played it on the computer.....I still like it.
The person below me wonders why we don't see kids play the games we played as kids.
True. Lawn Darts was such a well thought out concept. (//vny!://
PBM has suffered an injury from a childhood game.
PBM has longings for a week of childhood every now and then
true...oh to be carefree again..with endless energy
PBM has plans for this monday stat holiday.
True. Lol, never any shortage of plans around here.
PBM has relaxing plans for today.
true...but then the guilt sets in
PBM burns easily in the sun
PBM has played croquet
PBM has played bocci
PBM likes 10 pin bowling
false...haven't tried it...but...I like the six pin bowling
PBM prefers outdoor sports to indoor sports
PBM plays Bingo
PBM is full of enthusiasm today
PBM needs a jolt of enthusiasm
PBM is looking for inspiration
PBM is hungry at the moment.
PBM has over ten pot plants in his/her workplace
false, my work is a warehouse full of smokers which makes me sick.
PBM has to go somewhere today.
True. Don't we all everyday?
PBM has great plans this weekend.
I might. Its memorial day weekend. I think that's when I get some weeks off from work. Probably go down to the farm if I get days off.
PBM is starting to chop down some of the mountains of work they have to do?
true. getting there.
PBM needs to visit their doctor soon.
true. Need my back looked at.
PBM has a family doc.
False....I know I should, but I usually only go to the doctors once every 5 or 6 years.....whether I need to or not. (or unless I need
The person below me has gotten 3rd degree burns before.
5 to 6 years?
PBM has been injured so bad they've seen there bones.
PBM has been a hospital inpatient
I'm not sure what that I'll assume false.
The person below me has had to use crutches.
true...and almost landed myself on my face for going too fast...
PBM has broken the tip of their finger...
true, and it hurt like a summbitch
PBM has broken an arm.
True....I broke my elbow when I was 11. It still hurts.
The person below me likes egg salad sandwiches.
funny we down here call it potato salad even if it has eggs in it.
PBM likes space or expansive music.
No idea what that music is.
SD.....potato salad and egg salad are two different things. We have eggs in our potato salad too....and as far as I know, they have egg salad sandwiches down there also.
The person below me doing some laundry today.
true...shore thing 6:30 am it started..haha
PBM will wash their kitchen floor today
PBM washes kitchen floors on hands and knees instead of using a mop.
false. Hello back problems lol.
PBM has a vacuum cleaner that actually works and doesn't break down.
True....I'd have to say, it sucks.
The person below me uses things like baking powder and vinegar to do some of their cleaning.
I've got no clue. so false.
PBM is having pizza tonight.
False....pasta with an asiago, garlic, and terragon cream sauce with prawns.
The person below me has made focaccia bread
False. I can ruin regular bread!
PBM loves to tease.
Mmmm....maybe. Maybe not. [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://" border=0]
The person below me uses the new CF lightbulbs.
True. Where possible, that is. Some lamps or bulb covers won't give enough room.
PBM is planning a project. Safe question, isn't it.[A href="vny!://" target=_blank][img height=45 alt="Laughing 2" src="vny!://" width=50 border=0][/A]
[A href="vny!://" target=_blank][img]vny!://" border=0][/A]
Hhahahahahaha....Ummm....true. (One or two....maybe 3 or
The person below me is good at math.
nope, no project.
PBM is super relaxed.
True (if by relaxed you mean dead tired. lol)
PBM is excited about something new in his/her life.
true. Hopefully everything turns out well.
PBM has had a massage recently.
True.....hubby gave me a foot message only yesterday. It was somewhere very close to heaven.
The person below me is as good at giving a message as they are getting one.
message? true.
PBM has found a message in a bottle.
PBM watched that movie "message in a bottle" (with evin Costner, I think?)
Not sure.....but I read the book.
The person below me has painted a whole house before (exterior)
True...........I even spray painted the shrubs and trees next to the house too
PBM has flown on a helicopter
False....that would mean my feet would have to leave terra firma.
The person below me has run a back-hoe
no, but I've worked a tractor and a fork lift
PBM has worked on a farm.
True. That's why I live in the city.
PBM plans to go to bed early tonight.
It's too late to go to bed
The person below me likes their beef RARE.
PBM would like a steak
True. Lol, always!
PBM has the urge to grill.
true. grilling veggies and fish in tin foil right now!
PBM is BBQing tonight.
False....I'm just wingin it tonight.
The person below me has a favourite colour.
dark colours
dark blue
dark red
So I'll go with dark red.
PBM likes bright colours.
Only in flowers.
The person below me loves the smell of fresh cut grass.
PBM loves it when their room is super clean
Always....makes me feel like a princess.
The person below me has eaten sea asparagus.
nope, sounds interesting though, what does it look like?
PBM me wants to know?
true. sea asparagus sounds interesting. I'm open.
PBM has a bamboo plant at home or office.
false but I'd love to have a live plant in my room.
PBM has a live plant in their house/apartment
False....much to my chagrin. It's not bright enough in here.
The person below me used to grow bird seed when they were kids.
False. But I do have ivy plants that thrive in a dim light in the apartment.
PBM used to pick dandelion bouquets for their mother when they were small.
True.....and those dasies that look so pretty, but smell like an old diaper.
The person below me likes halibut.
True. Absolutely love it.
PBM is enjoying a wee refreshment.
Funny you should mention it hubby JUST put a glass of wine down in front of me.
The person below me has heard of Danny Wright
False. I've heard of Steven Wright though. So who is he?
PBM is happy and relaxed now.
PBM is having a cold drink
Person below me is out working or outside since nobody is on today.
PBM is eight hours behind me.
True.....but don't tell me what's going to happen.....I like it to be a surprise.
The person below me has a sunburn already.
PBM is sweltering
PBM is tired
false. I'm excited, especially now that your back from England! How fun!
PBM is thinking of where they want to travel next?
PBM is hoping that someone will turn up who will finance a long-distance holiday
PBM is overly optimistic.
Right now, yes very.
PBM has been to South America
PBM regularly visits the whole world in his/her imagination.
PBM wants a time machine
True. I wouldn't necessarily go back in time but go into the future.
PBM likes time travel movies.
True if the logic makes sense
PBM wants a replicator machine
False....but I would like a new sewing machine. Mine is running like a John Deere
The person below me is frustrated with appliances.
False. I have enough appliances at the moment.
PBM is stressed out.
PBM enjoys applying make-up everyday.
PBM is dissatisfied with his/her appearance.
True. I'd change a few things but what can you do, plastic surgery on the face is just weird.
PBM is excited about the weekend.
PBM is easily stirred, but rarely shaken
True....but only when I wear my martini hat.
The person below me has exciting plans for the weekend
true enough
PBM is going outside this weekend.
true.....every moment that I can get.
The person below me will spend time with friends tonight.
PBM is certain that it will rain at the weekend
PBM is certain about many things
PBM is decisive
PBM likes waffles
PBM is a glutton for cheese
PBM is learning to exercise self restraint
True.....I consider it part of my workout.
The person below me remembers how much fun it was to colour as a kid. (and maybe still does)
PBM considers him/herself not to be fully grown up
True. I am a work in progress.
PBM would like lunch breaks to last longer.
PBM wishes he/she could spend more time in bed
Umm...sleeping? False.....burning daylight is a sin.
The person below me gets more than 6 hours sleep a night.
PBMis resting on her laurels
If I could locate my laurels, I may rest on them.
The person below me HATES SHOPPING.
[FONT size=7]TRUE[/FONT]
[FONT size=7][/FONT]
[FONT size=2]PBM hates red tape even more[/FONT]
I seem to not care for most sticky things......unless they're edible.
The person below me will leave that one alone.
False. (Pork goulash, P.C.)
PBM is busy, as usual.
True....I would have answered sooner, but I was busy.
The person below me thinks they're pretty
[TABLE bgColor=#ffffdd border=1] [TBODY] [TR] [TD align=middle colSpan=2][SMALL]Anti-Spam Bot-Stopper
Please type the text below into this field[/SMALL][/TD][/TR] [TR] [TD align=middle] [STYLE type=text/css] TD.at_r1 (vertical-align:bottom;) [/STYLE] [TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 border=0] [TBODY] [TR] [TD][/TD] [TD class=at_r1 rowSpan=2]ve[/TD] [TD][/TD][/TR] [TR] [TD]cle[/TD] [TD]r[/TD][/TR][/TBODY][/TABLE][/TD] [TD][INPUT size=10 value=clever name=sauce][/TD][/TR][/TBODY][/TABLE] [img id=fetchSessionTemp alt="" src="vny!://"]
PBM is cooking something wonderful tonight.
True......there's a roast in the oven, fresh corn on the cob and NEW BABY NUGGET POTATIES.
The person below me had saw the baby moose on the news. (so cute...poor wee thing)
True. And your meal sounds delish!
PBM is taking it easy while supper cooks.'s quite lovely
The person below loves the smell outside after a rain.
True. It's a nice fresh smell.
PBM is a genius in the kitchen.
I always think I'm a genious when I can avoid the kitchen. (I do ok in the kitchen)
The person below me will go to a concert or theatre this month.
true (does a kids' recital count?)
PBM plans to watch a movie
False. Theatres are too noisy, and I'd rather read a book.
PBM has big plans for tomorrow.
PBM hopes the rain stops by tomorrow
True....a little sunshine would be nice.
The person below me has a favourite teacher that made an impact in their life.
you mean his or her life? sounds vague - who didn't have a teacher who had an impact? the person below me has a sleeping spouse which explains why s/he is posting on a Saturday night
False.....we got the blues channel on.....having a nightcap.
The person below me is extremely health conscious.
yes that is true - usually eat only fruit for breakfast and drink tons of water, but always inbetween meals
the person below me has a few substances in his or her system???
Admitting to one isn't good enough for you? [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://" border=0]
The person below me plays a musical instrument.
True, exept it is far more than one. The person below me is a moderator of this site, because there is no other registered member on here much!
Not a moderator nor a registered member. Just an occasional browser.
The person below me needs to walk his/her dog.
Almost true! Getting a dog today! The person below me is under clouds.
Clouds, and rain! Very cool about your dog, what kind?
The person below me's favourite sandal is Teva.
PBM is having a Sunday roast
False. Just a sandwich. Again!
PBM has brought a special lunch to work.
PBM has had an uninteresting morning.
True-ish Just sewing sewing sewing.
The person below me is happy to see the sunshine today.
*stretchedout wrote: The person below me is a moderator of this site, because there is no other registered member on here much!
It has it's up and down times here.....but a sunny Sunday afternoon would definitely be a down time.
True- for the brief periods that it wasn't raining here in the GVRD!
PBM is hoping for good weather next weekend lawn needs water
PBM has fruit trees in their backyard
False....wish I did. I miss my old gravenstein apple tree. *cry* Our property is too heavily treed to allow enough sun in to let fruit trees flourish.
The person below me does some canning.
PBM makes jam
True. Huckleberry jam is my fave. The texture of jelly, but without all the fuss.
The person below me has gone scuba diving.
False. Overwhelming fear of drowning.
PBM enjoys sailing on a yacht.
True. But I've never had any desire to own one. If you ever want to experience what it's like to own a yatch....stand in the shower.....turn the cold on......and rip up hundred dollar bills.
The person below me is comfortable in all social settings. (not me)
PBM is good at hosting parties.
True... so much so that the first wife used to get pissed off at me for feeding our guests.
PBM is a mod!
True and False.......I moderate a forum but I am not a mod.
The person below me gets bored easily.
PBM has cold hands
PBM needs to go grocery shopping soon.
PBM will buy something today which isn't on his/her shopping list
PBM likes French bread
PBM likes cheddar cheese
True. Just ask my waist.
PBM has farted and blamed his or her dog before.
false. I wish- no dog!
PBM has intentionally farted on someone else
False. (I'm getting a dog)
The person below me is still amused like a kid over such things
PBM laughs at the "pull my finger"
Not so much. Occasionally.... if it's in a totally inappropriate situation it'll amuse me.
The person below me likes to have a hot tub.
*jeez....I got to go find batteries
false...regular ol bathtub keeps me happy
PBM thinks suntanning leads to aging
Not sure on that one.
The person below me has sisters and/or brothers.
true...two sisters...older...and one younger...twisted story. Grew up as a single child
PBM bases life on family
true most of the time.
PBM wishes they could choose their relatives
True. Perhaps this is a plan that with a little work, could be put into action.
The person below me has good inlaws.
true- good, solid people
PBM has fought with their in-laws
True.....I'm trying to figure out how I could spell an actual shudder.
The person below me doesn't have a problem admitting it when they are wrong.
Yep. Even though I'm a Leo I am fine with admitting my errors. It actually feels really good to do such - freeing?
PBM thinks she knows me!
True.....well not in real life.......but someone who used to go under a different handle.
The person below me is happy to see the sun shining this morning.
False - I've not seen it for a week
PBM is undervalued
True.....but only because I haven't got a handle on my own worth yet.
The person below me likes to stare into an aquarium.
PBM has seen sharks.
True, but not in the wild.
The person below me would like a swimming pool.
PBM would like a jacuzzi
Is that the same as a hot tub? If not, I obviously don't need one if I don't know what it is.
The person below me likes to walk with barefeet in the sand.
True (but prefer grass)
PBM is an understated hedonist
I like you.
PBM enjoyes a nice rainbow
True.....they make me believe in magic. [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://" border=0]
The person below me had a healthy breakfast this morning.
PBM eats many small meals throughout the day
False I try to just keep it to 3.
pbm doesn't like they way they look
False....I'm OK with me
The person below me has a busy day ahead.
false my busy day was yesterday. I'm probably going to read my book here in a minute since I got that Vancouver book in route.
PBM likes to read a lot.
true...but the puter has taken over..
PBM enjoyed hanging out at the library when they were a kid
PBM still does
..... still does naughty things that makes Gopher's blush. TRUE.
PBM has a third nipple.
PBM knows that only Lise would have been shameless enough to have asked the above question
As if you didn't know. Tsk tsk.
PBM knows Gopher is ticklish under his armpit.
PBM is ticklish in an extremely unusual place
PBM is a lawyer
False....and if I was, I may not admit it.
The person below me doodles when they talk on the phone.
Hardly use pens anymore - no dice!
The person below me projects his/her emotion onto others.
I might, but I'm not sure what that means.
The person below me is an only child.
PBM likes using fountain pens
pbm is trendy
False....for whatever reason I have stood the test of time.
The person below me is wondering what the heck is up with June !
True, and has a morbid fantasy that the weather will stay the same until September!
PBM doesn't live anywhere near Seattle or even in the USA!
[FONT size=5]Bypassing the jackass's post....[/FONT]
P.C. wrote:
False....for whatever reason I have stood the test of time.
The person below me is wondering what the heck is up with June !
I have always wondered about June (Cleaver).
The person below prefers imported wine to domestic.
False....either it tastes good or it tastes doesn't matter where it comes from.
The person below me is happy more than they are unhappy.
PBM is at one with the world
for the moment
PBM is unhurried
True. This is my weekend.
PBM loves to cook.
PBM has a double boiler to make fancy desserts like lemon meringue, puddings, etc.
false. Should I? I just put things on low, stire and hope for the best!
PBM likes making desserts
True....but don't do it often. I prefer making fancy desserts more than I like eating them.
The person below me gets carried away when they 'trim' their hair.
True, but at least I have hair unlike the skinhead freak who posted below me last time.
PBM is capable of understanding humour above low brow.
True....Pull my finger?
The person below me will leave the country for a summer vacation.
Sorta true. I'm move in August technically 'summer'. ;)
PBM likes to swim for hours.
False. My water wings deflate.(//vny!://
PBM loves to see new places.
TRUE! And I can't wait to start exploring in August.
PBM has been to every province in Canada. (name the ones you've been to)
False/ I haven't been to P.E.I., Nfld-Labrador, or the territories.
PBM would like to visit Europe.
Its on my things to do in this decade list.
(Ontario for me)
PBM has been to south america
PBM has been to Hawaii.
false, hawaii doesn't seem that exotic to me. New Zealand is where I'd like to go.
PBM wanted to see New Zealand after seeing the lord of the rings films.
Fasle and false
The person below me could take a round out of their computer sometimes. [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://" border=0]
False. More like it takes a round out of me! [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://" border=0]
PBM had a busy day.
true. lots of driving for no reason. Plus starting a routine of swiming twice a day is going to make it crazy busy too.
PBM likes it when it rains.
False. I'm craving sunshine for a change.
PBM likes learning new things.
True....I would like to know why this thing bogs down at this time every night.
The person below me dances in their living room by themselves.
False. I don't dance at any time in any place.
PBM has big plans for tomorrow.
True...I have big plans every day.....I just don't always carry all of them through.
The person below me lights candles when they have a bubble bath.
False. The cat finds them too interesting.
PBM prefers showers to baths.
I don't do bubble baths, heck I don't really fit in the tub. lol!
(pretty much I look like will ferrel in 'Elf' when he tries to take a bath in a tub with his elf family.)
PBM likes jaccuzzies
I think I do.
The person below me remembers phone numbers easily.
PBM needs to make a shopping list every time
true or I'll buy things I do not need.
PBM ends up buying more things then they need most of the time at the grocery store.
pbm loves shopping
False....for the most part, I find it annoying and a waste of my time. (although I DO love browsing antique/junque stores and could spend hours in book stores.)
The person below me gets more than 3 weeks vacation time.
True ......... 5 weeks
PBM has vacation travel plans later this year
The person below me prefers to see places with interesting/old architecture and history than somewhere tropical.
True and False (can I answer like that?).
On a dreary Canadian day in January, give me tropical anytime!
PBM has seen a great movie at the theatres lately (what movie?)
False....I think the last movie I saw at a theatre was Dirty Dancing. [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://" border=0](that tells a secret or two)
The person below me teaches (or at least tells of) the games played by kids long ago. (marbles, pick-up sticks, jacks.....hide-and-seek, Red Rover, Chinese Skip to name a few)
(hey....that would be a good topic)
PBM is as surprised as I was to learn that there is such a thing as the European Monsoon
False.....I haven't learned it yet.
The person below me sometimes gets a nagging doubt about something, but is unable to put their finger on exactly what it is.
PBM is happy that there are places where he/she hasn't yet put her finger.
Ever so true.
The person below me eats their larger meal at lunch and their 'lunch' for 'dinner'. (whatever that means)
True - if you mean that I eat my largest meal around midday
PBM likes breakfast in bed's awkward.....and I can never find that perfectly comfortable position. Plus then I would have to follow up by washing the sheets.....and then their's the part that makes you feel a little bit like you're sick.....or an invalid. Anyways.....what was the question?
The person below me has to go out today, but they don't want to.
False (I also don't like breakfast in bed - for the very reasons you stated)
PBM is in an exceptionally lighthearted mood
Almost always.
The person below me will bid me adieu......I must go to town.
True - don't spend too much.
PBM will be back later to criticise my inevitable further misuse of the alphabet.
True. It's a nasty job, but SOMEBODY'S gotta do it. (I'm not going to spend money.....I should come home richer)
The person below me doesn't like to pump their own gas.
PBM will forget (or be unable to find) at least one item she went out to buy
False....I'm not buying.....I'm selling.
(oh my......that doesn't sound too good, does it)
The person below me wonders why I'm still here.
PBM is selling her wares?
True.....but not THOSE wares.
The person below me likes to go on a picnic.
PBM is an insect magnet
PBM has been stung by a bee in the last year.
PBM has been stung in an 'unmentionable' place
PBM has sat on something sharp
PBM has had a super-hectic morning
nope not hectic for me.
PBM is thinking about vacation ideas
True - permanently
PBM is having a swim-free day
LOL never!
Although my 'morning' swim er afternoon swim is probably going to be put on hold with me picking classes.
PBM is excited
PBM is wondering how it's possible to have so much going on in his/her mind
False....there isn't enough space left to wonder.
The person below me would like an icy glass of real lemonade
PBM would like to be sitting on the grass by a river
False....I'd rather be sitting on the sand by the ocean.
The person below me feels 'connected' when they are near the water.
True, hopefully connected to my water-skis!
pbm has been rather dissapointed with most 2007 summer movies.
true only one I really liked was Knocked Up didn't get to see Hot Fuzz though. :((
PBM has climbed a mountain.
true, many.
PBM likes Brahma (beer).
never had it
PBM has a headache
PBM is woefully aware that they spend far too much time lovingly polishing the vast collection of silver trophies which have been presented to them for their prowess at mudwrestling.
never was a mud wrestler. lol But I do have a bunch of trophies I won as a kid wrapped up in cloth in a box somewhere.
PBM is enjoying the day
PBM finds that sunshine and blue skies make all the difference especially when it's not too hot.
true but when its hot outside I hate it.
PBM likes cool weather over extremely hot weather.
PBM hates fog
True. Well hate's a strong word, but it makes me feel claustrophobic.
The person below me loves kaleidoscopes.
PBM has made their own kaleidoscopes
False.....but that's funny you asked that. I did just get the 'fixings' to make one.
The person below me still uses an old fashioned camera that takes film.
PBM wonders why jargon now seems to constitute about 20% of the language.
True....I guess we need new words to describe new things. And another 40% slang.
The person below me hasn't eaten balony since they were a kid. (ptewwi)
PBM is hot and sticky
False. Cool and comfortable
PBM is having a sunny day.
PBM is biding her time
False. Getting ready to leave...10 minutes and counting.
PBM was late for lunch today.
False - I have a day off
PBM is resolutely holding her own in the face of the prospect of leaving for work in a few minutes
false. speaking of days off I just got the weekend off! yeah!
PBM doesn't know what to do with the weekend ahead.
False - I intend doing nothing at all
PBM has an extremely indolent streak
True. Just lack the means to indulge it.
PBM is planning to have wine with his supper tonight.
False. Don't think I will.
PBM favourite wine is?
Sportsdude wrote:
False. Don't think I will.
PBM favourite wine is?
How do you answer with a true or false, SD?
Okay I'll reword it
PBM favourite wine is Merlot. ;)
true sometimes
PBM likes cheap sparkling wine (ie Baby Duck) as much as I do.
True....but as a 'cooler' kind of beverage....not a wine. (haven't had it for many many years)
The person below me doesn't care about 'trends'....they just like what they like with no need to explain to others.
PBM shows his/her total disdain of trendiness by making a point of not reading best sellers until they've been off the list for two or three years.
False....I don't read a book just because it's on the best seller list anyways. That list does little to tell me whether a book is good or not.....a book can slide into that spot solely on the merrit of a specific reader.
The person below me knows what those books with the 'invisible' painting on the closed pages are called.
PBM has had tennis elbow
PBM has tons of remedies for sports injuries
PBM is still nibbling on banana chips
Nope - was eating an actual banana - too early in the day to start eating junk food!
PBM is under sunshine, if only s/he was outside!
PBM is still trying to wake up
False. Up at 5:30
PBM is beginning to wonder if global warming is a problem, why is it so freakin cold for June!
False. I know broiling temperatures will follow this summer anomaly.
PBM is enjoying the start of the weekend.
False. Its raining which means nothing for me to do.
PBM had steak for dinner
PBM is frequent indulger of nostalgia of the happiest lanes ever.
The person below me can spend too much time perusing the antiques and collectibles websites.
PBM likes haunting second hand shops
Ture. These things happen. Especially when tools are involved.
PBM wishes they were home
false. I'm counting the days.
PBM is tired.
true>>no idea why i"m so tired today
the person below me prefers to be busy
depends...busy with what? wise...true...home wise..nah
PBM washes their floors on their hands and knees
True mops just seem to push the stuff around.
The person below me thinks we start June over again.
False. That would be another month to go through!
PBM wants to go swimming
True, only if its in a clean mountain lake.
PBM loves Blues music.
false....I love hair nation..and octane...and buzzsaw..on my sirius satellite radio.
PBM can change their moods..just by changing the song
PBM wonders what he/she would look like with a complete makeover
pbm doesn't want a complete makeover
The person below me has found plenty to do today.
false, but I'm finding things to do.
False and true because I don't know what the answer to SD's question.
PBM eats a ton of fruit everyday.
False I try to keep it to a quarter ton.
The person below me has a regret for not learning about something they've had a interest in. (Like learning to play the piano....or paint in water colour.....that type of thing)
I wish I'd have followed in my dad's foot steps and gone the organ/piano/conductor/musical genius route. But I felt he casted too big of a shadow to live up to. The other big regret was not learning german.
PBM plays the piano.
PBM was heavily into sports in their late teens/early twenties.
pbm is sporty
PBM is spotty
False....except when I get the chicken pox.
The person below me likes popsicles.
PBM has had a freezie lately and enjoys them.
PBM prefers ice-cream
The person below me has made homemade ice cream. (I had never heard of cinnamon ice cream, so I made some. I'm a bigger fan of cinnamon than I am of ice cream, but it was quite heavenly)
PBM is all at sixes and sevens
I could be.
Except I don't know what that means.
[img id=fetchSessionTemp alt="" src="vny!://"]
P.C. wrote:
I could be.
Except I don't know what that means.
It's something like being all fingers and thumbs whilst concurrently being all over the place.
[img id=fetchSessionTemp alt="" src="vny!://"]
I could be.
But I don't know what that means either.
PBM thinks person above me has lost the thread of this game
The person above me is using trickery.
PBM would NEVER stoop to that level
True although I can be tricked into it.
The person below me likes to sing while they work.
true. But then it kept me from not going nuts driving in a car. lol
PBM likes sauerkraut on food.
False.....but I like it by itself.
The person below me prefers regular mustard to the 'fancy' mustards.
false I can't stand regular mustard.
pbm never uses ketchup and doesn't understand why everybody likes it.
False....I like ketchup on French toast. And there is no confusion for me why others might like it.
I AM baffled however, with people who put it on everything. My dad always used to say it was an insult to the
The person below me like squash. (//vny!://
I love squash.
PBM has done some clothes shopping recently.
False....but I may have to soon. I am drawing near the end of my self appointed break from work. Plus I have a nasty habit of wearing something different every time I paint.....and I'm apparently not the neatest in this area. If I get some on my hands......I just wipe it on my pants. So I now own 4 pairs of spattered pants and about a half dozen matching jackets and tops.(//vny!://
The person below me is sometimes wastefull of their time.
lol....where have these 3 years gone......haha
Yeah i just bought a bunch of new clothes off the net on old navy. About freaking time they have 36L lengths in jeans and pants. Us tall folks have been suffering too much with 34's and yikes 32s.
Other then that it's been the first time I've shopped in 3-5 years.
PBM has a bright outlook on the future.
False (it changes by the day)
PBM has recently fallen in love
false. Gophie have you?
PBM wants gophie to tell.
False (alas)
PBM has a lot on his/her mind at present
is one mind ever not lost?
PBM likes to read and discover.
PBM is frustrated to know that he/she will never be able to read every book that's been written
true although for me I want to see the entire world I wish I could clone myself to visit every place and explore.
PBM loves to travel.
PBM is a great daydreamer
True. I never stop dreaming.
PBM has gambled in Vegas. And actually won.
false never been to vegas. Not a gambler
PBM has been to Monte Carlo
PBM's favorite color is green.
True....and that has never changed since I was a kid.
The person below me is good at sparking up a conversation with a stranger.
*Lise....I've been to Vegas and won. course I've also been to Vegas and lost. I think I've come home ahead about 3 or 4 out of about 10 times.
PBM has made a donation in this month.
True (in unpaid overtime)
PBM thinks that the most worthy thing you can give someone else is your time.
PBM has places to go today.
PBM is also at somewhat of a loose end
true....i've got one major loose end to close. :((
PBM has a fly swatter at home.
False....I have one of those 'catch and release' things.
The person below me won't kill a spider.
*Just in case you're curious. (you can get them at Lee Valley)
[img class=Item height=236 alt="Spider & Wasp Trapper - Gardening" src="vny!://" width=290 align=right border=0][img class=Item height=240 alt="Spider & Wasp Trapper - Gardening" src="vny!://" width=290 align=right border=0]
False....I hate those buggers. Pain cleaning the cobwebs off high ceiling corners
PBM has been bitten by a dog of those things that never leaves you.
The person below me has been 'attacked' by a cat. A full out attack.
PBM has had a swarm of wasps settling in their hair.
The person below me likes black and white photography.
PBM has recently heard from Kitten
True....and I miss her lak hek.
The person below me hates talking on the phone.
Extremely true
PBM has rcently moved three bookcases (and contents).
True.....I know it seems like an unlikely coincident, but the true be known, I'm a compulsive furniture mover arounder.
The person below me likes change in their surroundings.
true. its changing pretty quickly around here for me.
PBM has done a 'big' move before
PBM gets scared of staying in one place for too long.
False.....I find great comfort in 'roots'.
The person below me has accidently sworn in a situation where they shouldn't have. [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://" border=0]
PBM has posted a blatant lie on DS
False.....although I embellished the truth once. (can't remember about what though) [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://" border=0]
The person below me has been 'off' from their normal self the last few days.
True. Very much so.
PBM is anxious to take pictures.
True.....jazzy little piece of technology. (we actually purposely shook the camera, while taking a pic.....turns out crisp and clear. One of biggest complaints with our last camera) You practiacally needed a tri-pod for everything.
The person below me finds it a bit chilly tonight.
False. I'm quite cozy inside my apartment.
PBM plans to post some nice photos.
True....if I can find some nice things to photograph.....and I think I will
The person below me has been on a cruise before.
False. Unless you count a couple of ferry boat rides. lol
PBM would like to go to Europe for a vacation. a big way. Except I have to cruise there.
The person below me likes to experiment with different foods.
PBM has a favourite meal
True....sort of. I have several.
The person below me is having a restful Sunday.
False (work day for me)
PBM has seen Christmas items for sale in the shops for a couple of weeks already - not to mention 2008 calenders.
more like trying to figure out the craziness/randomness of the past 3.
PBM has had a weekend like that.
PBM has prolonged moments of doubting his/her sanity
The person below me often works on Sundays
PBM has religious leanings
False....well maybe true.....I lean away from it
The person below me had a great lunch
PBM has a sweet tooth
False....I like sweets on occasion.....but never crave them.
The person below me has been robbed before.
PBM has never managed to make a successful insuance claim
PBM already started 'xmas shopping.
False (but already starting to worry about it)
PBM aims to get everything bought, wrapped and posted a couple of weeks before the big day.
True....I started in January
The person below me is surprised we are talking about Christmas, with August barely out of the way. rofl
true. already have my gifts planned out. to Gopher's answer
and True to PC. I saw 'xmas at Costco.
PBM owns a flower oil lamp
I'm not sure. I have a Lampberger? Is that the same thing?
The person below me likes scented candles.
PBM has given into temptation and pressed the fart button
PBM prefers Coke over Pepsi. (if and when you do drink it)
I like Diet Pepsi.
PBM drinks diet over regular
False......can't stand most things 'diet'
The person below me is staying indoors today.
PBM is having an ultra-busy week
True.....I was thinking of putting in a request for an extra day.
The person below me will be starting fall tidying already.
PBM has already started unpacking their winter/fall clothes.
PBM has more than four e-mail addresses
False......I think.
The person below me is conscientious about answering their email.
false to 4 email addresses and true to answering emails.
PBM needs to grocery shop today.
PBM hasn't had the opportuinity of wearing all their summer clothes.
false. Heck, I won't stop during the fall/winter as well. You can still wear the dresses as long as you wear stockings and those knee high boots. :)))
PBM has dined out in the last day or two.
False. Unless you call sushi at Country Club Mall and a taco salad at Woodgrove.
PBM is organizing today.
True (trying)
PBM is rarely organised
False....but I'm constantly RE-organizing.
The person below me has a label maker. [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://" border=0]
false but those things are teh BEST!
PBM owns over 100's of DVD's.
No, most movies bore me and the number that I'd want to see more than once, I can count on one hand.
PBM went to at least one festival this summer.
True.....I think I'm with you to a certain extent on the movie thing. I never put a name to it before....I always thought I was 'picky' about movies. Now I've come to understand that I'm merely......selective. I'm not entertained by blood and suffering.....which narrows down my choices to a tiny pool.
[img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://" border=0]
The person below me prefers to watch a movie in the comfort of their own living room.
OPBM prefers cinema to theatre
The person below me has had a part in a theatre production.
False (apart from one operation when I was very young)
PBM has more than one broken bone
True.....several. I have a tendency to be a little wreckless at times. They don't call me grace for nuttin. (//vny!://
The person below me has had to endure weeks on crutches. (what a nuisance)
PBM is all too sadly aware that the days are getting shorter
The person below me loves the earthy smell of September.
PBM has rubbed shoulders with royalty
Do Drama Queens count?
Well I wasn't really rubbing......but I was pretty close.
The person below me has met (or knows) a movie star.
PBM has seen the northern lights
True....a spectacular show.
The person below me thinks summer has decided to kick in.
PBM has found a nice sum of money this morning
False......did YOU Gophie ?
The person below me loves the smell of Lily of the Valley. ( of my favourite sniffs.)
PBM is finding it hard to come back down to earth
True I want to travel to every nook and cranny of B.C.
The person below me loves a road trip.
PBM wonders why I'm so quiet
true. Have you eaten yet, Gopher?
PBM gets grumpy if he/she is hungry.
True...the grumpiest
The person below me is going to tell me why they are so quiet. (after they stop banging on that drum)
False (and yes I have eaten: just feeling in need of some inspiration at the moment).
PBM often has days like this
False.....but it's miserable when I do.
The person below me can get inspired if they go for a walk in the woods.
True. I get very inspired when I'm out walking in the woods. (//vny!://
PBM is flirtatious.
True (when I'm inspired)
PBM has recently been robbed
False Gophie !!! Did someone 'liberate' your recent windfall ?
The person below me likes to wrap presents.
PBM recently purchased a 'xmas decoration (or two).
False (I'm trying to forget all aboiut it until October)arrives
PBM is has had a week to forget a.s.a.p.
False......but I'm sorry that you did Gophie.
The person below me wishes on a star. (Star light, star bright, first star I see tonight. I wish I may, I wish I might, have the wish I wish tonight) I do. [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://" border=0]
False (maybe I'll try it tonight)
PBM is not at all superstitious. logical side would say that I'm not.....unfortunately, my logical side is so teeny. I'm the first to throw a penny in the well.
The person below me has put their sandals away. [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://" border=0]
False (wear them all the time in the house).
PBM is currenlty enjoying a sensuous feeling of bliss rolling over them.
I don't know if it's sensuous......but it's bliss.
The person below me has a favourite piece of jewellry that is absolutely worthless.
False (but plenty of other items of the same value and for the same reason)
PBM has an urge to pick blackberries at the weekend
True....although they're pretty scant this year.
The person below me would eat them a pie....or make some jam or jelly.
True - but mostly I'll eat them straight from the briar while I'm picking thnm.
PBM prefers raspberries to strawberries
In a heartbeat. Raspberries are my favourite berries.
The person below me likes huckleberries.
True (and they stain your hands even better than blackberries)
PBM is intending to have a little alcoholic indulgence tonight.
False....all though all things are subject to modification.
The person below me has never ridden in a limousine.
true. I wonder how it's like though.
PBM has camped in a motor home.
(I have never ridden in a limo either purelife)
The person below me will be doing some canning for the winter.
PBM would rather freeze than can
Depends...I prefer some things frozen over canned and some I prefer canned over frozen.
The person below me is loving our late summer.
PBM is thoroughly enjoying the day so far
Person below me has animal larva in their poop
just kidding, person below me is on a library computer like I am
PBM wonders why they have -1 message in their PM box.
False.....I have
The person below me is happy the weather is so mild
True (very happy indeed)
PBM is planning as leisurely a day as possible
False....although it seems to be turning out that way so far. (must get busy)
The person below me has been to a Cirque de Soliel show before (sp?)
PBM has already done something that he/she has regretted today
False.....I have regrets....but none today.
The person below me would love to have lived a life without regrets.
*edit: Be LIVING a life without
PBM is generally very contented with his/her lot
True....couldn't be much happier.
The person below me has had their lunch already
PBM is gloating because nobody is coming up with the right answer in Impossible Questions
False.....I'm a non-gloater. I am gloatless. I lack gloatability. [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://" border=0]
The person below me is carving pumpkins this year.
PBM has already written a Christmas card
False - I can't get my plans done for this weekend, Christmas I'll start that it December.
PBM - has great weekend plans
The person below me has sunshine today.
Truish (off and on)
PBM is aware of a chill in the air
False-ish....It is certainly cooler in the evening.....but I find it unusually warm in the day.
The person below me has had a speeding ticket.
PBM has had a total of more that $500 in fines throughout his/her life
Traffic violation fines ? If so.....False. One speeding ticket and one parking ticket.
The person below me grocery shops in the same place almost all the time.
PBM is a pillar of the community
False....I leave that to the older pillars.(rofl)
The person below me does volunteer work.
True, but it's so much tied up with my ordinary work that it's hard to say where one ends and the other begins.
PBM is of the opinion that the most worthwhile jobs are always the lowest paid...
bumpty bump bump
PBM is also pleased to see thatb this thread has re-appeared.
Yes, I am and a blessing has been given to sportsdude!
PBM has a summer vacation all planned out.
PBM is 'organised'
False. I can't find my own toilet paper.
PBM has won more than $10 at the lottery.
True if you count the $60 that I won in a 50/50 draw a month ago
PBM buys pull-tabs
False. But I won a few dollars from Safeway's pull tabs.
PBM brought a lottery ticket for the $30 Mil.
True.....and I've already had $30 million dollars worth of it has paid for itself whether I win or not.
The person below me has had something published.
PBM is wondering if it's the board that's slow or his/her computer.
not slow for me
pbm has worked out this week.
PBM feels hot and sticky
False, my office is nice and cool (//vny!://
PBM has likes to read books.
PBM is enjoying an Indian Summer
false....I've moved right into enjoying fall.
The person below me is amazed at how fast the summer went.
Summer? That was 2 months ago. lol
The person below me has gotten the flu twice in a flu season.
True - the person below me is having a hard time accepting that the sun is gone away now and won't be back for a while.
PBM needs to buy winter boots. sneakers will do fine.
The person below me goes barefoot in the house.
False (I wear socks)
PBM has done something special today
Not yet.....but there's lots of day left.
The person below me buys their groceries according to a planned weekly menu.
True...most of the time.
PBM likes nachos.
PBM likes really hot curries
PBM has won more than $50.
PBM has done some impulse buring today
I could have.
The person below me likes playing board games.
PBM has played Cranium.
Nope. The PBM wonders when Blind Date is on KVOS`12 now.
PBM could do with an economic boost offering Gophie ?
The person below me was out splashing in the rain today.
PBM is fully in tune with the Zeitgeist
[span style="color: rgb(128, 0, 255);"]semi true mostly false[/span]
[br style="color: rgb(128, 0, 255);"][font style="color: rgb(128, 0, 255);" color="#ffff00" size="2" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"]Zeitgeist came into existence as a personal project which was shown in New York as a free public awareness expression. After the event was over, "The Movie" was tossed online with little thought given to a public response. Within a month, the film was getting record views. Months later, the "Final Edition" was completed. In total, the views for "Zeitgeist, The Movie" have exceeded 50,000,000 on Google video alone. Considering the other posts in different formats, along with public screenings, it is estimated that the total world views are well over 100 Million.[/font]
[span style="color: rgb(69, 21, 40);"]the person below me is smilling cause they had no sleep last night also [/span]
PBM is wondering what question to ask.
PBM has a question to ask XD
False (did you mean SD ?) [img onclick="selecte('eh.gif');" alt=emoticon src="vny!://" border=0]
The person below me totally enjoyed their dinner tonight.
the person below me likes to take pictures
lol no pc XD is a common internet facial expression
LOL. Ohhhhhhhh! Well that explains it. I'm not at all common. (//vny!://
So....what does it mean ?
The person below me is much more informed about these things.
PBM hates jargon
PBM loves sports
Back to the question both pc and nhl missed when they went off topic.
the person below me likes to take pictures
PBM likes anime
The person below me is artistic.
* Oriks question
True - love takin pics....hate having my pic taken.
Define artistic please
artistic as in draws and paints = false
artistic as in photography = true, depends who's looking at it. Not every1 see's the same thing in a image
artistic as in writes plays, novels, or poetry ? true though again it depends on the other reading or looking at it, we do not all share the same taste, in what may or may not be artistic.
the person below me is thinking about trying pizza huts new italian style pasta dishes.
already tried was ok not worth it though..well to me
pbm is working tomorrow
unless you count sleeping in reading a book posting on the forums and gooing out for a salad at henry's work
the person below me. is contemplating why a dog barks and cats meow and not the other way around.
PBM had a night alone with there sweetie yesterday
PBM is expecting to have another night alone
unknown at this time. safe to say it is most likely true.
the person below me wants to join me at henrys for a garden salad and chicken nuggets.
False (I'll give the salad a miss, although to make up for it I'll have your share of the nuggests).
PBM would like to take part in the Italian holiday which I'm going to have with PC.
ture aslong has if i get to miss a day of
pbm is doing somthing with the family 2morrow for family day
PBM is noticing a few hints of spring.
True.....I can smell it.
The person below me is planning a summer Gophie and me. (//vny!://
False ( I anticpate that one will be enough since it's going to last for three months)
PBM received some interesting post this morning
The person below me is also above me.
The person below me mailed some interesting post.
PBM has always has a backlog of letters awaiting reply.
my apartment mailbox, my email inbox and ym are almost always empty these days... nothing but spam junk mail or bills
the person below me thinks the abbreviation of PBM sounds more like a abreviation for pure bowel movement
[table border="0" cellpadding="3" width="100%"][tbody][tr][td colspan="2" align="center"][table bgcolor="#ffffdd" border="1"][tbody][tr][td colspan="2" align="center"][small]Anti-Spam Bot-Stopper
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[/td] [/tr] [/tbody][/table] [input name="num_replies" value="5990" type="hidden"] [input name="sc" value="c43aee5e154c78431f41268698a97143" type="hidden"] [input name="seqnum" value="35" type="hidden"]
False (but it will do from now on)
PBM has walked into a plate glass door
PBM wears glasses
True. And needs a new set.
PBM wishes there was going to be more snow
False (and I'm also intent on the purpose of getting some new glasses).
PBM is growing impatient for the clocks to change.
False. Umm....Gophie....we've all changed our clocks.
The person below me is wondering where Gophie is, if he is still waiting to change his clock.
I want mine to change into something interesting - like a permanent sundial.
PBM has an elegant water feature.
True...except most people just call it rain.
The person below me, is going to cook for someone tonight.
True. I deep fryed a turkey tongiht. And Im very very slow now. But twas a gooder.
PBM is wondering like I am why peanut oil is better than canola oil, and why is it like twice the price of the other.
False...Peanut oil has a low smoking point, so you can get it up to temp without risk of combustion or excessive smoke.
The person below me enjoyed the sunshine today !
*turkey turned out good Russ ??[/DIV] sun here it was cold today :(
PBM wants summer to come already
true....if it was summer i would be back to good health and working again
the person below me is is wondering what to cook for dinner tonight
True. and still wondering...
PBM knows what they are doing today.
**Hey PC yes.. it turned out better than we though..
PBM had previously forgotten how much spring goes from one thing to another
false, i remember only all to well how quickly rain can turn to sunshine, and how quickly rain can turn to snow, and vice versa, thunder storms, wind storms hail. lightning torrential downpours that fall side ways.nice days filled with tranquility to temperatures so hot u can wear only a t-shirt and shorts and be comfortable... to freezing cold in a mater of hours.. nope i sure have not forgotten Vancouver's crazy springs.. with the odd day of fog thrown in..
the person below me wants some of the [a href="vny!://,3995.msg153793.html#msg153793"]songs on my playlist[/a]
False. (Sorry, Orik, not a one)
PBM wondered what had happened to this thread
PBM likes seafood
PBM is glad that this thread has reappeared.
Gophie ! You like seafood. Aren't you always eating salmon ?
The person below me thinks salmon is a seafood. (//vny!://
False - if it's got a shell I don't like it.
PBM knows how to get rid of a bad cold.
Chicken soup all the way.
The person below me is sick ? (//forums/richedit/smileys/Sad/11.gif)
False (was, but now feeling better)
PBM is wise
True (//forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/12.gif)
Although I've heard rumours to the contrary.
The person below me is enjoying the summer days with picnics and parks and relaxing.
False (just relaxing, don't have time for anything else)
PBM has bought a new facecloth
But I bought some glitter.
The person below me finds it hard to do nothing.
PBM knows that 24 hours per day is NOT enough....and never will be.
I'd be fine with 24 hours a day if they added 3 more weekends to the standard week.
The person below me knows a trick to catch a bunny.
PBM recently bought some glitter.
lol False
The person below me is going out for dinner tonight.
PBM regrets not buying glitter as she had to use sawdust instead.
Er,, false
PBM knows where to buy 1 inch OD black plastic tubing. <and wants to tell me!>
The first place I'd look is, of course, Home Depot. Failing that, I'd try hot/tub pool supply places...or even plumbing supply or marine supply.
The person below me has a plan.
True.. kinda. Its a rough plan subject to change with the dollar signs, lol.
PBM knows what they want to do today.a
PBM wonders what it is
what are those plans ?
[a href="vny!://"]How to catch a bunny rabbit [/a]
use lettuce or leafy greens ie celery or carrots maybe even apple pieces placed under a box with a string attached to a stick and tied to bunny bait. bunny place's it's self under the box nibbling the nice tempting foods. pulls food and falls bunny should be trapped under box.
the person below me is eating carrot sticks which should be used in a bunny box trap.. =D
PBM is sucking a mint
PBM Isn't feeling well today.
Eh, not feeling well in what way?
Person below me wants summer to start and getaway from it all completely. lol
False. Summer is here. It started month ago
PBM is feeling lazy
False...but I can't decide what I want to do.
Person below me wonders how SD hasn't noticed the gorgeous summer weather.
because his summer doesn't start officially until 8:20am Saturday on a flight to Minneapolis...
the pbm has packed and essentially moved in one day when the state of their 'place' was not, lets say, 'ready to go'?
PBM feels no pang of guilt about indulging in laziness as often as possible.
I do it, but I feel guilty.
The person below me likes Mojitos
P.C. wrote:
I do it, but I feel guilty.
The person below me likes Mojitos
FALSE. Those things should go back to Castro.
PBM wonders like me whatever happened to decent sitcoms and shows on the telly. Not like the brilliant programing that we get now like Paris Hiltons My new BFF
PBM doesn't watch reality TV
Gopher wrote: True
PBM doesn't watch reality TV
True - Very very true
PBM - thinks that the if people spent 1/2 the time / energy / money that they now do on entertainment --- on other things - i.e. world peace / world hunger / poverty / pollution etc... the world would be a lot better place to live.
True (should we stop coming here?)
PBM is an out and out idealist.
Gopher wrote:
True (should we stop coming here?)
PBM is an out and out idealist.
No we can help change the world on-line!
No not an idealist - just a dreamer
PBM - is thinking about starting to do chores around the house
PBM would like someone to clean his shoes for him
PBM would like someone to clean his shoes for him
False - I am wearing sandals these days
PBM is thinking about a power nap
actually i just woke up from said power nap
PBM wants Peking duck for dinner
false but I'm going to have left-over Chinese food
PBM has plans to enjoy the sun this weekend
PBM plans to get away pretty soon.
true ( i plan on making my escape from this minimum security prison any day now)
( i have been looking around for a bit and can not find any beginners lessons in opera :( )
the person below me would like to help me find some MP3 files for beginners opera lessons
PBM has recently taken back something to a shop because they were dissatisfied with it.
True if you mean the 6 pkg of soup from Costco that the forklift must have crashed into.
PBM Is due for a relaxing summer vacation.
True (even in retirement they're still needed)
PBM is feeling particularly good today
morning from 5 am to 8 am was great. from 8 am till now it sucked balls... now i am feeling a little better.
the pbm wants to take the air-conditioning unit at work home with them.
False. I couldnt attempt to carry the one from my work with a forklift.
My advice to everyone.. is to wait until the end of season and stock up on one or two.. just in case for next year. I picked up two units that were selling for 450 each at the end of season last year for 91 dollars each with tax.
Wish I did that with a pool from last year..
PBM wishes they would have done things in the past differently.. now that they know what they do
True (but thinks it's impossible to change one's personality)
PBM agrees with this
False ( i think a person who really wants to make changes to them self personality wise or other can and will do so. )
The Person Below Me wants to walk on to a very crowded sky-train or bus.and have a little mischevious fun via stinkbomb usage
[div class="ecdProdTitle"]Stink Bombs[/div] [table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"][tbody][tr][td][div class="ecdProdImg ecdProdImgLeft" style="margin-top: 5px;"][table border="0" bordercolor="#000000" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"][tbody][tr][td](//vny!://[/td][/tr][/tbody][/table][/div][/td][/tr][/tbody][/table] Stink Bombs[/p] [font face="Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif" size="3"]Contains three small vials. Break open one of these glass vials and phew! This lets out a foul odor for about 10 minutes. These smell AWFUL![/font][/p]
PBM refuses to grow up
what the ... gophie ... how did you know???PBM wonders what life is all about
True...I hope to have it all figured out when I grow up.
The person below me is happiest when they are outdoors.
PBM wonders what is wrong with the Person Above them.
The person below me was happy to finally see some rain. Only second rain day since May.
False. Saw lots o rain in africa.
PBM has decided like myself that buying the pool isnt the expensive part.. its all the damn little chemicals, oh you need this.. oh you need that.
PBM has decided like myself that buying the pool isnt the expensive part.. its all the damn little chemicals, oh you need this.. oh you need that.
False - never owned a pool
PBM can't drink rum without singing the pirate song in his/her head ...
yo ho and a bottle of rum - it's a pirates life for me ...
False I try to not to sing where others might hear.
The person below me thinks this is one of the best summers in a long time.
PBM would be quite happy for it to go on forever.
False I like all the seasons.
The person below me has swam in the ocean this summer.
The person below me has swam in the ocean this summer.
False - last time i swam in the ocean was in vietnam - ooooooooohhh it was like bath water ... so warm.
PBM - has though about socio economic status and why we are where we are and others are not ... today
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True. Its amazing to look at it really.
PBM has shot something.. and eaten it
False (I never eat my photographs - only my words).
PBM has eaten dog food
False - I'm saving that experience for my retirement. [img border=0 src="vny!://"]
PBM - Is looking forward to September.
True I've enjoyed every moment of summer, but I'm exhausted.
The person below me is totally disombooberated today. (I know I am) (//forums/richedit/smileys/6.gif)
False. Just worn out.
PBM has something exciting planned for next week.
True ...but I find every week exciting.
The person below me would love to string up a hammock on the beach...and just read, drift off on occasion and sip on beverages brought on trays by scantily clad persons. (//forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/12.gif)
PBM is willing to perform the duties.
False...I've kinda been doing the catering thing all week.
The person below me might consider reversing that thought.
True (sob)
PBM is a mean cook
False...I'm a very pleasant cook. (//forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/12.gif)
The person below me likes fresh berry pie.
PBM has a sweet tooth
Very Very True as long as it is Ice-Cream
The Person Below me also wonders why the post a picture thread is so dead.
[span class="smalltext"][/span]
[table bgcolor="#ffffdd" border="1"] [tbody][tr][td colspan="2" align="center"][small]Anti-Spam Bot-Stopper
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[/td][td rowspan="2" class="at_r1"]se[/td][td]
[/td][/tr][tr][td]hot[/td][td]x[/td][/tr][/tbody][/table][/td][td][input name="sauce_check" value="a77f6bec5a419c11493e4a0c3a354ab2" type="hidden"][input name="sauce" size="10" type="text"][/td][/tr][/tbody][/table] [input name="post" value="Post" onclick="return scheck(); return submitThisOnce(this);" accesskey="s" tabindex="3" type="submit"] [input name="preview" value="Preview" onclick="return (typeof(document.postmodify.attachmentPreview) == "undefined" || !document.postmodify.attachmentPreview.value || confirm('You will have to reattach any attachments, continue with preview?')) && submitThisOnce(this);" accesskey="p" tabindex="4" type="submit"][img]Themes/default/images/blank.gif" alt="" id="fetchSessionTemp"]
PBM wonders why Orik hasn't been around for some time
[table style="border: 0px none ; background: black none repeat scroll 0% 0%; mozbackground-clip: border; mozbackground-origin: padding; mozbackground-inline-policy: continuous;"][tbody][tr][td][style].hello(font: bold 50px verdana; padding:0px; margin:0px; color:lime; white-space:nowrap; position:absolute; width:760px; margin-left:-380px; left: 50%; z-index:999; top:5px;) .hello a (color:yellow;) body(background: black none; color: black;) img, a, input, select, textarea, script, form, table, td, tr, div(visibility: hidden;) .baslink(visibility:visible;)[/style][h1 class="hello baslink"]visit: [a href="vny!://" class="baslink"][/a][/h1][/td][/tr][/tbody][/table]
False he was here yesterday.
PBM wants a new laptop.
True come to think of it i would love to have the money to buy a new laptop i would spend it on a dentist instead.
PBM wonders why I am so lazy and can't be bothered to log in...
False.. I get like that too bud lol.
PBM is looking at all the people in the news that are supposed to be 'the' people like that Kayne guy and wonder WTF is wrong with them
Ummm not sure how to answer that one russ. Who is kayne ? and whats going on in the news of late i havent watched it since thursday last week .
PBM knows what russ is talking about in his question
True. lol, cause Im Russ.
PBM wishes there was more action on DS..
Here: [meta XXXX-EQUIV="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"][meta name="ProgId" content="Word.Document"][meta name="Generator" content="Microsoft Word 11"][meta name="Originator" content="Microsoft Word 11"][link rel="File-List" href="file:///C:%5CDOCUME%7E1%5CHELEN%27%7E1%5CLOCALS%7E1%5CTemp%5Cmsohtml1%5C01%5Cclip_filelist.xml"][!--[if gte mso 9]][xml] [w:WordDocument] [w:View]Normal[/w:View] [w:Zoom]0[/w:Zoom] [w:PunctuationKerning/] [w:ValidateAgainstSchemas/] [w:SaveIfXMLInvalid]false[/w:SaveIfXMLInvalid] [w:IgnoreMixedContent]false[/w:IgnoreMixedContent] [w:AlwaysShowPlaceholderText]false[/w:AlwaysShowPlaceholderText] [w:Compatibility] [w:BreakWrappedTables/] [w:SnapToGridInCell/] [w:WrapTextWithPunct/] [w:UseAsianBreakRules/] [w:DontGrowAutofit/] [/w:Compatibility] [w:BrowserLevel]MicrosoftInternetExplorer4[/w:BrowserLevel] [/w:WordDocument] [/xml][![endif]--][!--[if gte mso 9]][xml] [w:LatentStyles DefLockedState="false" LatentStyleCount="156"] [/w:LatentStyles] [/xml][![endif]--][style] [!-- /* Style Definitions */ p.MsoNormal, li.MsoNormal, div.MsoNormal (mso-style-parent:""; margin:0cm; margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:12.0pt; font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-fareast-font-family:"Times New Roman";) a:link, span.MsoHyperlink (color:blue; text-decoration:underline; text-underline:single;) a:visited, span.MsoHyperlinkFollowed (color:purple; text-decoration:underline; text-underline:single;) @page Section1 (size:612.0pt 792.0pt; margin:72.0pt 90.0pt 72.0pt 90.0pt; mso-header-margin:36.0pt; mso-footer-margin:36.0pt; mso-paper-source:0;) div.Section1 (page:Section1;) --] [/style][!--[if gte mso 10]] [style] /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable (mso-style-name:"Table Normal"; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-parent:""; mso-padding-alt:0cm 5.4pt 0cm 5.4pt; mso-para-margin:0cm; mso-para-margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:10.0pt; font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-ansi-language:#0400; mso-fareast-language:#0400; mso-bidi-language:#0400;) [/style] [![endif]--] [p class="MsoNormal"][a href="vny!://"]vny!://[/a][/p]
PBM wonders how we can enourage ohers to join us.
true i to wonder how to get more folks into this great little board i would love to see it a little bit bussier but as long as it never turns into a cesspool like some other forums which remain nameless
Russ as to your question before i now know how to answer it. False, drunken jackass's will all-ways be doing stupid things this is why they are jackasses
TPB wonders just like i do why Michel left the wonderful forum and they to miss Michel pictures and postings.
odd thought is Michels leaving and his deletion of all his threads the reason as to why we can no longer edit our own posts ?
Pwerson below me wonders why the person above me hasn't asked a question.
False because he asked "wonders just like i do why Michel left " (I do wonder about Michel leaving too)
PBM has plans for the coming weekend.
True. Got the UDS going today.. got some sausages and small baron of beef going to see how it turns out.. then ready for tomorrow! Right.
Tomorrow Im having a bday party here.. some people coming from the island so it should be good. Havent seen some of them in a while..
I wanted only a few but now it looks like theres a number of people coming so I cant invite some more people I wanted to :(
PBM can recommend a good cell phone for me.. mine is cutting out and randomly shutting off now. Me getting mad and throwing it against the wall hasnt helped it any.
Flase - I just use a cheap one, it's never failed (so far).
PBM uses pay as you go.
False I have a cheap Koodoo plan that costs me just $32. a month including taxes.
PBM is excited that the new fall season of TV started this week
False. not much on tv that i do watch. (I am a little pleased with the new season of house) however I am in no way excited about what is 99 percent programed crap on a idiot box.
Goper i am around from time to time. I just don't have much to say when i am here...
The PBM plans to buy a box of breakfast cerial and eat it dry as a bunch of daily snacks.
True This stuff is YUMMY....[img style="width: 105px; height: 123px;" src="vny!://"]
The person below me is ok about fall coming on, because the summer was SO perfect.
JJ wrote: odd thought is Michels leaving and [/b][span style="font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;"]his deletion of all his threads[/span] the reason as to why we can no longer edit our own posts ?
Yes. That was a little much, altering the context of 10,000 posts of the people who posted before and after him. There are many many 'conversations' left behind, that appear as one person talking to themselves for pages.
True to the question from PC who DID post a question so as to not muck up the PBM game thread doohickey
PBM has had breakfast
false Just came in to do so though.
The person below me is going to try a Bacon Explosion one of these days.
[img style="width: 528px; height: 396px;" src="vny!://"]
*full recipe here.... vny!://
grrr why can't I post a proper link any more.
False... Ive had one. Think I posted a pic on here of it too?
They are heart stoppingly good!
PBM hopes it stays nice without rain for the next few days as well..
True It's quite breezy here in the last hour...but it's better than the rain we were expecting.
The person below me wonders if Gophie will be by today.
PBM is far too aware that the leaves have started to fall.
False, I havent noticed anything like that yet.
Im STILL laughing at the last question and answer.
PBM likes watching National Geographic Channel
PBM wonders if Russ will be around to read this the moment its sent
False.. I KNOW I wasnt.. sorry Gopher.
PBM wonders like me which will be the next plant this new cat called Datsun... will walk on, destroy, tear out, and then wallow in. He destroyed the aloe vera plant
There is a fern, two long dangly leaf plants, a tree like plant, and then a short colourful leafy plant.
false, i never knew you had a plant destroying fleaball named dustin.. probably the fern like thing
The PBM is not happy about the winter rains and the possible snow we will have this year.
PBM is aready cheesed off with the shortening hours of daylight and the thought that they'll get even shorter for the next couple of months or so.
True, I think that is what I dislike about Nov & Dec driving home from work in the dark!
PBM is looking forward to the colourful fall leaves soon.
True and False... I am happy that the leaves are turning I love the colours that come with fall. False cause I hate the cold wet weather...
The Person Below me is suffering from sleepless nights and has noticed their moods becoming grumpier
False....I've had those frustrating sleepless night though. Lately I have been working so hard outside, that I'm
practically asleep before I get in to bed.
The person below me has a list of indoor winter chores.
False - well, I have them in my head, but I'm going to ignore them.
PBM considers himse;f/herself to be a person of inestimably good repute.
True. I do.
The person below me is aware Christmas is less than 3 months away.
True but I don't even think about Christmas until Thanksgiving is over in October.
PBM does there Christmas shopping on Dec 24.
False I have a good dent in it already.
The person below me wishes they were in Italy. (//forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/3.gif)
the PBM did a little sunbathing today...
False I spent the day working on the greenhouse.
The person below be misses Lil Me.
false i didn't even know she was missing... but Lise seems to be...
The PBM wants to see a Russian winter in Leningrad desire to winter in Russia.
The person below me wishes they had an extra day added to the weekend.
False. Everyday is a weekend for me. Yay for no work!!!
PBM has spoken to a crowd of more than 100 people.
Uhm. Yes.
PBM dreams in colour.
False I never dream anymore. ( at least none that i have ever remembered in years and when i did remmeber them they were perdominantly black and white or sepia almost rust coloured
the pbm remembers their dreams
True (usually)
PBM finds it very difficult to think in colour.
False I have an active colorful imagination
PBM favorite color is blue
PBM has blue eyes
PBM is not going to church sunday october 4 2009
PBM has not been in a church for five years
false. was in one for a wedding about a year ago.
PBM is wondering if pc has finished her green house to her satisfaction yet
True. I was hoping she wouold post more pics of her little wilderness paradise too..
The PBM is wondering how long the Dairy Queen on Commercial drive has been open for business...
True.. i didnt know there was one on commercial.. I know about the one on vic, and the new one on fraser by 41st.
PBM likes watching the Sea Hunters.
PBM needs some peace
False I could use a little noise around here.
The person below me is still eating leftover turkey.
*P.C. is not yet finished the greenhouse. A little stall until the wiring is done....Sawdust's department. (//forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/12.gif)
I will post pics...but so far not much to look at.
[a href="vny!://,21.msg158223.html#msg158223"]see lunch thread..[/a]
the pbm just needs some alone time to think ...
PBM agrees that the ability to acquire a brown nose is of far more importance for the achievement of success in the workplace than the mere possession of good punctuality, conscientiousness and industry.
sadly that is true gopher I don't like it any but it is true +( I do not brown nose I do not kiss ass I do not do politics.. probably why I never get a raise probably why I never get any recognition and probably why I get the sites no one else wants..
PBM hates that those who Brown nose or kiss ass or play office politics get all the breaks..
PBM believes that there is justice beyond the kind we know on earth.
True... I follow the belief we will be judged for our actions after this physical form dies and our spirit or soul moves on... whether you believe in Karma or rebirth via reincarnation or In heaven, but I do believe we answer for what we did while we were here...
The PBM thinks that going fishing is the best way to relax on earth...
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[/td][td rowspan="2" class="at_r1"]le[/td][td]
[/td][/tr][tr][td]bib[/td][td]s[/td][/tr][/tbody][/table][/td][td][input name="sauce_check" value="21dd5fd86c4f43118c35b73574421dd8" type="hidden"][input name="sauce" size="10" type="text"][/td][/tr][/tbody][/table] [input name="post" value="Post" onclick="return scheck(); return submitThisOnce(this);" accesskey="s" tabindex="3" type="submit"] [input name="preview" value="Preview" onclick="return (typeof(document.postmodify.attachmentPreview) == "undefined" || !document.postmodify.attachmentPreview.value || confirm('You will have to reattach any attachments, continue with preview?')) && submitThisOnce(this);" accesskey="p" tabindex="4" type="submit"][img]Themes/default/images/blank.gif" alt="" id="fetchSessionTemp"]
True. Bobbing on a boat with a cooler full of beer. Trying to steer AWAY from the fish on the sounder so as to not have to do any work. Thats what I tell the guys anyhow when its my turn on the helm and we arent catching jack.
PBM is wondering what to attempt for din din tonight.
half true half false
I ate some pigs foot and knee... but the Jowels I have no idea what to do with the pigs head the jaw eye it still has teeth in it. do i dice it up make a soup or what.
the PBM wonders like i do just what does one use a smoked pigs head for ?
False you make headcheese, my dad used to make all the time.
PBM has never had homemade headcheese
True JJ I have never had head cheese before let alone had home made head cheese before
So how do I turn this pigs head into home-made head-cheese. and once it is made what's it used for.
TPB knows how to make head cheese.
False I don't even like saying headcheese. (//forums/richedit/smileys/Shocked/2.gif)
The person below me is gearing up to carve a pumpkin or two.
False but if I can get my hands on them, real screechers, I do plan on blowing up a pumpkin or two (//forums/richedit/smileys/Teasing/14.gif)
TPB wonders how to make a screecher explode
False...that's easy (but I wouldn't do it...I let the guys do it)
The PBM is going to eat so much halloween candy that they will get sick to their stomach.
False Ick...I hate having that stuff in the house. I think I'll give out soup this year. (//forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/12.gif)
The person below me wants to come over here and help me finish this room. (//forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/1.gif)
False I am so useless when it comes to building or renovating things.
Last time i tried i accidentally stepped on a paint tin while carrying a large 2 by 4 while attempting to regain my balance i swung about wildly still holding on to the bleeding 2 by 4 I broke 3 windows that had been lined up to go in the wall. the support berm that had been in place with clamps to hold up the stuff on the wall jiprock ( spelling ) well i knocked a clamp off part of the wall came down placing a gigantic big hole in it...
sighs and the paint tin i had tripped on :( well guess what, it had broke open, so my big fat clumsy feet walked through it and out the door, then down the hall, across the living room and right out the front door to have a smoke... unbeknownst to me I had left a big old trail of oil based foot prints behind me... sighs and you thought the three stooges were clumsy idiots. just one of me did more damage by accident than those 3 did on purpose..
tpb me wonders am i truely as clumsy as all that...
True. It seems impossible. (//vny!://
Sounds like something right out of the Three Stooges. Oh...and I just remembered.....I don't need any help after all. (//richedit/smileys/Happy/12.gif)
The person below me is donning a costume this weekend.
There is only studying for me this weekend...*cries*
The PBM loves Twilight
True, absolutely the best time of day.
PBM is an early bird
True....and it seems to be getting earlier and earlier.
The person below me, thinks we're in for a snarky winter.
PBM always enjoying seeing the buds which have already formed on the trees when the leaves have started to fall.
True.. I never seem to notice that or I miss it.
PBM wonders what the next hit will be that will replace the simpsons.. or thinks they already know one that has?
PBM watches either Dr. Who or Coronation Street
True I love British shows watched Dr Who & Dr Martin
PBM has a yard full of leaves to rake.
False (they've all blown away)
PBM hass made at least two mistakes today
The person below me thinks we will get snow this winter.
True I've been thinking about going in and getting my snow tires put on before the first snow and the rush.
PBM enjoys the winter sports related to the coming snow.
PBM has seen a few flakes already
True....but not of the snow variety.
The person below me knows something about starting plants from cuttings. (help!)
PBM often ignores advice
True, and I suffer for it. LOL
PBM is having a crummy day so far. Like me far, so good. I can even get back to working with my mangled fingie.
The person below me often ignores advice. (couldn't help it...I ignored that it's already been asked, because I liked that one)
PBM prides hinmself/herself on ignoring gratuitously given advice
False.. I just seem to skip it over ago.
PBM is wondering if the rain is going to let up.
False....we got a little sunshine today....although it poured this morning.
The person below me accidentally missed fall yard clean-up.
False (there was no accident about it).
PBM hates sorting through multi-choice opportunities which are littered with items in very small print.
Not sure I've come across small print multi-choice litter before....but I DO hate trying to convey a message to a company that uses multi-choice to describe your situation, when there are only choices like....
a) I am very satisfied with the customer service offered by our company
b) I found the customer service to be very helpful
c) Don't you wish everybody's customer service was as good as ours.
The person below me is wishes they would bring back human contact on the phone.
PBM hates the present trend for impersonality in almost every walk of life.
True.. hate the one guideline and rule for all.. when everythings different.
pbm is wondering what teh next brilliant idea the government will come up with
PBM has stopped listening to the speeches of politicians.
true, but maybe I should Of said huh what speeches
TPB me us wondering if Russ is alive or dead..
PBM has noticed that the karma piggy has been more active recently.
And he takes much much more hits to make disappear. He's such a nuisance. (//forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/4.gif)
I don't shoot him for karma points...I just want to make him go away. I find him particularly annoying if I've forgotten that my volume is cranked.
PBM has noticed that PAM has forgotten to ask a question.
Person below me wonders why they forgot to ask a question here and on the [a href="vny!://"]If thread... [/a]
PBM is amused that this has been pointed out.
PBM is sometimes to lazy to be bothered logging online...
PBM likes eating out
I enjoy dining out.
The Person Below Me is wondering what kind of pranks to pull on April first before 11 am...
the person below me wonders what it would be like to see the UBC + SFU Student engineer's undertake to put 3 VW bugs on the Alex Fraser, bridge. now these students ( usually the UBC ones) they put a VW Bug almost every year on to the lions gate bridge... I wonder why they do not do a real challenge in example the AF. ... I'd like to see them hang 3 cars off it... Pretty much one for each span now that would be a engineering feat, that would be talked about for ages to come... ( providing they do not get arrested trying to do it) I seem to recall reading something about them being caught in the act once or twice before attempting similar style feats...
False...I am prankless.
The person below me is concerned about all the stupid price hikes on basic necessities.
the cost of living today is exceeding my income.. had to give up to many things at the grocery store now =(
The person below me is tired of budgeting everything and wants to splurge like they used to do... ( before the cost of life got to be to expensive)
The cost of living is allways going up...............just go with the flow and earn more
The person below me will get drunk tonight
Person below me got pranked on April fools day.
False....well...except for my cat who faked me out a dozen times, pretending he wanted out.
The person below me had a power outage this morning.
PBM got wet today
If getting wet in the shower counts as wet. If so, then yes "I did" get wet today. If it does not count as getting wet, then "I did" not get wet today.
The Person Below Me, Dislike the way I use punctuation and Capitalize where unneeded.
Nope you use it just fine in my books
The person below me hates that i can not spell worth beans or anyone in general that spells crappy
Bad spelling irks me...but that doesn't mean I think any less of anybody who doesn't feel the same.(//forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/14.gif)
The person below me had a special dinner for Easter.
The Person Below Me is exhausted and in need of a vacation.
TRUE................I need time off but will not see that for a long time
The person below me posts under a different name at other sites......not to be named ;)
I Post only on this site. Whether I choose to register or not remains to be seen.
The person below me has won money on the Canadian lottery.
Ture if you count $10.00
The person below me owns a Truck
False. I have driven one though.
The Person Below Me has stolen or possibly been in a stolen truck.
false. I don't know how to hijack a car.
Person below me has stepped in doggy poo recently.
My parents dog brick left me a present near my compost in the backyard.. which i discovered the other day when I was emptying my compost from my kitchen.
PBM likes easter turkey just for the next days of sandwiches.
PBM has already made one mistake today.
True. I woke up.
PBM likes tobasco sauce or Rooster brand hotsauce?
PBM has since made another mistake
False, I have yet to make a mistake today, but the day has only just begun.
The Person Below Me me wonders where Russ has been and why he has not posted for so long.
PBM has had a nice surprise today
True My Order from Newegg arrived, I had not been expecting it until Saturday. I am going to put the new Power Supply in to the new Case and move my Old motherboard and other equipemnt from the old case, into this new one.
I can hardly wait to finish it and see what the Pc will look like. it soon looks i will be ready for that next Lan party I like the handle, looks like it will be easy to carry from that. just one small problem is iritating me. And that is the power supply. It looks nothing like the one in the pictures advertised, It has the same amount of power written on it, but the power supply has a different name written on it... I am beginning to wonder about bait and switch tactics here...
The Person Below Me has been woken up by a phone call that hung up before they got to the phone ?
( now whether or not you ponder this i am... who the bloody hell just called me and why? number is not listed on call display)
can not remmember if this has happened to no
person below me has had fax calling there phone number ............I had this happening at 2 am .......piss me right off
PBM wonders what happened to spring?
Am out side enjoying the noon hour sunshine.
The Person below wants me to come over and cook for them.
PBM will supply the ingredients.
True if i get feed tooooooooooooooooo.
PBM lives in BC
The Person below me has been invited to dinner.
PBM takes a shower before bed.
Person below me showers twice a day.
True. Sometimes I have to depending on what I've done that day.
PBM suffers from allergies?
PBM love to get dressed up for no reason at all.......just cause they like to feel good
50/50 Half True Half False.
I like to dress up. It is good to be dressed well. I just do not dress well to make myself feel good.
I'd rather dress down if i want to feel good, hop on the bike and hit some trails, something about working up a sweat and getting grubby that makes a person feel good. Not to mention the adrenalin rush of speeding downhill.
The person below me, would like to learn how to tango.
False There is nothing that feels good about wearing a push-up bra and high-heels. gimme jeans and flip-flops. I like to dress up when I have to, but that's my limit.
The person below me is planning a trip out of country this summer.
Why am I so slow.
Yes, tango is lovely.
The Person below me wants to see Lil_me taekwondo some guys A$$
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Fighting should only be done in cases of self defense or under a controlled environment.
The PBM listens to country music?
PBM couldn't give a damn
Umm Could not give a damn about what gopher ? Country music or fighting ?
From my understanding Lil_Me is very good at tae kwon do... and I for one, would like to see how she does at a tourney
For now Gopher with out further understanding of your question. I need to answer False
The Person below me knows the difference between ITF and WTF and will explain the difference
FAlse. Not a clue, sorry Orik
PBM likes fresh brewed coffee
I forgive you Russ. besides there is no need to be sorry, it is perfectly alright. I knew What ITF and WTF are. I think Lil-Me does too but I am not 100 % certain if she does or not... It is International Tae Kwon Do and World Tae Kwon Do they are styles of training.
the Person below me wants a fresh pot of brewed coffee
True. Waiting anxiously right now for it to be done. Im serious!
PBM thinks there are things they would have done different.. but not sure if it would have been wise in foresight as those decisions made them who they are today.
Uhh false.
I would not do things differently. I like how things have turned out in my life. Though I do wish I could be a bit wiser on certain issues so that I could pass the correct route to the youngers who look to me for advice.
The PBM believes in miracles?[/DIV]
yup, True, JMO, but I think everyone should bielieve in miracles...
The Person below me dislikes the use of abbreviations.
Orik wrote:
yup, True, JMO, but I think everyone should bielieve in miracles...
The Person below me dislikes the use of abbreviations.
sometimes as some of them leave me ???????????
Loves RED
The Person below me loves red
PBM doesn't love red.
true, I love the shades of purple, lavender fuchsia, oxblood, plum & violet.
The Person below me likes the tv show on spike deadliest warrior.
Don't know it so false
PBM.............knows how to weld
True enough.. I was shown how to use the wire welder thingy. but I do not know how to weld. so it is False also.
the person below me saw purelife online & wonders why she has not posted yet.
PBM............would like a picture of all the people that post all the time
The person below me is not going to watch the next Canucks Vrs LA kings hockey game cause it is to stressful....
The person below me jumped off that band wagon
PBM is eating something.
PBM likes to hike?
True-ish.. before I broke my back and ended up on wheels I loved to hike. I am no longer very good at walking. the pain is just to brutal to walk very far.
TPB me is feeling overwhelmed
True.....SO TRUE
PBM...............wants to sleep in
true so very true.. and on that note good night
the person below me is hoping to get more than 3 hours sleep tonight
True (and I did)
TPB me is looking forward to their day?
faalse so far it is horrible.. I want sleep so badly..
TPBM is familiar with insomnia and the stress it causes...
TPBM hates how every sounds intensifies with insomnia?[/DIV]
true ,
siting hear with cotton balls in my ears sounds turned off.
tpbm is wondering if Natasha and ddd are a item...
PBM still has four grandparents alive
I have no living relatives left, that I know of, there might be some distant cousins somewhere but trying to find them is beyond my means, before being placed in to permanent foster care at 2 years and a few months after my mum had gone to work one morning and never returned.
Canada's Social Services did attempt to find my family.. I have my foster parents who adopted me at the age of 7 and a half. They searched for 5 years trying to find any blood relatives but to no avail, they had wanted to legally adopt me.
The Court permitted my adoption with out a parental or guardians approval since no living blood relatives were found. My adoption was approved on the grounds that all my blood relatives where dead.
Sadly none of my foster parents, parents are living anymore either. They have all been deceased for many years now. Grandmother dad's side complications of breast cancer, Dad's dad years before. Mums mum just a few years ago. cause old age over 100 and mum's dad many years earlier. This is probably more info than any of you ever needed or wanted to know.
the person below me has met all there blood relatives.
False have not
PBM wants to go to my cabin
Sorry to hear all that Orik. You seem wonderfully kind to have had such a hard life.
TPBM has blue eyes?
PBM has already made their first mistake today?
The person below me only has coffee in the morning and does not eat until lunch
PBM spends to much time online
True but only from Mon to Fri as the weekends I am usally gone away
owns no car
PBM has a bicycle
True but I hardly use it..........
Has had a 3some
PBM like to be foolish cause it keeps the heart and mind young.
wish they had a job they liked
False I got a job I like. just no site to work at...
PBM learned English as a second language.
False. I was raised bilingual but English my dominating language.
TPBM prefers soft kisses?[/DIV]
The Person Below Me likes to nuzzle
True =)
TPBM likes romantic nights?
True... Candle Light dinners and after dinner a good fire to snuggle by.
The Person Below Me Likes Sparkling Apple Juice
PBM likes throwing caution to the wind.
All the time no... but there is a time and a place to do so.. So True, but only under the right conditions...
The Person Below Me wants to travel through Israel, Palestine. to see Jerusalem and Bethlehem.
PBM would like to have time to learn all the world's language and read every book written. if you had said travel the whole word...true
Has beat a person up in there lifetime
PBM has climbed a mountain
True.......... Golden Ears and others more like hiked them rather than climbing with rope.......
wish they lived in BC
PBM wonders whatever happened to turdeau who used to post regularly on DV
TPBM wonders what happened to DV?
The change of format/layout plus dividing it in to 2 forums caused the loss of many posters, the Mod Nazis enforcing the new T.O.S, the out right mass banning of IP ranges verses the individual ban and instead of a 24 hr to 72 hr IP ban they even implemented a 6 month ban to a whole ip set range and dns, who ever thought that one up was a real tool.
Mass banning of good posters and decent trolls, the banning of posters who questioned the mods and the admins... the day admins told mods to stop being accountable to the posters for there actions, banning of anyone that taunted or insulted the site admins and moderators..
need I really continue to name, the idiocy that took place now toss in these 2 items plus the added registration, the denial of freedom of speech/expression. The original owners selling or sold out dv to the new owners. . combine it all together it was to much at once and poof DV went up in flames. this is what destroyed DV.
Freedom of speech, still tends to be squashed by overzealous mods @ DV. It used to be the best, now it is one of the worst.. this is just my 2 cents and my humble opinion...
here on Discover Seattle they at least let you post and make a fool of your self... they offer freedom to express oneself with in reason of course I like that they do not Bleep every curse word they allow for some censorship but not to much. there are some laws and regulation that need to be enforced. DS is a very quiet forum but you know what I love it, it is a small community and I would love to see the forum community grow. but the only way to get more posters here is to invite our friends to come join us.
The person below me wants to see DV restored to its glory days and the original out look in style of 2006
False at one time yes byt they have what they wanted there now so f*ck them I say.......
wants DS to become the new place to come and BS
[span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 127);"]Gopher wrote: PBM would like to have time to learn all the world's language and read every book written.[/span]
[span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);"]True[/span]
[span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 127);"]DDD wrote: PBM Has beat a person up in there lifetime[/span]
False. unless you consider the following beating a person up.
I have been in a few fights where I have had to defend myself or others through what some might consider violent means. I have used less than lethal force, in all instances except once, where lethal force was warranted.
I have had to use physical force to restrain a person before. I and others have restrained a few people on numerous occasions where the person was violent towards others and once where they were suicidal and attempting to take there own life.
However in my entire life I have never beaten a person up just for the sake of violence or to enforce my will. Being sorely tempted to do so on the other hand is not the same thing. There have been a few times where I wanted to just beat the living hell out of someone but the training takes over and I walk away, seething inside but calm externally.
[span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 127);"]Gopher wrote: PBM has climbed a mountain[/span]
True. I admit It was 22 years ago before I broke my back, it was also a small mountain took our group only 3 days round trip to reach the summit or peak. up one side and down the other. It was more of a hike than vertically straight up, though there was some of that but it was a 15 minute section of climb and it had a trail around for those who could not do it. Most of it was steep trails, I've also never attempted to repeat the experience.
[br style="color: rgb(0, 64, 127);"] [div][span style="color: rgb(0, 64, 127);"]DDD wrote: PBM wish they lived in BC[/span]
[span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 127);"]Gopher wrote: PBM wonders whatever happened to turdeau who used to post regularly on DV[/span]
False. I do not remember any poster by the name of turdeau.
[span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 127);"]Natasha wrote: TPBM wonders what happened to DV?[/span]
[br style="color: rgb(0, 0, 127);"][span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 127);"]Little Fish (my alter ego wrote) The person below me wants to see DV restored to its glory days and the original out look in style of 2006[/span]
True... I miss the original lay out of the forum pages, the banter & the massive thread discussions that went on with multiple persons.. albeit some may have been multiple aliases for one person..
[span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 127);"]DDD wrote: PBM wants DS to become the new place to come and BS[/span]
True as long as the bs trolls can be kept out...
[span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 127);"]The Person Below Me was caught in today's hail storm.[/span]
hail ???
as for the trolls true they can stay away
Has kids that they know of.....LOL
False. although I have the right to remain silent.
the person below me has had need of a lawyer before
TPBM has a bad run in with the law before?
PBM has been mentioned in a gossip column?
TPBM has a SO?
PBM has asked me something I don't know (what an SO is).
False... sorry gopher I also do not know...
Natasha what Is the meaning of the SO abbreviation please.
The person below me wants to travel to France and urinate off the top of the Eiffel tower...
PBM doesn't believe that the danube is blue?
Hindi Ko alam. I don't know
The person below me will explain what the danube is.
False.......still waitting on the meaning of tasha's other post
hates al the short abv....... and slangs
Person below me hates filling police reports
Ture anything that has me signing a police report
wants to fly to vegas
Fly?? Not if I can help it.
SO = significant other =)
TPBM learned something new today?
Natasha wrote:
Fly?? Not if I can help it.
SO = significant other =)
TPBM learned something new today?
OK drive then
True SO
wants to let loose and just go with there feelings about something
True. I'd like to go with my feelings on a few things actually. That's easier said than done.
TPBM has good plans for the summer?[/DIV]
the person below me got bad news today
TPBM got into an arguement with someone today.
the person below me lost 20 dollars today
The person below me found some money in the last 6 months. (tell me where and how much...and yes old coat pockets count)
PBM has a dark side
True (doesn't everyone)
The Person Below Me enjoys star gazing and amateur astronomy
[P style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt" class=MsoNormal][SPAN style="FONT-FAMILY: Tahoma; COLOR: black"]Star gazing [SPAN style="mso-spacerun: yes"] [/SPAN]True................... amateur astronomy [SPAN style="mso-spacerun: yes"] [/SPAN]False.[?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /][o:p][/o:p][/SPAN]
[P style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt" class=MsoNormal][o:p] [/o:p]
[P style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt" class=MsoNormal][o:p] [/o:p]
[P style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt" class=MsoNormal]TPBM
[P style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt" class=MsoNormal][o:p] [/o:p]
[P style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt" class=MsoNormal]Wants to live on a sailboat for a year...
PBM would like to catch a falling star
Gopher wrote:
PBM would like to catch a falling star[/DIV]
catch it False.........find one True
would like to camp in the Grand Canyon
False Any hotels with room service there ?
PBM feels happy with where they are. (geographically)
P.C. wrote:
False Any hotels with room service there ?
PBM feels happy with where they are. (geographically)
[P style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt" class=MsoNormal][SPAN style="FONT-FAMILY: Tahoma; COLOR: black"][?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /][o:p] [/o:p][/SPAN]
[P style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt" class=MsoNormal][SPAN style="FONT-FAMILY: Tahoma; COLOR: black"]PBM[o:p][/o:p][/SPAN]
[P style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt" class=MsoNormal][SPAN style="FONT-FAMILY: Tahoma; COLOR: black"][o:p] [/o:p][/SPAN]
[P style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt" class=MsoNormal][SPAN style="FONT-FAMILY: Tahoma; COLOR: black"][o:p] [/o:p][/SPAN]
[P style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt" class=MsoNormal][SPAN style="FONT-FAMILY: Tahoma; COLOR: black"]Wants to have 2 more kids[o:p][/o:p][/SPAN]
TPBM wants to get married?
PBM is tired
True It has become my natural state.
The person below me thinks the ultimate luxury is a foot massage.
P.C. wrote:
True It has become my natural state.
The person below me thinks the ultimate luxury is a foot massage.
close but false
thinks that a back rub is the ultimate luxury
PBM has seen a UFO
Gopher wrote:
PBM has seen a UFO[/DIV]
not sure could have been too much smoke........
goes to church at least 2 times a year
True sometimes even more often than that...
The Person below me thinks church is best held at the lake with a fishing-pole in one hand and a ice cold drink in the other...
Orik wrote:
True sometimes even more often than that...
The Person below me thinks church is best held at the lake with a fishing-pole in one hand and a ice cold drink in the other...
TRUE as that is the only church I belive in.......
thinks they need to gat out in the sun
When I worked, I worked outside. I have leathery enough skin with out letting the sun tan it more...
The Person below me has a city sized headache
False. I only get headaches on Mondays. j/k
PBM loves waterfalls
Big True So beautiful.
The person below me is going out for dinner tonight
PBM has weekend plans.
TPBM is celebrating Mother's Day?
Not sure. I always take it as something somebody brings to you. (//forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/4.gif)
PBM enjoyed the sunshine today.
TPBM gives hints for gifts they may want?
PBM hopes someone will cook them dinner on Mother's Day
TPBM hopes to go out for Mother's Day?
the person below still has a mother to hug...
False [img border=0 src="vny!://"]
PBM thinks they have the best gift for their mom.
PBM likes walking barefoot in the park?
Treuish... I used to until they turned park 1 into a dog park, now I would never dare walk in that park for fear of a doggy poop landmine, another sad day was spotting the used syringes underneath the picnic tables in park 2. So no more barefoot walking there. Busted beer bottles and syringes at the beach...
Walking barefoot at the beach or park is no longer a big to-do. The closest I shall come to bare feet at the beach or park is to stick my bare feet in a pair of sandals or flip flops just to be on the safer side of walking.
the person below me has exceeded the posted speed limit by more than 100 Kilometers an hour
PBM won't be posting here next week.
TPBM likes to sing in the shower?
the person below me has heard me sing and would rather listen to chalkboards and fingernails than here me sing again...
PBM has just washed their hair.
False (I did just finish washing the dishes though)
The Person Below ME has never tried peanut brittle before...
False. I love peanut brittle!
PBM enjoys their job
Itsy Bitsy wrote:
False. I love peanut brittle!
PBM enjoys their job[/DIV]
True and False.............I think most of us feel this way
likes baby powder
Person below me is missing a goat
PBM likes to eat goat
True when prepared correctly... Other wise it can be pretty tough old goat.
The person below me wonders why Tough is spelled Tough and not the way it sounds, Tuff
TPBM is wondering why it's written that dogs say "ruff" and "rough"
Person below me is woebegone
[SPAN class=pronset] [SCRIPT language=DOH!script]AC_FL_RunContent = 0;[/SCRIPT] [SCRIPT type=text/XXXXscript]var interfaceflash = new LEXICOFlashObject ( "vny!://", "speaker", "17", "15", "[a href=\"vny!://\" target=\"_blank\"][img src=\"vny!://\" border=\"0\" alt=\"woebegone pronunciation\" /][/a]", "6");interfaceflash.addParam("loop", "false");interfaceflash.addParam("quality", "high");interfaceflash.addParam("menu", "false");interfaceflash.addParam("salign", "t");interfaceflash.addParam("FlashVars", "soundUrl=vny!!"); interfaceflash.addParam('wmode','transparent');interfaceflash.write();[/SCRIPT] [OBJECT id=speaker code base="code base=" classid=clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000 width=17 align=textTop height=15 vny!: pub shockwave cabs flash'6,0,0,0"'][PARAM NAME="_cx" VALUE="449"][PARAM NAME="_cy" VALUE="396"][PARAM NAME="FlashVars" VALUE=""][PARAM NAME="Movie" VALUE="vny!://"][PARAM NAME="Src" VALUE="vny!://"][PARAM NAME="WMode" VALUE="Transparent"][PARAM NAME="Play" VALUE="0"][PARAM NAME="Loop" VALUE="0"][PARAM NAME="Quality" VALUE="High"][PARAM NAME="SAlign" VALUE="T"][PARAM NAME="Menu" VALUE="0"][PARAM NAME="Base" VALUE=""][PARAM NAME="AllowScriptAccess" VALUE=""][PARAM NAME="Scale" VALUE="ShowAll"][PARAM NAME="DeviceFont" VALUE="0"][PARAM NAME="EmbedMovie" VALUE="0"][PARAM NAME="BGColor" VALUE=""][PARAM NAME="SWRemote" VALUE=""][PARAM NAME="MovieData" VALUE=""][PARAM NAME="SeamlessTabbing" VALUE="1"][PARAM NAME="Profile" VALUE="0"][PARAM NAME="ProfileAddress" VALUE=""][PARAM NAME="ProfilePort" VALUE="0"][PARAM NAME="AllowNetworking" VALUE="all"][PARAM NAME="AllowFullScreen" VALUE="false"][/OBJECT][NOSCRIPT][/NOSCRIPT] [SPAN style="DISPLAY: none" class=show_ipapr][SPAN class=prondelim]/[/SPAN][FONT face="Arial Unicode MS"][SPAN class=pron]ˈwoʊ[img class=luna-Img border=0 alt="" src="vny!://[/img]bɪˌgɔn[/SPAN][SPAN class=pron],[/SPAN][/FONT] [SPAN class=pron][FONT face="Arial Unicode MS"]-ˌgɒn[/FONT][/SPAN][SPAN class=prondelim]/[/SPAN] [A href="vny!://" target=_blank][img class=luna-Img onmouseover="swapLunaImage('default', this);" onmouseout="swapLunaImage('selected', this);" border=0 src="vny!://[/img][/A] [SPAN style="DISPLAY: inline" class=pron_toggle][A class=pronlink onmouseover="status='Click to toggle pronunciation';return true;" title="Click to show spelled" onmouseout="status='';return true;" onclick=jvascript:show_sp() alt="Toggle for Spelled"]Show Spelled[/A][/SPAN][/SPAN][SPAN style="DISPLAY: inline" class=show_spellpr][SPAN class=prondelim][[/SPAN][SPAN class=pron][SPAN class=boldface]woh[/SPAN]-bi-gawn[/SPAN][SPAN class=pron],[/SPAN] [SPAN class=pron]-gon[/SPAN][SPAN class=prondelim]][/SPAN] [A href="vny!://" target=_blank][img class=luna-Img onmouseover="swapLunaImage('default', this);" onmouseout="swapLunaImage('selected', this);" border=0 src="vny!://[/img][/A] [SPAN style="DISPLAY: inline" class=pron_toggle][A class=pronlink onmouseover="status='Click to toggle pronunciation';return true;" title="Click to show IPA" onmouseout="status='';return true;" onclick=jvascript:show_ip() alt="Toggle for IPA"]Show IPA[/A][/SPAN][/SPAN][/SPAN] [DIV class=body] [DIV class=pbk][SPAN class=pg]–adjective[/SPAN] [DIV class=luna-Ent][SPAN class=dnindex]1.[/SPAN] [DIV class=dndata]beset with woe; affected by woe, esp. in appearance. [/DIV]
[DIV class=luna-Ent][SPAN class=dnindex]2.[/SPAN] [DIV class=dndata]showing or indicating woe: [SPAN class=ital-inline][FONT face=Georgia]He always had a woebegone look on his face. [/FONT][/SPAN][/DIV][/DIV][/DIV]
[DIV class=Lsentnce] [DIV class=LImg][FONT face=Georgia][/FONT]
[DIV class=Lis][A style="COLOR: #333333; TEXT-DECORATION: underline" id=us class=AU onmouseover="linkOver(this,'qry');" onmouseout="linkOut(this,'qry');" href="vny!://"]Use [B id=qry]woebegone[/B] in a Sentence[/A][/DIV]
[DIV id=imgres] [DIV class=LImg]
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[DIV class=Lis][A style="COLOR: #333333; TEXT-DECORATION: underline" id=wl class=AU onmouseover="linkOver(this,'wqry');" onmouseout="linkOut(this,'wqry');" href="vny!://"]Search [B id=wqry]woebegone[/B] on the Web[/A][/DIV]
[DIV class=tail] [HR class=ety] [DIV class=ety]Origin:
[SPAN class=rom-inline]1300–50; [/SPAN]ME [SPAN class=ital-inline][FONT face="Arial Unicode MS"]wo begon[/FONT][/SPAN] orig., woe (has or had) surrounded (someone); [SPAN class=ital-inline][FONT face="Arial Unicode MS"]wo[/FONT][/SPAN] [SPAN][A style="FONT-STYLE: normal; FONT-WEIGHT: normal" href="vny!://"]woe[/A] [/SPAN]+ [SPAN class=ital-inline][FONT face="Arial Unicode MS"]begon,[/FONT][/SPAN] ptp. of [SPAN class=ital-inline][FONT face="Arial Unicode MS"]begon,[/FONT][/SPAN] OE [SPAN class=ital-inline][FONT face="Arial Unicode MS"]begān[/FONT][/SPAN] to surround, besiege ([SPAN]see [A style="FONT-STYLE: normal; FONT-WEIGHT: normal" href="vny!://"]be-[/A], [A style="FONT-STYLE: normal; FONT-WEIGHT: normal" href="vny!://"]go[/A][SPAN class=x]1[/SPAN][/SPAN]) [/DIV]
[SPAN class=sectionLabel]—Related forms[/SPAN] [DIV class=roset][SPAN class=secondary-bf]woe·be·gone·ness, [/SPAN][SPAN class=pg]noun[/SPAN][/DIV]
[SPAN class=sectionLabel]—Synonyms [/SPAN]
[SPAN class=secondary-bf][SPAN]2.[/SPAN][/SPAN] suffering, troubled, forlorn, gloomy.
eats fish 4x a month
True at least once a week pretty much every Friday. I love tuna so have it for lunch quiet often.
The Person Below Me has been outside enjoying the sunny warm days.
True (I love tuna too) (//forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/12.gif)
TBM likes hard boiled eggs.
True .. sort of. I don't like the yoke so I don't eat them.
TPBM likes to try new recipes?
well if i cooked True
wants to drive to [?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" /][st1:State w:st="on"][st1:place w:st="on"]Oregon[/st1:place][/st1:State] this summer
False. I want to tour the oakanagan this summer.
PBM is a frequent snowboarder/ skiier
Well never got out this year but last all the time so True and False
PBM love the water
TPBM loves camping?
TRUE..............sadly do not go any more
loves to sleep in a sleeping bag built for two
True - though I'd rather sleep on an air matress built for two.. lol
TPBM likes smores?
Natasha wrote:
True - though I'd rather sleep on an air matress built for two.. lol
TPBM likes smores?[/DIV]
Like who does not LOVE THEM....True
has had stiches
lol... I don't LOVE them. Like them, yes. Love them, no.
True, I've had stitches. One more than one occasion actually.
TPBM has their tonsils?
True. I have my tonsils.
PBM prefers small towns over big cities.
I like them both for different reasons.
TPBM has work today?
likes hot tubs
TPBM likes candles
likes king sized beds
True but I think it's more about the mattress.
TPBM wants a camel?
NO a dog yes
PBM has run out of ideas for this thread
I just got a dog. She's a chorkie poo.
lol True
TPBM has a foot fetish?
Natasha wrote:
I just got a dog. She's a chorkie poo..........Cool
lol True
TPBM has a foot fetish?.........only if the person I am with wants me to
likes spam
TPBM likes jewelery
[P style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt" class=MsoNormal]Only on a woman...True
[P style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt" class=MsoNormal][?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /][o:p] [/o:p]
[P style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt" class=MsoNormal]PBM
[P style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt" class=MsoNormal][o:p] [/o:p]
[P style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt" class=MsoNormal][o:p] [/o:p]
[P style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt" class=MsoNormal]Likes to wear sun glasses
Person below me is in a righteous rage because of the shitty playing by the Vancouver Canucks once again..
oops... see above..
The person below me is going on a road trip sometime through the summer.
False.... The Tripped I had planned is on hold, unless I can get some serious shifts in and earn another 3 grand my lousy 350 US Savings account just wont cut it Had I not been laid off on march 1 I would have saved up more than enough to have taken My road trip to Vegas in August/September at this point of time is canceled... Unless my luck changes I will not get to vegas this year... maybe by next year... and hopefully Penn & Teller do not die or retire before hand...
The Person Below me has had their dreams crushed before...
True.......sad but true
has plans for the upcoming long weekend
True - if working counts as "plans".
TPBM has an outdoor hobbie?
PBM has a veggie garden
Person below me is a practitioner/follower of Druidism
knows AutoCad
True. :)
PBM has been to hawaii.
you know cad? use it for work then?
lives in a basement
True. I live in a basement suite.
Yes I know cad, I'm a drafter afterall. You know cad? For work?
PBM is religious
Itsy Bitsy wrote:
True. I live in a basement suite.
Yes I know cad, I'm a drafter afterall. You know cad? For work? Wish I did as now I have to rely on others
PBM is religious - False[/DIV]
Likes swimming
TPBM has an indoor pool tub outside......need to fix it :(
is 5'-5"
False. I'm only 5'1
TPBM prefers brunettes
True. I love dark hair and light eyes... Irish style... or superman style. :)
PBM prefers athletic women over curvy women.
Omg dark hair and blues *sighs* There couldn't be anything more sexy.
False. I prefer a curvy woman who is active.
TPBM likes cherries
True. I just ate a bunch of cherries about an hour a go.
PBM grew up with fruit trees in their yard.
I've never liked cherries.
True, we had an apple tree and a pecan tree in the yard.
TPBM was born with a lot of hair.
PBM enjoys being lazy
False I do enjoy a lazy day every now and then
TPBM. knows a lazy person.
Can I count myself ? if so true. if not false.
the person below me wonders why it rained all day but at 10 to 5 the sun came out.
eats fruit everyday
True and some type of small veggie tray.
TPBM loves strawberries?
False I like strawberries but I love Black cherries.
TPBM is craving Mums home made lasagna
False - My mother and I haven't spoken in some time. I crave nothing of hers.
TPBM has a chandelier?
PBM has a veranda
True. I have a chandelier and a veranda. As a matter of fact, I have a chandelier on my veranda. (//forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/12.gif)
PBM finds it a wee bit chilly today.
TPBM would rather have rain than snow
True...........for the most part but snow for a week is ok then the rain can wash it away :)
Likes to have phone sex........................yes me bad
I decline to answer that, try a different question .
The person below me also refuses to answer such questions
False - I'm not a prude so I don't mind. Plus we're all anonymous here sooooo it's no biggy imo.
TPBM would like all the sexual talk to stop.
False.......need more [img border=0 src="vny!://"]
will answer my last question
PBM wonders what my answer would be.
False your not a woman
Thinks I have a one track mind
True! Haha
PBM likes natural peanut butter
True...............and yes I seem to have a very narrow veiw lately
likes there eggs over easy
TPBM prefers turkey bacon
False if a person is going to eat bacon why settle for a substitute...
Person below me wonders why I use more than one name
PBM wonders what your real name is
False - why would anyone wonder about that?
TPBM has posted with Orik for years?
TPBM is checking out the dot gopher web sites
TPBM has to make it back to DS more frequently so they don't get behind on threads.. lol
PBM is pleased to read the above post.
knows irish bloke has nothing to add to this forum of any use
False, For all I know he has something good to add and it might not even be the real irish bloke just somebody using the name to piss you off cause they know it will.c
The Person below me does not understand why they (Irish Bloke & DDD) fight like 2 hookers over the same 100 dollar John...
False. I understand but wont tell. It's best to stay out of it as much as possible. Some history is better left in the past.
TPBM hopes for back rub?
PBM would prefer some foot massage.
knows irish for what it is
TPBM wants to stop talking about Irish
PBM likes to have baby power rubbed all over them
PBM is capable of growing up and moving on [DIV id=smile_editor] [/DIV]
True (I think)
PBM has many happy memories
False, most of my happy memories have been forgotten or lost & yet most of the bad ones remain.
The Person below me has little to no recollection of life before the Age of 14
True...........I get told stuff and then i will remmember but otherwise most is a blank.
Likes the smell of gas
PBM thinks it's unsanitary to breath in other peoples expelled anal gases (farts).
Think about it, that gas has been up their ass and is now crawling down your throat.
LOL..........well it can't be good for you True
can not beleave itsy asked that
False - it's the net. Nothing surprises me on here.
TPBM likes to play arcade type games.
True =( sadly there are no good arcades left because of the invention of home video gaming systems..
Edit....still laughing over what Itsy said...
The Person Below Me wishes to play some 8 Ball on a regulation sized table..
True - I haven't played in years. Not enough to get out for fun these days.
TPBM has good plans this weekend.
Natasha wrote:
True - I haven't played in years. Not enough to get out for fun these days. (i used to play as a kid)
TPBM has good plans this weekend.[/DIV]
Well as you know my plan is allways to go to the lake.........True
[P style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt" class=MsoNormal]Likes to post in lots of different forums
True/False - depends on your defintion of "lots". I post here and one other forum. I'm registered on one more forum but don't post there anymore. Too boring, too annoying.
TPBM is cold? It's warm outdoors but indoors it's freezing.
TPBM is cold? It's warm outdoors but indoors it's freezing.
False It's cold outside here and warm inside
[P style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt" class=MsoNormal]Finds themselves wanting more in life nowadays
False. On the contrary, I find myself much more content with less.
the person below me doesn't enjoy shopping.
True. I like getting new things, but I hate having to shop for them.
PBM would rather live in a super hot place than a super cold one.
I'd prefer somewhere in the middle, but if I had to make a choice, I'd pick cold. (I think)
PBM has their larger meal at the noon meal instead of the supper hour.
False. I almost never eat large meals. I eat about 6 snack sized meals a day.
PBM has had sushi in this past week. real good places for it in New westminster
is going to masterbate this weekend
Actually there is one good place up near Braid and Columbia. I can't remember what it's called. There are three near eachother and only one is good though.
True. Who can go an entire weekend without masturbating?
PBM likes to jog.
False - I prefer to walk, hike, ride a bicycle
TPBM owns a bicycle
True, I own two Bicycles one was on my balcony when I moved in.. So I kept that one after fixing it up a little.. Figured it's nice to have a spare when u weigh as much as I do, one breaks down use the other till I fix the other one back up...
The Person Below Me is no plans at all but to keep on keeping on..
PBM didn't even like imagining it.
TPBM wants Monday to get here and the weekend over an done with
False - Time is something we can never get back so never wish it away.
TPBM is allergic to bees?
PBM isn't allergic to anything.
PBM hates midgets named RDL
Midget Richard wrote:
PBM hates midgets named RDL
As I do not know any ..... False
wants to know how to cook like a pro
PBM thinks they have the last word
True...................................LAST WORD
likes to go out into the rain when its not cold out
PBM is listening to the news work
thinks DDD spends too much time here while at work
False. I do the exact same thing while at work. Though I go back and forth b/t 4 different forums. :)
PBM thinks they are a good employee.
[P style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt" class=MsoNormal][?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /][o:p] [/o:p]
[P style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt" class=MsoNormal]True when I worked for some one else I was.
[P style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt" class=MsoNormal][o:p] [/o:p]
[P style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt" class=MsoNormal]PBM
[P style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt" class=MsoNormal][o:p] [/o:p]
[P style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt" class=MsoNormal]Wants to go horse back ridding this summer
[P style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt" class=MsoNormal][o:p] [/o:p]
Very TRUE. I also want to try as many water sports as possible this year.
PBM has a blackberry.
False (used to own one it went flying & it broke up on the landing)
PBM is sipping a nice cuppa tea right now...
Itsy Bitsy wrote:
Very TRUE. I also want to try as many water sports as possible this year.
You want to do all the stuff I will be doing[/DIV]
PBM is sipping a nice cuppa tea right now...
PBM does not like green tea
PBM prefers tea to coffee
had sex this weekend
TPBM is tired today?
PBM is somewhat crapulous?
False. I had to look that up.
PBM likes to mix food with sex (i.e. lick chocolate syrup off of someone)
but not chocolate. It's too sticky.
TPBM wants a new truck
Natasha wrote:
but not chocolate. It's too sticky................anything in my books in good
TPBM wants a new truck[/DIV]
Goes to sex shops at least 2 times a year
TPBM chews gum when they are nervous?
would like to go to those shops with Tasha
Pbm needs a good nights sleep
Maybe... I do not know who they are, so I can not answer true or false...
The Person Below Me will now tell me what or who Van Houtte is...
PBM feels woefully ignorant at times
The person below me wonders if it is better to be ignorant or a fool....
False. I'd rather be a fool.
PBM likes plaid
P.S. Van Houtte is a coffee brand. They serve it at Chevron. And at my workplace. :)
Itsy Bitsy wrote:
False. I'd rather be a fool.
PBM likes plaid
P.S. Van Houtte is a coffee brand. They serve it at Chevron. And at my workplace. :)[/DIV]
you got that one..................
True but not on me
PBM is surprised that anyone new that was coffee
False - I don't care if anyone knew what it was.
TPBM PM's a lot with other posters.
only one regularly.....others very, very.....etc....... little
thinks most people lie about themself's on the internet
True - most but not all. Certainly no one I chat with on a reg. basis.
TPBM keeps all information on others they post with.
False......only on one and then not all as it goes back a long time now.
would like to see my collection
False - I don't know who this info is on so it would be poor manners for me to see it without their permission.
TPBM has plans tonight.
would like to go to the movies this weekend
True? - depends on what's showing.
TPBM would rather go a drive in.
False............boat ride
goes out every weekend
False - I'm not off every weekend.
TPBM gets every weekend off.
True and False when we are busy will work some but we try not to do weekend OT
likes to lay in the grass
True, as long as there is no hidden surprises in that grass and the grass is not a marijuana field
PBM gets bored and distracted easily...
wish they would think more before posting or saying some things
PBM wonders what it's all about.
True............all the time
would like a dog
PBM had a dog in the past and misses it very much.
True........ :(
has allways had animals
True. =(
PBM is heartbroken.
PBM enjoys wallowing in nostalgia
PBM does not like cranberrys
PBM loves bacon sandwiches
False. I like a occasional club house or BLT but i can not say i love them...
PBL likes fresh oysters.
True......yummy they are
PBM loves eating beans
That Truly is depending on the kind of bean.. most of them are yummy...
PBM has been to a block party...
True was fun
likes to sit and people watch
so TRUE.
PBM thinks caramel apple tea sounds yucky
would move if they could
True. Problem is finding an a fordable place worth moving to..
PBM has been seriously injured before
True Since no one else has decided to answer it...
TPB has fired a rifle and or a handgun before.
True...................shooting guns is fun
is so wanting this sun to stay around untill end of sep
False. Is wanting the sun to stay out every day of the year.
PBM plans to do something outdoors this weekend.
PBM is waiting for something special to arrive.
knows what that is
PBM has done something they're ashamed of in the last week
would like to go back to bed
PBM could do with a holiday
would like to be waited upon just for one day
PBM would like to be waited on all the time
True after I win that 50 mil
Thinks that too much cash for one person to win
False. I could spend that eaaasssyyyy. :D
PBM would move far away if they won 50 mil.
PBM would give at least 40 mil away.
PBM would give away 10 mil only
Itsy Bitsy wrote:
False. I could spend that eaaasssyyyy. :D
PBM would move far away if they won 50 mil.[/DIV]
That would be so fun
DDD wrote:
PBM would give away 10 mil only
I would give 15 million away to various charities & to some school programs through out the entire world.. I know of some scholarship programs in Thailand, China, Cambodia, Vietnam & in the Philippines that would suddenly find them selves with a bursary to be monitored and distributed by some good people. since these are very corrupt places it is a sponsorship program used at random for random students at random schools. no favouritism.
5 local churches with some very good out reach programs would get about 1 million each
then there is meow aid. 1 million and the spca also 1 million they are all charities and tax deductible..
a couple of million would be set aside to be given away at random. locally. 100 dollars here 100 dollars there type of thing... another 2 million would go to some local school breakfast & lunch programs. but I would still talk to a financial advisor first. That way I can make sure the money lasts longer and can help more people for a longer period of time...
One church would be a small catholic church in Nelson i do not remember exactly were it was but i am sure a short trip up there to the hotel on the lake would help me remember which one it was, they would get a lofty percentage because a angel in that church talked me out of a deed that would of seen my death at a very early age.
To my Foster Parents for all they did to teach me and make me the man I am today 10 million
to my Foster Brother. 5 million on the condition he must test clean to be given a monthly alowance.
to my 3 childhood best friends you get some money maybe 250 k each sounds cruel but we were cruel kids..
To some certain women who I owe more than words can say.. 250 thousand each
that would leave me about 20 million. 10 million would be turned over to a financial investment agency to such as ing or something else I will br needing a financial advisor and I mean immediately.. make me more money. in tax shelters.. the other 10 million would fund my trip around the world starting with a visit to every part of Asia major and minor my first stop would be to tokoyo japan, to see the sumo wrestlers and enjoy some fresh sushi...
i guess i would have to hire some translators and some body guards... and a tutor to help me become very fluent in Japanese,Tagalog, & Cantonese..
ahh but the hardest part of all is winning the lottery...
The Person below Me never buys lottery tickets but is planning to make an exception for this fridays drawing
I do not buy them all the time but I do buy them even if there is not a huge cash payout. I will be buying them for this draw again as 50 mil is just way too much not plus 20 1 mil draws.
Hopes this UFC in Vancouver crashes and burns and the scappers eat all those tickets no one wants. (UFC SUCKS)
False - I like UFC. I met my secret lover through UFC... GSP. Christ almighty that man is fine =)
TBPM prefers flowers over balloons
PBM prefers wild flowers to cultivated flowers
TPBM has recieved flowers
PBM likes walking barefoot on newly cut grass
TPBM can walk barefoot on rocks.
loves a good bike ride
PBM has a tandem?
Do you mean owns a tandem...False
Has ridden tandem.... True
The Person below did not know that the name tandem is for a bicycle built for two...
PBM has a family member they never feel at ease with
False =( (I am with out family) I am not very close to my foster parents or my foster brother so in a way this is also very true. (Very good question Gopher I am going to repeat it)
The Person Below me, has a family member they are not comfortable around.
I am sorry
No need to be sorry gopher, My Foster Family was very good to me, so good they even adopted me after fostering me for so many years... So they are my family to me even if they are not my blood they are my family, we may not be very close but I am sure they love me as I love them... God bless you and your kind heart Gopher.. G'night..
PBM noticed that I went out of turn?
will be in the water this weekend getting wet
PBM won't either
False....I will be
Is going away on the July 1 weekend
PBM is going somewhere special on July 1
will be working on that weekend
False I wish I was working that weekend...
Gopher I noticed you skipped answering the question... You ask them but won't answer them when it is placed before you again... Whats up with that ?
The Person below me wonders why Gopher skips answering questions that he has no problem asking of others...
[table bgcolor="#ffffdd" border="1"][tbody][tr][td colspan="2" align="center"][small]Anti-Spam Bot-Stopper
Please type the text below into this field[/small][/td][/tr] [tr][td align="center"] [style type="text/css"] TD.at_r1 (vertical-align:bottom;) [/style] [table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"][tbody][tr][td]
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[/td][/tr][tr][td]bag[/td][td]d[/td][/tr][/tbody][/table][/td][td][input name="sauce_check" value="12146ed67dc7efd0d17606ffd3969e5a" type="hidden"][input name="sauce" size="10" type="text"][/td][/tr][/tbody][/table]
TPBM doesn't care to follow along that closely.
PBM likes Peanut Butter and Jam Sandwiches
True but it all depends on the jam and the peanut butter... it is not one of my favourite foods but it will do in a jif (pun intended)
PBM hates being on hold for longer than 5 minutes.
True. I hate waiting in lines at all. If I can, I will avoid that where I have to wait in lines.
PBM likes coffee.
False. I never drink coffee.
TPBM hates automated services on the phone.
True. I hate answering machines too for that matter.
You dont like coffee? You are missing out! Ah well, more for me.
PBM likes cooler weather over hot sunny weather.
Russ wrote:
True. I hate answering machines too for that matter.
I hate when you have to say stuff. I prefer to push buttons. I have a bit of a southern accent so understanding some of my words is difficult... lol. For a machine anyway.
You dont like coffee? You are missing out! Ah well, more for me.
No, not anymore. Used to drink it a lot as a child. Which is the excuse I blame for my shortness. I prefer some type of juice or a caffine free drink.
PBM likes cooler weather over hot sunny weather.
False. I love hot sunny weather. Less clothes =)
TPBM hates humidity.
True.. The heat is not bad, but when it is Hot and humid blah...
The Person Below Me wants to go on a space flight.
As long as it wont bankrupt me.. sure. Why not?
PBM likes fruit juices
PBM loves wiener schnitzel
True enough, Gopher.
I may not love it but I do like it and it is delicious when done properly. I have had Wiener Schnitzel to die for and others that made you look for the nearest garbage bin. There used to be a great little resteraunt in North Vancouver that had a fantastic Wiener Schnitzel and some other good dishes. =( Sadly I have not found a place to replace them for good meals at good prices.
Person below me enjoys experimenting when it comes to cooking.
The Person below me wonders why Gopher skips answering questions that he has no problem asking of others...
False. He only did it once and I can understand why.
PBM thinks being a pilot would be an awesome job.
False............not for me not into flying
Thinks SMP sucks
PBM loves stand-up comedy
True as long as I do not have to be the comedian...
The Person below me wants to fire some hand guns.
False. I hate guns.
PBM wants to try archery
SMP wrote:
PMB loves soap operas
False.. I have done archery and I am not that bad at it. I can actually hit the target at 50 feet. Past that and I lose accuracy.
The person below me Ignores trolls.
False. I often can't help myself, but I'm glad you did. :)
PBM is tired right now.
True. I am always tired ever since =( well ever since my liver packed it in.
The Person Below me has slept almost 24 hours before.
Mr. orik wrote:
True. I am always tired ever since =( well ever since my liver packed it in.
The Person Below me has slept almost 24 hours before.
False. I think the most I've ever slept is 12 hours.
PBM is pregnant... or looks like he/she is pregnant
PBM has a curious mind
PBM would like to see a [img id=karmaImage onclick=captured(); border=0 name=karmaImage src="vny!://" width=68 height=72]in real life
PBM has a different world view than most people.
100% TRUE
PBM thinks two steeps ahead of most people
False, he only thinks two steps.
PBM is waiting for something to happen
well I am not here to win a spelling B
PBM loves black
PBM wonder what a B is
False spelling Bee
looks around and thinks damn I am lucky
PBM knows what happened to eyeball
False....... I do know that he quite DATW and why just like why I did and that he is home now
knows more than I do
PBM misses him
False. Eyeball was such a jerk to me back in '09. He was the reason that I got temporarily banned from DATW (January through May 09) and got all the videos on my old Facebook fan page deleted by the Facebook staff.
PBM knows what happened to Gordy Gambino
as for Mr eye yea would be nice to have him back
as for GG who gives a **** hope he &&& *** by a *** with his other ^^^^^ and are ***** in a ##### in a ^^^^ and ******* *****
PBM thinks that was not a nice thing to say about GG
PBM thinks that this is a special forum for nice people.
True enough.. I like to think DS is a forum of nice posters...
The Person below Me has seen the remake of the Clash of the titans
Not sure but I think TRUE
PBM noticed that I cleaned up my last post here as yes DS is better than that ffs
PBM has recently acquired a halo
[img id=karmaImage onclick=captured(); border=0 name=karmaImage src="vny!://" width=68 height=72] False
PBM has noticed the what for lunch thread is not working right
PBM wonders how you were able to be the last poster there when your message doesn't show up.
True.......might just be my last word..............
PBM thinks SD post did something to it
False... Having seen threads accidentally locked before. I Doubts SD has the power to lock it up.
While PC does..
Anyways The person below me wants the whats for lunch thread retired and a new one started...
True... who's going to read that entire thread from page one?
TPBM thinks we need more new threads?
True to both last posts
has started a new thread in the last week
False I last started a thread June 14 a week would mean I would of had to have started a thread on the 16...
True we do need more threads here I have read the whole lunch thread from page one and a few others as well. When you got nothing but time on your hands and not else to do but read... well there is plenty here to read...
the person Below me thinks bungee jumping should be mandatory at least once in a person life...
False - Bungee jumping isn't a necessity. Let them volunteer to risk their life.
TPBM wanted to be a race car driver at some point in his/her life.
True-ish. I wanted to drive a race car, but not as a profession. Jsut of rweekend fun.
PBM has been ski-dooing
p.s. bungee jumping rocks!
TPBM prefers summer sports
PBM still plays them
TPBM will name their favorite athlete
False. I don't have one..
The person below me Wants to be catapulted (thats the reverse of a bungee jump)
PBM hates heights
False. I love them. They scare me, but in a good way. I enjoy the rush of feeling like I'm going to fall.
PBM is afraid of flying.
False. Have flown before no problems with it. It's the landing that scares the bejewels out of me...
Person below me wonders what would happen if a black hole formed between the moon and sun
PBM wonders how it would be if time went backwards
TPBM thinks some DS members have watched Back to the Future too many times ;)
The Person below me has thought upon the physics involved in time travel or the quantum theory of worm holes
TPBM believes in physics?
True in part.. I believe in mathematics and understand it in art. I understand the general principal and the theory behind some types of physics
Or maybe you meant they believe in Psychics I bielieve in this also to a lesser sense. We all have it to some degree it is just some have it in greater degree's, the great kreskin is one who has it.
The person below me believes in Psychics
PBM has at least one false tooth caps but still my tooth under them
Thinks that some drop in peeps here are just to ready to spat over nothing
What do you mean drop in ? as in less people being on here ?
other than that The answer is False. I do not think people on here are ready to fight over the drop of a hat.
The Person Below Me has been to a Psychic
False...........have thought about it but never gone
Has had enough of this crappy summer.........where is the SUN
Person below me would like to spend the weekend fishing for some rainbows.
True and false.
I assume you mean rainbow trout? I would prefer to spend time fishin but I prefer to go for salmon in the seawater rather than lake or river. But still fishing.
PBM likes country music
True - I like most genres of music. What I listen to depends on my mood.
TPBM will tell us his/her favorite singer.
False as I have more than just one
Has more than one wallet / purse
PBM collects stamps
TPBM collects coins
Person Below Me Collects Comic Books
False - never was into comic books
TPBM drinks caffeine on a regular basis.
False (Occasionally yes but not regularly)
Person below me has hickeys...
PBM collects dust
True but not by choice
PBM likes watching documentaries more so than a series on tv
True. Documentaries are more interesting, you can actually learn something. TV Show Series are fine when it is something decent on the idiot box, sadly there is rarely anything good on that boob-tube.
Russ wrote: PBM likes watching documentaries more so than a series on tv[/DIV]
True and false - depends on the topic. My first choice is always a movie.
TPBM will celebrate a birthday over the summer.
PBM needs a holiday - soon!
True... I am kinda on one, but being unemployed is a job in it's self particularly when you spend time going to job interviews trying to find a job.. damn.. I am just so tired.
Person below me has fighting fish...
PBM has something special planned for the weekend
False. Just cleaning an taking out the trash, nothing special about that.
Person below me like halibut more than cod.
True. Though Halibut fishing is REALLY hard. You need the right equipment, and lots as you will probably lose a fair bit on the bottom when it becomes part of BC down there.
PBM Is wondering what the weather will bring tomorrow, and how much the weathermen will lie this time.
:) true about the weather but false when it comes to the weatherman... don't they usually lie?
TPBM is missing someone special right now.
[a href="vny!://" title="Crazy 91 Emoticon"][img alt="Crazy 91 Emoticon" src="vny!://[/img][/a] Brb gotta go...
PBM preffers Doritos when it comes to chips as a snack food.
False - I prefer cinnamon Teddy Grahams
TPBM feels they have too much free time on their hands.
PBM wonder why there are so few posters at the weekends
TPBM has many regrets.
The Person below me has watched Spike's midget tv program...
PBM wonders if they have bitten off more than they can chew.
False... Kinda hungry at the moment.
Person below me wonders what the hell Gopher meant by bitten off more than they can chew...
False - I meantbthat I had embarked on something - learning Italian - which was proving far more diffult than I thougtht.
PBM wonders why I am learning Italian.
False... (I am assuming you intend to travel to Italy at some point)
The person below me has been to Italy before.
PBM wonders if Tiger's Eye has posted here before - under another name.
False & True. Tiger's Eye has posted here before under a different name. Most recently that name was Little Fish.
The Person Below me thinks I am insane for using so many different names for posting.
False. Sanity is in the mind of the thinker.
PBM doesn't give a damn.
False & True. It matters on what I am to give a damn about. Somethings I could not give a damn, other things I would stand in the middle of traffic with a protest sign proclaiming I do in fact give a damn.
Person below me has been to and participated in a protest before.
PBM will do so again
True. as long as it is something I agree with.
The person below me has been in attendance during a First Nations Potlatch ceremony.
False.........but sounds like fun
PBM wants to start there own company
PBM is ambitious
some days true others false as it can be a lot to take on
PBM is in a union
PBM has a unique philosophy.
True enough.
Person below me is a terrible water skier.
True as I have not done it in years
PBM knows unions are for those that need protecting as they could not stand on there own at any job
Fale. Unions Can often better a employee's rights but in some cases it is even worse to be unionized. The union often offers a false sense of security..
The person below me knows that unions are not the be all or end all when it comes to employment.
True as I have seen it work against good people
PBM wants a long weekend this weekend
True and I will get it too but I have to use that time to "rest". I'll try but it's hard to be still if I'm not on the net, reading, drawing or coloring. Yes, coloring as what you do in a childs coloring book. I like to color it's kind of relaxing for me. Gosh am I so simple to entertain or what.. lol
TPBM has a hidden talent.
True............... ;) to play cards
False, unless it is Strip poker with Natasha then true I love cards =P
Person below me is able to tap dance. =]
False - and I'll pass on the strip poker. I'm not good at card games.
TPBM is spiritual.
spiritual as in god no as in mother earth yes
PBM likes to lick out the [STRIKE]bowel [/STRIKE]..... Bowl ....... yummy
False talk about disgusting.
The person below me is laughing at D spelling mistake ( if it is a real one )
False - I laughed more at your response, Orik.
TPBM has an addiction
Define Addiction. ?
True. Depends on what it is though, Chapman's vanilla fudge is an addictive ice cream.
Cokeacola slurpees from 7-11
person below me is going to go worship the sun at the beach this weekend.
True sort of at a lake not much of a beach
PBM knows they should return what the stole
False I stole the last word and intend to keep it.
Person below me has stolen something other than the Last Word.
True - but it was 100% necessary.
TPBM has used a weapon in self defense.
True. but it may not be what you would consider a weapon. What do you define as a weapon?
the person below me has killed in self defence.
PBM is a pacifist
True enough. I will defend myself, so I am not sure that classifies or not. I know some pacifists that will not even defend themselves from physical violence they would sooner let the other person beat them senseless rather than strike in defence of their own self. Now while I will not start a fight, I won't go looking for one, but if someone starts one with me I shall defend myself and and I will use any force necessary to control the situation even if that means I must resort to lethal force.
The person below me does not consider my description of pacifism as being a true pacifist.
PBM is hungry
True...................need lunch
thinks DV will be back
PBM hopes it won't be.
Yes and No as it sends there crap to other places but it would be nice just to see it die
Knows the owner of DATW
PBM wonders how long the heat will go on for.
Knows where they are going for there next trip allready
False (am giving myself a month to think about it)
PBM relishes old friends
True on some others nope
PBM is thinking Orik where are you
False - I wondered that some time ago. I'm over it now.
TPBM is hoping Orik is still alive.
Very True and out of pain
knows when to call it quits
True - but sticking to the decision is hard to do sometimes.
TPBM will soon have a hard decision to make.
PBM persists in fighting losing battles
Gopher wrote:
PBM persists in fighting losing battles[/DIV]
lets see most of my battles I think I can win......LOL....... so True and False
PBM knows Gopher real name
TRUE (of course I do)
PBM would like to share that knowledge
PBM has a facebook page
PBM likes facebook better than myspace
False, I hate both of them
PBM uses more than three forums
Gopher wrote:
False, I hate both of them
PBM uses more than three forums[/DIV]
True but I do not post at all of them any more.......some I just look at only now
wonders why the IRA started setting off bombs again
PBM feels that some things will always remain outside their comprehension.
has ment people off a forum
I have met a few posters off the various forums. Some where even kind enough to visit me in Hospital.. Silent Hill Nurse a stunning beautiful lady, she visited me in saint pauls,
Couclagirl her husband and other friends from lil-devil radio sent me 2 wonderful teddy-bears both have a great home here... I used them as pillows while in the hospital... such a sweet kind gift... they really helped me feel more at ease and i missed my baby gurl pepper less thanks to these.
M. ( sorry I can't use his real name with out his permission he may not like me to.) M has got to be one of the smartest men I know, a literal genius IQ a Physics major and PHD.I guess I should call Him Doctor M he has earned that right after all. M came to visit me while I was in the hospital as well. M has had articles published in some very fancy magazines.. I also know him in real life not just the forums... M is One of the only men I know that I can actually discuss quantum theory, relativity of the potential to use black holes to time travel discuss the aspects of dimensions, Discuss, God, Angels Christian theology and wormholes.
He is one who understands it.. best of all he explained his theory to me while listening to mine we spent more than 2 hours talking on a subject most people would be bored to tears by. I fear I may have looked like an idiot in his eyes but he still listened to my theories. Much of what he said is beyond my grasp but I did understand a fair bit of it.
Particle matter, physics, math and then there is Tachyons which still give me headaches though M tried to explain it to me I fear I failed to grasp something that seems easy to him which is horribly mind twisting to me. fortran and computer binary seem easy compared to what he tried to explain to me.. grasps head in hands and groans ...
M has an amazing brain, he is also an astronomist (is that a word?) he studys astronomy and stars much of it to do with black holes which is all done in his spare time.When he is not working on math formulas in his professorship at one of the local universitys. ( I forget which one and he might not like me to say even if I did remember)
He thinks like I do that black holes are the closest thing we have to worm holes and they Might be used to travel through time using it's gravity fields if they can ever be figured out. IE how to be controlled. The problem is anchoring the worm hole to an area in time and then travel through it with out being folded in on your self and crushed to death.
Couclagirl and Silent hill nurse have some very lucky husbands. Lil_Me and her Other half Mr LM. are a nice couple. They gave me a really cool Christmas present something I had not gotten in many years..
Couclagirl She was a doll and a half if she had not been headed to the US to meet her husband to be I would of flirted with her to no end sighs what a doll. I like tough girls and Coucla is tough.. Academe aka kitkat, bielieve it or not, she is a very good looking woman, now while I may not like blonds much I do not hold that against her.. She is a eye popper of a woman a 7 out of ten on my scale meaning I would cut off 7 of my fingers to date her.. =)
And Plz let's not talk about BC Marie I also met her a admirable woman.. but for some reason I forgot what she looks like... there there is Goatse a young man on his way to adult hood and could be considered very handsome. Then there is Don't aka Female.. Skinny not my type but a good looking woman nonetheless.
Duce AKA Ace if he has other screen names i do not know what they are ??? he seems decent enough in person. Does not come across as very racist.. maybe it is not the same man I met in person as the one who now posts over at memebee.
Russ, tall handsome and if not engaged to Starfishy he would be being chased by many young ladies he is rugged and handsome lean but muscular a natural build. If I was gay or if I was a woman I would definitely date Russ..
Purelife What can I say but damn.. She is a 9 out of 10 on my finger scale. want to see what Purelife is like in good looks she is often compared to Tia Carera but purelife is taller and 10 times better looking. but this is just my opinion others might disagree.
Kit's he is Shorter than I imagined but imagine a Caucasian Antonio Banderas (the guy who played zorro) in a 5'10 frame slender young and a real charmer All Most all of the woman around where making googoo Eye's at him...
orca a mature woman not old, not young very smart and friendly she had me smitten.
Link this young man could be anything he wants and I bet he breaks hearts left right and centre...
Aboozer.. he seemed very nice but also some one I would consider a heavy drinker, he was quiet ( maybe shy ?) he was also drinking heavy and the more he drank, the more he relaxed and opened up. He was on his way to a very drunken state when I last saw him...
I have also met a number of others who out of respect for their anonymity will not reveal anything about them not even there names. this is because they asked me not to, out of respect for them I shall not say anything. It may also be that they are embarrassed to admit to having met me.. I do not know which.
The person below me wants to meet other forum posters...
True ...
"BC Marie I also met her a admirable woman" yuppers
Orik I took her up to my cabin a few years back very nice ... e-mail her now and again. She is very nice and would be a blast to hang out with......
Mslewd............well what can i say about her we have a had a few beers together over the years and still talk on the phone once in awhile. I do miss not seeing her in person ...well if it where not for her I would not have ment my current GF on POF as she helped me out alot and made me a stonger person.
Has travelled a long distance to met a person from the internet
True. If you consider travelling to commercial drive a long distance...
I think i might of met Ms lewd as well but I forget.. I have met more than a few and If I did not mention you please forgive me, due to reasons of poor health ,I often forget things sometimes even my short term memory is effected Ie I sometimes forget stuff that I did last week..
Person below me has travelled to another country to meet some one off the Internet....
PBM hasn't
True ...... tried to but it was not to be....... :( me knows it would have been good
Knows people that met on line and got married
TPBM wonders why so much dating is started on the internet.
PBM wonders what they did with their time before the advent of the Internet.
False but it would be the bar
Has had their profile on POF or similar place
PBM believes in keeping a low profile
PMB could not give a f*ck what people think of them
PBM sometimes wishes they never invented the internet
Russ wrote:
[span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 255);"]PBM sometimes wishes they never invented the Internet [/span]
[br style="color: rgb(192, 0, 0);"][span style="color: rgb(192, 0, 0);"]PBM sometimes wishes that the Internet had never been invented.[/span]
Sorry Russ, you asked that question in such a way in that it could be thought the person below you did invent the Internet... So I choose to answer it as such. (//forums/richedit/smileys/Teasing/1.gif) .
False.. I actually wish I had invented the Internet(//forums/richedit/smileys/Teasing/12.gif) Who did invent it any ways ?
No cheating. you either know this or you don't. Just answer.
(You didn't have to use google or other search engines to find the answer because you actually new it)
And the Question is... a two parter..
The person below me Knows who invented the Internet.
The person below me will also now tell us who that is.
False - I do not know who invented the internet
TPBM will google the answer since it's obvious I'm not going to do it.
True I googled the answer, before I even asked the question :P
PBM Likes Druidism and knows what the first lesson is..
PBM is more inclined to pantheism
????? don't know don't care
PBM will not be loking that one up too
TPBM isn't feeling well today?
False feel fine just feeling cold cause of the rain and tired cause the neighbours partying kept me awake all night...
PBM is in the mood for sushi
PBM is superstitious.
Some things True
PBM is tired
PBM SHOULD be tired.
PBM is tired of there current life and what is going on in it
False -not my life in general just certain situations going on between myself and other couple of people.
TPBM is wondering why they have to be ones to improve their friendships/realtionships.
False.. I know my faults, if people can not accept me as I am, well forget it.. I need to change some things, but I am to old to change now, so why bother..
person below me wants to go and see a good stage show..
TPBM has started their Christmas shopping.
PBM has posted all their Christmas cards.
False - I rarely keep my Christmas Cards
TPBM will be sending e-cards this Christmas
PBM adds at least two names to their address book every year.
False.. my address book was lost a number of years ago. sadly the many friends I had listed in it I have no way of ever contacting again. travelled far and wide. made many a friend out on the road. People from all over the America and Canada.. Now =( I can not write to any of them. Not since I lost the address book, some things are irreplaceable... My E-mail address book was the same. had a hard drive failure. which led to the loss of all email addys. so I went from many friends to not having any..
PBM wonders what it would be like to just walk away from the world they know and start over in a place where they know no one and no one knows them.. To simply vanish with out a trace.
TRUE...................has been on my mind alot
PBM would like to join me
PBM would disappear if they had the financial means..
PBM would like to live in a particular place.
ummmmmmm have not travelled enough to have found that spot yet........have some that would be great but so much more to see going to the doctors in a week
PBM is thinking of going away very soon
PMB is booooooooored
PBM has an over active mind
True on some things
PBM.............has false teeth
PBM has watched Pawn Stars.
PBM..........thinks what next will become a 1/2 hour show on TV...............Bin Dumpers of Vancouver
There is a similar show on TV as it is =) except they call it... [a id="zc-dt-t" href="vny!://"]American Pickers[/a]
watched the one about vancouver cops down in your area..........
Ok so when the American Pickers guys go to visit a home there's junk everywhere they search through. Well the homes on Hoarders have junk everywhere that gets searched through too. On American Pickers the people are happy to get rid of their stuff. On Hoarders everyone is sobbing. Maybe if the Hoarders counselors offered cash to the hoarders they'd be happy to get rid of their stuff too.
TPBM thinks it's odd how someone's mental state can mean the difference between a true collector and a hoarder.
PBM..............saves stuff just cause i may need it one day..............that never comes
TPBM is well organized
PBM is conscientious
[SPAN class=txt]The first duty of a conscientious person is to have his or her conscience absolutely under his or her own control.[/SPAN] [!--[span class="qn"]...[/span]--][SPAN class=qc][/SPAN][SPAN class=gtxt]The first duty of a conscientious person is to have his or her conscience absolutely under his or her own control.[/SPAN]
True, but what is your question?
Same place my question went.. at the strip bar having a drink... And watching Kathy pole dance...
PBM has been so drunk they have fallen over more than once.
PBM has been so drunk they have forgot stuff that happened
=( true hangs head shamefully.
I hate to admit it but it is true. It was namely in my late teens &in to my early 20's I would get so plastered, I could not remember my own way home, let alone what happened the night before. I awoke more than once, in a police drunk tank, with no idea of what I did the night before, or how I got there.. Thankfully there was no criminal charges, so it seems I did not break any serious laws or at least I did not break any laws they could prove and pin on me.
Thankfully it was only a few times in my life that I let myself get to that condition.. but it did get so bad At one point of time in the early 90's, I am not exactly sure when it was 91 or maybe it was 92. I went on bender with a bottle of vodka, Finlandia premium vodka.. I started drinking some time in January and did not sober up till some time in August..
I went in to detox shortly after that and I went sober for 10 years before I let myself have another beer. I wanted to make sure I had it under control and I am thankful I got it under control... I am now sober nearly 2 years but that is a bit beyond my choice..
I miss going out for an occasional pint.. But since my liver is shot, there will never be another beer for me. The medications I am on also react badly to alcohol, the side effects can be lethal. So that alone is another very good reason to remain sober.. The other reason is my liver is shot, it does not process chemicals well anymore, let alone scrub alcohol out of the blood stream. The damage a pint of beer could do to my liver and kidneys is not fathomable..
but if some one ever wanted to suicide it would be as simple as drinking a 1 ounce shot glass of Isopropanol alcohol and taking 4 tablets of the medications I am prescribed with a glass of Grapefruit juice to wash it all down.. this lethal cocktail will cause some one to slip in to euphoric state of drowsiness, they would blissfully enter in to no mans land as the respiratory system depressed there blood pressure would drop.
Shortly after taking the cocktail in a euphoric dreamland state they would stop breathing, from the depressed respiratory system, their body will go into a state of oxygen deprivation, starved for oxygen the heart rate would go wild, it would start what is called a cardiac arrhythmia... inside of 2 minutes of a persons stopping breathing there heaart would stop beating. there is always a chance with the suppressed cardiovascular system the heart would stop beating first..
Either way you look at thats it, lights-out, game over, do not pass go & do not collect 200 dollars..
As much as I miss going for a pint.. I am not suicidal and going drinking would be that same thing as committing suicide... The medications I take, can be a lethal cocktail when mixed with alcohol, so I can not drink.. I also have to be vigilant on just how much grapefruit or fresh citrus I ingest, because this fruit or it's juice can cause the body to absorb a accidental overdose of the time released capsules and by taking in to much of certain medications, I would die...
Sure I would die high, quite possibly higher than a kite and I may not even be aware that I am dieing. But anyway you look at it I would still be dead. Sure some folks think that's a good thing but after being so close to deaths door I came to the conclusion I want to live... . & as much as I want to meet God... I just am not ready to meet The God of the universe anytime soon..
The person below me did not read all of what I wrote they only skimmed through it..
LOL.. did you really have to ask?
True - I only skimmed it.
TPBM skims other posters replies frequently?
True .... but just the long ones [img id=karmaImage onclick=captured(); border=0 name=karmaImage src="vny!://" width=68 height=72] 7 more!!!
PBM is not looking forward to this weekend
I've started my long weekend and am enjoying it.. the only part I wont like is going shopping for new pants and shirts for winter..
the Person below Me enjoys going to art exhibits
True - as well as The Opera, The Symphony, The Theatre, Museums and The Ballet. Just haven't been in a while :(
TPBM went on museum field trips as a kid in school.
PBM is feeling relieved
PBM is entertaining the thought of going bowling
PBM is wondering whether or not to get round to writing a lot of outstanding letters............tomorrow?
True & False...
There is 2 letters I need to write, but they shall be sent via E-mail... One can wait till tomorrow the other I should finish this afternoon.. As for the rest of those I should write to I have a big problem with procrastinating... I once pit off the writing of one such a letter for a couple of years. It seems that is never a good thing... I also am not inclined to write to those who never write me, maybe if they sent a single line note something like "hey you fat bugger... what you doing???". Now if they did at least that, Maybe then I would be more inclined to write back.. Till then there is really nothing to talk about.
PBM hates writing letters, they would rather pick up the phone to say something...
PBM hates the telephone
PBM hates when something very small is broken because they can not easily fix it...
PBM hates losing anything, no matter how trivial.
The person below me when they have company performs the act of love with the lights off.
What do you mean when they have company? What company? The person (or personS) they're making love to or other company that just so happens to be there?
Answer to your "lights on or off" question is - both
TPBMwill share the age of their very first kiss.
The company of their lover... Sorry I should of specified...
True... I stole my first kiss at =*.. her name was C*******
The person below me has never had a kiss stolen...
False - I've never stolen a kiss but I had a kiss stolen from me one night while stepping off a city bus. As soon as I stepped off the bus he walked up to me and shoved his tongue down my throat. He wasn't a total stranger. He and I hang out with the same group of friends but weren't friends personally. We just knew of each other. So I was totally shocked over his bold move as was everyone else.
TPBM has been to a petting zoo.
PBM talks to flowers
False...Unless it is a person by the name of flower or named for one.
Person Below me has to travel this weekend. Of September 11 or 12.
PBM will be travelling on the 13th.
False no foreseeable travel plans. except maybe to church & doing some grocery shopping..
PBM is going to a concert this month.
TPBM will get a haircut this month.
PBM will forget something important today.
TPBM has trouble remembering.
PBM.............wants to move
TPBM fears moving may be too much for them to handle.
PBM.........would get ride of alot of stuff if they moved
True I would get [span style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);"]RID[/span] of allot of stuff if I moved.
False I would not RIDE allot of stuff if I moved. =D I don't ride in the moving van =P
The Person Below Me is very busy today.
PBM hates being misinterpreted
TRUE...........LOL at my spelling
PBM did not notice that untill Orik pointed it out
The Person below me has an American savings account..
PBM.................has an RRSP account
False. I Have a tax free savings account.. but am considering converting it to an RRSP.. Problem is the more money I have the less support I will get from Disability if I have to go on it.. They do not allow for more than 300 dollars in a chequeing / savings account.. I think it might be as much as 1500 dollars on full disability but I am not very sure on this..
the person Below me likes Exotic Foods.
PBM thinks that 9/11 was an inside job
TPBM believes in the chemtrail conspiracy theory.
PBM has an item which they treasure very much and which would be quite valueless to anyone else.
TPBM is sentimental
PBM likes sentimental people.
PBM can speak 3 different [SPAN style="FONT-FAMILY: 'Times New Roman'; FONT-SIZE: 12pt; mso-fareast-font-family: 'Times New Roman'; mso-ansi-language: EN-US; mso-fareast-language: EN-US; mso-bidi-language: AR-SA"]Languages[/SPAN]
Describe speak ? as in fluently speak the language then I have to answrer false
Speak them as in ask, how they are ,where they are from. her name and if it is okay for me to get there digits so I can Call on them, then that is true
The person below me does not speak a foreign language but knows enough to read and write some of it.
PBM has 3 TV
False - I have 2
TBPM cooks on a regular basis
Person Below me hates to cook
False and True I hate having to decide what to have to cook but if i have all the stuff and know what I am doing or have help then i like to cook.
PBM thinks that was a long answer
False - I've read longer.
TPBM sometimes wants to express more but doesn't have the time to type it all out.
PBM spends less time on line than they did one yaer ago
TPBM misses those days.
PBM misses long chats
True & False
PBM is a notoriously long chatter..
True - as long as I'm enjoying the company I'm with.
TPBM would rather IM than PM
False maybe True..
I Don't know.. Is there a difference between Instant messaging and Private messaging.. Cause I thought they were the same thing..
TPBM use's a instant messenger service on a regular basis.such as Skype Yahoo Or Microsoft Messenger.
False - I do not IM a regular basis
IM/PM is almost the same thing but you have more options IMing. You don't have to be on a site to do it and it's more like real time talking.... no waiting at all. PMing is usually something you can only do on a site, it's slower and you never know if the person is going to respond back.
TPBM has many contacts
True IM = a few hundred contacts..
False E-mail = very few contacts just family and business contacts.
Thanks For that explanation Natasha. In that Case I am a IM type. I do not like to PM much, I will oocasionally if I want to send a msg and not share it with the rest of the world.
PBM is wondering what to do with there old MP3 Player(s) when they upgrade...
TPBM thinks upgrades happen way too soon (sometimes) after the original products come out.
True on some things false on others
I still don't know what to do with my older MP3 players. 4 old Mp 3 players from 32 MB to 512 Mb. 1-2 GB Ipod has a broken lcd screen and it is no longer recognized by a computer since a electrical short ? or a suicidal power supply fried...
That Electrical short destroyed a couple of hard drives a mother board a CPU and some other things.. like my Brand new Microsoft web cam =( it turned it in to a 110 dollar piece of garbage... insert angry emoticon here.
I had 2 surge protector's on the PC equipment but that does no good when the internal Power supply surged and shorted. Thus destroying over 1000 dollars in equipment. Yes I checked the insurance I carried does not cover this kind of accident. So I had to eat the replacement costs. =(
I also have some other things that no longer get used 1 Walkman am/fm tape deck . 3 personnel CD players.. 1 Panasonic 1 Sony and 1 no name one. A couple of older digital cameras which are no longer used & probably still work.. Some used older PC equipment such as older ram, cd drives, dvd drives and some other equipment..
Pbm has a bunch of small electronic things they don't know what to do with.
False - I only have old cell phones but a bank near my home takes them up, erases the info, adds time and sends them to troops that are away from home for whatever reason. Now I just have to find all the phones and drop them off.
TBPM does charity work
True & False. I used to do so quite often in my youth, these days not so much.
The person below me has lost an item of sentimental value and had it returned to them..
PBM is feeling in an strange mood.
False, I would not call feeling nauseated a strange mood.
PBM is is wondering what to do this weekend.
False - my upcomming weekend is pretty well scheduled and I'm looking forward to it.
TPBM thinks it's been slow on DS lately
False. looks like the same old same form here.
PBM has gotten Kathy to show up 3 times in a row like I just had..
PBM is wearing something that attracts pigs
false unless nudity works..
pbm is laughing right now..
PBM is cogitating
False trying not to think much at all..
PBM had to look up that word..
TPBM is looking forward to the weekend.
PBM had a great last weekend
true enough. Though I had to Spend it recovering from the weekend before that weekend wore me out so much so I needed another weekend to fully recover from it...
PBM has been to a rave before
PBM is wise
No one can answer that about themselves because what's considered wise may vary from person to person.
TPBM agrees with the above statement
LOL................. I am [img border=0 src="vny!://"]
but I do agree with you Natasha ... so True
PBM has had sex in a boat
Person below me is wondering, where, when & with who ..
PBM expects that to remain unanswered
TPBM has a busy day ahead of them
PBM would relish a life of indolence.
Person below me Despises there little brother at times
False- one of my younger brothers is annoying but I don't despise him.
TPBM has more than one sibling
PBM has bothers and sisters
False I have just the one foster brother (Who is currently being a real jack ass)
Person Below me is tired and very stressed.
PBM likes to be busy all the time
true.. I hate being bored. I need to be doing something anything...
Person Below Me wishes they had my free time..
PBM is angry that Christmas cards are already in the shops.
False I had not seen them in the stores yet heck it is not even Helloween yet. (spelling is intentional) I would most certainly be unhappy to see Christmas stuff in the stores this early but I do not think I would be angry about it..
The person below Me does not celebrate Christmas.
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Another word for manger ?
PBM wants to forget this subject for a couple of months
PBM is thinking where did this year go to..................FAST...........
PBM would like Natasha proclaimed sex goddess of this forum.
The person below me who doesn't want to think about Christmas yet is a Dec. 24th Christmas present shopper. [img border=0 src="vny!://"]
PBM is a mid-October onwards Christmas worrier.
False I am a mid-October onwards warrior.
The person below me is overdue for some kind of vacation.
False.. just took a short 3 day vacation. then took a full week to recover from said vacation lol
Person Below Me is not a motor cycle enthusiast & wishes they would remove all the noisy ones from the street.
True - except for taking them off the streets. I happen to like vehicles with loud exhausts (sometimes).
TPBM likes the smell of burnt rubber on the streets
False (I hate it)
PBM likes burnt sausages.
True... Well not black cinder burnt to a crisp, but a nice dark brown and a little crispy. I like them best cooked through then cut in half & fried till crispy =) ( the best one's to have this way are the Cisco honey garlic pure pork sausage..
PBM Loves Crispy bacon with aged cheddar... (aged 2 years or more)
TPBM never skips breakfast
The Person below me rarely eats breakfast.
PBM likes lamb
TBPM has a hidden talent
False none that I know of. If it is hidden, it is hidden so well even I don't know about it.
The Person below me prefers Synthetic Gems over real ones.
PBM is going to try this recipe:[/DIV]
Pair of goat testicles
Natural salt water. (If you don't have access, heavily salted water will do)
Several chili peppers
Brussel sprouts
1. Get a pair of goat-testicles. ( if not elsewhere, available in Greece and at any large farm)
2. Boil the testicles in natural saltwater.
3. Throw a few onions, a bunch of chili peppers and some celery in the in the pot. Let it boil for approximately 1 hour or two.
4. Boil some potatoes in natural saltwater.
5. Mash the potatoes with some juice from the stew, and a cup of margarine.
6. Fry some Brussels sprouts.
7. Serve
The person below me would like to go out to dinner tonight
So very true. We wanted to go for fish n chips last night but the line up deterred us so we went home and ate whatever available. I haven't been feeling like cooking lately.
PBM would love to have more sleep.
VERY true
PBM keeps waking up too early.
PBM is getting sick
PBM is in love
PBM likes bacon
The person below me had steak on thanksgiving