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Messages - Trollio

[span style="font-family: tahoma;"] Actually, the number of the Beast is [/span][font face="arial, helvetica, sans serif" size="2"][font face="arial, helvetica, sans-serif"][font face="Arial, Helvetica, Sans Serif" size="2"][span style="font-family: tahoma;"]+1 202-456-1111.[/span][br style="font-family: tahoma;"] [br style="font-family: tahoma;"] [span style="font-family: tahoma;"] Call it, you'll see.[/span]
Following up... if the charges are dropped against this guy, anyone who cares about this needs to get him into an unmarked van, burn hell to the airport and get him on a plane out of that country.
 As I said earlier: Anyone who kills a murtad (convert out of Islam) may not be prosecuted under Islamic law.
 They can drop charges or not drop charges, and they know it. If someone off the street kills him the second he steps out of the courtroom, that person cannot be charged for murder. This has happened numerous times in Islamic nations.
Or he could just be davening. [font size="1"](special Lakota code word for praying)[/font]  
 Maybe I should grab my video camera, shoot a sunrise, and then post it here under the thread "Video Reveals Sunrise".
 Belarus never went along with the end of the USSR (kids under 18, find an encyclopædia and look up that abbreviation), and thus never "reformed". Their internal security force is still called the KGB. So it's no real revelation that a dictator runs a rigged election. In the old days the ballots in most Soviet elections had a choice of "yes" or "no" to the party's candidate. The fact that another candidate was even allowed in Belarus was a concession in itself.
 The question of how much Russia & Pals have really reformed at all is a separate debate.
After this gets spread around a few thousand more forums, and seen by the real hackers out there, I truly do feel sorry for his city.  
Octopi are pretty amazing creatures in other ways as well. Incredibly intelligent, and  unusually good mothers for non-mammalian sea animals. The way they mate is like something out of a 19th century courtship, and quite possibly the most polite form of mating in the animal world. (as opposed to a squid, which is one of the most violent things one could imagine).
 OK, so I'll tell you...
 The male octopus creates a "semen ball" on his own, which he then literally hands to the female for her to do what she needs to do with it.
 I can only imagine the thoughts that must now be passing through your minds.
I had no idea that gonorrhea was green, or syphilis red! Does that mean that herpes (which is curiously not mentioned at all) is blue? And then, what colour is chlamydia?
I...    am...     trying...     [span style="font-style: italic; font-weight: bold; color: rgb(128, 0, 0);"]v  e  r  y...      h  a  r  d[/span]...     not...     to...     break...     my...      promise....  
OMG...Jack Chick! Bloody hell, that's great!  
Actually the Anti-Christ is already here. It's name is Superstar 66.  
 tmapj wrote:

 [div style="font-style: italic;"]Last time I checked subpoenas had no power in Sudan, Hungary, China etc. so why do they provide any information?[/div] [div style="font-style: italic;"]And as far as ISPs go; there's something called rotate13 and base64 encoding.[/div]
 [span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 127);"]Good lord, you really are tenacious. What exactly are you trying to post over there? And just for the hell of it, I'll at least attempt to ask what name you use there?[/span]
  tmapj wrote:
[em][/em][font style="font-style: italic;" size="3"]I dont mean to be rude but I really don't see what that article had to do with my question.[/font]  
Why do you think you have been "banned" from DV? I know why I would be knocked off, but I don't understand why others who have done much worse are not affected.
 Also, In order for proxy admin to give up user X, they need to have recorded his IP address. Unfortunately, though (or so I thought) most proxies do not keep IP logs. Furthermore, most hackers connect through multiple proxies, dramatically reducing the chances that they can be traced.
 Heh heh... OK... don't count on that.  
 TehBorken wrote:
 If I had to guess, I'd say someone's IP got banned, either by accident or on purpose. It appears that a lot of people are being locked out in the rather indiscriminate IP banning.
 Except that I can get off anywhere from three to five posts over there under almost any name I've used before, and then nothing will go through at all. So I'm thinking they are experimenting with some kind of anti-hammering (which would be of interest to them) or post timers or something in that realm. It's curious.
  tmapj wrote:
[div style="font-style: italic;"]Has anyone else tried this? I can't seem to get in this way. Did they enact a new ban on proxies? I've tried everything and just can't get in.[/div]
  I wonder what proxies you tried? Chances are they're not true proxies.  
Before we start down the long highway on this subject, take a look at [a href=""]this link[/a] for context.
 It's about police in the US doing the same things on their own message board that DV says is no longer allowed on theirs.
 Your technical question is kind of easy. It all depends on what you're doing. Even using proxies, somebody (in this case the proxy) is recording what you're doing. If the cops show up at the anonymous proxy ISP and say "User X is using your cloak to distribute live stream kiddie porn", the proxy ISP (if they are at all human beings) will give User X up like a birthday present.
 Other countries make it harder sometimes, but this thing called the internet is all connected together. If they really need to get you, or if nothing else find out who you are, they almost always can.
 The symbiotic relationship between DV and DS is fascinating. It's almost as if no one realizes that you're in two different countries.