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Topics - Orik

Today I was called to come in to the Doctors office. You may ask when getting a phone call to come in and see your Physician is a good thing. Well when your doctor calls you and E-mails you herself to come in. It is not for good news. Sadly, I found out that my liver has decided to pack it in. Right now my health is pretty bad and  has been getting worse for the past month. Starting, today I will be doing weekly blood tests once more to monitor the situation.

Should things get worse it will be another stay in the hospital. Mind there is not much they can do except ease the pain and help me in passing from this life in to the next. Even if it is at the cost to ones own dignity. But that is one thing that wont happen again. Not if I can help it, but things are out of my hands. I wish they had a reason for the liver failure but they never did so it makes things that much harder for me.

If I am going to die, I am going to die at home! mind that's only if things get worse. I will not die in a hospital bed. I will stay at one if they can help me and possibly heal me. However they never knew what caused my liver failure the The first time in 2008 or the Second time in 2009. So I doubt they will have any answers for me this time. If it ends up being another extended hospital stay I think I would rather spend it at home in comfort instead.

Everything is now out of my Hands. I have no control over liver failure. I can only live or die taking things one day at a time. No one wants to die but I am ready if I should. It once again looks like I might find out what happens next sooner than I had planned. If I don't make it, it has been great knowing you all.

Peace be with you today. tomorrow and always. May you all always have peace in your hearts, minds and lives.
That Fat Bastard
 Seafood Fajitas are a wonderful treat & they are great for family gatherings. You can easily adjust the amount of ingredients for the number of people you will need to feed & you can adjust the amount of spice that is added.

The basic rule as I understand it is between 4 to 6 ounces of meat per person and 4 tortilla wraps per person. As for the rest of the volume that's up to the people & the sides you place out for them to add . The recipe I provided will easily feed 4-6 people.  Even more if you double the ingredients list.

Fajitas are a reasonably healthy choice for your family & Providing all the ingredients you buy are fresh while being cooked with very little oil. For a healthy choice to this dish,  buy all the ingredients fresh from one of the china town seafood stores as for veggies I pick them up at sunrise market for cheap I often use olive oil to cook with.

If you don't like Hash Browns you can easily substitute them with 4-6 cups of steamed Jasmin rice instead

The Ingredients & items you will need

2 frying pans
16 fajitas wraps

1 large red pepper
1 large green pepper
clean them by removing all seeds wash & rinse then prepare them by then slicing them into thin long strips

1 medium shallot
1 medium onion
washed & peel them then to prepare them by slice them into long thin pieces

3 cups dehydrated hash browns

I use Golden Grill Myself.  Once re-hydrated they will make approximately 5 cups of hash browns.

If using Fresh Potatoes you will need to peel them & boil them until they are semi tender plus you will need to have enough fresh potatoes to fill approximately 6 cups of them once shredded in to hash browns

You will need to rehydrate the 3 cups of dehydrated hash browns about 20 minutes prior to your cooking them. To quickly re-hydrate the dehydrated hash browns Pour boiling water on them till it just covers the top of the hash browns. Cover & let sit on the counter to rehydrate (it should take 15-20 minutes)

2 Can's Smoked Muscles

Make sure you get the ones packed in oil & not brine. Save the oil from the Smoked Muscles to grease your frying pan.

2 Cans packed in water Oysters

Drain and rinse your oysters. (make sure you don't buy the ones packed in oil or brine)

Place oysters and muscles in a cup of iced water to soak for 5 minutes prior to cooking, then Drain the muscles & oysters through a sieve.

You should have 3 table spoons of a orange fat & oil from the smoked muscles. If you don't have at least 3 table spoons worth top up with Canola oil. Some people like Olive oil but for myself I prefer to use some pork fat that I save from whenever I cook pork belly. If you don't have the pork fat or oil mentioned then pretty much any cooking oil will do.

In one pan Cook your shallots onions & peppers in 15 ml of oil till they are tender now Add your oysters & muscles & Fajitas sauce.

I use 1 packet of Western Family 35 Gram Fajitas Seasoning Mix mixed with 50 ml or a 1/4 a cup of water

Let  the muscles oysters & vegetables simmer for 4-6 minutes Your veggies should be very tender & all the orange fat on the muscles will have finished melting & be mixed into the Fajitas sauce.

While that is simmering

You should be on your stove with the other frying pan which should have added to it those the 3 tablespoons of saved muscle oil add 1 drop of water to test it. If the oil spits and hisses like a enraged snake it is now hot enough to add your hash browns

Frying the hash browns will take all of 6 to 8 minutes, when the edges of the hash browns turn a nice dark golden colour they are done.

Remove both items from heat

place hash browns on a large plate & top them with your Fajitas sauce consisting of your veggies muscles & oysters.  You can serve directly as is dividing it up to 4 large plates or 6 small plates with a couple of Fajita wraps on each plate

I like to Fluff & Mix the fajitas sauce mix with the hash browns using a couple of forks then I place into the center of 12 soft Fajitas wraps a few table spoons of the mix into each Fajitas wrap.

I like to serve them on the plates opened up & served with the following sides in the center of the table for others to add as they please

1 side of Diced tomatoes (I like Hunt's Diced Tomatoes with Basil, Garlic & Oregano)
1 side of Shredded lettuce (Personnel preference is Vancouver's Leafy Lettuce)
1 bottle of Louisiana hot sauce  (great for flavor plus it's a mild heat so pretty much everybody can enjoy it)
1 bottle of Tabasco sauce Great for a ton of heat perfect for those who like it spicy hot
1 side of sour cream (My Personnel preference is to use Garlic ranch)
1 side of mixed Black Beans
1 Side of Corn Niblets
1 side of Shredded Armstrong cheddar cheese (Medium).   

Done this way those you can easily serve 6-10 people

Or it will make 1 for dinner today, 1 for lunch and 1 for dinner tomorrow with a whole lot left over for the freezer which can be taken out & reheated via the Microwave whenever one is hungry & does not want to spend any time cooking something.

You can replace the oysters and Muscles with Chicken, beef or Pork. or with any thing else you please. 

I love using Salmon & Shrimp  or better yet is fresh red snapper and tiger prawns
Have a Flaming Screaming Yultide Sung To the tune of "Have a holly, jolly Christmas"

Have a flaming, screaming Yuletide,
It's the best time of the year
For all to know
That you're Ho-mo
And happy to be Queer.

Have a flaming, screaming Yuletide
And as you walk down the street
Say "Hello"
To Dykes you know
And every Fag you meet.

Ho! Ho! If you're Homo
Let everyone see!
Come out of the closet now,
Flaunt it publicly!

Have a flaming screaming Yuletide
And in case you didn't hear:
Come on, Mary, have a
Flaming, screaming Yuletide this year!

Best and worst joke/song i've seen this year.. I am still laughing after reading it a short time ago. I hope you all find it as funny & tasteless as I did.
So what is the proper BBC Format for inserting youtube videos on to this forum sometimes it works fine and I see the videos I wanted to post while at other times it doesn't work for shit so all I end up seeing is the damned Url Link

Another question why is there no youtube Icon for quick posting these youtube links

One would also think they could find instruction about it in the the BBC help section but its not listed there either.
Merry Christmas Everyone

This is, Sean Quigley. Playing a rocked out version of The Little Drummer Boy

vny!:// (//vny!://
Reward for Lost Ring

Lost In Vancouver either On a bus or while cycling along a Bike lane on Tuesday November 15

If you have found this ring or know of somebody that has found it. Please contact me as soon as possible. The Sentimental value of this 10K Gold Wedding Band is not measurable in mere dollars and cents it is priceless to me because it is irreplaceable.  This one plain simple ring means more to me & holds more value than anything else I own

It will have been a gift and a representation of a promise. That was made 19 years ago this February.

All right I can not get Firefox and the spell checker to work on this new looking forum and it is pissing me off all my spelling mistakes are showing up us underlined in red, but I have no option to right click and replace them with correct words.  There is also no cut and paste feature  on here any more

So what the f*ck has happened to all the right click features TehBorken ?

I love all the new shit that's been added  some of it is pretty cool but I am very picky about my spelling and I spell atrociosly < spelled wrong but I have no way of knowing where it is spelled wrong cause I have no option to select the correct spelled version of it.

I need my spell-checker I also liked the now missing cut and paste feature

So is there any plan to fix those missing features ?
 Just when you thought the idiots in charge of what airs on the TV could not do anything worse they go and do this...

Oh dear. Just how wrong can you get something? Time Warner Cable are currently ruing the fact that they made a mistake so bad that they might, blush themselves to death. You see, they're currently apologising, profusely after viewers of two children's channels in North Carolina, were accidentally shown Playboy Channel previews featuring naked women, in explicit conversations.

[a href="vny!://"]Pornography shown on Time Warner's Kids TV channels.[/a]

Click the link to see the full story.
[A href="vny!://"]A Day In New York[/A]


 I Found that to be very amusing I hope you found it to be amusing as well.


[img]/forums/richedit/upload/2ka03ed71d24.jpg" border="0"]

[a href="vny!://"]Way to Cute[/a]

[img]richedit/upload/2k7202f0f123.jpg" border="0"]

[a href="vny!://"]Mom Hugs Kitten 4 Cuteness Overload[/a]

[span class="smalltext"]shortcuts: hit alt+s to submit/post or alt+p to preview[/span]
     [table bgcolor="#ffffdd" border="1"]    [tbody][tr][td colspan="2" align="center"][small]Anti-Spam Bot-Stopper
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 For some reason I can not get Videos to work on Firefox Or Internet explorer
the video never loads with the Firefox browser it just freezes &amp; I have to use the Close function in task-manger to kill it.

With Internet Explorer it loads the Live video shows the 10 to 20 second add then it reboots the browser &amp; instead of connecting it does this over &amp; over until the webpage crashes and Internet Explorer will then shows a error page.

I Installed Google &amp; I am watching the live video game stream with no problems what so ever..

Just what could be causing the errors with My Firefox and IE browsers it must be some add on that is incompatible with the adobe flash program or perhaps it is some codex that's causing the issues but I can not figure out just what is causing those compatibility problems, I did try the classic uninstalling of the Firefox  IE browsers &amp; then did the reinstall of them. However it did not seem to help any.

So If any one else has some ideas on what i should try next, well I am listening.

Firefox is my preferred browser but if I can not use it to watch my TV shows anymore, I will use what ever works.. I need my hockey fix &amp; them damn bruins are up 1 nothing. Those flaming douche-bags a lucky break and scored about 16 minutes into the first period that damned Canuck's defense man was busy picking his nose...Well he wasn't really picking his nose but they where playing loose &amp; the bruins chipped it right past them skated in and boom they scored.

Needless to say there was probably ahell of a lot of Canuck's fans swearing at the TV at this time. I know I sure was.
Do you Feel Lucky?

[a href="vny!://"]Did you ever think God was trying to tell you something ? [/a]

Holy Cow Mother Mary Jumping Jesus &amp; all the saints above Get me to the nearest hospital and a ticket for all the local lotteries from the nearest lottery retailer for today's draw

Safe For work but a little loud so maybe turn your speakers down before opening it.

[a href="vny!://"]SportsDude best Kept Secret revealed[/a]

Links are safe for work but you may want to turn the volume down a bit before opening  them.

[a href="vny!://"]Monkey Business. impressive or exploitative &amp; disgusting you decide[/a]

[a href="vny!://"]What Kind of teaching toy is that. Just what the hell where they thinking. [/a]

I am not sure on whether I should laugh or cry.. I am impressed and disgusted simultaneously

As you lie back your muscles tighten.You put him off for a while searching for an excuse, but he refuses to be swayed as he approaches you. He asks if you're afraid and you shake your head bravely. He has had  more experience, but it's the first time his finger has found the right place. He probes deeply and you shiver; your body tenses; but he's gentle like he promised he'd be.
He looks deeply within your eyes and tells you to trust him-he's done this many times before. His cool smile relaxes you and you open wider to give him more room for an easy entrance. You begin to plead and beg him to hurry, but he slowly takes his time, wanting to cause you as little pain as possible.[/p]As he presses closer, going deeper, you feel the tissue give way; pain surges throughout your body and you feel the slight trickle of blood as he continues. He looks at you concerned and asks you if it's too painful. Your eyes are filled with tears but you shake your head and nod for him to go on. He begins going in and out with skill but you are now too numb to feel him within you.
[/p]After a few moments, you feel something bursting within you and he pulls it out of you, you lay panting, glad to have it over. He looks at you and smiling warmly, tells you, with a chuckle; that you have been his most stubborn yet his most rewarding experience.
[/p]You smile and thank your dentist. After all, it was your first time to have a tooth pulled.
[/p]Naughty, Naughty![/p]Excuse me, but
[/p]Just what were you thinking? [/p]    
A Englishman had been drinking at the pub all night. The bartender finally said that the bar is closing. So the Englishman stood up to leave and fell flat on his face. He tried to stand one more time; same result.

He figured he'll crawl outside and get some fresh air and maybe that will sober him up.

Once outside he stood up and fell flat on his face. So he decided to crawl the 4 blocks to his home. When he arrived at the door he stood up and again fell flat on his face. He crawled through the door and into his bedroom.

When he reached his bed he tried one more time to stand up. This time he managed to pull himself upright, but he quickly fell right into bed and is sound asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow. He was awakened the next morning to his wife standing over him, shouting, "So, you've been out drinking again!!"

"What makes you say that?" he asked, putting on an innocent look.

"The pub called -- you left your wheelchair there again."
About a week ago, the Pope decided that all the Jews had to leave the Vatican. Naturally there was a big uproar from the Jewish community. So the Pope made a deal. He would have a religious debate with a member of the Jewish community.

If the Jew won, the Jews could stay. If the Pope won, the Jews would leave. The Jews realized that they had no choice. So they picked a middle aged man named Moishe to represent them. Moishe asked for one addition to the debate. To make it more interesting, neither side would be allowed to talk. The pope agreed.

The day of the great debate came. Moishe and the Pope sat opposite each other for a full minute before the Pope raised his hand and showed three fingers. Moishe looked back at him and raised one finger. The Pope waved his fingers in a circle around his head. Moishe pointed to the ground where he sat.

The Pope pulled out a wafer and a glass of wine. Moishe pulled out an apple. The Pope stood up and said, "I give up. This man is too good. The Jews can stay." An hour later, the cardinals were all around the Pope asking him what happened. The Pope said: "First I held up three fingers to represent the Trinity. He responded by holding up one finger to remind me that there was still one God common to both our religions.

Then I waved my finger around me to show him that God was all around us. He responded by pointing to the ground and showing that God was also right here with us. I pulled out the wine and the wafer to show that God absolves us from our sins. He pulled out an apple to remind me of original sin. He had an answer for everything. What could I do?"

Meanwhile, the Jewish community had crowded around Moishe. "What happened?" they asked. "Well," said Moishe, "First he said to me that the Jews had three days to get out of here. I told him that not one of us was leaving. Then he told me that this whole city would be cleared of Jews. I let him know that we were staying right here."

"And then?" asked a woman.

"I don't know," said Moishe. "He took out his lunch and I took out mine."  
A man was out golfing one day when he hit his ball into the woods. He went into the woods to look for it and found a frog in a trap.

The frog said to him, "If you release me from this trap, I will grant you 3 wishes."

The man freed the frog and the frog said, "Thank you, but I failed to mention that there was a condition to your wishes - that whatever you wish for, your wife will receive 10 times more or better!"

The man said, "That would be okay," and for his first wish, he wanted to be the most handsome man in the world.

The frog warned him, "You do realize that this wish will also make your wife the most beautiful woman in the world, a Goddess, that men will flock to."

The man replied, "That will be okay because I will be the most handsome man and she will only have eyes for me."

So, KAZAM - he's the most handsome man in the world!

For his second wish, he wanted to be the richest man in the world.

The frog said, "That will make your wife the richest woman in the world, and she will be ten times richer than you."

The man said, "That will be okay because what is mine is hers and what is hers is mine."

So, KAZAM he's the richest man in the world!

The frog inquired about his third wish, and he answered, "I'd like a mild heart attack."  
[div style="text-align: left; color: rgb(67, 67, 67); font-family: Courier New;"]Dearest Redneck Son,

I'm writing this slow because I know you can't read fast.

We don't live where we did when you left home.

Your dad read in the newspaper that most accidents happen within 20 miles of your home, so we moved. I won't be able to send you the address because the last West Virginia family that lived here took the house numbers when they moved so they wouldn't have to change their address. This place is really nice. It even has a washing machine. I'm not sure about it. I put a load of clothes in and pulled the chain. We haven't seen them since.

The weather isn't bad here.

It only rained twice last week... the first time for three days and the second time for four days.

About that coat you wanted me to send... your Uncle Billy Bob said it would be too heavy to send in the mail with the buttons on, so we cut them off and put them in the pockets.

Bubba locked his keys in the car yesterday. We were really worried because it took him two hours to get me and your father out.

Your sister had a baby this morning, but I haven't found out what it is yet so I don't know if you are an aunt or an uncle. The baby looks just like your brother.

Uncle Bobby Ray fell into a whiskey vat last week. Some men tried to pull him out but he fought them off and drowned. We had him cremated. He burned for three days.

Three of your friends went off the bridge in a pickup truck. Butch was driving. He rolled down the window and swam to safety. Your other two friends were in the back. They drowned because they couldn't get the tailgate down.

There isn't much more news at this time. Nothing much out of the normal has happened.

Your favorite aunt,

I laughed so hard when I first read this and I thought I should pass it along in the hopes that you guys &amp; galls would find it just as amusing as I did.

I most often just do a image search using Google but if I have time to kill I will sometimes use the following sites to peruse some of the images emotes and gifs they have..

[a href="vny!://"]Site 1[/a]

[a href="vny!://"]Site 2[/a]

and if I need some sort of frog Emote [a href="vny!://"]I will go here[/a]
    [img style="width: 96px; height: 58px;" src="/forums/richedit/upload/2ka06a3c74db.gif[/img] [img style="width: 96px; height: 58px;" src="richedit/upload/2ka06a3c74db.gif[/img][img style="width: 96px; height: 58px;" src="richedit/upload/2ka06a3c74db.gif[/img]

 [font style="font-family: Arial Narrow; color: rgb(0, 0, 0);" size="3"]There was this guy at a bar, just looking at his drink. He stays like that for half of an hour.

 Then, this big trouble-making truck driver steps next to him, takes the  drink from the guy, and just drinks it all down. The poor man starts  crying. The truck driver says, "Come on man, I was just joking. Here,  I'll buy you another drink. I just can't stand to see a man cry."

 "No, it's not that. This day is the worst of my life. First, I fall  asleep, and I go late to my office. My boss, outrageous, fires me. When I  leave the building, to my car, I found out it was stolen. The police  said that they can do nothing. I get a cab to return home, and when I  leave it, I remember I left my wallet and credit cards there. The cab  driver just drives away."

 "I go home, and when I get there, I find my wife in bed with the  gardener. I leave home, and come to this bar. And just when I was  thinking about putting an end to my life, you show up and drink my  poison."   [/font]  

[img style="width: 430px; height: 588px;" src="/forums/richedit/upload/2k3a2ac9f364.jpg" border="0"]

[font style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: Arial Narrow;" color="white" face="verdana" size="4"]The Good, The Bad &amp; The Ugly!
 Good: Your wife is pregnant.
 Bad: It's triplets.
 Ugly: You had a vasectomy 5 years ago.
 Good: Your wife is not talking to you.
 Bad: She wants a divorce.
 Ugly: She is a Lawyer.
 Good: Your son is finally maturing.
 Bad: He's involved with the woman next door.
 Ugly: So are you.
 Good: Your son studies a lot in his room.
 Bad: You find several porn movies hidden there.
 Ugly: You're in them.
 Good: Your hubby and you agree, no more kids.
 Bad: You can't find your birth control pills.
 Ugly: Your 13 year old daughter borrowed them.
 Good: Your husband understands fashion.
 Bad: He's a cross-dresser.
 Ugly: He looks better than you.
 Good: You give the "birds and bees" talk to your daughter.
 Bad: She keeps interrupting.
 Ugly: With corrections.
 Good: The postman's early.
 Bad: He's wearing fatigues and carrying a gun.
 Ugly: You gave him nothing for Christmas.
 Good: Your son is dating someone new.
 Bad: It's another man.
 Ugly: He's your best friend.
 Good: Your daughter got a new job.
 Bad: As a hooker.
 Ugly: Your co-workers are her best clients.
Way Ugly: She makes more money than you do![/font]  
Discover Seattle! / Bad jokes
Jan 05 11 08:45
[font style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);" color="white" face="verdana" size="3"]A man is out in his car [/font][font style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);" color="white" face="verdana" size="3"]driving happily  along [/font][font style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);" color="white" face="verdana" size="3"]late one Saturday night. Before too long, the cops  pull him over. The policeman walks up to the man and asks,

"Have you  been drinking, sir?"
 "Why? Was I weaving all over the road?" the man answered.
 "No," replied the policeman, "you were driving splendidly. It's the ugly fat chick in the passenger seat that gave you away."[/font]  
I just wanted to wish everybody a Merry Christmas

Joyeux Noel      

Gezuar Kershendellat      

Maligayang Pasko    

Feliz Navidad      

Craciun fericit

In which ever language you speak may yours be a Merry Christmas. and may you have a happy new year... May your new year be better than the year before...

In East Vancouver a fire killed some people
 [a href="vny!://"]vny!://[/a]
 These were friends  
 This is a terrible morning.. I just caught the news... I know them from church...
 I saw Gordie Speaking about them being more than bums.. which is true there were peoples family and friends...
 It is not a time for grieving It is Christmas time we are supposed to be  happy and celebrating life not  being heartbroken and sad .
 I sit here and write this the tears flowing down my cheeks, my breakfast tastes like ashes.
 I feel so tired, the day has only just begun...I want to crawl back under my blankets and pretend things are just fine...

Well talk about a explosive surprise a bomb was found on a plane, it was found after it had left its country of origin and part way to it's destination..

  [span class="location"]NEW YORK[/span]    [span class="timestamp"]Fri Oct 29, 2010 11:26am EDT[/span]               [span class="focusParagraph"][span class="articleLocation"]NEW YORK[/span] Oct 29 (Reuters) - An ink toner cartridge converted into a bomb was found aboard a United Parcel Service ([span id="symbol_UPS.N_0"]UPS.N[/span]) flight traveling to Chicago from Yemen, CNN reported on Friday.[/p][/span]The bomb was discovered when the plane was stopped in London, CNN said.[span id="midArticle_1"][/span] Two UPS planes at Philadelphia airport and one UPS plane at Newark airport in New Jersey were also being investigated on Friday for suspicious packages.....[/p][a href="vny!://"]Bomb Found On Plane[/a]  &lt;&lt;&lt;&lt; Click for the full story    
I will try almost all foods at least once, it just depends on what is on the menu, there are some things I may not eat...

 What is the weirdest food you have eaten Or what is the weirdest food you wish to try ?
Have you ever had a bad reaction to any kind of food, herb, or beverage before &amp; if you did react strangely or otherwise, please describe what happened .

Snails,  I won't eat them again. It seems I am allergic. One kind I can eat  fine, the other kind nearly killed me my lips and throat swelled up and I  got all Flemmy &amp; talk about ugly... Since I have no idea what kind  of snails they where, whether the fresh or salt variety I find it is  safer if I just avoid them..

Caterpillars very similar reaction to snails. Potentially lethal. So I will no longer eat them either.

When it comes to survival you eat what you have to, to survive.. But sometimes There's food I want to try just for the sake of having tried it.

Earth  worms are not bad just make sure you soak them in water to clean out  the earth, then fry them up even better if you can add a couple of eggs  now you got a nice breakfast..  Earth worms are like a crispy bacon..

Rotisserie cooked rabbit done on a apple wood camp fire this is still by far, the best damned meal I ever did eat..

I   have had snake fried with black pepper, rock salt and some Asian   spices had it with some guys at Hon's talk about delicious... And No that is not a regular menu item, it was just one of the fringe benefits   for working for the Chinese... Some awesome authentic meals.
 I have had eel but found it very disgusting, very greasy as well this is why I found it a horrid meal, maybe if it had not been so greasy i could of enjoyed it more. but if it is always a greasy dish I am not sure how people can eat it very often.

Food's I still have to try

Rattle Snake
Thai spiced Tarantula deep fried till crispy supposed to be excellent
100 year old egg =( problem is the potassium in them is to high, so I may not be able to try them
Prairie Oysters AKA Calf Testicles
Monkey but since the species are now so endangered this will never occur.

and so many other exotic and strange dishes..

Luzon in the philippines that is a barbecued pig.

a real authentic luau (sp) in Hawaii complete with the roasted baby piglets.

Dog in Thailand Vietnam &amp; the Philippines, not sure if those countries prepare or serve cat.. Cat &amp; Dog in china.. then there is one other item Field Rats the size of small cats from china they are very big and white furred beasties &amp; yes I will try them too if I get the chance to..

I wish to travel the whole world and try every nations specialties and also some very exotic foods while I am at it..

I will skip any foods, that can alter a persons or animals perception of reality. So that means no food, herbs or drinks that will make me drunk, stoned, or high.. Nothing that alters my mind space or a my moods. I do not need to, or want to go on any strange trips, brought out or induced by exotic dishes..

I did enough of that in my teen years and prefer not to experiment that way again..

Okay that is enough about me..

what about all of you ?
[a href="vny!://"]IS D.V. The new home for Nazis ? [/a]

What do you think as Americans or as Canadians or as a Citizen of the world at large ?  of the Posts and posters that are currently on DV.

Do you think Vancouver is a racist city after casually checking out the DV forum ?

What I am failing to understand is, How can Discover Vancouver let the  blatant racist posts such as some of the ones by S.S and a few other  ugly troglodytes continue.
 Why does DV allow those forms of trolls to continue to be members, they  continue to post all sorts of racist &amp; snide remarks, they continue  to post topics that allows for homophobia and for race baiting.  
 I am really seeing the truth in the fact, that DV supports racism and is  Pro Nazi.. You are starting to disgust me. DV.  you should really start  doing something to curb the trend before it becomes as bad as that  other forum, Has any one else gone to Memebee have you seen the crap  they let be posted there? All those racist posters.  
 Sure you ban me once upon a time, but you do nothing to curb the racism  that is running rampant on here. DV you really should start  banning  those types of trolls from this forum. That is the place to start and  get those administrators and so called moderators deleting all the race  baiting threads and do something about all those Homophobic threads as  well..
 I foresee a great lot of legal formalities in the Future of DV if those  sorts of threads with all that racist crap is allowed to continue.
 Feel free to let the mayhem continue or start doing something to curb it  and make DV a Kinder gentler Place where Posters from all over the  world feel welcomed as it is this place scares off most tourists they  see this and think I would be better off taking my vacation to some  other city than Vancouver.. BAH!  You Vancouverites are starting to  disgust me you make me sick to be a fellow Canadian.. I am sick and  tired of it all. I am sickened to have you as my neighbours.. You Racists  Disgust Me.
 There is such a thing as free speech.. but where does free-speech end and HATE SPEECH begin ?
 Just my 2 cents

Please respond in depth on it as you feel as a world citizen. I doubt I will get any good posts on DV about it.