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General Category => Discover Seattle! => Topic started by: JP on Mar 02 06 06:06

Title: In video, Bush was warned of Katrina's threat
Post by: JP on Mar 02 06 06:06
[h1]In video, Bush was warned of Katrina's threat[/h1][h2]President Bush and others in the government knew just how catastrophic Hurricane Katrina would be and [span style="text-decoration: underline;"]were warned that New Orleans could be flooded from failing levees.[/span][/h2]BY SETH BORENSTEIN AND WILLIAM DOUGLAS
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WASHINGTON - President Bush was warned about Hurricane Katrina's devastating impact on New Orleans' levees before the storm hit, according to transcripts of emergency briefings that Bush received. The transcripts appear to contradict his assertions that no one anticipated the failure of levees that flooded the city.

Transcripts of the briefings, first reported by The Associated Press and also obtained by Knight Ridder, show that Bush was told in stark detail about Katrina's potential deadly impact and that he heard a top hurricane expert express ''grave concerns'' about the ability of the levees to withstand what turned out to be a catastrophic hurricane. They also show that Bush asked no questions.

Former FEMA Director Michael Brown said that before the storm slammed into the Gulf Coast, he and the nation's top hurricane scientist did all they could to convince Bush, the White House staff and Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff that the big one was about to happen.

''I don't know how he [Bush] couldn't understand how bad it was or bad it could be,'' Brown said in an interview with Knight Ridder. National Hurricane Center Director Max Mayfield worried about breached levees, and Brown talked about how the Superdome, which was destined to be the home for thousands of evacuees, was below sea level and at risk of flooding. He also talked about trouble evacuating prisons and hospitals -- all before Katrina hit.

Bush, in post-hurricane comments, insisted that his administration had no warning the levees were in danger.

''I don't think anybody anticipated the breach of the levees,'' Bush said on Sept. 1. ``They did anticipate a serious storm. But these levees got breached. And, as a result, much of New Orleans is flooded.''

The revelation that Bush was warned in advance about Katrina's destructive power is another blow to an administration whose integrity and competence has come under fire for its response to the hurricane, the ill-fated Harriet Miers Supreme Court nomination, its handling of a transaction that would let a United Arab Emirates company manage cargo terminals at six major U.S. ports, and its conduct of the war in Iraq.

''It's devastating that the president would ask no questions,'' said David Gergen, a former advisor to Presidents Nixon, Ford, Reagan and Clinton who's now a professor at Harvard University's John F. Kennedy School of Government. ``If he sat there mum in a full briefing . . . that will only confirm the suspicions of a lot of opponents.''

White House officials said Wednesday night that the transcripts and video obtained by AP show only a few moments in time and don't reflect that Bush was engaged before, during and after the hurricane hit.

''He issued emergency disaster declarations ahead of the storm,'' said Blair Jones, a White House spokesman. ``He received multiple briefings from multiple officials. . . . He was engaged.''

Republicans close to the administration said they feared that the video and transcripts will add another log to an already blazing political fire that could jeopardize the party's control of Congress in the November elections.

Brown said he couldn't understand how the president and the White House staff could say in the days following Katrina that no one knew how bad it would be when they were briefed extensively. Brown said he thinks that the president misspoke. ''How could anyone be not concerned'' beforehand, Brown asked. ``Maybe I could have screamed at the president or screamed at Chertoff, but I didn't have time for that.''

Brown said he told the White House and Chertoff in an early afternoon briefing on Aug. 29, the day Katrina hit, that there was massive flooding. Chertoff's deputies testified before a Senate committee last month that they went home that Monday thinking New Orleans was still dry.

Part of the problem, Brown said, was that he was surrounded by disaster and reports of mayhem while in Baton Rouge, La., and he couldn't conceive that others didn't comprehend the magnitude of the disaster.

On Aug. 30, when he told Chertoff that 90 percent of New Orleans was flooded, it sunk in to the president, Brown said. ''I can see he's visibly taken aback by that,'' Brown said, recalling the president's demeanor as ``one of dismay -- he was very upset by what I described.''

Title: Re: In video, Bush was warned of Katrina's threat
Post by: toke on Mar 02 06 06:09
Bush is a sock-puppet who couldn't spell "Katrina" if his life depended on it.
Title: Re: In video, Bush was warned of Katrina's threat
Post by: TehBorken on Mar 02 06 07:40
I don't think there's much doubt left that Bush mismanaged this thing from top to bottom. Michael Brown had ZERO experience in disaster management but was somehow appointed to be the head of a critical government agency that managed disasters! His last job was with the Arabian Horse Breeder's Association (that's not a joke), and he left there under a cloud too.