I mean, it seems pretty obvious to me. Just listen to the first track, "Violet". It's a brilliant brilliant piece of songwriting and sounds exactly like a Nirvana song!
Now consider Hole's career before and after that album. Completely forgettable. Let's see...they did get on the radio...with a cover song. You don't just become a great songwriter for one album and then forget how. Courtney Hole did not write that album.
At the very least, Kurt was working with her on all the songs and should get writing credit.
"Now consider Hole's career before and after that album. Completely forgettable."
Well yeah duh! Who in there right minds names there band a nickname for the human anus and expect to get radio play. There is the band that gets its song somehow played on one of the smaller independent radio stations down here but when they play the song "nth degree" by Morning Wood the station which usually says the name of the song and band after each song doesn't. Wonder why? But with the advent of satellite radio I see more and more crazy band names pop up on my sirius player. Example last Sunday a band called Butthole lickers popped up on the Alt Nation channel.
So, the White House has its own band and it's popped up on All Nation Channel!
Not sure about Live through this.
But for an amazing flashback, I turn down the lights, light some candles, indulge, and crank Bleach! Its sends shivers up and down my spine.
My opinion of Courtney Love:
[img style="width: 198px; height: 198px;" src="vny!://www.artestuff.com/images/u-rail-screw-white.jpg"][img style="width: 172px; height: 171px;" src="vny!://www.regent-halex.com/catalogimages/92724.jpg"]
CK wrote:
Not sure about Live through this.
But for an amazing flashback, I turn down the lights, light some candles, indulge, and crank Bleach! Its sends shivers up and down my spine.
Yes! Bleach is an awesome album! Our local "alternative" radio station won't play it, they say not enough money went into making it. Dumbasses. They were at their best then-raw and undiscovered.
Bleach is too punk for post-9/11 corporate "rock".
I miss the brilliantly creative musical ferment of the early 90s!
Dissident wrote:
Bleach is too punk for post-9/11 corporate "rock".
I miss the brilliantly creative musical ferment of the early 90s!
Exactly! What's with leaving punk rock out of this whole 80's nostalgia anyway? Nobody needs to hear Billy Idol or Culture Club again. Corporate Radio claims they're edgy and alternative but completely ignores where the music came from. And do they really think people will turn off their radios if they follow up a Green Day song with some Black Flag, Dead Kennedys, or Bad Brains?
I too miss the (late 80's for me). I'd love to see some of the bands from Spokane again - M'na M'na, Vampire Lezbos, Neckless. People were really creative when they thought no one was looking.