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Messages - TehBorken

Good to see you again, Chief. :) 

Quote from: Chief Wakanakan on Nov 22 17 07:53
As another year of Thanksgiving is upon us, we ask ourselves are we doing enough to help the Native American people regain what was stolen from  us many years ago. Progress has been made in some aspects, such as the diversion of the pipeline in South Dakota. However, how many issues have still gone unresolved? The Swaysom Tribe will one day get the land that was taken away from them. Our future generations will be able to enjoy the land that our people held for so long. The white man stole it from us but we will regain it. We are united and our cause is just. As you try to enjoy Thanksgiving this year, remember all of the crimes that were committed against the Native American people. I have the utmost faith that we will regain our land and at the Swayson Tribe will reclaim their native homeland. I ask that you take the time to consider being on the right side of history and Unite with us to reclaim all that was taken. We must stand up and take back our land.

Chief Wakanakan
Swayson Tribe
Shia LaBeouf launched Version 3.0 of his plagued He Will Not Divide Us exhibit, originally intended as a four-year-long running protest of President Trump, but it barely lasted a day before Internet detectives conquered it using an astonishingly skillful scientific approach.

LaBeouf and his co-creators erected a white flag (//vny!s:// emblazoned with the words "He Will Not Divide Us" in an undisclosed location and trained a webcam on it, which he planned to stream continually at the website dedicated to the project.

The flag could have been located anywhere on the planet, and no geographical markers were present in the skywards-facing shot, but this would still prove not enough to stump the community of users on 4Chan and 8Ch boards who teamed up to pinpoint its location and sabotage it in an ultimate contest of "Capture the Flag."

According to reports (//vny!s:// and conversations (//vny!:// on the boards, viewers discovered contrails from airplanes flying through the scene, and were subsequently able to deduce the general coordinates of the flag to be in Green County, Tennessee, using flight radar and tracking.

A user then embarked to the region in their car, sounding the horn regularly until viewers monitoring the livestream heard it and further narrowed down the search region.

Finally, users employed analysis of celestial mechanics to determine the tightest space in which the exhibit could be pinpointed.

Users deployed (//vny!s:// to the location, lowered the flag, and replaced it with a bright red "Make American Great Again" hat and t-shirt depicting Donald Trump and Pepe the Frog.

The entire operation took just one day and a night to execute.

Soon after, the live-stream was disabled. At the time of this writing, it had recently come back online and displays a bare flagpole.

Story w/ pics: vny!s://

Serena Williams has more than $70 million dollars in career prize money. She and her sister Venus once bragged they could beat any man outside the world's top 200. The challenge was accepted by Karsten Braasch, a German ranked 203. Before the matches, Braasch played a round of golf in the morning, drank a couple of beers, smoked a few cigarettes and then beat Serena 6-1 and Venus 6-2.

Braasch clearly proved he was a better player and deserved to be paid more. Serena said after the game: "I didn't know it would be that hard. I hit shots that would have been winners on the women's tour and he got them easily." Braasch's career prize money? Less than $1.5 million.
UPS truck drivers don't take left turns, and despite this usually resulting in longer route, they are saving millions of dollars in fuel costs. From a report:

The company decided on eliminating left turns (or right turns in left-hand driving countries such as India) wherever possible after it found that drivers have to sit idly in the trucks while waiting to take the left turn to pass through traffic. So, it created an algorithm that eliminated left turns from drivers' routes even if meant a longer journey.

This meant that drivers do not have to wait in traffic to take a left turn and can take the right turn at junctions. Of course, the algorithm does not entirely eliminate left turns, but the number of left turns taken by UPS trucks is less than 10 percent of all turns made. Turns out that UPS was right -- the idea really paid off. In 2005, a year after it announced that it will minimize left turns, the company said that the total distance covered by its 96,000 trucks was reduced by 747,000km, and 190,000 litres of fuel had been saved.

In 2011, Bob Stoffel, a UPS Senior Vice President, told Fortune that the company had reduced distance traveled by trucks by 20.4 million miles, and reduced CO2 emissions by 20,000 metric tons, by not taking left turns. A recent report by The Independent says that the total reduction in distance traveled by UPS trucks now stands at 45.8 million miles, and there are 1,100 fewer trucks in its fleet because of the algorithm. Even by conservative estimates, that's tens of millions of dollars of savings in fuel costs.

Discover Seattle! / la la la la
Feb 21 17 01:42
la la la la

Futility haiku

The harder we try
fruitless efforts are in vain
the worse we make things

Tech Support Haiku

No, a forward slash,
look where the question mark is,
you learned something new

Quote from: homeless troll on Dec 07 16 12:58
are they all on holidays?  a pleasure cruise?  cruising for pleasure?

More like cruising the streets, lol. :)
Discover Seattle! / Re: My Land
Nov 25 16 08:38
Lol, nice to see you again chief. It wouldn't be Thanksgiving without you.
Quote from: homeless troll on Nov 18 16 09:57
Wonderful news the National Geographic show Nazi Megastructures  is featuring Trump Tower this month.

LOL :)
You know, it's been almost 10 years since my first trip, and I have to say things couldn't have worked out better. Sakha and I are as happy as I can be, her sister is now here and happily married, and mom is here as well.
Quote from: Acer on Nov 14 16 11:38Things change, times change, don't they?

Truer words have never been spoken.

A few boring vids from my most recent trip.



Quote from: Acer on Nov 14 16 01:41
Are you still alive?

More alive than ever before. :)
We're not that different, RDL...I just believe in one less god than you do.

Quote from: RDL on Sep 06 16 01:49
I am a believer in God, but I do share many views with atheists.

I am tolerant.
I am humane.
Of course I support the right of gays to marry -- since I am gay.  In fact I'll go even further than most, and say that self-marriage should be legal.
I'm not happy about women ending pregnancies, since life is life, but I suppose it's safer than the back alley abortions that used to take place before abortion was legal, so ok.
I support halting the death penalty.
I support legalizing marijuana, but with the same rules and regulations as alcohol and tobacco.
I support universal health care.

In fact, I even voted Liberal in the 2015 Canadian federal election.