[img style="WIDTH: 455px; HEIGHT: 294px" height=294 alt=Photobucket src="vny!://i62.photobucket.com/albums/h119/Brit_Guy/MerryChristmasfromSanta.gif" width=498 - Video and Image Hosting][img alt=Photobucket src="vny!://i62.photobucket.com/albums/h119/Brit_Guy/36_16_5.gif" - Video and Image Hosting]
[FONT size=4] Merry Christmas and a happy new year to everyone on Discover Seattle.
Awww...thanks Brit Guy. I love that glittery picture and anything that glitters. ;)
And a merrrrrry HO HO to you too!
[FONT size=2] It would great to have a White Christmas for once...over here in the UK, LOL
LOL, you might just have it considering that we've been experiencing world-wide weather "weirdness." LOL. I secretly wish the Brits would have snow too.
Hey, thanks for the Christmas greetings, Brit Guy. Long time no see. Blessing point awarded to the newbie.
[FONT size=2] Lise thanks, sorry for not being on DS for a while but I've had personal issues to deal with.
Purelife, I think snow makes Christmas more special.
It sure does Brit Guy. Snowing outside and cuddling up infront of a fireplace with red wine and candles and chestnuts roasting....ahhhh...perrrfect!
Now look what you have done
I feel all hungary now, lol[img alt=Photobucket src="vny!://i62.photobucket.com/albums/h119/Brit_Guy/Santawavn.gif" - Video and Image Hosting]We usually only get snow around January.
LOL, anytime Brit Guy. That's why I'm here. (//vny!://discoverseattle.net/forums/richedit/smileys/Teasing/4.gif)
Merry Christmas to you too Brit Guy!
And to all a (good night) Merry Christmas here on DS!
Merry Christmas to you too BritGuy... Enjoy!! Christmas... There is nothing special than waking up on a christmas morning with background filled with Christmas carols....(//forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/2.gif)
Nothing more special** - sorry... damn typos..It's like i'm blind..lol
Ditto.....Greetings from me also Brit Guy. The weather has truly been something else these days. I'm also a fan of the White Christmas, and we don't get many.....but who knows this year. Everything is SO out of whack.
Bless yer buttons Brit Guy........and a Merry Christmas to you !!!!!![img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://www.cheesebuerger.de/images/smilie/xmas/a014.gif" border=0]
Yes, Happy Christmas to everyone, and thanks for being such great friends throughout the year.