Discover Seattle!

General Category => Discover Seattle! => Topic started by: Jolly Green Giant on Apr 22 06 10:38

Title: Discovervancouver and Discoverseattle forums
Post by: Jolly Green Giant on Apr 22 06 10:38
  Why is it that the majority of threads on DS is started by just two persons and get little response (the one thread getting a huge response is the stupid but ubiquitous "what's for lunch/dinner" thread), while on DV many different users are starting threads and they are mostly very lively (admittedly, there is more spam as well) ?
Title: Re: Discovervancouver and Discoverseattle forums
Post by: kitten on Apr 22 06 10:42
Why does this bother you?
Title: Re: Discovervancouver and Discoverseattle forums
Post by: CK on Apr 22 06 11:19
Jolly Green Giant wrote:
  Why is it that the majority of threads on DS is started by just two persons and get little response (the one thread getting a huge response is the stupid but ubiquitous "what's for lunch/dinner" thread), while on DV many different users are starting threads and they are mostly very lively (admittedly, there is more spam as well) ?

   DS is starting to pick up momentum. It is more controlled, so the Assclown trolls, comic book guys that live in their parents basement at the age of 35, and 12 year olds skipping school to troll on DV, can't have as much fun on DS.
Title: Re: Discovervancouver and Discoverseattle forums
Post by: Jolly Green Giant on Apr 22 06 12:12
kitten wrote:
<DIV>Why does this bother you?</DIV>

Why do you want to know ? :)
Title: Re: Discovervancouver and Discoverseattle forums
Post by: Sportsdude on Apr 22 06 12:14
Tehborken finds the weird stuff I like the news.
Title: Re: Discovervancouver and Discoverseattle forums
Post by: Jolly Green Giant on Apr 22 06 01:22
Sportsdude wrote:
Tehborken finds the weird stuff I like the news.

Sure, Tehborken is apparently DS's official weird stuff finder apart from his being the admin, but as i wrote and someone else in this thread noted : the DS forum is more 'controlled' and maybe this is also why it's much less lively here. The fact that most threads are started by just two people, you and Tehborken, should probably tell you something.
Title: Re: Discovervancouver and Discoverseattle forums
Post by: Sportsdude on Apr 22 06 01:24
There's no rule that says me and Tehborken are the only thread starters. Yes its "quiet" in here but that a good thing. After all the skism that happend at DV was all about the community of Lunchers being attacked for being a 'community' here we can continue that 'community' in peace.
Title: Re: Discovervancouver and Discoverseattle forums
Post by: kitten on Apr 22 06 01:48
I tend to think of DV as a place for kids, while DS is here for when they grow up intellectually.
Title: Re: Discovervancouver and Discoverseattle forums
Post by: Sportsdude on Apr 22 06 01:54
Then I was never really a kid. Hence my longing for the party scene.
Title: Re: Discovervancouver and Discoverseattle forums
Post by: Lise on Apr 22 06 08:26
I prefer to think of myself as an addict and worshipper of both forums. (//vny!://
Title: Re: Discovervancouver and Discoverseattle forums
Post by: Sportsdude on Apr 23 06 01:24
me too. Except I kinda use DV for my other personas. But they only come out at night. (hehehe)
Title: Re: Discovervancouver and Discoverseattle forums
Post by: Jolly Green Giant on Apr 23 06 10:58
 kitten wrote:
I tend to think of DV as a place for kids, while DS is here for when they grow up intellectually.

On what grounds to you tend to think this way ? Take one good look at the DV forum, and you will be surprised at the mature and thought-provoking threads you will see. And read again what I remarked about DS.
Title: Re: Discovervancouver and Discoverseattle forums
Post by: Jolly Green Giant on Apr 23 06 11:21
Sportsdude wrote:
There's no rule that says me and Tehborken are the only thread starters. Yes its "quiet" in here but that a good thing. After all the skism that happend at DV was all about the community of Lunchers being attacked for being a 'community' here we can continue that 'community' in peace.

Who was talking about a rule ? Is this relevant at all to what I said ? I observed that most threads here are started by just two persons and get little, and often no response at all. To this you reply that "there's no rule that says me and Tehborken are the only thread starters." Rule or no rule, it doesn't matter, it's not relevant.

Besides, what this about a schism at DV ? I am a recent and occasional poster there and know nothing of the inside business, and don't understand why it follows that it's a good thing that this forum is "quiet".
Title: Re: Discovervancouver and Discoverseattle forums
Post by: soapbox on Apr 23 06 12:08
DS threads are not  started by "one or two people". i for one have started a few on my own.    
Title: Re: Discovervancouver and Discoverseattle forums
Post by: Jolly Green Giant on Apr 23 06 12:29
soapbox wrote:
DS threads are not started by "one or two people". i for one have started a few on my own.

I don't doubt you did, and there are others who did.
Nevertheless you didn't respond to what I said, as i didn't say that.

Come on !
Did I say DS threads are started by "one or two people" ?
Title: Re: Discovervancouver and Discoverseattle forums
Post by: soapbox on Apr 23 06 12:32

  i understand what you are saying though.

  sometimes the mayhem on DV isn't fun.
Title: Re: Discovervancouver and Discoverseattle forums
Post by: Jolly Green Giant on Apr 23 06 01:00
soapbox, I wrote :
"most threads on DS are opened by just two people". That's not the same thing as you apparently understood, is it ?

As for the mayhem on DV, as far as it's mayhem, it's usually no fun except to those who practice and delight in it, but someone who wants to post and discuss seriously can easily circumvent that. That's why you also see very mature topics and threads with many replies. That, to me, is a sign of intellectual maturity, and it's a far cry from the a**holes, comic book guys etc. mentioned by someone in this thread.
Title: Re: Discovervancouver and Discoverseattle forums
Post by: kitten on Apr 23 06 01:46
There always were some intelligent threads on DV.  But it got to the point where it was necessary to wade through kids' chatter and disgusting porn pics to find them.  When DS came in as a viable alternative, I stopped looking at DV as I didn't find it worth the bother.  Perhaps it has changed since I quit reading it, but to be honest, I really don't care any more.
Title: Re: Discovervancouver and Discoverseattle forums
Post by: Sportsdude on Apr 23 06 02:24
Nope. Now its rate my bum pics.
Title: Re: Discovervancouver and Discoverseattle forums
Post by: Jolly Green Giant on Apr 23 06 02:30
kitten wrote:
There always were some intelligent threads on DV.  But it got to the point where it was necessary to wade through kids' chatter and disgusting porn pics to find them.  When DS came in as a viable alternative, I stopped looking at DV as I didn't find it worth the bother.  Perhaps it has changed since I quit reading it, but to be honest, I really don't care any more.

Well, whether you care or not is your own issue. It has no bearing on the well-foundedness of this or any other argument anyone provides.

You are downplaying the DV forum's merits. There are not just "some intelligent threads" on DV. Look at the first page. You will find at least three topics requiring quite some thinking and commitment from their posters, and all three have hundreds of replies:

- Evolution vs "intelligent design", 196 replies
- Teachers demand 24% wage increase, 204 replies
- The world today, 641 replies !

I don't see any threads like this here on DS, with its "controlled" environment. The only threads you could really call successful, as i said earlier, are the stupid but ubiquitous "what's for lunch/dinner" thread common to so many forums without inspiration, and a "The ebony room" thread where people who feel they have common African ancestry and who aren't really interested in anything else flock together, happy to find themselves in familiar terrain.

There are other long-lived and lively threads, but these three are standing out. I am sure that in order to find these, you don't have to "wade through kid's chatter" which you can just as well ignore if you choose so. Weren't you aware you have the ability to do so ?

As for the disgusting porn pics, usually there is some sign announcing what's on hand, and you can evade them too if you want to.

What does "viable" mean to you ?
Title: Re: Discovervancouver and Discoverseattle forums
Post by: Sportsdude on Apr 23 06 03:11
Yeah but these threads:

Evolution vs "intelligent design", 196 replies
- Teachers demand 24% wage increase, 204 replies
- The world today, 641 replies !

Have either turned into mud slinging or race to the top games.
Title: Re: Discovervancouver and Discoverseattle forums
Post by: Johnny on Apr 23 06 03:20
So I\'ve been on the DV site now that i have heard so much about it on this one, and this is what i\'ve gleened from it so far.  1) Vancouver vs. ( fill in the blank with a city of your choice)           2) Hate living in Vancouver/ Love living in Vancouver           3) America sucks           4) Toronto sucks (or not if you live there)   There were some interesting ones in there as well, but the majority of topics seem to be taken from the above four mentioned above. I never knew about the rivalry between  Vancouver and Toronto but I guess it makes sense since there are only about four big cities in Canada.
Title: Re: Discovervancouver and Discoverseattle forums
Post by: Sportsdude on Apr 23 06 03:41
Everyone in Canada dispises Toronto. The Centre of the Universe.
Title: Re: Discovervancouver and Discoverseattle forums
Post by: kitten on Apr 23 06 03:47
Jolly Green Giant wrote:

 "The ebony room" thread where people who feel they have common African ancestry and who aren't really interested in anything else flock together, happy to find themselves in familiar terrain.

What????  Common African ancestry??  I don't know how you came to that conclusion, but it's about as far from the actual context of the thread as you could possibly get.
Title: Re: Discovervancouver and Discoverseattle forums
Post by: P.C. on Apr 23 06 06:40
LOL.....sometimes ebony is just a colour.....right Green?   (//vny!://  
Title: Re: Discovervancouver and Discoverseattle forums
Post by: P.C. on Apr 23 06 07:07
I never knew about the rivalry between  Vancouver and Toronto but I guess it makes sense since there are only about four big cities in Canada.

  I suppose there's SOME truth in that Johnny, but not everyone suffers from this odd sense of competitiveness.  It's mostly about the _____vs_____  mentality you were referring to.  For me, I just like living where I'm living, and when I stop loving where I'm living, I'll live somewhere else.
Title: Re: Discovervancouver and Discoverseattle forums
Post by: Sportsdude on Apr 23 06 07:58
Down with Toronto!!

  ED Note: never been to the centre of the universe might actually like the place BUT I will never be a LEAFS Fan.
Title: Re: Discovervancouver and Discoverseattle forums
Post by: TehBorken on Apr 23 06 09:24
  Jolly Green Giant wrote:
Sure, Tehborken is apparently DS's official weird stuff finder

It's a dirty job, but somebody's gotta do it. (//forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/14.gif)

the DS forum is more 'controlled' and maybe this is also why it's much less lively here.

There are some loose rules here as to posting, but that's about it. I personally don't see the board as a very "controlled" thing, but maybe that's partly in the eye of the beholder.

The fact that most threads are started by just two people, you and Tehborken, should probably tell you something.

It means something, but I don't know what, other than that SD and I start a lot of topics, lol. Some people just prefer to respond to an ongoing thread rather than create a new one. Either way is fine with me. Whatever you're comfortable with.    
Title: Re: Discovervancouver and Discoverseattle forums
Post by: Sportsdude on Apr 23 06 09:26
I make high quality threads worth of an award. A lot of research goes into my threads.
Title: Re: Discovervancouver and Discoverseattle forums
Post by: Chicklet on Apr 24 06 10:38
I gott aput my 2 cents in here.  I was a borderline osessive regular on DV for over a year and I have to say I definately prefer it here.  The crap that went on on DV was utterly disgusting at times.  I think great proof of that is the disapearance of many of the regulars.  

I really enjoy my daily dose of strange but true stories from around the wolrd.  If it wasn't for them I wouldn't be as smart as I am today.  Thanks TehBorken!  

I also agree with kitten, the maturaty level here is quite a bit higher than on DV.  

Okay, that's all I have to say about that.
Title: Re: Discovervancouver and Discoverseattle forums
Post by: Gopher on Apr 24 06 11:23
Lise wrote:
 I prefer to think of myself as an addict and worshipper of both forums. (//vny!:// [/DIV]
 [FONT color=#00007f]Lise, you're far too modest; surely you meant to say "an icon at both forums".[/FONT]
Title: Re: Discovervancouver and Discoverseattle forums
Post by: tenkani on Apr 24 06 12:08
DV and DS are nearly polar opposites.

I went through a few weeks agonizing over which to choose.

And then realized that they both serve a purpose.

  DV runs on ancient, shitty software and is controlled by a bunch of complete jackoffs (the owner and admins, not the mods necessarily). It's also overrun with lunatics and trolls. But it's still the wild west, and that has a certain appeal.

  DS has a fantastic owner/admin and excellent software, but a relatively small user base and no trolls to speak of. It's a great source of news and weird stories. It's relaxing to a fault, and lacks dynamic tension and conflict. In short, there is no drama at DS.

  They are like two uncles, one geeky, soft-spoken and full of interesting facts, the other a heroin addict with a penchant for necrophilia. I love them both unconditionally. Family is family.
Title: Re: Discovervancouver and Discoverseattle forums
Post by: Chicklet on Apr 24 06 12:10
You want drama?  I'll give you drama...
Title: Re: Discovervancouver and Discoverseattle forums
Post by: tenkani on Apr 24 06 12:20
Oh Christ, she's gonna blow!!

*hiding under desk*
Title: Re: Discovervancouver and Discoverseattle forums
Post by: Chicklet on Apr 24 06 01:00
I have to be honest with you. At this point I got nothin'.  I'll work on it though so tenkani, don't stray too far from the sanctity of your desk.
Title: Re: Discovervancouver and Discoverseattle forums
Post by: tenkani on Apr 24 06 01:03
Damn, it's Lunch time  *running away*

See you on the other side!!    (//vny!://
Title: Re: Discovervancouver and Discoverseattle forums
Post by: kitten on Apr 24 06 01:22
The reason I'm sticking with this site is that I enjoy information, and dislike confrontation and competition.  DS is a comfortable place.
Title: Re: Discovervancouver and Discoverseattle forums
Post by: Chicklet on Apr 24 06 01:30
Here, here!
Title: Re: Discovervancouver and Discoverseattle forums
Post by: tenkani on Apr 24 06 01:44
Yeah, comfortable, like a retirement home on a golf course     (//vny!://

I kid, I kid!!!
Title: Re: Discovervancouver and Discoverseattle forums
Post by: Chicklet on Apr 24 06 02:09
I must admit I did enjoy the odd go around the ring with a troll.  You certainly don't get that here.  I suppose it's better for my blood pressure.  

There's that reference to a retirement home again.
Title: Re: Discovervancouver and Discoverseattle forums
Post by: tenkani on Apr 24 06 04:09
LOL. Don't get me wrong. I love it here.

I was just kidding on the square as Al Franken would say.
Title: Re: Discovervancouver and Discoverseattle forums
Post by: Lise on Apr 24 06 04:41
Never thought of DS as a retirement home....... no wait, isn't this a haven for horny ppl? (//vny!://
Title: Re: Discovervancouver and Discoverseattle forums
Post by: tenkani on Apr 24 06 04:55
Compared to DV, DS is a graveyard.

But that's not necesarily a bad thing    (//vny!://
Title: Re: Discovervancouver and Discoverseattle forums
Post by: Jolly Green Giant on Apr 25 06 10:42
 tenkani wrote:
Compared to DV, DS is a graveyard.
But that's not necesarily a bad thing

Not to the corpses, in any case.
And neither is it to the villagers, I bet.
Title: Re: Discovervancouver and Discoverseattle forums
Post by: Chicklet on Apr 25 06 10:48
Are you implying that we are corpses?  If you don't like it here then perhaps you should go back to DV and STAY THERE! :P
Title: Re: Discovervancouver and Discoverseattle forums
Post by: Jolly Green Giant on Apr 25 06 11:11
Chicklet wrote:
Are you implying that we are corpses?  If you don't like it here then perhaps you should go back to DV and STAY THERE! :P

Don't blame me, Chicklet, I was just going along with tenkani's metaphor.
I have nothing against corpses anyway, as long as they stay put.

What can any conversation with a corpse be other than just a formality, a make-believe anyway ? Implicitly part of the definition of a corpse is that is was once a human being but whose 'I' or ego has departed it for good...
Title: Re: Discovervancouver and Discoverseattle forums
Post by: Jolly Green Giant on Apr 25 06 11:16
tenkani wrote:
Oh Christ, she's gonna blow!!
*hiding under desk*

Pardon me, but why are you hiding when she's gonna blow ?

Oops... right, sorry. I forgot. :-[
Title: Re: Discovervancouver and Discoverseattle forums
Post by: Chicklet on Apr 25 06 11:20
You are truly a lovely person Jolly.
Title: Re: Discovervancouver and Discoverseattle forums
Post by: purelife on Apr 25 06 11:43
Hiya Chicklet.

  Did you know that I had the same avatar as you?  I changed mine recently so that there's no confusion.

  What a cool coincidence.  

  How are you doing these days?
Title: Re: Discovervancouver and Discoverseattle forums
Post by: Chicklet on Apr 25 06 11:50
Hey there purelife.  It's been a while.  I've been good but busy.  Working and fixing up the house with my limited free time.

Sorry about stealing your avitar.  I didn't know who it belonged to and I don't have the time to finda new one.   Your new one is very cute.

So what's new with you?  Still loving your job?
Title: Re: Discovervancouver and Discoverseattle forums
Post by: Jolly Green Giant on Apr 25 06 11:52
Chicklet wrote:
You are truly a lovely person Jolly.

You are not bad either, you know.

P.S. Thar she blows again : "Notice - while you were typing a new reply was posted. You may wish to review your post." software.
Title: Re: Discovervancouver and Discoverseattle forums
Post by: tenkani on Apr 25 06 11:58
"Pardon me, but why are you hiding when she's gonna blow ?"   Xenu's Throne, sometimes it's SO hard to be a gentleman    (//vny!://
Title: Re: Discovervancouver and Discoverseattle forums
Post by: Chicklet on Apr 25 06 12:08
Yet you always manage to pull it off. Nice job!
Title: Re: Discovervancouver and Discoverseattle forums
Post by: Jolly Green Giant on Apr 25 06 12:09
Johnny wrote:
So I\'ve been on the DV site now that i have heard so much about it on this one, and this is what i\'ve gleened from it so far.  1) Vancouver vs. ( fill in the blank with a city of your choice)           2) Hate living in Vancouver/ Love living in Vancouver           3) America sucks           4) Toronto sucks (or not if you live there)   There were some interesting ones in there as well, but the majority of topics seem to be taken from the above four mentioned above. I never knew about the rivalry between  Vancouver and Toronto but I guess it makes sense since there are only about four big cities in Canada.

Just glean a bit more, and you'll find those threads I was speaking about, and others. Okay, many people there like comparing the pros and cons of their respective cities - which is not a disagreeable pastime I might add - which after all can be the occasion for much intellectual as well as verbal challenge.
Title: Re: Discovervancouver and Discoverseattle forums
Post by: Jolly Green Giant on Apr 25 06 12:14
kitten wrote:
Jolly Green Giant wrote:

 "The ebony room" thread where people who feel they have common African ancestry and who aren't really interested in anything else flock together, happy to find themselves in familiar terrain.

What????  Common African ancestry??  I don't know how you came to that conclusion, but it's about as far from the actual context of the thread as you could possibly get.

Ooooops - my mistake.   :-[

I didn't examine it and was thinking of "Ebony magazine".  :D
Should teach me coming to soon to conclusions.
Title: Re: Discovervancouver and Discoverseattle forums
Post by: Jolly Green Giant on Apr 25 06 12:29
tenkani wrote:
"Pardon me, but why are you hiding when she's gonna blow ?"
Xenu's Throne, sometimes it's SO hard to be a gentleman <IMG src="vny!://"

Gentlemen prefer blondes, did you know ?  ;)
Title: Re: Discovervancouver and Discoverseattle forums
Post by: kitten on Apr 25 06 12:36
Jolly Green Giant wrote:

Ooooops - my mistake.   :-[

I didn't examine it and was thinking of "Ebony magazine".  :D
Should teach me coming to soon to conclusions.


 The customary approach is to look before leaping, not after.
Title: Re: Discovervancouver and Discoverseattle forums
Post by: purelife on Apr 25 06 12:41
Hi Chicklet,

  No stealing at all.  I was going to change it anyways.  And when Orca posted that cute kitty picture, I had no choice but to change it.  :)

  Yup, loving and enjoying my job.  I see such great benefits for working for a large company compared to a small company.  I don't miss my last job at all.  I'm happy to have freed myself from that shit hole.

  Good to know that you're keeping well.  It would be great to see you and everyone from "lunch" again.

  Did you hear that Westcoaster found a new 3-bdrm place?  I'm so happy for her.  
Title: Re: Discovervancouver and Discoverseattle forums
Post by: tenkani on Apr 25 06 12:41
I prefer brunettes, so I guess I'm not a gentleman afterall.

Well, that's some pressure off    (//vny!://  
Title: Re: Discovervancouver and Discoverseattle forums
Post by: Chicklet on Apr 25 06 12:55
I'm a brunette... ;)

I'm so glad to hear everyhting is going the way it should purelife.  Great news about Westcoaster.  If you talk to her say hi for me.  Any word on her wedding plans?  Ever hear from Isis?  It would be great to get together just the old gang.
Title: Re: Discovervancouver and Discoverseattle forums
Post by: Jolly Green Giant on Apr 25 06 01:05
kitten wrote:
Jolly Green Giant wrote: Ooooops - my mistake.

I didn't examine it and was thinking of "Ebony magazine".
Should teach me coming to soon to conclusions.

The customary approach is to look before leaping, not after.

I didn't realize I was leaping. Looks as I leapt me into a manure heap or something.

Henceforward I shall look every time I am leaping - sorry, posting.
Title: Re: Discovervancouver and Discoverseattle forums
Post by: TehBorken on Apr 25 06 01:45
 tenkani wrote:
[em]"Pardon me, but why are you hiding when she's gonna blow ?"
[span style="font-weight: normal;"][/span][/em]

[em][span style="font-weight: normal;"][/span][/em]Let the oral sex jokes begin!
Title: Re: Discovervancouver and Discoverseattle forums
Post by: Jolly Green Giant on Apr 25 06 02:00
TehBorken wrote:
 tenkani wrote: "Pardon me, but why are you hiding when she's gonna blow ?"

Let the oral sex jokes begin!

See, that's another thing with DS ; you have to wait for the M.C.'s signal to start making dirty jokes.  :)

Who was it again who talking about it being a "controlled" environment ?

Kidding aside, it was me who posted that.
Title: Re: Discovervancouver and Discoverseattle forums
Post by: tenkani on Apr 25 06 02:19
The funny thing is that DS is less strictly controlled than DV.

Bannings and thread deletions are almost unheard of.

It's a combination of a lack of trolls and some subtle self-censorship that's the issue.

I'm as guilty as the next guy; not pointing fingers.
Title: Re: Discovervancouver and Discoverseattle forums
Post by: TehBorken on Apr 25 06 03:10
 Jolly Green Giant wrote:
See, that's another thing with DS ; you have to wait for the M.C.'s signal to start making dirty jokes.  :)

I hereby appoint JGG as the Official Dirty Jokes Starting-Gun Holder and Operator.   (//forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/14.gif)  

Remember, use your powers only for good (or for some cheap laughs).

Title: Re: Discovervancouver and Discoverseattle forums
Post by: Sportsdude on Apr 25 06 03:15
Yeah like a self censored my Chernobyl thread by putting a warning on it.  (If you've seen the thread you know which picture I'm talking about.)
Title: Re: Discovervancouver and Discoverseattle forums
Post by: Gopher on Apr 26 06 11:37
tenkani wrote:
 The funny thing is that DS is less strictly controlled than DV.

Bannings and thread deletions are almost unheard of.

It's a combination of a lack of trolls and some subtle self-censorship that's the issue.

I'm as guilty as the next guy; not pointing fingers.[/DIV]
 [FONT color=#00007f]Then again, it may be that the ladies and gentlemen of  DS are simply possessed of inherent decorum[/FONT]    
Title: Re: Discovervancouver and Discoverseattle forums
Post by: Chicklet on Apr 26 06 11:55
I'll take that as a compliment Gopher.  Thank you. :-*
Title: Re: Discovervancouver and Discoverseattle forums
Post by: tenkani on Apr 26 06 12:00
Decorum = self-censorship.

That's not necessarily a bad thing of course.

Unless it's taken too far      (//vny!://
Title: Re: Discovervancouver and Discoverseattle forums
Post by: Chicklet on Apr 26 06 12:19
Hmm.  I would disagree tenk.  Polite behavior doesn't necessarily mean censorship.  You can be polite and still tell someone the truth or what you really think.  It's all about the choice of words and how you deliver them.
Title: Re: Discovervancouver and Discoverseattle forums
Post by: kits on Apr 26 06 12:37
sure it does!  no one thinks politely intheir head!  there is a built in filter that some of us posses somewhere between the brain and the mouth....
Title: Re: Discovervancouver and Discoverseattle forums
Post by: Jolly Green Giant on Apr 26 06 01:27
Sportsdude wrote:
Yeah like a self censored my Chernobyl thread by putting a warning on it.
 (If you've seen the thread you know which picture I'm talking about.)

"like aH self censored..."
Title: Re: Discovervancouver and Discoverseattle forums
Post by: tenkani on Apr 26 06 01:54


Title: Re: Discovervancouver and Discoverseattle forums
Post by: Jolly Green Giant on Apr 26 06 02:22
Gopher wrote:
tenkani wrote:
The funny thing is that DS is less strictly controlled than DV. Bannings and thread deletions are almost unheard of. It's a combination of a lack of trolls and some subtle self-censorship that's the issue. I'm as guilty as the next guy; not pointing fingers.
Then again, it may be that the ladies and gentlemen of DS are simply possessed of inherent decorum

I don't think decorum is something inherent. In my view it's acquired, like an acquired taste, such as an acquired taste for olives, or for cigarettes.