First of all, I'm aware that the site is slower than selling frozen dog meat on a stick. I've finally managed to convince my ISP that there's a real problem and they are working on it. My threat to go berserk and burn their data center to the ground seems to have worked, lol.
Second, I know many of you have been completely unable to sleep because you've been waiting for more pictures of the deck I've been building in slow-motion. Well, here ya go, the latest installment:
See, it's getting there. Once it's done and the old deck has been pressure washed they'll blend together nicely and then the [span style="text-decoration: line-through;"]drunken debauchery[/span] celebration party will occur. Like all of my [span style="text-decoration: line-through;"]sick and twisted[/span] family-friendly parties, there will be Naked Twister and Jello Wrestling, as well as rousing games of What's In My Pants? and Is That Thing Loaded?. Last time we had a record number of survivors and the paramedics only had to come twice. I'll keep ya posted but if you miss it you can probably get a recap on the next episode of America's Most Wanted.
Can I come? I think I would fit right in.
Very nice job by the way. :D
Chicklet wrote:
Can I come? I think I would fit right in.
Very nice job by the way. :D
Thanks! Yes, you'd be more than welcome to attend.
the trees....
Looks fantastic Teh Borken! Next time, could you post your hunky picture in the middle with your toolbelt or something? (//vny!://
ooooooOOOOO...could I come?
Amazing work, homie!!
I suggest leaving the guardrail off. It will make the drunken dance parties so much more interesting!
Wow, I thought it was just my wireless acting up!
Great work on the deck. Is it a do-it-yourself summer project, or is someone hired to do this? (//vny!://
Nice work, TehBorken. Are you going to install railings afterwards? Uhm.... in case someone (anyone of us) who's drunk and won't fall off your deck while you're having a BBQ party?
007 wrote: Great work on the deck. Is it a do-it-yourself summer project, or is someone hired to do this? [img style="font-style: italic;" src="vny!://[/img]
I'm doing it with some help from a friend.
Lise wrote:
Nice work, TehBorken. Are you going to install railings afterwards? Uhm.... in case someone (anyone of us) who's drunk and won't fall off your deck while you're having a BBQ party?
Oh yeah, the railing is coming, probably by the end of the week. Gotta have it for code compliance.
purelife wrote:
[div style="font-style: italic;"]Looks fantastic Teh Borken! Next time, could you post your hunky picture in the middle with your toolbelt or something? [/div]
Hmmm...I'm a lot of things, but I don't think I qualify as hunky. Unless you've been taking a ton of powerful drugs, that is.
ooooooOOOOO...could I come?
Of course you can sweetie. I'll even help! (//forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/14.gif)
Oh wait, that's not what you meant...or was it?
Wow. An image of TehBorken with his power tools........................ that's a damn mesmerizing image. Heh.
Don't forget to leave your shirt behind when you pose. (//vny!://
By the way, some of the other party games we play are Underwear Wars, Let's Pass Out In The Neighbor's Yard, and the old favorite Who Knew That Was So Flammable?
By the way, my ISP has decided that "everything is okay" and that it's perfectly normal to click on a link and then wait 30 seconds for something to happen. Looks like I'll have to make good on my death threats after all.....
Chicklet wrote:
Can I come? I think I would fit right in.
Very nice job by the way. :D
Can we all come?
Merci beaucoup, TehBorken. You have terrified them into submission and now everything is working beautifully. Thank you so muchly!!
Your deck is going to be the pride of the Western world. It's looking lovely. Good work! I'm sending the newspapers around to take pictures. *when the party is in full swing, that is!*
If I ever got my camera fixed (it needs a new battery). I'll take some pics of my house too and its giant hill.