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General Category => Discover Seattle! => Topic started by: TehBorken on Jan 22 12 04:33

Title: Santorum attracts religious fruitcakes
Post by: TehBorken on Jan 22 12 04:33
 A fine example of how evangelical religious nuts influence politics, and as usual, for the worse.

This is from an article on Politico on how Santorum's is attracting the evangelical nutcase demographic.
(If you don't know just how crazy and evil Rick Santorum is, look here: (

As Santorum tries to gain traction here, though, he faces several potent challenges. He does not have a meaningful organization in the state. He does not have enough money to match Gingrich or Romney on the air. He's lost his momentum, and the Iowa Republican Party's belated declaration late Friday that he officially won Iowa appears to have come too late to help him.

Most importantly, Florida is not as hospitable to Santorum's fire-and-brimstone conservatism. Far fewer Floridians identify themselves as "very conservative" and born-again Christians than in Iowa, where those two constituencies propelled his surge, or in South Carolina.

That's the kind of crowd Santorum drew on Sunday, full of many people who'd come straight from church services, some even with their Bibles in hand.

"Unfortunately he doesn't have that face. He doesn't have that, I hate to say it, 'American Idol' face," said Santorum backer David Babbin, a 56-year-old Catholic who lives in Coral Springs and works as an MRI technologist. "But as a believer, I believe I'm going to have to answer to my Lord...I have to choose the one who best represents my values."

"Rick is clean," he added. "They have nothing on the guy." (

Lol, David Babbin sounds like he's talking about Al Capone or some mafia boss- "Yeah see, dey got nuthin' on 'im, I tell ya!"

But don't worry- I promise you Rick Santorum will never get anywhere near the White house- there just aren't that many delusional people in this country who vote. He hasn't got a whelk's chance in a supernova.