To my many detractors:
I will do as I please. I will delete whatever threads I feel are cluttering the DV board and there is nothing you can do about it. Yes, I was "outed" as a moderator, so now you know.
The pont is that I don't care what you as ordinary posters want, I'm charged with keeping DV free from junk, porn, and offensive threads. An offensive thread is whatever I deem it to be and my word is final.
I will not waste my time conversing with users and trolls, I have more important things to do than talking with whiners and sore losers. In short, screw you.
Go home?
academe wrote:
The pont is that I don't care what you as ordinary posters want . . .In short, screw you.
You bring a whole new meaning to the words "customer service".
wow. its funny because i never thought she was out of line on DV (as a civillian), the odd stupid comment but nothing to indicate she was such a powermonger...power really does change people hey? does anyone know how old she is, (just curious)?
How does a person become a DV moderator? And why? Is there pay involved?
Thanks for coming out and confirming everyones statements academe. Oh, and for being an ass.(//vny!://
I'm actually kind of glad that Academe made an ass of herself. Kind of evens out her attacks against me.
God knows she is really good at it.
How are you Adam? Enjoying the glorious weather?(//vny!://
Chicklet wrote:
God knows she is really good at it.
How are you Adam? Enjoying the glorious weather?(//vny!:// [/DIV]
I'm fine, thanks for asking. I'm loving the weather. How goes all for you?
(How's show biz treating you?)
Adam_Fulford wrote:
I'm fine, thanks for asking. I'm loving the weather. How goes all for you?
(How's show biz treating you?)
I'm doing really well thanks. I'm in the middle of enjoying four weeks off before my next gig. Sometimes I really love how the timing works out. Well, I'm off.
Be good.
Academe, you are the epitome of the attention seeking , pathetically needy troll.
And I have yet to hear a decent justification for why you would lie to your fellow mods. I can understand you lying to users, since you obviously have nothing but contempt for us, but since you seem to think so highly of your position, I find it odd that you would shit on the other mods.
After this little hissy fit of yours, I doubt even Orik would back you up.
kewl tenkani.
tenkani wrote:
Academe, you are the epitome of the attention seeking , pathetically needy troll.
And I have yet to hear a decent justification for [FONT style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffff80"]why you would lie to your fellow mods[/FONT]. I can understand you lying to users, since you obviously have nothing but contempt for us, but since you seem to think so highly of your position, I find it odd that you would shit on the other mods.
After this little hissy fit of yours, I doubt even Orik would back you up.
Funny how people quickly assume whoever posts as academe is me so I'll not use that name anymore. TehBorken can verify who is whom with the IP.
Let me go back to the beginning. Purelife posts on DS outting the new mods. How did she find out academe was a mod? I did not tell her. She does not confirm with me or even offer support as a former DV mod. Then all the attacks on academe began.
I figured if I told the mods that I currently was corressponding by email with, Orca, purelife, Lise,and raerae, that I was not a mod, this would get back to the general posting community academe wasn't a mod and things would die down. It did, but unfortunately as you can see a month later the drama continues, namely because of a few people. These people certainly have issues with academe as a moderator, that's fine, it is their problem, not mine.
Someting you guys don't know is other mods, except Orca and raerae knew exactly what was going on because I emailed them and told them. Mike and others at ClubZone have known everything from the start, including those emails I sent Orca, purelife, Lise, and raerae. Mike and another regular DV moderator have been in regular email contact with me over the past month, and they have been a great support through all this.
Frankly, all this drama from you guys is childish. I am not "power-tripping", far from it. There is no power involved when one is faced with the cesspool that is DV. I just follow the rules as outlined by Mike and ClubZone, record all my deletions and why I deleted a post or thread, and move along. If someone complains why a thread was deleted and if it was one I deleted I will explain why.
Adam, lovely to be compared to you per the dramatics, and I see you're back to posting on DV again.
Thank you and good day.
dramatics wrote:
> snip
Adam, lovely to be compared to you per the dramatics,
[FONT color=#0000bf]I don't know what you're talking about. [/FONT]
and I see you're back to posting on DV again.
[FONT color=#0000bf]No, I AM NOT not posting on DV again.[/FONT]
DV sucks and so does academe.
the worst mod ever.
Dramatics, maybe it's just me (running on 3 hours sleep right now) but I'm sure what your last post was saying. Dramatics = Academe? Academe lied to other mods hoping that they would tell the users and that it would lead to less drama? Academe is only following Mike's rules? So Mike has a rule that when someone questions why you delete a thread you should post some snide comments and then delete their complaint?
By the way, Academe has the habbit of making comments like "don't assume that was me", while at the same time not actually denying responsibility for a post. It's the same with her modding. On DV she constantly [span style="text-decoration: underline;"]implied[/span] that she was not responsible for the rash of random thread deletions, but when pressed, she wouldn't deny it. Very sneaky.
As far as Academe having Mike's full support, from my experience Mike didn't give a rat's ass about DV and the modding staff, so my guess is that he simply doesn't want to deal with the drama of confrontation and so he allows a troll to moderate his board. Arbitrary thread deletions didn't kill DV in the past, and it won't kill it this time either. Mike knows this and so he's really not interested in the situation. I could be wrong, but this fits his general perspective and character (do nothing and then when things reach a crisis point issue a P.R. statement to appease the users/mods).
Someting you guys don't know is other mods, except Orca and raerae knew exactly what was going on because I emailed them and told them. Mike and others at ClubZone have known everything from the start, including those emails I sent Orca, purelife, Lise, and raerae.
So you told Mike that you were going to lie to your fellow mods and he approved. Very professional. Can't say I'm surprised.
Mike and another regular DV moderator have been in regular email contact with me over the past month, and they have been a great support through all this.
If the other "regular DV moderator" is who I think it is (since there are only a few active mods and you've alienated several of them through your dishonesty, it's not hard to guess who you're referring to), then I will believe that when he posts it himself. From his own posts here and on DV, his support has been conditional at best (he seems almost as nervous about you as the rest of us) so please don't misrepresent the situation. I really hope he's not the gentleman you're talking about, because if that's the best you can do then it says a lot about your popularity with the other mods.
Seriously, just go away. This board doesn't need the crap draggin' from the bottom of your shoes being tracked all over this board.
I had no issues with you over at DV when I did post there, but you are rapidly proving yourself an egomaniacal idiot.
Some Chick wrote:
Seriously, just go away. This board doesn't need the crap draggin' from the bottom of your shoes being tracked all over this board.
For what it's worth that poster didn't appear under academe's usual IP (or under any of her other names) nor is it a Canadian IP, so my guess is it's not really her.
Still, the sentiment was spot-on, so if it's not her it's an incredible simulation, lol.
Aside from sentiment, the poster has mentioned a few things that only Academe or someone close to her would be aware of. I have no idea why she would use a proxy, but it would not surprise me one bit. Well, Academe having the technical know-how would surprise me, but not the decision to cloak per se.
* flog the dead horse *
* flog the dead horse *
* flog the dead horse *
* flog the dead horse *
* flog the dead horse *
* flog the dead horse *
* flog the dead horse *
* flog the dead horse *
* flog the dead horse *
* flog the dead horse *
* flog the dead horse *
Aren't you tired of this stupid inmature game???[/DIV][/DIV][/DIV][/DIV][/DIV][/DIV][/DIV][/DIV][/DIV][/DIV]
Come join me, won't you, Lise??
shrugs , i no longer have a comment on academe's modding one way or the other .
anyone else want a horsemeat hamburger too. ?
I'm bored...can you tell?
tehborken is wrong, it's her