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Posted by Mel
 - Jun 04 19 05:19
Yup.  Too many forums, and changing tastes too. 

As example, two of my second cousins who are a generation younger than I, are somewhat active on FaceBook.  I'm not 100% sure how they spend their time online, but I'm under the impression they aren't spending time on forums such as these.

While I agree that platforms like FaceBook have their merit, I also don't really care what my FaceBook 'Friends' have for breakfast every morning.  Nor would I necessarily want even half the stuff I post online associated with my real name, especially in this day and age when people get offended if you even look at them wrong.  Won't even get into the issue of what they do with your personal info...  Perhaps the younger generations are less concerned about it.

But ya, forums like this will eventually go the way of the old Bulletin Board Systems...  Essentially extinct now, but a few still up and running for the purpose of 'nostalgia'!

Posted by TehBorken
 - Jun 04 19 01:17
Quote from: Mel on Jun 03 19 05:50
Thing is, since you did that, other posters have done exactly the same thing too, at least a half dozen times or more. ... Problem is though, with six different offshoots you don't find six times the number of posters between them.  Everything has become ultra 'diluted' to the point of exactly what you state happens: They essentially become dormant, or if they're lucky maybe have a small handful of posters left.
Yep, I think you nailed it: dilution. 

Forums were a lot of fun to run back in the day, but now they're mostly a boring commodity item. Even for niche interests there are sooooo many to choose from.

Pick any make or model of car, for example, and there are probably 50 forums devoted to each one.

Plus, sites like Pinterest and Instagram have supplanted stuff like photo sharing which used to be a major draw for a lot of forums.

So yeah, I think in large part they're history. There will always be some but the quality dropped as the quantity increased. More isn't always better.

Posted by Mel
 - Jun 03 19 05:50
Ya, the forums certainly aren't quite what they once were, that's for sure...  You're right, in that some people have probably moved on to other forms of social media like FaceBook, Twitter, or whatever.

I also think part of it could also be too many forums have appeared over time, without much of an increase in posters.  For example, for some time there was just Snitz DV, and then you opened up this place due to some issues some posters had there.  Thing is, since you did that, other posters have done exactly the same thing too, at least a half dozen times or more.  I guess as time goes on, it gets easier and cheaper for just about anyone to open up their own board.  Problem is though, with six different offshoots you don't find six times the number of posters between them.  Everything has become ultra 'diluted' to the point of exactly what you state happens: They essentially become dormant, or if they're lucky maybe have a small handful of posters left.

Nothing ever really seems to stay the same way as it once was it seems, for better or for worse.  Times change, tastes shift...  It's inevitable it seems!
Posted by TehBorken
 - Jun 03 19 03:29
Quote from: Melvinator on Jun 03 19 09:31
Well, as far as my opinion on whether or not to continue the guest sub?  I'm neutral on the matter.  I mean, if it's an extra hassle for you to keep it going, just turf it.  If not?  I guess no harm in leaving it active...

Nah, it's no trouble but SOP is that when something dies, you bury it. :) lol

I'll leave it up unless something changes. I think forums in general have run their course with some exceptions. There are still active forums out there but I see only a fraction of the way things used to be. I'd guess 80~90% of all forums are mostly dormant. I don't know but I'd guess that a lot of people have moved to Facebook or whatever. And, maybe like everything else, they just have a lifespan and then they die off. I don't know.
Posted by Melvinator
 - Jun 03 19 09:31
Good to know!

Well, as far as my opinion on whether or not to continue the guest sub?  I'm neutral on the matter.  I mean, if it's an extra hassle for you to keep it going, just turf it.  If not?  I guess no harm in leaving it active...
Posted by TehBorken
 - Jun 03 19 07:46
Quote from: Mel on Jun 03 19 12:17
Still in Kent?  Life is well?

I've been around here from the minute you split from DV, if that gives any indication!    ;D
Not in Kent, but life is good. :)
Posted by TehBorken
 - Jun 03 19 07:45
Quote from: Mel on Jun 03 19 12:02
Did the forum hags from next door get to you recently, TehBorken?
No, I'm just wondering if it's still worth it to continue this particular forum.
Posted by Mel
 - Jun 03 19 12:17
Disregarding the (probable) hags, I am surprised you logged in to respond to one of my random posts, TehBorken!

I thought you might have died in a Scooter accident in some shithole Asian country, or the likes...

Still in Kent?  Life is well?

I've been around here from the minute you split from DV, if that gives any indication!    ;D

Posted by Mel
 - Jun 03 19 12:02
Quote from: TehBorken on May 25 19 02:52
Hmmmm, then maybe it's time to shut this down. I've left this one open so you guys can post here as you like but if that's your take on it, then there's probably no need for this one either.
Did the forum hags from next door get to you recently, TehBorken?
Posted by homeless troll
 - May 28 19 11:28
Quote from: banny on May 28 19 12:12

He's been banned from most sites so you cant shut this one down

Currently some of my posting accounts are in state of flux.  Thank you to banny for advocating on my behalf.

Posted by banny
 - May 28 19 12:12
Quote from: TehBorken on May 26 19 02:10
I don't know. Perhaps membee or some other anonymous board?

He's been banned from most sites so you cant shut this one down
Posted by TehBorken
 - May 26 19 02:10
Quote from: homeless troll on May 25 19 09:57
Excuse me Mr Borken but if you close down where can I deposit my holiday ode.

I don't know. Perhaps membee or some other anonymous board?
Posted by homeless troll
 - May 25 19 09:57
Quote from: TehBorken on May 25 19 02:52
Hmmmm, then maybe it's time to shut this down. I've left this one open so you guys can post here as you like but if that's your take on it, then there's probably no need for this one either.

Excuse me Mr Borken but if you close down where can I deposit my holiday ode.
Posted by TehBorken
 - May 25 19 02:52
Hmmmm, then maybe it's time to shut this down. I've left this one open so you guys can post here as you like but if that's your take on it, then there's probably no need for this one either.

Quote from: Melvina on Apr 28 19 11:25I've stated this in the past:  The forum worldz do not need another forum with three whole posters!

The current state of affairs are bad enough as it is...  Last thing needed is another half-dozen shit forums appearing on the scene.
Posted by Mel
 - May 13 19 01:42
Quote from: Oh oo on May 11 19 03:27
There has been talk of uniting BC with VF and SG. It won't happen though unless one forum is on its last leggs
Well, BC and VF are on their last legs though!  8)