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General Category => Discover Seattle! => Topic started by: primefactor on Feb 19 06 10:34

Title: Your best "Evil Boss" story
Post by: primefactor on Feb 19 06 10:34
I know everyone's got one, and having just been fired by a creepy little goblin-man to whom I gave two-and-a-half-years of butt-kicking performance and faultless loyalty, I would find it soothing to read other people's stories. My tale of woe, crammed into a nutshell, is that I just returned from a week's leave, in which I went to California to take care of my grandmother. When I left, I was golden, the rockstar barista who hung the moon, according to the Goblin. When I returned, I swear this is not a joke, he told me that the way I go above and beyond is "undermining" him. He says the little things I do (like cutting people's bagels in half if requested, asking "How is your drink? Let me know if you need anything," taking the drink to the tables of elderly customers instead of making them pick it up, keeping the steam pitcher in the fridge so the milk foams better, bringing in Hershey's Kisses to put on top of the cups in the week before holidays, the list goes on...), these "extra" things make customers "expect too much." He even said that it really annoyed him how I learned on the internet how to make latte art with the foam. He said that was "just doing my own thing." Silly me, I thought it was customer service or something. So, I thought this all sounded funny, because why after years would this suddenly become a problem? Then I figured out what the real reason behind my firing was. If people will help me to exorcise my anger and betrayal by supplying some stories, I will tell you in my next post what the reason was. (And I swear, it will be a much shorter post!)
Title: Re: Your best "Evil Boss" story
Post by: kitten on Feb 19 06 10:52
Let me guess......he found someone to work cheaper, maybe a relative, that he could pay less.  No evil bosses since I was in my teens.  My first job was as a kitchen helper, and the boss put some moves on me when his wife was in front serving the customers.  She caught him trying to corner me, and since she couldn't fire him she fired me instead.  I was glad to be out of there!
Title: Re: Your best "Evil Boss" story
Post by: TehBorken on Feb 19 06 12:37
I was doing a contract job at Microsoft and my boss for the group I was in was a true master at being a World-Class a**hole.

On my last day there, he had called at 8:00am and left a voice message telling me what a "great job" I had done on a document we were revising. I called my recruiter to let them know that we had finally managed to do something right for once for this very demanding customer.

At 8:15am he calls back and leaves another voice mail completely retracting everything he'd said and contradicting himself in the process a few times. One minute everything  was "great", the next it was "all wrong".

Ummm, it was the same document, nothing had changed! lol

He didn't even like the stuff he'd praised 15 minutes ago. That was the last straw for me. He and I argued about it, with the result being that I left and never went back. Thank god.

There are some very nice, very smart people at Microsoft. He's not one of them.

Title: Re: Your best "Evil Boss" story
Post by: Future Canadian on Feb 19 06 12:41
Not necessarily evil, but just a tool...[/DIV]I had a limo ride from hell from Portland to Seattle and back for a Mariners game. It was supposed to be a gift for management but ended up a debacle. Leaving early and the drinking started right away for most everybody, so that by the time we reached Seattle half the gang was hammered! These guys were carrying on like it was New Year's Eve in front of the Head Honchos and their kids, except that it was a Sunday morning.[/DIV]Watched the game (bored, wishing my kid was at least there to get something out of the game), while one of the Gang of Drunkards was shouting at the top of his lungs about the beer garden not taking his ATM card. Head back to the abomination that is the SUV-limo (shudder) to find Drunky McPhee (district manager, part time rival, organizer of this trip) had passed out and missed the game. I swore I saw that he wet himself, but no one else seemed to notice.( Then more of the same for the whole way back to PDX. Another pants wetting incident, more carrying on, and me thinking WTF am I doing here? I could've spent a relaxing day at home with the wife and kids and instead I'm trapped in a vehicle that is against everything I stand for, with people that leave me cold. Not to mention being sober (except for managing to grab a few tokes of herb THANK GOD!) and hanging around people that are drunk is the least fun thing in the world (how do designated drivers do it?). All this for seeing a game I barely have a passing interest in. bleh.
Title: Re: Your best "Evil Boss" story
Post by: TehBorken on Feb 19 06 01:15
When I returned, I swear this is not a joke, he told me that the way I go above and beyond is "undermining" him.

Lol, what a jackass! He has standards, and you better not exceed them. lol

It'd be fun to go there for a day. You know, I bet I'd break a lot of stuff my first day on the job. And of course I'd quit by noon to make up for it.
Title: Re: Your best "Evil Boss" story
Post by: primefactor on Feb 19 06 01:25
...Well, the Real Deal behind my firing is that Boss Goblin has a little woody for the New Girl, this aging Southern Belle who is gossipy, fake, makes terrible drinks, sits down to "rest" any time there isn't a customer, and has a screechy Wicked Witch of the West laugh that makes people flinch and wince in pain (and she's a nervous laugher, so you have to hear it all day). She has had it in for the barista veterans (myself and one other person -- it's a small shop) from Day One, and in a few short months has managed to snag all the sweet schedules and has even grabbed the bookkeeper position from a real bookkeeper who used to come in once a week. Now the Southern Princess, with no experience and her horrible organization skills, is doing the books. And during the Goblin's rant, he said a couple of "I heard..." and "Someone tells me that..." statements that made it clear, about halfway through the conversation (not much of a conversation, just mostly me crying) that the minute I went out of town, the Belle spent the entire week dripping poison in the Goblin's ear. I think if they are not already sleeping together, he hopes that they soon will be. He is unhappily married, in his 50s. And she is manipulating him, and she's a tease and dishonest, and in probably no more than a few months my former boss will go, "What was I thinking??" but it will be too late. I wouldn't go back for $20 an hour.