I haven't logged on in years and didn't think I'd remember my password but I did!
Am dropping by to say hi.
I haven't logged on in years and didn't think I'd remember my password but I did!
Am dropping by to say hi.

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Quote from: Russ on Jul 24 14 09:57
River Rock Casino for Buffet. It was the Summer BBQ time, so hamburgers, steak, chicken, etc, in addition to the normal weekday buffet.
Quote from: Russ on Jun 25 14 03:38
Hello PL.
Little ones are doing well. Lil SS wears dresses and hats ALL the time now, sometimes two at once. Lil Russ is different than lil SS growing up. We noticed lil Russ is more curious and tries to touch and play with every little thing, while lil SS would want the stuff, but never really played with it. Lil Russ likes to follow lil SS around everywhere, and when she plays with something he tries to get involved. Big sister she is, she will push him down and he starts crying. Lol. He is days away from walking, he pulls himself up and walks along walls and couches, but can't let go yet.
How are things with you and the family?
Quote from: Russ on Jun 22 14 09:21Still trying to get our 4 yr old to listen... :P
My daughter decided to help my wife feed my fish. Without telling anyone she grabbed two mighty handfulls of algae eater food and proceeded to feed the fish. Now the catch is that algae eater food, is well, algae for algae eaters, just a little ah concentrated.
The tank got a little murky.
Unfortunately one of my non algae eaters, an angelfish, died due to the algae boom.
My wife is trying to explain to my daughter, there are consequences to not listening, and no fishie is not coming back. Aparently not working.
Quote from: Gopher on Jun 12 14 12:52Black bean garlic sauce is yumm! How did it turn out?
Probably chicken in black bean sauce. Not tried it before.