I am now certified.
Today I am "Sick". Let's see how much trouble I can cause.
Gunta stop being an ass. Whatever you have against swot4 or whatever, noone wants to hear it. Everyone here loves him.
Bless you, my son.
The Lord will strengthen him upon the bed of languishing: thou wilt make all his bed in his sickness.
So it was written, so shall it come to pass.
I love swot4 too, Yuko. He is my Scientology brethren.
OMG, Xenu WUZ here!
Yuki just relax.
Don't troll the poor guy!!
We have to set an example, and show the world what this fuzzy little clubhouse is all about!
Hot dogs!
tenkani wrote:
Bless you, my son.
The Lord will strengthen him upon the bed of languishing: thou wilt make all his bed in his sickness.
So it was written, so shall it come to pass.
Surreal. I just saw the Da Vinci Code last night. You wouldn't be an albino monk by any chance?
Yoko is cruzin; for some smite. I am glad I was graced with examples of the first hand "superiority" of Discover Seattle. I am touched and calling my Lawyer.
hahaha Look swot4, somebody already smited me. I am on my path to righteousness. Just like the high school career councilors predicted..
Gunta wrote:
I love swot4 too, Yuko. He is my Scientology brethren.
Okay, I'm sorry your not a ass. I just see the things you say on this and Dv to him and it looks like your hurassing him.
Harass? It better be sexual or I want my 10 bucks back. I think we harass each other, that way it is more like a consenting relationship.
Born in the fires of DV, the demons of the in-between, the umbral ether of the Net, play rough. We have thick hides to resist the flames of the underworld, Yuki ;)
I secretly know how much you moist when you hear swot 4. Admit it!
(oh no, don't smite me.... )
You better believe it and I am even from the scary storage basement of the underworld. So you can imagine my powers of ill will.
I only smite those who have sinned. Purelife, I wouldn't smite you because you were once a brave crusader on DV, fighting for our religious rights and battling evil doers
Gunta, are you a fan of Office Space?
LOL Gunta. Since when did I fight religious evil?
P.S. Have you watched The Omen?
you know what swot4, DV tried to ban me. They tried to silence the Gunta through activating lame ass HTTML script. I was like (to myself in my comp room)
"Listen bitch, I am from the cult of EED. Your lame ass HTML message board can't stop me."
And then the sea went red a plague happened and all that jab....IE I released my IP, and all was well in Egypt.
True story.
Yes, very much. Office Space is great. My fax machine works thow so I can't totally relate to their plight.
We were going to go see the Oman last night but it wasn't playing in the Pitt Meadows Ciniplex. It was at the Silvercity by Lougheed Mall but we didn;t want to drive that far.
Da Vinci code turned out be good though so NO REGRETS!!!.
There's no stoppin' what can't be stopped.
There's no killin' what can't be killed.
Gunta's from the other side; the spirit world.
Voodoo is for punks with ouija boards. I prefer Final Fantasy Knight of the Round type finishing moves.
This is mine. You like?
Link was always awkward around Zelda. Now I know why. He prefers covenant men.
Hi Gunta! Nice of you to join us. Now you can never leave. *insert evil laugh here* It really is much nicer wouldn't you agree?
Gunta you dumbass, he's not like that.
Swot, he never sticks it in her. What is he, uber religious?
I have a feeling Link is a closet homo. It makes sense. Maybe Zelda is his sister and they have a Luke/Leia thing going...minus the kiss.
Chicket: It's alright. I am steering clear of the circle jerk threads though. I only give online *hugz to...well..nobody as a matter of fact.
Don't be scared, gunta.
A little online handjob never hurt anybody!
Fap Fap?
tenkani wrote:
Gunta you dumbass, he's not like that.
[img height=384 alt="" src="vny!://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/c/ce/Xandirbed.jpg" width=512 border=0]
YES!! I was looking for a Xandir pic but I falied at life!
Thanks, bro
Best show on TV IMO.
Its pretty funny I must admit.
hey gunta and swot4 post me bye!!!!!!!!!!
cheerio!!!! ;D
Gunta wrote:
your a loser
The fax I recieved today from the Ministry of Losers stated that you were in fact the loser. I tend to believe the government...you should too, afterall, they do write your cheques.
just f*ck off !!!
Just f*ck off !!!!!
sorry about that !!!
im not in a good mood today!
hey gunta !
have i talked to you before in dv?
I for one am glad our most holy gunta is here to join us. Welcome brother.
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Gunta wrote:
f*ck off!!!!!!!!!!!
[TABLE id=Table2 style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt; COLOR: midnightblue; FONT-FAMILY: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=10 width="100%" border=0] [TBODY] [TR bgColor=whitesmoke] [TD style="FONT-WEIGHT: bold" vAlign=top align=left]chiggaz[/TD] [TD colSpan=2][img title="" height=15 alt="" hspace=3 src="vny!://www.discovervancouver.com/forum/icon_posticon.gif" width=15 border=0][FONT size=1]Posted - 2/26/2006 9:23:20 AM[/FONT] [HR noShade SIZE=1] [FONT size=5]TELL IT ALI
[img alt="asian gangster" src="vny!://www.wiggaz.com/asian/agang.jpg" align=left][/FONT]
Gunta wrote:
I am now certified.
Today I am "Sick". Let's see how much trouble I can cause.
you talk nonsence!!!!!
[img alt="" src="vny!://www.discovervancouver.com/forum/icon/061.gif" border=0]
wuz up
welcome to ds
booty booty booty rocking everywhere?
Gunta on the darkside of the moon. ;-)
What the heck, Sith happened, eh?
OOooooohmmmygoddess!! It's Orca!!!
What's new, girl???
Just running in to say HI and BYE. Hope you are well tenkani and SD. Oh and you too TehBorken. *sheepish grin*
Wheee! We're not alone!!!
Hiya, Chickie!
I've been too busy to post for the last 3 days or so and then when I finally find a spare moment the place gets as quiet as an Academe appreciation party (//forums/richedit/smileys/Sad/10.gif)