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General Category => Discover Seattle! => Topic started by: Sportsdude on Apr 20 06 01:48

Title: Census: Americans Are Fleeing Big Cities
Post by: Sportsdude on Apr 20 06 01:48
Census: Americans Are Fleeing Big Cities [!-- END HEADLINE --] [DIV id=ynmain][!-- BEGIN STORY BODY --] [DIV id=storybody] [DIV class=storyhdr] [SPAN]By STEPHEN OHLEMACHER, Associated Press Writer[/SPAN][EM class=timedate]Thu Apr 20, 12:15 AM ET[/i]

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Americans are leaving the nation's big cities in search of cheaper homes and open spaces farther out.

 Nearly every large metropolitan area had more people move out than move in from 2000 to 2004, with a few exceptions in the South and Southwest, according to a report being released Thursday by the Census Bureau.

 Northeasterners are moving South and West. West Coast residents are moving inland. Midwesterners are chasing better job markets. And just about everywhere, people are escaping to the outer suburbs, also known as exurbs.

 "It's a case of middle class flight, a flight for housing affordability," said William Frey, a demographer at the Brookings Institution, a Washington think tank. "But it's not just white middle class flight, it's Hispanics and blacks, too."

 The Census Bureau measured domestic migration — people moving within the United States — from 1990 to 2000, and from 2000 to 2004. The report provides the number of people moving into and out of each state and the 25 largest metropolitan areas.

 The states that attracted the most new residents: Florida, Arizona and Nevada. The states that lost the most: New York, California and Illinois.

 Among the 25 largest metropolitan areas, 18 had more people move out than move in from 2000 to 2004. New York, Los Angeles and Chicago — the three biggest metropolitan areas — lost the most residents to domestic moves. The New York metropolitan area had a net loss of more than 210,000 residents a year from 2000 to 2004.

 Richard Florida, a professor of public policy at George Mason University, said smaller, wealthier households are replacing larger families in many big metropolitan areas.

 That drives up housing prices even as the population shrinks, chasing away even more members of the middle class.

 "Because they are bidding up prices, they are forcing some people out to the exurbs and the fringe," Florida said. "Other people are forced to make moves in response to that. I don't have any sense of this abating."

 The metropolitan area that attracted the most new residents was Riverside, Calif., which has been siphoning residents from Los Angeles for years. The Riverside area, which includes San Bernardino and Ontario, had a net gain of 81,000 people a year from 2000 to 2004.

 Riverside has grown to become the 13th largest metropolitan area in the nation. It's a short drive to several mountain ranges, and it's within driving distance of the beach. Locally, it is known as the Inland Empire.

 "When you look at housing prices in Southern California, along the beaches and coastlines, you're able to obtain a very large home for a much lower price" in Riverside, said Cindy Roth, president and CEO of the Greater Riverside Chambers of Commerce.

 Homes in Riverside aren't cheap. The median price — the point at which half cost more and half cost less — was $374,200 in 2005. But they are less expensive than Los Angeles, where the median price was $529,000.

 Other areas that attracted a lot of new residents also have relatively inexpensive homes, even if they are not the cheapest in the country. Phoenix, Tampa-St. Petersburg, Fla., Atlanta and Dallas-Fort Worth round out the top five metropolitan areas.


 On The Net:

 Census Bureau:

Title: Re: Census: Americans Are Fleeing Big Cities
Post by: Sportsdude on Apr 20 06 01:51
Its not just the cheap housing it also has to deal with race issues atleast in my city.  People are moving further away from the city because

A) Jobs are moving out there

B) Cheaper housing

  But urban sprawl didn't happen in my city because of jobs and housing it happend because of race. African Americans started moving into the suburbs and white people started moving out.  Public Transportation won't come out to where I live because the voters continually block any expansion because there reasoning is "We don't want black people out here because they bring crime." If thats not racist I don't know what is.
Title: Re: Census: Americans Are Fleeing Big Cities
Post by: Sportsdude on Apr 20 06 01:55

Thats metro Saint Louis now. The county that looks like New York is Saint Louis County which is next to the city.  The county above saint louis county is st. charles county. That county is one of the fastest growing counties in the u.s. but its due to people from St. Louis County moving further away from the city.
Title: Re: Census: Americans Are Fleeing Big Cities
Post by: Sportsdude on Apr 20 06 01:59
Title: Re: Census: Americans Are Fleeing Big Cities
Post by: Sportsdude on Apr 20 06 02:03
Here's one of the fastest growing cities in the region and look how far away it is from the city.

Its 56 miles away takes atleast an hour to get to downtown.

  [img class=map id=map1 style="WIDTH: 677px; POSITION: absolute; HEIGHT: 516px" height=516 alt=map src="" width=677]  
Title: Re: Census: Americans Are Fleeing Big Cities
Post by: Sportsdude on Apr 20 06 02:11
Now lets compare that to Vancouver then Seattle.

First Vancouver:

Vancouver to Chilliwack: 64 miles or 102 km

Seattle to Olympia: 60 miles or 96 km

    So Seattlites and Vancouverites do you know anyone who lives in Chilliwack and drives to downtown Vancouver everyday or Tehborken do you know anyone who lives in Olympia and drives to Seattle for work everyday. Chances are you probly do not.
Title: Re: Census: Americans Are Fleeing Big Cities
Post by: Jolly Green Giant on Apr 23 06 12:17
Sportsdude wrote:
But urban sprawl didn't happen in my city because of jobs and housing it happend because of race. African Americans started moving into the suburbs and white people started moving out.

You say, "because of race", I say, "because of crime, illiteracy, general disorder and stuff like that." They could be white, it wouldn't make a difference, the original inhabitants would react the same way to them.

and Sportsdude wrote also:
 Public Transportation won't come out to where I live because the voters continually block any expansion because there reasoning is "We don't want black people out here because they bring crime." If thats not racist I don't know what is

Well, you don't know what is  :)
It's not racist. It could be ignorance or a wrong appraisal of the new inhabitants resulting in them being associated with crime, but that's not racism. OTOH, if it's true, it's certainly not racism.

They are saying it, for God's sake ! "because they bring crime". If you think this is merely a wrong idea, then let us know.
Title: Re: Census: Americans Are Fleeing Big Cities
Post by: soapbox on Apr 23 06 12:22
sure, i know quite a few people who live in east Langley,Aldergrove and Abbotsford who drive downtown everyday.(not Chilliwack though)

  they have huge homes on nice land too.
Title: Re: Census: Americans Are Fleeing Big Cities
Post by: Sportsdude on Apr 23 06 12:22
that was the biggest spin on racial issues I have ever seen.  No its racism, period. People frown on mix marriages, cops only pull over black people. Its racism pure and simple.  
Title: Re: Census: Americans Are Fleeing Big Cities
Post by: Jolly Green Giant on Apr 23 06 12:43
Sportsdude wrote:that was the biggest spin on racial issues I have ever seen. No its racism, period. People frown on mix marriages, cops only pull over black people. Its racism pure and simple

"No its racism, period." Because you say so ?

You are mixing up things and throwing everything in the same bag. You wrote about those newcomers moving in, remember ? Now you are talking about mixed marriages and cops pulling over black people.Those racism issues are always resulting in discussions without end nor issue.
Title: Re: Census: Americans Are Fleeing Big Cities
Post by: Sportsdude on Apr 23 06 12:55
so what are you trying to say? Because its a racist culture here. Go to a basketball game and when a white team plays a black team the black team will get racist taunts from the white fans.  White people in this county regard black people as filth of the earth.  We had segregated schools up til the mid 80's when the govener at the time Richard Ashcroft decided to start busing black kids from city into the suburbs for desegregation of the schools in the county.  This started the white flight to St. Charles County where this such program does not exist.  What this program created was more racial instablity and more racial unrest then ever.  Go to a lunch room and the blacks sit on one side while the preppy white people sit on the other. They do not talk to each other or communicate at all.  It starts in the schools here. And kids at a very young age are taught to be afraid of black people. If thats not racism I do not know what is.
Title: Re: Census: Americans Are Fleeing Big Cities
Post by: Jolly Green Giant on Apr 25 06 01:29
Sportsdude wrote:
<DIV>so what are you trying to say? Because its a racist culture here. Go to a basketball game and when a white team plays a black team the black team will get racist taunts from the white fans.  White people in this county regard black people as filth of the earth.  We had segregated schools up til the mid 80's when the govener at the time Richard Ashcroft decided to start busing black kids from city into the suburbs for desegregation of the schools in the county.  This started the white flight to St. Charles County where this such program does not exist.  What this program created was more racial instablity and more racial unrest then ever.  Go to a lunch room and the blacks sit on one side while the preppy white people sit on the other. They do not talk to each other or communicate at all.  It starts in the schools here. And kids at a very young age are taught to be afraid of black people. If thats not racism I do not know what is.</DIV>

All I can say is, there are obviously unsolved problems.
To you, it's a "racist culture". Simply and finally ? Just about EVERYWHERE there are two or more ethnically, linguistically or culturally people living in a single country - governed by a common government - there are problems. The more so, the more marked the difference is. Draw your own conclusions.

It's a "racist culture" to you because the obvious "racist" behaviour, to you, originates with white, or at least non-black, Americans. But honestly, don't you think many blacks will try to "get back" whenever, wherever, they can, at the perceived "white racist" ? Do you think there's just one camp to blame ?

Believe me, it takes two to dance.
Title: Re: Census: Americans Are Fleeing Big Cities
Post by: Sportsdude on Apr 25 06 01:41
First of all do you live in the states? Because if you did you would know what I'm talking about. Second it goes back to jim crow laws and the civil rights era. Seperate but equal was the phrase.  Well in some towns and cities integration has not started nor looks like it ever will. St. Louis is one of those cities.  Yes some black people are taught to hate white people but that all stems in this area from the busing program.  See the white people who live in the suburbs never wanted the busing program. I've explained this already. Seperate but Equal still exists in this town.  There are places white people know not to go and black people don't go to the suburbs because when they do they get pulled over and asked if its stolen.