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Topics - Natasha

Discover Seattle! / WPM
Jul 03 14 01:41
I was just wondering, approximately how many words per minute do you all type?
You see a woman pulling out a food stamp card from her Gucci bag.

My friends POV:
The woman doesn't need government assistance and therefore is somehow screwing the government.

Perhaps the bag is knock off or was a gift.

I'm addicted to The Walking Dead
It's a game 😊

List away.
A friend just got married and has lots of people saying "Congratulations" and it just got me to wondering, what's to congratulate him about? So he got married, so what. Anyone who's married for longer than a few months knows how difficult marriage can be. Those people know the reality of marriage, not the fantasy..... so what's to congratulate?
My breaker kept kicking off this morning. Any ideas as to why this would happen?
It was making this loud buzzing sound. Everytime I'd reset it, it would stay on for about 15/20 mins then kick back off. This happened several times. Finally, I just wiggled everything  ;D  probably not that smartest thing to do but the buzzing stopped and breaker stayed on.... so far anyway.
[A href="vny!://"]vny!://[/A]    
 [H1]Octomom Nadya Suleman 'Hates' Her Kids for Good Reason[/H1] [DIV class="articleDetails post clearfix"]  [ADDRESS]Posted by [A href="vny!://"]Julie Ryan Evans[/A] [/ADDRESS][SPAN class=date]on June 30, 2011 at 11:45 AM[/SPAN]

 [SPAN class="shareTool facebook"][SPAN][/SPAN][/SPAN][SPAN class="shareTool twitter"][/SPAN][/DIV][/DIV]

[DIV class="articleBody clearfix"] [img class=userImageRight alt="Nadya Suleman" src="vny!://" width=249 height=322][SPAN][SPAN]Nadya Suleman[/SPAN][/SPAN][SPAN][SPAN], better known as [/SPAN][/SPAN][SPAN][SPAN]"[/SPAN][/SPAN][SPAN][SPAN]Octomom[/SPAN][/SPAN][SPAN][SPAN],"[/SPAN][/SPAN][SPAN][SPAN] [/SPAN][/SPAN][SPAN][SPAN]has seemingly gone over the edge. While she's cracked a bit before, she's usually maintained a smile and peace-and-light presence when it comes to her enormous brood. Some recent comments she has made, however, are downright disturbing.[/SPAN][/SPAN]

 [SPAN][SPAN]She told In Touch, she "hates" her babies, they "disgust" her, and that her older children are "animals." It gets worse.[/SPAN][/SPAN]

 [BLOCKQUOTE] [SPAN][SPAN]I have no money to pay for the children's school, food, or the mortgage. The only way I can cope is to lock myself in the bathroom and cry. Sometimes I sit there for hours and even eat my lunch sitting on the toilet floor—anything to get peace and quiet. Some days I have thoughts about killing myself. I cannot cope.[/SPAN][/SPAN]

[/BLOCKQUOTE] [SPAN][SPAN]She did add, "Obviously I love them, but I absolutely wish I had not had them." Still my heart breaks for those children who will inevitably read those words someday. For all the tough cards they were dealt being born into the lives they were, this may be the most damaging of all.[/SPAN][/SPAN]

 [SPAN][SPAN]But as horrific and shocking as her words about her own children are, and as much as I believe she uttered them at least in part for more publicity, I also have a certain amount of sympathy for Nadya. I would never say I hate my children, because even at their most rotten, I still love them, but I certainly have a strong amount of dislike for them and their actions at times. And I only have two.

 [SPAN][SPAN]No, she shouldn't have had all the children she did, but she has them now, and I just can't imagine how anyone could cope in her situation. The woman has 14 children. Sure the Duggars can handle more than that, but there are two of them, and they didn't have EIGHT TODDLERS to raise simultaneously.[/SPAN][/SPAN]

 [SPAN][SPAN]Just typing those words makes my brain spin. My daughter was born around the same time as her eight babies -- January 2009 -- and she alone is enough to make me want to eat my lunch off the toilet floor some days. How anyone could deal with the temper tantrums times eight, and the nightmare of potty training times eight, and hearing "MOMMY!" times eight plus six more doesn't seem humanly possible.[/SPAN][/SPAN]

 [SPAN][SPAN]So while I'm sure the world will use her recent comments to once again say "told you so" and slap her for what she's done, what she really needs is help -- some serious help. Anyone in her situation would.[/SPAN][/SPAN]


 [SPAN][SPAN]Do you have any sympathy for Nadya Suleman?[/SPAN][/SPAN]


 [SPAN][SPAN]The author said, " I also have a certain amount of sympathy for Nadya. I would never say I hate my children, because even at their most rotten, I still love them, but I certainly have a strong amount of dislike for them and their actions at times. And I only have two."
Personally, I think Octomom and the woman who wrote this trash should be beaten and neither of them should be mothers anymore.

 [DIV class=mall_post_body_text]ATD- at the doctor.

[DIV class=mall_post_body_text]BFF -best friend fell.

[DIV class=mall_post_body_text]BTW -bring the wheelchair.

[DIV class=mall_post_body_text]BYOT -bring your own teeth.

[DIV class=mall_post_body_text]FWIW -forgot where I was.

[DIV class=mall_post_body_text]GGPBL -gotta go, pacemaker battery low.

[DIV class=mall_post_body_text]GHA -got heartburn again.

[DIV class=mall_post_body_text]IMHO -is my hearing-aid on?

[DIV class=mall_post_body_text]LMDO -laughing my dentures out.

[DIV class=mall_post_body_text]OMMR -on my massage recliner.

[DIV class=mall_post_body_text]ROFLACGU -rolling on floor laughing and can't get up.

[DIV class=mall_post_body_text]TTYL -talk to you louder.

[DIV class=mall_post_body_text]ILA- I'm lost again.

[DIV class=mall_post_body_text] [/DIV]