Good to see you again, Chief.

Quote from: Chief Wakanakan on Nov 22 17 07:53
As another year of Thanksgiving is upon us, we ask ourselves are we doing enough to help the Native American people regain what was stolen from us many years ago. Progress has been made in some aspects, such as the diversion of the pipeline in South Dakota. However, how many issues have still gone unresolved? The Swaysom Tribe will one day get the land that was taken away from them. Our future generations will be able to enjoy the land that our people held for so long. The white man stole it from us but we will regain it. We are united and our cause is just. As you try to enjoy Thanksgiving this year, remember all of the crimes that were committed against the Native American people. I have the utmost faith that we will regain our land and at the Swayson Tribe will reclaim their native homeland. I ask that you take the time to consider being on the right side of history and Unite with us to reclaim all that was taken. We must stand up and take back our land.
Chief Wakanakan
Swayson Tribe