Discover Seattle!

General Category => Discover Seattle! => Topic started by: tenkani on Jun 15 06 04:33

Title: Mandatory Thread (Sex Candy)
Post by: tenkani on Jun 15 06 04:33
 Since we're all required to post a thread, here's mine. It's about candy.
What's your favorite?
Why? Describe it in detail, flavor, texture, odour.
How does it make you feel when you put it in your mouth?
Does it make you

Here's a little somethin' somethin' to put ya'll in the mood...

[font style="font-weight: bold; color: rgb(0, 0, 127);" face="Trebuchet MS, Verdana, Arial" size="-1"]I want candy
Bubblegum and taffy
Skip to the sweet shop with my sweet heart Sandy
Got my pennies saved, so I'm her sugar daddy
I'm her Hume Cronyn and she's my Jessica Tandy
I want candy
Put it in a pile
Split it wit my biddy, 50-50 down the line
Kinda like close encounters of the cavity kind
I'm Talkin' licorice kisses
Talkin' chocolate dowsed smiles
I want candy
I got a sugar tooth
Put on your shin guards, Sandy, 'cuz I wanna knock boots
Lick the peppermint stick 'til the lollipop droops
Gumdrops that don't stop 'til the lip locks loose
I need candy
Bubblegum and taffy
Get in my way punk, you're gonna get your ass beat, nasty
Do it 'til your dad sees
Embarrass your whole family
Just because you came between a kid and his candy
I need candy
Any kind'll do
Don't care if it's nutritious or FDA approved
It's gonna make me spaz like bobcats on booze
A hyperactive juice that only I can produce
That fuels a giant drill
Bores straight into hell
Releasin' ancient demons from their sleep forever spell
So they can walk upon the earth and get resituated
And hawk the diet pills MC Pee Pants has created
I need candy
Want some candy
Eat candy 'til I'm dead
I'll kill you for some candy
Give me candy, candyhead
Where you keepin' all the candy?
Who made you candy king?
If you don't give me some candy, I will make the ladies sing
Candy in the mornin'
Candy on the way to school
Candy at school, at lunch, and the afternoon
Candy at school, on the way home from school
Candy at dinner, at dinner, whoo-hoo
Mess up the mix
Mix up the mess
Come on down, yo
Here's the address:
Said 612 Wharf Avenue
Right next to the gentlemen's club  [/font]
Title: Re: Mandatory Thread (Sex Candy)
Post by: curses on Jun 15 06 04:52
you are wacked dude.

it's no wonder they banned you at that other place (//vny!://  
Title: Re: Mandatory Thread (Sex Candy)
Post by: tenkani on Jun 15 06 04:59
Curses, what's your favorite candy?
How does it make you feel?

P.S. you been doggin' me out to my homies, yo.
What up with that?
PM me pls.
Title: Re: Mandatory Thread (Sex Candy)
Post by: curses on Jun 15 06 05:39
didn't you say this place could use a few more people like me?  
Title: Re: Mandatory Thread (Sex Candy)
Post by: sesruc on Jun 15 06 05:41
 curses wrote:
didn't you say this place could use a few more people like me?  
i don't remember any casting call for "a crowd of dorks".
Title: Re: Mandatory Thread (Sex Candy)
Post by: curses on Jun 15 06 05:45
lol. no dummy. trolls who can troll.  
Title: Re: Mandatory Thread (Sex Candy)
Post by: tenkani on Jun 15 06 05:56
Curses, I know there is an issue between us, I'm just at a loss to figure out what it is.
Yes, I've said in the past that DS needs more random/silly/rebellious posters.
Obviously, you can post what you like, and I'll try not to take it personally.
If you ever want to resolve whatever's bugging you, you know how to reach me.
Title: Re: Mandatory Thread (Sex Candy)
Post by: Lise on Jun 15 06 06:12
Since we're all required to post a thread, here's mine. It's about candy.
What's your favorite?
Why? Describe it in detail, flavor, texture, odour.
How does it make you feel when you put it in your mouth?
Does it make you

Here's a little somethin' somethin' to put ya'll in the mood...

    My favorite candy is tenkani dipped in chocolate.

  Why? Because the sensation is so out there, Lord Xenu couldn't describe it even if you paid him a million dollars.

  When one puts it in one's mouth, one sees TehBorken with his power tools working on his deck........

  Does it make one feel sexy? If sexy had a word, it'd be tenkani-san.
Title: Re: Mandatory Thread (Sex Candy)
Post by: gorpotron on Jun 15 06 08:23
 curses wrote:
lol. no dummy. trolls who can troll.  

oh yeah, i'm sure that tehborken is dying for a bunch of ignorant trolls to join up. why, just the other day he was saying "gosh, i wish more ignorant trolls would come and soil the board."

oh, wait, actually he said he'd rather have george bush get a third term. never mind.
Title: Re: Mandatory Thread (Sex Candy)
Post by: curses on Jun 15 06 08:25
speak for yourself.  
Title: Re: Mandatory Thread (Sex Candy)
Post by: TehBorken on Jun 15 06 08:26
  gorpotron wrote:
oh, wait, actually he said he'd rather have george bush get a third term. never mind.

 Shit, don't even joke about that kind of thing. Ack, I feel sick.

And for the record, 'curses' is welcome here too, okay?
Title: Re: Mandatory Thread (Sex Candy)
Post by: P.C. on Jun 15 06 08:49
So.....about the candy.  I like Panda licorice.  I can't say that it makes me feel sexy mind you.  But it IS yummy.  I like it's texture....almost 'earthy' or like soft leather.  Mmmm.....licorice.
Title: Re: Mandatory Thread (Sex Candy)
Post by: kitten on Jun 15 06 09:05
I love the Lindt dark chocolate.......85%cocoa.   *drool uncontrollably*
Title: Re: Mandatory Thread (Sex Candy)
Post by: P.C. on Jun 15 06 09:40 too Kitten.  That's what hubby hid all over the place at Easter.  The bonus is, it's apparently good for you too.
Title: Re: Mandatory Thread (Sex Candy)
Post by: Yuki on Jun 16 06 10:22
ROTFLMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!(//vny!://  OMG Tenkani this is a wonderful topic and the funnyest lyrics ever. LOl. hmmmm My favorite candy is proberlly suckers.!! They last along time and they don't stick to your teeth(if you don't chew on it) It comes in many flavors, I like red the best. and they make me feel like sunshine.!!^^^^
Title: Re: Mandatory Thread (Sex Candy)
Post by: purelife on Jun 16 06 10:33
I don't have a favorite candy.  Tenkani, will you take me to a candy shop one day so that we can enjoy what these sweets have to offer us?  (//vny!://

  but chocolate makes me's just as good as sex.  ;)
Title: Re: Mandatory Thread (Sex Candy)
Post by: P.C. on Jun 16 06 10:42
Hi purelife !  [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://" border=0]

  I don't think I've tried THAT chocolate yet. [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://" border=0]
Title: Re: Mandatory Thread (Sex Candy)
Post by: purelife on Jun 16 06 10:48
I had this hot chocolate infuzed with rose buds.  There's this one and only place in Yaletown that specializes in these infuzed hot chocolate.  OMG, I can't begin to tell you how I felt.  It was so silky, not too sweet, just perfect....oooooOOOOOooooo
Title: Re: Mandatory Thread (Sex Candy)
Post by: purelife on Jun 16 06 10:49
It's too bad that this place isn't beside my work because I would have one every morning!  And their chocolates (even though they are expensive) are nothing that I have ever tasted before.  THE BEST!  
Title: Re: Mandatory Thread (Sex Candy)
Post by: P.C. on Jun 16 06 10:52
Sounds divine, purelife.....I must make a point of checking it out next time I'm over there.
Title: Re: Mandatory Thread (Sex Candy)
Post by: purelife on Jun 16 06 10:57
This place is called Chocoatl.  It's a tiny shop in Yaletown.  Let me know if and when you come by to Vancouver and we'll go together!  :)
Title: Re: Mandatory Thread (Sex Candy)
Post by: P.C. on Jun 16 06 11:02
This place is called Chocoatl.  It's a tiny shop in Yaletown.  Let me know if and when you come by to Vancouver and we'll go together!

  Is that a typo, or is that what it's realy  That sounds like a fabulous idea, purelife !
Title: Re: Mandatory Thread (Sex Candy)
Post by: purelife on Jun 16 06 11:03
Nope, that's what it's called.  Then, that's a date!  Perhaps, you and SD will be here at around the same time, then we'll all go along with Chicklet and Lise.
Title: Re: Mandatory Thread (Sex Candy)
Post by: purelife on Jun 16 06 11:04
I hope that SD won't mind being the only guy surrounded by beautiful hot ladies.  (//vny!://
Title: Re: Mandatory Thread (Sex Candy)
Post by: weird al on Jun 16 06 12:03
So where's this here Chocolatl place at? Reckon I might mosey on down there sometime.
Title: Re: Mandatory Thread (Sex Candy)
Post by: purelife on Jun 16 06 12:06
[A href="vny!://" target=_blank]Chocoatl[/A] (1127 Mainland St, Yaletown),

[A href="vny!://"]vny!://[/A]

  I waffled briefly between the strawberry infused chocolate and the white chocolate from Venezuela infused with lavender and then mixed with coconut, before deciding on the latter. I will not mince words: it was delicious. I need to go back for the Azteca hot chocolate though, which it was too hot a day for, but which sounds like a wonderful treat for the palate, all kinds of warming mixtures of cinnamon and spices and cacao.  
Title: Re: Mandatory Thread (Sex Candy)
Post by: P.C. on Jun 16 06 12:06
I could do a mosey, myself.  [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://" border=0]  
Title: Re: Mandatory Thread (Sex Candy)
Post by: purelife on Jun 16 06 12:08
Tenkani, what's YOUR favorite?  What do you like to lick, suck and or blow?
Title: Re: Mandatory Thread (Sex Candy)
Post by: Gopher on Jun 16 06 12:09
Agog with curiosity as I await the reply to the above!
Title: Re: Mandatory Thread (Sex Candy)
Post by: P.C. on Jun 16 06 12:09
 Nope, that's what it's called.  Then, that's a date!  Perhaps, you and SD will be here at around the same time, then we'll all go along with Chicklet and Lise.

  [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://" border=0]

Title: Re: Mandatory Thread (Sex Candy)
Post by: Future Canadian on Jun 17 06 12:35
I recently bought an Italian chocolate bar at a local fancy-pants market (and now I've forgotten the name of it-phooey) that seems to have a *ahem* curious effect when the wife and I share one.
mmmm....absinthe chocolate...
Title: Re: Mandatory Thread (Sex Candy)
Post by: tenkani on Jun 19 06 11:55
[span style="font-style: italic; font-weight: bold;"]Tenkani, what's YOUR favorite?  What do you like to lick, suck and or blow?[/span]

In deference to the wishes of a poster who shall remain nameless, I am hereby boycotting my own thread.

P.S. Gopher your avatar is both cute and somehow deeply disturbing. Congrats    (//forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/19.gif)

Title: Re: Mandatory Thread (Sex Candy)
Post by: Gopher on Jun 19 06 11:59
As you are obviously NOT boycotting your own thread - I can reply here by asking  you what you find disturbing about my avatar.
Title: Re: Mandatory Thread (Sex Candy)
Post by: tenkani on Jun 19 06 12:16
Maybe it's the fact that I find it sexually attractive?
[span style="font-weight: bold; color: rgb(191, 95, 0);"]THREAD NEEDS MORE FURRIES!!![/span]

Title: Re: Mandatory Thread (Sex Candy)
Post by: Gopher on Jun 20 06 11:17
What's that thing that's ravishing Lise?